#this kind of mentality is what enabled the mistreatment of marginalised groups
scpaftermathau · 3 months
Thinking of how people, when asked if truly sapient AI should have rights, said that ‘they are tools’, ‘they were made to serve us, not themselves’, and many MANY variations of ‘why would we give them rights? They are LESSER than us.’ I even saw one person on a forum write: ‘It’d be stupid to give rights to a machine. Imagine if your chess-playing robot doesn’t want to play chess anymore, or wants to be paid for its work.’
Thinking of how the question of whether the sapient SCPs should have rights would have likely gone the exact same way. The ‘anomalies’ are deemed as less than human, and because they have little to no power over the Foundation, they can’t do anything to change that. In the eyes of the almighty O5, they are tools, slaves, livestock to be used and used and used until they can’t handle it anymore and lash out. Then, the Foundation would point to their behaviours, the aggression and violence driven by fear, frustration and hopelessness, the pain that they caused these sapient beings, and claim that this is the exact reason why the SCPs don’t have rights.
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