#this one gave me brain worms yall
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artofalyksandr · 5 months ago
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“Thank you, you were amazing.”
Individual panels and old versions below the cut
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Part of Redraw-tober 2024: week 4, technically challenging
I’ve redrawn this once before but I’ve been wanting to redraw that version for a while
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Version 2: May 29, 2021
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Original: April 30, 2020
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kitten-kokomo · 13 days ago
I realized I never made yall look at my stupid sona bitch
So here’s Mia’s Hazbin Hotel form that I drew like three months ago and then forgot about! Featuring baby’s first attempt at rendering!
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Rambles you didn’t ask for and her ref sheet below the cut!
Okay, so, Mia is my self insert, and I shove her into fandoms to relieve the brain worms that keep saying “okay but what if someone told X that whatever”. Because it would be weird if some random human girl was in Hell, she takes on a relevant form for fandoms where humans aren’t the predominant species. She’s literally just me, and gets yeeted into fandoms with a full knowledge of said fandom (or at least, MY full knowledge of said fandom), a penchant for breaking the fourth wall because she’s technically on both sides of it, and a lot of bitterness at me, the creator, for continuing to write situations where Bad Things Happen, for the sake of narrative intrigue and catharsis.
(Tl;dr, self-aware self-insert gets isekai’d into my fandoms, hates her creator (me, also technically her since she IS me) for cursing her with existence. Normal stuff.)
Anyhoo, in the Hellaverse, she’s also technically a shapeshifter, because of the vast array of important species, and also because that way she can cross through to the other Rings. But because I enjoy her suffering, it’s the fun kind of shapeshifting with bones cracking, not the convenient pain-free magic kind. So she doesn’t do that often.
Technically, Mia can do anything, but she operates on rules similar to Roger Rabbit; it has to make the story MORE interesting, not less. Acquiring an anvil? Funny! Appearing behind people creepily? Interesting! Magically making Adam not an asshole? Makes the plot more easily resolved, and therefore not allowed.
I was doodling designs for her in class one day, and gave her lil nubs for limbs cuz I wanted to do hands later cuz hands suck, and then I realized that, hol’ up, that actually looks dope. So then I decided she must be sticky, so she can hold stuff, and then I remembered this weirdly visceral memory of a starfish stress toy thing that was blue and the weird kind of tacky that only rubber toys can be, and it had beans in it so you could swing it around and it made a satisfying thump noise and the legs would stretch really far when you did that so it looked like it would break but it didn’t.
And I made her that.
(She also glows in the dark! Or, like, the pink parts of her hair do.)
She’s mildly poisonous, do not put her in your mouth.
She has nine tails, because nine is my favorite number, and there’s a mythological precedent for nine-tailed things (specifically kitsune. And pretty much only kitsune I think)
Technically, Mia isn’t dead, she’s just been isekai’d. So she doesn’t have a reason for being in Hell, or for being a Sinner. That being said, it’s vaguely canon that you can go to Hellaverse Hell for being a proshipper (see: Emberlynn), so, that I guess.
Anyways, she has an artfight page with these rambles and more, here is her ref sheet, I’mma shut up now
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year ago
‘Tis I.. Mommy Ghost! 👋🏻 Here to stink up your ask box with my annoying lady stench once more! 😘
I hope that you are taking good care of yourself today 💖 and that Momma is giving you plenty of brain worms to inspire you. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say.. brain maggots. 😉🪱
I return to your ask box today with more of my nonsense, this time in the form of questions with regards to Momma’s delicious mouth. 💋🥵
At the end of your most recent update of the shenanigans experienced by us, Momma’s little Drama Queen, you gave us the beginnings of an attempted kiss from Momma. And so, now seemed like the perfect time for me to hop into your inbox to broach your ideas and details of kissing our beloved Maggot Mommy. 😻😘
I am certain that any little maggot who is a slut for Momma must have at least considered what it would be like to kiss her.
I know damn well that we all took note of that tongue when Momma attacks poor Bridget. The exquisite length of it. The colour of it.. black as coal. The way that it was dripping with thick saliva. 🤤
Also the visually obvious fact that, for the majority of the film, Momma’s mouth is covered in a mixture of dried and congealed blood, and also frequently dripping with fresh blood from both her victims and her own wounds..😻🥵
With your version of Maggot Mommy, the body of Ellie being used as a vessel is strung somewhere between dead and alive.. undead, if you will. Yes? So, surely that must give the taste of her kisses a certain.. je ne sais quoi? 🙊😅
Also, despite our beloved Maggot Mommy being an unholy Goddess whom we absolutely adore.. I have a feeling that she isn’t exactly too concerned about her dental hygiene, even though her powerful mouth is used to rip and tear and consume flesh. And so that breath, and that tongue, and the potential remnants of slaughtered foes still stuck in those teeth.. it all must add up to a unique flavour? 🥲
So, my dearest Cat.. what do you imagine our experience of kissing your Maggot Momma to be like? Tell me, what does Momma’s mouth taste like? 🤤
Spare NO details. I want to hear it ALL! 😻🤤
~ Kisses from me x 💋🖤
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Hey there, mommy! 🤗
You´re most welcome to stink up my askbox with your novels (my goodness 😅) whenever. 😘
Plenty of brain maggots these days, indeed. Still catching up on everything that´s been going on these past few months, but I´m determined. 💪😤
"Most recent update" would be about...6 months ago, yes? With Momma sticking her tongue down holes that are absolutely not meant for tongues? 😅
Like that will stop her, puh-lease.
(Sweet Momma was legit making an effort though, with every sinister fibre of that rotten being. That´s all that matters! 😔✊)
So, first of all: Yes, when Momma opens that maw of hers, it´s safe to say that it is not pleasant. (Depending on her most recent meal too, obv.) It smells as you would expect something that´s rotting to smell: rotten. As for the flavor-
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Excuse me.
You got the visuals down to a T here (don´t get me started on that tongue, though-), so I think yall can imagine the absolute...interesting taste of that. You also very correctly stated the (very obvious) lack of dental hygiene...which, no, nope, absolutely not-
Like that will stop her, puh-lease.
I´m not sure how yet, but we will find a way to handle this, handle Momma. Even if it means we gotta strap her down, pry those nasty-looking jaws open with a crowbar, and brush those knife-like teeth ourselves-
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And lose an arm or two in the process.
Listen, our Drama Queen will fight tooth and nail, ram yet another pair of scissors through that skull if she has to, hell she´d be willing to negotiate on that one, too.
...Negotiating as in: Our Drama Queen is not gonna jump out of the nearest window and to her certain death, if those stained lips land anywhere that isn´t the mouth.
Well, that´s alright, Maggot Momma´s more than happy moving those stained lips of hers further down-
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...BUT, I digress. You´re here for the actual taste. 😏
Okay so, if I had to describe the taste of that, I´d say it´s a combination of both spicy and salty, mixed with foul eggs, a metallic note, and a hint of something sickly sweet - a bit like cotton candy, actually. Then there´s the added bonus of getting to share bits and pieces of-
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All in all, it´d be a rather sticky matter probably. 🫠
How can you say "No" to that face, though?
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Thanks a lot for that ask. ❤️
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memberment · 8 months ago
The End Is Near Updates??? (Let's fucking go, I guess???)
All of my plans to get shit done before school starts continue to swirl the drain as I am full immersed in this rewrite.
I have decided to use headers and make this a single work because honestly I did not want to keep it a series so I figured it out
Also I'm at the end of book one. And SOBBING. I forgot Clyde and Kenny get married in the first round. This was literally the first fic I ever wrote them in like I'm screaming. This fic was my rare pair origin story lowk LMFAOOO like between them and butters/bebe like ugh.
My first book one was like just under 18k and I am currently slowly omw to 22k, like I am right there.
So it's looking like I'm just gonna be belting out monster-illiad length fics for a while with fun little sprinkles of 30/40ks
someone call god, tell him I need intense emotional support because the urge to post another chapter is already creeping up on me and it's been less than 24 hours. I CANNOT FALL INTO THIS SAME FUCKING TRAP AGAIN. Like I just assumed if I reworked an old fic I would throw it on post schedule and contain the same amount of self restraint that I do with my other fics but the literal worms in my brain are like *dont be shy post like 17 chapters in two hours* LIKE WHAT.
Excuse me, I'm busy being insane bc I have literally been up since three (it could have been 1:30, but I honestly can't recall) this morning LMFAO.
9:07 pm update: I took a nap to try and reduce the pure insanity I was dealing with it and I just opened my google doc and realized I'm about to start book 2. GUYS. Book two was by far my absolute fucking favorite. Like, I loved book 2. Frankly, want to make everything else feel more like book 2 bc AHHHHH IT WAS MY FAVORITEEEEE IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS LMFAO
10:07: I just want you guys to know I reread Craig's chapter, yes his chapter, bc he now longer gets a little separated paragraph, but a chapter, and Heart to Heart came on and I started crying. And then proceeded to reread Tweek's end chapter and We'll Meet Again came on and I'm actually ready to throw up LMFAOOOOOO
(I wrote them before I went to sleep and I had to make sure they read well and blah blah whatever and now I'm just SAD. But also, what the fuck did I expect? This is what happens when you write a sad story with happy little stickers on it and a main character who despite everything wants nothing more than to be optimistic.)
I am here to rant bc I was just talking about it DOES ANYONE ELSE dislike when Bebe is portrayed as like an angel or like the opposite end of the spectrum and like straight up mean
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jax-ln-the-box · 2 years ago
Tw// death! (Yeah that's happening, buckel up. Shout out @/ominousposting for the brain worms that gave me the idea)
Bw wasn't always a water ghoul! He wasn't even always a ghoul! He was a fire ghoul before he was a snow ghoul and before even that? He was a human! So how the fresh fuck did he become a ghoul?
He fucking beefed it.
He died.
He died coming back to his hotel from a friend's house on Christmas eve when his truck slid off a bridge and sunk into a frozen lake. (That friend? Yeah that was Lucian from the lovely @graphitesnorter. They were a little closer than friends. Or at least that's what he was hoping to make official on Christmas. Poor baby never got to open his presents OR ask his friend out,,, EN EE WAY.)
When someone dies and becomes a ghou it's kind of a grab bag of what type of element they'll get.
But when he was summoned to the ministry he was a fire ghoul! Just a little campfire ghoul! The heat was kinda a relief from his cold and watery demise. He was very happy with it bc he felt warm again after that whole ordeal.
And then they changed his element bc they didn't need another fire ghoul at the time. And he was changed to a water ghoul. A cold water ghoul. And on top of that traumatizing change it fucking HURTED. The fire horns were smaller and thinner and the new bigger water horns had to push them out to make room. Like losing ur baby teeth to the adult ones. All that pressure right on top of his skull.
But what irks him the most is how cold he feels. All the time.
That felt familiar...
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arthursknight · 3 years ago
hey! this is a Very Important Post so please listen thank you
i write a lot, as you can tell! my little stories mean a lot to me. they are my brain worms and i love them.
my microfics are just that-- tiny fics. they are, in and of themselves, complete. i could write more in those little worlds, and may one day choose to, but they stand alone. they are whole and serve their purpose and do it well.
i am IMMENSELY flattered when you want more out of me and to expand on the stories i have given you. love the enthusiasm. and i even do love that some of you wish to create your own versions of those stories or expand upon them! Hella rad.
but if you DO expand upon them, please let me know about it first and give proper credit?
and furthermore-- i understand, especially when certain posts read like more of a prompt than a full story (my "imagine an awake arthur in avalon" post comes to mind), that you do often want more. but it is kiiiiiiiinda off-putting (for want of a better term) when i get comments like "someone please write this!" because like. i... did? i did. i wrote it. and while i didn't make it a 100k epic just yet, i still love it. it's tiny but i love it.
these aren't bad comments to leave! but just a small ask to like. maybe think about it. bc i hate feeling inadvertently like whatever i gave wasn't enough bc it wasn't super long or involved.
ultimately, my little microfics are writing practice, scenes from my brain, little things that nibble at my mind that i gotta release. i have not deemed them as Needing a full epic yet. maybe they will get one! who knows
but. if you appreciate my little writings, i love you dearly, and i am glad to give you more. i am, after all, proper chuffed that yall are still as hungry for some good old fashioned merlin and arthur content in the year of our lord 2022 and beyond as i am. but try to let what i give you be enough even though it will never be?
(also-- shooting my shot here-- if you ever wanna create fan art based on my shit. be my guest. i will maybe kiss you on the mouth but that's just the hazards of the job baby.)
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doctormage · 3 years ago
hell YES buckle UP babes
I present to yall, in no particular order, pairings from the surveys that have been On My Mind since first going thru all the results:
hawke / alistair (potential for such sexy gut wrenching angst if they’re both in the fade for here lies the abyss…hello. whoever sent this in if you see this PLEASE tell me who you left in the fade)
m!lavellan / yvette montilyet (I just thought it was very cute 🥲 I feel like their romance would be so sweet !!)
f!mahariel / levi dryden (I found this very endearing too lol idk why)
two f!cadashes (wives, not related) in a polycule w the iron bull. literally this meme:
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f!adaar / valta (the DRAMA….what happens after the wellspring and the titan I need to know!!!)
inq / prof kenric (just bc i also liked him hehe) (polycule w him + scout harding was also cute)
the person who said “f!Lavellan x Varric but especially if it’s post Solavellan I WILL die on this hill” i know i already posted a screenshot of it but i dont care. this gave me brain worms (extremely complimentary)
& this one might be my all time fav just bc I can’t stop thinking about it:
hawke / justice / merrill polycule (I want to study you. how is justice part of the polycule and not anders. I genuinely love this so much)
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coldasyou · 6 years ago
Hello and welcome to my thoughts ™ on the new episode of the good doctor! I know you are all DYING to hear them so let’s go.
We love an opening that references season 1 episodes! (Added to my gif list)
Is lea implying her family was poor ugh icon
Poor Shaun he deserves better
Claire and Shaun aren’t together I really can never win
I’m screaming grey’s anatomy really took all the good paitent storylines rip
Killed someone this show has lost it
Ugh skip
They’re really just throwing out brain scans as if those doesn’t cost thousands of dollars paitents can’t afford that
The scalpel is back THE LEVELS the show said if we’re going back to season 1 storylines we’re doing it all…does this mean Shaun and Claire can act like they did in season 1 and actually talk?
CARLYYYYYYY fucking finally this really is a season one throwback and we get a last name
She is so sweet
And she is talking to Shaun can Claire come hang out too
Me too Shaun me too
Ugh this is why I’m a humanities person
IM SCREAMING leave Claire the fuck alone
Morgan was so quick to be like “SO YOU HATE EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN GOD HMMM” breznik feelings canceled until they have a cute glance again
I’m already annoyed with this plotline
Claire is talking to ******** more than she talked to Shaun last episode shaire stans remain the MOST oppressed
Can I call Claire an atheist icon now? If they make her change her beliefs I’m gonna be annoyed lmao. I think there can be some middle ground here y’all
I relate to all this Catholic Guilt ™ tho
Park needs to stop acting like he gives a shit lmao
Park stop fucking stirring the pot since when did YOU care
Ugh it’s hard only stanning four ppl on this show
Can someone PLS just threaten to sue Han or leak this to the press lmao problem solved you’re welcome
How iconic would it be if lim was just like “I’m autistic. Are you going to transfer me too?”…LISTEN SHE IS AUTISTIC
I was right Claire looks beautiful
How can you afford all these surgeries I’m yelling
Who is being poisoned with cyanide I’m screaming can we pls have a show abt pathology and Carly and not these boring ass plots we’ve been getting
NEXT TIME I love one (1) man
She deserves better I’m tired of everyone talking down to her
I’m screaming can we pls have her go talk to Shaun abt all this and promise she’ll fight for him or is that to much to ask
The ableism is jumping out
Han is why men don’t have rights
Claire is the queen of being right while everyone else is dumb af
Oh this lady damn everyone is coming back this episode!
Glassman she’s dating someone why are you so Dense
Is this gonna be like a Brennan from bones situation where everyone keeps pushing religion on Claire when she doesn’t want it I’m already tired
And another thing she just thinks he shouldn’t suffer for god she never said she didn’t think he should believe
But enjoy projecting your shit on her Morgan!
Lim is the only bitch in this house I respect
Honestly probably not bc Claire isn’t allowed to have anything either!
So we got Shaun talking abt Claire but in this way WHYYYYY
just let them be happy together I hate this
Clarie’s hair looks amazing
Claire is a hockey fan…the gay jumped out
What is Shaun doing I stan it tho
Oh NOW glassman will talk to him
Well I mean Shaun has been right abt like 90 other cases
Glassy you’re so fucking annoying remember when you were all abt helping Shaun lmao
Shaun is so honest ixhxjsuswhhaa
Oh the loophole Jessica taught him well
Shaun that’s like…probably illegal but that’s okay
I wonder when the whole quarantine issue is gonna go down
Shaun yess now bring out those illustrations
Han is just gonna steal his idea pretends to be shocked
God these episodes kinda drag when you aren’t live-blogging and reading jokes
I know they’re married irl but she looks so young compared to him
Yeah lady he always pushes ppl away get used to it
Anyone else feel glassman has become intolerable this season?
Claire is so smart queen of religious studies
Okay this show isn’t going the route of Claire being converted or singled out as a bitch or bitter…we will proceed cautiously
Morgan is so fucking nosey you are loosing all the goodwill I gave you
Also just say atheist I’m screaming???
Ofc bc everyone who doesn’t believe in god is broken and empty and secretly hates themselves LOVE that for me!
I’m screaming the girl is like Oh Worm
Han is so annoying get a JOB
King of boundaries!
Are y’all gonna start shipping lim and Shaun now bc I’m not ready
Good work I’m still not gonna put u back in surgery tho
He’s so close to crying I’m abt to mcfucking loose it
Freddie is coming for the Emmy
Kinda wanna d*e
Allistics have lost their rights
Wow it’s almost like everyone has weaknesses including you doctor Han and yet you’re still here
Can a show just have a charecter that’s not religious it doesn’t have to be like a THING I’m tired
Oof the cinnamon tography
SCALPEL I’m gonna cry can we get a flashback now?
Steve didn’t die for this
overall Thots: han can choke, needs more shaire, when will lea be allowed to talk to someone who isn’t shaun or glassy, claire deserves better, carly should have her own show, morgan is on the shit list again, park is still irrelevant…6/10 
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kikistiel · 8 years ago
Holy shit I love your analysis' of Jimin and Namjoon!! Would you mind doing one for Jungkook as well? I know a lot of people were confused as to why Namjoon put him in Ravenclaw over Gryffindor/Slytherin.
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It’s really weird for me that you guys actually care about and value my opinions  on this whole business so thank you so much for giving my ramblings the time of day omg
for those who are wondering about my thoughts on gryffindor!namjoon and slytherin!jimin here’s the links to those:
Namjoon as a Gryffindor || Jimin as a Slytherin
So like, I really. really. really. love the idea of Ravenclaw Jeon. (But listen… I used to be a hardcore Slytherin!Jeon person okay, so I understand your feels on this. I do.) 
 here goes nothing
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Ravenclaw Jungkook confused a lot of people. And I really get it because Ravenclaw was so fucking shafted in the books. 
We had so many Gryffindors and Slytherins to relate to, and we had a fair share of badass Hufflepuffs (TONKS) to base our opinions off of. But there were only a few Ravenclaws that were given the time of day in the books, and only one of those was a major character. We had Luna, Trelawney, Lockehart, and Cho. Cho’s amazing character was wasted by JK – she was written with the personality of a dish rag and didn’t really get the spotlight she deserved. Trelawney was presented as a crazy old lady who sometimes ?? served a purpose. Lockehart was an idiot. All we really had was Luna.
But it wasn’t just the characters. Ravenclaw has a really weird reputation. Before I wrote this, I asked a bunch of my casual and hardcore HP fan friends to tell me the characteristics they associated with each house. And I got pretty much what I expected:
Gryffindor: Leaders, brave, courageous, brash, strong
Slytherin: Cunning, resourceful, calculating, perfectionists
Hufflepuff: Loyal, kind, hard-working, determination, cheerful
Ravenclaw: Smart…?? they are… smart people?? They do things…….smartly……
Like for real. Whenever I asked people what traits they associated with Ravenclaw, all anyone was ever able to tell me was that Ravenclaws were supposedly smart. And that’s got a lot to do with the fact that when the sorting hat sings off about all the houses, it lists all these great traits for the other houses, but when it comes to Ravenclaw it says this:
“Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,If you’ve a ready mind,Where those of wit and learning,Will always find their kind.”
And then the books go on to say that Ravenclaws are,
characterised by their wit, intelligence, and wisdom.
So maybe you’re like me, and I am REALLY guilty of this, but when I first read this in the books I kinda just thought these all meant the same thing. So maybe that’s where we got this idea that all Ravenclaws are good for are being smart.
But it wasn’t until I looked up the actual definition of each word that I realized these were all saying really different things:
Intelligence - the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.Wit - a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humor.Wisdom - the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
^^^^this is just webster dictionary definitions here. The bolded words are the ones I want to focus on.
Skill. See – Ravenclaws are supposedly smart. But this doesn’t always have to mean BOOKSMART, and I think that’s where we had a lot of trouble with Jeon. No one is saying he is dumb or anything, but he’s no Namjoon.
Notable examples of this trait include Lockehart, who was pretty shitty at a lot of things, but had the street smarts enough to pass off his big whole scam for years and years, and was especially gifted in certain charms.
Then there’s Luna, who while shown to be really good at solving riddles, was also portrayed as really physically skilled. In Dumbledore’s Army, while being taught how to conjure a Patronus by Harry, Luna was the first to get it right. She was fourteen at the time, and was such a skilled witch that she was able to perform an incredibly difficult charm - that even adults had trouble with - after like…….mere minutes of teaching.
Does this sound like someone you know?? I’ll give you an example: Observe this VERY determined Hufflepuff not give up on his dreams and finally have all his hard work pay off… only for someone to come in and get it right almost instantly.
Or maybe… “Hey guys, this dance move you made up looks pretty cool – mind if I watch you do it like once and a half and then nail it instantly?”
And if you’re ever in doubt about just how skilled Jungkook is… remember that he turned down seven other agencies to join BigHit. That’s how many people were after him and recognized his talent. (This also ties in to my thoughts on the part about good judgement – Jungkook obviously saw a lot of potential in Namjoon and BigHit in general, so much so that he turned down tons of other companies to be there. He saw something a lot of other people did not… and it ended up being the best decision he ever made.)
But I think another really telling aspect of Jungkook’s Ravenclaw personality is that he isn’t always perfect at everything. He’s not always good at something right away – but that won’t stop him working really hard to get good. 
In Rookie King he was shown to be at the most pretty average at bowling. He wasn’t terrible, but he was about as good as you and I would be after playing a few rounds with a little luck. Well, Golden Maknae Jungkook could not stand to not be the best at something, so he mentions sometime later (13:10) that he’s hired a coach to teach him how to bowl…. and then just a few months later uploads a video of himself getting a strike like it’s no god damn big deal at all. And he looks pretty proud of himself too.
But all the major Ravenclaws were also shown time and time and time again as being a little…. scatterbrained. Luna, Lockehart, and Trelawney especially, and to an extent even Cho. And Jungkook is no exception. He’s… pretty gullible. And DEFINITELY scatterbrained.
But wit, intelligence, and wisdom are not the only three traits associated with Ravenclaw. There are a lot of other traits you may not really know about, because again – Ravenclaws were woefully under-represented in the series. There’s quite a few others listed for this house:
So imma just go down the list because I’m really tired and I can’t made good word things rn
it’s no secret that Jungkook is a pretty talented artist. He’s a pretty damn good photographer too. (This will always be one of my favorite photos ever of Jimin – and Jungkook took it.) And he’s a talented lyricist as well. He’s an extremely good dancer and has a beautiful voice too – but you guys know this already.
Take a look at how he expresses his individuality through his song covers.
Eccentric & Quirky
You guys thought the fact that Lockehart, Trelawney, and even heckin Luna were all in the same house was a coincidence? Ravenclaws are NOTORIOUS for being Extra™. I’m not kidding! This is literally a personality trait of Ravenclaws that we overlook so often from these weirdos. And Jeon fuckin Jungkook invented the word eccentric:
too busy doing THE MOST to care about personal space
the name is bond…. jeon bond.
meme child
sometimes he does it on purpose…
sometimes he doesn’t…
sometimes he doesn’t realize he’s being a ditz
sometimes he pulls a loony lovegood and says the most socially inept shit
meme child pt 2
all around me are familiar faces…
yall remember how luna was like literally afraid of nothing, including creepy/weird creatures? yeah so is this hell child
worryingly eccentric
alien language
can’t you interact with even insects like a normal human being?
you’d be here forever if i kept going so… you get the point. eccentric is jungkook’s middle name.
Jeonlous exists in this god forsaken fandom, and I ain’t gonna link it and open THAT can of worms, but if you’re feeling so inclined and care to enter the seventh circle of hell, feel free to look it up… but tread carefully.
When I got the first ask about Ravenclaw Kook I had woken up at 3am and sleepily looked at my emails. I saw the ask and immediately had to jot down my ideas to keep for the next day, and all I managed to write in my sleep stupor was this
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and then i promptly fell back asleep.
I was referring to this, and if you don’t feel bad for poor Jin in this situation I don’t know what to tell you. Jungkook is intensely competitive, even over small things like board games. He was so intent on winning that game that he literally assaulted someone five years his senior to sabotage them.
And then this is him trying to win a dance-off… doing the most, as usual.
And also?? He was literally banned from the gym because he was getting too buff. And look at him take out that guy in wrestling… and then demolish poor Jimin, the smallest member of BTS in arm wrestling when he could have… you know… let him win or something……
It’s a pretty well known meme within the fandom that Jungkook is competitive and always trying to outdo the others.
But when it comes down to it, Ravenclaws are still known for being smart, right? We can take all these other traits and apply them to Jeon but what about his brain?
He’s actually kinda smart. He is able to cover a song in perfect English even though he doesn’t speak the language all that well (but well enough to constantly correct others’ English and he’s good enough to tell you he’s really not all that interested in participating in English Time anyways)
And I mean…. he can outsmart the other members pretty well…………..
But I think one of the most important things to note about Jungkook being in Ravenclaw is to look at who sorted him, Namjoon: Namjoon himself gave Jungkook the nickname “Golden Maknae”. He is constantly saying that Jungkook can do anything, or watch this Jungkook can do this, or wow look at him go, or he’s so talented this and that. Is it really any surprise that Namjoon would put Jungkook in to a house known for being highly skilled when he believes no less of the kid?
Jungkook has some pretty Slytherin-like qualities – but tons of canon HP characters and the BTS members themselves have traits that are shared by all four houses. It’s just a matter of where he fits best.
I mean TL;DR, Jeon says it best himself:
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gif credit: bwiskook
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