#this might be wrong so dont jump me if its ooc pls im sorry
143mizi · 4 months
The way this picture alone describes their relationship so perfectly till always in ivans reach yet never really *looking* at him always so distant and never there while Ivan knows that but still lightly holds onto him never daring to have more than that but at the same time not letting him go completely
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sscoup · 4 years
til our paths cross
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+ pairing: wonwoo x reader (gender-neutral) + genre: fluff + warnings: none
+ word count: 1k ,, give or take xd
+ an: this is so self indulgent so apologies if some things dont make sense,, its also the first fic ive posted for seventeen so im sorry if wonwoo is ooc.. ive lost inspiration and motivation to draw as ive been sick recently so ive decided to spew out my thoughts into words instead.. OKAY ENOUGH FROM ME PLS ENJOY <3
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may comes in like a storm. that feeling of helplessness, of despair. a common theme during this time of the year. more often than not the feelings are inexplainable and usually come and go with no warning. although you’ve survived all the days you thought would be your last, this doesn’t stop the negativity that clouds your mind. recognising this, you decided to take some time for yourself to heal.
on the other side of town another person finds themselves in the same predicament. may comes in like a storm so he spends most of his time inside. the same routine, day in and day out. eat, read, game and sleep. over and over again. this simple routine had taken its toll on him and as much as he hated to admit it, he needed to go outside to refresh.
that same day he found you. sitting alone in a quiet cafe, reading a book with a half eaten dessert on your plate. your legs crossed and casually swinging back and forth to a tune only you could hear. the sun reflected its light on the puddles from the day’s recent rain, casting a soft ambient glow through the window and onto you. 
he released a breath he didn’t even realise he had been holding in. an angel, he thought to himself as he watched you from the sidewalk.
he felt that he had fulfilled his life in that moment. a single second in your presence and he was content. but he was feeling selfish, he wanted more, and that day he decided to act on his selfishness. he found himself inside the cafe, his feet automatically carrying him to your table. he had moved completely on impulse, his heart making decisions before his mind could even think about catching up. he stood stock still as his soul returned to his body, completely speechless as you looked up at him from behind your book.
you felt a chill run up your spine as you had just read a sweet scene from your novel, or maybe it was from the fast approaching figure headed straight for you. looking up, you snuck a glance at the guy. he had this goofy but endearing expression on his face, his mouth agape as if he was about to say something. his dark hair stuck out in a windswept way that made your heart skip a beat. his nose was slightly pink from the cold as it held up a pair of silver frames. behind his glasses were his eyes, cat like eyes that you swear held the stars in them. he was breathtaking.
may comes in like a storm and in a split second a flood of emotions passes you both. each unknowingly stirred by emotions that could only be described as hope. hope that for the first time in that month, things seemed to be looking up.
finding courage, he introduced himself as wonwoo and you introduced yourself in turn. not wanting to intrude and overstay his welcome, he kindly requested for the two of you to exchange numbers and he left, just as soon as he had arrived. you watched as he walked away, sharing one last smile and a wave as he disappeared around the corner.
try as you might, you found that you had completely lost focus on reading as your thoughts continued to drift and think about wonwoo. never in your life had you felt an immediate attraction to a complete stranger. it was a conflict of emotions as although you had just met him, at the same time you felt like you had known him forever. the soft smile you shared with him never left your face as you continued on with the rest of your day.
in his mind, wonwoo felt a flurry of giddy emotions pass through him. all he could think about and want to do was to spend all his time with you. yet the only thing he knew was your name. for the second time that day he let his feet take him wherever as his mind continued to think about you. smiling to himself he replayed the scene from earlier letting it burn and etch itself into his memories.
as he got settled back at home, he stared at his phone dumbstruck on what to say for his first text. you had beaten him to it. you sent a simple greeting and he jumped from the notification. for some reason he was comforted by the fact that you texted first, his anxieties about his introduction possibly creeping you out melting away from a single message.
you: hey there :)
ww: hii! i just realised it was kind of weird for a stranger like me to approach you at the cafe and ask for your number xd sorryy!
you: haha, it kinda was hey
you: all good though! i didnt get any weird vibes from you,, i think <.<
ww: not as weird as the book you were reading if im being honest :oo
you: hey! whats wrong with my book >:(
ww: nothing!! its actually one of my favourites lol :’)
ww: sooo, what else do you like to do besides read?
and from there the two of you stayed awake for the rest of the evening, excitedly awaiting for your replies. as the two of you talked you found that you shared similar interests in reading and occasionally playing games. it was actually comforting to talk to him as your conversation flowed into familiarity, both of your humour and sly teasing was easily understood and reciprocated by the other and it made your heart soar. after realising that your conversation had continued deep in the early hours of the morning, you both reluctantly said good night with an arrangement to meet for coffee the next day.
may comes in like a storm as you lied in bed thinking about the future and the hope that the kind stranger, wonwoo had miraculously brought into your life. on the other side of town he thinks of the same as he watched the early morning breeze gently sway through his curtains, looking forward to seeing you again.
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