#this line is so fucking adorable it makes me wanna punch through a wall
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nyan-bynary · 15 days ago
I need to KILL him with my TEETH
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cryptidanathema · 1 year ago
if not already asked, leon for the character ask :) basic but opinions vary!
(Also asked by @shinekittenace)
Why I like them: I fully expected this guy with his John Cena-esque go getter attitude and aggressively marketable ace to annoy the shit out of me, but the truth is is that hating Leon is like hating a puppy. You just can't. He's just a nice fuckin dude that wants to keep everyone safe even though he's just one man. There's also the fact that he's essentially a grown up ex-protagonist which the game delves into a little with his complicated emotions surrounding losing the title he's had since he was eleven by the end of the game and the fandom's done some FASCINATING psychological deep dives with. 
Why I don’t: I feel like GameFreak failed a bit with show don't tell with him. Some of the ways GameFreak try to make him seem really intelligent and capable are...a little on the nose to say the least. Like for instance him estimating how much Hop has grown during his introduction scene COULD be taken as a hint they don't get to see each other often but nah I really do suspect they wanted the kiddies to be like WOW THIS GUY IS SO SMART HE CAN DO MATH lol. I do kiiiind of suspect the fandom put more effort into analyzing the guy and the kind of havoc being a massive celebrity since the age of 11 can wreak on your personal life than GameFreak ever did but that's very much not a bad thing IMHO. I'm not one of those IF IT'S NOT STRICT CONFIRMED CANON IT'S OF THE DEVIL people (and honestly rather detest them) 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I...don't think the Anime showcased the better sides of his personality well (he loses the protective streak and just kind of comes off like a self-absorbed manchild that everyone loves because he can defy basic Pokemon battle logic in the same way Ash can. He's a protagonist But Annoying This Time) so I'm not terribly interested in seeing more. 
Favorite season/movie: See above. 
Favorite line: Tbh I don't have one particular standout one immediately coming to mind and I'm feeling too lazy to go through his quotes page rn. His catchphrase IS fun to meme about I will say. 
Favorite outfit: He absolutely kills everything that's not the Sponsorship Cape tbh. The guy has GOOD fashion sense despite the memes, corporate was just holding him back. 
OTP: Raihan/Piers/Leon for reasons I already went into in the Raihan response lol (the vibes between him and Rai are interesting and pretty damn hard to deny but Piers is holding up 90% of my mental health on his bony little shoulders rn and also I wanna see him and Leon interact more) I'd also love he and Sonia to work thier shit out, they are cute as FUCK together in Pokespe 
Brotp: The platonic Raileon enjoyer strikes again. Id also certainly take he and Piers being bros too. Also he and Nemona would be absolutely insufferable together and I'd love to see it someday lol 
Head Canon: One thing that was inspired the anime and a certain infamous wall punching scene is that through no real fault of his own he and Raihan's relationship was actually dangerously close to fraying for a bit. He WANTS to be a good and supportive friend to his favorite person but he's gotten fame and empty adoration pretty much handed to him for long enough that he can't REALLY understand what's going on in Raihan's head, the immense pressure he's putting himself under and the frankly unhealthy behaviors he's starting to develop. It's gonna take the pressure of the championship being gone for Leon to stop being the impossible standard Raihan's harming himself with and start being an uncomplicated source of companionship again. On a brighter note he's a good enough guy that once he becomes Chairman he's gonna prove he deserves that position by taking steps to reverse Rose's power consolidation to make sure no one person can cause that much trouble for the nation of Galar again. He'll prove his worthiness to rule by NOT being a total corporate dictator. 
Unpopular opinion: I've bitched about finding him annoying in the anime enough so instead I'll say I actually don't mind how involved he was in the game plot, it's honestly kind of weird other adults HAVEN'T been like "why are we letting random ten year olds go into very dangerous situations unaccompanied" before if you think about it
A wish: The same as the others, I'd love to see him again IF he's not miserable or acting like an ass. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Don't get lost in spacetime my neurodivergent king you've been through enough 🤞🤞🤞
5 words to best describe them: The tragedy of Superman, Pokemonned. 
My nickname for them: Lee suffices.
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spotsupstuff · 2 years ago
What’s your thoughts on all of the scugs and their campaigns? I’m curious in general, but also wonder about peoples thoughts on the scugs if they dislike the campaign or vice versa
well- i haven't played through all of the scugs yet (haven't touched Riv or Saint at all) so i can't really speak on what i think about the campaigns when it comes to the gameplay itself. ya get me
for Monk: i really like the idea of a really chill campaign even though i don't fucking know why but i managed to have more rage inducing time with Monk than with Surv. i REALLY fuckin love Monk's story though. it's So Fucking Good, i'm such a slut for actions made out of absolute, endless and unquestionable platonic love between siblings (wink wonk at my takes on Moon and Nish). like that one post i wrote about the comparisons between Monk the brother/Surv the sister and Pebbles the brother/Moon the sister? that one line where i was like "he walks across the entire facility grounds of two iterators, dreaming of her, having faith in that she's still around."????? i LOVE IT SO MUCH -punches a wall- imagine you love your sibling so so much that even though they might be dead your faith in their ability to live on is so Fecking Stronk that you are dreaming of them, see them sleep in the corner of a shelter
for Surv: Surv is Surv, it's like trying to live without bread and water. can't say anything negative or really positive about the campaign cuz it's just so intrigated into my head as the Base for everything. just like bread and water, you love and appreciate it silently. can always count on it being there. doesn't mean it gets loved any less just because you don't put the thought of adoration upon it every second. it's just a constant note in the background of your life that offers comfort by its existence
for Hunter: i fucking LOVE... i Have played Hunter only after Spear and Arti though which, as defined by utuber user Ruby Rooz, is cheating (/lh) so i haven't had the same frustrations with the cycle limit like a pre-Downpour player (even though i'm pre-Downpour, i never finished any campaign back then). i had fun just kind of zooming by everything and idk man, NSH is my absolute favorite iterator so everytime i looked at the green neuron i just kind of smiled to myself cuz i kept thinking "he's right here, making the journey with me". Hunter's lore is what first captivated me and made me interested in RW (along with the buddhistic roots of the game's religion)! they introduced us to NSH, explained quite a bit about Moon's current position, what Hunter could mean to Pebbles makes me wanna -Pepe Silvia bit from Always Sunny in Philadelphia-
for Gour: i don't really have much to say about their campaign. i'd put it above Monk gameplay-wise but story-wise underneath them. running around collecting food is nice, i like how it deviates from the previous three in that the iterators basically don't matter at all. the most they matter is eating a neuron and yellin at Pebbles to LET ME OUT LET ME OOOOUUUUUT. it offers a different perspective from what we are used to and i really like when things turn 180° and just walk a completely different path from what is "widely accepted" (honestly a reason why i silently adore Shkika's Innocence so much). in Gour's eyes these godly machines are nothing more than just part of the background. unimportant. just another obsticle. something so important in one part of the world diminished into nothing important. no matter how holy someone thinks a thing is, to someone else it's going to be pointless (and, wonderfully enough, it goes the other way around as well.). Gour's most shining moment story-wise is reached once you think about it deeper and come to realise that what they stand for is a hint of variety of understanding the world. they expand the world very subtly. they make thinking about RW less claustrophobic. other than that i'm just "i just think they are neat" about them. i keep quoting the Ruby Rooz video when i think about Gour too- "who ELSE has the arm of a GOD capable of decimating most of the local fauna with one spear and strongly suggesting to those that it doesn't to promptly LeAVhe." also hot take but the big gamer peeps need to stop bitchin bout the tiredness factor of Gour. good challenge. nice variety. are you allergic to planning? have you not listened to Lyanna Kea, in her skits about Asian moms, telling you to have some Initiative for once in your life? because i am an OVERTHINKER and that one utube short, said in that way of speaking changed my fucking life and now i'm here living to my fullest with the local fatty. jokes on u, speedrunners, i've found joy
for Arti: murder is fun! :) scav tolls are not. :( ability to maim remains superior to everything else in this fuck of a game (affectionate). Garbage Wastes need to be stopped. this is probably my number one fav screen from the entire game (Metropolis kicks ass, the lore reveal in person of at least a Small piece of what it was like to be an Ancient makes me giddy)
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for Riv: i recognize a threat to my safety in those eyes. i do not trust them. gameplay experience pending (i'm going to break something while travelling through The Rot, i already know it). the soundtrack Not Your Rain is one of the best fucking things i've ever heard come from a game (high praise) and everything that is happening to Pebbles in Riv's campaign goes right along my morbid angst needs. other than that Riv is also in the "i just think they are neat" category. i wish we could've gotten a clearer hint towards what's up with Riv and what iterator they met
for Spear: the most kickass motherfucker was made by the most fail cringe dumb fuck creature i've ever been forced to bear witness to and i am both perplexed and deeply delighted by this (i wanna square up with Suns so bad i cannot begin to explain how much i wanna kick their ass). Spear's campaign is rn my most fav one because of all the lore drops, so much new canon NSH content, the sheer Worldbuilding, the fact that there's been more iterators shown and that they felt like Normal People... the conversation about SoS betting on lizards, the reveal that NSH was the first one to bring forth slugcats as messangers, the conversations between Secluded Instinct and Wandering Omen are one of my most favorite broadcasts besides NSH's attempts to reach Moon. gameplay-wise, i love that Spear's campaign feels like upgraded Survivor campaign. you are faster now, there's more aggressive enemies, you are on no time limit, you don't have to bother with finding spears, you don't have to bother with Directly Taking A Corpse Into Your Hands and Eating it, you get to eat the fuckin carnivorous plants... -dreamy sigh- what more could one want. the whole lore pearl bringing to Moon was a headache without a stomach storage but that is such a little piece of it that i don't mind. the storyline pearl i could stand because i found it nice that i was forced to adapt to it. Moon's whole superstructure was breath-taking to see and i'm very glad that we got to explore an uninfected iterator while their antigravity and bugzappers didn't work. though it hurt to think about it cuz We Care Moon, i had a lot of fun slugging around her superstructure and using needle ladders to get around- OH YEAH i fuckin LOVE making needle ladders. i also really enjoyed the fact that you can make friends with the scavs like -snaps fingers- this fast thanks to the whole needle production thing. seeing Pebbles get angry like that was awesome. i'll admit that i really admire his anger and this sort of... "justice" seeking (?) he has going on that is heavily influenced by the game's/Ancient's religion. you can fight me on this but Pebbles is the least pathetic character in the entire game besides like Hunter, maybe NSH and Gour. i also got to meet the ugliest scav i've seen in RW so far and i'll prolly never forget the experience because i Just got thru the Underhang to the Wall (my first time going thru Underhang and using the grapple worms, i was dodging having to that for ages) and i was SO pissed and annoyed that i was just about ready to quit the game for that session but then i saw this ugly ass motherfucker just waltzing about and the sheer and sudden Horror and Affront of an Artist i've felt straight up snapped me out of my rage. LIKE GJLKDMKLSD that NEVER happened to me before Suns' design also kinda sorta actually plays into my little silly iterator color coding theory from two years ago which was fun to see! i'll still kick their fuckin ass Garbage Wastes need to be stopped. here are my fav screenies from my Spear playthru
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for Saint i'm rn mostly like:
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i don't fuckin know what why and how is happening and it feels like such a giant ass steppy from what i had grown used to with the base slugs that even though i'm very stern on myself with being open minded about everything all the time i'm having trouble adjusting to it kgjsalkmklsdgjklsd i don't trust myself with giving a solid verdict until i've beaten Saint myself. i'll prolly talk about it in my "finished the slug!" post when i do get thru 'em
finally rating of the campaigns: Monk - 7/10 Survivor - 8/10 Hunter - 9.5/10 Gourmand - 6.9/10 Artificer - 9/10 Rivulet - TBA Spearmaster - 10/10 Saint - TBA
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hyunjinspark · 2 years ago
first of all, tysm jade for blessing us with 40k of your beautiful writing, u deserve all the forehead kisses 🫶🏼🫶🏼 also reading this whilst listening to the playlist >>>
3racha are absolute sweethearts i adore them !!!! it’s so interesting seeing a glimpse of hyunjin’s life in seoul, even if it’s not under the best circumstances
“you’re a lot of things hyunjin but i know you’re not selfish” every word that comes out of this man’s mouth make me wanna punch him more. honestly fuck him. can’t begin to imagine how difficult it was for hyunjin to even consider going home, given the love he has for the others + the group’s rising fame. knowing the emotional toll ect makes it so much more heartbreaking when he said he feels like the most selfish person in the world
“i didn’t come here to make people fall in love with me” “i assume that’s quite impossible” okay but did he lie ? “you didn’t let anything happen in seoul maybe it’s time you did in daejon” HAN JISUNG HAVE I MENTIONED THAT I LOVE YOU
“the purple cans had now been lined up before the blue, blending so seamlessly and so beautifully” “whoever did this had an eye for detail and beauty, two of hyunjin’s favourite things” i can’t remember who exactly, but someone said yn’s soulmate would probably spend their time rearranging paint with her. this section is so cute bc it really does show how similar they are + i’m literally giggling and kicking my feet that the purple paint, something that no one else gave a shit about, was one of their first ‘bonding’ moments. idk but after seeing their relationship develop/seeing how many things they have in common, it just makes me so happy reading about the purple paint through hyunjin’s pov and knowing that it meant a lot to him too 🥹
“…someone might know him. right now he wondered if you did” HWANG HYUNJIN RIGHT NOW THE ONLY THING IM WONDERING IS IF YOU REMEMBER HER FROM THAT SUMMER
“maybe hyunjin would make a point to only show for art on the days that you were there” i’m clawing at the walls as we speak 😭 glad to know he was smitten from day one
“one day hyunjin could convince himself that it was the watercolours he really went back for instead of you” YOURE TELLING ME THEY BOTH FELL THIS HARD ON DAY ONE ??? IM ACTUALLY UNWELL WTF WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS ???? if i find out that hyunjin actually remembers her from that summer there’s no way i will survive. like,,,.. that would legitimately be the end of me
“hyunjin turned away immediately not wanting to see a potential kiss” jade i’m not even a quarter through but the number of times i’ve had to physically move away from the screen so i can keep intact whatever shred of sanity i have left is unreal. and i’m not even exaggerating bc how am i meant to live my life knowing that they both had the same reaction at the thought of the other person kissing someone else ? yn walking out with the watercolours and hyunjin overthinking if he should offer to walk her home, they’re the definition of soulmates 🥲
“lover. it sparkled every time the light reflected off it, and it was so transient. with every little movement hyunjin made, the word would disappear and reappear” pls have some respect for my sanity 😐 TAYLOR WROTE LOVER FOR THEM !!! it’s true she told me herself, taking this as a sign that they’ll always be this close forever and ever 🙏🏽✨💫
“you wish hyunjin could let himself love you. but some wishes were impossible” i see that during the time you’ve been away, you’ve perfected the angst so it crushes your soul…..,,.
“took up all the space in your hands just like he did in your heart” this is fine :) i am completely normal about this :))) i think i need to stop commenting on every line that makes me want to eat glass, both for the sake of my mental health and also bc otherwise i’ll be here all night 😭
“no farewell kisses i might throw up” “you were eyefucking each other while you ate the cherry slushie so you’ve ruined slushies for me forever” lee minho is a menace to society and i love him for that
“hyunjin had been holding it the rest of the evening which meant it would smell like him, and maybe you should keep it in your bed for that reason” I- MY GIRL IS INSANE BUT ALSO,,,,, UNDERSTANDABLE AJDHSJKSK
“why would hyunjin ever choose to stay with you? everyone was stopping you from being with him at this point and maybe you shouldn’t fight it” i need yn to get that internship and move to the city with hyunjin, she deserves a BREAK !
“you still didn’t know what love was and you’d never experienced it like that but this was obviously it. how could it not be” 🥲🥲 AND WHEN SHE DRAWS SOMETHING RELATED TO LOVE BC SHE NOW KNOWS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE 😭
i’m not even going to mention the mirror selfie….. but also like,,,.. thank u for that image. thinking many thoughts 🫠
“you can be grateful for something and still call it out for its bullshit” LOUDER YN ❗️❗️
“want me to send it to you” HWANG HYUNJIN IS A MENACE
“you say goodbye to all your friends like that” “no just you” wow i’ve missed hyunyn calling me single in every language 😍
YEONJUN !!!!! CHOI YEONJUN I WOULD MOVE MOUNTAINS FOR U JUST SAY THE WORD !! i’m so scared for the confrontation between him and hana, yeonjun my love you deserve the world
“he wouldn’t risk all of the important things in life just for someone like me” OMG YN YOURE IMPORTANT TO HIM TOO 😭😭 PLS GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD THAT MAN WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR U
every chapter i think to myself there’s no way i can hate hana more but every time she proves me wrong 😐 girl acting like they were engaged when in reality she asked him out mainly to get over yeonjun…. PLS GIVE MY GIRL YN A BREAK 😭 that scene was so tense and well written. even though yn hates confrontation, you could feel all the things she’s been stifling for so long slowly start reaching its breaking point. i’m anticipating the day she says fuck it and goes off on hana
“when you’re hurt i literally cannot function” why would you write this i have problems at home 😐
“you’re staring at me” “you look like you belong in that painting” 🤭🥰🫠
“you weren’t sure about drowning in moonlight but you definitely were drowning in him” you have no idea how much i’ve missed your incredible writing 😭😭💗
“i changed you tangibly even if only temporarily” jade this entire section is so beautiful and thought provoking. i need to find a way to inject the words into my bloodstream
“you dragged his fingers up your thighs” ALFBAKJDNELSJDK THE SCREECH I LET OUT WAS NOT HUMAN YN IS BOLD
“i think the way that you think is beautiful” “i think the same about you” and i think the same about YOU. your writing is just so comforting and beautiful and it feels like a warm hug. sometimes i’m still thinking about a certain sentence you wrote even days later bc it changed the way i think about something. not even exaggerating but you truly have a gift, thank you for sharing it with us ❤️
“it makes your chest wrench and gut hurt but you still like it” me when i read slwy
“if someone goes through your sketchbook it’s almost like picking a the parts of your brain…” see this is exactly what i meant !! this paragraph is going to live rent free in my mind for the next two weeks
“i’ve already done every everything on here” “you’re right but you haven’t done it with me” i’m convinced this man stepped straight out of a romance novel there’s no way someone can be this perfect
ahhhh okay the purple motif makes me so happy for some reason !! the paint, the balloons, hyunjin’s scrunchie and now yn’s blanket !! it’s so cute 🥰
“i could never be tired of you or anything that you do” dude where’s the love of my life 😔
“what do i have to do? just sit and look pretty” “you wouldn’t have to try too hard” STOP HOW ARE THEY SO ADORABLE 🥹
hwang hyunjin you are literally the sweetest person in the world how can a person be this perfect HE HAS A LIST OF THINGS THAT MAKE HER HAPPY NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH ME IM SO UPSET RN 😭😭 “making you happy is what makes me the happiest” “you’ll be the main thing on it” i’m this 🤏 close to launching myself into the sun
“i’m sorry that you have to eventually fall in love with someone else because i can never be yours” this entire chapter is just me switching between smiling so wide and then holding back tears two lines later
“you were the worse friend in the world to hana” yn my love you got it the wrong way round. manifesting yn going off on hana and yongbok for treating her like their doormat 🔮✨💫🙏🏽
…….. i want you to know that phone sex scene was the hottest thing i’ve ever read and that you’re officially invited to my funeral
nooo yeonjun my poor baby 😭 hana doesn’t deserve him AT ALL also lix being vvvv cryptic wonder what he has to say 👀 but if it’s anything like the conversation between her and hana, best believe i’ll find a way to transport myself to daejon. defending yn in your asks isn’t enough i need a gun
ahhh okay this took wayyy longer to read than expected but i’m not complaining i’ve missed slwy so much 😭 thank you for yet another masterpiece !!! this is my favourite chapter so far (but this will likely change when u outdo yourself with the next update ofc) the little loopholes hyunyn find are so cute but also heartbreaking 🥲 i’m vvv excited for them doing activities from the bucket list it’s so cute hyunjin is so endearing 😭💗 but anyway thank you again for another beautiful chapter ily 💗✨
- 🎐
hi my love. i look forward to your reviews and thoughts so much. you always make me laugh and i love seeing you quote your favorite bits. its so satisfying to see you do that, so thank you again for providing me with this 🥺
ill answer under the cut, since its pretty long already ~
im so glad you like the glimpse of hyun’s life, before we go full frontal into his world i wanted yo incorporate parts of it while hes still in daejon, so we see where hes coming from. the context of this scene definitely puts the whole selfish statement into a new perspective 😖
it was yeonjun who said that to yn! he definitely knew what he was talking about ! soulmate behaviour fr fr.
the parallel/ of turning away before hyun can see a kiss/ making you lose your mind has me giggling.
taylor did write it for them, thank you for informing me so glad i know. the ost of slwy. 😚
SHE MAY INDEED draw something about love,,, im so taken aback that you remember all the little details from previous chapters, you make me so proud hahah.
the mirror selfie i would say is very 🤳 similar to this one picture, just a different outfit ^^
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and please do inject that pool section into your bloodstream, its one of my favorite conversations to write as well ;-; the fact that you think about parts of my story well after the chapter has me screaming. thank you for appreciating it so much.
all of your little reactions make me laugh so much. i love how destructive you are please like its concerning and endearing in the best way 😅
please stay excited ! i cant wait to share the next part with you.
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falcor-thee-luck-dragon · 4 years ago
Forgive, But First Fun - Nandor x f(vampire) reader
Summary: After getting left behind to fight off a pack of werewolves on your own, now mad at Nandor, you and Nadja have decided a little night out couldn’t hurt.
Warning: slight angst, fluff, fun times, and a tiny smut mention
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Trudging angrily through the manors wooden doors, face stern and almost scary enough to put the fear of God into anyone. Your boots stomp into the large opening and onto the wooden floor boards as Gullimero, Nandor, and the documentary crew follow you in.
Your cloak is ripped and dirty as it lays in a pathetic black heap of cloth in Gullimero’s arms, your hair not looking any better, not to mention your face and arms that have various cuts paired with grass smudge marks adoring your skin. All in all you look like a hot mess.
“What the fuck happened to you lot? You’ve been gone all night.” Questions Laszlo as he walks into view from out of one of the hallways, his eyes scanning over a perfectly clean and handsome Nandor, then over to the dirty crew and disheveled Guillermo who’s got some leaves stuck to his hair.
“I don’t know.” You snap sarcastically, “How about you ask Mr. Dodgy-shit-stick over there.” Referring to Nandor who’s looking anywhere but you, keeping as silent as ever.
Gullimero looks between you and Nandor, then back at a confused Laszlo. “Oh, um they’re not speaking to each other right now.”
“And why the fuck not?”
Guillermo sighs before leaning towards Laszlo, “Nandor wanted to graffiti where the werewolves live and Y/N said he’d get caught and then Nandor said no I won’t and then he did.”
Laszlo raises a curious brow, “That’s it?”
“Oh, um....” Guillermo awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, suddenly pulling off a green leaf, “then they chased us to the park and when the pack closed in on us Nandor turned into a bat and left us behind so Y/N had to fight one of them off so we could escape and now we’re here.”
“Well that sounds rather exciting.”
“Not at the time.” Whispers Guillermo to no one in particular as he glances over at the camera.
“Huh,” Mutters Laszlo thoughtfully, scratching his beard as he thinks of how to help this situation, “well if you two dingbats aren’t talking to one another I believe Nadja needs you Y/N. Something about....well actually I’m not entirely sure.”
Perking up ever so slightly at this positive news, you cross your arms over your chest defiantly, “Well since someone does, I’ll be going then.” You grumble with a low growl at your Nandor who’s refusing to make eye contact while he stares frustrated at the floor.
Nodding in acknowledgment, Laszlo watches you stomp angrily up the steps before turning his head over to Nandor who’s now watching you leave with big sad eyes.
“Alright why’d you do it?” Interrogates Laszlo with a raised brow.
“Do whaaat?” Replies Nandor defensively, his once high and mighty aurora reappearing in an instant.
Rolling his eyes, Laszlo sets a hand on his hip sassily, “Well I sure as hell don’t want an angry Y/N wandering around this old place for the next however the fuck it takes you both to make up....in however fashion that may be. So I ask again, why’d you puss out and flee like a mangy opossum?”
Pursing his lips together in apprehensive embarrassment, Nandor mutters to himself before finally crossing his arms over his broad chest and sighing, “Because......I....I don’t know I panicked!” Exclaims the large vampire, causing Laszlo to start laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
Wiping a fake tear from his eye, Laszlo lets out a few more chuckles before finally composing himself, “My good man that is the second saddest thing I’ve ever heard. The first being when one of my many victims offered me one of their rare and exclusive Poki-muns card which I still have no idea what the fuck they were on about. Anyways, doesn’t matter, all I’ll tell is that you better make it up to her.”
“But she’s scary when she’s angryyy.” Whines Nandor with a frown.
“That’s all women my young pup, but since your lovely lady is a vampire she’s more dangerous.” He says while giving Nandor a kind pat on the back, “So uh, stay safe out there.” Adds Laszlo before turning and walking down the hallway leaving Nandor with his thoughts, Gullimero, and the documentary’s camera crew.
“What are you all looking at!” Snaps Nandor to the rest of the room.
“Oh my goodnessess that’s awful, my poor dark angel.” Soothes Nadja as you take a moment from your long and needed rant about the adventures in the park and Nandor’s cowardly stupidity. “That big hairy rhino doesn’t deserve you Y/N.” She reasons honestly, doing her best to make you feel better, knowing all to well the level of competent decision making skills of the other two vampires in the house.
“I know.” You mutter in agreement, your body tense and agitated as you pace back and forth in front of her as she sits in a chair, “Fucking beautiful idiot prick horse-fart of a husband. Urgghhh!” You proclaim loudly while throwing your hands into the air angrily, causing the furniture in the room to screech backwards across the old flooring at your outburst of vampiric energy. Nadja’s long obsidian hair blowing backwards as you do so while she keeps seated, unflinching.
Face softening, she gives you a sympathetic smile, “Oh my lovely fierce lioness, I know exactly what will make that sad little frown turn into a happy one.” Beams Nadja with an excited clap of her hands.
Hugging your sides, you let out a frustrated huff before giving your old friend a shrug, “What do you have in mind?”
“So we’re at the carnival!” Claps Nadja in delight as she smiles at the camera, “This will hopefully relieve Y/N’s pent up angers and keep her mind off of Nandor.....for now.” She adds a bit uncertainly.
“HA HA take that fuckers!” You shout joyfully from behind her, the camera panning over to you at the ball toss where you’ve been knocking down plastic bottles with a rubber ball. The stall owner cowering in the corner as he shields himself with a stuffed zebra.
The camera focuses back on Nadja, “I think it’s going really well so far.” She confirms with a convincing grin. “Relieving all that..uh....rage.” 
After winning a stuffed snake taller then you and deciding to wear it as a strange fashionable scarf, you and Nadja are wandering the carnivals streets while people watching to pass the time.
“So that’s why I never walk on the roof after 3am when I’ve had homeless man’s blood.” Rambles Nadja as your thoughts about Nandor come trickling down into your brain and nose. Huh, strange, must be cause you’re still wearing a thin red scarf of his.
No, stop thinking about him.
“Good lesson learned then,” You add with the flash of a smile before nudging her shoulder gently, “hey you wanna watch me win you something cool?”
Perking up in an instant, Nadja smiles a devilish fangy grin as she stops to eye up the multiple game stalls, “Why I would be delighted my dear Y/N, how about....um, oooh I want that giant tropical fishy with the long whiskers over there.” Points Nadja as your eyes travel over to the game stall with the large prizes.
It’s a game that requires the individual to shoot an arrow directly on three different sized bullseye’s stationed at various heights. Smiling like an idiot, you nudge your vampiric acquaintance in agreement, the both of you quickly swaggering over to the carnival game and it’s plush flashy prizes just screaming to be won.
“Hello good sir, my skilled roommate Y/N here is going to win me that fish.” Beams Nadja proudly as the teenager jumps off his chair to greet the two of you.
He smells like weed but surprisingly looks decent all things considered, “Uh yeah alright, two bucks for three arrows, hit every target directly on the middle red mark and if you make it on the bonus poster on the far back wall then you’ll have a chance to win that fish, good luck.” Mumbles the kid unenthusiastically as you slide him the cash.
Picking up the shitty yet still functional carnival bow, you give Nadja a wink before fitting an arrow in the nock and pulling back, lining up the shot and releasing directly into the first target to the left. Smirking to yourself you quickly draw again, hitting your second mark just as intended. Pays to be a skilled archer huh.
“Damn that’s pretty good aim.” Nods the teen as he watches in awe as you fit another arrow, releasing and punching a hole in the middle of the third target.
Nadja claps in excitement from behind you, “Yes! Win me that colorful fat bitch my feisty lioness!”
Standing like a warrior ready for battle with your bow in hand and wind blowing in your face, the kid almost drops the arrow he hands you for the winning shot as he practically swoons.
“Get those scissors ready, that fish is mine.” You growl in determination while picturing Nandor’s head as the final target, drawing back, you let the arrow fly straight into the bonus target. Winning Nadja her giant fish plushy.
“Yessss!” Shouts Nadja in delight as you drop the bow onto the table like a bad bitch before eyeing up the kid with a raised brow, “We’ll be taking the fish now.”
Wide eyed he almost falls off his chair, “Wait um, that’s the last one...I didn’t think, uh, my boss doesn’t want me to give away those ones.” He stutters out.
“What!” Snaps Nadja, “Then why are they just hanging there? You lied to us you little shit!”
“I’m sorry.” He pleads apologetically, “That’s what my boss told me. And no one ever wins the big prizes anyway so I didn’t think...”
“Well your boss he can eat a big horse turd cause I’m taking that fish.” You growl before jumping up and unhooking the fish from its perch above your heads, handing it to a practically glowing with joy Nadja who immediately hugs the thing.
Sticking your tongue out at the teen, you and Nadja turn to leave before a boney hand is suddenly on your shoulder, twisting around in an agitated instant, your face is mere inches from the wide eyed boy as he attempts to look even a tad bit threatening.
“No.” Is the only thing that slips from your tongue before your hand shoves him back, his whole body going air bound into the back of the carnival tent while the kid lets out a panicked scream.
“Ooooh Y/N that was very sexy of you.” Smirks Nadja while wiggling her dark brows, “Too bad a certain cowardly lion wasn’t here to see it.”
Petting the stuffed toy snake around your neck absentmindedly, you smile back a fangy grin, “Yes. Too bad.”
Continuing on your late night stroll through the carnival you both pass by random strangers, families, elders, children, and lovers all minding their sweet business completely unawares to the dark supernatural world walking right past them.
Although you’re quite enjoying this time spent with your best friend in the whole wide world, a low dull feeling of emptiness can’t help but creep into your undead being the more you catch sight of new and old couples walking together.
Sensing your growing sadness, Nadja nudges your shoulder playfully to gain your distracted attention, “Hello in there my black rose, what is on your mind?”
Holding the snake close to your body, a small smile creeps its way onto your face knowing she’s looking out for you, though it’s gone soon enough, “Oh you know....uh....blood.” You mutter unenthusiastically, trying to keep your thoughts away from Nandor and how much you miss him right now.
“Blood is it? But we just fed before attending the carnival.” Inquires Nadja in confusion as she keeps a normal pace at your side while the two of you follow the sidewalk past various shops and restaurants. “What is actually plaguing your mind my dear one?” She wonders with a frown, not keen on seeing you upset and in a grey mood.
Biting your lip anxiously, though not hard enough to draw blood, you walk past a couple more people before your eyes catch the sight of a small black bat disappearing behind a corner building just up ahead.
Squinting your eyes, your nose suddenly catches the scent of someone very familiar, “Nandor?”
Turning her head to face you, Nadja’s brows furrow in puzzlement, “What? No my sweet hurricane, forget that mangy old bear he’s not important right now.” Urges Nadja as she looks forward, suddenly surprised to catch a glimpse of someone who looks a lot like Guillermo racing behind the same corner you saw the bat fly behind. “Okay um what the fuck? Did you see that too?”
Glancing at Nadja you nod before quickening your steps as she does the same, her skirts flowing as she tries to catch up with you, though you’re much faster and with lack of annoying dress material, “Wait! You’re too fast.” Yelps Nadja.
Ignoring her protests you book it down the sidewalk like a maniac, almost running into a jogger before skidding round the corner of the brick building and coming face to face with a wide eyed Guillermo who gasps in surprise. Nudging him to the side, your eyes immediately fall upon the nervous fangy grin of your Nandor.
He gives you a shy little wave before shuffling awkwardly in place, awaiting your rampage of verbal and possibly physical assault that he’s certain is in the near future.
Taking a deep breath, you cross your arms over your chest defensively, “Were you following me?”
“Um, well.....I might have been....but only to make sure you were okay.” Mutters Nandor honestly, eyes shifting from you to the ground nervously as he awaits your wrath.
Pursing your lips together in thought, you shake your head before taking off the stuffed toy snake and holding it firmly in your hands. With a low growl do you grasp the snake in your right hand and hold it back like you might swing at any moment.
“You’re a fucking nincompoop you know that right?” Slips from your mouth without an once of anger lacing your words, instead do you hand the snake to Gullimero as Nandor watches in puzzled fear.
Taking a swift step forward, you point a finger into his strong chest while looking sternly up at him, “Racing off and leaving me too fight that angry bitch all by myself, and now following me when I needed a break from you! Nandor....... you’re something else.” You add with a shake of your head.
“Yes I know, and I’m sorry my love.” Smiles Nandor with saddened eyes, “I promise to keep you save from now on and fight off any werewolf who tries to hurt you....even if I am scared.”
Taking a step back, you can’t help the smirk that forms onto your face at his sweet words of forgiveness and sincerity. You know how much he fears werewolves and that he fled the scene thinking you were planning on following too, not realizing that you might actually give a shit about Gullimero’s and the crew’s lives.
“Oh my dear puff dragon,” You declare softly with a small smile, reaching both hands out to grasp his own, “I forgive you.”
Nandor’s face breaks out into the biggest and happiest grin you’ve seen since his last birthday when he walked into your shared crypt only to find you naked and holding a bushel of red roses while seated seductively on his coffin.
“Oh that’s fantastic because I was really missing you.” Reveals Nandor with a gentle squeeze of your hands. “Laszlo and Guillermo can’t make me laugh nearly as much as you can, they’re honestly rather boring.” He says before leaning in closer to whisper, “and not very attractive to look at either.” Causing you to crack another grin and your undead heart to fill with butterflies. 
Chuckling you reach up with one hand to pull his collar closer to you and a second later do your lips clash sweetly against one another in a heated moment of passion. He smiles into the kiss before moving to pull you in closer with both of his hands, one slipping low to cheekily pinch your round bottom.
Feeling him against you once again has to be the best sensation in the whole entirety of the world even if you’ve only been separated for a couple of hours. You absolutely love the way his fingers dig into your back and bum with an animalistic eagerness that’s slowly starting to drive you insane. Oh, the things he does to you.
Especially how his tongue slips into your mouth with ease while you tug at his hair long dark locks. “Y/N!” Suddenly shouts Nadja.
Begrudgingly pulling away, you turn around to face the confused lady vampire while Nandor hugs you from behind, happily smirking at her, knowing she can’t do anything to hurt him now. “Yes Nadja.” You answer.
With the fish plushy hung over her shoulder, her brows furrow in confusion, “What the fuck are you doing? I thought you were mad at him?”
“Yeah well, I was starting to really miss him and also I’m kind of horny now so.” You reply with a shrug as Nandor hugs you tighter, resting his bearded chin against your head while Nadja huffs in defeat.
“Alright. See you at home then.” Adds Nadja before turning towards Guillermo and shoving the giant carnival fish into his arms, “Hold this Gizmo I’m going home.” Then just like that she’s gone in a black wispy poof, flying away in bat form towards the vampire resistance on Staten Island.
“Okay then.” Mutters Gullimero as he looks up at the dark sky.
Feeling a wet kiss on the side of your face and neck you smile before turning around to face your dear husband, “Shall we take flight to seek out our bed chambers?” You speak slyly in a soft yet seductive voice.
“Yes.” Grins Nandor with a flash of lust and excitement before turning his attention over to Guillermo, “Hey Guillermo I’m leaving to make passionate love to my wife so don’t bother us or I will have a rat shit in your pillowcase. Okay?”
You giggle to yourself as Gullimero’s cheeks redden while he side eyes the camera, “Understood master. Have fun.” Squeaks out the loyal familiar as he stands there awkwardly with his hands full of two carnival prizes.
Nandor sneakily squeezes your bottom once more as he gives Gullimero a knowing smirk, “Oh, we will.” Then a second later you two are flying high above the city in bat form, ready to make love to your sweet Nandor for probably the twentieth time that week.
Down below the camera pans over to Gullimero as he blinks, “Well uh, I have these things now..” He says, holding up the fish, “and I am so not looking forward to cleaning up their mess.......again.”
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elysianslove · 4 years ago
hey! i saw you are taking request for jujutsu kaisen maybe can i request itadori with his fem! s/o cuddling and kissing? just itadori being happy to have a s/o
hi anon!!! thank you so much for requesting this i loved writing it sm omg. i really hope you enjoy!!
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━━ at the sight of your boyfriend, a lover and a friend in one, you exhale a sigh of relief, shoulders lightly slumping. when he picks you apart from the crowd, he beams, and with a sudden burst of energy, he rushes over to where you stand. with open arms, you greet him. easily, you fit in his arms, throwing your own around his neck as he generously picks you up off the ground. his grip tightens around your waist as he rocks the two of you side to side, a happy sigh leaving his lips as he sets you down.
“you’re okay,” you point out, and he nods, brushing away at a strand of your hair.
“course i am,” he replies, leaning down slightly to press a kiss to your lips. you meet him halfway, reveling in the spark that flies straight down your spine and in the way your heart sinks into your stomach. months with him and the feeling still erupts like flames in your chest as soon as he presses his lips to yours. he brings his hands up to cup your cheeks, exaggerating the kiss by making a loud smooch noise when he pulls back. “missed you, pretty girl,” he admits to you, and you hold back a giggle.
instead, you punch at his arm lightly, attempting to scowl at him. “you scared me, yuuji,” you tell him, and he offers a pout. “you’re never late.”
he sympathizes with you, offering another simple kiss to your lips. against your mouth, he replies, “i’m sorry.” and he means it, clearly, so you shift your pout into an easy smile, nodding gently.
“wanna go get something to eat?” you offer. “or are you too tired and just wanna go home?”
he sighs, deflating slightly as he wonders, “would you hate me if i asked to go for takeout?” it elicits a small laugh from you, and you shake your head, reaching over to intertwine his fingers with yours while you lead the way.
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you make it home just as the sun sets, inviting yuuji in. the both of you follow a familiar pace of routine as you travel through your home, slipping off your shoes by the front door, before each taking a turn to wash your hands and slip off any extra layers of clothing. while you offer him your shower, and he gratefully accepts, you order your usual with him, making note to the receiver on the other end of the line of yuuji’s extra specific wants.
he walks out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam following him, just as you slip on a hoodie over some shorts. although you loved adventurous and spontaneous dates with your boyfriend, his attitude and personality making everything a thousand times more exciting than it already was, you adored days like this even more. where it was just you, him, and the four walls surrounding you.
he grins at you cheekily, shirtless with a towel wrapped at around his waist. you roll your eyes at the suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows and toss him his pair of sweatpants, somehow always conveniently being misplaced in your bedroom. although it’s nothing particularly foreign to your eyes, you look away, giving him small privacy as he slips them on. when you turn back around, he’s already nearing you with the same cheeky smile on his lips.
“sorry i didn’t have any underwear to spare,” you say, but you’re not entirely apologetic.
he scoffs, retorting, “you coulda given me one of your lace ones. i know the pastel pink ones would look so good on me.”
you roll your eyes again, but there’s a hint of a smile on your lips. “hm,” you reply, “to match your hair.” he scrunches up his noise in response to you reaching up and ruffling up his hair, but he doesn’t reject or push you away. if anything, he leans into your touch.
it’s an hour later you find yourself on the couch outside, take out balanced in one hand, chopsticks in the other. you eat your food with yuuji in relative silence, a random show playing on your tv screen as you occasionally offer him some of your food, while he feeds you some of his. it’s intimate in its own way, the way he smiles softly at you while placing his chopsticks between your lips, or the way he reaches over the lick a stripe of discarded sauce near your mouth, or the way you squeal and slap at his upper arm in response, unable to mask the giggling that erupts from your chest. it’s moments like these that only work at deepening your love for yuuji.
with your bellies full and your hearts sated, you lay in bed with him, his arms curled tight around your waist, pushing your body flush against his. if you lean back slightly, you can manage to admire his features up close, a privilege you always take advantage of at any given moment.
“you’re so pretty,” you hear him say. he sounds only somewhat sleepy, a little drowsy, but the apparent tiredness in his eyes doesn’t stop him from leaning forward and pressing a single kiss against your lips. “my gorgeous girl,” he continues, and presses his lips harsher against yours, this time eliciting a gasp from you. the kiss is only messy and lazy because the two of you lack the proper energy to initiate anything stronger, but it still fills you to the brim with ecstasy, much like a drug.
quickly, you’re flipped over, and you settle on his lap. he’s balanced up slightly, leaning his back against the headboard, placing his hands upon your revealed thighs. he caresses the skin softly, kneading lightly to urge you to lean forward and kiss him again. you oblige, and capture his lips once more, your mind going fuzzy with the way his fingers seem to be endlessly ghosting on your skin, up to where the ends of your hoodie rests on your hips. his hands settle there, tightly gripping onto the hem of it. he deepens the kiss only momentarily, letting his tongue slip past your open mouth, before he pulls back, fixing you with a confused glance.
“i knew this material felt familiar,” he announces, his gaze falling onto the hoodie you wear. “this is mine!”
you humor him and hum, taking his chin in your hand and refocusing his attention back on you. he’s distracted now, though, and you know it’ll be almost impossible to get him back into the mood he’d created for the both of you. “it’s mine now,” you say.
he huffs, frowning and crossing his arms over his chest as a pout settles on his lips. god, he looks so fucking cute.
“what?” you tease. “don’t like me in it?”
“no!” he relents, eyes widening slightly. “but this is like the fifth one, baby.” he’s whining now, but you only laugh.
you shrug. “so,” you respond, a playful grin on your face as you stare down at him. “buy another one.”
“you’ll just steal that too,” he points out, and you laugh again, shuffling lower down his body and laying on top of him, resting your palms flat on his chest with your chin balanced on top of your hands.
he looks down at you slightly, taking in the image of you as you say, “tough luck, handsome.”
instead of persevering in his argument, a sly smile plays on his lips, and he sits up, taking you up with him. mouth hovering over yours, he wonders, “handsome huh?”
“yuuji wha—“ a squeal rips from your throat as you’re suddenly flipped over again, yuuji holding himself up above you with one hand placed by your head, the other on your waist — underneath your hoodie. any protest you have is swallowed by his lips on yours again. he’s not an ounce of rough, however, and only kisses you as gently as he first did. you pull back, settling your hands on his cheeks as you stare into his eyes. “my handsome boy,” you confess to him, your compliment eerily similar to his, and he beams leaning down to place his lips on yours once more.
and you realize just how content you are with spending eternity like this.
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end note; and the simp list grows rip </3. i actually loved this and i love yuuji sm and i hope everybody else enjoyed hehe. all your jjk requests (and the haikyuu requests as well) are being worked on i promise i’m not ignoring anyone!!! luv u all <333
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takemealivelh · 4 years ago
midnight city || gang!luke
gang!luke, rival gangs, mentions of drugs, alcohol and violence. smut. 2k. part 1.
feedback is appreciated
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he wiped the blood off his knuckles. the feeling of beating the shit out of someone is a rush of adrenaline. it’s like getting high on coke, but he doesn’t deal with that shit. he’s known many people who do hard drugs and then end up in trouble, or dead. he appreciates his life so much. luke likes being the leader of the diamond forsaken. a mafia that dedicates its time to drug transactions and occasionally prostitution. luke doesn’t fuck with that either, at least not recently. he met this girl in a bar and he’s been thinking about her for over a month. they’ve been on a few dates, and the sex has been great. she has a great sense of humor and he can tell she’s got street smarts, which he likes. he couldn’t fathom the idea of being with someone who gets scared about his job.
“you good, bro?” ashton, luke’s right-hand man, looks over at the bruises and leans against the sink of the bathroom, lighting a joint. their day is done and it’s time to go party. luke beat the shit out of a dude who didn’t give them their money and he threatened to go to the police. there was no way they would let him leave the storage unit without a warning. luke choked the man and broke a few ribs. he’s used to the job. it’s not like he was always like this. he used to have big dreams about forming a band and become a good musician. but he fell into the wrong crowds, and now here he is. dealing drugs and other sketchy businesses. everyone in la who knows about their mafia, knows not to fuck with them. they would end up dead. the police don’t do anything, they know how dangerous they are.
luke dries his hands with a paper towel and runs his fingers through his golden locks. “yeah,” he says. he’s never walked out of a fight with anything more than a few bruises. he does boxing on his free time, so he knows how to throw a lethal punch, and knows how to avoid poor kicks.
“i heard the grey lilies will be there tonight. i swear to fucking god those girls... i would bang every single one of them, but... you know...”
the grey lilies were a girl gang. they dealt drugs, too. that’s why they were a rival to the diamond forsaken. they never got into a physical fight, but there were many times they were about to. having the best clients was a problem for the male gang, but at least they had more people wanting their goods. but still, luke was pissed that they had a quality over quantity problem. he’d grown accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle. a good place to live, the most delicious takeout, and fancy cars. 
“for real?” luke looks over at his friend. he hides his excitement. sure, the grey lilies were trouble. but their top dealer, jackie, was the most fascinating creature he’d ever seen. their dates had been fun, exciting, thrilling. the idea of a secret hookup with their enemy was another rush of adrenaline. one that he actually preferred, if he was being honest.
it’d all started at one of the parties. luke knew jackie, or at least he knew her face and what she did for a living. he was jealous she did so good with clients. she was charming as fuck. they didn’t mean to show up at the same place at the same time, but sometimes the gangs coincided. “did you get the dresnners?” she’d asked him as she took a seat on the stool next to him. her caramel-colored hair was in a ponytail and her eyeshadow was pastel blue. she wore ripped jeans, an oversized white t shirt, and high-heeled boots. the look suited her. she looked like the vocalist of an 80s inspired punk band.
luke scoffed. he knew what she meant. they had been fighting over the dressners for weeks and they decided to go with the grey lilies. that night, the diamond forsaken got blackout drunk. “no, but you did.” he finally said, looking down at the glass of vodka in his hand. 
“yeah,” she chuckled and ordered a beer. luke had always thought jackie was pretty interesting, but they’d never talked. not much, at least. just a few words here and there, mostly passive-aggressive shit. but the bickering was also part of the job. that night, though, that night neither felt like fighting. they were already buzzed. jackie took a swig of her beer and looked at him. “you wanna go outside? i got a joint. it’s legit shit, this.” she smiled.
it’s not like he frowned, but something among those lines happened. but fuck it, he thought. “sure. lead the way.”
they went to the terrace of the bar and lit up the joint. luke coughed a little and she laughed.  “i told you it was legit.”
luke and ashton walk into the club like the kings they are. everyone stops to look at them. but shortly, they resume their activities. which mostly consists of getting drunk and high. the two men make their way towards their usual booth. michael and calum are already there. calum’s with his girl. a black beauty who gives incredible head, his words. luke takes a seat and drinks the beer in front of him, swiftly drifting off the conversation to look around. he hasn’t seen the grey lilies, but he hopes they get here soon. bathroom sex sounds good right now.
“how was the guy?” michael asks as he throws a couple of fries into his mouth. ashton tells him that luke did a good job in silencing the motherfucker. “three ribs? man, that’s dark. but cool.” he laughs.
everyone seems to stop talking again, and luke shifts his gaze towards the door. the grey lilies have arrived. they look like a grunge band. their leader, lea, wears combat boots and net tights. but his eyes are focused on the girl whose moans keeps him up at night.  she looks gorgeous in that oversized that jacket that seems to swallow her whole, but still barely covers her ass. he wonders if he looks okay, sexy. he didn’t have time to change, and he hasn’t shaved in a few days. his motorcycle jacket has a few stains, but at least they’re not blood.
jackie finds him staring and she puts on a smirk. she pats the pocket of her jacket to let him know that she’s got weed on her. they rarely ever not get high together. that makes her wonder if this, this between luke and her, is just a side effect of the drug. but she doubts it. she actually likes him, even if she despises his friends. they all seem idiotic to her. luke notices the action of her hand and he immediately looks down at his drink. “imma go to the bathroom.” he announces, even though no one is hearing. they’re too into the story about the miami trip calum and his girl took last weekend.
luke stands up from the booth and snakes through the crowd. he catches a glimpse of jackie, who’s making her way towards her regular booth. “meet me outside in five,” he texts her. he watches her check her phone and smile down at the screen. 
“they’re gonna kill us if they see us together,” jackie says as she pulls out the joint from her pocket. she knows the grey lilies hate the diamond forsaken. they think the other gang are all egocentric assholes. she used to think that, too. but she met luke. and he’s actually a sweet guy. he’s really smart, too. the strategy they use to get more clients astounds her. but it’s nice to know that the grey lilies have the better clients.
luke watches her light up the joint and he leans against the wall outside of the club. it’s dark outside and the air is cold. there aren’t many people in the terrace, but he doubts anyone will say anything about them being together. getting high together. “then we’re just gonna have to keep it a secret.” his smile is shy, and jackie thinks he’s the most adorable man. even if he has bruises on his knuckles from probably beating up some shady guy. she passes the joint and luke takes a drag. “you wanna come to my place later? i got some cds i wanna show you.” they’re both big music nerds, and he loves that. they sit on the floor of his room, high out of their minds, and they listen to oasis, jane’s addiction and red hot chili peppers. 
“i don’t know. lea wants to do some kind of after party tonight. and i kinda want to be there.”
luke nods his head, he’s sort of disappointed, but it is what it is. he knows the gangs come first. it’s all about loyalty. that’s why he’d be fucked if anyone of the diamond forsaken members came out right now. but he knows they don’t smoke, except for calum occasionally -rarely, actually. so he’s not worried. 
“come here,” jackie smiles as she plays with the zipper of his jacket. they’re incredibly close and she can feel the smoke coming out from luke’s mouth. she kisses him softly, licking his bottom lip. with eyes closed, luke feels stars bursting inside his lungs. he really likes her. “give me that,” she orders and he hands her the joint.
they keep smoking until there’s nothing left and they stare into each other’s eyes. jackie isn’t one to maintain eye contact, but she feels safe with luke. even if he’s forbidden fruit.
the men's bathroom is empty. they had to sneak in so the others couldn’t see them. luke made an excuse about going to the bar to get more drinks even if the counter was crammed. jackie said she was going out for a smoke. it’s all hands and sloppy kisses as they lock the door of one of the stalls. luke bites his lower lip as his back is pressed to the white door and jackie drops to her knees. “you gonna make me feel good?”
“imma make you feel so good, baby,” she grins and unzips his pants. he’s already hard from all the making out in the terrace. so it’s not surprise that his cock springs up as soon as his briefs are pulled down to his thighs. jackie licks the tip and he shudders. he’s gotten a fair amount of blowjobs in his life. the first one from one girl that attended his school and she thought he was going to be a musician one day. but nothing compares to jackie’s mouth. her tongue slides down his length and he closes his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. she’s ecstatic that she can make him squirm in front of her. she likes being in control, even if it doesn’t always happen. luke can be pretty dominant in the bedroom. taking her from behind roughly and choking her. jackie puts his cock in her mouth and she starts bobbing her head to the rhythm of the loud bass coming from the other side of the bathroom door. luke appreciates the little detail. his senses are heightened and it feels like she’s one more instrument adding to the song.
“fuck,” he curses under his breath as he feels the tip of his dick hit her throat. she takes him in so good. she’s an angel. luke looks down and he sees her eyes staring up at him, a subtle smirk on her lips. “you’re- you’re-” he’s trying to say something but his brain doesn’t work. the pleasure is too intense. he hits his head against the door and closes his eyes once again. he’s about to cum. exactly at the same time he hears someone come into the bathroom. fuck. “stop, stop,” he whispers to jackie and cups her face to get her off his dick. she looks through the slit of the door and sees someone she recognizes washing their hands.
“shit,” she mouths. “michael.”
if you wanna be added to my tag list pls let me know!
@brown-eyedshell @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @myloverboyash @hopeless-renassianceluke @dukesnumber1@rip-lukes-balsamic @angelbabylu @cal-pal-cuddles @ashtons-favorite @1dthewantedlove  @problematicprincessa@heartbreak-5sos @bloodmoonashton @lilacsos @irwinkitten @singt0mecalum @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw @cal-puddies @lashtoncurls @dweebluke @rosecoloredash @@hotmessmichael @calumspeachy@ashtonsunshine @wonderland-irwin @ashtonandcalslefthand @post-traumatic-mess @damselindistressanu @c-dizzle-swizzlex @mycollectionofnuts @calteahood @rainingcal @o0idk0o @cals-eyebrows​ @kingxnichole @placeoftime @tirednotflirting​ @stylesofhemmings​ @sunshinelukee​
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 years ago
Petting Party (pt 1)
Rundown of dimensions AU: Quackity’s from 1920s dimension called Prowa, Schlatt and Charlie are his business partners *cough found family cough* and they run a casino/speakeasy. Sapnap is a knight from a fantasy dimension called Quarry. Karl is like Dr.Who. 
tw - Mentions of guns and alcohol (1920s mobster dimension)
 This is really just the fluffiest full I have ever written. 
Quackity walked through his rooms, digging around drawers for his keys. He squawked a little in frustration as he rummaged. He felt so paranoid, like he was already short on time even though he was about half an hour early and it’s not like Sapnap or Karl would mind waiting. He just wanted this to go perfectly. They’d had dates in his world before, they’d even had proper ones where they weren’t running from cops or mobsters or some other guns/knife/bat-wielding foes. Heh, foes. He was starting to think like Sapnap… and he was starting to feel like Karl— where was his damn key? Karl had literal worlds full of stuff to keep track of, it only made sense he got turned around and mixed up, what was Quackity’s excuse? 
Finally, a glint caught his eye and he snatched up the silver piece of metal, stuffing it into his sleeve and practically skipping to the front. Their home was really just the back half of the casino so he just walked through into the back room. Schlatt and Charlie were sitting at a table, various game pieces scattered across the top, counting cards, chips, and cash. Charlie seemed to be in the middle of a failed game of solitaire and was stacking up a house of cards while Schlatt was just old-fashioned sorting, looking rather bored. It was a quiet night for them. Probably a few drinks and catching up till bed after they double-check the games for cheating. Quackity would usually join them but it wasn’t strange for him not to show. He gave them a wave as he walked past, motion enough for them to look up and acknowledge him. 
Schlatt only glanced up before returning to his work. “What’s with the getup?” 
“I told youse, I’m going out tonight.” 
“Doesn’t answer my question.” 
“I’m going out to meet my partners.” Quackity struck a joking pose. “No harm in good impressions.” 
“Hey,” Charlie frowned childishly, “aren’t we your partners?” 
Quackity chuckled, rolling his eyes, “Of course. My new partners, then. Actually, lemme see a cut of that doe, I wanna butter ‘em up tonight.” He snatched a few bills from the table and turned to make his exit. 
“Wait,” Schlatt commanded, still barely looking up from his work. “Partners like you’re out for coffee to discuss getting new tables?” He took a sharp bite of his apple, eyes lazily growing dark. “Or do youse mean partners like I outta trail behind... y’know, keep you from gettin’ lead poisoning.” 
“Uh...” Quackity blinked. “Partners like I’m off to a petting party.”  
Schlatt choked. Charlie laughed while he coughed, moving to pat his back and smiled at Quackity. “Well, good luck.” 
Quackity narrowed his eyes as he was almost certain he caught a ‘all knows you need it’ under Charlie’s breath. He played it cool and simply snapped, “Hey, I don’t need no luck. Certainly not from you.” 
“Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to offend.” Charlie held his hands up, grin still plastering his face. “Was just wishing you the best.” 
“Yeah... yeah,” Schlatt nodded, coming out of his state but still red-faced. Whether it was from embarrassment or lack of air Quackity couldn’t tell. He rolled his eyes again, smiling but waving goodbye without giving them a chance to drag him onto another conversation.
He stepped into the front, waiting patiently by the front of the door. Karl had said they’d meet him at the Vidrio, but should he wait inside or out? He paced, routinely adjusting his feathered headband and combing the actual feathers on his wings. He still worried he was overdressing a little but when he tried to lessen his look he panicked about underdressing. He wanted to look good for his boyfriends, a bit of makeup wouldn’t hurt that... would it? In the end, he’d settled on a simple pale blue dress, eyeliner, and a small headband. Nothing too gaudy but he still looked good. He looked good in everything, of course, he had absolutely nothing to worry about. So why was he all jittery? What, was he suddenly a dud? It didn’t matter. It was probably just because of the surprise factor. 
He’d assumed they would come and get outfits at his place (no offense to them, they just really couldn’t go the way they usually dressed) but Karl had insisted they pick him up like a “proper date.” He didn’t know what Karl knew about proper dates or when he’d started to care about them, most of their dates involved some form of running for their lives. Quackity wasn’t complaining but he’d be lying if he said the idea of just being a snuggle pup for a change wasn’t wildly appealing, especially if it meant getting to have Sapnap and Karl got to hang out in his world and not just flee and sneak. There were some nice things here he felt he never got to show them. 
He sunk into himself, suddenly feeling ashamed. It was bad manners, it was. Combining his work and love life to the point he may as well have made chumps out of his own boyfriends. He knew they didn’t mind, it was all new and fun for them and he was pretty sure Sapnap did the same thing. (He wasn’t entirely sure what his job was, like a knight sure but where was the line between work and just regular old Quarrian life?) Still. He should take them dancing more or something. Technically, that’s what he was doing here but he’d like to make a better habit of it, it really sounded like the bees- 
A bright, impossible, but familiar, swirl interrupted his thoughts. He straightened himself, quickly fixing his headband one last time. His heart was pounding out of his chest— but not because he was nervous, because he was excited. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling like a giddy sap as out from the portal stepped Karl and Sapnap. His breath was caught in his throat as he got a good look at them. He wasn’t sure what he expected, nothing bad, but he mentally made a note to give them an apology for being SO wrong. Whatever he’d imagined, they looked a million times better. 
Sapnap was in a white dress shirt. He had on a maroon vest and black tie he clearly didn’t know how to wear but wore well nonetheless. He had his hair slicked back, completely showing his pretty silvery, misty, eyes. Quackity noted the headband he usually wore in his hair was tied in a ribbon around his neck. Sapnap just couldn’t be without it, he warmly mused. 
Karl had on something with colors in patterns like Quackity had never seen before, not in his world at least, which— of course, it was Karl. Beautiful, strange, mysterious, adorable Karl. The top of the pantsuit was made of several pale shades of green. They washed over it like waves of seafoam, a strip of pale purple lace swirled around it, almost mimicking a deconstructed form of his usual crazy attire. A herringbone cap was pulled over his head, shaping brown curls. 
Quackity stared, absolutely gobsmacked, until his brain caught up to his eyes. Sapnap was saying something and waving his hand a little. Quackity blinked, shaking himself out of it. Egad, he was goofy for them. Luckily, Karl and Sapnap didn’t seem to mind his zoning out. In fact, Karl seemed to find it tickling, he clearly held in a giggle as Quackity snapped to. Quackity guessed this wasn’t the first time he’d found himself stunned. It certainly wouldn’t be the last either. 
“Hey, jackpot,” Sapnap gently flicked his forehead. “I asked how you think we look.”  
“You... good. You look good. Mmhmm,” he managed to squeak out, finally remembering to close his mouth. Slick. He was slick. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Karl chuckled. “I know you don’t really trust me to dress myself for nice places in Prowa.” 
“Hey, I never said I didn’t trust you!”
“You never said it, no.”
Quackity gave Karl a small punch in the shoulder. He flinched way more than was warranted, stumbling dramatically, but a broad smile settled on both their faces. 
“Aw, sugar! Did I hurt you?” 
“Hey, hey! Sir,” Sapnap stepped between them, also joking. “What is wrong with you, daring to assault my beloved in front of me?”  He threateningly toward over Quackity, grabbing his shoulders and backing him up against the wall. His eyes flickered with playful malice. He leaned in close, expression caught between a smirk and a snarl, completely aware of the growing blush on Quackity’s face. “I’ve half a mind to challenge you, and another half to crush you right here for your audacity.” 
“Aw, my knight in shining armor,” Karl sarcastically patted Sapnap’s shoulder, thoroughly less impressed by the display than Quackity. “Whatever would I do without you here to defend me from this sweet, cuddly, small, duckling?”
“Hey!” Quackity snapped defensively. “I could fuck you up if I-“ 
“Ey, Q! Have you seen-“ Schlatt stopped upon seeing the scene, turning on his heel and walking right back into the back. “Nevermind. Not my business. None of my business. Absolutely not my business…” 
“I-“ Sapnap dropped his boyfriend (who crumpled onto the floor in laughter), instantly turning a shade twelve times redder than Quackity had been. “I am so sorry.” 
“Ah- Schlatt?” Karl called over Quackity’s wheezing. “Schlatt, it’s fine-“
“NONE OF MY BUSINESS!” A shout came from the backroom. 
Quackity dropped his face into his hands, his chortling turned to full hysterics as he sat curled up against the wall. His dress, which he had been so unreasonable nervous about moments before, creased and probably picked up some grime from the floor. He didn’t care at all. Now that his boyfriends were actually beside him he could care less if he was painted green and orange. He had no one to impress, at least no one who would let anything bad happen over a stupid look. “Oh,” he snickered, the burst dying down. “Oh wow.” He wiped his eyes as jubilant tears stung, apathetic as he’d become he hoped his makeup didn’t run. It wasn’t necessary but he’d still like to look nice for the occasion. He pulled himself to his feet, brushing off his outfit and sighing. “Ah. He’s got a point though, really should be saving that for the party.”
“Speaking of which—“ Karl snapped his fingers in a jazzy rhythm. “Are we ready to go?” 
“Yes, let’s!” Sapnap turned with Karl as all three of them began to speed out the door.
Quackity made sure to bump in front of them before they made it out, he was not letting Karl anywhere near the wheel.  
The car ride was bright and lively although quiet. Quackity couldn’t help but grin just being next to these goons, one could practically feel Karl vibrating with excitement in the back, even Sapnap seemed to be enjoying the drive (he’d never quite gotten over the time Karl had offered to drive... Quackity could barely blame him for remaining he cautious and paranoid around automobiles). The blanched twilight hummed overhead as they made their way through the streets. It was relatively empty this time of night, too late for errands but just before everything started to swing. They pulled into the end of the road and all stepped out.
“It’s a bit of a walk the rest of the way,” Quackity explained. “Especially cause ‘s considered… ‘impolite’ to pull attention.” 
“Hmm…” Sapnap nodded, glancing behind them.
“What’s up?” Karl put a hand on his shoulder. 
“You sure?” 
“It’s fine, I just-“ 
“Just what?” 
“Uh, maybewecouldgoseeSchlattandCharlie?”
“Huh?” Karl blinked. 
“Is… Schlatt and Charlie coming? Could we go get them?”
“N-no?” Quackity stammered, surprised to say the least. “This— uh- ain’t exactly the kind of party you bring your family to. Not ‘less they got dates of their own... and you know Charlie ain’t keen on that stuff.”
“Okay, well, maybe we could spend some time with them for a while at the casino? Before we commit here. The night is young!”
“I means, I’m pumped for your sudden urge to hang out with them and all, but I kind of wanted to spend time with the two of you.”
“Ah-“ Sapnap shrunk into himself. “Of course, I- me as well, I’m so sorry to imply otherwise. I was just thinking Charlie may like to hear about the slimes...” He trailed off, fiddling with the headband around his neck, just the slightest hint of panic on his face. He was very good at hiding it but Quackity and Karl knew him better than that. They shared a glance, this had nothing to do with Charlie. 
“Spice, are youse nervous?” 
“You sure? We don’t gots to do nothing you don’t wanna.” 
“Yeah, it’s just-“ 
“Chivalry and all that?” Karl chimed in, sympathetic. “I know our courting isn’t exactly conventional.” 
“No. Well, not exactly. Ah... think I’m merely... flustered?” 
“Flustered?” They spoke at once. 
He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just… romance in my world is so different. Much more complicated. It involves a lot of the other’s family and specific sets or roles for meetings, it changes depending on how long you’ve been together and what kingdoms you hail from, so such and so forth. I’ve never been a martinet for the rules but, the way you describe these kinds of parties, I- I- find myself… lost.” 
Karl blinked. “So, you’re used to having a bunch of guidelines and, while you don’t miss them, are floundering without the stencil?” Sapnap nodded at the ground. He took a breath and shook his head, clearing his mind before bowing slightly. He held his left arm over his chest, middle knuckle up with his pinky and thumb slightly out, keeping the rest of his hand balled in a fist. Quackity recognized the symbol by now as something like a salute of the Nether kingdom. It was used to show respect while speaking. He stopped himself from rolling his eyes, remembering the formality was only habit. 
“I apologize for my trepidation,” Sapnap held a bashful tone. “I am just not used to courti-“ he paused, searching for the word, “dates being so… open. I don’t mean that as an insult to your world! I only-.” 
“Okay, buddy,” Quackity pushed Sapnap upright by his shoulders. He seemed confused but obliged. “I get it’s polite and nice for you but, if you really love me, please never do this again.” 
“Do... what?” 
“You have a habit of getting all formal when you’re worried you’re messing up with us.” Karl shrugged. 
“I do?” 
“I don’t know.” Quackity tapped his chin. “Let’s see.” Without warning, he grabbed Sapnap by the shoulders and takes him downward, planting a firm kiss right on his lips. He tensed a little as he felt a sudden wave of hotness wash over him (that was to be expected from surprising a demon) but stayed in the moment. As he pulled away, Sapnap blinked a few times, stunned although the faintest hint of a smile shone through. His gelled hair fell just a little messy.
“What the fuck, Quackity?” 
“There we go! Back to normal! You see the difference?”
“I- I guess so!” He nodded, a look of mild surprise mixing his comprehension as if he’d just realized what color his own eyes were. 
“Now, did youse like that?”
“You want more?” 
“You wanna go inside?” 
“Yeah.” Sapnap energetically nodded, slamming the car door shut, slicking back his hair again, and holding out his arms. “Yes, I do.”
Karl jumped between them, linking arms on his side before Quackity had the chance, and holding out his own instead. Quackity shot him a look but took it, joined by Sapnap in confusion at the sudden demand to be in the middle. Karl only smiled as they made their way down the street, nearly skipping at the attention until he lowly murmured, “So… do I get a kiss?” Quackity opened his mouth, smiling, but was cut off by Sapnap swiftly swooping in and planting one on Karl’s cheek.
“Oh- you-!” Quackity squawked, envy and agitation peaking his tone. “I was gonna-!” 
“Well, I did.” 
“Boys, boys, I do have two hands… and two cheeks,” Karl half-sang, leaning over to Quackity awaiting his kiss. 
“Oh, no. Fuck you. You’re gonna have to wait for it now,” Quackity pouted. Sapnap let out a taunting laugh as Karl gasped in mock offense. Well, probably mock. Regardless, Quackity only smirked and turned to face a door in the wall next to them. “Besides, we’re here!” He unlinked his arm, rattling out a little pattern into the door. It opened slowly, revealing a dapperly dressed serpentine blocking the view inside. He smiled wildly as the warm smells and colors hit him regardless, it had been a while since he’d been to one of these, long before he ever met them and certainly not while they were dating, but he missed them. 
He couldn’t wait to share this.
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snarkwrites · 4 years ago
so, i have come with an idea that came from watching the deleted scenes from dazed and confused. slater has stated that “it’s about quality, not quantity”. and when i tell you my mind had a field day with that🥵🥵whew! the man totally fucks and knows how to make it amazing, i just know it! - ❤️
AHHH OMFG THAT LINE. It invokes so many thots within me. So many, holy shit. And here you are, blessing me with a chance to play out these thots of mine. I love you so so so so so so much, angel.
Let's take this a step further shall we? How about Slater... deflowering a virgin... Mhm. I'm going there. Same reader/you from the last Ron Slater ask, btw. This should be fun af.
LIFE EDIT: This is kind of an alternate take. Kind of a what if Ron x you blew off the party at the moon tower and went back to have a little fun at his place all fucking night instead... So. yeahhh.
Sexual content ; oral sex, male giving... If you're not 18+ this post ain't for you, keep it moving, kiddos. If you choose to stay after this warning, that's your choice.
@chasingeverybreakingwave - bc Ron fucking Slater, bb. And I love you and I wanted you to see this, lmaooo. I may be one step closer to caving in and doing 'the thing'.
@twistnet - Bc I love you and our talks ahh.. inspired this.
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Ron Slater & first time;
Things were getting a little heated. The tension between you two couldn't get any thicker if you tried to make it so. His hands were literally all over you. You had two hickies already and there was absolutely no way you were hiding either of them later and you fucking loved it...
The discussion in Pickford's car turned to sex for whatever reason and Dawson, as per usual, was being a dick. When Ron popped off at Dawson about preferring quality over quantity, it had you conflicted because see... You were still a virgin. So you figured that given you knew for a fact that Ron wasn't, this alone would rule you out.
And the way it kind of invaded your brain and got to you, that had you a little nervous. Had you bitten off more than you could chew? What if things went further and you were really bad in bed? And then, another thought... a bigger one, might I add, that hit you with the force of a speeding car at a brick wall...
,, Wait a minute... I'm actually thinking about sex with him. No, I've made up my mind. I want him. If I'm gonna do this, it's gonna be with him. Nobody else." the thought took over. You were so caught up in the realization that yes, you absolutely wanted to give up your virginity to Ron Slater that you failed to miss when he nudged you and asked you if you agreed. But as soon as you realized, you decided you better just get the truth out there and do it now.
"I wouldn't know actually, kind of still a virgin." you answered, shrugging it off because in the grand scheme of things, it really didn't matter at all.
When Dawson nearly choked on his beer and Ron swallowed hard, fixing his eyes on you as he bit his lip and seemed to get lost in his own thoughts for a few seconds, you cleared your throat, speaking up to provide your own input, "But if I were picking a side here, yeah. I'd have to say I'd want quality over quantity. Nobody wants it to last all night when the guy doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, right?" you gave Dawson a pointed smirk as you said it, almost mocking him for his earlier statement about Ron and not being past the sniffing butts stage when it came to the ladies.
Dawson mimicked you before turning to face the front of the car again and once he had turned his back, you flipped him off.
Beside you, Ron was staring. You could feel his eyes as they fixed on you. Looking you up and down. Almost as if he were puzzled by what you'd admitted.
"A virgin, sweetheart?" Ron's breath was warm against your ear. A shiver passed through your body and you bit down on your lip as his hand settled on your bare thigh. Squeezing. Moving slowly up the insides and making you barely able to stop a whimper. You locked eyes with him and nodded, swallowing hard as you did so. Leaning in to whisper quietly, "It's not like it's a bad thing."
"Oh, it definitely ain't." Ron answered. His hand crept just a little higher. His breath caught in his throat and under the glow of a passing streetlamp shining through the back glass as the car passed beneath it, you could see the way his pupils were darkened. The way he licked his lips as he continued to fuck you with his eyes.
,, okay, since he's not weirded out..." your brain chimed in. And before you could stop yourself, you were whispering against the shell of his ear again, "But.. I'm looking to change that." as your hand drifted down, settling over the way he strained at his jeans already. He shifted around as covertly as possible, bucking himself against your hand. He panted against your ear in response, "You are, huh? Thinkin about anybody in particular, sweetheart? Because I know a guy..." he pulled away, tongue dragging slowly over his lips. Your breath caught in your throat because as he did this, his hand crept up the insides of your thighs even higher and settled palm down against soaked fabric. Squeezing your throbbing sex and almost making you moan as you rocked against his hand clumsily.
"You do, hm? What if I said you were the one I had in mind?" you ghosted your palm over the way his cock twitched, straining even tighter against his jeans.
He bit back a moan, just barely. Bucked himself upward against your moving hand. Managing to pant against the shell of your ear a frenzied warning. "When I get you alone, sweetheart... Fuck." as the movement of your palm over the bulge sped up clumsily.
"Stop the car, man!" Ron practically yelled it out at Pickford and Pickford slammed on the brakes next to a little yellow house. Very cookie cutter. Once the car was stopped, Ron was punching the back of Dawson's seat. "Lemme out, man. I, uh.. I forgot somethin in my room earlier. You wanna come in with me, princess?" he gazed back at you and you nodded. Your panties flooding all over again as the slick pooled and coated the insides of your thighs. Dawson got out to let Ron out and Ron leaned back into the car, scooping you out. Taking off at a laughing run towards the side of the house.
Putting your back against the side of the house as he stopped next to a window. His hands all over you and your legs circling his waist as his mouth dove against yours. Slowly. Deliberately. Kisses so deep that you almost forgot where you ended and he began, let alone remembering to breathe properly. Just when you were starting to get lightheaded, he broke the kiss, pulling away to stare at you.
The hunger in his eyes was something you'd never seen before. Ever. He bit his lip and nodded to the window. "I'm gonna have t' put you through my window, darlin. Don't wanna hear my ma bitchin..."
You nodded. Taking a shaky and deep breath. Your heart was racing. Your stomach was flipping and flopping lazily. You laughed softly, grabbing him by the chin and pulling his mouth back against yours. "Don't you want me, baby?"
"Fuck yeah." he chuckled into the kiss. After a few seconds, the two of you managed to tumble through his open bedroom window and the second you had, all bets were off. His hands were tugging your shirt up over your head and then they were all over you and you were trying to pull off his shirt as your back hit the mattress and he followed your body down. Propping on an elbow as he settled on his side beside you in the bed, staring down at you. In awe. Open adoration and desire.
"We're not makin it to the party tonight, darlin." and you whimpered at his words, taking a few deep breaths. "That's fine with me."
"I just really wanna take my time with you." he mumbled as he positioned himself between your legs, capturing both of your hands above your head in one of his own, his mouth crashing against yours, straying from it to ghost down your neck. Teeth scraping against skin. Tugging. Leaving little bites behind as he muttered huskily against it, "Fuck." and rocked himself right into you.
You raised one of your hands, shakily going for the button on his jeans and he rose up, slipping off the bed. Letting his jeans pool at his ankles. Giving his thick cock a pump or two as he stared down at you hungrily. Licking his lips real slow as he sank down. Working his way up your body, his hand disappearing between the two of you so he could work the buttons on your cut offs free. Tugging them down slowly, a smile playing at his lips when you came alive beneath him because the way he was touching you was all new and completely overwhelming to you. And he absolutely loved that thought.
He went for your bra next and by instinct, you threw your arms up. An attempt to cover yourself. He shook his head, reaching up to lower your arms. A throaty growl escaping his mouth as it dove against yours and his hands moved down to your hips. Hooking in the thin bands of your underwear. Working those down your lower body and marveling at how wet you were for him already. He raised your legs up to his shoulder and locked eyes with you.
"You're so fuckin pretty, angel. So fuckin pretty." his breath tickled your skin as his mouth worked up your leg. That thick tongue making you grip the blanket on his bed before he was even anywhere close to where you wanted him most. As soon as his eyes settled on your slickened thighs, he gazed up at you. Eyes filled with lust. When his tongue dragged over the inside of your thigh and you felt him stop.. sink his teeth into your skin to leave another mark behind, you reached down, fingers tangling in long dark hair. Trying to guide his mouth.
One of his hands settled on your hip and he rolled his tongue over your dripping center. Sucking in a breath and then exhaling. The way it felt cool against your skin had goosebumps forming over your body and he muttered lazily against your sex, "Fuck you're so wet. So fuckin wet. Kinda makes me wanna stay buried down here all night."
"Fuck." you moaned out, back arching away from the mattress as his tongue and fingers slipped into your tight hole, stretching you out. Getting you ready for everything he planned to do to you tonight.
As his tongue twisted and curled and kept the same pace as his fingers, you moaned. Struggled to breath on more than one occasion. Tried to remember that his mother was in the house and you had to at least try to be quiet.
But something told you that Ron Slater was about to make you staying quiet harder than you'd ever imagine...That tonight was going to be a very long and very fun night.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years ago
An Early Christmas Gift
Pairing: Surprise (male protag) x Female Reader
Word Count: 5130
Warnings:  Explicit sexual content, explicit language, it’s porn y’all, 18+, SPOILERY CONTENT WARNINGS BELOW THE CUT! PLEASE BE MINDFUL!
A/N: Well ladies, school is slow, I’m off work, and I’m horny, so I have decided to bless you all with my second fic, also a submission in the 2020 Happy Hoeliday’s challenge hosted by the absolutely lovely @stargazingfangirl18​, @donutloverxo​, and @navybrat817​. I wanted to do something a little different with this one, where you don’t find out who your partner is until you get below the cut, like a fun little Christmas surprise. Due to the nature of this fic, there is some content that could be potentially upsetting that would also constitute potential spoilers, the the warnings for those are in the text itself. Please see further notes at the end of the fic and enjoy this little gift from me to you!
“Look honey, they’re perfect!” You exclaimed as you held up the tiny hat and booty set. “Gabi will love them!”
You hadn’t planned on doing any more Christmas shopping, but when your sister called as you were driving around the countryside surrounding Gruyeres to let you know she was pregnant, you knew you had to grab something from one of the adorable shops in the medieval Swiss town.
“Cadeau emballé s'il vous plaît.” You murmured to the shopkeeper as you handed over your payment, and within a few minutes you were walking out of the shop with a beautifully wrapped package, arm in arm with your partner. You were idly chatting about your plans for tomorrow (you’d have to be sure to get up early to ship your gift to Gabi) as you turned down an alleyway on the way back to your inn.
“Ah, fuck.” He murmured as you were halfway down the alley, and suddenly he had you pressed up against the wall with his mouth on yours. You dropped the bag containing your gift in surprise.
He pressed one palm against the small of your back to hold you flush against him while the other held his balance against the stone wall. One of his thighs moved in between your legs and started to edge your wool pencil skirt slowly upward. You got over the surprise quickly and brought your hands up to latch onto his hair as his tongue ran along your lower lip and you moaned into his mouth.
You almost missed the stranger that came up behind him and pressed a gun to his head.
“Que faites-vous?” the man hissed at you. You noticed four more men, two at each end of the alley, starting to move closer and started to sob.
“Qu'est-ce que vous voulez?” You gasped through a steady stream of tears. Your partner’s hands were now raised in supplication as his jaw clenched in a look of frustration.
“Pourquoi me suivez-vous, eh?” The man had now turned his attention to you, since you were the only one saying anything.
“We, we weren’t…” You had now reverted to your native English as you started to sink down the wall, a blubbering mess.
The man stepped forward and trained his gun on you, shifting his balance as he moved.
You ducked under your partner’s arm as you loosened one of the knives sewn into your coat sleeve, caught the wrist of the hand holding the gun, and slashed down his brachial artery.
“Merde!” he shouted, stumbling backwards as blood rushed down his arm. You could hear the other men cursing under their breath as they started to rush you.
You flipped the blade you were holding into your palm, then flung it into the throat of the nearest assailant before shrugging out of your coat. August was already out of his and was pulling out the gun he had tucked into his waistband.
“They’re too close for that.” You told him as the last three closed in on you. Then you saw 2 more rushing into the alley and let out a sigh. “Damn.”
The newcomers started firing as you dove into a nook in the wall. August had his sights trained on them as he started to take his shots. The other three were on you in seconds.
You managed to dodge the first few punches as you drew two new knives from inside your boot. You caught a glancing blow to your ribs before kicking the culprit twice, once to the diaphragm, once to the face. You felt arms wrap around you from behind as you were lifted off the ground by the largest lackey. You started gasping as he began to squeeze the air out of your lungs.
You whipped your head back fast and felt a crunch as you connected with his nose. He dropped you to the ground with a hiss and you plunged a knife back and connected with flesh, earning yourself a momentary reprieve. You used the other knife to cut a slit up the thigh of your skirt to allow you to move more.
The gunfire had stopped at this point and you managed to catch a glimpse of August grappling with one of the gunmen before one of your assailants bowled into you. As he tried to flip you onto your back, you managed to take over the momentum and wrap your knee around his neck until you heard a snap.
You felt a sharp pain in your side as you straightened back up and were fairly sure you now had a broken rib. You turned to face your final attacker when you heard a choked off scream and a body flew into your field of vision, crashing into the man you were facing.
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You turned to your left to see August pumping his fists as he strode after the man he had just thrown across the alleyway like a ragdoll. You squared up shoulder to shoulder as your two opponents did the same.
The final fight started with a crash. The two of you had vastly different fighting styles. You were all strategy, dodging most blows, planning your strikes for maximum damage. August was all brute force; he simply absorbed any body shots and knew that the size and force of his fists would cause damage no matter where they landed. The fight finally ended with your opponent with a knife through his eye, while August’s opponent’s head was almost ripped off with a broken neck.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF CONTENT WARNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Motherfucker,” you exclaimed, “they shot the baby gift!”
August was already dialing a sanitation team as you went over to inspect the damage. You may have been able to salvage it if someone hadn’t managed to bleed into the bullet hole in the packaging, soaking the beanie and booties.
Leaving the ruined present behind, you went to search the corpses for any useful information. You found one potentially salvageable cell phone (it was only covered in blood, not crushed) and nothing else.
“Sloane wants to talk to you,” August said, handing you his cell.
“Y/L/N, you wanna tell me what exactly the situation is there?”
“Did Walker not give you a run down?”
“His run downs tend to be minimal at best, this one was ‘lots of dead bodies in an alley, send a team.’”
You winced as you touched your ribs to assess the damage. “Yeah, that sounds like him. They made us and boxed us in. I have one cell I may be able to get something out of. Does rice work for absorbing blood or just water?”
You heard a snort over the line. “Take it back to your safe house and I’ll have an analyst pick it up tomorrow. Right now, you need to get out of there, we’re showing law enforcement heading to your location.”
“Alright. Hey, can you have that analyst pick up a replacement baby gift for me?” You asked as you held up a blood-soaked booty.
“Sure, they love when I give them errands.” You heard the sarcasm dripping from her voice.
“We’re on our way back. I’m trashing our phones just in case.” You said as you walked through the alley, making sure to collect all the knives you had used and tucking them back into their designated sheathes.
“Good plan. The analyst will bring you replacements in the morning. Stay in your room at the inn and don’t leave under any circumstances.”
“You got it boss.” You placed the phone on a slightly raised cobblestone at an angle and brought your boot down on it hard, hearing it crack.
You did the same with the phone in your purse as August walked back over to you, carrying both of your coats.
“Hey Walker, what the fuck was that kiss?”
He winced at you. “I thought it would throw them off.”
“Uh-huh” you mumbled as you shrugged your coat back on. That may have explained why he kissed you, but definitely not the way he kissed you. “You’re bleeding”
“Yeah, one of them grazed me”
“Alright, I’ll stitch you up when we get back to the hotel. Put your coat over it for now”
He groaned when he stretched his arm through the sleeve of his coat, feeling the burning of the wound along his ribs now that his adrenaline was going down.
You hobbled back into your room at the inn after you managed to calm down the tiny innkeeper. You weren’t sure how you convinced her you had both just tripped as you were walking down a hill, but she seemed to buy it. She insisted on sending up a bundle of hot towels with you and a bucket of ice, which you thanked her for.
After locking the door behind you, you pulled out the first aid kit from under your bed and turned to your patient.
“I hope you’re not too attached to that sweater.”
“What?” August was slowly rolling his coat off his shoulders. He had rolled the sweater up around his elbows during the fight, exposing his well-muscled forearms.
“Even if I could get the blood out of it, I’m going to need to cut it off you.” You told him over your shoulder as you scrubbed your hands. “I don’t want to drag it over the wound and cause any more damage.”
You drew the scissors out of the kit and held the sweater away from his torso as you began cutting up towards his neckline. He winced when the edge of your hand barely skimmed the wound.
“This sweater is ridiculously tight Walker; I’m doing my best.”
“You’re fine just get it over with.” He said through gritted teeth.
“I haven’t even started cleaning it and you’re already complaining. Do you want me to knock you out for a couple of stitches?”
“Do you have a sedative in that kit?”
“The kit is the sedative. One good ram against your skull should have you down for the count.”
He started laughing in spite of himself before groaning at the pain.
“If you don’t hold still, I really will knock you out.” You scolded him, pouring an iodine solution over the wound.
“Fuck, Y/L/N! Ah, that stings.”
“Here, bite down on this.” You folded up a towel and handed it to him. He shoved it in his mouth and clamped down as you ran a flame over the needle you would be using. He let out a grunt around it when you first inserted the needle but managed to settle in as you got to work.
Less than a minute later, you finished your beautiful blanket stitch and were about to start wrapping his torso when he stayed your hand.
“Leave it.”
“Suit yourself.” You said, standing up. You winced suddenly as you had forgotten about your own injury and it was now screaming at you. “Shit.” You hissed. “Help me out of my coat?”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Pretty sure I have at least one broken rib.”
He stood up and helped you shrug out of your heavy coat. “Jesus, how many knives are in here?”
“Six?” you said as you did a mental tally. “No, seven. Two in each sleeve, two in the waist, one in between the shoulders.” You went to the bathroom mirror and untucked your blouse from your skirt, pulling up the edge to get a good look at your bruised torso.
“You really need to carry seven knives with you?”
“No. Those are just the ones sewn into the coat.” You put your shirt back down. “Good news, pretty sure I just have a bruised diaphragm. Hurts like a bitch but not a whole lot you can do about it.”
You turned around to head back to the bedroom when you bumped into August’s bare chest.
“Where do you keep the other knives?”
He was looking at you with what you had originally assumed were adrenaline blown eyes, but now recognized as the dilated pupils of lust. His blood must have still been up from the fight.
With your boots still on you were almost as tall as him, but he was a solid wall of muscle in front of you and while you could move him if you needed to, that wouldn’t be good for either of your injuries.
“What are you doing?” You asked him, looking him dead in the eye as you shifted your stance, ready to fight if you had to, but you thought you would have a better chance if you ran.
He let out a sigh and stepped back on his heels, allowing you to relax a bit.
“I think I misread this situation.”
“How exactly?”
“Listen,” he said, “there’s nothing like a good fuck after a fight and we’ve been partnered for almost six months now. I know we’re normally able to take care of ourselves but since we’re stuck in this room together with just the one bed, it would probably be less awkward if we just…”
“’You know we’re normally able to take care of ourselves?’ Where the fuck did you get that idea?”
“You’re not very quiet.” He said bluntly, which you honestly couldn’t deny so you just started laughing.
“No, that’s definitely true” You said. Standing there, looking at him leaning up against the wall with his naked torso that looked like it had been chiseled by Da Vinci after a particularly exquisite wet dream, you couldn’t even deny that often, the thought of him between your legs was enough to push over the edge in your post-fight sessions.
“Alright then let’s set some ground rules. Hard limits for me are going to be anything related to urine or feces. No real soft limits but if you want to do breath play you better know what you’re doing. My safe word is ‘balsam’. What about you?”
He was looking at you with his face in a state of total shock. “Umm, what?”
“What are your limits Walker? What won’t you do? What are you willing to do but aren’t crazy about?”
“No, no, I know what limits are. Same as yours, I guess my safe word can be ‘spruce’?” he almost made the second sentence a question. “You’re fine with this?”
“Should I not be fine with this? We’re both professionals, this is strictly so we’re able to sleep after…”
You didn’t have time to finish your thought as he lifted you up and wrapped your legs around him. He pulled your head down to his and parted your lips with his tongue. You greeted it with yours as he lay you down on the bed and ripped your skirt the rest of the way off from the slit you made in it earlier, revealing a custom garter belt that held four more knives on each thigh. At the sight of that he laughed.
“Is that all of them?”
You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked at him through your lashes. “Why don’t you get the rest of this off and find out?” You said, holding up one booted calf and rubbing it against his shoulder.
He growled at you as he ripped the boot off and ran his teeth against the arch of your foot, causing a quiver to run up your leg and ripple through your core. He removed the other boot next and pulled you down until you were straddling him, then he tore through the buttons on your blouse and yanked you up to roll it down your shoulders. Then he took a step back to take a good look at you.
“Sevent… seventeen knives, really?” He said, looking you over.
Aside from the eight knives around your thighs, you had two around each of your calves, four tucked into the waist portion of your special garter belt, and one between your breasts.
“Twenty-four total, along with the coat.” You grinned up at him. “This custom set cost me a pretty penny, so no tearing it off me like an animal.” You said, glancing over at your ruined skirt and blouse.
“I think I’ll let you remove all of that, for my own safety.”
You threw your head back and laughed, then stood up and started to unstrap yourself.
You started with your left leg, removing the small sheath belt on your calf, and placing it on your trunk, then removing the four knives from the thigh before unbuckling it. Then you moved onto your right leg, fully unstrapping everything there before undoing your garter belt completely at the waist. Finally, you undid your very special bra and placed that on top of the impressive pile, turning back to Walker in only your panties and stockings.
He was looking at you with a lust blown gaze and his fists clenching and unclenching at his side. You could see the outline of a very impressive hard on through his tight slacks and felt yourself clench around nothing as a rush of arousal soaked your panties.
“Fuck, Y/N. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you strode over, pulling him down for a quick kiss before sinking to your knees. “Low bar there bud, we’ll see if we can improve on that before the night’s out.” You said as you started to undo his belt.
“Um, starting already?”
You gave the outline of his cock a soft nip through his slacks and his hips twitch involuntarily as he took in a sharp intake of breath.
“I mean, I can draw this out if you really want, but I’m pretty sure we’re past the foreplay stage at this point.” You say, pulling down his slacks and boxer briefs to free his extremely impressive cock. It almost slaps you in the face as it bounces back up towards his abdomen. You make eye contact with him as you slowly drag your tongue along the base from root to tip.
“Shit, yeah, you’re right.” He lets out in a quick breath, tilting his head back and screwing his eyes shut.
You give him a wicked grin as you continue staring up through your lashes. Your tongue flicks around the tip a few times, lapping up the trickle of pre-cum that is forming before you slowly take the head of his cock in your mouth, humming around it as you do.
“Jesus, fuck.” He cries as his knees buckle and he lands on the bed with a huff. You slide forward on your knees to follow him and dip your hand between your legs to coat it in your own arousal, before gripping his length and sucking on first one velvety sack, then the other.
His breathing is becoming irregular as he stares at you through hooded eyes. You take his cock in your mouth again and he wraps your hair around his fist as you start to slowly move your head up and down, taking him in a little deeper each time. You feel his tip hit the back of your throat and start to breathe through your nose as you swallow around his cock.
“Shit,” he exclaims as he falls back and places a second hand on the back of your head as he starts to fuck his hips up into your mouth. “Y/N, I’m gonna cum.”
His hips stutter as he tries to pull out, but you get your own hands under his hips to hold him in place. He lets out a low groan and you feel his release running hot snakes down your throat. You continue swallowing around his softening dick until your sure he has nothing left to give you, then you release him with a pop and wipe the drool from your chin.
You slowly kiss and lick your way up his torso, dipping your tongue into the ripples between his muscles and making low, humming noises as you do. His ragged breathing has started to even out as you reach his neck, running your teeth along his pulse point and nipping at his jaw before you place your mouth over his and flick your tongue along his bottom lip.
“Good for you, baby?” You ask against his lips, feeling the scratch of his stubble and moustache against your soft skin as you gently pull on his lips with your teeth.
You feel him grin against your mouth as answer before his tongue meets yours.
“Fucking great, your turn now.”
You only have a second to prepare as he wraps his hands around the outside of your thighs and yanks you up the bed with a yelp until your straddling his face. He buries his face against your silk covered mound and gives a sharp inhale before he starts kissing and softly biting at the skin of your inner thighs, his facial hair scratching at the sensitive skin.
“Take these things off.” He says, pulling at your panties with his teeth before letting them snap back into place as you let out a strangled gasp.
You somehow manage to remove them from the awkward position you’re in and as soon as they’re gone, August drags his tongue along your slit at an agonizingly slow pace.
Your brain short circuits and you have to brace both your hands against the headboard so you don’t collapse onto his face. He moves a hand up to palm your breast, working your pebbled nipple in between his fingers as his tongue circles your clit.
“God, honey, you taste amazing.” He murmured against you before shoving his tongue inside your cunt and making you scream. “You gonna cum all over my…”
You cut him off by grinding your pussy into his face. “Stop talking.” You hiss at him. You can feel your orgasm building and want relief as soon as possible.
You feel his smile against you as he starts fucking you with his mouth in earnest, wrapping his arms around your thighs before he starts sucking on your clit.
The sight of those forearms around your legs combined with the soft hums and moans he’s making against your skin send you teetering over the edge. You feel yourself clench around his tongue and let out a cry, your body tightening and releasing as wave after wave of pleasure wrack you.
When you had finally finished, August slowly rolled you over and softly kissed down your leg as he lowered you onto the pillows. You groaned and arched your back when he stopped, hating the loss of sensation. Your heart was still beating like crazy as you propped yourself up on your elbows to gaze at him.
His hair was damp with sweat as it tumbled into his eyes in loose curls. He raked his fingers back through it to push it out of his face, and you saw that his moustache and stubble were soaked with your slick as he licked his lips and stared at you. You let out a low moan and bit your lip as you felt desire pool at your core once more. You pulled his face down to yours and started cleaning the evidence of your orgasm from his facial hair with your lips as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt him harden against you as he began rocking his hips, sliding his cock against your swollen clit and you let out a small whine.
“Ready again so soon sweetheart?” He murmured into your ear, nuzzling himself in the small hollow behind the hinge of your jaw. He slips one hand underneath you and presses you into him further, coating his cock in your arousal.
“Fuck.” You hiss. “Jesus, get inside me now.”
“I’m on the pill.”
He smiles against your neck as his hips still and he lines himself up at your entrance. You let out a strangled cry as he slams into you, bottoming out immediately.
“Fuck, you’re so tight honey.” He growls into your neck as he stops moving completely.
After a few beats of stillness, you speak up.
“August, I kind of need you to move.”
“Yeah, just give me a second.” You feel his face screwed up against your neck as he holds you there. He’s trying not to come like a teenager two pumps into their first warm cunt. He pulls out of you halfway before slowly pushing back in, and your hands scramble on his back, begging him to pick up the pace as you flutter around him. He finally starts fucking into you at a steady rhythm as you take in a sharp breath.
As he starts to pick up the pace, he takes your left leg from around his waist and moves it so your ankle is propped on his shoulder. He places small bites along your ankle as he presses his thumb into the arch of your foot, causing you to clench around him and gasp, screwing your eyes closed as he edges you closer and closer. You feel his grin against your calf as his hand moves to your upper back and he pulls you up to mouth at your breast, rolling your hardened nipple between his tongue and teeth.
“August!” you let out a scream at the new position. The change in angles has him hitting your sweet spot over and over, and now he is slamming into you fast. “I’m gonna cum!”
“That’s right baby, scream for me.” He pulls you up flush against him and you wrap your arms around his neck so he can stabilize himself against the wall. The hand he isn’t using for balance slides in between you, using two fingers to work your clit as he fucks you harder and harder while kissing you deeply. The bed frame sounds like it’s about to fall apart as he fucks you into the headboard.
You cry into his mouth as the tension in your core snaps and you fly apart around him. Your cunt clenches and flutters as you feel yourself turn to jelly, sinking back onto the pillows as he continues to fuck into you at a punishing speed, a hand on each of your hips as he pulls you onto him over and over.
You feel yourself building again quickly as his cock starts to twitch inside you and your velvety walls constrict around him again. You don’t know if you can handle another orgasm at this point.
He looks down at you as his pace becomes irregular and gives you a wicked grin. “C’mon baby, give me one more.”
You let out a low moan as he presses a thumb to your overworked clit and you spasm up off the bed as your pleasure is released. You feel all the muscles in your core tremble from the strain, and your previously forgotten rib injury makes itself known.
August isn’t far behind you and you feel his hips stutter as his release coats your walls and he hisses your name through clenched teeth before collapsing on top of you and burying his face in your neck. You feel him starting to soften as he slides out of you and he rolls to the side breathing heavily. You lay next to each other for a few moments, waiting for your heart rates to slow down and breathing to regulate before you even try to move or talk. It’s been a while since either of you have been so thoroughly fucked, and you didn’t realize how much you needed it until this moment. You finally come down from your post-fuck high, and groan as you sit up and try to head to the bathroom, knees almost giving out once you stand up. Walker starts laughing behind you and you turn to throw a pillow at his head, which he catches in mid-air. Once your sea legs are back, you make your way to the bathroom for a post-fuck piss. You hear a muttered “Shit” from the bedroom, and the rattle of jostled furniture, and start cackling as you start to run the shower.
“God a shower will be great.” Walker says as he stumbles into view, still pretty obviously fuck-drunk.
“It’s a whore’s bath for you. I can’t believe your stitches stayed in place during all of that, there’s no way I’m letting you ruin them now.”
“You’re so fucking bossy, I oughta…”
He doesn’t get a chance to finish that thought as there is a sudden pounding on the door. You both snap into alert stances as you toss a robe at him and wrap one around yourself quickly. He grabs his gun and takes up a stance behind the door, then gives you a nod once he’s ready, jaw clenched in preparation. You swing the door open to find Mdm. Eberle, the 80-year-old innkeeper, standing there with her even more ancient husband, holding what you can only assume was a previously decorative rifle from the 1700s that they had hauled down from above the fireplace.
“Madame Trellier,” she whimpers at you. “The room below you heard screaming and horrible noises and we… oh.” She trails off once she gets a good look at you.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror before you answered the door, and there was really no other way to describe your appearance than well fucked. Your hair was bunched up and mussed, your mascara was running, and there were love bites running down your neck and on to your chest. Not that the state of the room was any better. Your discarded clothes were still in plain view, and you now noticed a small crack running up the wall behind the headboard that definitely wasn’t there before.
Mssr. Eberle’s look abruptly change from a scowl to childish glee as he gave you a toothless grin while Mdm. Eberle covered her mouth with one hand as a flush crept up to her face.
You started to apologize profusely when Walker chose this moment to stride out from behind the door with a cocky grin on his face, wrap his hand around your waist, and give you a kiss on the neck before heading into the bathroom.
Poor Mdm. Eberle started spluttering while her husband started cackling, assuring you that there was no need to apologize as she started scurrying away. Mssr. Eberle gave you a lecherous wink before following her, and you closed the door behind them with a sigh.
“Stay out of that shower!” You scolded Walker as you headed into the bathroom, ready to get back to the States already so you could debrief and maybe actually be home for the holidays. You didn’t even notice the cellphone you had collected from your attackers was now on the bedside table, laying on top of an electromagnet.
More A/N: Y’all, I had way too much fun with this one. I actually enjoyed writing the non-smut portion as much as the sweet, smutty goodness. I also think I maybe have a bad boy kink? Who knows, we’ll explore further.
Happy Hoelidays!
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herstarburststories · 5 years ago
Important Milestones (Damian Wayne x reader)
✾ Summary: An intimate look through your and Damian's relationship. Requested! It’s been a hot bit since I wrote for Damian, so I hope this one is good!
First meeting
Dick was taking Damian to the circus
Add a long conversation and lots of "Yeah, Dami. I'm sure the animals are treated well-- Actually, animals aren't allowed in legal circus anymore. You don't have to worry."
They were watching the show, and Damian couldn’t believe that Grayson was so excited about clowns
Damian excused himself to get some food
Dick asked him to get a hotdog, but Damian will bring him popcorn #beaveg
Thing is, you and Damian arrived the food trunk at the same time
Which leaded to an argument
Y/N: I got here first!
Damian: You are not on the line!
Y/N: Because you almost ran over me!
You two kept going long enough for a worried Dick to show up
How to trust each other
You know when you've never seen a person before, but once you lay your eyes on them, you start seeing their face in every crowd?
That's basically you and Damian
How come you didn't know the idiot from the circus was also the Wayne guy that studied with you?
How he, with Talia and Batman's observation skills, never noticed you walking around Gotham's School and now he always caught a sight of you?
You and Damian quickly fall into a weird routine:
Glare each other during lunch
Rolls your eyes when the others was talking in class
Annoy each other whenever you had the chance
Jon teased him a lot
Talking about Superboy...
He seemed off in the morning and he hadn't showed up for lunch like he always did
Damian decided to look for his best friend
Surprisingly, he found Jon crying in your arms in the middle of the chemistry laboratory
You just looked at Damian and nodded for him to come in
Y/N: His parents had a big fight. I found him here alone and thought I could help. Since you are here, guess I'll go.
Damian: You can stay. I mean, Jon probably could use your emotional assistance.
Damian still finds you annoying (and so do you), but you helped his friend
He trust you... A bit
Recognize your feelings
Damian came to school one day. He is clearly hurt-- he couldn’t even walk straight
Jon remained quiet. He was there when the week's villain throw Damian against a wall as if he was a bag of potatoes
But you don't know about the Robin detail
Besides, you are sort of a trinity with them now
Therefore, you worry
And you ask
And you worry some more
It's been a few weeks since your friendship started. Damian trusts you, he really does, but not enough to tell you
Let's keep in mind that pretty much like Bruce, Damian isn't the best when it comes to expressing his feelings through anything but violence
So, he acts like an idiot
Y/N: Damian, come on. I'm not stupid enough to believe you’d fall hard enough to get yourself hurt like this. Talk to me.
Damian: Stop pushing your need to fix everything on me, Y/N. You are not my mother. Don't waste your worry on me, I don't need it.
You realized you liked him when you felt way more worried than you usually would
But Damian just noticed his cherish for you when you glared at him with evident hurt in your eyes and left the table
He just wanted you back, making silly jokes with Jon and stealing his fries
Kiss me, idiot
Two days
48 hours + 12 minutes since you two fought
A whole weekend
LISTEN, his life was going perfectly well before you came along
Now it seems like you opened a spot that's exactly your fit and put yourself there
Whenever you aren't around, Damian feels this weird sensation of missing
Jon convinces him into talking to you
As soon as he sees you in school, he does
Apologize becomes another argument (surprise, surprise)
Damian: Why do you care so much?!
Y/N: Because I like you, idiot!
Damian: You, you like me? As in--
Then you kiss him
Because, let's be clear, you'd end up kissing or punching him
Finding out he's Robin
It's the most stupid way possible
Like, for real
Last night, his Robin's duties kept Damian up until 5am
Instead of leaving his clothes inside the Batcave as usual, he just crumbled to his bed
The sun arrived and so did you
School project
While Damian was out to grab some books, you were studying his room
A picture of him and Jon. Some papers with Arabian words. A dog's bed. Robin suit. A sword
Wait, come back
A. Robin. Suit.
Damian Wayne was many things, but cosplayer certainly wasn't on the list
The pieces glued together fast
A rich family would make sense: Batman and Robin's instruments never looked cheap. Four Robins existed among the years, and Damian had 3 brothers. Not to mention that he'd show up with random scratches and never explain what happened. He was good with swords, and the current Robin had been seen with them a lot of times. Besides, Damian Wayne would never wear a costume willingly, much less keep one in his room
He walks inside the room to see you wearing his cape and mask
Y/N: Guess I'm robin' your persona, huh? Wanna tell me something?
Meeting the family
You come from a big family
Good thing because anybody else would be scared if they were in your shoes
Dick is smiling like a crazy all the time, and making dad jokes
Tim is teasing Damian by asking you to blink twice if you need saving
Jason is directly fighting Damian and calling him devil spawn
Bruce is quietly watching everyone with a subtle smile on his lips. He asks you a few questions, and occasionally asks the boys to behave before answering his phone and excusing himself
Babs, Steph and Cassandra come in later
Now the teasing is divided between you and Damian and Steph and Tim
You tease them a lot, blushing Tim is adorable
You are wearing purple boots, and Steph already loves you for that
Dick tells Babara about you being aware of the family secret
She offered to train you for some self-defense
Cass is more quiet, but very friendly
Alfred was the first batfam member that you'd met, though (also your fav)
You try (key word being try) to help him in the kitchen
Batcow became your best friend, sorry Jon
You met the Titan family as well
Now you had munition to tease Dick as much as he teased you and Damian
Thank you, Kory
Also, Kor is a real life alien princess, how cool is that!?
Beast Boy is the funniest guy -- and now you are pretty sure you became a vegetarian because you can't eat animals after seeing his transformation
Raven reminds you of Cass
Donna is so powerful, and she knows so many languages!
You get along with his two families
Although Damian rolls his eyes a lot during y'all interaction, he is really happy
First kid
You and Damian are in university when it happens
You both know it's a big step
There's no turning back, you two will always be connected
Damian and you are now responsible, parents
Of the cutest bunny!
Yep, you insisted on naming him Robin
The first kid you both adopted together
Get on your knees for me
Damian isn't much of a romantic
You don't really mind
But when he proposes, it's the sweetest thing
You two had ordered some veggie food to celebrate the end of your finals
Finally a break!
Damian was holding you on the couch as you both watched one of your favorite movies when Robin, the bunny showed up
Y/N: Batbunny, just because we have vegan food, it doesn't mean you can get some. Go eat your lettuce.
Damian: Beloved, maybe you should see what he brought for you.
The bunny had a necklace wrapped around him!!
And the said necklace was attached to a ring!!
Extra of love:
You became a vigilant for a bit before deciding how you truly wanted to help people
Besides charity, you became a lawyer specialized in cases of racism and immigration
Your and Damian's wedding was a mix of your culture and his
Comment/Reblog if you liked it, feedback is magic! Wanna see more? Check my Masterlist! How about get tagged on my batboys or just Damian works? Ask me or add yourself to my taglist!
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tintinwrites · 4 years ago
nothing could be finer | Santiago Garcia x Reader x Frankie Morales | Part Six
A/N: There is a bit of smut in this one but these cuties need to bond!
Rating: 18+
Warning: Oral (F receiving). Naughty words. Many sexual references. Sexual situations. A man makes very creepy comments. A man is punched.
Word count: 2,923, apparently!!
Summary: Frankie comes home to find you on the couch with Pope, then the three of you go out for some beer.
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GIF credit: damerondjarin
Tags: @damndamer0n​ @bisexual-space-slut​ @justabeautiful-letdown​ @darksideofclarke​ @huliabitch​ @shakespeareanwannabe​ @woakiees​ @thirsty-flygirl​ @mrscrain-x7​ @elena-myth​ @mandoplease​ @mylifeliterally​ @mitchi-c​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @beautiful-assholes @iamthe-shadow-on-the-wall​ @frietiemeloen​ @himbopoes​ @jennibradley​ @goddamndameron​ @the-bird-suit​ @thedevilwearsvibranium​ @lilangeldevil006​ @fallingintovoids​ @lostgirlheather​ @justrunamok​ @chews-erotically​ @jaime1110​ @witching-wilds​ @highlycommendable​ @damerondjarin​ @writefightandflightclub​ @demoncrypt1066​ @clydesducktape​ @mistermiraclee​ @lackofhonor​ @littleferal​
You were pretty much all Frankie could think about at work.
There might’ve been times at work when his mind would drift to you and dip into some rather inappropriate territory, but now that he’d been with you in that way and both of you confessed your love for each other, his thoughts about you were a lot more distracting.
His thoughts would occasionally drift to Pope, too, then you again, then you and Pope, but they were mostly about you, and he never realized how long his days were until there was something for him to look forward to.
He loved his job, but he’d never run out of work and down to his truck faster, and the only reason he didn’t book it out of the parking lot right away was because he wanted to text you to let you know he was off.
Phones weren’t something he was really good at along with most modern technology, but he knew enough to send you a quick on my way now before he tossed his phone into the passenger’s seat and started driving towards your apartment.
Downtown was only really a few minutes from your apartment, but he was pretty sure it took too long for him to pull into your complex.
He looked at his phone and didn’t really think anything of you not texting him back, shoving it into his pocket as he slid out of the truck and ran up the stairs into your building, continuing on up to your floor rather than taking the elevator.
“I’ve been thinking about you all—” He stopped with the door hanging open when his eyes landed on you laying there on the couch, your bottom half bare and your legs open wide as Pope…
“Hey, cabrón.” Pope was all but smacking his lips when he lifted his head from between your legs.
A pang of jealousy set Frankie’s mouth in a line as he watched the scene, but there was also something about seeing Pope in that position with your wetness all over his chin that made his cock twitch.
He was mostly jealous because the other man was retired which meant he spent all day with you, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you spent the whole day fucking since you didn’t need to go into work or anything.
You tipped your head back to look at him with a loving smile that made him forget about anything that wasn’t you. “Hey, babe— ooh.”
Pope was back between your legs, licking at your folds, and you reached down to gently tug on his curls as you let your eyes flutter shut in pleasure.
Frankie just watched for a moment then he quietly shut the door and walked over for a closer look, to see every bit of you when you were being eaten out. His gaze flickered to the way Pope was working at you, how he’d move when he was running his tongue over your slit or he was wrapping his lips around your clit to suck on it.
You’d been doing this for a little bit before he’d walked in based on how loud your moans were, the way your hips were pushing up to grind yourself against Pope.
He’d seen you come enough times now that he kind of knew your tells, moving his eyes to you to confirm that you were going to come based on your furrowed brow and your dropped jaw, watching you let your head fall back as you came with a loud cry.
“Good girl,” Pope praised once he’d lapped up your cum and licked you until you’d pushed him away, moving to sit back on the couch.
Frankie wanted to kiss you off his lips, but he stayed where he was and did his best to pay no mind to his half hard cock.
“That’s all we’ve done together today, Frankie,” you reassured him like you understood the look on his face, sounding all horny and relaxed as you sat up and tugged down the shirt you were wearing.
“—did you see my text that I was on my way over?” He cringed because he sounded like an idiot; he just watched Pope eat you out and he was asking about a text.
Your eyes widened as if you’d remembered something and you leaned over to grab your phone off the table. “I knew I heard my phone go off, but I was...um…”
“Riding my tongue?” Pope offered and you started nodding along, narrowing your eyes at him when you realized what he said to which he only grinned smugly.
“In the middle of the living room.” Frankie was able to pull himself down from any jealousy as well as being turned on by the whole thing, a little less tense as he moved to sit on the couch with you both.
“You sound pretty grumpy considering I walked in on you two humping yesterday.” Pope slapped him hard on the shoulder.
You poked Pope in the side and moved to lean over his lap on all fours, pressing a sweet kiss to Frankie’s lips. “Be nice, boys.”
Pope smacked your ass since it was there and you let out a grunt as you fell back onto the couch, smirking at them.
“What’s that look for?” Frankie took off his hat to run his hand through his hair, his gaze on your bare legs as you laid them across Pope’s thighs.
“You guys wanna go out for drinks and then...I don’t know...see where the night takes us?” You ran your foot up the side of Frankie’s arm teasingly and he shook his head at you.
“Coming home from work to go for drinks with my girl? Sign me up.” He stroked over your shin which made you quickly laugh and draw your leg away from his tickling fingers.
Pope watched you both with a pleasant, almost adoring smile as you teased each other so casually, reaching down to pat you on the thigh.
“You should probably put on some panties.” His fingers moved up between your legs, moving over your clit, and you squealed and wriggled away, practically rolling off the couch much to the amusement of both men.
“Ow.” That one word as you pushed up onto your knees made Pope snort and Frankie chuckle, and you were hiding a smile of your own behind fake offense.
You moved to your feet and walked to your room, shedding your shirt so you were entirely naked as you looked for what you wanted to wear out.
Frankie didn’t acknowledge Pope’s suggestive look as he stood up and followed you right away, leaning in the doorway to watch you with a small smile.
You glanced at him with a little confusion as you searched through your dresser.
“I missed you today,” he said wistfully, walking over to you and pressing his hips against your ass, caging you in against the dresser with his arms on either side of you.
“Mr. Morales, are you aiming for a quickie?” You tilted your head to allow him easier access when he began kissing down your neck.
“Maybe.” He smiled gently against your skin. It was almost impossible to keep his hands off you now that he knew how amazing you were.
“Can it wait until we come home from the bar and we can take our time?” Your question made him nod slightly and he pressed a couple more kisses to your neck before resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Wear the red ones.” He gestured to the bit of red lace sticking out of your underwear drawer.
“You’re really horny today.” But you pulled them out and grabbed a bra that actually matched for once, putting both on as Frankie backed off to allow you some space.
“‘Cause I did things I’ve never even thought about with the girl of my dreams and you were all I could think about today.” His eyes went to your ass in those panties when you bent over to grab a pair of jeans from a drawer, though he was looking very respectfully.
He waited until you’d put on your jeans and shirt then he moved to you on your way to find shoes, cupping your face and kissing you deeply. You leaned into the kiss easily and then looked at him with dreamy eyes as he pulled away.
The two of you stood there like that for a moment, just looking at each other softly, his thumbs stroking over your cheeks and your hands fisting his jacket.
You patted his belly and he let you go with only a little hesitation, watching you grab your favorite pair of shoes. “I thought about you today, too, and really, all me and Santi did was what you walked in on...we just sat around and watched TV most of the day.”
With your shoes on, you grabbed onto Frankie’s arm and tugged him out of the room; not that you would ever need to make him follow you.
“Thought you guys started fucking without me,” Pope was a bit more cleaned up now, wiggling his eyebrows to which you both rolled your eyes.
“Let’s go. You’re buying.” You and Frankie walked to the door with Pope close behind, and you jumped as you felt a slap to your ass.
“I can buy drinks, I just really wanted to do that.”
You weren’t drinking too much since none of you really wanted to be drunk. You still needed to go back to your apartment and being totally hammered didn’t seem like a good idea with three people fucking.
You were probably a little bit tipsy, though, since everything the boys said to you as you sat in a booth was making you giggle madly.
They were funny and that was a big reason why you loved them, but Pope’s joke about what was playing on TV wasn’t that funny.
Both of them were watching you with small smiles as they sipped their beer, then your giggling  faded and they glanced at each other when your face fell and you stared off in the distance at something.
“What’s wrong?” Pope looked at you with his brow furrowed in concern, looking to Frankie again briefly when you didn’t answer him. “Sweetheart?”
“My date,” you said quietly, cautiously, your mouth barely moving as if that would alert the man to your presence.
Frankie and Pope immediately followed your line of vision to see some obnoxiously dressed man with overly gelled hair sitting at the bar, downing drinks even though he seemed like he was half drunk.
Pope, remembering how terrified you’d been the night you invited them over, clenched his fists and started to stand to let this guy know to stay the fuck away, but you grabbed onto his arm and he looked at you.
“Santi, please, he hasn’t noticed me, he probably doesn’t even remember me.” You were begging him with those eyes that always turned him into putty and he nodded slowly, sitting back down.
You were pretty sobered up at the sight of the man who’d creeped you out so much. You couldn’t prove and didn’t really think now that you weren’t terrified that he tried to break into your apartment, but the date was still bad and you just didn’t like him.
Frankie reached across the table to gently squeeze your wrist, nodding at you reassuringly when you looked up at him to which you smiled slightly.
The man didn’t notice you and you were there with your boys, so you started to relax a bit, sipping at your beer.
“Hey,” came a sleazy voice from the direction of the bar. “I’ve been thinking about you! Been jacking off to the thought of you ever since our date.”
Pope was up and out of his seat in an instant, but you yanked him back down. “Please, I don’t want there to be a scene, okay?”
“What, you don’t remember me, sugar? Guess not, looks like you’ve found someone else to let dick you down. Wouldn’t even suck my fucking cock.” He was obviously drunk, though this was pretty much how he’d been on your date, perverse and pushing boundaries.
“Can we just leave?” You asked because you were nervous, Frankie was staring at the table like it was going to dance for him or something, and Pope was practically vibrating with rage next to you.
Frankie immediately pulled out his wallet to put money on the table, standing up and keeping himself in front of you as you stood with your hand tight on Pope’s arm; both because you were scared and because you didn’t want him to end up arrested for whatever he was going to do to the man.
“Love that view from the back, too.” He whistled and you had to yank Pope to your side again, who decided to move behind you to shield you from the guy’s view.
“It’s fine, you’re safe.” Frankie was holding the door open for you when the man popped up in front of you, making you stumble back into Pope’s chest.
“You smell so pretty, I’d love to take home a lock of your hair or your panties or something.”
He smiled at you in the same creepy way that made you leave the date early, then there was a loud smack and he wasn’t standing in front of you anymore.
It took you a moment to realize what happened as the man laid still on the floor and Frankie glowered down at him, shaking out the fist he just used to…
All you could do was stare in shock.
“You knocked him out,” Pope nearly laughed with what seemed to be pride in Frankie for doing so in one punch.
“Let’s just go,” he mumbled, pushing the door open again, and Pope had to actually push you out the door.
The ride to your apartment was silent; Frankie didn’t drink as much so he could safely drive, but he kind of wished he drank more because he was worrying about what you were thinking.
You gathered your thoughts by the time you walked into the apartment, the look in your eyes making Pope quickly go over to sit on the couch so you wouldn’t yell at him as Frankie stood there, staring at the floor.
You just stared at him with all these emotions in your eyes before you finally said, “What the fuck, Frankie? I mean, I would’ve understood if it was Santi who did that, but you?”
He knew that, knew you could handle yourself and the possibility of starting a fight in a bar wasn’t something you wanted, and he took off his hat. “I know, but I didn’t like him being that close to you and what he was saying—”
“No, listen to me. That was a stupid thing to do.” Your words made him finally meet your eyes to see that the anger was now softened. “And you did it for me.”
Your tearful tone made him pause and he just kind of stood there when you moved against his chest to wrap your arms tight around him, looking over at Pope who seemed just as perplexed as he was.
“You’re such a sweet, good man and I love you. Never do it again.” You pulled back, your gratefulness winning over any anger at his actions as you pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled with a little shame, but he was starting to smile since you weren’t going to chew him out for it.
You were frightened in the moment and the possibly dangerous man was too close, so it was good that Frankie did something.
You were just thankful, to be honest, and relieved that it didn’t lead to a bar fight with how hard Frankie punched the man.
“So wait, you hold me back because you don’t want to start a scene, but he punches the guy’s lights out and you kiss him?” Pope was nearly pouting as he sat there on the couch, watching you.
“You would’ve killed him, Santi, and you know that’s the truth.” You leveled him with a look that only seemed to make him prideful.
You looked between the men, then down for a moment and back up with a bit of a teasing smile on your lips.
“Why don’t I show you both how grateful I am?” You saw them glance at each other which made you giggle softly. “Nothing much because I’m still a little shaken up from that, but I’m sure we can think of something.” You tapped Frankie’s chin and eyed Pope before walking to your bedroom, where your coquettish behavior faded slightly and you paused in the doorway.
“What’s up?” Frankie wouldn’t have blamed you if you decided you would rather sleep than do anything sexual with how that guy acted.
“You know I feel so safe with you guys, right?” You asked softly.
“We know.” Pope’s voice was closer as he moved up behind you and pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
One of his arms slid around you and then one of Frankie’s did too. “You are safe with us, baby.”
You knew it was perhaps a little bit cliche in some ways and unorthodox in others, but it was nice to know you were with two men that would do nothing but love you and keep you safe.
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written-on-the-trees · 4 years ago
Do You Have A Name, Or Can I Call You Mine? - Machine Gun Kelly Fan Fiction
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Word Count: 2550 words
Warnings: None
Summary: Colson gets the phone call he'd hoped for, and more. There are more bad pick-up lines.
Where else can you find this: Ao3 | Wattpad
Colson grinned down at his phone, unable to hide the expression when he saw the screen light up from another message from Rosie, knowing full-well it was another cheesy pick-up line.
 She sent one every on her lunch break, usually when Colson was just getting out of the apartment they were renting for the week, and he always sent one back. It was a bit dumb - real high-school childish shit - but he'd be lying if he said he didn't fucking love it, if only because it was an excuse to talk to Rosie.
 They hadn't had a chance to talk on a call yet; they seemed to have opposite schedules, with her finishing work around four in the evening, just when his day was really beginning, and he was still passed out in the morning before she started work at eight. Still, he didn't think they went more than twelve hours without messaging each other, and he liked her enough that he'd even mentioned her in passing to Casie when they'd spoken, telling her the story of how he'd met Rosie
 His daughter had rolled her eyes and told him not to embarrass himself and more than he already had with his bad pick up lines, only to be horrified when Colson told her Rosie found him funny, and had some awful pick-up lines of her own. The faux-fear on Casie's face as she'd whispered that now there were 'two of them now' had made him laugh so hard his jaw hurt...and gave him a little bit of hope that he and Rosie could make something work.
I would take you to the movies, but they don’t allow snacks.
That's what the kids are calling each other these days, right? A snack?
  Woman, I am thirty years old.
I have no idea.
  God I feel old. I called someone a hunk the other day, and Grace actually asked me what I was talking about.
  Oh yeah? Was that someone me?
  I couldn't say.
   It was a pretty standard chat for them - but it still gave Colson butterflies in the pit of his stomach.
 After a few days of messaging, the bad pick-up lines and chat had progressed into flirting, and now both of them were dancing around each other, trying to work out how serious the other one was...at least Colson was. He'd admit, it was a little bit weird to be the one feeling like they were chasing, and he was pretty sure he didn't like it. He was second-guessing what he messaged to her, over-thinking about what she messaged him, and generally giving himself anxiety over manning up and just telling her he wanted more than exchanging texts.
 Logically, he knew it shouldn't be that hard; he'd literally been speaking for her for four days, if she told him to fuck off, then it wasn't like he was losing someone who'd been in his life for years. It shouldn't be this hard to just say what he felt. But everytime he typed it all out, he ended up deleting it.
 He'd stopped even trying.
   If you say so. Honestly, I've got other worries.
I lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you tonight?
  I know you can't hear me, but I just groaned. Audibly.
The kids I have in detention are so confused.
   As stressed as he was over confessing his feelings to Rosie, that was enough to make him chuckle under his breath. The juxtaposition of Rosie, the badass looking woman he'd met at a venue bar, and Miss Barnes, the secondary school history teacher, was utterly hilarious to him. He just kept picturing her standing in front of a whiteboard in her fishnets and leather miniskirt every time her job came up...and whenever he got into the shower.
   Sorry, Miss Barnes.
  Fuck off.
   Chuckling, Colson slid his phone into his pocket and let himself into the studio he was recording at.
 He was determined to finish early today; he might not get done by four, but he was hoping to get out in time to ring Rosie before he went out tonight. Maybe he couldn't work up the courage to tell her how he truly felt, but that didn't mean he didn't want to speak to her. If anything, he was hoping hearing her voice might give him the kick in the pants to come clean.
 He was keeping his fingers crossed.
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I know this is a bit short notice, but can we call?
  Yeah, course. Everything okay?
      Colson waited to see if Rosie would message back, only for her number to flash up as she skipped messaging just to call him.
   "Hey, you alright?"
 'I'm good. Friday's are rough.' Rosie sighed, sounded exhausted, even though it was only quarter past twelve: 'For once I didn't have anyone in detention so I've locked the door and now I'm hiding in the cupboard at the back of the classroom.'
 Colson let out a low whistle: "That does sound rough."
 'It's not that bad. I stuck an old desk chair in here and I have a phone charger and a bar of chocolate.'
 "I meant the fact that you're hiding in a cupboard, but I'm happy you're happy in there." Colson snorted, hearing Rosie chuckle softly in return: "What on earth did the kids do to drive you this insane?"
 'Ah, it's just the time of year. No-one wants to pay attention on a Friday, and next week is the last week before they get a week off for half-term, so all the kids have turned into monsters. Well, bigger monsters than they usually are.' Rosie sighed, before audibly cheering up: 'But I didn't call to bitch about my job; I called because I wanted to speak to you. And because I think I have found the best chat-up line ever.'
 "Oh yeah?"
 'I am going to complain to iTunes about you not being this week's hottest single.'
   Colson laughed so hard that Rook poked his head through the door of the kitchen, looking confused. Colson shook his head, making Rook raise his eyebrows, only backing out when Colson flipped him off with his free hand.
 He was definitely going to bother Colson about this later, the nosy little shit, but for now Colson couldn't bring himself to care about anything other than the way Rosie was laughing at her own joke. It was fucking adorable; she sounded so happy with herself for making him laugh, it made his chest feel a little tight. She was literally the best thing to happen to him this year, and he was already so attached that he didn't want to lose her.
 The sudden realisation made him bold - he couldn't keep chickening out of talking to her. He had to tell her how he felt.
   "I mean, that's good. So good I'm not sure mine is going to stand up to it."
 'Well, we'll never know if you don't say it.'
 "Wanna grab a coffee...because I like you a latte." Colson took a deep breath: "I suppose, to make up for it not being as funny as yours...I could tell you it's a serious offer?"
   The only response was silence.
   Colson was ready to take it back, only for Rosie to clear her throat: 'Like...a date?'
 "Yeah, like a date." Colson agreed: "I mean, it doesn't have to be coffee. We could go for dinner; there's this cool restaurant that's meant to be good, or we could go do something fun, or - "
 'Dinner would be nice.'
   Colson's heart stopped.
   She agreed to dinner. She agreed to dinner!
   "That's great!" Colson swallowed, feeling the same anxiety that Rosie sounded like she was feeling, and wanting to get away from it and focus on the excitement building in his stomach: "Because you know what’s on the menu? Me 'n' u."
 Rosie groaned, but he could hear her trying not to laugh as she did so: 'That was so bad...but it was also amazing, so it's a date. Literally.'
 "It's a date."
 'I can't wait.'
 "Me either. I'll see you Friday."
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   Colson saw Rosie before she saw him, standing just inside the front door to the restaurant they'd agreed to meet at, all lit up by the soft yellow-white fairy lights strung that hung in a curtain against the wall behind her. She looked like a fucking dream: in a modest black dress that she somehow managed to make look scandalous, the material hugging every inch of her, even though it covered her from neck to wrist to just below her knees. With bright red lips and scarlet shoes, Colson wasn't sure he wanted to share the sight of her with all the other guys in the restaurant. He was already half-ready to punch the dude at the front desk, who was staring at her ass while her back was turned to him.
 Instead, he quickened his pace. The sooner they were seated, the sooner that guy could fuck off and eye-fuck some other woman.
   Even though he was pissed, the look on Rosie's face when he opened the door was more than enough to calm him down: "Colson! Did you have Lucky Charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious."
 Just like that, the anger was replaced with laughter: "Damn it, that was good. You keep making jokes like that, and I'm gonna think you're a campfire - because 'cos you’re hot and I’m going to want s’more."
   Rosie laughed, and allowed him to pull her in for a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck as he tightened his around her waist. He made sure to glare at the dude who'd been staring at her ass, even though he was now looking utterly disgusted by their exchange of cheesy pick-up lines, but mostly he got distracted by the smell of Rosie's perfume. It was a new one on him, but he was pretty sure he was already addicted to the muted citrus and almost peppery smell of it.
 They reluctantly pulled apart - and Colson was thrilled that Rosie seemed just as reluctant as he was - but remained in contact by holding hands as they walked up to the little podium thing, where ass guy was currently looking down his nose at them.
   "Do you two have a reservation?"
 "Yeah, for two, under the name Baker." Colson smirked, watching the guy's face drop.
   Colson felt no remorse.
 Ass guy called over a waitress and asked her to show him and Rosie to a table upstairs, before telling them to have a good meal. Rosie smiled, albeit coolly, making Colson wonder if she'd been aware of the jackass staring at her earlier, but Colson just smirked. He wasn't usually a dick to people; he'd worked at fucking Chipotle, he knew he wasn't better than anyone, but this dude was just asking for it. Colson wrapped an arm around Rosie's waist as they walked away, letting everyone in there know exactly who she was here with. They could eat their hearts out, he was the one lucky enough to get to sit down to have dinner with her.
 Just the thought was enough to make Colson smile.
   Rosie smiled back: "Oh, wow. Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me?"
 "Damn." Colson reached up to cover his smile with his hand, even though it was widening: "That was good. Not as much as the Lucky Charms one, but still good. Almost makes me wish I didn't ruin it by hating my smile so much."
 "I try my best." Rosie winked: "And your smile is cute!"
 "Almost as cute as you." Colson winked at her watching her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink.
 Despite her blushing, though, Rosie wasn't lost for words: "Smooth."
 "Yeah? How's this for smooth - are you Netflix? Because I could watch you for hours."
 "Not bad...but not as good as roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I’m around you."
   Colson laughed.
 Normally he liked having the last word, because the only thing he was more than mouthy was stubborn, and he wasn't ashamed of that...but something about going back and forth with Rosie made it more entertaining to just let himself stop looking for the next thing to say and just enjoy being truly present. There was no pressure from her for him to be edgy or sharp-tongued. Although she did seem to like him when he was, she also seemed to like him when he was spouting lame chat-up lines and being a dork.
 It was impossible to put into words how good it felt to be able to relax. There weren't a lot of people Colson could let his guard down around, but in the short time he'd known her Rosie had already become one of them. With her, he felt like he could talk about what he was doing, without worrying that it was going to get back to someone it shouldn't or end up on the internet.
 They talked about what he was doing in the studio, about her least favourite class to teach and how much she dreaded the last lesson on a Friday when she had them, about their family and friends and what was happening with them. Not once did Colson worry about anything he was saying or think about censoring himself. Nothing felt like stilted or forced - with Rosie, Colson was so engrossed in their conversation that he ordered and ate on auto-pilot, barely noticing anything other than Rosie. It was like she was the center of the universe tonight, and Colson couldn't keep his eyes off of her. It literally took the waitress coming over to ask if they wanted the cheque for Colson to realise that the restaurant was almost empty.
 The waitress was all too happy to let them pay, hurrying them out the door as politely as possible, hovering as Colson helped Rosie into her jacket, and wishing them a goodnight as they headed for the stairs. They got out onto the street, standing close to the window to let the city pass them by as they spoke.
   "Thank you for a really nice night." Rosie smiled: "The thought of this literally kept me going this week, and it was the best night I've had in a long time."
 Colson felt his heart start to pick up, even as he tried to act onfident: "I'm glad it lived up to your expectations...I'm also glad you've been fantasising about me."
 Rosie laughed: "You wish. Maybe I was just thinking about the dessert."
 "In fairness, that passionfruit cheesecake you had was fucking amazing." Colson laughed back: "I'd dream about that."
 "It was the best...well, except for you." Rosie smiled, her voice softening to something sweet and genuine: "I had a really nice time tonight, Colson."
 "I did too. Honestly, I think you might be the best thing to happen to me all year...so, at the risk of ruining all of that..." Colson tailed off, leaning down to pause with his lips an inch from Rosie's: "Can I borrow a kiss? I swear I’ll give it back."
   Rosie closed the gap herself, leaning up that last inch to press their lips together.
 It was amazing.
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gagmebucky · 5 years ago
[steve. breeding kink. baby.]
“Wanna know what makes it worse?” Steve leans in and trails his nose along the inviting curve of your shoulder and neck until his lips are adjacent with your ear. “My sense of smell, it tells me when your body is just ripe for the taking. It’s like you’re fucking calling me every single month—begging me to put your little pussy out of your misery. . . fuck and fuck until you’re milkin’ my kid right outta me.”
in which you’re playing with a baby and steve can’t resist himself. (includes steve’s pov, avenger!steve rogers x girlfriend!reader, breeding kink, dirty talk, praise kink, mild daddy kink, unprotected sex.) 
do not repost.
Procedure requires debriefing at the end of every mission. In this hours-long process, an agent must recap the objectives and the means used to achieve them; deviations to the original plan and why; as well as whether success was gained, and any other pertinent intel possibly acquired.
This routine is mandatory for all those working for and with an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D.; not even the Avengers are exempt from this. Except in this particular case where the titular first of the super-powered team has forgone the professional necessity, and instead, is in search of you. 
Normally, America’s golden boy can handle the dangers that occur in such a violent but imperative field. He understands the risks and pressures inherent to his line of duty, and he’s always accepted it, dealt with it because the overall outcome dwarfs the bad.
On this particular assignment, however, the stakes were higher than usual and although the quick snap-quick decisions he made ultimately paid off, it didn’t soften the blow of the sacrifices made. Times like this, he has to wonder if it’s worth it.
The tension weighs on his shoulders and crackles underneath his skin; his synapses are frayed with the memory of each fallen agent, the orders he doled out preambling every one, and the electricity curls his fists and locks his jaw. It’s corrupting that logical part of his brain, and that craving for vengeance can’t be sated with  his knuckles breaking a few punching bags. 
In rare moments like these, when the serum is pumping through his veins like rabies, there’s one thing to straighten the edges and bring him back from the trenches. That solace is you; your alluring smile and twinkling eyes, the musical carry of your laugh, your seemingly innate ability to figure out what’s wrong and quell the turmoil cycloning inside of him. 
So he doesn’t report to Fury like he’s supposed to, doesn’t go over the myriad of errors that only worsened as the mission progressed—no one stops him either. 
When employees spot him marching down the corridors, stealth suit still on and rippling across his hulking mass, his strides colliding deafeningly with the floor, handsome and affable features tightened intensely, their only recourse is moved out of the way. Thankfully, they get the hint because if someone hadn’t, he knows he’d snap and do something he might regret. 
His senses, formerly haywire in his manic state, have lasered into tunnel focus; his eardrums hone in on the specific sound wave of your crooning voice, and the olfactory nerves in his nostrils guide him in a trail to the source of your intoxicating essence.
Steve slams the door open and storms into the upper, restricted level of the headquarters. His hastened pace slows upon your increased dose, lulling his awareness and distance waning significantly. As his search nears its end, he recognizes where he’s at: the luxurious space designed by and created for Tony Stark. 
The doors are open so he doesn’t waste time knocking (not that he possesses the patience to abide by his hundred year old manners). Upon entry, he’s taken the tranquility occupying the atmosphere and the sight of you bathed in the sun’s glow; bright rays beam through the impenetrable windowed wall of the tower while you gently rock the three month old baby perched on your shoulder, probably basking in the dual warmth of you and the star.    
From afar, behind you, the brown-eyed girl’s mother stands. With her head tilted and soft gratefulness slanted into her lips, the strawberry blonde’s hip rests against the office’s wet bar and watches fondly as you effortlessly soothe her child’s fussiness into a thumb-sucking slumber. 
“Aren’t they cute?” Pepper Potts remarks as he steps beside her. Her gaze maintains on his girlfriend and her daughter. “Morgan would not stop crying for the past few hours, and I did everything to calm her down. I was frazzled and at my wit’s end then I handed her off to her aunt, and now she’s as quiet as a mouse.” She pauses and spares a glance over to his adoration-fixed stare, a slyness twisting into her smile. “I don't know what stage you two are at but she’d make a great mom.” 
Steve knows you occasionally babysit for the Starks, but he’s never seen you like this. You’re in your element, swaying back and forth while you hum inaudibly into the infamous delicate baby’s ear. Her small hands are curled around your neck and her face nuzzled into the crease of your shoulder, with the opposing thumb slid between her lips as her big chocolate eyes flutter into a peaceful rest. 
Suddenly breathless—but it’s not from the exertion—he has to agree, nodding his head. “Y - yeah,” he answers to both statements because it’s fucking adorable, and while there’s never been a doubt about your caring nature, this cements the fact that you would be an amazing mother. The sensation boils in his gut, and his fingers twitch at his sides. “Has she always been this good with her?”
“Oh, yeah,” Pepper tells him matter-of-factly. “With her, other kids, too. She came with us to the park, and this one kid was screaming his head off and she just went over and poof! He was happy.” Her eyes are back on your slow pacing silhouette. “I would swear she was made for this. I bet she was a nanny in another life.” 
His knuckles clench as her words ignite the simmering inferno of his being. Made for this, made for this, echoes in his head and he has to remind himself that he’s in public. But the primal image of you, radiating like an angel with a little piece of him growing inside you, has already carved itself in the forefront of his psyche.
Steve has never been into traditional gender roles, not even when he was in his time and it was the norm (he’s always been a very progressive thinker). But, God, he can’t deny the appeal now that he has you. There’s something so primally satisfying about having you at home, free of any worries that aren’t about your family, potentially—preferably—knocked up.
The carnal urge grips him more intensely than before. Usually, he can suppress that visceral desire to bury himself bare inside you and spill his virility until he further claims you as his. However, receiving a glimpse of you in this maternal state, it has every instinct screaming that you’re irrefutably perfect and primed. 
As if on cue, you turn around with the effectively lullabied infant clinging around your neck. After a flicker of surprise, pleasant then concerned, you pad on over to carefully hand over Morgan to her thankful mother. Your attention rivets back to him with a knitted brow gaze. 
“Babe, hey,” you greet in a gentle voice. Worry ebbs into your gaze amongst the usual stare of attraction upon dragging across the navy blue material that still clings to his muscular torso. You offer your hand, which he immediately takes, and you guide him out of the office into the hallway. The door shuts behind you, and the sectioned off level is empty, but your voice is still quiet when asking, “What happened?”  
You stand barely a breath away, and the proximity pacifies his senses. His stance loosens while a smile upturns a corner of his mouth. “Nothing,” he answers then clarifies, “Nothing that matters anymore, anyway.” 
The amendment dwindles your concerned curiosity because it’s honest—he doesn’t need to dwell when you’re standing here—and you can hear it; another lovingly scrutinizing up-and-down glance confirms that his earlier disquietude has settled significantly.
“D’you have fun back there?” he goes onto wonder, eyes flickering over to the closed door.   Your earlier titillatingly visage snaps into his brain, and he subconsciously bites down on his bottom lip. “You looked like you were.” 
You accept his subject-change with a nonchalant shrug. “Babies like me, and I like them,” you tell him, smiling at the admission. “What can I say?”
“I don’t know. Maybe that you want me to knock you up.” The words fumble out of his mouth before he thinks about it, and while he hadn’t intended on letting it slip, if he did, it would’ve been without the serious fluctuation he blurted it out with. 
In a lame attempt to correct his slip of the tongue regarding a topic you both rarely discussed, he quickly adds, “I’m joking.” A surprised expression had crossed your features upon processing his former response, transitioning into something he can’t yet pinpoint if he likes. As if to test the waters—or dig himself into a deeper hole—he says, matter-of-factly, borderline suggestive, “But you know, back in my day, you’d probably already have a few popped out by now.”
“Mr. Rogers!” you gasp in an almost-shocked tone, but your cheeks split with a devious grin. “Are you telling me you want to be a daddy?” 
Disheveled by his mission, then upended by your placating presence, he’s more awkward than the day he met you. “Fuck. Look, I’d never pressure you, okay?” For the millionth time, the previous scene plays mentally; he exhales heavily. “It’s just you with her, and I. . . never mind.” He shakes his head, deciding he’s still on the edge from both events today, and dismisses his animalistic inkling. “Act like I didn’t say anything.” 
You fold your arms and nod.
“Uh-huh, daddy,” you drawl, scintillating in mischievousness that simultaneously has his heart skipping a beat and his cock jumping. Your smirk widens before disappearing beneath a cascade of feigned innocence. “We can just act like you don’t want me to have your kid.”
 His lips part at your teasing twist of his words. “That’s - that’s not what I said.” 
“Isn’t it?” You lift a brow. “It is. So, maybe I should find a guy who does. I think any other man would take immense pleasure in going condomless inside of me.” One hand wiggles into your jacket pocket while you peddle away from his orbit; a rectangular plastic ruffles as his reflexes instinctively catch it. “You know, I think Bucky would really appreciate me. I bet he’d have the manners to really wife me up and make me—“
He knows you’re poking fun of him; playfulness alight within your gaze that he usually enjoys. In actuality, he understands there’s zero truth in your jesting and he’d be more amused than jealous. However, currently, the circumstances have corrupted his sensibilities. 
“That’s not funny.”
Your laugh echoes musically. “It’s not ‘cause it isn’t a joke,” you say between your giggles, your amusement pardoning your spacial awareness. “I mean—Steve!” Your yelp is louder and even more musical when he surges forth and reigns you in. 
Air expels from your chest as his body cages yours against the wall. Using one hand to brace himself above you, his opposing appendage tilts your dazed blinking up. “Now do you really think I don’t want you to carry my kid?” he rumbles. “Because if it were up to me, I would’ve taken claim to your womb the second I saw you.” 
Your breathing hitches, and you try to remain unaffected but he’s too keen on your reactions to be fooled. “O - oh?” 
“Yeah.” His tongue swipes across his bottom lip. “Wanna know what makes it worse?” He leans in and trails his nose along the inviting curve of your shoulder and neck until his lips are adjacent to your ear. “My sense of smell, it tells me when your body is just ripe for the taking. It’s like you’re fucking calling me every single month—begging me to put your little pussy out of your misery. . . fuck and fuck until you’re milkin’ my kid right outta me.” 
A sound, hybrid between a moan and a gasp, escapes your throat; humor eviscerated, desire exudes from you and submerges his senses in a provoking intoxication. The rush sinks into his brain and triggers that visceral frenzy within him but he has no interest in suppressing it anymore. 
He releases a guttural groan and grabs your hips. His big hands splay on either side, thumb slightly kneading back and forth, and he draws you in closer. “I can smell you right now, too. Not only how wet you’re gettin’ but that it’s that time for you, isn’t it?” he purrs and nips at your lobe. “You’re mine for the taking.” His teeth catch your pulse, sucking a mark onto the vulnerable skin. “Hm, baby?”
“Y - yes!” you moan wantonly loud as your weight sags into his embrace. “Always.”
“Good—” His hands cinch on your flanks and abruptly hoist you up: prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist and your arms to encircle around his neck. “—cause holding back with you is gonna be impossible.”
With your body clutched  around his abdomen, he heads for the closest empty room, scoped out via his enhanced hearing. Unceremoniously, he turns a handle and breaks the lock of the unused office space; two doors down from the main room, it’s smaller but it has a sturdy-looking desk in the center.
He kicks the door shut and sets you down as your lips find his. Although you’re sat down, legs dangling over the wooden edge, you keep your elbows hooked around the nape of his neck and coax a ragged groan out of his chest with the deft stroke of your tongue. 
“Shit, baby,” he breathes and parts from you in order to yank your jacket down your shoulders. Tossing it off the side, he reveals a braless tank top and your nipples he can see have pebbled underneath. His imagination takes off once more, envisioning what the already perfect twins will look like in the wake of his seed taking root inside you.
His blood pumps viciously, flowing downward and flooding his cock to strain beneath the oppressive stealth-suit fabric. Like you’re reading his mind, you unhook the utility belt and similarly shove it off somewhere on the side.
Something rustles, and it’s the condom you’d thrown at him. Absentmindedly tucked under the cinch of the belt previously, it falls into your undressing hands. Your eyes rivet up to him, lashes fluttering big, as you hold it between two fingers: halfway offering. “What are you gonna do, daddy?” 
At that particular moment, it occurs to him that you’re doubting his seriousness. While abundantly clear you want this, you’re dubious on whether he’s going through it. Which is preposterous, but he figures that the look on your face when he spills inside you bareback will only further his orgasm, consequently heightening the odds of his end-goal. 
He plucks the packaging from of your grip, holds it up as your gazes clash and makes a show out of discarding it out of reach. Then he seizes your knees and slides your ass to the edge so your center is flushed against him, rocking into his hardened imprint.
“You,” he answers your query, tone a growl, as he peels your jeans off. He continues on just to shred your panties. “I’m doing you. With nothing to separate me from you, nothing to keep you from your rightful destiny: knocked up with our baby.”
“Please,” is all you utter, but the room’s thick with sensory evidence of your essence. 
Spreading your thighs as far as possible, he glances down to spit lewdly on your glistening mound; a long dribble of saliva coating your eager button and slit. He uses his thumb to smear it all over, mixing with the puddle you’re creating, dipping into your sticky folds with his middle finger. 
The whole time, you’re choking with these hungry and appreciative little noises. Likewise, you’re watching as he prepares you thoroughly and roughly to wring the cum out of him. “S - Steve,” you mewl coherently and buck into his messy caress. Your fingers are tugging pleading on the lower half of his uniform. “I need you. Please!” 
It is about damn time. 
His control has been witting away since the first time you called him daddy. He swiftly wrenches the suit down and exposes his leaking, throbbing cock to your tunnel of relief. His size always dwarfs your kempt triangle; an initial observation one might come to is the improbability he won’t fit. But he does, every single time, and in this special instance, he’s going to ensure all of his formidable length is buried in your fertile heat.         
He rasps his tip over your clit, plastering his translucent white pre-cum over the engorged nub, then traces down the crease of your slit. As he prods in, his hands span your thighs and  help open up your elastic entrance for his  ravenous cock. He stretches your tightness slow but unyieldingly while you both watch with labored breathing, transfixed by the sight of your dripping core enveloping his veined and tanned angry stalk until he’s nudging your cervix.
“Good girl,” he grits out, strangled by the electricity prickling his nerves.  He slips support underneath your ass, intertwining from the inner to the outer so when he hauls you up, your knees are bent over his elbows. “You ready to make me a daddy, baby?”
“Yes!” You nod quickly with a moan. “Shit, you’re big—and deep. Really fucking deep.”
He chuckles huskily because if you think that now, he can’t wait to see you once he’s truly plundered new depths. “Now, you just hold on tight and let me do all the work. I only want you to focus on givin’ me a baby, okay?”
In the middle of an abandoned office room—possibly a storage area—he heaves you up and drops you back down. Your arms curl around his neck, hands twisting into his suit, while he alters between gravity and his hips jutting forth to drill inside you.   
Without any mind to those around you—just you and him—he fucks you with every ounce of strength coiled into his super-charged build. Ignoring the fact that door is unlocked, broken more specifically, and the possibility that there’s likely high quality surveillance cameras watching, your shared sounds of carnality fills the room in between the harsh collision of skin. 
Each propelling thrust seems to jostle further than further, carving himself into your inner walls. Like he said before, he handles all the work, effortlessly bouncing your sporadically clenching channel with his inhuman strength and stamina; leaving you to accept and bask in the stimulation his cock is providing and the gift he’ll be depositing inside of you any time now. 
Your lips are breathless in his ear, gasping, “Daddy, please,” that has him climbing the rope faster. The beg pours gasoline on an already roaring fire, igniting wildly to burn up his legs then his stomach and on its way to take him under.
“Y’gonna make me a daddy, baby? You’re gonna be a pretty lil’ mommy and take care of us? Is that what you want?” he croons, identifying the way you tighten as your steadily approaching orgasm. “Y’gonna have your pretty pussy squeeze me until I’m shooting my load and knocking you up?” 
He’s pretty sure your nails have punctured the suit’s resilient material. “S - Steve, fuck! Please. Yes! Cum inside me—cum inside me—“ you cry out with genuine desperation that his limbs tingling numbly. “I want it. I want you. Please. I wanna feel you!” 
His jaw locks and works you somehow even harder. The room is completely engulfed with you, your arousal, the potency of your ovulation, and your future with him; once he releases, it’ll only seal the fact that you’re his and belong to him (as well as vice versa). 
“Who’s gonna be a daddy, baby? Who are you making a daddy, baby?” His words are practically slurred while fever coalesces across his entirety. “Who owns your pretty little pussy and your womb?” 
“You—Steve—daddy,” you sob as your orgasm  seizes up around his cock, giving him no other choice other than to: “Cum inside me, daddy—!” 
Something beastly rips out of his chest, and without protest, he gifts you exactly what you want. He burrows into the absolute hilt and fires inside you for what feels like forever. Spurts of ooze finally wane, nudging your fruitful cervix, but even then, he doesn’t dare retreat from your heavenly depths. 
The aftershocks force him to set you back down on the desk, still buried and keeping you stuffed. His face nuzzles the junction between your neck and shoulder languorously,  and you lazily run your fingers through his hair, walls periodically pulsating. 
When he regains the energy, he straightens and pulls out of you until his bulbous head is blocking your entrance; he stops there because he realizes something. “It’s gonna leak, and as hot as that is, I need to keep you full, baby.” Abruptly, he hauls you up and shuffles the position so that he’s sitting on the desk, and you’re sitting on his cock.
Your sensitivity flares around him, and you squeal. “F - fuck!” But you adjust to comfortability, blinking at him. “For how long?” 
A smile curls into his lips, and he strokes your cheek while his other hand lays on your belly. “For as long as it takes.”
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thefloorisbalaclava · 5 years ago
pragma - part seventeen
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader
Warnings: morning smut and a sensitive topic
A/N: Just wanted to give a little heads up that pregnancy and the inability to get pregnant is discussed in this chapter. I know in the movie Frankie mentions having a kid but I’m gonna do my own thing!
Summary: You open up to Frankie about something important and worry that he may not be happy with you after but you’re his world and he makes sure you know it.
pragma masterlist
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You can feel the warmth from the sun shining through the window. You can feel the soft sheets against your bare skin. But there’s something else. You’re barely awake but the familiar feeling of Frankie’s lips trail down your stomach and you smile. Your eyes are still closed as he moves lower, kissing your thigh before dipping between your legs. For just a moment you thought it was a dream but when you felt his tongue, you knew it was real. Frankie felt like waking you up in a special way this morning.
When you finally opened your eyes and reached down to run your fingers through his hair, he pulled away for a moment. “Good morning, dulzura.” The way he smiled then licked his lips made you bite yours.
“Oh, it’s good indeed.” You moaned as he lapped at you slowly. One hand gripped the sheets and the other pulled at his hair which he always seemed to love. “Good god Frankie…” He groaned against you which caused a delicious vibration. “Shit!”
He pulled away and kissed your thigh. “I love waking you up,” he said with a smile. “You make the prettiest sounds.”
“Francisco…I swear to god you better not fucking leave me ever again.”
He chuckled. “Nunca.” It was enough that he was waking you up this way, but now he was speaking Spanish while between your legs, his lips and chin glistening, and he had never looked sexier. Those sleepy, brown eyes and that rakish smirk just about did you in.
“You look downright handsome like this,” you told him.
“Between your legs?” he asked but you never got a chance to answer. He went back to work—kissing, licking, and whatever else he was doing that felt so damn good.
His eyes fluttered shut and he groaned against you at the sound of his name. That seemed to spur him on even more. He opened his eyes to look directly at as his tongue moved around you and inside you. It was like he was dying of thirst and you were his only source of nourishment. And when you came, he lapped it up and savored you, staying between your legs for as long as he could before you had to beg him to stop.
“Jesus…” you breathed, running your fingers through his hair weakly.
“Just Frankie, baby,” he joked before kissing your thigh and finally moving from between your legs.
“Well, that was a nice treat.” You ran your hand over his chest as he laid there looking proud of himself. “But I think…” Your hand moves lower and his breath hitches. “…I should return the favor.”
He swallowed hard then looked down at your hand. “You don’t have to.”
“Oh, but Francisco…” You climbed on top of him. “I want to.”
His hands went straight to your hips, fingers tickling you lightly making you giggle. “You are so goddamn beautiful first thing in the morning.”
“Only first thing in the morning?” you asked, leaning down to kiss him.
“All the fucking time, cariño. All the time.”
“Mmm.” You kissed him, cupping his face. “Ooo I feel stubble.” Truth be told, you had already felt it when he was between your legs.
“Am I letting it grow back?” he asked.
“Yup.” You kissed him again, reaching down to line him up with you. As you slid onto him, he gasped and his face twisted in pleasure.
“Easy, baby. Fuck…easy.” He grunted as you sat up straight and put your hands on his chest as he filled you completely. “Jesus,” he whispered.
“It’s just me, baby,” you teased, using his own words against him with smile.
You loved making love first thing in the morning. It was slow and patient. There was no rush. Frankie’s hands were gentle as they always were with you, but they were especially so right now. Even as he reached around to squeeze your ass, they were gentle. He gave you a soft smile as he sat up to wrap his arms around you.
“You’re perfect,” he said quietly, head resting against your breasts as you rocked your hips on him.
“No. You’re perfect.” You tugged his hair and he looked up at you. “Perfecto.”
He bit his lip as he began moving his hips with yours, slow and gentle. Having him inside you was a spiritual thing—you were connected body and soul, ascending to the heavens. Your gazes were locked on each other and you could see your life in his eyes, full of passion and joy and love.
You rested your forehead against his and closed your eyes. He took one of your hands and held onto it as you moved slightly faster, never wanting it to end. He looked at you in awe as you threw your head back and said his name.
“Francisco,” you gasped.
Hearing him say your name made you smile. His voice was like a song and he was singing just for you. And now he threw his head back and sang the loveliest song for—a mixture of your name, praise, and a few words in Spanish that you were sure were curses. He groaned as he flattened his palms against your back and held you steady so he could thrust up into you as he finished.
His head rested against your breasts for a while before he looked up at you and smiled sleepily.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi handsome.”
He eventually laid down and you rolled off of him carefully. “I need a cigarette,” he breathed.
“You smoke now?” you asked.
“No,” he chuckled, rolling out of bed to walk to the bathroom and clean up. When he walked out, he was carrying another washcloth just for you. Cleaning you up was one of his favorite things to do. He took his time, making sure he didn’t miss a thing, then got rid of the rag.
Climbing back into bed, he worked himself between your legs, but only to lay his head on your breasts and have you hold him.
“Are you…have you ever thought about…” He stammered a few times then got quiet.
“What is it?” You played with his hair and he sighed.
“Well, we’ve been together…a lot…and each time I…well, you know but nothing ever happens.” It was like he was speaking in code.
He turned his head to look at you, resting his chin against your chest. “Are you worried about…getting pregnant?”
Your hand dropped from his head and you looked away. “No.”
“So…you’re on the pill?” he asked.
Frankie furrowed his brow in concern and confusion. “Then…”
“I don’t think I can have kids, Frankie.” Saying it out loud hurt more than you thought it would. You were grateful for it with your ex-husband but now it devastated you. “Sorry.”
“Sorry? Why are you sorry?”
You pushed him off of you gently and rolled onto your side so he couldn’t see your face. “You were asking me because you want kids, right? You want a family…and I probably can’t give you one.”
“We don’t need kids to be a family. You know that, right?”
You turned away again. “You say that now but you’ll change your mind.”
“Never. I’m here for you. That’s it. We don’t have to have that traditional bullshit...white picket fence or whatever the fuck. Just us two. That’s what’s important.”
“You sure you won’t leave me for your ex?” you asked.
“What? Why the hell would you even ask that?” He sat up and turned you onto your back so he could look at your face.
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“I want you. You’re the only one for me. We both tried going our separate ways but somehow still found a way back to each other. That’s gotta mean something, right?” He closed his eyes and ran a hand over his face. “I mean…you want me, right?” His voice sounded so small, so broken.
“Of course I do.” You sat up and held his hand. “And now that I have you I never wanna let go.”
“You’re stuck with me,” he said, wiping his eyes.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“I’m sorry I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t have brought up the baby stuff…” He looked down, embarrassed, but you lifted his head up again.
“Sometimes we’re gonna have to talk about some tough things. It’s part of being with someone and being in love. I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. I’m sorry for doubting you.”
“You’re my favorite person, you know that?” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
“I better be,” you giggled and he kissed you.
After a shower, you both decided to go for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather. Frankie held your hand the entire time unless he was walking ahead to point out and show you something.
“We should go on a camping trip,” he suggested.
“I haven’t been camping since I was a Girl Scout.”
“You were a Girl Scout?” He laughed as you punched his arm. “Seriously, we should. I know some great spots.”
“I’d go anywhere and do anything with you, Francisco.”
“Except for that. Do you remember how I was during that little helicopter ride? And you think I’d be willing to jump out of a fucking plane?” You scoffed and shook your head.
“I’d do it,” he said.
“You were spec ops, Frankie. You were probably jumping out of helicopters and planes all the time.”
“I was just a pilot.”
“Hm…is the government gonna set off the little chip in your head and kill you if you tell me more?” you quipped.
“You watch too many movies.” He stopped to take in the view on the bridge you were walking over. You sat up on the little stone wall as he rested on his forearms, staring at the river below. You took the hat from his head and put it on yours.
“I love your hat hair.”
He made a face then moved to stand between your legs. “Don’t make fun of me.” He held you tightly.
“I’m serious. I really like it. It’s adorable.”
“If you say so.”
You sat there holding him for a while, listening to the river flow below. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and Frankie was in your arms. A perfect day. He mumbled something into your shirt.
“What did you say?”
“I said I love you. Te quiero mucho.” He looked up at you. “Can I have my hat back now?”
“Okay…but you gotta kiss me first."
He did and you wanted it to last forever. His hands made their way under your shirt and you had to stop him.
“Frankie, we’re in public.”
“Yeah but no one’s coming.”
“Uh oh…Frankie the frisky flyboy is back.” You both laughed then you hopped down from the wall.
He took his hat from your head and put it back on. “I used the word frisky once and you’re never gonna let me live it down, are you?”
“Nope.” You walked ahead of him but he caught up and grabbed your hand then kissed it.
“So…are we going on that camping trip?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?”
Frankie talked about the trip the entire walk back home and you loved it. Seeing him so animated, so excited about something made you happy.
“You’re adorable,” you said as you walked through the door and kicked your shoes off.
“I am pretty cute, huh?”
“The cutest. And all mine.” You jumped into his arms and he carried you to the couch to set you down. He took his hat off and knelt in front of you, putting his head on your lap. “You wanna know something else?”
“Hm?” His eyes were already closing.
“You’re my favorite person.”
He smiled and finally got off the floor to lay out on the couch and put his head back on your lap. “You make me so happy.” Curling up, he closed his eyes again and drifted off to sleep.
“You make me happy too, Frankie.”
Tags: @cable-kenobi @saltywintersoldat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pedrosdoll @psychobillybunny @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @keeper0fthestars @mrsparknuts @thinemineours @huliabitch @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @lavenderl3mons @mrscrain-x7 @fioccodineveautunnale @gooddaykate @themilkface @tiffdawg @ms-dont-care @mus1caln0tes @awesomefandomsunited @seawhisperer @virtualxjournality @badassbaker @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @lokiaddicted @forever-rogue @sloantravels @javier-djarin @jawabear​
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currywaifu · 5 years ago
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: the sims 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: settsu banri/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 2.1k words
𝐚𝐧: banri and reader? using the Sims as an excuse to flirt? more likely than you think. been playing Sims 4, and I got a surge of inspiration at like 1 am. also, friends to lovers is one of my faves, goes hand in hand w/ many tropes (fake dating cough cough)
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A laptop with no mouse, you’re such a pro-gamer.” Banri teases you, lifting the blankets slightly to let you settle in beside him. Fixing your position on the bed, you let out a laugh as he yelped from the skin contact.
“Your feet are fucking cold!”
You stick your tongue out at him, before turning on your laptop. “Then don’t make fun of my set-up, e-boy! You’re the one who wanted to game in bed.”
“I was expecting gacha-“
“I have event burnout,” you whine in protest, “I need a break from my eternal suffering, so we’re playing the Sims 4.”
Shuffling closer to you, his thighs now beside yours, he watches you load up an unfinished sim from your gallery. He snickers as he looks at the avatar closely.
“Oh, so we’re making each other then?” Banri asks, noting the various clothes that looked incredibly similar to stuff he actually owns. Clearly, you already got a head start. “My face looks kind of fucked though.”
Giggling, you turn to face him. “Obviously it’s hard to do your gorgeous, one of a kind face justice, have pity on my average sim-making skills.” You joked, observing Banri’s expression for a comeback. Whatever he throws at you, you’ll be prepared to throw back.
“Then I’ll let you look at my face as a reference, for as long as you want,” he replies, the quirk of his lips letting you know he had more to say. “Just like how you’re looking at me right now,” he continues, a little softer this time.
Caught off-guard, you force yourself to turn back to the bright blue screen as Banri’s sim lets out various sounds of Simlish non-sense. Did joining theatre make him even more smooth or something?
And here you thought you could avoid the feelings continuously sprouting in your chest. You supposed inviting the object of your affections over to your place didn’t help your case; with your friend spending more and more time as an actor, you secretly longed for and cherished the time you spent together.
Still, with how he grew and bloomed as a person it was hard not to catch feelings.
With a boyish grin set on his face, he found himself revelling in your cute embarrassment. “Made ya speechless?”
“Something like that,” you said half-heartedly.
You always found him attractive, bowl-cut, dumb animal print and all. Of course, as if you would ever tell him seriously lest his ego gets bigger. Yet when you were looking at a picture of him for reference, your thoughts weren’t ‘yeah my friend is attractive, what a good reference for this sim’.
Instead, it was more along the lines of, ‘I’d like to punch his mouth, with my mouth.’
Slightly concerned by your lacklustre response, Banri looks at your face for a sign of discomfort or anger. Lips slightly pouted, eyebrows somewhat furrowed, and eyes completely focused on the screen.
Wait, what were you doing?
“Yo what are you doing to my face! Stop stretching it out!” You were smiling again, so he wasn’t all that bothered by your petty retaliation really, plus it was nice to know he hadn’t said anything that was out of line with you.
“Fine, fine. I wanna get Banny’s face right.” You say.
Banri opens his mouth, then closes it, then lets out a huff of laughter. “You have a nickname for the sim now?” He was about to say more until one of your hands takes hold of his face.
Settsu Banri was not easily flustered, nor did his face turn red from small, insignificant touches. The tingling feeling rendered within him as your fingers brush against his skin, however, was present no matter how much he denied it.
This weird silence wasn’t really his thing, but if he spoke up now or teased you back, there was a chance you would stop. Why didn’t he want you to stop?
Your index finger traces his jawline, the pad briefly meeting his cheek before sliding upwards to the bridge of his nose. He didn’t close his eyes, but with your intense stare piercing through him, his gaze shifts towards somewhere, anywhere else.
The wall was a nice place to set his eyes on. Not so plain that his thoughts would wander but not so cluttered that he wouldn’t know where to start. There was a time when your room was littered with posters from different shows, games, bands- he could remember it pretty well, having made fun of you for it.
At the present a choice few posters still there, but now there was also the addition of photos of you and other people on the wall. Some were polaroids, others were pictures you printed out yourself and taped on.
From afar, he spots several photos with him in it- when you went thrift shopping together, the cultural festivals you dragged him to and the music festivals he visited with you. A part of him is pleased, smug even, to know that he’s important enough to you have his pictures up there.
He hadn’t really thought about it before, but when did the two of you get so close to hang out all the time? You had always been chill with him even when he was a delinquent, but after joining Mankai the two of you had grown closer.
“Oi, Banri. Look at this!”
Huh, when did you stop touching his face?
When Banri looked at the screen appraisingly, his sim version- Banny, you called him, looked a lot more like him. You even dressed him in clothes he would’ve chosen for himself.
“Like the animal print? Downloaded a bunch for you.”
He whistled, looking at the different outfits you chose. “You did pretty good, I guess. Could probably do better though.”
You scoff, looking a little doubtful. Sure, Banri excelled in many things, but making a good sim look-a-like isn’t a common talent, especially without any practice.
“Have you even played the Sims 4 before?”
Shrugging, Banri pulled the device onto his lap from yours. “2 and 3. Never touched 4, should be easy enough.”
He plays around with the options for a bit. After entering your name and gender, he looks through the possible aspirations and traits he could give your sim, which was easy enough. He briefly wondered if you would protest being given a mismatched trait, but when he hovers the cursor over one you don’t react at all. 
Calling out your name, he eyes you from his peripheral. This wasn’t the first time you spaced out today. One arm went in front of you as he waved his hand to catch your attention.
“You can… also,” you paused, chewing on your lip for a few seconds, “for reference. If you wanted.”
He whips his head to face you completely, looking a little shell-shocked.
‘If I wanted?’
He paused, figuring out how to phrase his response. Honestly, he probably didn’t need to- he already has your face mapped out and memorised in his brain at this point, but there was no way he was admitting that.
Besides, if you offered it wouldn’t be wrong wanting to accept.
“Not that I need it, but I’m just making sure, ya hear?” His voice was the same as always, not a sign of wavering to hint at his anticipation or nervousness. “Bet you just want my hands all over ya or something.” He said, doing his best to manage a playful tone but not quite making the cut.
If someone else had said it you would have felt called out, or at worst offended, but you knew he was merely slipping into the language he most felt comfortable using.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Your voice came out a little shaky at the start, but thankfully he doesn’t out you for it. “Just don’t be weird about it.” There was no doubt in your mind that your cheeks were hotter than the sun, but you were curious about how it felt.
“No pressure,” Banri said, hoping his face is still the picture of nonchalance despite the erratic thumping of his heart in his chest defying it. “You can back out anytime.”
You don’t answer, steadily avoiding his gaze by observing the hand hovering near your face. It twitched.
The blanket shifts as Banri sits in a way where he could look at you properly, putting the laptop aside.
As soon as you felt his fingers come in contact with your face you immediately shut your eyes, unable to bear the embarrassment. A multitude of questions ran through your head, unable to concentrate on a single one.
Why did you offer? Why did he accept? You did the same, so why was it such a big deal if he touched your face? Why did you touch his face in the first place? Why were you so touch-starved? Why did he it feel so nice?
You hoped closing your eyes hid the self-consciousness and pleasure you felt at this moment, enjoying his knuckles glide against your skin.
Banri narrows his eyes, stomach twisting at how overwhelmingly adorable you looked and how soft you were. Hell, you were turning him all soft and sappy and disgusting but that was the least of his worries right now. At least your eyes were closed, he doesn’t have to put on a facade— that this was just a friendly thing, because if he was reading the signs right you were both venturing somewhere beyond that.
His thumbs press against your cheekbones, so featherlight the sensation might as well be from a ghost. You stay still, unable— or perhaps unwilling— to move, and as much as you try to hold it in your breaths grow more and more uneven the longer Banri’s hand lingers on your skin.
You wonder if this is as intimate for him as it was for you.
Your skin is warm and soft, he’s a little conscious if the callousness of his fingertips feels uncomfortable to you.
Even with the slight roughness, his fingers felt infinitely tender as they swept through your cheeks.
Following your cheekbone, he moves to your jaw, to your chin, and with his fingers up again to his forehead, learning the planes of your face. He’s had you memorised visually, but it wouldn’t hurt to familiarise himself with the feeling of you. Banri stretches out his fingers before fully cupping your face with his palms, swallowing when you lean your head into one of them.
“Do you know,” Banri hesitates, “what you’re doing to me?”
His courage wanes, he wants to say more but it’s so difficult sorting out the emotions overflowing within. His head hurts a bit from figuring out what to focus on, the anxiety and panic or the joy and euphoria. The only constant right now was you.
One hand falls to your arm, slowly sliding up and down while leaving goosebumps in its wake. The other continues to rest on the side of your face, thumb inching closer and closer. As the pad brushes against the corner of your lip, your eyes open wide and gaze directly at the familiar pools of blue.
The first thought that flies through your mind is that he’s close enough now to kiss you. Everything about him, the air around them, feels warm and humming with an energy you’ve never felt from anyone before— other than Banri.
“This isn’t easy for me,” Banri lets out a breath, both of you doing your best to not disturb the feeling in the room. His hair falling loose but his eyes never leave yours for a second. “I’ve never… Look, I like being around you. You matter to me. A lot.”
You can’t help the smile that makes its way on your face, the utter adoration, and fondness and love you had for him escaping all at once. With what little space you had between, you pressed your forehead against his.
“You matter to me too. A lot.” You muttered, repeating his confession, closing your eyes again before ever so gently pushing your lips to his.
You’ve imagined how it would be like to kiss Banri before, rough and a little harsh, but as you felt his hand through the baby hairs at the bottom of your head you were more than content at his gentle kissing.
Banri continues kissing you slowly, unsure if the sun had already set, but all that mattered was this moment.
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want to order again?
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