#this life and in part her own failing to make it back to falin and prevent this from happening
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transmascfalin · 3 days ago
saw a post i was gonna disagree with but its made by an incest shipper so im not interacting w that post. ill just make my own-
i do not think that falin gave up her "stable future after magic school" simply for laios. i think that laios was her excuse for leaving. its obvious from the flashbacks that falin didnt really care for or do well in school. frankly- if she hadnt befriended marcille, i think she might have even failed school before laios came back. she was extremely unhappy there until marcille
falin always seems her happiest being out with people she cares about, exploring the world and getting to observe it working as intended. she doesnt want to sit in a classroom filling out papers, and i feel she would be equally unhappy with most normal jobs. i think she would do it, but she would spend her life feeling miserable and restless
falin left because she wanted to, not because her brother wanted her to or he needed her help (though they were certainly also factors). i think falin only felt comfortable making that choice BECAUSE it was in-part for the sake of someone else, and falin struggles with being too selfless, but there was definitely some secret selfish want to explore in her heart. its what made the choice so easy
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year ago
I'm so glad I'm not the only one obsessed with the Marcille Laios Falin gang. Like they are a unit.... A team.... Even if the rest of the party fell apart they would stay together.... Idk it's just really fun to see all the different groups everyone falls into across the course of dungeon meshi and I love how you can tell that the three of them are a unit even as they are separated for most of the manga.
YEAH!!!! that day in the laughing wolf when falin first stopped marcille from perma-killing her brother that was fate in motion binding them together for the rest of their lives. (/hj but also i have a vague nebulous idea for a series of drawings of the toudens + marcille thru the years starting w the laughing wolf.) i love how we know that in both laios and marcille's ideal visions for the far future they are together with falin and that by the end they make it happen. i love that they both started off being connected only by the strength of their love for falin but eventually developed their own deep closeness that cemented their trio as a balanced whole.
i don't see laimar romantically the way i do farcille but those two for sure mean as much to each other as falin does to them. i love laios's strongest impression of marcille being the moment she gave it all to bring falin back. i love marcille speaking to laios's corpse with her cheek laid on his cold breastplate. i love laios looking out for marcille's comfort and enjoyment as the baseline for the party because she's the most expressive about her feelings. i love marcille always being the first to notice when laios is being dodgy as all hell and making him spit it out.
however it shakes out those three are family 5ever and we all know the lengths they'd go to if they were ever to be separated <333
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felixcloud6288 · 2 months ago
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 56
Who would you pick if there was a Dungeon Meshi dating sim?
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I bet the person covered up by Laios is Chilchuck's daughter and the one covered by Leed (I looked her up cause I didn't want to keep calling her "Zon's sister") is his wife.
I love how this image makes it look like Laios really wants to be in the conversation but Marcille has zero interest in knowing anything about his love life. He's just standing there excitedly waiting to answer her questions and she's ignoring him.
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I got my answer to who the mystery woman in chapter 52 is. She's just a former party member who was looking for a husband and left when that failed. She's no one of importance. She probably only took an interest in Laios because of the rumors that he's a prince or descendant of the Golden Castle. And Shuro is a noble from the east, so there were two opportunities to cozy up to a potentially wealthy suitor.
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I'm gonna take a quick guess at some of the Touden party's history. Kabru's mental image of the party in chapter 45 labeled Marcille as "Mystery woman", so Marcille probably is the newest member of the team. And since she and the two mystery figures have no rapport, they likely left before she joined.
The Half-foot who introduced Laios to Chilchuck was also part of the gold-peelers. And that one scumbag was included in the panel from chapter 52 of what I assume is Laios's first meeting with people who have been in his party.
So here's the timeline I imagine happened:
Initial formation: Laios, Falin, and the scumbag. The half-foot ends up recommending Chilchuck at some point
The temp joins to be with Falin but quickly leaves
Namari, Shuro, and the woman join at some point. The woman and the scumbag both leave to be with each other
Marcille joins
Chapter 1 happens
This is where that one image comes from!!
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Laios and Falin once had fiances? Were they arranged by their parents back home?
Marcille brought back the hairbraid headband but is keeping the rest of her hair in a loose ponytail.
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I think we can throw out the concept of dungeon floors at this point.
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I'm going to assume the whole thing about unicorns and bicorns representing purity and corruption isn't real in this world. I can't say anything for the unicorn since the only one we saw was being mind-controlled, but the bicorn's behaviour can be explained by it being a horse, an animal notorious for being easily spooked.
Marcille has only one solution to every problem.
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Ambrosia is still growing miscellaneous branches. Maybe it's reacting to the greater mana concentration. I hope it's a sign that the dryad twigs Marcille added are starting to kick in and a dryad familiar will grow out of it.
Got excited to see this sandwich and disappointed to see that Izutsumi's doesn't have mushrooms. I was hoping she would have kept the part where her orc form liked them.
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During the last few chapters, Izutsumi has worn her scarf loose around her neck. The bow came back this chapter. I'm sticking with my assertion that Marcille is the one doing that and it just adds to how much Izutsumi likes Marcille that she lets her do that.
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This is the first time Izutsumi's been part of the party getting into hijinks of their own volition and she is not happy.
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Chilchuck making a racial comment at Marcille just killed all the humor. Marcille seems to get really touchy whenever anyone starts commenting about her race. I think back to chapter 20 when Mr Tansu and Namari complained about elves when they learned how Marcille angered an undine and she responded "My race has nothing to do with it!"
At some point, Laios and Senshi seemed to forget that Izutsumi can walk on her own. Laios drops her when he tries to jump the bicorn and Senshi carries her over his shoulders for the rest of the encounter.
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I was expecting the bicorn to kick Laios instead of run away.
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Senshi is going to have to have "The talk" with her later.
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Izutsumi, acting as the straight man in the party's antics, was the only one who kept her head straight when everything went too far.
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Again, I don't think the bicorn's connection to corruption is true in-universe. It's a carnivorous horse. I think it was simply being wary of the party because it's a horse but sticking close in the hopes one of them might approach it alone. As soon as Chilchuck, the easiest prey, came near it, the bicorn attacked him.
The party members from Chilchuck's flashback were the guys from the beginning of the chapter.
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What if Chilchuck introducing them to his wife led to the party inevitably breaking up? Chilchuck shows them his wife and they all see this happy, loving couple and they all start to think how they'd like to have that life as well. They may have held some budding feelings for each other, but seeing Chilchuck and his wife made everyone start to become more open about their feelings. And this caused the rift that tore the party apart.
Or maybe I'm just acting like Marcille and letting all my thoughts be dictated by romance novel plots.
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Senshi's brain completely turned off when Marcille started talking romance. He just doesn't care.
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I take back what I said about Marcille having any creativity. She didn't come up with The Tribe of Pelkian. She just copied the plot of The Daltian Clan.
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Izutsumi was enraptured by The Tribe of Pelkian. Maybe she'd like reading this series.
Chilchuck has THREE daughters. Are they who he referred to back in chapter 30 when he said he has three people to think about?
I did a bit of digging into the translation and the word Chilchuck used in chapter 48 was 娘 (musume) which can mean both "daughter" or "daughters". So in Japanese, Chilchuck was being vague when he mentioned his family. But in English, he straight-up lied to Senshi when he tried to get him to tell them about his past.
Chilchuck is 29, 14 is considered adult age for a half-foot, and he has three adult daughters. If his youngest is 14, then he had her when he was 15. And since Chilchuck was with a different party when his wife left him, that probably means his daughters are all a bit older than that. Chilchuck is the Half-foot equivalent of a teen dad.
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problemstarchild · 6 months ago
This last chapter was really amazing ! I think it did a good job of communicating that laios is scared kabru might hate him or even worse might be obliged to be with him 'for the sake of the country' and that kabru feels horrible for knowing laios inside out by just being a spectator of his nightmares
I liked the flash back with his father I think it expanded on stuff from the manga nicely💥💥
I also liked the part where laios is avoiding saying what is bothering him and kabru calling him out on it, usually it's the other way around !!!
When he asked the hypothetical "would you kiss me?" question my reaction was literally NOO LAIOS HES NOT READYYY‼️‼️
Very excited to see where it goes and yeah the slow burn is slow-burning
I'm not sure when you sent this -- I didn't get a notification, my apologies!!
I love love love writing stuff about Laios' childhood; it's something he thinks about deeply (his nightmares are about childhood bullies and his parents, his dying thoughts when the ghosts are chilling him to death in the Sorbet chapter are about Falin and the way she saved his life and he failed her) but when he talks about it, it's super clipped.
Like, the version of his history he gives to Senshi is like "Yeah, I left home for school, dropped out, went into the army, deserted, worked in a caravan, and then my sister followed me here and got eaten," and it's so clear that he considers himself a huge failure and not just like... the end result of a wide-ranging societal cruelty toward Strange People, that the superstition and cruelty of the people in his hometown drove him to run away from the only home he had ever known.
And he just doesn't talk about it!
He'll tell people if they ask, but nobody ever asks. People GOSSIP about him, say they think he might be a prince or something (apparently), and that's at least a widely-enough circulated rumor that Asivia is able to pick up the fact that he's supposed to inherit leadership over a village in the North -- but she doesn't know enough about him to know that he basically ran away from home. Nobody really knows that. Has anyone ever bothered to ask? Like, we almost know more about Laios' childhood dogs than his dad. They're deeply imperfect people living a simultaneously interdependent and independent lifestyle -- they have their own homesteading and hunting they need to do to sustain their livelihood, but then Laios' father is also responsible for maintaining important goings-on in the village...
SIGH. I think it's totally valid if people want to depict Laios' parents as total monsters in their fics, we have very bare-bones personalities and neither Falin nor Laios can be fully impartial narrators... but I think it's all the more tragic that they did the best they knew how to do and still managed to fail.
A lot of the things our parents do to hurt us are things they did on accident, things that they never knew bothered us. Isn't it worse in a way, that they didn't mean to? At least if they did it on purpose, we could hate them for it. I enjoy having the context of memories and nightmares and sudden, aggressive flashbacks to force these sorts of maladaptive life lessons and formative experiences into the spotlight -- I sort of just write characters in a way that suits them without trying to write up a whole psychological profile in advance or anything, but the more I write Laios the more I feel like I wouldn't be surprised if he just straight up has CPTSD, on top of whatever else is going on. Between his village, school, and the army, the amount of alienation and violence and cruelty he's endured, along with a long-term lack of any level of meaningful parental support... like, no wonder he's so, terribly dependent on Falin. He's a social creature, he loves to be with his animals and he loves to be with his sister, and he's in a world that doesn't want him!!!!!!! And it makes me insane!!!!!!!
One of the things I really really love about Laios is that he's TERRIBLE at lying, but really good at omission. Like, he can't hide the man-eating plant seeds or changeling-changed Kensuke from Marcille, his lies to the Canaries when they arrive at Thistle's house are TERRIBLE and Kabru is even like "oh my goddddd he is so bad at this???" but when it comes to just not mentioning stuff. Chilchuck being like "BY THE WAY, you didn't know Marcille was into black magic, right??" like he's looking for an alibi and Laios just being like "I mean kinda, but I just sort of didn't ask her about it because it's her business." His backstory basically gives nothing. In the side comic about the dog names, he says kind of distantly that he never know his dad's dogs were named after elven gods of the hunt because his father never told him anything -- but he ALSO never tells anyone anything. Like, he just straight up hid the fact that he was plain ol' obsessed with monsters for years. That's the part that makes me the craziest. He was surrounded by the thing he loved and he just was being so normal about it all of the time. Because he can just chop about 90% of himself off and hide it inside of the other 10% and just puppet that little bit around.
The big thing for me was... he knew Falin's resurrection might not work. The demon basically implied several times that if it was vanquished, Falin couldn't be revived. "You want to destroy magic itself, even though you desire to revive your sister with a magic you want to deny to others... hypocrite." Threatening him with the looming knowledge that his "greatest desire would never be fulfilled" and him obviously assuming that would be Falin's resurrection.
And then he still asked all of those people to help him cannibalize his sister.
And didn't tell his friends that it might not work until they were almost done eating her, nearly a week later.
Like, he's not a good LIAR but Laios Touden is a master of just not saying things. Essentially, he strong-armed a good hundred people or so into eating Falin knowing full well it might not work, and didn't tell anyone -- including his closest friends -- that it might not work until it was too late to back out because they'd already done everything he wanted. Like. I'm not sure if he was trying to brace them for disappointment or if he genuinely felt like he had somehow been tricking them by not mentioning it... but to me, that's HUGE. Lying to the whole big group of people eating -- sure, whatever, but these people went through so much already, the fact that he still just quietly hid the fact that everything they did might still be for nothing is just. Oof. Ouch. My bones.
Laios is good at hiding things, but a bad liar! He just usually is very straightforward with Kabru about things in private, I think, so even though Kabru has a hard time reading his FACE, he's already clued in that Something Is Wrong and he's not going to drop it until he gets his answers. Big tells would be Laios using more diplomatic or careful language despite being alone (taking care not to be misunderstood, which means he's hiding something in his words, or worried that the thing he's talking about is just inherently bad), misdirection, unwillingness to address the topic...
It's really fun to flip their usual dynamics on their head. I had Laios gently reminding Kabru of a kobold's name in the Karkadann chapter, I believe, and then Kabru trying to get Laios to be straightforward and honest in this last chapter... it always feels super rewarding when I find an opportunity to do something like that. Like, situations are always changing, they're never going to be exactly the same from one moment to the next... one minute you think Laios fumbled the whole situation with the kobolds, the next minute Kabru and Laios are performing a flawless combo social attack finisher. It's so much fun.
Kabru is!!! Doing his best!!! I've been focusing on Laios mostly in this ask mostly because next chapter is going to be Kabru POV and I don't want to get TOO far ahead of myself... but he's definitely having A Time!!!!!
Thank you for reading, and thanks for the message! I'm so glad you enjoyed!
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brainbuffering · 2 months ago
Anime/Donghua 2024 Wrap-Up!
 This was a great year for women in Anime! More and more series by female creators are making it into people’s all time favourites. From Apothecary Diaries to Delicious in Dungeon to A Sign of Affection, it’s been great to see so many women making huge successes! I also don’t think we’ve seen so many series gracing people’s top 10s that have so effortlessly passed the Bechdel-Wallace test! Frieren: Beyond Journey's End and Dandadan both featured main female characters who talked with their fellow named female co-stars about things other than men! 
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Whilst obviously passing the Bechdel Test is not the be and end all for feminism, given how many beloved series have absolutely failed to pass this basic test, it’s certainly something to be celebrate! Heck, if the test was to all be about Lesbians being able to see themselves in media, then look no further than the flood of Falin X Marcille art, meta, edits, and fanfic that’s been all over my feeds. 
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For me, personally, I was delighted to see the Female Centric arcs of Blue Exorcist getting animated at long last, showing why the manga sucked me in to begin with! We got an actually good traitor reveal that felt like an actual betrayal of trust, and fantastic development for a character who had previously been just another Tsuendere. Even as Izumo has her agency taken away as part of the narrative, Katou-sensei gives it back to her at every opportunity to ensure that this is her story and her arc. And that shone through in the anime too! Even with the tiny budget, she was still the one given the biggest moments. 
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Heaven Official’s Blessing, A Sign of Affection, and Cherry Magic? 30 Years of Virginity can Make you a Wizard?! were all fantastic non-heteronormative romances that shone in their own unique ways! Heaven Official's Blessing had some of the best dubbing I've seen all year with so many side splitting jokes and swoon worthy sentences! Cherry Magic perfectly caputred the heart and humour of the series and I was especially excited to hear Kurosawa's internal song monologues. A Sign of Affections blew me away with its beautiful animation, in particular the care taken in animating the sign language. Which were all perfectly encapsulated in its elegant opening:
There were plenty of other series out this year that were just made of pure fun. Vampire Dormitory and Demon Prince of Momochi House both had me binge-reading their mangas. Mr Villian’s Day Off was the perfect slice of life comedy for these dark days. Sasaki and Peeps was an unexpected reverse-isekai X salary-man X evil-magical-girl mix up directed by Mirai Minato. The dub was great too, with Tyeson Reinhart perfectly encapsulating the exhausted middle aged man who just wants to have an easy life, and Erin Nicole Lundquist showing their incredible range as both a stoic, power magician… and an adorable little birb. Plus I loved both the original Japanese Gag of hiring a bunch of actors called Sasaki for the background characters, and the English Dub matching it with a bunch of Chris-es!
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There were also a lot of great films that came out in the UK this year! Blue Giant was a great way to start the year, with the music being so good I felt like I was at an actual concert. It was followed by Spy X Family: Code White which had everything a weeb to ask for: MILFs with knives, DILFs with shirt sleeves rolled up, Cute Dogs, and the most beautifully animated poop joke ever put on screen. Look Back Short got brought to UK Cinemas, and was just as good as I thought it would be! Although I would have liked to see it dubbed because I think some of the subtitle choices took away some of the emotional impact felt in the manga. My favourite by far though was the Lord of the Rings Anime, War of the Rohirrim. It hasn’t been performing as well in cinemas as I would have liked, and I’m disappointed by the lack of merchandise available for it. But it was definitely a series made with me in mind specifically! With epic fight scenes, sword lesbians, horises, and an Incel getting his just desserts. It’s definitely the film I’m gonna be recommending the MOST out of this year! 
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Overall, I had a great time this year. Whilst some seasons were definitely more jam-packed than others, there was still always at least SOMETHING I wanted to watch! I had my favourites, sure. But whilst I’m sure that at some point this anime bubble is gonna burst again as it did back in the 2000s, I’m happy to be enjoying all the great art currently being made!
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ildannatorp-blog · 6 years ago
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“ but there are nights when instead of sleeping i think of you And lie feverishly awake on knives of roses - ”
N A M E -  Scarlett Cabot A G E - 25 C A R E E R - Ballerina/knife thrower A F F I L I A T I O N - Dannato Club
Born into a world that she never quite felt like she belonged in Scarlett Cabot was always a particular child with an affinity for the complexities of life and the more profound problems most people around her faced. For Scarlett, the solutions were always secure, cut, and dry- she could take emotion out of her decisions, believing that it merely clouded her judgment and produced muddy results. Even as a child Scarlett didn't fall into line with the other kids, she grew up with. As her friends were playing house or imagining worlds of fantasy and lore Scarlett preferred the reality she could understand. For her parents it made her a straightforward child, they knew what to expect of her in any given situation and yet at the same time they never knew what it was she was thinking, just that she was continuously thinking. The gears in her head turning as she grew into a resolute girl sure of her every decision.
Many people mistook Scarlett for cold, detached- harsh even but those who truly knew her could never doubt that Scarlett Cabot was full of passion. At least, when it came to ballet when it came to the stage and the lights- her first pair of pointe shoes and her first solo.  From the time Scarlett could stand on two legs the girl was enrolled in ballet, it was one of the many electives her affluent family afforded her, and it was the only she found any interest in. It was a regimen sport, that demanded discipline and fluidity, determination and passion- it was a fine line that you had to toe to be considered a valuable dancer, and it was made all the more difficult when you had to do it in pointe. Ballet was Scarlett's first passionate love in her life. Her studies were often slid to the side; paying and bribing the honor roll students in her private school to ensure she maintained her grades while she focused on her true ambition;  Salle Le Peletier, the Paris Ballet.
All of her ambition and hard work surely paid off as after high school Scarlett was admitted a space in the New York Ballet company. For years Scarlett worked her way through the company until she finally made her way to the coveted space of a soloist. Her dream was in her sights,  Salle Le Peletier was coming to the states to audition Ballerinas. The likely hood of any of the dancers even being considered was a phenomenal chance, but Scarlett was determined to dance her heart out anyway. The day came, and her audition was set in mere hours when the news rolled in; her brother was dead. A heart defect, an anomaly that no one had accounted for.  Devastation gripped Scarlett, her brother was the only person in the world who she felt truly understood her. The only person who she knew never judged a moment of her existence, who supported her in every endeavor and suddenly and without warning, he was gone.
Scarlett still went on for her audition, and as she danced through her grief, she ended feeling as if she had ultimately failed and let herself down. There was no way she thought she would be getting that position, and yet through the grapevine, there were whisperings that there were two dancers  Salle Le Peletier, was considering. She and another soloist who had been her most fierce competition her entire career. It was no secret the girls were enemies, always head to head vying for the position of the next Prima Ballerina at their company.  Scarlett felt as if she had no chance against her not after her performance, not after her brother's death. Then suddenly her competition was in the hospital, a broken leg. It was a scandal bigger than Tonya Harding. A would be prima ballerina in her prime was the main suspect of the attack on the young ballerina; Scarlett Cabot.
Scarlett's career ended violently, the ballet world blacklisted her, and suddenly every ounce of her hard work was ripped from her. Every passion, everything she had left to love was pulled away with the same warning as her brother's untimely demise. Scarlett was devastated; a villain in the eyes of the media, and there seemed to be no future for the girl. Then in a desperate stumbling, she found herself into her brother's favorite club; il dannato. It was in the haze of her night that Scarlett found herself swept up by an aerialist; swinging back and forth in a new sort of fervor. It felt like the most uncertain thing Scarlett had ever done in her entire life since the death of her brother, but the next night she was lacing up her pointe shoes equipped with knives as the most delicate point she would ever dance on. As Scarlett danced as precariously, she'd release herself from the blades, and with a flourish of years of practice, Scarlett would dance to unique choreography as she took her anger and grief out on the stage as she threw knives while dancing her elaborate dances. Twirling endlessly like a dancer stuck inside of music box unsure of what her next move was or if this was now her forever.
Atticus Salinger & Aryan Leghari -  She met them both the night she stumbled into Dannato looking for a way to forget. Both of them swooped her into the heavens and made Scarlett feel as if she were walking on air. Both of them seem to understand her in ways she never expected another living person would be able to. Scarlett is in love with them both, and both of them are in love with her. Together the three of them navigate a polyamorous romance full of its own unique challenges and victories. One thing for sure is Scarlett is unsure she could live this life without either of them.
Celeste Chopra - Her late brother's fiance, and someone she once admired.  However, towards the end of his life, Scarlett saw Celeste as what she was, an enabler and a problem to her brother's recovery. Scarlett has started to question the circumstances of her brother's death. Her family had all of the best private doctors, and there was never so much as a high reading of blood pressure on her brother's chart, let alone a heart defect. The last person she knows of to have seen her brother alive was Celeste.
Faline Aureum - The newest of the Aureum brood to join the scene and by far the most interesting. Maybe Scarlett is selfish, but she wants to know Faline. She has more than once caught the girl sneaking around the forbidden parts of the clubs and is interested in what she is up to, and in discovering what her motive is.
Scarlett Cabot (Courtney Eaton) is played by (Admin Darling) - 
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