#this one goes out to the hungarians specifically lmao
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vero-niche · 1 year ago
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szollibisz · 2 years ago
A lot of people seemed very interested in the Spies Are Forever formal/informal pronouns essay, so I’m here to provide
First of all, disclaimer: There are many languages that differentiate between formal and informal pronouns, some are more strict about them, some less. I’m specifically writing this with a Hungarian perspective. But since the usage of formal pronouns change a lot over times, and as you may have guessed I wasn’t alive during the 50s, there may be some inaccuracies.
The gist of it is: it wasn’t considered cold to refer to someone in your personal life formally, unlike nowadays (although there are exceptions), and in purely professional relationships it was mostly unheard of to refer to someone informally.
I’ll be splitting these into sections based on specific character relationships for the more important ones.
Curt and Owen
I already talked a bit about this one, but my general idea for them is to obviously use informal pronouns with each other, but only in private. When other people are around, they’re colleagues, spy partners, workplace friends as best, and to stay safe and put further distinction between the two worlds they’re forced to live in, they use formal pronouns.
Now there’s no good scene in the musical to showcase what I mean exactly, because they only talk to each other with other people around twice. Once when Owen alerting Curt in the intro, while Cynthia is listening (this is quite a heat of the moment situation, so I think Owen might forget, but then again, he’s more calculating one, so he might use it in that one singular instance) The other time is Owen’s monologue, at which point I don’t think either of them would care, they are literally having a public divorce.
Some pre-canon headcanons to showcase the gay/closeted/repressed metaphor better:
- when they first meet the very much dislike each other, so for a long while formal it is. - Owen switches to informal when really angry, because he stops pretending he has extra respect for people after they massively fuck something up. - Curt is the one to initiate referring to each other informally, but at that point they’re really good friends, so Owen reciprocates without question (he’s also in love by then lmao loser) (if you don’t know how initiating something like that is, it’s basically just “you know you can *call me by informal pronouns* right?” it’s almost the same as telling someone what name to call you by. But since Curt is a bitch, I think he just starts addressing Owen as informally and he just goes along with it) - On missions they’re formal with each other, until things get too scary, in which case they’re too gay to pay attention to it
The one specific scene I already broke down, was the beginning interrogation, in which Owen uses formal pronouns for Curt and Oleg up until his reveal, but Curt stays informal the whole way through showing their separate attitudes and styles towards their job. Owen is better at solutions with more planning behind them, and Curt is saying and doing things as they come.
Curt and The Deadliest Man Alive
Curt stays formal mostly out of intimidation, DMA on the other hand is very deliberately informal. Which of course you would expect from an unhinged serial killer, except Curt is the *only* person he addresses this way, which would also be foreshadowing Owen’s reveal.
Tatiana and Curt <333
(Alright, so a little more info: It was the norm to flirt with people you don’t know using formal pronouns)
When they meet for the first and second time, they both stay formal, up until the point where Tatiana saves Curt, where she starts calling him by informal pronouns. He doesn’t switch yet though, which alludes to how he still doesn’t exactly trust her. (Also gender roles were/are a thing, so a man and a woman would usually become informal later than two people of the same gender would)
In the safe house scene Curt wouldn’t know how to refer to Tatiana, and we’d see him fluctuate and be awkward, but after Prisoner of my Past, he’d fully switch to informal. This would persist for the rest of their interactions in the musical.
Curt and Barb
I’m sorry, but Barb will take an L in this one. With the way Curt acts with her, I just can’t imagine how that could work formally. On the other hand how she acts with him is definitely formal. When they get drunk in One More Shot she switches to informal though.
And as much as I want them to be friends, I think the last scene they’d go back to the original way things go, and they’d need more time after for Barb to go informal, and for Curt to go informal 2: (respectful)
Curt and Cynthia
Oh yeah this is a good one.
So, here’s the setting. You’re some spy guy and one of the most influential people in the US is not only your boss, but also your mother figure. How the fuck do you address her, and how the fuck does she address you?
Now we for sure start out with Curt formally addressing Cynthia, not even he has the nerve. But when he calls for help at the gala and she refuses, he switches to informal exactly at “I want you to do your job!” extra disrespect, extra earning getting kneed, and extra solidifying the moment he decides to quit the A.S.S. In the last scene though, when he’s calmer and more peaceful, he goes back to informal.
That’s relatively simple, but Cynthia on the other hand fluctuates more. She begins formally, then switches as soon as she starts Keep Your Eyes on the Prize. At the gala she’d stay informal, although at first she’d try to keep up appearances with formality, it just wouldn’t work because she’s angry. In the last scene she’d say her condolences informally and the rest formally.
This does sound weird and *a lot* written out, but I swear it would work and complexify their relationship so much more. Also, it’d add a lot to their characters individually. Curt who dared call Cynthia informally, when that would be genuinely unheard of for any other agent, and Cynthia who has moments where she sees Curt more as a son than an employee, and shows vulnerability by expressing it verbally, which I don’t think she’d ever do with anyone else. She has those vibes where she’d even address her own parents formally (fun fact: it was the norm for the entire 19th century, but I don’t actually know when in the 20th century that stopped)
Other Relationships
The Informant is formal with everyone, and everyone is formal with him, except for Owen during his monologue, but he addresses everyone in the room informally then.
As I said the DMA is formal with everyone, that includes Tatiana, except for the line “Don’t get involved, love” for reasons I’m completely normal about. After Owen’s reveal he’s fully informal though.
Sergio is informal with everyone :]
(DMA is informal during Somebody’s Gotta Do It, but not during their conversation)
Richard "Dick" Big is formal with everyone, yet manages to be the most disrespectful person ever <3
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pinewoodpipit · 2 years ago
Bitter Cold Nights and Scarlet Cigarette Daydreams - Fic Meta and Thoughts
General notes
This fic was pretty damn personal for me. I used to struggle very hard with a horrible fear of death, and in a world where death is very temporary, I figured it’d be fun to explore those thoughts. I chose stabbing specifically because 1: it’s a slower death than getting shot, which would make room for a juicier, more character-filled scene, and also 2: I used to have a recurring nightmare of being stabbed. This lasted a very long time, and so the idea is very haunting to me at this point. It does make for a pretty brutal way to go, though. Sorry, Fade.
Paprikás csirke (chicken paprikash) is Hungarian, not Turkish. Fade knows how to make it anyway. It wasn’t picked as a reference to her being Turkish, it was picked as it’s a meal easily bulk-cooked which is extremely warm and filling! Nice and hearty. It’s the kind of food that screams “comforting family dinner” to me, and that’s the kind of vibe Fade was going for when she cooked it. She wanted to take a step that would bring people together.
That said, Neon did pick Köfte because it’s Turkish. She wanted to make Fade feel better and figured a taste of home might help, since it usually helps her if she’s struggling. The rice she made is sinangag - filipino garlic rice. She experimented to make the köfte but wasn’t adventurous enough to make any Turkish sides; it was too far out of her comfort zone and she was already nervous.
The way Neon refers to Prowler is representative of her improving relationship she has with Fade. She goes from calling them an "it" and talking about how she fears them to willingly following them to find Fade and calling them a "them". A small detail, but I like it.
Headcanons and such
As made clear in this fic, Fade’s mysterious man is someone I headcanon to be her brother. I’ve seen headcanons that it could be a lover, and I don’t hate that idea, but I’m more interested in queer relationships than I am most het ones, probably because of the complete over-saturation of het relationships in media. That said, I do enjoy many of Riot’s het relationships, including some Valorant ships (Jett x Phoenix, my beloveds), so I imagine it could be done very well. For now, though, I like my headcanon, and I like Fadeshock. That said, it could also be a father, cousin, uncle, friend, even an enemy she wants to kill herself rather than letting anyone else get him, lmao. I’m very interested to find out.
My personal headcanon for Fadeshock’s sexuality is Fade being bi and Neon being pan. I don’t know why, it just feels right.
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whatevenismyaestheticidk · 5 years ago
Things I’ve heard high schoolers say pt 2
Person 1: But air doesn’t splash Person 2: How do we know that, Im splashing the air right now.
Person: Prove me wrong. Prove fish can’t see air.
Person: I think you underestimate just how poor I am.
Person: I just invented a new thing. No Romo. Like no homo but with romance cause I’m lonely. Get it?
Person: So yah I burned my hair cooking ramen.
Person: Well I figured he wasn’t an adopted iguana.
Person: Say it. You know god is watching.
Person 1 upon heading the news of George Bush’s death: Wait he’s still alive? Person 2: No he’s dead that’s the point.
Person: I got it. *five second pause* no I don’t got it.
Person 1: My name is (name), but you can call me yours. Person 2: Okay nice to meet you yours.
Person: Don’t drink it all fool.
Person: Bruh you could literally turn in a gay fanfic and he’d give it an A.
Person: Bruh, what is this triangular accusation?
Person 1:It’s call physics. Person 2: Yah but I don’t take Physics hence they should not apply to me.
Person 1: Discreet. Person 2: No discr-yeet *dabs*
Person 1: Be impressed with my ability to bull shit. Person 2: I mean, it’s gotten you this far.
Person: Why do I feel like finals are lowkey Russian roulette? Like okay I made it through most of them but I still have a few pulls of the trigger to go and one of them might get me.
Person 1: Murder. Just do it. Person 2: I didn’t know that nike was sponsoring murder.
Person: How do mermaids reproduce if they’re just like conjoined legs?
Person 1: Frozen Yogurt Person 2: Fro yo Person 1: Frozen YOgUrt Person 2: Fro Yo Person 1: FROZEN YOGURT
Person: All I have to do to commit suicide is jump from my parents expectations to my grades.
Person 1: I mean yah I cheated on that test. Person 2: Man your love life it DOOMED!
Person: I was seeing if I was tripophobic by repeatedly stabbing my finger with my pen.
Person: You do know that crickets exist during the day right?
Person 1: Hey (person 2), we’re friends right? Person 2: ….. What do you want. Person 1: You know, that sandwich looks real good. *person 2 hand them the sandwich* OMIGOD THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!
Person: Omigod (person’s name) is going through puberty!
Person: If you pulled my ear I would have ripped out your nostril.”
Person 1: She’s attacking me! Person 2: No, he’s beating a woman, that’s not polite.
Person 1: I know many things! Person 2: like what? Person 1: ..... Person 2: my point.
Person: My shoes will be sparkly red stilettos. Fight me Dorothy.
Person: umm hello Christmas miracle even though I’m not Christian. Come at me 15 years from now!
Person 1: you’d make a really good baldie Person 2: yah you have a really rest head shape
Person: you know teletubbies? Yah that but compressed.
Person 1: I mean how will you become American? Person 2: paint me white, I’ll get a passport.
Person 1: I’m so funny. Person 3: it’s hard not to be when your life is a joke.
Person 1: So I’ve decided that my new career choice is to make school specific memes Person 2: That's Plan A? Yeash... at least Plan B lands you some cash
Person: I’m so small and bitter I’m like a human expresso
Person: You know what I’d name a baby kangaroo if I had one? David Jowie.
Person: I’m just saying that the orange red glitter crayon is you.
Person: I feel like a 1940’s schoolgirl who goes to an all girl finishing school where embroidery is a required class.
Person: I started high school with straight A’s, now I’m not even straight.
Person: Yeah, I’d swear by comic sans.
Person: (Persons name)stop being depressy and you’ll be more sucessy
Person: You can totally be insecure and self absorbed at the same time.
Person 1: Are you kids okay? Person 2: Besides crippling depression yeah.
Person: I don’t know it’s just giving me pig vibes.
Person: What drugs where the animators for “Pink Elephants on Parade” on?
Person: long story short I make like a semi hot guy.
Person: If I where pregnant id just be like 'you put this thing inside of me, you're helping me until it's out.'
Person: These girls asked me what type of  guys I like and being the simple gay I am, I completely blanked
Person 1: why do you read on your phone if you get carsick at 20 minutes? Person 2:Because it works for the first 19 minutes.
Person: Three Indians, a Thai, a Colombian, and an American walk into a bar. Just kidding they aren't old enough to drink. Three Indians, a Thai, a Colombian, and an American walk into a school cafeteria...
Person: I can't do alcohol cause I'm not of age but I can do drugs because they're illegal for everyone.
Person 1: you can't have a breakdown, it's the third day of school. Person 2:... so?
*Group of kids singing Bohemian Rhapsody in twelve different keys* Person: For gods sake choose a key!
Person: For gods sake that was complicated. You didn't need to send out a survey to see which episode of which season of which show to watch.
Person: Honestly I'd chose stab over dab any day.
Person 1: She said she'd throw me out of the window. Person 2: She never did. Person 1: She never did.
Person: What language is this? *pause* Oh wait it's English.
Person 1: I mean it's pretty hit or miss. Person 2 from across the courtyard: I guess they never miss, huh?
Person: Chu-chu bitch. I’m a train.
Person after loosing game of kahoots: I’m going to ka-shoot myself.
Person: So basically I need to learn Hungarian for a song.
Person: No one screams their sneeze, its not human
Person: If I where a mosquito I would bite you and you’d get malaria and die.
Person: That tide pod aesthetic.
Person: No I loved Barney, Barney was my bo.
Person: If I where my own boyfriend I’d dump me.
Person: It's already a really good song but then it's dubstep so it's extra good.
Person: No one is EVER to old for coolmathgames.com
Person 1: Why are you using a poon? Person 2:….. Person 1: WHY ARE YOU USING A POON?!
Person 1: I’ve been blonde for 16 years. Person 2: So what? I’ve been brown for 16 years and you don’t see me coloring myself white!
Person: Yes. Scrape the sweat off my hand.
Person: No one cares about a square cube of water.
Person: We’re melanin intoxicated.
Person: Well my life may be a mess, but at least I’m not doing drugs. Yet.
Person: Negative 13 out of 10, do not recommend.
Person: Yah that’s gunna have to be a no from me.
Person: Fool me once......fool me twice.......fool me as many times as you want, my first name is dumbass.
Person 1: Ya know, I think the Americans have the order of dates right JUST BECAUSE you can do 4/20/2019. Person 2: Okay but they’re still wrong though.
Person with AirPods: And where are YOUR AirPods? Thats what I thought you broke bitches.
Person: Salem witch trials bitches.
Person: La Croix, the AirPods of the soda world.
Person: Who needs a thermometer when you have… your hands!?
Person 1: It’s time to bring back SEXY MASQUERADE BALLS Person 2: It really is. I need an excuse to wear an incredibly uncomfortable dress that's so big I can't even walk through doorways. Person 1: And to wear a swan inspired mask that doesn’t cover enough of my face to deem myself totally anonymous enough to be half as bold and daring as i plan on acting that night but everyone else is on board we’ll all just forget about it the next day. Person 2: That's to specific for you to have made up on the spot, you've thought about this.
Person: It was lady Macbeth that drugged and made the guards drunk, without her Macbeth would just be like “I guess I’ll stab him???” Person: It’s like playing where’s Waldo but the page is India and I’m Waldo.3Person: Why are there so many frowny faces everywhere?
Person: This group chat is weird. It's either homework, deep philosophical conversations, or memes, there's no in between.
Person 1: Honestly, where DID it come from Person 2: The endless abyss that is the internet.
Person: Are you really blaming our generational depression on Jake Paul?
Person 1:  Oh. My. God. Guys. Keep your carbon dioxide away from my computer. Person 2: But sharing is caring. Person 1: But my computer doesn’t need this kinda of negativity in its life right now.
Person: Sweetie, if you think I’m going to stop wearing my favorite dress just because you kissed me in it, you are dead wrong.
Person with a metal straw: I don't drink broke.
Person: My whole life has become that sock on the floor. It's just there. When did life screw us over and then just ex? I’m just gonna write a book, and the last sentence will be life screwed them over and then exed. A story of the main character who gets screwed over, so I can get that 'it be like that sometimes' reaction.
Person in group chat: Positivity- I will make you feel better about being an idiot. Self Doubt- I will highlight all of your mistakes and set low standards for you so you'll never be disappointed. Me to Self Doubt- I'm listening...
Person 1: Sadly the disappointment never goes away... Person 2: Man we're a sad lot this time of year.
Person 1:It’s almost my favorite time of the year Person 2:Ahh yes. Singles awareness day, also known as chocolate sales at Walgreens eve, also known as... Valentine's Day. Person 1:... Oh... I meant rainy season.
Person: Being antivax is like swimming in shark infested waters because you're afraid the bridge could break lmao.
Person: I learned how eat a kumquat this weekend.
Person: It’s so sticky. It’s like clear cheese.
Person: Hamburger helper? More like hamburger help me pass this class.
Person 1: So I slipped on a grape… Person 2: You got K.O.’ed by a grape (person’s name), how does it feel.
Person 1: Look at me, I’m fine. Person 2: Well how many drugs did you take. Person 1: Several.
Person 1: Did you just say it’s ALMOST FEBRUARY? Person 2: Yes, it’s January 72nd.
Person: I knew your comedic standards where low, but poop jokes? Really?
Person: What? So are you insinuating the fact that reliablest isn't a word?
Person 1: [bitter old man voice] back in my day, tik tok was a kesha song. Person 2: Back in my day we had wires attached to our AirPods.
Person: There's a reason rainbows aren't straight. Just saying.
Person reading sheet music and seeing mf crescendo: I forgot that mezzo forte was a thing for a second so I thought it said mother fucker as a crescendo but mood
Person: He looks like a fine piece of toasted white bread.
Person: If life hasn't given me a fist bump by now, why should I give life one?
Person: we all died in 2012 this is hell.
Person 1: Who wants a pamphlet on condoms? Person 2: Why do you have this? Do you collect them? Person 1: Yah it’s my hobby. I have this one, one on HIV and one on teenage pregnancy.
Person: We live a society where reading about assassins and gory details is a hobby.
Person: Stop breathing so loudly on my thumb!
Person 1: I’m the comic relief. Person 2: For what? Person 1: Myself.
Person1: Who’s your valentine this year? Person 2: Me, myself and I. Person 1: Wow three valentines, you really can’t keep them away can you?
Person: Why do women gotta get their period, why not men. I wish I was born a seahorse.
Person 1: No we can’t all fit, her car is smol. Like you. Person 2:  Says you miss 5 foot nothing lmao. Person 1: Hey we’re the same hight so says you miss 5 foot nothing.
Person: No, that’s cheating no emotionally disabling people.
Person 1: Why is it that we’re talking about someone burning eggs on two different group chats. Person 2: Hey I didn’t burn them. Person 3: Cause why not?
Person 1:  That’s not how an Australian accent works. Person 2: This is why I’m not Australian, I don’t have the koala-fications.
Person 1: I’m Indian, numbers run through my blood. Person 2: That’s like saying I’m going to marry my cousin just because I’m white.
Person: So I ate veggies and hummus for lunch but then I counterbalanced it by eating a spoon full of straight Nutella.
Person: Seagulls, California Pigeons, what’s the difference?
Person 1: I humbly apologize and request your forgiveness. Person 2:  I humbly decline your request for forgiveness.
Person: I think I’m permanently stuck somewhere between “If you mess with me I’ll fight” and “If you mess with me I’ll cry.”
Person 1: It was implied! Person 2: What’s implied is your inability to accept that fact that I’m right!
Person 1: I got lazy because I was eating Pringles. Person 2: She values Pringles more than me.
Person: Yo, you be the crazy ex girls they be talking about in memes.
Person: I swear (persons name) if I hooked up with squidward in your dream your subconscious and I need to have a little talk.
Person: You get to die, and you get to die! Everybody gets to die!
Person: How do you just add a child?
Person 1: Look at this ink based pencil. Person 2: A pen?
 Person 1: This egg is all broken. Person 2: It’s like you then, you both broke under the pressure.
Lakshmi: Don’t force your opinion, voice it.
Person 1: If I where a fruit, which one would I be? Person 2: Sushi. Person 1:… Sushi isn’t a fruit.
Person: I mean it’s not straight up “Yo come here I’m gunna kill you.”
Person: Bye gays, bye (other girls name).
Person 1: No (person B) stop. Just shut up. You’re making me loose brain cells. Person 2: But… Person 1: No. Just no.
Person: Stop. That is non-consensual pizza eating.
Person 1: Cheese is not a vegetable! Person 2: Well it’s not a meat either! Person 3: Guys… It’s dairy.
Person: Idiots have priority over just regular dumb people
Person: God melted the polar ice caps just to make it rain for Noah then refroze them. I don’t know (kids name) I’m not god!
Person: You and I will go out, and leave them to their raw fish rolled in sea salad.
Person: Does anyone else get really energized when they change their room? Just me? Okay.
Person: I hope you know I will diss you guys to the end of the earth.
Person: Bruh talk to (person’s name) I don’t know sh… *notices teacher looking at her*…niahhh.
Person 1: The thing is, I don’t want to be 80 that’s rough. Person 2: Then just die at 50.
Person: You’d be scrambled eggs with hair.
Person: Seeing you two fighting, it’s like seeing a piece of light fighting a black hole.
Teacher: What can you tell me about probability? Student 1: I hate it. Student 2: Dont you mean you? Student 1: Yes both.
Person: My brain has the dumb I’m sorry
Person 1: If my first word was no, I’m assuming that’s foreshadowing for them my family disowns me after I renounce religion and systemic abuse. Person 2: Or…. You just need to make sure your last word is yes. Person 1: Yes to what though? Person 2: ‘Are you dying?’ Yes.’ Pessimism, just your style. Person 1: That’s true.
Person: My parents don’t message me, they’re the type of people who CALL. Where did I get my social anxiety from??
Person: Well guys it's been great knowing you I’m just going to drown now.
Person: I figured out a new diet regime, it’s called sleeping until noon and just not eating breakfast.
Person: The f on my birth certificate was the doctor paying their respects.
Person: Chocolates with raspberry filling are the sole reason I’m still alive.
Person 1: Isn’t Latin a dead language? Person 2: You’re a dead language!
Person: Hydrate before you diedrate.
Person 1: you have a son named Spider-Man? Person 2:  what noooo! Person 3: well don’t expose her!
Person: That awkward moment when you just really don’t care about people.
Person 1: (Person 2) and I will be over here with my virgin margarita and her water. Person 2: Hey! I want apple juice! Person 3: Why are you not drinking (Person 1)? Person 2: Because she’s to single, and also she’d strip. Person 1: Woahh! How dare you assume that I’m not drinking because I’m to single?
Person 1: Ya know, I think I’m going to have to jazz hands my way through hell. Person 2: All of us will.
Person: Brown town children, y’all find someone in India?
Person 1: Wow you have the best backup singers. Person 2: I only hire the best, at least 5 stars in yelp. Person 1: Well good because that’s  the sound they’re making.
Person: The cold kills everything, it’s like my heart.
Person 1: Remember the rolls I brought to school last year that I used to give you? The ones with paneer and the really good spices? Person 2: Yah? Person 1: This is not at all the same thing.
Person 1: What’s stevia? Person 2: It’s like sugar but no.
Person 1: Yeetus Skelettus. Person 2: Fetus Deletes? Honey, that’s called abortion.
Person: Anything for you. That’s what you said. Anything for you. But when I ask for just one bite of your pasta? No!
Person 1: I've written 1,300 words and don’t have a thesis statement or topic question Person 2: Yeah, you need to figure that out.
Person 1: you know I had a dream that you where in a romantic relationship with a toaster. Person 2:  wasn’t that your relationship with (ex’s name)? Person 1: you’d have more chemistry with a toaster.
Person: Can people read colors? Cause I am ooo.
Person: It’s like hands but medusa
Person: You look like a cardboard jellyfish that’s brown
Person 1: Two of us like boys. Person 2: We all like boys. Person 1: Two of us like ONLY boys.
Person: you’re like a reverse plant. You convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
Person: Shhhhh. I’m not in physics, let me be dumb in peace.
Person: Why are you laying down like some greek god, get up you brown child.
Person 1: Do all of you just think you’re going to be single? Person 2: I already am why not keep the streak going to get a high score?
Person: and now cracks of light are coming out from around the sides like some sort of computer Jesus!
People 1 and 2: Rock Paper Scissors Person 3: shoot me please.
Person 1: not since 9/11 you can’t. Person 2: dang. You just tossed your whole country just to prove a point. I’ve never been so proud.
Person 1: what is an angle of depression? Person 2: it’s my life. Person 1: no it’s you because it’s not straight.
Person: Boom. Lesbians.
Person 1: Well what if two rocks just washed up at the same time and humans. Person 2: Evolution.
Person: Watermelon isn’t good anymore, I swear its just water with food coloring.
Person: You being dumb makes me want to correct you, sos too being dumb cause I’m on vocal rest.
Person: well (persons name) who have you a mouth?
Person: Teachers that grade late work deserve all the love and cookies and cake in the world.
Person 1: honestly I just want to die right now. Person 2: same. Literally same.
Person: I just feel like a single molecule lost in space.
Person: who’s gunna stop me? God? Damn him to hell.
Person: the line is not actually straight it’s like (students name)
Person 1: It’s your favorite sleep deprived gay. Person 2: But I’m my favorite sleep deprived gay. Self love. Person 1: We Stan.
Person 1: Why do you have a tool? Person 2: Because my hair is moist.
Person: eating lead was an otherworldly experience
Person 1: I have everything stolen from me 2: at least you have the tiniest bit of dignity left 3: what dignity? 1: exactly
Person 1:( holding up katsup) does this go on salad?
Person:I’m turning red! Me! A brown girl!
Person: I’m not trying argue that we should date, I’m just saying.
Person 1: what’s your biggest turn on? Person2 : a light switch Person 2: or then leaving.
Person 1: what is the most attractive retire on someone Person 2: my own face
Person: you’d be that one bar do white chocolate that just sits in the feidge because no one wants it
Person: that’s like saying I’d rather see your shirt than your face.
Person: why would I shut up when I can shut (kids name) down
Person: Subtle. Gay. Vibes. I’m telling you.
Person: just watch me write my ee on all the reasons why nick caraway is gay. Just watch me.
Person: Why are you stereotyping. What if the body doesn’t want trucks, what if he wants to be a fairy.
Person: being ace is basically just eww no but like forever.
Person: Stop trying to science your way out of being wrong.
Person: even if you did ask me out I’d still say no so then you’d even be rejected by a trash can
Person 1: you can’t read cheese color. Person 2: yellow?
Person 1: Think about  it like you’re brown Person 2: She is brown Person 1: Then act like it
Person: You’re not an ugly frog, you’re a beautiful human being. Person: I am. Very very dumb. And also. Bisexual.
Person: I was thinking of something smart but then I forgot what it was.
Person: I want to skip the crush phase and just make out with someone.
Person 1: The only way to get into the Holland family is to marry in through Paddy. Person 2: (Person 1’s name) this isn’t the royal family.
Person: Omigod you looked like the human version of squid ward.
Person: I want to be smart. Where can I learn smart stuff?
Person: But plant the seed and smoke the weed and chop the cane.
Peeeson 1: that is the definition of meter? Person 2: about 3 feet. Person 1: okay thanks America
Person 1: who’s Tom Holland? Person 2: Spider-Man you uncultured swine!!
Person: I am not a children
Person: Ohh dang yeah forgot chickens existed for a while
Person: Hey! Don’t narrate my water!
Person: I don’t read water.
Person: Think of it as a relationship. If you and your ex break up they are salty but you profit because you wanted to end it but if you end it weak, then y’all will argue back and forth and get nowhere with ending it while still exchanging insults.
Person: You know those really sexual mattress adverts?
Person: Oh please, you have the sexual appeal of an easy bake oven.
Person 1: weed is a gate way drug Person 2: YOURE A GATEWAY DRUG!
Person: (first, middle, last name), I love you to the end of the earth. But you are a daft child.
Person 1: She’s like that type of girl. She’s the long paragraph white girl. Person 2: Well that’s a niche if I’ve even seen one.
Person 1: swing you two fight is like watching two ants fight. Person 2: you friking piece of bacteria!
Person: I’m just an intellectual.
Person: I will murder your face off.
Person: that’s like a kilometer tall.
Person: It’s weird when I pet you horizontally.
Person: to be honest I thought those were rocks in a jar for the longest time. Turns out they weren’t.
Person: does she have a brother or gay tendencies
Person: I’m going to slap your hand like it’s a fricking spider.
Person: I like your face better blurry.
Person: every night at about midnight someone starts googling astrology
Person: I will kick you. I will murder your soul.
Person 1: I’m just going to marry a millionaire. Person 2: Where are you gunna finds a millionaire in this economy?
Person: Welcome to my tea party, there isn’t any tea to drink, but we have a lot of it to spill.
Person: Yah, it was something about sex or something.
Person: You’re all uncultured swines.
Person: I’m about as straight as a sine curve.
Person 1: They’re not Oreo’s you dumb head Person 2: I know that dumber head. Person 3 :Shut up dumbest heads
Person: As an ex foetus i can say with authority that if my mother had aborted me i wouldn't have known nor would i have given a fuck
Person: I’ve just accepted I’m going to fail this test. I’ve gone through the 5 stages of grief already.
Person: Yes I’m blind that’s why I need glasses fool.
Person: what the fork do you want you little son of a biscuit.
Person: Anyway now I’m taking Tylenol PM and I’m going to actually sleep tonight that’ll be fun.
Person: I need all the hoodies. ALL OF THEM.
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ask-republicofcroatia · 8 years ago
Ooc:. Its time to talk about ocs and appearances!!
"Mika stop." Everyone around me pleas and cries with worry for my sanity "SYM-BOL-ISM!" I scream with a tin foil hat on my head while hitting pots and pans. Suddenly a spaceship appears with the word symbolism written on it. Stunned silence commences "Strap on motherf******." Yes my sanity is slowly slipping away. .: Croatia :. Hair:. Her natural hair is medium-dark brown. Its a very nice chocolate-y colour. Many years ago it was pure blonde due to the fact that she is a slavic country which are characterized by having light hair and eyes. And the highlights are just her way of trying to prove she is modern. Her hair represents the sea side in Croatia therefore Italy likes to touch it because historically Italians always wanted our sea side (she hates when people touch it) and its relatively dry naturally due to the fact that the sea side has dry land also thanks to Italy her hair has a wavy texture. On the other hand her eyebrows are a bit naturally darker than her hair and pretty thick with a good arch, they are darker because of turkish influence. Eyes:. The eye colour she has in a nice blueish green colour just like the sea. Her eye colour remained the same since she was a child leaving it very visible that she is a slav country. The shape of her eyes is a roundish almond with sharp edges but they are not very big. She has a lot of eyelashes but they ain't long. Skin.. Throughout history her skin was either tan or pale depending on the time period and her general role in it (royalty, soldier, commoner, etc). Her skin can tan very easily and nowadays it mostly remains in a slight tan. Her skin is full of moles (not freckles) as it is very common for people to have skin full of moles. They represent the thousands of islands that are a part of our shore. Also the tattoos you can find refs for them on the blog just scroll if you haven't seen em .: Bosnia :. Hair:. His hair is very dark brown naturally its lighter than Sadik (Turkey) but darker then Tamara. However he is chasing his old days of power because of his misery so he dyes his hair blond like it used to be when he was younger which in turn results into his hair being very damaged but the colour is very intense yellow so its obvious that its not natural. He also can't afford to re-dye it professionally very often and it usually has roots showing. The length of his hair is mid neck and often times its very messy and shaggy he will however style it on important events and meeting. He is very hairy like most men in the Balkan mostly on his chest and arms he regularly shaves his face though. Much like Tamara his eyebrows are also a bit darker then his natural hair and his don't have a good arch like hers. In the spirit of hetalia I also gave him an ahoege like Austrias but much smaller to represent Austrian influence Eyes:. Like Croatias eyes his also remained light throughout the years but his got a more grey tone to them. The reason to them being blue-grey is connected to water. Bosnia in itself means water so its obviously a very important component to the country. The shape of his eyes is more round and bigger in comparison to Tamara and they have sharp edges and he actually has very long and full eyelashes. Skin:. In terms of this he has one of the tannest skin tones in Balkan again because Turkey. Like Tamara his skin tone also varied in history but he was always darker then her by comparison. He has two very visible scars on his face across his nose and from the bottom of his jaw across his cheek almost reaching his eye. I'm not sure how related this is to skin its more like a facial feature but he has dimples that represent the two biggest ponds in Bosnia. Considering: I wanna put tattoos on him but he is a muslim and thats against their beliefs but Bosnia is not a country that 100% follows the rules of Islam and I read that some sort of tattoos are allowed like words but I am not too sure about that. .: Serbia :. Hair:. Right off the bat unlike Omer and Tamara his hair was always dark brown. There is turkish influence present in Serbia obviously but I didn't want it to be his hair like with the other two instead its more present in his face but thats not for this post. He is the hairiest of them all he has to shave every day and his chest, arms and legs are a forest (save him). His hair is cut like an undercut but he let the shaved part go longer in recent years. The small grey part of his hair was inspired a bit by the main boy in Catcher in the Rye on one side his hair is going grey partly because age and because I believe when Yugoslavia was falling apart Serbia was the most stressed by it (hair goes grey from stress too) Eyes:. The idea I had behind this is gonna be hard to explain but oh boy here I go. They look like a wolfs eyes. If you look up wolf eyes you can see they are very round and have a crease (??) on the bottom corner of the eye (the one near the nose) thats how I imagine his eyes. I also imagine him having a very predatory look in his eyes but he learned to control it in the recent years so he can look more friendly, I also believe Turkey was scared of the way his eyes looked lmao. The colour of his eyes is green but it also has a golden tint to which is common for wolf especially in the country. Skin:. I actually think he is the second palest person form Yugoslavia. This is mostly due to the fact that he wast the most royal out of all of them so he spent more time inside not being able to tan. As well as the fact that Russia had a lot of influence on him so it helped in the pale department. Nowadays I imagine him having some awkward tans especially in summer lmao. .: Montenegro :. Hair:. Definantelly has the darkest hair its pure black due to his name which literally has the word black in it c'mon. The length is very short and very messy like he just got out of bed. He also never had any changes to his hair colour. Like Serbia he is very hairy especially on his chest and legs. Thick brows and high arch to make his face look scarier/stricter. Eyes:. He has a very tired look like he never got enough sleep but he also has big eyes its just the sleep deprivedness makes them look smaller. *The colour of them is light blue because of the sea. * I might change the specific shade of it because I'm gonna see the sea of Montenegro myself in a few days so ye Skin:. He is probably the tannest one due to how his warrior behaviour always made him stay outside. Like Tamara he also has lots of moles/sun spots but much much less than her. One very visible scar on his cheek. .: Macedonia :. Hair:. From ancient Greek/Macedonian influence she has curly hair and she is the only person with properly curly hair in Yugoslavia. She also has cute bangs. The colour of her hair is reddish-brown due to the wine they have there and in recent years she also got a small purple ombre at the ends of her hair (because its the colour of grapes and I am in love with a certain idols hair). She also has thick eyebrows but no arch. Also always has poppy flowers in her hair that she will style differently but will always have a minimum of 6 flowers in her hair. Eyes:. Her eyes are brown because everyone gives Mace blue or green eyes and I don't feel like jumping on a bandwagon. No seriously I have no reason (yet!) for her brown eyes other than its the most usual eye colour. Her eye shape is round and small and her eyelashes are big and curly to emphasize the fact that she is the youngest lmao. Skin:. Her skin is tanned due to Greek and Turkish influence and she has all the standards the others had .: Slovenia :. Hair:. Like the outcast he is (and wants to be) he has dirty blonde/light brown hair its also a bit wavy like Tamaras but he styles it unlike the rest of the boys on a daily basis. The length reaches the bottom of his neck almost. And like Bosnia he has an ahoege to represent Austrian influence but his makes him angry cuz he can't style it no matter what. He is the only one that remained blondeish throughout their years of influences. Also the only one with thinner eyebrows but a mean arch cuz Croatia. The least hairy one but its unknown if he just naturally doesn't grows a lot of hair or he removes it Eyes:. He has sharp strict looking eyes that are almond shaped. He enjoys wearing glasses but he doesn't really need them. The colour of his eyes are honey because of the honey production there. Skin:. The actual palest guy thanks to Austria and also has trouble tanning unlike the rest. I didn't mention scars a lot in this post but he has the least amount because he mostly stayed in the house even in Austro-Hungarian times. Has one beauty mark under his eye.
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fragiilexa · 8 years ago
1 - 10
identity ask………oh shit           ACCEPTING
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Hm, well I guess this is three questions omg but I’ll just go down the line. If they wanted to really understand me they’d have to read the Bible, which I know is saying a lot in one thing. But the reason I am the way I am is because of the things I’ve learned from that book and I would not be who I am without it. Of course I actually haven’t been able to read the whole thing yet but I take a lot of who I am from it & it’s just something that’s shaped me as a person? Oh but also I really don’t read books much anymore, but if I had to give another one it would be The Last Song? Maybe? ( The book is better than the movie, even tho I like the movie, the books better ) It just talks a lot about forgiveness & stuff and it was a lesson I really needed to learn at the time I read it & also am still learning. OH and also Crazy Love by Francis Chan, which is like a christian book, but it’s also had a huge impact on me, okay but onto watchin’.
Okay this is hard because there isn’t one full thing you could watch where the whole thing has impacted me. But there are a lot of movies I’ve learned from, ( and also since this doesn’t say specifically movies ) there are also a few speeches that I’ve really learned from ( and people would probably be able to understand me better if they watched them. But I can’t name those right now? But, I’d have to say, like, not as a whole, but Dr. Who, at least some specific episodes. Uh, Captain America?? The Help? There are more but I have a hard time naming movies/shows.
Okay and then music, fricken music, okay I could put so so so so many songs down, songs are like the soul of my life & help make me, me BUT I’m just going to give you ONE because if I didn’t this would go on forever and TWO it’s kind of my theme song but I Was Here, by the queen Beyonce. Is like, hands down my favorite *what makes me, me* song. I could name a lot more. I could make a 24 hour long playlist. But I won’t bc that would take forever. 
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
Yes, There have been a few and most of them are not on anymore but, Kae I think I can solidly say we think very similarly on just, like, how to develop muses, how to work out characters and how REAL they’re supposed to be, you know? Characters can, and should have flaws and no one has tons of perfect relationships. Real life is messy & writing should reflect that & I think we are just hella synced with that message & feeling and she’s just lovely so yeah @spookylip is bae & we think alike ( obviously bc we took those selfies that matched wITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ) we are #one
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
Girl Meets World: Riley Matthews.Glee: Tina Cohen - Chang.Marvel: Captain America, Steve Rogers.Hamilton: Eliza or Peggy SchyulerDisney: HeiHei ( no just kidding ) Moana, Princess Anna, Rapunzel,Harry Potter: Newt ScamanderStar Wars: FinnMy Little Pony: ( don’t u dare judge ) FlutterShyTwilight: Alice Cullen
4. do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
Okay so I used to not like my name so much ‘cause it was really bland & there were a lot of other girls named rebecca when I was in school, then people started calling me rachel so it was like ‘my name is totally forgettable’ ( or i was i dunno ) but over the past few years I’ve started to love it, though someone ruINED the meaning of it for me *side eyes that kinky anon* but I don’t really care & I love my name now, just, never ever call me becky or I will murder u in ur sleep. :))))
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
I was slightly confused reading this but I re-read it & now I get it. I think at the moment, or for the longest time I’ve been a human being, like, there are just no opportunities right now for me to be doing what others my age are, or even younger than me. Not only that but I have to work on a lot of anxieties of mine, but that being said I don’t think I’m doing nothing. What I’m doing is small, yeah, but I try to do the best I can with what I have & I have a lot of faith that things happen for a reason & right now I’m keeping things going in my family & trying to better myself, no matter how many downsides that has, sort of. & I do Identify myself by the things I do, mostly because in doing something you have the opportunity to help someone. I try to do the right things, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t but it’s a daily thing, y’know?
6. are you religious/spiritual?
Yah. You can see that with some of my answers but I am, though I know right now a lot of people assume that if you’re religious ( especially christian, on this site at least ) that it automatically means you’re this, this & this *insert any form of ism or phobic term* but that’s really not how it works. We’re all sinners & no matter what that still doesn’t change the way God feels about us ( no matter what, we, as humans think is sin, or sinful ) I could go on a lot about this topic, honestly it’s a big part of who I am. But personally, I love God, I have a personal relationship with him that I try to work on daily & grow with him daily, my God is all loving and I just wished more people my age, or at least people on here knew that?? I dunno, there’s just so much rhetoric surrounding Christianity & most of it is wrong & I just??? Mmmm I’m getting off topic but yes! I am! It’s like a huge part of what keeps me going, I love Jesus.
7. do you care about your ethnicity?
YES. Oh my Gosh yeah, okay well I’m white, lmao, but where I come from is still like, really important to me. It used to not be. I actually used to be kind of… not ashamed but embarrassed when my Mom did really dutch things. Like, ok backing up, My grandpa moved here from the Netherlands when he was in his early teens around the time that the holocaust happened, though I couldn’t give you the exact date because I’m hella forgetful but he came with his parents and he met my Grandma and u know the deal it goes down the line. But anyways I used to like, not like the things that came with being dutch, like, I just thought it was all stupid & silly, like clogs & doilies & stupid little things like my great grandma & grandpa always used to use forks & knives with everything because it was a custom where they came from & like, it’s all small things but over the years I’ve just learned to be really proud of where my family came from? My Grandpa went through a lot to come here, he saw a lot of things he never talked about and I didn’t know him well because I was young when he died but I just really love embracing my heritage there & stuff. 
Like I’m white yes, and I’m basically a ‘mystery white’ ‘cause my dad is a mutt  & my mom isn’t fully dutch either. I’m one of those 10% Irish 25% Hungarian 50% Dutch & 15% other type of whites, but??? I’m still proud of all of it?? Like I love learning about where I came from & who I am & I think everyone should be proud of all parts of their ethnicity. As Matthew Montgomery said: “ Love all your percentages. “  
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
shiT fam, this is getting so long & it’s gonna get longer, okay let me just do like… two, tha two tops…
Demi Lovato: Obviously, I mean… obviously She is one of the people I look up to most and I don’t know where I would be if I never had her & her music in my life. She’s taught me so much about strength and confidence and overcoming something when it looks like it will be impossible. She’s helpped me grow into someone who cares & wants to learn & help others and I just admire her so much for what she’s done, for herself, for others and for never giving up when she could have. Not to mention the ballads that have helped me through really hard times, or the speeches she’s given that remind me I’m strong & capable 
Taylor Swift: *que everyone groaning who’s reading* anYWAYS I can’t even honestly write down or explain how many times that Taylor and her music has helped me when I felt like I wanted to give up, or how many times I have cried listening to songs that should not have resonated with me but did. She’s helped me to realize not only that I am important but that no matter what, despite what people may do to me, or make me feel that I’m still important and worth working on. She’s also shown me what goofing off can do to make you feel better, how not giving a shit has helped me move on from past relationships and how being unapologetically ME is okay
In fact, I feel like Demi’s taught me those things too. But they’ve both done it in different ways, which I think shows how beautiful loving yourself can be. Because you don’t have to love yourself how another person loves themselves. You have to figure out your own, unique way to view yourself & believe in yourself & love yourself & I think that’s just really beautiful. Now, they both hate each other ( or at least severely dislike one another ) but I just feel like they’ve both done so much for me and I don’t think I could thank either of them enough for showing me strength, beauty, confidence and love in the way they have. It’s insane how much of an impact people can have but they have. I could go on but I woont I promise.
9. are you an artist?
YES I am, though my skill can be debated I love drawing when I’m in the mood & painting & jst everything that has to do with art. 
10. do you have a creed?
I don’t know if this means religious, or… otherwise… but I mean, technically I’m a baptist christian ( i think? not sure anymore ) but like, I am Christian, I feel like, sadly, the beliefs I hold are a bit left leaning & less erm, strict? When it comes to how I interpret the bible, where as a my family is different, I think? I don’t know, but I just try to follow the teachings of Jesus & his disciples. “ Love others as I have loved you - John 15:12 “ I do go by other teachings but I think that’s the top of my list. Jesus loves us unconditionally, he died for us, lived for us, and rose again so we didn’t have to burn up in hell for eternity. The least I can do is show everyone the same kind of unconditional love he’s showed me throughout my life & make sure people know that though we do sin & are inherently bad at heart, he still loves us despite our downfalls and doubt. I don’t know if that really answers this question but I had to look up creed & this is the best answer I came up with SO, thank u for sending this in and I love u
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