#this man really came home from work today and thought 'yes out of everything THIS is what i want to watch'
billowyy · 10 months
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myahs-delulu-palace · 5 months
Human or Doppel…?| That’s not my Neighbor| Francis Mosses x F! Reader OneShot
After another stressful day of work as a doorman, [Name] reaches her apartment and go inside, she finds Francis sitting on the sofa reading a book. [Name] remembers buzzing him in earlier but can’t help but get a little paranoid now…what if he was being a really perfect doppelganger? Just waiting to strike…she starts to tense up a bit at the thought.
Francis takes his eyes off his book once he realizes [Name] came home, but he could tell something was off already.
"Mmmm Darling? Is something wrong?" he asked when he saw her staring at him.
[Name] snaps out of her trance. "Oh uhm…nothings wrong, just tired from work today…those doppelgangers are a lot of work…" [Name] didn’t want him to know what she was actually thinking…if she did, and if he was actually a doppelganger…she’s be fucked even more early…
Francis sets his book aside and gets up. He slowly walks towards her. She can smell a milky smell from him. He wraps his arms around her waist. "Mmmm…Are you sure everything is alright? You have a serious look on your face."
[Name] forces a smile as she looked at her husband’s tired eyes.
"I’m sure, I’m fine honey…" she was obviously lying, a whole ass fetus could tell she was lying…[Name] was a really bad liar when she’s nervous.
Francis could see through your forced smile. He was starting to worry. "Mmmmm…You don’t look fine darling. Are you sure nothing is wrong? I’m getting that feeling that you have been having doubts about me being a Doppelganger..."
[Name] froze…'fucking hell…how did he figure it out so quick!?' she thought to herself. "What…? What uhm…what makes you think that…?" She was still tryna lie even though she was caught so easily.
Francis noticed her sudden change in behavior. This confirmed his suspicions. His expression softened as he tightened his arms around her. "Darling....the past few days...I could see it in your eyes. I could see that you have been having doubts about me. Am I wrong? Please don't tell me.....you think I'm a Doppelganger..."
[Name] looks at him for a bit deciding whether or not to tell him the truth…Francis sensed her hesitation and gently lifts her chin up. He gently looks into your eyes and softly says.
"Darling, please.....don't be afraid to tell me the truth. I can tell you have doubts about me. I know that there are many Doppelgangers out there and you have encountered them at work. Darling...please tell me the truth. Is that...it? Do you think I'm a Doppelganger?"
[Name] sighs and nods her head finally admitting it. "I’m sorry Francis…it’s just…this job and these doppelgangers…they’re getting to my head…these doppels are getting smarter and smarter and it’s making me paranoid…"
Francis sighs as he gently rubs her back. He kisses your forehead and holds you tightly. He whispers into your ear. "I understand Darling. I understand your fears about the Doppels. But I promise you one thing. I swear to you, that I'm not a Doppelganger. I'm real. I'm not a fake. I'm a real man who loves you. I'm your husband..."
[Name] sighs as she lays her head on his chest for comfort, she was glad her paranoia was wrong…she really needed to relax right now after this stress…
Francis can tell that she was overwhelmed with everything. He rubs his fingers through your hair gently and speaks in a soothing voice. "Why don't you forget about your work for the time being and just relax. I'll make you hot cocoa with chocolate milk just the way you like it, sound good?"
[Name] lifts her head up to look at Francis in his eyes again. "Yes, thank you Francis…I’m lucky to have you…" Francis softens with a smile as he continues to stroke her hair. He leans in and gently kisses [Name]’s forehead. He breaks away with a soft chuckle.
"Mmmm....I'm lucky to have you too Darling. I'll be right back with the cocoa okay?" [Name] nods as Francis let her go, she walked to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for her dear husband to come back.
In the kitchen, Francis mixed the hot cocoa. As he mixes the cocoa on the stove, he hums a tune to himself.
Five minutes later, Francis brings the mug of cocoa to the living room. He walks over to the sofa where [Name] is sitting. He sits next to her and gives her the mug. "Here you go Darling. Fresh hot cocoa for you with extra chocolate milk. Just the way you like it.
[Name] takes the hot cocoa carefully and blows on it a bit before drinking it, it tasted sooo good! Francis made the best hot cocoa. “This is making me feel better already, I love you Francis…thank you again for comforting me…”
Francis smiles softly as he watches her drink the hot cocoa. He wraps his arm around her waist and brings her close to his chest. "Mmmm...I'm so glad. Glad that I could reassure you. I'll always be here for you whenever you are feeling nervous. I love you so much Darling...I really don't know what I would do without you in my life...You're everything to me."
Francis' words made [Name] blush as she cuddled next to him on the couch and continued to drink her hot cocoa, they remained next to each other the rest of the night…
I just thought, “this will make a great fanfic! :p” and now here I am on the toilet writing this out. Hope you enjoyed reading! I’ve been dying to make a “That’s not my neighbor” story and I finally made one! I would’ve made a twist ending but decided to just go wholesome if that’s alright. Maybe I’ll make an alternate ending…
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strawberryblue-blog · 5 months
Disaster. Part 1 —Joao Felix.
summary: You see Joao again after he broke your heart and nothing goes as you expected.
warnings: none. enemy to lovers, exes to lovers, many curses, cute, soft.
words count: +2.3k
#SEXYNOTE: Don't worry, there will be a second part of this and it will come faster than you think. Thanks for waiting, sorry for being late. love y'all 💙
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The Uber took you to the place you had indicated when you left home, right outside the restaurant where you were supposed to have dinner. Before entering you took your purse and took out a gloss to put some on your lips, it was just a little gloss to look more appropriate. Even though you had left work an hour ago and after a quick shower and putting on the first thing you found, it wasn't like you were ready for your date.
Yes, a date. A blind date that your best friend had set up for you, which you clearly hadn't asked for but had had to agree to when she was so insistent that you come along.
Camila had taken it upon herself to find the perfect suitor for you, according to her. You had absolutely no idea who this was, you didn't even know if it was true or if it was going to be a joke from your friend. She was very insistent that your partners were invisible because she had never really seen you with one. But you had never done anything official with anyone for a long time, you didn't invest your time in men anymore.
You walked into the fancy restaurant, which you allowed yourself to admire as you closed the door behind you. Your friend had mentioned dressing well and you felt a little offended when she said it, but now you understood. Eating here was probably going to be expensive but you could treat yourself for today and if it all ended badly on the date, you would never come to this place again.
"Hello, excuse me" you called to the receptionist. "The table in the name of Y/LN?" you asked at the girl's kind smile.
"Good evening, your table is table 9" she kindly replied checking on her computer.
You politely thanked her and as you turned to go your way, your legs shook. You were nervous and you were not one to get nervous. But the thought of sitting down to dinner with a complete stranger made you hesitate. However, you plucked up your courage and went on your way, spotting the tables guiding you to find your number.
A man's marked back made you swallow your breath. You were a few steps away from him and when your eyes caught sight of the young man with his back turned, you sighed, calming your nerves. I'll just be a while, eat, chat and then leave. «Be nice» You said in your mind. Above all you were going to be polite, whatever your date, you were going to make a good impression.
You took your last steps, approaching the table and when the boy heard you, he looked up at you.
Oh, no. No way.
"Hello, Y/n" he greeted with a smile.
You, on the other hand, frowned in confusion feeling your legs wobble. Damn it. It couldn't be. This was a dream.
"I'm sorry, I think there's been a mistake" you said trying to pretend you didn't recognize it. Your voice dropped and you looked to your sides in confusion.
But inside you, everything moved. This was not true.
"There isn't" the young man mentioned. "Camila wanted to get us together apparently" came back a chuckle.
Damn it. You couldn't believe it was him sitting there. He looked so changed. He really looked more handsome, more mature, like a real man. But in your mind he was still the young man from a few summers ago, the handsome boy who had been driving you crazy since you were little.
"This has got to be a fucking joke," you sigh in disbelief.
Your friend really is crazy, how could she think she could bring you on a date with Joao? The same guy who had rejected you years ago and broke your heart, you hated him!
"You look great" he announced trying to flirt.
"Not with me, Joao" you warn denying.
You don't know whether to be offended by the situation, whether he had been sent by someone who hated you in this life or what was the reason he was here. But he definitely knew you would be here, while you came here hoping to connect with someone else.
You felt somewhat frustrated by what happened that the hunger or anxiety you felt vanished and the urge to run from the place came over you.
"I-I think I should go" you stammered starting to walk.
"Wait!" you heard him yell but you started running to get out of the place.
Yes, you felt offended, humiliated and weird. How were you supposed to connect with Joao if you guys weren't speaking to each other since that day, you hadn't even thought about seeing him again. You were supposed to move on with your lives and never cross paths again. Had Camila lost her mind? Of course she had. There was no other explanation.
You stood on the sidewalk of the place with your head looking sideways, waiting for a cab to arrive as quickly as possible. Damn it! You'd come here for nothing, now you were hungry and a goddamn craving for Joao!
It was clear that seeing him again had had an effect on you, even more so when he looked as fucking hot as he did. You weren't the same as before, now you were both grown up and you had the strength to face him, but he wasn't going to play with you again.
A sigh escaped your lips as no one seemed to appear in the night. Great, what else could go wrong? You'd already ruined dinner, you'd drive home hungry and embarrassed. There were no cabs around and walking was not an option.
Lights flashed in your view as a car approached you, you sighed gratefully. When it parked in front of you, you bit your lower lip with a grimace. It wasn't a cab or an Uber. It was a damn sports car that was worth more than your entire estate put together. It was Joao's car.
You ignored him as he leaned out the window, averting your eyes to the road praying a cab would show up right now. You weren't going to let him drive you home, you weren't going to let him into your life again.
"Stop acting immature, get in" he indicated after a few minutes.
No one had shown up until then. Not even a damn bus that could take you home. But you couldn't give in.
You turned on your heels and started walking briskly, with your head held high and taking it all in. Getting a little further away was a good option and maybe on the way you would find a cab. Beside you, you could see the car start to approach you, and you pressed your lips together indignantly. Why hadn't he left yet? Wasn't it enough for him to see you running out of the restaurant or to ignore him here?
As you walked, the car's lights still shining on you, you could see out of the corner of your eye how he was getting closer and closer to you. You were starting to get annoyed.
"Get in, Y/n, please" he shouted from inside like a plea. "It's late, let me take you home safe and sound" he said again and you stood up with a start.
You hated it. You had done something wrong in this life for karma to pay you back like this, right where it hurt the most. Of course. It's not easy to forget when a man rejects you in your full youth, much less one you liked very much. And he had hurt you so much.
You sigh cursing and grab the doorknob of the car, opening the door to sit in the seat with a serious little pout on your face. You stare straight ahead at all times, not giving him the pleasure of looking at you even though you know he smiled like he had won the lottery.
"Don't say a word" you point out angrily. Joao nods with a chuckle and sets off.
The silence is overwhelming inside the car and you can feel the nerves stinging on the tips of your toes. Your palms sweat and you don't know what to do. There is no music, no words. There are only sighs and the voice of the geolocator pointing the way to your house.
The tension becomes more and more suffocating, at times you find it hard to breathe and your gaze wanders a little to the boy's place. You swallow as your eyes focus on his muscular thighs and you shift uncomfortably in your seat. Joao notices your tension and turns from time to time to look at you, making it increasingly difficult.
Damn it. Through the window you catch a glimpse of his profile and your heart races at the sight of him looking so calm, when you're a mess inside thanks to him. The heat in your neck makes you swallow your saliva nervously, the trip seems to take forever and you start to get anxious about getting home.
A current of electricity runs down your back when Joao's hand releases the steering wheel and goes to your leg. Your breath hitches and you freeze. His fingers dig into your inner thigh and you stifle a gasp in your throat as he gently caresses you. You want to grab his hand and pull it away but you cannot. He's left you speechless. You don't even recognize yourself right now, but the fire begins to grow inside you and you despair that you can't control it.
You're thankful when you start to recognize the houses in your neighborhood, knowing you're close to home makes you feel a little safe. You need to get out of this car before something else grows inside you.
When his car parks in front of your house, you sigh to fill your sick lungs with air. You haven't breathed easy since his hand caressed you and when his hand is removed from your body, the air rushes back into your system. You open the door, staggering, anxious to get out. You listen as Joao also gets out of the car and you watch him from the corner of your eye circle the car.
On his face is a seductive smile, a smile that makes you think he won. Damn it, you should never have let him bring you home. Or let him touch you. «Great, Y/N, you're an idiot!»
When he's close to you, he's leaning against the side of the hood of his car, his hands in his pockets, staring at you. Your body is on its side, you turn your back to him and it's now that you feel humiliated. You have to thank him, it's the least you can do for driving here but your face falls in shame. You hug your body, giving yourself some reassurance and turn around facing him.
"Thanks for the ride" you say simply.
The distance between you is prudent but you know that doesn't ensure you feel your belly contract as you see him there, licking his lips with his exalted gaze on you. Your eyes tremble as they meet his, you try to look away but you can't help but think how cute they are. Everything about him. Damn it.
"My pleasure, Y/n" he says softly. You nod with a grimace.
You make the feint to turn around but stop yourself. You can't, your body acts on its own. You run up to him and kiss him without saying anything. Even though you took him by surprise, Joao rests his hands on your hips and pulls you to him, kissing your lips. Your tongues dance in rhythm, while your hands are busy caressing his chest. The taste of his mouth is still intact in your memory, recalling your first kiss years ago.
When the images of that night that was so special for you (but nothing special for Joao) come into your head, you quickly pull away from him. Your lips are numb and heavy, your heart pounding and the fire in your chest burning.
It was a nice kiss but that will be all.
You won't see him again, you don't want to see him again. This is just part of your mistake in having gone on the date in the first place. Tomorrow you can forget about it as long as you stay away from Joao.
Just like that, you turn and walk quickly for home, escaping his nets before it's too late.
It's not too late, is it?
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panxramic · 5 months
Missa cubito ohmygod today’s stream was SOOO.
Firstly, I haven’t talked about this but the fact that q!Missa has finally accepted the family home as his home too makes me want to snob. The fact that he calls it HIS home too, after spending so long distancing himself and saying that he doesn’t deserve to live with them? It makes my heart spin. And yes he still has his movements of self doubt but he knows now that this is his home and this is where he will always return to no matter what.
And I adore the little things that Missa notices. Last stream he got so giddy over the barrel in the house with his name on it and got so happy that he was included with the rest of the family even if he didn’t have anything in it. And then once again today gasping and getting happy at seeing the barrel again as if it was the first time all over. Missa loves being loved and he adores the little things the family does to show it. And how does he return the favor? With drawings he can leave behind dedicated to each one of them. Because he loves his family and he will find a way to physically show it even if he can’t be awake when they are.
And ohhh today with the cakes. He struggled so much and he lost so much energy trying to make the birthday cake for Tallulah but he would not give up until he got it done for both of them because his kids deserve it. And can I also point out I don’t think he realized it was also Chayanne’s birthday but he still made him a cake because he wanted to give something to his son and not make him feel left out. And when he was making the drawing for Tallulah he would not stop and he would not let ANYTHING distract him because his daughter deserves the world and she deserves the perfect painting.
Then come the raccoons. He goes and helps them clean because maybe he can earn money for the family and help out more around the house -> something Missa has always struggled with. He always wants to provide for the family the way they have him so he goes along with these raccoons. Then it all goes to shit when Bad logs on and he finds out it was his home they were cleaning. He finds the dead bodies and he gets scared because… who is this man he’s been calling his friend? Why does he have a grave of bodies underneath his home?
Missa runs. He tries to run away from q!Bad but he always finds him. And then it gets revealed that Missa was working with the raccoons and Bad backs away from Missa because how could he betray him. And Missa does try to explain it, he doesn’t know what is going on. He’s lost and confused and no one is answering his questions. q!Bad threatens and leaves q!Missa with the racoons just for the racoons to stab Missa in the back and rob him too.
This is when he asks himself, who can he trust? q!Bad isn’t who he thought he was, and the racoons betrayed him. He has considered q!Bad a friend for a long time because he’s always on when Missa is on and is always there to help (though if you ask me I would argue the opposite). He tried finding a way to justify Bad’s behavior, even the stuff chat brings up until he can’t. So, he goes back home and prepares a letter to Phil.
Because he realizes after everything in his life, after continuously trusting and relying on the wrong people, he concludes he can only trust q!Phil.
Missa never really leaves letters. His thing has always been paintings and small gifts. But for the first time (in what might be a long time) he leaves Phil a letter. Now that he’s accepted this is his home, he sees it’s also a place people can use to hurt him, in this case q!Bad.
Notice how when q!Bad came back and said he was gonna prank q!Phil and left, q!Missa immediately ran in to check on the kids? His priority and his fear will always be losing his family. He has spent so much of his life pushing himself a way from them, he doesn’t want to lose them when they’re so so close.
But as always… Missa runs. He runs away and sleeps somewhere else for tonight.
In his defense, I will say that this time it’s different. He’s running to protect his family. Is it the best option? I don’t think so. Missa always has struggled with feeling like he isn’t enough. And in this case, his families lives could be in danger so he runs away, because it’s his fault and he isn’t enough to protect them.
I will say. Things have changed. Because this time around he warned Phil. These two have had SOOO many instances of miscommunication and not talking to one another and we finally have a moment in which Phil is hearing directly from Missa. Not some other character, not his kids, Missa.
And the last thing Missa said when he went to bed. He wasn’t sleeping on a bed, because the only bed he will ever sleep on is the one in his home. LIKE FUCK. Yes he ran, yes he left to protect his family. But that’s his home. That’s where he will ALWAYS return to for comfort and safety. It isn’t a forever. It’s just for now.
For the first time, Missa is certain he will always have a home to return to.
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quirrrky · 11 months
≡ NOTES ⋮ iwa-chan just omyghad! and akaashi you! OFC, kuroo my love, my hope, my ultimate fantasy (can't believe I'm fangirling over my work)
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Who would appear so good-looking just throwing the trash out? Of course, it’s your neighbor, and you couldn't believe the man would come knocking at your door, offering to take out the trash for you.
Iwaizumi would always extend his help in fixing things around your home. You needed to replace the light bulb, he’s one doorbell away. You thought Iwaizumi was simply being kind and you’re blessed to have him around. From repainting your room to moving your furniture around he was there and he’s the one you called. Mainly, because you also wanted to see him, kind of to get close to him. 
It was all just a harmless crush until you called him instead of a plumber.  
His top got drenched from the faulty water works, so he removed his shirt revealing his well-sculpted body. You gulped, throat drying up at the sight of him turning something with a wrench, his biceps bulging as he did so.   
He raked a hand through his hair, and you sure felt the air got stuck in your chest. He was so strong and manly. Swoon-worthy. Totally not the prince charming type. A little rough around the edges, but he’s perfect and he’s making you feel things you never had before. 
Meanwhile, Hajime never felt bothered by a lot of things, until he moved in next to you. He couldn’t help but find you beautiful the moment he laid eyes on you along the hallway. Not to mention, you would wait for him in the elevator and would give him a little something from the grocery store. That’s why he decided to be your go-to guy, of course it’s not because he wanted to impress you or something. Really though he wanted to impress you, pfft.  
“Fixed,” he stood up, and you were just there...speechless, until you regained awareness. 
“Thank you,” you said and extended a towel to him. “Here, use this so you can dry yourself up.” 
He patted the towel along his body, and his eyes never leaving yours. You just watched in awe still trying to remain composed.  
“I’ll just return this to you after laundry,” he informed while slinging the towel over his shoulder. How could a simple act make you feel a little crazy? 
“Y-Yes...” You were almost speechless, and he was quite hesitant to leave either.  
“See you,” he bade as he went past your front door. 
“See you,” you said in response as he closed the door.  
Gosh, you should’ve coked for him as a way of thanking him for everything. You couldn’t believe you let the chance to spend more time with him slip away.  
You sighed when you heard your doorbell ring. Opening the door, you were surprised to find Iwaizumi outside.  
“Are you free tonight?” He asked and you blinked in disbelief. “Can you join me for dinner?” 
It all started one morning when he dropped by the coffee shop near his office and you’re the one who handed him his drink.  
“I haven’t seen you here before,” Akaashi said with bewildered eyes. His hand over yours around the cup not moving.  
You blushed equally finding the man in front of you attractive. “I just started today.”’ 
And what started that day was not only your part-time job, but also the unspoken attraction between you and your favorite customer.  
Keiji would always sit on the lounge chair facing the counter. He normally worked at the office, but now he had a new place to get things accomplished. Whenever he’s strained from reviewing different materials, one glance at you and every bit of stress just fades away. He’d sneak a glance at you through the brim of his cup as he sipped. Sometimes he’d subtly chuckle whenever you’d do something clumsy. 
You, on the other hand, would casually look his way whenever there’s no new customer around. Oh, how you resisted the urge to offer him something just so you could talk to him. 
You both needed divine intervention until that day came. It was when he looked out of his element. He still managed to smile at you though, but worry was evident in his tired eyes, so you braved up and wrote a note on his cup. 
He took his drink as usual and only noticed your note once he settled in his seat.  
A beautiful smile would make a beautiful day.  
A smile spread across his face. He looked at you and you exchanged shy and knowing gazes. Now, he was thinking of a way to return the favor. Knowing that you were the one who always bussed out his table, he left a table napkin with a hand-written note. 
Proof that a beautiful smile could make someone’s day even better. 
You thought he was not able to see your smile when you saw the note he left, but you didn’t know that he waited for you from across the street. He smirked in success as soon as he saw you giggling to yourself.  
It went on for weeks that it became a routine—no, it became something that you both looked forward to everyday, until Keiji showed up at the coffeeshop, but you weren’t the one attending him.  
Maybe you were absent for that day, but it persisted for the following days. It’s silly but Keiji felt a weird kind of panic. What if he won’t see you again? Maybe he should have gotten your number earlier on or befriended you than exchanged silly notes through paper cups and table napkins.  
He exhaled in exasperation. The chimes to the shop’s clank, which made him look and he was beyond relieved to see you.  
You were in casual clothes and didn’t seem to be working for the day. You held each other’s gazes as if you were both about to say something but didn’t know what it was. 
“Y/N, what brings you here?” Your colleague asked. “Have you left something?” 
Your eyes never left Keiji’s as you replied, “Yes, I think I might have.” To be honest, your contract was done. It was just a temporary stint after all, but something inside you was nagging you to come back. “Sir,” you greeted the bespectacled man in front of you.  
“Keiji, it’s Keiji,” he said. 
You smiled, pointing to his drink. “Did they get it right? You want yours with cinnamon.” 
“No, I...” Keiji smiled and shyly rubbed the back of his neck. “I actually want mine made by you.” 
Your cheeks heat up not expecting to hear that from him. He always seemed like a shy type, you thought, but Keiji won’t let this chance slip away.  
“Do you...Do you want anything to drink?” He asked and offered, “It’s on me.”  
You bashfully smiled. Finally, that day, you two shared more than just notes from cups and table napkins.  
Your work life was basically as plain as it could get. Boring same-same eight-to-five thing. You’re basically praying for something magical to happen for once until that very wish was granted.  
Once upon a time, when you were about to go up to your floor, the elevator almost closed in on you. When it reopened again, you were met with the sight of a tall and handsome man looking dapper in a suit. You never believed that time could stop even in a snap, but it did at that moment, and you were looking at each other with such bewilderment.  
You controlled not grinning from ear to ear. You got off before him and you wished you could’ve seen his name on his ID before you left. Maybe you’d see him again. Hopefully, you could. 
Maybe it wasn’t the first time you’d seen each other or came across one another, but there’s something about that day that changed everything. Ever since that chance encounter, you would frequently ride the same elevator.
You would take note of the different patterns of his necktie and the way his suit sets always looked good on him. Add to that, the divine way his perfume complemented his get-up.  
Meanwhile, Kuroo was so lucky he always got to enter first and he could watch you right in front of him, catching a glance of the cute little expression you had before entering the elevator. He couldn’t help but take note of the sweet scent you gave of. Was it your perfume or your shampoo? 
You gave him something to look forward to at work every day and he gave you something to feed your imagination.  
Elevator hottie as you nicknamed him not knowing that he tagged you as Elevator cutie too. 
It almost became a silent agreement between the two of you. Kuroo would always wear that confident smirk and you would bite your cheek attempting not to grin. You didn’t see each other everyday, but you both treasured the opportunity once it was there.  
It went on for a few months now, and the moments you were shoulder to shoulder against each other were the only chance you could get to be closer. You were a little shy and Kuroo couldn’t get a good chance to start a conversation with all the other passengers around, until that one day.  
You got off the elevator while placing your phone inside your bag not noticing that it didn’t slip inside. You walked unaware of what happened. 
Someone called out to you, and you turned towards the direction of your name. You were surprised to see that it was him.  
“Your phone,” he said, giving you the gadget. 
“Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you so much.” You told him and finally placed your phone inside your bag. Wondering how he knew your name, you asked, “Wait...how did you-” 
Coyly biting his lip, he chuckled, “Your ID.” 
Your eyes widened in a delightful surprise.  
He reached out his hand, “I'm Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsurou, by the way.” 
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© quirrrky 2023 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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paradiseismine · 6 months
Twice as wet - Mike Wheeler x reader
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Part 1/2.
Pairing: Mike Wheeler x f!reader
Warnings: slight NSFW, but tasteful I swear ok bye
It was a hot summer’s day, but not as hot as you. Your hair was shinier than ever and your smile was to die for, after all. Your confidence in your body had increased in the last year or so, and ever since you moved to Hawkins a month ago, it had sky rocketed, for some reason. You had just turned 18 and were ready to meet some cute guys.
Just not today.
Your mom had hired some neighbourhood kid to mow the lawn, and told you to stay home all afternoon to pay him afterwards, since she would be out to run some errands. So you sat on your couch, bored in a bikini and a pair of your shortest shorts, unable to jump in the backyard pool until that damn boy’s arrival.
At 1 p.m. sharp, your doorbell rang. You walked to the door and opened it gently.
- Uh, hello, are-are you y/n? - The boy asked, his head slightly tilted down so he would look you in the eyes. Man, was he TALL.
- Hi, that’s me - you smiled sweetly, trying to remember his name - and you’re… Michael, right? My mom told me to wait for you.
- Yes, that’s right… You can call me Mike, though - he scratched the back of his neck with his left hand, licking his lips.
That really got your attention. You examined his face for a second. His perfect jet black hair, his fair skin, plump red lips, delicate little freckles… Ugh. He’s so beautiful. Your lips cracked open as you wanted to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. It was nearly a trance.
- So uh, should I get started on the lawn? - he grinned, shyly.
- Oh, yes - you said, as your eyes shot wide open, breaking that trance. - Sure. Come, I’ll show you where everything is.
You showed him around the garden and the garage: where the lawn mower was, how it worked and the area he needed to mow: your front yard first, and then the backyard, just around the pool. You tried to keep your cool and be normal about it, hoping he hadn’t noticed your staring when he arrived.
But he did. Mike Wheeler had been 18 for a few months right now, and he couldn’t believe such a pretty girl would check him out like that. He also tried to keep his cool, of course. He needed those summer jobs to afford a new guitar, and wouldn’t risk doing anything to displease you.
After the front yard was done, Mike circled around the house and got to the backyard - just to see you sunbathing near the pool.
Fuck, she’s perfect, he thought, as you got up and turned around, giving him a good look of your figure. What he wasn’t expecting, though, is that you jumped in the water a few seconds later.
As you emerged from the water, your hair darker and your eyes slightly squinted because of the sun, he couldn’t help but also notice all the little water droplets that were dripping from your face to your chest.
He was definitely checking you out. Ugh, thank God, you thought. Finally a cute boy I can obsess over. Because of course, you wouldn’t obsess over anyone who wasn’t obsessed with you too. As the work was all done, he put the lawn mower back on its place and walked over to you.
- Thank you so much, darling - you said, batting your eyelashes at him, your legs dangling from the edge of the pool. - There’s a red envelope on the fridge with your payment. I guess you could grab it later…
- Later? - he said, confused.
- Yes, after a little swim with me… in here - you said, smiling as if you had just offered him a drink of water.
Mike chuckled. He was definitely taking a sip.
- I mean… c-can I? - he asked, just in case.
- Of course, i got plenty of towels you could dry off with later… my mom won’t mind, she’s not coming back home until, at least, 7 p.m… What do you say?
Mike smiled at you as he yanked his shirt from the back of his neck. Just that single movement already made your insides twitch. Oh, that boy was in for a treat.
As he took off his pants and sneakers, you simply watched, no longer worrying about getting caught staring at him. He sat down next to you on the edge of the pool, his cheeks a bit red. Maybe from the sun, maybe from shyness.
You leaned in to kiss him, there was no point in waiting. He kissed you back softly, his hands grabbing your waist gently, as if he was afraid to scare you off. You were so pretty, he couldn’t believe it. Your right hand reached for his face, caressing it lightly, as you held his arm with your left hand and slowly guided him to actually enter the pool, so you would both stand up in it. Now your bodies were touching, and you hoped he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as you grabbed a fistful of his perfect hair and scratched his back with your nails, now fully making out with him.
He reached for your thighs and brought you up to his waist, intensifying your lust. You wrapped your legs around him, holding yourself in place, as his hands slowly left your butt after a few good grips. You had never been so grateful for that pool.
Mike Wheeler had the biggest boner of his life. His underwear was white and now completely wet, plus he had a hard-on - great. What if you were offended by it? Was that uncalled for? Those questions left his brain the second your soft hand reached down under the water.
Damn, that boy was packing some heat down there. He jumped out of his skin with your touch, at first, but melted into it a second later.
- I know you’re kissing me in the pool just to get me twice as wet - you said, chuckling, as your foreheads were touching. - But maybe we should continue this on dry land.
- Sure, whatever you want, princess - he said, enchanted by you.
- Whatever I want, huh? - you put your arms around his neck, tilting your head to the side. - That’s good to hear. I might take advantage of this later, though.
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deonsx · 1 year
Good Girl For Them
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor
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Content: obscene speech
Dazai Osamu
You wanted him at work You wanted him at home you wanted him everywhere but he wasn't interested in you these days you knew what a serious guy he was at work
If it's a really serious business, you can never stop him, but it's been going on like this for 1 month, he doesn't take care of you, sometimes you even suspect that he's coming home, he sleeps at work or comes home for 2-3 hours
There's nothing he can't do in his job. A mission was more valuable than his own life. You tried to talk to him, but he promised you to pick up where he left off after his mission
But you really didn't like to put up with it, you were going to sleep alone tonight like any other night. But tonight you were feeling horny just like any other night, the only difference was you didn't want to deprive yourself
You wanted to touch yourself but you hesitated but you really started thinking about him you closed your eyes slowly undressed..everything was normal until you moaned his name "osamu..hah" you sighed your fingers went deep until you heard that voice
"So that's how you satisfy yourself while I'm gone, bella”
Your eyes widened at the sound you heard and I quickly sat up, "Osamu? It's not like that-" Osamu put his hand in his hair and scratched his face with a slight anger, "If that's what you want"
You couldn't speak, and he sat down slowly on the coffee table across the bed "Hm? What's the matter sweetie"
He was looking at you as if he was expecting something, you swallowed...you got out of bed and knelt in front of him "So cute" Your hands went to her pants and you unzipped them
“You're a good girl, aren't you?"
Chuuya Nakahara
You were working in your office and your boyfriend was front of your desk, and next to you was a boy who had just joined the team
You were all reviewing and organizing the documents the Boss gave, but you talked a little too much with the boy next to you and you got chuuya's full attention
The boy bent down in your ear to tell you something, suddenly the table slammed into the floor hard "what the hell are you talking to my woman?" looking at the boy, chuuya asked
The boy didn't answer and you didn't talk he just told you something about work and it made your boyfriend suddenly angry but you didn't find him wrong so you kept your silence
"We're leaving! We're done here for today, but you'll take care of the files for us" He made fun of him and grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you out of the office
He quickly pulled you into a corner. "Why are you letting him talk to you? Or does he have something that I don't?" he asked in a serious and slightly elevated tone
You laughed at his angry face "my love it's not possible she told me something about work it would be silly to look at another man than you"
He grinned at you, "So that's it… will you do whatever I say?" You nodded your head yes
“kneel my love”
Fyodor Dostoyevski
These days, you didn't even have time to stop by the house where the two of you live together, you were constantly going on missions
You were secretly working in the Agency to spy, for Fyodor and you couldn't find the time for her these days, but you didn't care, you wanted to give her important information and show her your worth
You were in one of those duties again and you were talking to the people in the agency, at that moment you felt a sense of being watched, but you thought it was not that important and continued the conversations
When it was evening, you finally came back to your house, your eyes were light sleepy, you saw him, you wanted to give the information as soon as possible and increase his confidence in you, in fact, you were doing everything for him
When you got home you saw your boyfriend Fyodor waiting in the dark "oh? didn't you sleep? I brought you good information" your voice rang with joy but no sound was heard from him
"Fyodor? What's the matter? Was there a leak in one of the missions—" he interrupted. "You think everything in my life is a mission?" You are stunned "I chose you as my girlfriend but you are not here even at night my dear?"
You didn't know what to say "I do everything for you... aren't you ?" your hair fell in front of your eyes, the man's eyes shone in the moonlight and he looked at you
"To happy me? Do you really want that?" You nodded but you thought to yourself did you really do all this to him but didn't he want it all this time? You looked forward to what he was going to tell you. Another mission? Or Assassination?
“Show me your Skills and kneel under the table”
Request Are Open
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vscabarca · 6 months
could u do something really angsty with ferran torres
the Ibiza incident - Ferran Torres
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summary: Ferran cheats on you during vacation, but tries to fix the mess he made.
genre: angst
warnings: cheating, swearing
a/n: anon you made it really hard to write something angsty about ferran lol, I just see him as fluff in person.
Your throat grew tight, your eyes started watering. This couldn’t be true.
You just came home from work, absolutely exhausted, wanting to relax in your shared home when your friend, Lucia, send you a TikTok link.
Not knowing what you were about to see, you opened the link, putting your feet onto the coffee table in the meantime.
It was a video recorded by a random girl, showing a guy a few feet away heavily making out with another woman. At first you didn’t understand why your friend would send you this, not until you looked at the hashtags. #ferrantorres #eltiburon #cheater #y/nandferran
Your heart stopped. Could this man really be your boyfriend of four years? Like hypnotized you rewatched the video about ten times until you finally spotted the tattoo on his upper arm. It really was your boyfriend, sticking his tongue into another girl’s mouth.
Ferran had told you he would go to Ibiza with a few of his friends, just enjoying his freetime. He had actually asked you to tag along, but due to work you couldn’t come with him. You trused him, you always had. There was never a time where you didn’t trust him, your relationship seemed to be healthy until now.
You felt sick, your head was spinning and tears were flowing freely.
"I‘m so sorry, I‘m already on my way.“ Your friend texted. You just laid there on the couch, head in your hands while you sobbed uncontrollably. You didn’t even realize your friend entered the shared apartment, not until she engulfed you in her arms.
„I thought he loved me.“ You sobbed, clinging onto Lucia’s sweater.
„I‘m so sorry Y/n, I don’t know why he would do something like that.“
That night ended in a blurr, you were so tired from all the crying that you just passed out on the couch.
The next morning came crashing down and you woke up to numerous texts and phone calls from Ferran.
„Baby answer me please“
„I know it looks bad but I can explain“
„I love you“
„please don’t ignore me baby“
7 missed calls by fer💕
„I‘m coming home today“
„we can talk things through“
The tears were already welling up in your eyes. How could someone who swore their love for you, who bought you a promise ring, who you experienced every firsts with, just throw all away for some minutes of pleasure? Lucia came with a cup of coffee and helped you calm down again.
„He doesn’t deserve you, you’re too good for him.“
You just sniffled but agreed with what she said.
„How about you spend some time at my place? I‘ll prepare everything and you pack some stuff to take with you, then I‘ll pick you up again.“ She suggested. Lucia really was a lifesaver, you didn’t know what you would’ve done without her.
You broke down again in the bedroom while putting some clothes into a small luggage. All those moments spent here, were it intimate nights, early morning cuddles or just napping together, it felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest once again.
The pictures of you two on the wall didn’t make it any better. Your fingers traced over a selfie of you and Ferran. It had been the night where he asked you to move in with him and of course you said yes.
The door of the bedroom suddenly was pushed open and a distressed Ferran stood in the doorway, the travelbag thrown onto the floor.
„Baby what are you doing?! I can explain.“ He stumbled towards you, but you only backed up, the tears flowing freely again. Was he really thinking you would forget what he had done?
„What the fuck do you think I‘m doing?! Why Ferran? I thought it was going well between us.“ You sobbed, clothes clutched tightly in your hand.
„I‘m so sorry, I messed up. She means nothing to me I swear. I love you.“ He tried to come closer but you just pushed him away.
„Who is she?“ At least knowing the truth would be nice.
„Just a random girl from instagram, she texted me to meet up and it just happened but-”
„How long? How long had this been going on?“ You interrupted, not believing any of this was really happening right now.
„Three weeks, but it only happened once in Ibiza, then I realized what a mistake I‘ve made.“ Only three weeks.
You didn’t listen to any of his bullshit but brushed past him, not really knowing where to go.
„Baby I swear I‘m so sorry.“ He chased after you, trying to grab your wrist to stop you from walking away.
„Don’t fucking touch me. You‘ve been cheating on me for three weeks, texting random girls. Did you sleep with her too?“ If he would answer yes, it would’ve been over for good, no „let me explain“ and „I only love you“ shit.
„I took her back to our house, yes“
You felt like you were about to faint, starting to cry once again. With an impulsive decision you slapped him across the cheek. It didn’t seem to hurt much, but he still couldn’t bare to look at you.
„We‘re over. You’re a fucking asshole and don’t try to apologize if you don’t mean it, otherwise you wouldn’t have cheated.“
You looked at him one last time, pulling off the ring he gifted you and placed it on the kitchen counter. You grabbed your luggage and walked through the door one last time that day.
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romancefranaticstay · 5 months
TᑌTOᖇ ᗰE
Category: ♥ Fluff, smut ♥
Teacher!Seungmin x fem!reade!student
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Another day, another time, it sucked. You were a student at the university of Seoul. You were doing great at almost every subject you choosed, exspect... math.
You didn't even know why math was one of your subjects. You never choosed it. You even sended a mail, but you couldn't change now. So you had to survive it this year. Your worst nightmare, you worst fear, *math*.
Your teacher didn't had time to tutor you, so he asked another math-teacher to help you. Today was the day to meet him, after school.
The entire day went very slowly, but atleast your friends were comique so it wasn't to boring. Your teachers were always gossiping about every student. And then they dare to say that we are horrible?! How?
After school you had to stay in your classroom. You were waiting and playing with your pencils. When he wasn't here yet for the past 5 minutes, you decided to walk around the classroom. Just walking and staring at the walls.
Suddenly the door opened and you saw an interesting man walking inside.
'Miss... I/N Y/N?" his eyes widened when he saw you. You were very beautifull, he could not deny.
'Yes, that is me, i am here for you tutoring lessons.'
'You can seat yourself next to me.'
You walked over and seated yourself. The chair hurted your butt, but that does every chair in this university.
'Could you tell me what you don't understand?'
'Everything is much.'
'Yeah i don't know much about math.'
He started with chapter six, because thats the most important chapter. His voice was very soft and it made you relaxed. You could quit understand a bit, but it was very difficult, because maybe this would sound weird... he was extremely hot. You could call him 'smexy'.
You were staring a bit to him. Not really focusing on this theorie of this chapter. His lips were cute, his nose also, but his eyes. You just could stare in them forever.
He saw you watching his face. He actually didn't mind it. You snapped out of you deep-stare.
'I am sorry, i was just wandering into my thoughts, mine apologies.'
'It is okay, this part is not very important.'
He was actually only supposed to teach you for 1 hour, but he taught you for 2 hours. You didn't watch the clock, you loved each other's presence. He could explain everything so well, his voice was so beautiful. For him, 2 hours feels like 10 minutes. Its beautiful; hands turned the page.
Suddenly your alarm went off, and everything was a little disrupted. Seungmin looked at his watch.
'Oops, it's already 8pm, my apologies. I'll give you some papers to work on at home. You have lessons from me every day, so finish these papers by tomorrow if possible.'
'That's probably possible, depending on what tasks I still have to complete from my other teachers. Thank you for this lesson.'
you stood up and started packing everything up.
'I'll see you again tomorrow. Have a nice day!'
He watched you leave the classroom. He never noticed what a beautiful figure you have. He had already seen you walking around, but of course he had never spoken to you. Of course he had never spoken to you before, you are a student and he is a teacher. It is not forbidden, but it is frowned upon. Still, some girls flirted with him, sometimes tried to touch him themselves, but always avoided them. If you flirted with him, he wouldn't avoid it. But you weren't really that romantic, you read a lot of novels, but even when you were little you realized that not everything in the books could be fulfilled.
You and your teacher started to grow a little closer together. You could say that you two formed a friendly bond. Sometimes you got jealous when some girls tried to twist Seungmin around their fingers. But yes, Seungmin also got jealous when boys came to you. You were very beautiful and intelligent, so boys took their chance, even sometimes girls tried to take their chance with you. You didn't always notice that. Your eyes were actually only focused on Seungmin.
You sat in your class and you followed the reading. You sometimes overheard some conversations that were happening in front of you. You were learning about Korean Culture when you suddenly heard Seungmin's name in front of you.
"He's so handsome, could he be that good in bed?" two girls giggled.
You straightened your back and started to lean a little closer.
"He could play with me."
You looked at them as if they were crazy. Seungmin isn't that type of guy. What are they thinking, talking about him like that, aren't they ashamed? Your brow furrowed as you heard their multiple conversations. Deep inside you were burning with jealousy, so many girls wanted to have him. So many girls, some were so beautiful in your eyes. You started to focus on your classes again, but what if... what if Seungmin enjoys all that attention? What if he likes one of those many girls? What if he's... a spicy teacher... if you know what I mean? No, that's not possible, no, Seungmin a spicy teacher? Maybe...
You were walking around the square with one of your friends, just chatting about boys and also the new Arcade. You went through the main hall when you saw a group of girls surrounding Seungmin. They all asked him questions and if he could tutor them. They gave him cookies and so much attention. It made you angry, even though there is absolutely nothing between you and Seungmin. He saw you looking from a distance, he saw anger in your eyes. He turned away from all the girls and came towards you. Why is he coming towards me, you thought. You panicked a bit, he looked so good today. His sleeves were rolled up, his blouse was very tight, his buttons could pop off at any moment. You looked in all directions, your girlfriend looked at you strangely, as if you were a mad dog. You dragged her with you to the girls' toilets.
Seungmin tried to speak to you but it was already too late. Of course he wasn't allowed in the girls' toilets.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lately you started to distance yourself from him. He didn't understand why. He tried to have a conversation with you outside of school, but you avoided him every time. The tutoring sessions were also filled with a kind of tension and not good tension. Sometimes he tried to sit close to you, just to give you some comfort.
He wanted to ask you about it, but he didn't want to bother you with all those questions. At some point he had enough, because he cared about you a lot. He wanted to love you and he would do anything to fix it.
Tutoring was over, and you started packing your things. You wanted to go to the door, but suddenly he blocked you.
“I can't take it anymore Y/N. What did I do wrong? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I accidentally hurt you?'
'What are you talking about?'
"Lately I feel like you're trying to avoid me, have I done something?"
You were quiet. You looked at the ground.
'No nothing.'
He lifted your chin with his index finger.
'Do not lie to me. You can tell me.' '
No, I can't do that.'
'Why not?'
“It's not your fault, it's just…”
you took a deep breath
“all the girls are hanging around you. Flirting with you and for some strange reason it makes me jealous and an-'
he interrupted you by kissing you on the lips. His tongue slid through your mouth. He placed his hand on the back of your head. You opened your mouth wide, giving him all the access. He slid his tongue out of your mouth.
"Does that answer?"
'Don't know.' you teased.
"Maybe you should be a little more clear?"
"Of course princess."
He brought you in for another kiss. This time he held your cheeks with both hands. He stroked it with his thumbs. He made you step back until you bumped into his desk. He opened your legs with his knee. From your mouth his tongue went to your neck. He started licking it like a puppy. You whined softly. You heard him laugh against your neck. His fingers slid into your underwear. He slid between your folds, which were very wet. 'Wet for me? I love that.' He began to gently caress your clit while still sucking on your neck.
You started to position yourself on his desk. He pulled your panties down so he could get a good view. You could see through his pants that he was already hard. You took off his belt and pulled his pants down enough so you could take out his member. He groaned when you started to gently pump his dick. Just to make sure it was hard enough. He positioned himself at your entrance, he began to quietly nestle himself into you.
He held you tight as he slowly started pumping into you. You felt safe with him, his warmth. You heard his heart beat faster. He whispered soft words into your ears, which actually made you more excited. The fact that he was only your tutor two months ago.
His rhythm quickened, so did his breath, his hands felt every part of your body, his hair got wet, his body sweaty, and this all happened in a boring classroom. Your legs were shaking with excitement. Your arms clung to his neck. Everything was perfect, even if you did it on his desk.
"I *kiss* love you so *kiss much, baby."
You brought your two heads closer together.
'You are my soulmate. You are my soul, ohh *kiss* Seungmin, *kiss* what would I do without *kiss* you?'
He kissed you with passion, he kissed you like it was the end, he made sure you knew how much he loved you.
When you both came, he still held you tightly. He looked at you and caressed your cheek.
'That I could love you, as I did just now, is what you call happiness.' 'I feel happy with you.'
Your lips met again, and you devoured each other. You couldn't keep your hands off each other. Everything was perfect at this moment, the atmosphere, the sounds and the one person who could make it all happen: Seungmin.
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Go Sports!
Pairing: Dean x Reader Request: @jessicalynnann Foot ball coach dean a fluffy love story ha ha ha
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Letting out a sigh, you glanced down at your nephew. “You couldn’t do band?” You teased him. 
“Nope!” He grinned. “I wanna learn football!” He said proudly. 
“Alright, let’s do this.” You walked with him towards the other kids. Your sister and her husband had died the spring before, leaving you to raise your 8 year old nephew. He’d had a rough spot not long after moving in with you, but you cut the kid some slack. He’d lost his parents. Then, right before school started, he said he wanted to try out for football that fall. Which, you hadn’t even been aware football for kids that young was even a thing. After some googling, you’d found the local team for his age. 
He ran ahead of you, eager to get started. You stood off a bit from the other parents, feeling out of place. You were only 23, so you got some odd looks. Your sister was 11 years older than you, so of course the two of you were in different phases of your lives! “You look a little nervous.” Came a smooth voice, making you jump slightly. “Sorry. I’m Dean.” He held out his hand. 
“Y/N.” You shook it. “Still getting used to all things ‘kid’.” You admitted. “But, he really wants to learn to play football, so here I am.” 
“Little brother?” He asked, looking to where you were pointing. 
You shook your head. “Nephew.” That one word said so much. 
He nodded, not prying. “Well, good luck to him getting on the team.” 
“I’m hoping. I read comments about the coach- Coach Winchester. Everything said he was great with kids, and parents saw a boost in their kid’s confidence working with him. Of course, some of the moms just called him ‘yummy’.” You noted. “I figured that would be someone I’d like working with David. I mean, aside from the yummy thing. That was just an odd thing I noted.” 
“Hopefully football can be a good outlet for him.” He said casually, not making a comment about the ‘yummy’ part. 
“Coach!” A man with a mullet came over, making you raise an eyebrow at Dean. “Looks like everyone who signed up for tryouts is here.” 
Dean smiled at you. “Hi, I’m Dean Winchester. I coach the Little Bangles. This is my assistant coach, Ash. Bit weird, but the kids love him.” 
“This isn’t awkward at all.” You said shyly. “Hi, Ash. I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself to him. “I’ll let you guys get to tryouts. I’ll be over…there…” You motioned behind you before quickly turning and walking away. 
“She’s cute.” Ash noted. 
Dean watched you walk away. “Yes, she is.” He said before taking the clipboard from Ash to go rally the kids. 
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David made the team, which meant you’d be seeing a lot more of Coach Dean Winchester. The thought slightly flustered you. Which was why you had to do a double take when he walked into your job two weeks after tryouts. “Hi, Coach. Can I get you something to drink?” You asked after you handed him a menu. 
“Coke, thanks.” He gave you a grin that damn near melted you. 
“One Coke.” You noted, going to get that. No wonder the moms called the man ‘yummy’. “Here you go.” You said as you set down his glass a few minutes later. “Do you need a few minutes?”
He shook his head. “I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger and fries, sweetheart.” He handed you the menu. “How’s working going today?” Dean asked as you took the menu before writing his order down. 
“Not too bad, thankfully. Almost over.” You told him truthfully. “Been on my feet since 5 this morning.” 
He made a face. “Oh, bet David loved getting up that early.” He chuckled, lighting up when you laughed. 
“No, my best friend is a God-send. She’s a nurse and gets off at like 4 am. She went to catch a nap at my place and then watch him until I get home.” You were beyond thankful for her. “But, I will get that order in for you.” You gave him a small wave and went to get his ticket into the kitchen. 
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Dean was just finishing up his meal when you came over. “Refill?” You motioned to his Coke. 
“No thanks, sweetheart.” He shook his head. “How much longer until you get off?” 
“You’re my last table. So, I once I get you cashed out, I’m headed home to listen to David talk to me about football and try to follow along.” You chuckled, making Dean grin. 
“Not a fan of it?” He asked as he pulled out his wallet. “Can I get the check?” 
You shook your head. “I jokingly yell ‘go sports’ when I watch it with David.” You admitted, enjoying how he threw his head back and laughed. “And yeah, let me get that for you.” You quickly went to get his check. He made you feel both shy and comfortable. It was such an odd combination of feelings. 
He watched you as you came back, noting there was a shyness to you now. “If you’d like, I can come watch football with you and help explain things. You know, so you don’t have to ‘try’ to follow along. If he sticks this out, do you really want to be yelling ‘go sports’ while he plays in high school?” He teased. 
“Good point.” After thinking for a moment, you nodded. “Alright. Can you come over for Sunday night football tomorrow? I order us a pizza.” 
“I’d love to. How about I bring the pizza?” He offered. 
“How about I order the pizzas, and you bring soda?” After all, you were the one inviting him over. You’d pay for the more expensive part of things. 
“Fine. Fine.” He held up his hands. “Let me pay for this, then you can clock out, and I’ll walk you to your car. Get your number and address.” 
Smiling, you nodded. “I think that works for me.” 
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Every Wednesday and Friday you saw Dean for practice and games. Then, every Sunday he’d come over for Sunday night football. Eventually, Monday night football was added to that. Before you knew it, it was Superbowl Sunday. Shockingly, you found yourself really looking forward to it. Even if you’d be meeting Dean’s parents. Apparently, his dad really went out for Superbowl Sunday, and wanted you and David to have the full experience. “When is Dean gonna be here?” David asked, looking at you from the couch as he played with his football. He’d been up since 6 that morning, in his jersey, waiting. 
You chuckled. “Any minute now.” You assured him moments before you heard the sound of Dean’s car. “Hear that?” 
David got up and bolted to the door. “Finally!” He pulled the door open to see Dean walking up the driveway. 
“Heya, kiddo.” He grinned. “You can get in the car, I’ll help Y/N get the food she made.” He ruffled David’s hair as he reached him. 
You watched them fondly, chuckling as David ran to Baby and got in. “He’s been waiting for you all day.” You told Dean. 
“Well, I’ve been waiting to see you all day.” He winked. “So, I had a question.” 
“Yes, I made those potato skins you like.” 
“That makes me a very happy man, but not what I was gonna ask.” He looked a bit more shy than you were used to seeing him. You tilted your head, curious, and motioned for him to go on. “We’ve been spending nearly every weekday together, and I’ve really liked that. Was kinda hoping you’d be my girlfriend?” 
That wasn’t what you were expecting, but you weren’t complaining. “I’d love that!” You beamed at him. 
“Oh, thank God. Was so worried I was misreading things.” He breathed, hand on his stomach. 
“Nope, but I had no idea you were actually interested in me.” You admitted, confusing him. “I mean, I’m playing single mom to my nephew. You could have pretty much any single woman in town. Hell, any woman in town.” 
He took your hand in his. “And yet I spend most of my spare time with you and David. I love that kid. His Aunt is pretty great, too.” He gave your hand a squeeze. “So, let’s get all that food I know you made, go enjoy Superbowl Sunday, and then plan our first real date.” 
“I think I need to thank David for insisting on playing football.” 
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hyunsungies · 9 months
jealousy — han jisung
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pairing: han x fem reader
genre: smut
word count: 3.6k
warnings: kinda mean dom han, unprotected sex, slightly dacryphilia, english is not my first language (sorry for any mistakes)
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when your college teacher asked for that assignment in pairs and said that he would choose the duo of each one, you felt in elementary school again. your assignments always came out perfect with the girls you used to unite with, but this specific teacher said that you should train group work with people you don't know, since, according to him, it would be exactly like that in your future job.
therefore, you were forced to do this with a random boy from your class with whom you have never interacted before. there was no specific reason why you never talked to him. he seemed to be normal and everything, but he hadn't caught your attention.
“so, when can we meet?”
the boy asked you when the class ended. you both have scheduled it for next weekend at your house, or rather, jisung's house. you were dating for so long that you both decided to live together. you didn't feel very comfortable with the idea of going to the house of a stranger. han probably wouldn't even be at home, busy with the new album he was producing with the rest of the group, so it wouldn't be a problem for him, that's what you thought.
the moment you got home, you told him that a classmate would go to your house this saturday to do a job with you.
“only the two of you?”
“both alone?”
hannie looked at you with a grimace, not happy with the idea that you would stay home alone with another guy. he didn’t think you were going to do anything. he would never think that of you, but nothing prevents this guy from trying something with you.
anyway, he didn't protest or anything, he just nodded and went back to doing what he was doing.
when saturday finally arrived, you woke up next to your boyfriend in bed. you were cuddling for a few minutes before you got up to make coffee. jisung showed up in the kitchen exactly when everything was ready and then you ate together.
there was something wrong, though. usually, hannie eats in a hurry and leaves home very early to get to the studio, even more so in times such as the current one, of composing new songs, elaborating new choreographies... today, he was taking advantage of every second of breakfast to taste his food and tell you some news. when you both finished eating, he remained seated, chatting with you, which left you confused.
“aren’t you going to the studio today?”
“actually, no. chan allowed me to work from home.”
so you mean that bangchan, the most workaholic man you know, allowed han to stay at home while they have a new album to release, all this just on the day your classmate will come to your house to do that assignment? you couldn't tell if that was an amazing coincidence or if he had told him about the fact that you would be alone with another man at home and begged not to go to the studio. well, you’ll never know. there was no reason to waste time thinking about it and you were actually glad that he would stay home, so you got up and went do the dishes while waiting for your co-worker’s arrival.
a few minutes later, you and hannie were talking in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. it could only be him. you spied through the peephole before opening the door, just to make sure it was really the guy. after confirming who it was, you turned the key in the lock and pulled the door handle.
“i’’m here.”
he greeted you with a smile and passed by you, admiring the surroundings. he didn't have much time to do that, because jisung soon appeared at the kitchen door and waved to him. the two greeted each other from afar and you introduced them.
“and that’s my boyfriend, han.”
“glad to meet you” the guy said.
hannie smiled and watched the two of you settle down at the dinner table, where you would do the assignment. your laptop was already on the table, so you just turned it on, while your classmate took his own laptop out of his backpack and put it on the table as well. all settled down, you two began to plan what each one would do, creating a sketch and dividing it into parts. you spent a few minutes doing this and, during that time, you completely forgot about jisung's presence in that house, at least until he appeared in the living room with his own laptop in hand and a headset. he mentioned that he would work from home, but you didn't think he would do it in the same room as you, separated by a small space.
both you and the guy stared at him for a few seconds before looking at each other, slightly disconcerted by his presence. however, jisung was not making any noise, with the exception of the keys he pressed with his fingers. taking this into account, you decided to turn your attention to the draft of the assignment and the dialogue you were having with your classmate.
as soon as the appropriate parts were separated, each one started their own work, in order to put everything together at the end. there were moments when you interacted with each other to make sure you were going on the right track. you were already focused a few minutes later, totally concentrated, when, suddenly:
“i didn't want to be annoying, but... can you ask your boyfriend to stay somewhere else? the noise of the keys is distracting me.”
he whispered to you. deep down, you suspected a lot of the reason why he had asked you for this. i mean, you were also typing on your laptop, but why did only your boyfriend's keyboard bother him?
even so, you decided to give in, because you knew how the presence of someone else in the same room can distract you. that said, you turned back in the chair and stared at jisung.
he had his headphones, so he couldn't hear you, keeping focused on what he were doing. you got up from the chair and went to him, stopping right in front of his face. as soon as he put his eyes on you, han took off the headphones and waited for what you had to say.
“babe, can you work in our bedroom? or anywhere upstairs?”
hannie was visibly confused, not understanding why you were asking for this. he wasn't making any noise, so why ask him to get out of the room? when he looked at your co-worker though, jisung understood that his withdrawal was a wish of his and not yours only by the way he looked at him back. he thought about resisting and questioning you, but he didn't want to create an embarrassing situation for you.
he smiled at you and put his things together, going up to your room and disappearing from your field of view. there was no sign of frustration on his face. when you heard the noise of the door being closed, you went back to the dining table and tried to focus again on what you were doing.
your classmate smiled as a thank you and turned the focus to his own work. that was strange, but you decided to ignore it. there was something more important now and you needed to finish this.
after a few minutes, you were able to concentrate again. sometimes, you felt the guy looking in your direction. maybe he was making sure you were able to deal with your part or whatever. even feeling his eyes on you sometimes, you didn't let your attention deviate from that assignment. things were flowing well. if you followed that rhythm, you would certainly be able to finish everything today.
silence reigned inside the house, with the exception of the keys you pressed. suddenly, as you finished writing a paragraph, you heard your boyfriend's voice calling your name from your room. some steps were heard too, so you thought he was walking to the room you were again. you diverted your attention from the computer and waited for him to appear on the stairs. jisung actually appeared, but he stopped on the first step and leaned on the handrail.
“can you help me here?”
“right now?”
you asked, not much in order to stop what you were doing. it would be difficult to concentrate again.
“it’s gonna be quick.”
something, you didn't know exactly what, but something made you know that it wouldn't be quick. even though you had this feeling, you couldn't let your boyfriend down. taking a deep breath, you got up from the chair.
“i’ll be right back.”
you told the guy and went towards the stairs. jisung was no longer there, which made you confused. when you arrived in the upper hallway, the door to your room was open. you walked there, thinking that he must be there, but when you entered the place, you realized that it was empty.
that's what you thought. suddenly, the door closed behind you and two hands grabbed your waist from behind. you would have jumped in fright if han wasn't holding you. before you could process what was happening, he got the strands of your hair to the side and started kissing your neck, walking his hands through your body.
“hannie, what are you doing?!”
you didn't move away from him, but you also didn't melt on his hands like you always do. as much as you love all the touches your boyfriend gives you, now was not a very good time for that. there were people at home and you had obligations to fulfill. however, han had no intention of answering you. he kept kissing your neck, until you separated from him and stared at him with a serious face. now that you were far away, he finally made mention of saying something.
“claiming you.”
his answer didn't make any sense to you. with a naughty smile on his face, jisung began to approach you again.
“that guy, he’s into you.”
there’s no fucking way han was feeling jealous of a random guy you didn't even talk to. even worse, he really thought the boy was hitting on you, and he didn't do anything to indicate this.
“you’re out of your mind right now.”
“stop fooling yourself, i know he asked you to kick me out.”
after finishing this sentence, his hands were already on your waist once again. he kissed your forehead, then your cheek and finally your lips. it was a brief peck, so you could contest soon after.
“babe” you used the nickname in an attempt to make he listen to you “he asked for it because your keyboard was distracting him.”
“did you really believe that?”
it’s true that you found the excuse very weird, but at no time did it cross your mind that he had done it because he was interested in you. in fact, that seemed far from the truth. nothing jisung said would convince you that he was into you. even so, you didn't have an answer to his question, so you just kept quiet. when he realized that you didn't know what to say, he laughed lightly and kissed your neck again, as if he had proven his point.
“i need to go back, hannie…”
“then you’re leaving me for that asshole?” he whispered right beside your ear, licking your earlobe right after.
“i’m not leaving you, but i need to finish that assignment.”
“relax, darling. only a few minutes and i let you go back to him.”
back to him, not it. han wasn't talking about your goddam assignment, but about your classmate, who was waiting for you downstairs. before you could protest and get rid of his hands, jisung pushed you to bed and climbed over you, caging you under his body.
“hannie, not now!”
he completely ignored you, suffocating your words with an intense kiss. in a humiliating way, you ended up surrendering to him for a few seconds, feeling his tongue sliding into your mouth, hot and wet. a few seconds wouldn't kill anyone, right? you would agree to stay there if it were for a short period of time, but when han stuck his hand under your bra and twisted your left nipple, you realized that he had no intention of being quick, so you held his face with both hands and pushed him away from you.
“babe, let me finish that all. i promise i’ll be quick and then I'll give you all the attention you-“
“you’re not going anywhere now.”
jisung went to your neck once again and left a strong hickey there. you tried to push him away from there before he left a mark, but he didn't let go of you. only after making sure that your skin would turn purple, he went back and smiled when he saw the result.
“hannie, please!”
you didn't seem very willing to shut up, so he had to do it for you, kissing you once again. while you were distracted by his mouth, he took off your shorts along with your panties in a blink and left you naked from the waist down.
you tried to protest one last time. surprising you, han grabbed your neck with relative force, enough to restrict a little of the air passage, but not enough to hurt you. looking into your eyes, he said:
“we can do it the easy way, or the hard way. if you keep quiet, i'll be gentle. if you try to stop me again, i'll make that guy down there pretty aware of what we're doing.”
that was the last thing you wanted. when jisung felt like hearing you cry for him, he could do it easily, stuffing his own cock inside your walls so hard that the headboard hit the wall, making a loud noise, but not as loud as your moans. you couldn't take the risk of letting hannie do this to you now, or your classmate would certainly hear everything and you didn't want to go through this embarrassment. therefore, you touched your boyfriend's wrist and nod your head, indicating that you would give in to him. glad with your answer, he finally let go of your neck and gave you one more kiss, seductive as always.
accepting your destiny, you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and pulled him closer. meanwhile, jisung lowered his own pants enough to leave his dick out. separating his mouth from yours, he put the tip in your slit and looked into your eyes again.
“you better close your mouth, sweetheart.”
you obeyed him instantly, silencing yourself with your hand. that was the best decision you could made because han thrusted into you straight away, not giving you a second to get used to the stretch. as soon as he fit into your walls, jisung grunted and began to move his body.
he had his face right above yours now, biting his own lower lip and suppressing some moans that insisted on coming out of his throat while you had a grimace on your face while using all your concentration so as not to emit any sound. it would only took a little more strength on jisung's thrusts for the headboard to hit the wall. luckily, he had fucked you often enough in that bed to know what rhythm he could follow without making any noise. you thanked the heavens for him collaborating with you. that would end really bad if that was not the case.
“too rough?”
he asked and you nod, hoping that he would slow down. this would help you control the moans, but he just laughed at you.
“i know you can take it.”
han said and continued to push himself in and out of you. this side of jisung is rare to appear. usually, he is very sweet with you while having sex. he only treated you like this on special occasions. today was definitely a special occasion: you had brought another man into your house, one who would do anything to be in your boyfriend's place now. jisung knew this very well and, for him, it was okay for you not to know this! your naivety was cute, but he was there to make sure the guy didn't take advantage of this.
it was getting harder and harder to hold your moans. han's cock was hitting your g spot, making your spine arch. he grabbed your hip tightly, sticking his fingers into your skin to hold you in the same place. the wet noise of the thrusts was loud, but you believed and expected that it was not enough to hear from the dining table. even if it was, you weren't willing to stop now that you were feeling so good.
“god… s-so fuckin wet...”
jisung moaned in your ear. he kissed your neck again, making you clench around him. you could feel that he was getting close by the way he was getting messier, licking your skin nonstop and moaning more often. he also increased the pace of his thrusts, as well as the tightness in your hip.
tears began to appear in your eyes because of the tension exactly when he turned back to face you. hannie was feeling like a good boyfriend, so he started kissing your cheeks where the tears start to run, wiping them for you.
“you look so beautiful crying… it makes me wanna go rougher...”
you looked into his eyes in despair and he laughed at your face. if he decide to do this, the noise would certainly be too loud.
“calm dow, i'm not gonna do that.”
your body relaxed a little after hearing this, but not enough for you to stop crying. the feeling was so good and, deep down, you even wanted him to be mean. sex with jisung made you stop caring about anything, including that guy downstairs. you would certainly let him go rougher at this point, thinking only of your own pleasure, but hannie gladly wasn’t doing this with you.
your mind was going numb. you wanted more, so you pulled your blouse by the hem to leave your breasts exposed and provide a show for sungie. seeing your breasts bouncing with his thrusts made him twitch inside you. hannie wasted no time, he soon lowered his face to the height of your nipples and began to suck them.
your tears increased. it was all too much for you. all that pleasure with jisung's mouth made your walls clench more around his cock. rolling his eyes back, he moved away from your nipples.
“s-shit! i can't take it anymore… 'm gonna-
before his sentence was completed, he came and painted your walls white. his thrusts were gradually decreasing until they stop for all and you were finally able to uncover your own mouth, taking a deep breath right after. when take his dick out of you, he knelt in front of you and climbed your panties in a hurry so that his cum would not slip from you. as soon as he put on your shorts again, he kissed your shoulder a few times and caressed your chin.
“can’t believe you managed to be quiet and let me finish inside you... that’s my girl.”
despite being unable to see his face, you knew that he was smiling right now. frustrated with the time that had passed up there, you got up from the bed in a hurry and left the room, leaving behind a satisfied hannie.
when you reached the edge of the stairs and saw that your classmate was still there, you thanked the heavens that he hadn't gotten tired of waiting for you, gathered his own things and left. as soon as you sat down in the chair again, he looked away from the screen of his laptop and stared at you.
“i'm back.”
“why did you-“
his question stopped unfinished. you imagined that he would ask you why you had taken so long, but it is likely that he already has the answer to this question, since his gaze was focused on your neck, probably where jisung had left a hickey. trying to mask it, you made a confused face to him, waiting for him to finish the question.
finally, the guy said and stared at his screen again. you decided to do the same, trying to locate yourself in the last paragraph you had written, which was being very difficult given the feeling of hannie's sperm running down your panties.
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onlyangel4 · 2 months
getting under to get over (LN4). part 1
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lando norris x !neale reader
after a break up you are desperate to have a good time on your birthday and forget about him and one of your father’s drivers seems to want to help out.
warnings-18+ cussing. mentions of drinking. mentions of the end of a long term relationship. reader was cheated on in a previous relationship. (somewhat) forbidden relationship. smut in upcoming parts. lando has been in love for years. oblivious reader.
part two
today was your birthday, a day that a younger version of yourself often looked forward to. a day dedicated to yourself, doing the things you wanted to do with the people that you wanted to spend time with. all your previous birthdays had been nothing less than perfect. but you knew that today was going to be quite different.
you were freshly single, and you were struggling with it. you had been with your ex boyfriend, harry since both of you were fifteen years old. Meaning that you had never been single in your adult life. yes you had watched your single friends go through the trenches but you had never been there yourself. you had never expected to be single, harry had been it for you. You thought that you would end up getting married and having the perfect life but of course that did not happen.
a few months before you broke up you noticed that your boyfriend had been rather distant, always citing work as the reason why he was not really present in your shared home as usual. You would often to go to bed without him home and wake up to an empty bed containing evidence that your lover did come home but did not stay very long. you had spoken to your friends about your situation, they had urged you to talk to him about it and to find out what was going on but every time you brought it up he shut you down, telling you that he loved you and he was just busy at the moment.
you decided to drop it and when his birthday came up you made your usual, “happy birthday to my love”, post tagging him in a picture of the two of you when you were both fifteen years old. however you noticed that harry had swiftly untagged himself from the picture on your page. But the damage was already done. within half an hour you had gotten a message from a girl telling you that she had been dating harry for the past six months and that she had no idea that he had a girlfriend. This was a massive shock to you. you could not even cope with seeing his face again so instead you packed all his things up and left them on the doorstep, you got the locks changed that afternoon and put a note on the door urging him to leave and never come back. you could forgive him for many things, but cheating on you was not one of them. the house was in your name as your father had brought it for you, so he had no reason to fight with you about everything. se could just leave and never come back. something that you really needed.
for the past seven years you had spent your birthday with harry, so this year was so different. you had no idea what you were going to do, you certainly did not want to rot in bed at home but you also did not want to force your busy friends and family into spending the day with you. you had vocalised your worries to your father over facetime but he had assured you that you did not need to worry about it and that he had a plan.
what you did not know was that your father had planned a birthday party for you and invited all of your friends, he had booked out a very nice hotel in london, the city you lived in, and made sure that everyone who was invited showed up. jonathan felt bad, he had also been blindsided by harry, he had thought that harry was the man for you so he had been very encouraging of your relationship with him, so his ultimate betrayal had also taken Jonathan by surprise. he just wanted to show you how much people did care about you, so he had invited everyone that you loved to celebrate you.
He had gotten you to the venue under the preface that you were going to be having a birthday dinner with him and your mother. You were dressed up because despite it being family dinner you still had a gorgeous red birthday dress that you wanted to wear, even if this birthday was not going to be as exciting as those in the past.
However when you walked into the hotel and was directed into the main venue room all the worries that you had about your first birthday as a single woman completely vanished. People cheered for you and you couldn’t help but smile brightly as you looked around the room seeing all those people that you cared about. Amongst the crowd were your closest friends, your family and even people your father worked with including the two mclaren drivers, whom you loved. Oscar was newer to the team but you still saw him in a brotherly manner and lando was someone you truly did care about.
you and lando had been acquainted ever since he joined mclaren quite a few years ago now. lando had only ever known you as a taken woman, he had met harry quite a few times and every single time he couldn’t help but think that you could do much better than harry. harry always seemed to want to keep you hidden, he was much more interest in talking about himself than paying you much bother. this was something that lando had noticed since first meeting harry and it was something that lando simply did not understand. If he ever got the chance to have a girl like you he would put you on a pedestal, he would make sure everyone knew that you were his. christ, they would have to stop him from telling every passer by that he was the lucky man to have you by his side.
it was safe to say that lando had quite the crush, it was something that started innocently three years ago when you were twenty years old and he was twenty one. he had stopped seeing you as adrian’s daughter and started seeing you as more, as someone that he wanted to be able to hold, someone that he wanted to listen to yap on forever, he embraced all of your characteristics, even the ones that seemed to annoy harry. lando took all of them his stride and he had always hoped that you would notice his treatment of you. alas, you were clueless, you had heart eyes for harry, you were captivated by a man who only gave you half of his attention and it was something that had annoyed lando so much that he had decided to take a step back from you. He had remained friendly with you whenever you visited the paddock but he no longer went out of his way to talk to you because you were taken, and lando could not watch on as you loved a man that was not you.
so seeing lando at your birthday party had been quite the shock for you but it was a good surprise. at the beginning of your party everyone came over wishing you happy birthday and you beamed at everyone just thanking them all for coming, hugging everyone and just feeling completely overwhelmed by all the love that you were feeling. you had thanked pretty much everyone when you felt a firm hand on your shoulder and a pair of lips ghosting your ear, “happy birthday y/n”, a familiar voice spoke and you turned around to be met with the sight of lando. you flashed him one of your famous bright smiles. “thank you lando”, you spoke as you pulled him in for a quick hug. “i’m not going to lie, i was not expecting to see you here, we haven’t spoken in a while”, you stated as you looked up at the driver. “your father invited me, he made it clear that it was not optional”, lando spoke and he noticed your face fall a little at the thought that he was forced to come and didn’t actually want to attend, “but i would have come anyway y/n, i missed you”, he spoke candidly. “i do need to talk to you about something”, he spoke and you tilted your head slightly in confusion, “what is it lando?”, you questioned only to watch the man shake his head at your question. “not now y/n, later. In private”, he spoke tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, looking deeply into your eyes for a moment before turning and walking to go mingle with the over guests.
leaving you stood there, confused, wondering what he could possibly want to talk about in private.
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stuckinthesun · 1 year
I love your writing! Could you write something about birthday sex between Leon and reader where she dresses up for him?
LEON DOESNT HAVE A CANON BIRTHDAY WTF?? This man can’t have anything huh? Smh Thank you sm!! And I love this request omg
Leon Kennedy x Reader
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Warnings: nsfw, afab!reader, lingerie, light spanking at the end
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For the first time in years, Leon was home for his birthday. Finally you two could celebrate on the actual day instead of days or weeks later. So you wanted to make it special.
You woke up early and made him breakfast in bed, which of course didn’t work seeing as how he can sense the moment you leave the bed. So instead you both had pancakes while cuddled on the couch, and he said it was just as perfect.
The majority of the day was spent lazing around, watching movies he’s been wanting to watch or catching up on shows you wait for him to watch. It’s simple but something you know he cherishes so much.
You did, however, book a reservation at a nice restaurant for dinner. The two of you driving there on his motorcycle despite you wearing his favorite little black dress.
The food was delicious and when dessert came out you sang him happy birthday embarrassingly loud, making him blush and cover his face.
Everything had been perfect, and now you couldn’t wait for him to see his gift, or more specifically, you couldn’t wait for him to unwrap it.
“Thank you for today baby, it was perfect.” Leon mumbled against your lips as he walked you back into your shared bedroom.
“It’s not over yet.” You smirked, turning the both of you around and gently pushing him onto the bed.
His eyes widened a little before a cocky, self satisfied smirk settled on his lips, “Oh really now?”
“Mhmm.” Nodding, you stood between his legs and grabbed his hands, placing them at the hem of your dress, “You still have to unwrap your present.”
“You’re right, beautiful.” He whispered, pulling you a little closer and sliding his hands up your dress, “Can’t believe I almost forgot-“
Leon’s voice catches in his throat and you watch with a smirk as he stars at his hand under your dress like he has x-ray vision. You open your mouth to say something teasing, when suddenly you have a face full of your hair and black fabric.
“Fucking hell babygirl.” Leon moans, finally pulling the dress completely off you before sitting back and just staring.
You blush as you straighten your hair out, standing there in a black lace lingerie bodysuit and black thigh high stockings.
“You like it?” You ask after a moment of him just quietly staring at you. He hasn’t made a move to touch after ripping the dress off, instead just sitting there slack jawed.
“Are those buttons on the crotch?” He asked instead of answering your question.
You huffed but answered anyway, “Yes, I thought you might like to fuck me in it.”
“You thought right baby.” He muttered as he reached out and yanked you into his lap, “Fuck you’re perfect, I love you so much.”
Giggling at the praise you wiggle your hips a little making him groan, you can feel how hard he is already, “I love you too, Happy Birthday Leon.”
He smirked up at you before giving your ass a playful smack, “Happy Birthday to me indeed.”
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This got away from me holy shit uhhh I hope it’s what you wanted anon!!!
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breaniebree · 3 months
Hinny Scene
Random smut scene that came to me the other day -- no im not writing anything new (outside of this scene)
This would fit into the Kismet universe, somewhere before Ginny discovers she's pregnant with James (before summer of 2003)
Ginny met Theo for morning yoga as they began their stretches under the instructor. They had been doing this for almost a year now and Ginny loved it. She loved how it made her feel and she loved meeting Theo. They always went to breakfast after and chatted and it was one of Ginny’s favourite parts of her day. Hermione sometimes joined them, but she didn’t always have time for breakfast and she wasn’t as diligent about the yoga as Ginny and Theo were.
Today was even better because Luna had returned to England for a few weeks and had surprised them in class that morning.
“Two more days,” Theo said with a sigh as he added some honey to his tea. “I miss him so much.”
Ginny gave her friend a sympathetic look. She knew that Theo missed his boyfriend when he was travelling and she was so glad that she didn’t have to worry about that too much with Harry. 
“Any plans for when he’s home?”
Theo winked, a slow smile on his lips. “Just the usual. Suck him off until he’s a whimpering mess at my mercy.”
Ginny shook her head in amusement. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You asked and you know how much I love to suck my man off.”
“I know,” Ginny said, taking a sip of her orange juice.
“You know I was worried at first that Macmillan might have taken that from me but… it’s not the same,” Theo said quietly. “He… forced me and this is because I want to. I want to hold that control and bloody hell, chick, when I have him in my mouth, I hold all the cards. It’s so… powerful. I love it. Not the power itself, but everything. I love feeling the weight of him on my tongue. I love the feel of my mouth stretching around him. I love the taste of his skin. I love the little sounds he makes when he’s trying to keep himself under control. I love the sounds he makes when I do something he really likes. I love the look in his eyes when I look up at him with my mouth full of his cock and he knows I’m in control. I love it when I get the drops of precum that are a reward for my good work and then when he lets go… I mean, yes, I love to swallow, but it’s the idea, you know? The idea that he’s giving me this part of himself; that he’s trusting me with his loss of control. It’s the sexiest bloody thing in the whole world,” Theo said. “Don’t either of you ever feel like that?”
Ginny bit her bottom lip as she nodded. She did understand what Theo meant by the power of it. It was this moment of trust between them that she treasured. “Yes, I do.”
“Me too,” Luna replied. “It’s why I always feel so good when Rolf and I are together because we both give each other that power. Blowing him is fun and I enjoy it a lot, but a few weeks ago when we were in Jodhpur, I enjoyed watching him suck cock even more.”
“Um… I’m sorry, what?” Ginny demanded, shooting her gaze to her friend.
Luna blinked owlishly. “Oh, it was nothing. We just met this lovely couple there who invited us over for the afternoon. They had a large home and there was about a dozen people from all over the world having an orgy. It was fascinating.”
“You had an orgy?” Theo asked, his eyes widening.
“Well, that depends entirely on what you consider an orgy to be,” Luna said. “Rolf and I discussed it and thought it might be fun to participate in a few naughty activities and he really liked it when I ate out this pretty Japanese woman. She tasted lovely and she loved to pull on my hair. Rolf used his tongue on me while I licked her and then her boyfriend, this really big muscular man who played rugby fed her his huge cock. The two of us both came and then we sort of switched, you know? Rolf sucked off her boyfriend and I sat on the rugby player’s face while she sucked off Rolf. It was really sexy.”
Theo and Ginny exchanged looks of disbelief. “LUNA!”
Luna only lifted an eyebrow. “What? That doesn’t count as an orgy, does it? I only had intercourse with Rolf, but there was this other blond man who rimmed Rolf for like half an hour while I watched and touched myself. He really liked it. I think we’re going to add it to our bedroom activities. Oh and then Rolf and the rugby player both ate me out at the same time. I had so many tongues and fingers down there, it was like a party and I came like ten times.”
“Luna, I cannot believe you and Rolf just went to that kind of party!” Ginny exclaimed.
Luna shrugged. “It’s hardly something we do all of the time, but it doesn’t hurt to try new things sometimes. It was fun and exciting, but we both agreed that we’d rather just be with each other. In fact, just this morning he did me doggy style.”
Theo shook his head. “I have so many questions, I don’t even know where to begin.”
“Don’t,” Ginny suggested, making him grin.
“Anyway,” Theo continued. “I knew you’d both understand what I was saying. It’s not just the orgasms though we can all agree those are bloody brilliant, it’s the build up and the foreplay and the trust. I know that Bas will use my mouth if I ask him too and I know that he won’t hurt me; I know he’ll take care of me. I know that he loves me.”
“He loves you so much,” Ginny told him.
“He really does,” Luna said. “Well, I have to be off. I have a meeting at the Ministry to discuss my newest finds. I’ll meet you both again in the morning for yoga. Goodbye.”
Luna pecked Theo’s cheek and then Ginny’s before taking off and Ginny shook her head.
“I can’t believe she and Rolf had an orgy!”
“It wasn’t an orgy,” Theo said. “There was no shagging.”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “I think that hardly constitutes a rule.”
“It sounds like it was sexy,” Theo said. “But that’s not for me. No one else is allowed to touch my man.”
“On that we can both agree,” Ginny said.
Theo sighed and reached for his tea. “Is it bloody Friday yet?”
“No, still only Wednesday,” Ginny teased.
“Well hurry up Friday. I want my man in my mouth and then I want him to rim me until I come all over myself,” Theo said just as the waitress appeared at their table. 
Ginny blushed but the waitress didn’t comment and she was grateful. When she left, she kicked her friend under the table. 
“You need to watch what you say!”
He grinned as he pulled out his wallet. “You love that about me. It’s my turn to buy breakfast so you head off. I think I need to use one of my toys before work this morning.”
“How do you still overshare this much?”
Theo winked. “It’s a big toy too. Not as big as Bas mind you, but it definitely has some girth to it.”
Ginny snorted. “Thanks for breakfast, Theo.”
“Bye, chick! See you tomorrow.”
Ginny hugged Theo goodbye, shaking her head at her breakfast conversation. Her friends were obsessed with sex, but as she headed home, she couldn’t get her thoughts to leave what Theo had said about the trust and the power. She found her husband in the kitchen in his Auror kit, filling a travel tumblr with coffee.
“Hey, Gin,” Harry said. “How was breakfast?”
“Enlightening,” Ginny said, dropping her bag by the doorway of the kitchen.
Harry lifted an eyebrow, his black hair as messy as usual and his green eyes giving her an amused look. “Isn’t that always the way with Theo?”
“Luna was there too,” Ginny told him. “She and Rolf are back in England for a few weeks.”
“Oh, we’ll have to have them over for dinner or something.”
“Yes,” Ginny said, stomping across the kitchen to take his tumblr from his hands. She put it in the counter with a rather loud bang before she grabbed him by his suspenders and stood on her toes to kiss him.
Not just any little kiss either, but a deep kiss that made his hands grip her arse tightly as he pulled her up against him. His tongue met hers eagerly and when she felt him harden against her stomach, she pulled back and licked her lips.
“Mm, bloody hell, Gin,” Harry grumbled. “You can’t snog me like that when I’m two seconds from leaving. I have to go to work.”
Ginny stood on her toes and stole another quick kiss. “Trust and power.”
“What?” Harry asked, giving her a bewildered look.
“Trust and power,” Ginny repeated. “It’s something Theo said.”
“Er, all right,” Harry said. “You can fill me in later. I really have to go. I have to report in to Robards in less than ten minutes.”
Ginny teased her fingers down the straps of his suspenders, unhooking them. “Ten minutes, eh?”
Before Harry could comment, she knelt before him and popped open the button on his black trousers. He made a strangled sound in the back of his throat.
Ginny lowered the zipper and then slid them down his hips, her mouth kissing him through his boxer briefs.
“Bloody hell!”
Her tongue dragged over the cotton before those were pushed down to his knees too and then with her eyes locked on his, she dragged her tongue over his hardening length. Harry groaned, his hands reaching back to grip the counter behind him. Ginny’s tongue continued to tease his length, soft licks and kisses that made him tremble before she took him into her mouth. 
Her tongue twirled at the underside of his head in a way to designed to drive him mad while one hand fondled and stroked his balls and the other fisted around him, working him with firm, tight strokes. Then she slid her hands around him to cup his arse and took him down her throat.
Harry grunted as her nose touched his pelvis, eyes wide. It still amazed him that this wife had mastered this. She swallowed around him, making him nice and wet before she slowly pulled off and began to lick him like she was savouring him. When her hand fisted around him once more, her mouth moved to his balls and Harry moved one of his hands to grip her ponytail as he watched her suck them into his mouth, his cock moving in and out of her fist in a steady rhythm that made his breath hitch.
Then her mouth was back around him, sucking faster and Harry gripped her hair tighter, hips moving to meet her mouth. 
Ginny moaned around him. This right here was what Theo had been talking about. There was no one she trusted more than her husband right now. She had the power, the heart of him in her mouth and yet here he was, giving her more. His hips moved faster and she swallowed around him, tugging and rolling his balls in her hand as his taste told her he was close. She slid her finger behind his balls, teasing his rim and he made a strangled sound of warning before he finished with a loud groan. Ginny swallowed every drop before she took her time licking him clean.
Harry sagged back against the counter, his breath ragged. “Bloody fucking hell, Gin… what the hell was that?”
Ginny continued to lap at him before she stood up, tugging him down to meet her lips. She knew he could taste himself there. “I love you, Harry Potter. I trust you. I love the power you give me and I love how powerful you make me feel.” She patted his cheek with a wink. “Now pull up your trousers. You’re late for work.”
She turned to go and Harry grabbed her arm. “I don’t know what the hell Theo said to you at breakfast this morning, but feel free to make it a regular thing.”
She chuckled. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Harry tugged up his boxer briefs and his trousers, hastily trying to fix his kit. “And Gin? When I get home tonight, you can trust that I‘m going to make you come so hard you’re going to scream.”
“Oh, you are, are you?”
Harry hooked his suspenders back into place and grabbed his tumblr. “I am,” he said, grabbing her hip and his lips brushing her ear. “Three times. Then I’m going to bend you over whatever the fuck is closest and shag you until you come again and then I’m going to start all over again. Clear?”
Ginny bit her bottom lip as a shiver of pleasure ran through her and then her breath hitched when his hand moved from her hip to slide into her knickers and his fingers pushed into her.
“Merlin, you’re bloody soaked,” he hissed.
He pumped his fingers a few times before he stroked her clit and yanked his hand out, sucking his fingers into his mouth. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself until I get home.”
“And if I do?” she taunted.
Harry’s eyes darkened. “Don’t.”
Then he grabbed his red cloak and stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Ginny standing there with flushed cheeks.
“You’re thirty minutes late, Potter!” Robards barked when Harry walked into the bullpen five minutes later.
“Sorry, Sir,” Harry said. “Overslept.”
When Robards turned, Ron gave him a look. “Overslept my arse.”
Harry grinned. “What can I say? It’s a bloody fan-fucking-tastic morning.”
“Someone got laid,” Baxter teased.
Harry shot up two fingers in response, but he couldn’t keep the grin off of his face. 
He bloody loved being married.
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luchitohamilton · 1 year
Tumblr media
lewis being interview by margot laffite for canal+ at the qatar gp '23
I act like a kid all the time. I’m not embarrassed about it; I love having fun. So that’s why, you know, I’m always skydiving, surfing or I’m skiing or I’m riding my bike or whatever might be, that’s me being a kid. And that’s something I refuse to ever let go.
transcript below :-)
So Lewis. I don't want today to talk about the World champion, the Formula 1 driver, I would like to talk about Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton, if you don’t mind. Can you describe the kind of kid you were at home and at school? What kind of kid were you?
[Smiling] Did you ever had a show called Dennis the Menace?
Oh yes of course.
You did?
Of that kind, yeah. Denis la Malice.
I was like Dennis the Menace 2.0. [laughs] I was climbing trees, I was just always riding my bike down the fastest hill. Naturally super competitive in everything that I did and, uhm, my dad helped me concentrate that energy into racing and that’s where stability came.
We know you were a huge fan of Ayrton Senna, but did you watch like every single F1 race, documentaries about F1?
No, when I was a kid I only watched documentaries on Ayrton Senna, read his books. Anything to do with Ayrton I would have it, whether it was a coffee mug or, not that I drink coffee as a kid, but I was watching Gran Prix from like since I was like 4 with my dad on the weekends. Yeah, Sunday sitting with my dad watching races was one of the best times, I remember.
If you could go back in time, where and when would it be?
It would probably be when I was living with my mum, before I was 8, so, yeah.
You are running the world so, how difficult is it to build friendships?
Yeah, it’s definitely not the easiest I would say. My two closest friends are from school, yeah, they are my brothers. Places where I’ve found good friendships are obviously on my job, and then when I’m doing music, when I’m working with musicians, it’s just like a different realm and there I’ve built some incredible relationships also.
What does being a grown up mean to you? Is it like tiresome to be more conscious of the impact you have on things and people, rather than the pleasant innocence of being a child?
I act like a kid all the time. I’m not embarrassed about it; I love having fun. So that’s why, you know, I’m always skydiving, surfing or I’m skiing or I’m riding my bike or whatever might be, that’s me being a kid. And that’s something I refuse to ever let go.
When you play a game with some children, maybe your family, nieces and nephews, do you let them win?
No, I try to win! I just [laughs] and they are good, they are getting good, so I have to get my wins while I can. But, my dad never let me win anything when I was a kid. I think is good to learn how to lose anyways, so [laughs]
Are you always on time or sometimes you’re late?
No, I’m always late. The only time I’m ever on time is when I’m getting in the car to race. But like if I’m going for a flight, I’m always late. I don’t know, I like the limit, yeah. [jokingly] I like getting there around the limit, I like the rush.
What are your thoughts and feelings about Max Verstappen? The man he is, the kind of champion.
He’s done an exceptional job. I think the team has done an amazing job. Collectively they truly deserve the success. Max has been faultless this year, he’s not made any mistakes. I only hope that there’s a time when I’ll be able to put up a fight for him.
When you quit F1 would you still want race like Dakar or the 24 Hours of Le Mans?
I currently don't really have any, like, zero, like, feelings to do those things. I love motorbikes, I’ve always loved Moto GP, still love it today. I have 2 super bikes. I think I probably always just gonna take my bikes out. I won’t compete professionally in anything ever again. It takes 10,000 hours to be, you know, a master of something else. I wanna spend that 10,000 hours on being the best dad or something like that, you know, or running my businesses in the best way I can. Where all my energy and focus will go to. For now, I’ll continue to skydive, I’ll continue to surf, those are probably the, riding the bikes, surfing and skydiving, those are the 3 fun things that I’ll make sure I always do.
Merci Beaucoup, Lewis.
It was a pleasure as always. Thank you.
220 notes · View notes
sequinsmile-x · 3 months
Morning Light
Five different Father's Days in Aaron's life.
Hi friends,
So, this got away from me. Massively. But I can't help myself - I love these '5 times' type fics.
I really hope you enjoy this, and if today is a hard day for you please know I am holding space for you.
This is largely very very soft. So I hope you enjoy it!
Let me know what you think <3
Words: 6k
Warnings: None! Some, small, bits of angst because I am who I am but nothing that wouldn't be in canon.
Parings: Hotchniss. Brief Haley/Aaron
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
When he wakes up, the house is strangely quiet. 
The gentle silence he’d been used to before Jack was born was gone, the slow lazy mornings he and Haley had once enjoyed a thing of the past. He didn’t miss it, didn’t look back on it fondly like he thought he might, but rather he enjoyed the chaos that seemingly came with having an 8-month-old in the house. 
He groans as he sits up, rubbing his eyes with one hand and reaching over to the other side of the bed with the other. He frowns when he feels nothing but cool sheets, a sign his wife has been up for quite some time, and he stands up, suddenly desperate to seek her out on a rare Sunday morning when he wasn’t away on a case. As he steps out into the hallway he hears her downstairs, a smile breaking out over his face as the sound of her humming to herself, something she always did when she was cooking, travels up the stairs. 
He hovers in the doorway of the kitchen for a moment, taking the opportunity to watch her as she splits her attention between the fruit she’s slicing up, the waffle maker in front of her, and Jack sitting in his high chair, oatmeal spread across his face. It was moments like this, watching her as a wife and a mother, that it really struck him how long he’d known her, how long he’d loved her. She’d turned from a slightly rebellious teenager who once convinced him to pierce his ear to the woman right in front of him, grown with him as he did everything he could to ensure he would never repeat his father’s mistakes, that this home would be one free of the violence that had spread through his childhood home like the blackest of mould. 
“What’s all this?” He asks, his smile only getting wider when she jumps, her hand on her chest as she looks up at him, her eyes narrowed as Jack’s giggle fills the room. 
“Jesus, Aaron,” she mutters as he walks over, leaning into his touch despite her irritation, a smile dancing across her face as he kisses her cheek, “I need to get you a bell or something.” 
“Sorry, love,” he replies, kissing her cheek again, “I could have made breakfast.”
He usually did when he was home. It was something he did to try to make up for the times work took him away, a gesture he knew didn’t truly split the load his wife had mostly carried since their son was born. He was starting to see the cracks appearing, how she’d barely hide her annoyance sometimes when a call came through, as if there was anything he could truly do about it. 
“Not today,” she says, smiling at him as she gets on her tiptoes to stamp a kiss against his lips, “Happy Father’s Day.” 
He chokes on a laugh, his smile slightly disbelieving as he looks down at her, pulling her closer with his hand on her back. It was a day that had never meant anything good to him. It had gone uncelebrated in his home for as long as he could remember, his mother’s attempts to acknowledge it diminishing as the years went by, finally disappearing once his father died, any pretence that he’d been a man worth celebrating dying with him. 
“Father’s Day?”
She playfully rolls her eyes at him, a glint to her smile that had first attracted him to her back when they first met in theatre class, “Yes, Aaron. You’re a father now, if you remember.”
He smiles and nods, looking over at Jack who was watching them intently, “Yes, I remember.” 
“And Jack insisted we made your favourite breakfast to mark the occasion,” she says, nodding to the plated-up waffles, syrup and sliced fruit before extracting herself from Aaron’s embrace to walk over and pick Jack up, expertly wiping his messy face and hands in seconds, “He even made you a card.” 
“You did all that for me, buddy?” Aaron says, gratefully taking his son from his wife, kissing the baby’s head as he settles him on his hip. He looks at Haley as he carries on, wanting her to know he appreciates it, that  “Thank you.”
She winks at him, “You stay here, I’m going to go get your presents.” 
Aaron watches her go and then turns his attention to his son, bouncing him on his hip and chuckling as Jack presses his tiny hands into his face. He makes a point of kissing them, his heart growing in his chest as Jack giggles, Aaron’s new favourite sound in the world, but he’s drawn out of it as his cell phone rings in his pocket. He adjusts his hold on Jack and grabs his phone, sighing when he sees it’s JJ calling.
“Sorry to call on a Sunday, Hotch,” she says, sounding genuinely remorseful, “But we’ve got a bad one.” 
“How bad?” He asks, as if he has any choice but to leave, as if the tiny bubble he’d been living in since he woke up wasn’t already burst. 
“Florida bad.” 
He presses his lips together and shakes his head, internally cursing the serial killers of the world for at least not giving him one day off, and he kisses Jack’s head, “Tell the team to meet on the jet in an hour.” 
“Yes, sir,” she says, hesitating for a moment before she carries on, “I really am sorry. I know it’s your first Father’s Day.” 
 He hums, “Unless you’re the unsub JJ you don’t have anything to apologise for.” 
She chuckles, the sound drowned out as he hears Haley’s footsteps approaching him. He smiles sadly at her as she stops just short of him, a gift bag hooked over her arm and two cards clasped in her hand. She frowns at him, her eyebrows stitched together with barely covered irritation. 
“See you on the jet.”
When he hangs up, Haley sighs, her hands on her hips as she presses her lips together and shakes her head, “A case?” 
“I’m sorry,” he says, “Apparently it’s a bad one.” 
She chuckles humourlessly, “None of them are good ones, Aaron,” she says, blowing out a breath as she puts the gifts down on the kitchen counter, “It’s Father’s Day. Jack is supposed to spend today with you.” 
“I know,” he replies, guilt that was starting to feel all too familiar licking at his insides for the fact he hadn’t hesitated all that much about the fact they had to go. “We can still have breakfast and open the gifts.” 
She stares at him for a moment before forcing a smile on her face and nodding at him, “Yeah,” she replies, taking Jack from him, kissing their son’s temple as she settles him in their embrace, “That will have to do.” 
He watches as she settles Jack in his high chair again, “Next year I’ll put out a notice that all serial killers need to stop on Father’s Day weekend.” 
She laughs despite herself, shaking her head at him as he takes his seat at the breakfast bar, “Yeah,” she says, her smile genuine but slightly sad, an edge to it he hates that he can’t name, “Next year.” 
Aaron’s confused when he hears a knock on his front door at 8.30 am on a Sunday. He’d barely slept, the weight of the day ahead resting heavily on his chest as he tossed and turned all night, his eyes fixed on the clock as the time ticked passed midnight into Father’s Day.
The first Father’s Day since Haley had died. 
It felt strangely harder than Mother’s Day had. For that, he had a plan. He had spoken to Jack’s teacher, had prepared the little boy as much as he could. He’d helped him make a card and pick out flowers and they went to Haley’s grave and spoke to her. It had been difficult, one of the hardest days of his life, but it had been easier than this. Even after the divorce, Haley had made a point of making sure Jack got him a gift and a card. She always made sure he had him that day - that he spent the day with his son if he wasn’t at work and it meant everything to him. 
He knew Jess had bought a card, and that Jack would have made something at school, but it felt lonely. His reality as a single father, a reality he blamed solely on himself, all the more real on a day like today. 
He frowns when there’s another knock on the door and he walks towards it, his confusion only deepening when he spots Emily through the peephole, her arms laden with bags. He opens the door and furrows his brows, wondering if he’d somehow fallen asleep and was dreaming. 
“Finally,” she says, walking past him as if she lived here, grunting as she places the bags all down on his kitchen counter, “This shit is heavy.” 
He stares at her, still frozen in place by the door, his mouth hanging open as she shrugs off her jacket, revealing the casual clothes she was wearing underneath. Her being here wasn’t unusual, she was a frequent visitor these days. Ever since Jack and Haley had gone into hiding she’d spent a lot of time with him, reminding him he wasn’t alone, being the friend he hadn’t realised he’d needed until she was right there with him. She’d been even more present since Jack had come back, her ability to make his son comfortable in a world that was suddenly different to him something Aaron was sure he’d never be able to pay her back for. 
“What are you doing here?” 
She smiles, but she’s cut off from responding by Jack barrelling into her side, the little boy seemingly appearing out of nowhere as he wraps his arms around her.
She leans down and picks him up, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she settles him on her hip, “Hi Jack,” she says, smiling at Aaron, feeling uncharacteristically shy under his gaze, “I think it’s time we let your Daddy in on our little secret, huh?” She asks, tickling him, drawing a laugh out of the little boy.
Jack nods enthusiastically and turns to Aaron, his arms stretched out for him, “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!” 
Aaron beams, his smile wide as he accepts his son from Emily’s arms, ignoring the warmth that spreads through him from where his hand grazes hers, “Thanks, buddy,” he says, kissing his son’s cheek as he takes a step back, his smile turning curious as he looks at Emily, “I’m still not sure what’s going on.” 
She smiles at the sight of them together, her stomach flipping as she replies, “Jack asked me if I knew it was Father’s Day coming up just a couple of weeks ago, and he said you liked to have your favourite breakfast on Father’s Day,” her smile turns soft, a way to quietly let him know she knew it was something Haley had done for him, “But he’s too small to cook for you. So he asked me to help.”
“Em’ly said she’d come over,” Jack says, his smile wide, so similar to Haley’s it makes Aaron ache, and Aaron lets out a shaky laugh, shaking his head at the two of them. He can see the spark of insecurity in Emily’s eyes, something she tries and fails to hide from him, and he knows he has to extinguish it before it catches fire. 
“Well, this is a very nice surprise,” he says, smiling at her before he looks at his son, “Why don’t you go get changed out of your pyjamas and I’ll help Emily set up?”
He nods and kisses his father’s cheek before he scrambles down to the ground, running to his room and leaving the two adults alone. Aaron obverses her as she looks at the ground, purposefully avoiding eye contact, and he’s overwhelmed by the love he’d been harbouring for her for far too long. 
He hadn’t been able to name it until she started coming around after he’d been attacked. It had followed him everywhere, haunting him and tapping him on the shoulder every time she so much as smiled at him. As soon as he could name it, he felt a wave of shame, sure that he didn’t deserve to be with a woman like her after everything he’d done, even if he was fairly sure she loved him back. 
“You didn’t have to do this.” 
She looks up at him, her eyebrows furrowed as if he was being ridiculous. As if there had been no other option other than for her to come over when he knew she’d usually still be sleeping. 
“Yes I did,” she says, nodding towards the pile of things she’d abandoned on his counter, “Now, help me get this unpacked. I’m doing all the cooking though.” 
He smiles curiously as she unpacks the bags she’d brought with her, his focus fixed on the waffle iron she sets down on his kitchen counter, “You hate waffles.” 
She looks up at him, a surprised smile bursting across her face before she tries to suppress it, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as she narrows her eyes at him, “How do you know that?” 
“You were complaining about them at the hotel breakfast buffet on a case recently,” he says, the memory making a smile flick across her face, her condemnation of the food something that had stuck with him. The way her eyebrows had pinched together in the same way they would when she was presented with a particularly gruesome case file, “You called them ‘pretentious pancakes.’”
She stares at him for a moment, a familiar feeling that she desperately tries to ignore whenever it occurs bubbling in her chest. Whenever she saw him like this, soft and so unlike the man she’d got to know at work, her stomach would flip. Forbidden feelings for a forbidden version of him that felt even more wrong given the situation he was in, the fact he was grieving a woman he’d known most of his life. 
Emily first realised she was in love with him when she found him in the hospital after Foyet had attacked him. Seeing him like that hurt, a guttural pain low in her gut that told her the feelings she’d written off as a school-girl crush ran far deeper than that. It was inappropriate at best, she knew that, especially at first when he was in pain and missing his son. She did her best to love him practically. To be there for him by driving him to work, by silently paying for the medical bills his insurance didn’t cover. 
It was something she’d carried on since Haley died, her affection shifting from just him to him and Jack. She spent weekends with them. Did simple things like grocery shop and going to the zoo with them, their smiles and laughter, the joy they found even in the darkest of times, all she ever wanted in return. It’s why when Jack pulled her aside a couple of weeks ago, a frown on his face that was all Aaron, and asked for her help with doing something for Father’s Day she hadn’t needed to think about it. 
She would do anything for either of them. 
She clears her throat as she looks at the food on the counter, her cheeks warm as he continues to stare at her, “I can’t believe you remembered that.” 
“I remember everything about you.” His words hang in the air around them, a confession he hadn’t even intended to make, and for a moment they both freeze. Everything they hadn’t said, and knew now wasn’t the time to say, written across their faces, both of them staring at each other as if they were afraid to say anything, to disturb the delicate holding pattern they’d found themselves in for months now. “So,” he says, smiling at her, “Did you buy this waffle iron especially for today?”
She hears what he hasn’t said, all the things they’d talk about when life was a little simpler again. When the muddy waters he was wading through were clearer. And she smiles, her dimples carved out deeply in her cheeks as they go warm with embarrassment only he could drag out of her. 
“Shut up.” 
Emily smiles to herself as she closes the hotel room door and slides the lock across, proud of herself for not waking up her boyfriend as she quietly wheels the room service she’d ordered closer to the bed. 
She climbs on top of him, straddling his abdomen as she leans down, pressing her chest against his as she starts to stamp a series of kisses to his jaw, the scratch of his stubble rubbing against her lips, and up to his cheek. 
“Wake up honey,” she whispers, her hand sneaking under the hem of his t-shirt, her fingers dancing across the scar at the top of his chest, “Wake up.” 
Aaron groans, his hands landing on her hips as if magnetized as he wakes up, pulling her impossibly closer as she continues to kiss him until he turns his head, capturing her lips against his. 
“Not that I don’t enjoy you waking me up by climbing on top of me half naked,” he drawls, his voice rough and raspy from a lack of sleep, “Why am I awake at…” he groans as he looks at the clock, “5 am,” he sniffs, finally pulling his face away from her, “And can I smell breakfast?” 
She smiles as she sits up, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as his hands find her bare thighs, the shirt of his she’d fallen asleep in gathered around her on top of him, “Happy Father’s Day, honey.” 
He’s still half asleep, so he frowns at her, “What?” 
She chuckles and leans into him, her hair falling down and covering them both as she presses her lips against his. He smoothes it back, pushing his fingers through the soft locks as he holds her in place, never tiring of having her this close. 
“It’s Father’s Day,” she mutters, barely pulling back enough to speak, her breath skipping across his face, “And I know you’re sad we’re working,” she kisses him again, “So I ordered room service so you can have breakfast,” she pulls back and smiles at him, her eyes sleepy and full of love, “And later on you’re going to FaceTime Jack. And I’ll fight anyone who tries to interrupt.” 
He stares up at her, blown away, not for the first time, by the way she loved him and his son. The way she looked after them, forever making sure she put them first. He’d been irritated when they’d been called away on a case late on Friday, his teeth grinding and his shoulders tight as the jet took off, leaving his son and any chance of spending a day that had become so important to him behind. Emily had been his saving grace. Her presence enough to make him feel better, her hand on his knee under the table on the jet a comfort, a soothing balm to any ailment, he wasn’t sure he could ever live without again. 
He rolls them, capturing the surprised yelp she lets out in a kiss as he lays half on top of her. She hooks one of her legs behind his back and digs her heel into the top of his ass, moaning into the kiss as she deepens it, her nails lightly scratching at his scalp. 
She found it hard to believe that this time last year she’d been alone in Paris, torn apart in every possible way, terrified Ian would jump out of any shadow she came across. It had felt hopeless at the time. Like she’d never get to come home, or feel like herself again. The months had stretched out, every lonely night a small infinity in which she would lay there and play all of her decisions over and over in her head, a punishment of sorts she’d given herself. A penance she felt she deserved for letting down the people she loved, for putting them in danger. 
She’d almost kissed Aaron the night before Sean McCallister called. They’d gone out for dinner, just the two of them, a night they were both too shy to call a date. She’d come close to pressing her lips against his, to inviting him inside, but she’d been interrupted by her neighbour, the moment gone as quickly as it had appeared. Aaron had kissed her cheek and smiled at her as he left, and she told herself she’d kiss him next time. Afterwards, when everything had been torn from her, she wished she’d kissed him. Wished that she knew what it was like to be with him, to feel his bare skin against hers, but now she knew how it felt, she knew it would have been worse. The reality so much more than she ever imagined laying on the cold floor of her unassuming apartment in Paris. 
She hums as she pulls back from the kiss, smiling as he chases her lips. She rests her forehead against his and presses her thumb into his lower lip, a sound she refused to call a giggle escaping when he kisses the pad of it. 
“Breakfast will go cold,” she whispers, her hand tracing up his cheek and mussing through his ruffled hair, “You can have your way with me afterwards.”
He hums, “Oh yeah?”
She nods, rubbing her nose against his, “Why do you think I woke you up so early?”
Aaron kisses her fiercely, his grip on her waist tight, before he pulls away, dragging her with him as he sits up, “What did you order?” 
She scoots towards the trolley she’d wheeled over and passes him the tray of food, settling next to him against the headboard before she pulls the metal tray cover off of it, smiling widely as she reveals a plate of waffles next to a plate of pancakes, “Tah-dah!”
He laughs at her flare and tilts his head as he turns to look at her, “There weren’t waffles on the menu. I checked when we had breakfast yesterday.” 
She shrugs and shifts closer, the tray lying over both of their laps, “It’s amazing what you can convince people to do when you offer to leave them a very large tip.” 
“You asked them to make them for me?” 
She nods, reaching out for a fork to pull apart her pancakes, “It’s your favourite, and they already had all the ingredients.” 
He smiles, his gaze fixed on her profile as she eats. His eyes drift from her sharp jawline to the slope of her nose. He’d always known she was beautiful, it was something that had been hard to deny even back when he didn’t trust her, but seeing her like this, up close and bare-skinned as they ate breakfast together, was something he didn’t think he’d ever get used to. 
“You’re staring.” 
He leans in and kisses her cheek, unashamed that he’d been caught out, “You’re beautiful.” 
She rolls her eyes at him and turns her head to kiss him, the taste of syrup passing from her lips to his. “Eat your pretentious pancakes,” she says, kissing him again, “Then we can have sex until your alarm goes off.” 
He laughs and nods, “Yes, sweetheart.”
Aaron yawns as he walks through the house, scratching the back of his head as he walks into the living room, finding his wife exactly where he knew he would. 
“Morning, sweetheart.”
She looks up at him from the baby in her arms, her smile shaking slightly as their eyes meet. They were shining up at him, a mix of exhaustion and frustration reflected in the tears he knew she hated. She has their newborn daughter clutched against her chest, her milk-stained t-shirt bunched up over her breast as she tries to feed her, an edge of desperation in the way she tries to get Rose to eat.
“Morning,” she replies as she looks back down at the baby, “I don’t think she’s getting anything.” 
He sits next to her, one hand on her back and the other on Rose’s and he smiles at his little girl, still as enraptured by her as he was the very first time he’d seen her. He kisses the side of Emily's head, “You remember what the doctor said, Em. She won’t eat much these first few days.” 
She hums, clearly not believing him as Rose unlatches, and she looks as defeated as she sounds when she lifts the newborn to rest her against her shoulder. Aaron adjusts her shirt and nursing bra for her and she smiles gratefully, a silent thank you passing between the two of them in the quiet of their living room. 
Rose was less than two days old, fresh home from the hospital only the night before, and already the centre of her parent's world along with her older brother. They’d started trying to get pregnant just before their wedding and it had taken a little longer than either of them had hoped. Aaron had watched as his wife folded in on herself with each negative test. A cruel origami of her worst fears as she started to believe that maybe, just maybe, she’d let herself get too happy. That she’d got carried away in the fantasy of him and being Jack’s mother, and she’d forgotten that she still had a past that she felt she hadn’t undone yet. No matter how many times he assured her that his love for her was unconditional, that he would be there if they had 10 children or no more other than Jack, she didn’t believe him. A constant tension thrumming under her skin right up until the moment she was staring at a positive test. 
Her pregnancy hadn’t been easy, far from it, but he knew the moment she was handed their little girl that Emily considered every part of it worth it. 
“Sorry if I woke you up,” she says, kissing the side of their daughter’s head, “She wouldn’t go back to sleep so I brought her down here.”
“You could have woken me up,” he says, pulling her close so she’s leaning against him, both of his girls in his arms as he leans back on the couch.
“I wanted you to have a lie in,” she mutters, rubbing soothing circles on Rose’s back, “It’s Father’s Day.” 
In any other circumstance, he’s sure he’d laugh, he’s sure he’d point out that every other Father’s Day they’d been together she’d woken him up early for one reason or another. Whether it was to make sure he got to continue the tradition of a waffle breakfast that Haley had started even if they were on the other side of the country, knee-deep in casework, or because she’d found a spider the size of her fist in the pantry and woken him up with a scream. It was close to absurd that this year, she didn’t deem their tiny scrawny newborn, who was still getting over the shock of no longer being tucked up warm inside her mother, a reason to wake him. 
It was her all over though. The love of his life. She was a mess of contradictions tied together with empathy and beauty and he wouldn’t want her any other way. 
“You can always wake me up,” he assures her, kissing her forehead, “Now why don’t you and Rosie sit here,” he says, smiling when he spots the baby had fallen asleep, “And I’ll go make breakfast.” 
Emily’s face crumbles, the shininess that had been set in them for days, making them look even deeper than normal, giving way to tears. They splash down onto her cheeks as she shakes her head, burning hot tracks into her already slightly sticky skin.
“No, I should do it,” she says, wincing as she tries to move forward, held in place by his arm around her, “You shouldn’t have to make your own breakfast today. 
Her earnestness makes his heart swell, overwhelming love for her spilling out of him and onto the floor around them. He cups her jaw and pulls her close, kissing her tears away until he presses his lips against hers.
“Em, sweetheart, I say this with all the love in my heart,” he says as he pulls back to look at her, thumbing away new tears that fall past her lashline, “But you had a baby 36 hours ago and you can barely walk let alone stand at the kitchen counter and cook. You just need to concentrate on her okay?” he says, nodding down to the baby girl in her arms, “And anyway, she’s the best early Father’s Day present ever,” he adds, the vice around his heart loosening as Emily smiles at him, “You’ve already outdone yourself.” 
She swallows thickly, her lips pressed together as she tries to figure out if he's lying, her profiling skills left somewhere between her 40-hour labour and the rollercoaster of emotions she’d been through since, “Are you sure?” 
“Absolutely,” he says, kissing the tip of her nose and smiling when she scrunches it up, “Now you two sit here and look pretty, I’ll go make us some food.” 
“Okay,” she says, finally relaxing back into the couch as she relents, well aware that he was right anyway, that she couldn’t stand up straight if she were offered millions of dollars to do so, “We can do that.” 
He kisses her forehead and walks away, humming to himself as he decides this is going to be his best Father’s Day yet.
He’s woken up by tiny hands pressing against his face, and his daughter's faux-whisper, somehow louder than her usual talking voice as she pokes his cheek.
“Are you awake Daddy?” 
He smiles as he grabs her, her giggle one of his favourite sounds in the world, right up there with his sons and his wife, and he presses a series of kisses to her cheeks, “I am now Rosie-Posie.” 
The four-year-old carries on laughing, eventually wriggling out of his grip and settling on Emily’s empty side of the bed, “Mommy sent me up.”
He wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer, resting his cheek on top of her head as she settles against his side, “Did she?”
He feigns innocence, pretending he doesn’t know what day it is, as if his wife hadn’t threatened him to stay upstairs until she came up and told him she was ready. 
Rose hums and fiddles with the wristband of his watch, her tiny fingers always ready to grasp something, “Breakfast is almost ready.” 
“What’s for breakfast?” He asks, playing dumb again, his smile soft as she rolls her eyes at him, looking impossibly more like Emily than she usually does. 
“Waffles, Daddy,” she says, “Just like always.” 
“Well that’s good,” he replies, pushing some of her unruly hair from her face, “Waffles are my favourite.” 
“Mine too!” She replies, her smile wide as her apparent irritation with him was forgotten as soon as it had appeared.
“And mine,” Jack says having appeared in the doorway, bounding into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed, “Happy Father’s Day, Dad.” 
He thinks of that first Father’s Day, in the quiet hours before Emily had shown up with the waffle iron she was currently using, when it was just him and Jack. He’d been so young then, not much older than Rose was now, and at the time it was impossible to imagine a different reality than the one he’d found himself in. Sometimes, when he woke from a nightmare, his monster human and oh so real, there would always be a moment when he thought he was alone again, that everything he’d had in the last few years had been nothing more than a dream.
Then Emily would be there. Her forehead against his and her hand curled around the back of his neck as she brought him back to her, soft reassurances and stories about their children until his breathing evened out and he could no longer feel the press of Foyet’s knife. He did the same for her, their relationship a give and take that had grown with them, each of them always exactly what the other needed. 
“Thanks, Jack.” 
Emily walks into the room, their two-year-old on her hip and matching smiles on their faces, flour spattered in both of their hair, “Breakfast is ready.” 
“Waffles!” Rose cheers, and Lucas joins in from Emily’s arms, his tiny hands clapping together at the thought of his favourite breakfast. Rose runs out of the room, overwhelmed by her excitement and Jack is hot on her tail, ever the protective big brother. 
Emily sighs performatively as Aaron climbs out of bed, shaking her head at her two eldest children as they run out of the room, “I can’t believe I live in a house full of waffle lovers.” 
“Well two of them look exactly like you, baby,” Aaron says as he makes it to her side, his hand on her back and his lips catching the corner of hers, the flavour of the raw batter she’d clearly tasted passing from her lips to his, “They had to get something from me.” 
She hums and cups his cheek, adjusting her hold on Lucas, the little boy’s hands firmly wrapped around the strap of her tank top, “Happy Father’s Day, honey.” 
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he says, leaning in to kiss her, his lips barely touching hers this time before Lucas bats his hands at his father, a frown on his face Emily always said was all him.
“No kissy,” he says, resting his head on his mother’s chest, “My mama.” 
Emily and Aaron both suppress a laugh as they look at each other, Lucas’s possessiveness of Emily something that had been strong ever since he was a tiny little thing. It had only got worse with the recent news their family would unexpectedly get bigger, another baby tiny and safe under Emily’s still flat skin that they hadn’t anticipated. She’d told him a month ago, her eyes bright and shining with anxiety, somehow worried he wouldn’t want this. As if he would ever get tired of having more of her in the world. He’d simply kissed her until she wasn’t worried anymore, something he’d learned long ago was the easiest way to calm her down.
“Sorry, Lukey,” Aaron says sincerely, knowing now wasn’t the time to try and resolve the possessiveness, “It won’t happen again.” 
He looks back at his wife and she winks at him, mouthing three words at him over their son’s head in the silence of the room. 
I love you.
A familiar warmth spreads through him. Brought on by the softness of her skin, the sound of his eldest children giggling downstairs, and the faint smell of waffles in the air. Every time he’d ever doubted himself, every awful thing he’d ever survived, seemed insignificant in moments like these. All it would take would be one smile from his wife, one peek of the dimples she’d passed onto their children, although she would claim he’d passed on his, and it would disappear. Leaving him only with this. A life he would have once thought impossible.
A life where he had room for things as beautifully simple as a tradition like breakfast on Father’s Day.
He mouths the words back at her, a reflex that was no less special even though he’d done it countless times, her smile in return no less beautiful than the first time. 
I love you too. 
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