#this movie is a prescription for the dread of whatever else alright just go with me bear with me
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I’m horrified. A disturbing amount of mutuals have not seen Paddington 2. This goes to everyone that sees this. Watch it.
Do it for the Hugh Grant villainy. Do it and be enraptured, delighted, whimsical. It’s the perfect balm for the now. If you’re not responding like Nic Cage by the end,
…well then I have failed you. I am attempting to bring light and joy into your life.
Do it for Gabe he just had his birthday. He 2

Do it for him and discover you did it for yourself.
#Paddington 2#cat#gabie the baby#gets his own tag because I lock him and collect all his mementos#this movie is a prescription for the dread of whatever else alright just go with me bear with me
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Number Cannot Be Reached

Part Five of the Calling Series
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Naughty, Naughty Smut!
You stood in front of the door, biting your lower lip and staring at the message on your phone. You'd been up for hours debating whether or not this could wait until morning. Waking up Steve Rogers in the middle of the was not something you wanted to do. Still, every instinct in your being screamed to do something.
Taking a deep breath, you rapped on the door a couple times and stood back to wait. It only took a moment for Cap to open the door wearing old sweatpants and a tank. He looked half asleep until he got a look at you. His eyes perked up and he stood a little straighter.
"Y/N," his voice sounded rough with sleep. "Are you okay?"
"I'm really sorry to bother you, but I just need to..." you stalled, not sure how to explain the problem without opening a can of worms.
“Wait,” he stepped aside. “Please, come in. Sit down.”
Moving over to the sofa, you lowered yourself onto the edge of the seat. “I’m really sorry to wake you, Steve.”
“It’s alright.” He joined you on the sofa. “What’s wrong?”
“Okay,” You rubbed your forehead. “I know that I don’t have clearance to know what Bucky is doing on some of his missions.”
“I don’t really care what he tells you. I trust his judgement.” He shrugged.
“Thanks for that.” You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes. The frown returned quickly. “Thing is, I don’t know what he’s doing this time or where he is. I need to know if you do.”
“We’ve worked out keeping in touch. Codes for texts. Call times.” You turned in your seat to face him. “This morning he didn’t answer. I send a message, but he never answered. Then he never called when he was supposed to call tonight.”
“Y/N, I’m sure that...”
You cut him off. “Steve, when I tried to call after he didn’t call me, I got this message.”
Showing him the phone, he read ‘This number cannot be reached. The number may have been disconnected or is no longer in service.’
“I know enough about Tony’s infrastructure. That message would only show up if someone deleted his phone from Stark’s database, if the satellite is totally down, or if someone is ghosting his communications.”
Steve handed you back your phone, his face growing hard.
“I’m right, aren’t I? Something is wrong.” You found yourself holding the phone close to your chest. “Bucky would have told me if he was burning his number. He would have sent a message. Hell, we have a plan for that.”
“What?” Steve stood up to get his own phone from the kitchen counter. “What plan?”
“If I need him and he’s not supposed to communicate, I have a burner phone that I’m supposed to use to text him a bogus confirmation. If it’s medical, I send a prescription refill confirmation. If it’s something here in the tower, I send a spa confirmation. If it’s something else and I need him to call, I send a package delivery confirmation. He uses the same ones, but if he’s going off the grid, he sends me a cancellation of services confirmation. If we use C to confirm in the message, then we can call the burner phone. If we use a number to confirm, then there’s no contact.”
“Wow. You guys have it covered.” Steve dialed the two numbers he had for Bucky. Both kicked back the same message. “Okay, yeah. Something’s not right.”
“Steve. I’m not supposed to know. Bucky wasn’t supposed to set up our communication like he did.” You slumped back into the seat. “I know you’re going to go do everything you can, and I don’t want to put you in a bad situation-”
His hand rubbed your shoulder. “I’m going to make sure you’re kept in the loop. In fact, I’ll go have a talk with Tony about your clearance.”
“Thank you.” You got up and he held out his arms for a tight hug.
“Try to get some rest. Keep those phones close.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll let you know as soon as I have anything.”
As soon as you left, Steve threw on some clothes before leaving for the command room. The halls were empty and dark, only the building’s AI lighting his way. Upon entering the command room, default start up protocols began booting computers and turning on monitors.
“Good morning, Captain.” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice filled the room. “How may I be of assistance?”
“I need an update on Bucky and Clint’s mission.”
“According to their last communique, they tracked Mihov to Tasucu, Turkey anticipating he would lead them to the target within 24 hours.”
“Can you reach Barton?” Steve leaned on the smart table.
“Agent Barton’s telephone has been deactivated.”
“Other means?”
“No, Captain. His computer’s satellite connection is offline. There are no other mobility devices assigned for this mission.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., begin bio-locator protocol for Agency Barton and Seargent Barnes, authorization Rogers two-one-papa-six-juliet.”
“Yes, Captain. Search in progress.”
He moved to the window, looking out at the night sky. Twenty-four hours. They’d dealt with longer periods off line. At least they had a solid time frame of their disappearance, thanks to the communications arrangement Bucky set up. Still, a lot of ground could be covered in that amount of time.
“What the hell has you up at this seriously un-godly hour?” Tony walked in.
“Clint and Buck are missing.” Steve frowned. “Somehow their phones, everything are totally unresponsive to the network.”
“What?” Tony called up a virtual screen, flying through data and system architecture at a pace that made Steve dizzy. “Son of a bitch.”
Cap just gave him a ‘what’ look.
“They weren’t destroyed. I have a damage report protocol on all our toys. They’re not just powered off. I can power them up from here. They’ve just been, wiped. Whoever did this knew what would trigger an alert and how to make them unreachable.” Tony turned fully to Steve. “How did you know?”
Steve lowered himself in a chair. “Y/N.”
He explained the system you and Bucky worked out. Tony chuckled. “Well, the Doc has it down.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “We need to talk about her security clearance.”
“Hey,” Tony held up his hands. “I’m the last one to bitch. Do you have any idea how much Pepper knows? That woman could run the world if she wanted to. I’ll back you. Whatever you want to let her in on.”
“We’re going to need to send in an extraction team as soon as we have a location.” Steve chewed his lip.
Tony sighed. “You take care of it. Take whomever you need. I’ll give Rhody a call and we can take care of the Senators.” He tossed a sarcastic grin. “I’ll take them to lunch and watch them have a coronary when I act like I’m going to slide them the bill.”
“Thanks, Tony.”
“No problem, Cap.” He typed in a few more commands on the interface. “This will kick of the detailed analysis of their mission so far. Locations, contacts, all of it. If you run into anything F.R.I.D.A.Y. can’t provide, have her call me.”
“I will.”
“You going to tell the Doc what’s going on, or wait until you have something?”
“I think she’d rather deal with the facts than be left wondering.” Steve sighed. “I’ll call her.”
o o o o o
You curled around Bucky’s pillow, but sleep would not come. There could be no doubt that Bucky was counted among the most dangerous people in the world, one of the greatest survivors ever. If something bad happened, every logical argument could be made that if anyone would, survive, Bucky would. You should not be so worried.
Flopping over on your back you stared at the ceiling. Waiting sucked. Doing nothing sucked worse. You weren’t a soldier, or a strategist, or even a technician. Being a doctor proved to be no help in this situation. Waiting sucked balls.
Giving up on sleep altogether, you got up. Pulling on your yoga pants and one of Bucky’s sweatshirts, you moved to the sofa and flipped on the television. It turned on to one of the movie channels. You smiled at the scene.
Inigo Montoya fought Wesley, as the Dread Pirate Roberts, on top of the Cliffs of Insanity.
You’d shown Bucky this movie a few weeks ago. He laughed at the Pit of Despair and thought Wesley should have just killed Humperdinck. Even explaining it was essentially a children's story, didn’t make a difference. The Prince should have died.
It’d been a great night, relaxed, and curled up on the sofa. He’d always been fine with casual touches in public, a hand on your back, touches on your shoulders, even a chaste kiss. But when you were alone Bucky had two speeds, full on fuck me mode or endless cuddles, No in between. You really wanted to be wrapped in his embrace.
Lost deep in thought you physically jumped when the phone rang. You answered immediately. “Steve.”
“Hey, Y/N. You were right. The mission went sideways. I’m pulling the team together. If you want to hear what’s going on get up to the command briefing room. Do you know where?”
“Eighty-sixth floor. That’s all I know, I don’t have clearance to be up there.”
“You do now.” Steve assured you. “How long will you be? I can meet you at the elevators.”
“I’m leaving the apartment now.”
As you stepped off the elevator on the high security floor, Steve wrapped his arms around you again, whispering in your ear. “Don’t worry. I’ll bring him home, no matter what.”
“Thanks.” You squeezed him back.
“Come on.”
You walked into the room where Sam, Natasha, Wanda and Vision waited. They all looked at you with a bit of shock, all except Sam. He got up and met you half way across the room, giving you a brief hug. “Hey Doc, how you holding up?”
“I’m... okay.” You sat down in the seat Steve held out for you.
“Captain Rogers,” Vision spoke up. “I was not aware that Dr. Y/L/N held a sufficient security clearance for this briefing.”
“Vision.” Wanda shook her head with a roll of her eyes. “Sorry, Y/N.”
“She does now.” Steve answered Vision. “In fact, her clearance has been increased beyond this briefing.”
“Very well.” Vision nodded a greeting your way.
Over the next hour you learned everything about the mission, who Bucky and Clint were chancing down and why. It turned your stomach to think they were searching for someone who was selling reverse engineered space weapons to the highest bidder. Apparently, things went wrong somewhere on the coast of Turkey approximately nineteen hours ago.
“Captain Rogers.” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice interrupted. “I have narrowed down the location of Agent Barton and Sergeant Barnes.”
The AI projected satellite footage of a small town, on the outskirts of which were a complex of modern warehouse and ancient stone buildings. It was approximately one hundred miles inland from where they were last reported.
The team listened to a detailed breakdown of the area and all potential threats. They asked questions, formulated a search and extraction plan. You barely heard any of it. Your eyes were focused on the image. Bucky was there somewhere.
“Suit up.” Steve stood. “We leave in fifteen.”
He stopped at your seat, “Y/N, do you want to come with us? You can stay at the safe house.”
“Okay.” You stood up, taking a deep breath. “I may not be a trauma doctor, but I could be of use in a pinch.”
“It’s not going to come to that.” Steve squeezed your shoulder.
o o o o o
You paced around the room. The clean minimalist design gave you nothing to focus on. Out in the middle of nowhere, Stark’s safe house looked like any other rich industrial mansion, but the interior held secret garages, a quinjet bay, and subterranean levels full of labs, storage and medical bays.
A tone alerted you to the landing of the quinjet. You ran down to the bay entrance, waiting for the jet to land and the outer doors to close. As the rear ramp to the quinjet lowered, you ran out.
Natasha and Wanda pushed Clint out on a stretcher. He was unconscious, filthy and had several fresh trauma dressings applied. Steve and Bucky came down next. Your eyes looked on him. A trauma dressing was wrapped around his right arm.
His blue eyes went from confusion to an unreadable intensity. He strode forward taking your face in his hands and kissing you hard.
“Doc!” Natasha yelled. “Barton needs help!”
You pulled away from Bucky, eyes locked on his. “Med Room! I’m coming!” You turned and followed them at a run.
Natasha helped you cut away the clothes from his wounds. He had a gunshot wound to the left shoulder and wound to the back of his head. Evidence of restraint and abuse littered his body.
“The shoulder is a through and through.” Natasha reported.
“Okay, let’s focus on the head wound.” You checked his pupils, they were even. Good. Beginning to pull out the mobile scanners, you directed Nat to help you get set up. Soon you confirmed he was lucky. No sub cranial swelling. No skull fractures.
You had Nat start him on an IV while you began suturing up his head wound. All you could do was stabilize his shoulder and temporarily close up the wound.
“Y/N?” Steve came in.
“He’s going to be fine. Lost a lot of blood. He should come around now that we’re getting fluids in him. No lasting head trauma that I can assess with what I have. I’ve immobilized the shoulder, he’s going to need an orthopedic in there sooner than later. He will be okay to fly as soon as we get his pressure back up.” You reported.
“Good.” Steve stepped a little closer. “As soon as you’re done your other patient won’t let anyone else touch him.”
You looked up into Steve’s eyes. Something between worry and amusement looked back at you. “He okay?”
“He thanked me for bringing you, and told me he was going to beat my ass for doing it.” Steve half smiled. “He’s going to need his arm cleaned and taped up until it heals. He wouldn’t let me do it.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there.” You pulled off your latex gloves.
You found Bucky in a room down the hall. It was just like any other basic examine room with an exam table, a wall cabinets, a counter with a sink and more storage. There were no windows, being underground. You locked the door when you came in.
As soon as the lock clicked over, he was on you.
Bucky’s hands buried in your hair. His mouth crashed into yours, desperately drinking down your kiss. Tongues and teeth, you met his need with your own. He smelled of dirt, sweat and gunpowder. Still, you wanted to drink him down.
His powerful body pinned you to the door, thigh pressing between your legs and practically lifting you off your feet. You pulled at his shirt, desperate for even more contact. Bucky leaned back enough to pull the shirt over his head.
“Your arm.”
“Later.” Bucky growled as he tugged your clothes off. “Need you.”
His mouth latched onto your neck. Your breasts pressed into his chest, skin hot. The sound of his breath, the feel of skin, the press of his body, it anchored that he was safe. He was here, in your arms, setting you on fire.
Bucky dropped to his knees, laying wet open mouth kisses across your belly as he undid and pushed down you pants. You toed off your shoes and he tossed your clothes away. The intense look in his eyes, as he ran his hands up your thighs, over your hips, your breath hitched.
He guided your right leg over his shoulder and growled as his mouth descended on your wet cunt. Bucky’s tongue delved between your folds, lapping up your honey. He sucked roughly at your clit, causing your back to arch and mewls of pleasure to pour from your mouth.
“Oh shit, Bucky.” You panted. “Need you. Yes.”
He suddenly stood, lifting you off your feet and planting your ass on the table. Bucky didn’t even loose the rest of his clothes, he just released his cock. You reached down, stroking him hard. He moaned, pulling you by the hair to possess your mouth again. Hitching your leg over his hip, you rubbed the head of his cock against your wet cunt. He growled.
Grabbing your ass, Bucky pushed into you. Inch by inch, you savored every sensation. The stretch, the weight. Your hands gripped his hair, teeth nipped his lip. “Fuck me, Buck. Hard.”
A raw feral sound erupted from his chest. His fingers dug into your ass, cock slamming into you with raw power. Yes. You just held on. Bucky’s groans and growled breaths filled your ears. “Fuck. Yes. Mine.”
“Yes!” Fear, worry, anger exploded into overwhelm need. Pleasure tinged with pain swirled through your core, flooding your body in heat. Legs shaking. Fingers pulling at his hair. Skin slapped on skin. Your orgasm hit you hard, fast, sending a flood over Bucky’s cock. He pound into deep as you clenched around him.
“Oh, shit, yes, Doll.” He panted. Buck press into you hard, hold you against him as he came. “Oh, fuck, yes!”
You clung to each other, not wanting to let go. Your breath slowed. Bucky’s lips trailed gentle kisses along your neck and shoulder. Tears you’d been holding back began to fall, only now they ran down your cheeks with relief.
Still holding you tight to his chest, Bucky whispered. “How are you here?”
“Steve.” You sighed, rubbing your nose along his neck. “I went to him.”
“I need to thank him,” he breathed. “Then I’m kicking his ass for bringing you into the field.”
The laugh bubbled up from your toes.
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