#this man is HOT
yoda-bor · 6 months
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nace girlies found dead
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chukys-mouthguard · 28 days
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y’all….are we adding a new player to my list of who I take requests for??? 👀 because…DAMN
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zenopic · 11 months
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//repost bco broken tags. Thank you so much @albaharu for letting me know!<3 hopefully it goes better this time.
Progress vid in separate post
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theprincessandthebook · 10 months
Iron Flame Memes:
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shelfwar · 2 years
Maverick X Reader ~Can we try again?~
Warnings:Angst, slight smut, curse words, fluff 18+
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You and Pete were best friends growing up, like y'all did everything together to the point he became part of your family and you became part of his family.  You could even remember the day you two met, it was the first day of kindergarten and you were the new girl at the school. You had stumbled up to the bus stop you were assigned to, and waited for the bus along with some other kids twice your age.
When you spotted the yellow bus everyone lined up, but of course the older kids pushed and shoved you to the back of the line. Once it was your turn to climb up the stairs you nervously asked the bus driver if this was going to Beaver elementary school. The driver nodded yes as you made your way onto the bus, instantly kids moved to the outside of the seats making it harder for you to find one, until one kid didn't.
He had raven black hair with piercing green eyes, he also had on a airforce one shirt and a pair of blue jeans. So you plopped down next to the boy, which he  greeted you with a big toothy smile. "I'm Pete, what's your name?" "I'm uh, y/n." "Well nice to meet you. I'm assuming your new right?" "Yeah." You whispered as you looked down at your backpack. "I can show you to your classroom if you would like y/n?" "Uh okay." "Awesome!" He chuckled as you did to.
By the time high school rolled around it was obvious to everyone that you were a couple, but in reality you weren't you were just good friends. In fact the two of you were crowned homecoming king and queen your senior year. But before the two of you could even graduate bad news had struck you, you'd have to move to California because of your father's job.
So here you both are in the middle of the woods hiking. "Pete?" "Yeah, y/n?" Pete stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at your worried face. "Y/n, what's wrong?" "Me-me and my family are moving." You sobbed as he held you close. "Hey is thats a good thing, right?" "No Pete, I'm moving to California." "What" Pete whispered softly. "I'm sorry, it-it wasn't my idea" "Shh, it's okay." "No it's not Pete! Your my best-" Pete cut you off in with a hard kiss before breaking it.
"Pete" "I know it's not your fault and I just thought that if I kissed you, you'd-" This time it was you who cut him off in a kiss.
That was 5 years ago, when you both confessed your feelings for each other with a kiss. So here you are working on the Top Gun planes that the aviators will be flying here in 2 days. The commanding officer Viper walked onto the hanger letting out a low whistle. "Miss y/l/n are these jets in tip top shape?" Viper said as he touched the jet. "Ah yes sir, just putting on the last nut." "Okay, thank you y/n for all of the overtime." "Your welcome sir!" You saluted to him before he left the hanger.
That afternoon, you sat on your porch and watched as all of the new pilots made there way to there new homes for the next couple of months. As you were watching you noticed a very familer set of black hair in the distance, no it can't be you thought as the man shut the door behind him, as another man did to. "Pete?"
The next morning you had a written letter on your door step from Viper stating that you had to show up to the first day of class. So that morning you arrived at work a tad bit early from everyone else because you wanted the planes to be in tip top shape as Viper said. So you placed your aviators on and you made  your way to the hanger were the class would be held in.
When you arrived Viper and the rest of the commanding officers were standing in front so that the class would  face them. So you took a deep breath and walked down the isle whilst being introduced. "Ah, here she is our head plane mechanic y/f/n.  She will be your go to gal if you notice anything off, I mean anything off with your aircraft, you will report it to her."
When you got up to the group you nodded your head and faced the whole class, while taking off your sunglasses. "Hello, and welcome! I'm y/n your lead mechanic. If you notice anything I mean anything don't be afraid to swing by my area." You smiled as you scanned the room, but someone familiar once again caught your eye. It was Pete Mitchell.
Pete looked your way, as his eyes grew wide with surprise as the man next to him tried to get his attention back. "Alright pilots! I expect you here right away in the morning for our first training! Class dismissed."
"I see someone eyeing you up." Charlotte the other flight instructor said as the pilots got up and left the hanger.
"What's his name?" You asked not taking your eyes off of him."Pete "Maverick Mitchell, why?" "Oh just wondering." You said as you walked away from Charlotte so you could work on your personal plane. Once you arrived you shed off your jumpsuit and was left with a army green shirt with bleach washed jeans. You walked over to your radio and turned it to country. After that you walked over to your piper cub and started it up, just to hear if it needed some well needed tuning to the engine.
Once you were satisfied with the way it sounded you killed the engine and checked the tire pressure, instantly you heard a low hiss coming from one of the front tires. So you walked over to your work bench and got out the supplies that you needed to repair the flat tire. "So your our head mechanic I saw this morning!" You look up to see 2 two men still dressed in there flight suits. One had frosted blonde tips as for the other man he was oddly tall.
"Uh, yeah I'm your mechanic. What can I do for you fellas?" "We just wanted to get to know the base, you know?" The blonde one said. "Uh, okay. I'm y/n aka Leaf." "You fly?" "Of course, why would I be fixing up the Piper huh?" "Explains enough. I'm Ron "Slider" Kerner." "Howdy." "And I'm Tom "Iceman" Kazansky." "Noice, now if you don't mind I'm going to be tinkering around." "Ok, then. We will get going." "Bye Leaf" "Bye Iceman, Bye Slider."
You waved goodbye to the pilots as you went back to work. After a while you went over to your work bench and placed all your tools in the right spot before heading back home.
Once you got home you hopped into the shower, and got changed so you could go to the local bar. Once satisfied with your look, you wandered down to the beach bar. In the distance you could smell burgers, booze and cigarettes as you got closer to the bar.
Once there you opened the doors and found a empty stool at the bar. "Hey, Leaf what can I get you?" "You know the usual." You sighed as you dug out a 20 from your pocket. "Alright one rum and coke coming up." "Thanks, Garrett." "Anytime my dear." Garrett handed you your drink beneath a coaster with the bars logo on it.
You started to look around as you saw many pilots with there whites on, then you saw Iceman and Slider with Pete and his friend. So you picked up your drink and made it there way. "Hey, Ice and Slider." "Hey, if it isn't Leaf!" "Hi guys" "Oh, this is Goose or Nick Bradshaw." Slider said as he pointed to a man next to Pete. "And this is Pete "Maverick"-" "Mitchell" You finished Sliders sentence. "Holy shit." You heard Goose say as he stared at you.
"Wait, your the girl Mav keeps on explaining to me. How did you to-" "We grew up together." Maverick said as he stared at you. As he stared at you another memory came flooding back to you.
"Pete" "Hm." Pete hummed as he held your naked body close to his, under the covers. "I'm gonna miss you Pete." He sighed before he leaned on his elbow looking down at your tired face. "I know I'm gonna miss you to baby." "I'm sorry Pete this whole moving had to happen." "Hey it isn't your fault love, your dad found a better job to keep a roof over your heads." "I know, Pete." "I love you." "He whispered as he cradled your face with his hand. "Pete I love you to." Pete leaned down and gently placed a kiss on your lips before getting up to help you put on some clothes before he did to.
After that he crawled back into the bed with you and cuddled you from behind. "Pete?" "Yeah, love" "I'm scared for this next chapter in my life in California. A country girl going to the big city. It doesn’t have a ring to it." "I'm sure you'll be fine baby, remember I'm a call away." "I know." You said as you kissed his knuckles.
Once you moved away Pete and you would talk almost every day but then he stopped calling. During that time you thought he broke up with you, but later it did confirm in a letter from him stating that the navy owns his ass now and he needed to brake up with you. You still remember that letter and how it was crinkled into your fist as you cried and cried, that the fact you lost your best friend to the navy. In fact you framed that letter and hung in your room as a daily reminder to keep on moving through the break up.
"So wait, a second Mav and you were friends!" "We were!" You snarked at Goose. "Listen it's been a long day/night I can't deal with this shit right now." You said as you tried to hide your sadness. "I'm sorry" Was all you heard from Pete as you walked away from the trio.
You walked up to Iceman and his RIO and just stood there. "Leaf, you good?" Slider asked as he hit the pool stick. "Yeah, just. It's Maverick." "What the hell did that punk do?" Iceman said very protectively as you jumped a bit. "We had a past." You whispered loud enough so only those two could hear. "You two had a past together?" "Yeah. We were best friends until he broke up with me 3 years ago." "Aw Leaf, it's okay!" "I know, I'm being a baby." "No, your fine I've had some relationships like that. Trust us your not the only one."
"Awe thanks Ice!" You said playfully. After an hour of getting to know the trio you decided it was time to head back home although you only had one drink. "See ya later guys!" "By Leaf." You started your way our of the bar when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, can I talk to you?" You turned around on your heels and saw Pete standing there. "Go away Maverick, I don't wanna hear your excuses of me and you. I know it was all my fault so just drop it."
You hissed at him as you continued your way out of the bar and to the outside. Once you got out there you let out a sigh and started your way home. That night you didn't sleep for shit, all you could think of was Pete's face and how he really cared for you when you two were dating. Hell you remember when you had your first panic attack in front of him. At first he was ever loving confused but as you started to studder profanities about how you looked or why should he be dating you. He instantly took you into his arms as you shuddered in his embrace. "Hey, hey it's okay. You are human and a wonderful one to be exact. I love everything about you y/n. And screw the rest of them questioning my decision to be with you."
The next morning you grabbed the coffee grounds and put it into the coffee maker and waited for the best caffeine in the world. Whille waiting you made breakfast and got dressed for the day. Once your coffee was done you just grabbed the whole coffee jug from the maker and made your way down to work.
When you arrived you placed your backpack on your chair as you drank big gulps of the hot liquid, before opening up the big hanger doors to let the breeze fill the room. "Y/n?" You looked in the direction of the voice to see Pete in his flight suit along with his helmet in one of his hands. "Maverick, what do you want?" You scoffed as you picked up the coffee jug and drank from it. "You still do that?" He questioned as he moved closer to me. "Yeah, I do. Why are you here?" "What do you mean?" "What I mean, is why are you here in my hanger?"
He let out a sigh before speaking. "Because I want to explain everything." "Oh you already did Maverick." You said as you moved over to your desk. "No- no I didn't y/n. Jesus it hurt for me to write that fucking letter, it torn me to pieces because you were thousands of miles from me! I wanted you right there to say goodbye to me, tell me to come home to besides my parents. I missed you, I missed us."
You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you looked at your wall of pictures, there hung a picture of you and Pete at graduation. "Mav-" "I know your upset with me, but you were the one who technically left me." "Left you?!? Maverick I had no choice!" "I know, and and." "And what Pete." You said as you swiveled in your chair, as you did that his eyes widen.
"What did the fucking Navy steal my boyfriends heart cause I think it did Pete." "It wasn't the navy's fault!" "Then who's fault is it Pete?" "Ours because we went on our separate ways in life " "mine wasn't controlled Pete! Yours was!" By now you were angry crying. "Listen, I knew were I was gonna be stationed at, it was near March air force base and damn well I was gonna try to find you."
"I was so desperate to find you y/n, but after a while I gave up." Pete got down on his knees so he could face you, as he took your hands in his. "I'm sorry that we broke up and I'm sorry this all happened but I wanna give us a second chance, what do you say Leaf?" You looked up at him with a grin before you pulled him into a much needed hug.
When you broke the hug Pete leaned in as both of your lips clashed together in a very passionate kiss. You felt him grab your hips before placing you safely in his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "MAV WERE ARE YOU, WE'RE GONNA- oh." You both broke the kiss as you heard Goose walk into the hanger. "Oh thats right, sorry Leaf." Maverick helped you back up on your feet as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
"You two can explain later. Come on Mav!" By now Goose was dragging Maverick out of the hanger. "Bye Mav bye Goose." You waved as your boyfriend and Goose walked or you should say run to class
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thiziri · 2 years
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Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence leaves the Queen's Diamond Jubilee River Pageant, on 03 June 2012.
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strrvnge · 2 years
NSFW Headcanon: Stephen's greatest shame and one of the only ways to get off because of his hands is humping pillows. He fears the day someone walks in on him and judges him for it. 💔
Oww a while after the accident stephen who had always bragged about his abilities in bed (big fat dick energy-that at this point I think it's more of a fact 😳) being suddenly all shy and insecure after so he doesn't even try to persue anyone romantically or sexually. but he can't really ignore in needs and reader being the sweetest kindest thing he had ever laied eyes upon, he just has to find a way to releasing himself. and the pillows are just to soft on his throbbing cock just like he imagines your cunt must be so after literally any interaction with you he finds himself humping another pillow thinking of your pretty smile, how much he wanted to kiss you, fuck you instead of that pillow. that's it
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ticklishtoddler · 2 years
throwing up screaming crying
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dreamsandstars24 · 2 years
"He looks very Holy"
No ma'am, he looks very hot.
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zombiiboyx · 2 years
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badolmen · 1 year
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
Edit: if you are able, use $5 you would otherwise use for a streaming subscription to donate to a GazaFunds campaign.
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dorianlover · 21 days
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gayrotic2 · 3 months
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zenopic · 2 years
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Old man Cid sketch
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shadesofgayness · 3 months
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shelfwar · 2 years
Good lord almighty Call of duty out did themselves for Price and Soap 🥵
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