#this just reminded me that i /have/ to rebuild the n52 garbage from the ground up
exghul · 1 year
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muse name.   damian al ghūl wayne.
least favorite nickname.   anything that is a shortening of his name such as dami or ian. especially ian. no one likes ian, dami doesn't like ian. dami is more tolerated than ian. dami is accepted only by siblings.
least favorite season.   the winter. damian spent a great amount of his early childhood in the heat. given his small frame, he's not super fond of being cold in general: gotham winter is particularly cold.
least favorite  –––  hot or cold?   cold, for all reasons above + these.
least favorite holiday.   western holidays, the louder the less he likes them. if the holiday is shorter than a full week, damian probably won't be there for it.
least favorite food.   fast foods. despite eating a lot of it now that he lives in gotham, anything prepared directly from a freezer will get a nose turned up at it (but depending on how hungry he is, dami will eventually eat it).
least favorite flavor.   anything considered unsavory or bland. foods without a specific flavor will be the quickest to be tossed in the trash.
least favorite drink.   coffee, actually. dami is a tea extremist to the point of drinking leaf water more than plain water.
least favorite scent.   any smell that resembles an office space. cheap air fresheners, strong perfumes, paper reams, cheap coffee, any of it.
least favorite sound.   crunching sounds. anything from the snap of a twig or a cracker to actual bone snapping. unexpected crunching sounds specifically: if he knows it is coming, he'll just look away. if he doesn't, he might cringe physically a bit. if he creates the sounds himself, the most he might do is grimace. any of those sounds remind him of the absolute worst moments for him: his spine snapping and his actual death.
least favorite tv shows.   dami isn't a tv watcher overall. at any point where he must be in front of a tv, he tolerates action shows the absolute least and will loudly complain about the lack of realism.
least favorite area of school.   dami is very vocal about how school is unnecessary for him as talia flew in the best tutors throughout his childhood to teach him about the world and how it works. any class with a focus on a stem subject, dami will quickly grow frustrated as he believes that his education and knowledge is wider than any middle-school to high-school teacher can offer.
least favorite aspect of their job.   as a minor with the only ' job ' of vigilante, his least favorite part is finishing the night and having to introduce a balance of a ' personal life ' as again, he deems it unnecessary. justice doesn't have a social life, you know.
least favorite trait in others.   liars. white lies that seem harmless especially get under his skin. lying about minor details for no real benefit is annoying and frustrating, he will get angry.
least favorite place.   anything to do with batman inc. (i havent re-written that part of his canon yet, its in a no-fly zone rn - we'll talk abt it eventually lmao)
least favorite thing to talk about.   his own failures.
least favorite thing about themselves.   failure lol. after his revival for a short period of time, dami was bulletproof and could fly. after the chaos shards short term effects wore off, these faded. he has been chasing that power high ever since: he would not fail today if he were still bulletproof, obviously.
least favorite daily chore.   batcave cleanup duty. it gets messy. alfred isn't a roomba. the kids have to be able to clean up after themselves. hosing down the batmobile sucks. dami sticks to that.
least favorite type of clothing.   loosely fitted clothes. sleeves that cling tight against his arms, compression socks, anything that really holds on is where he feels the most comfortable. if a breeze can move his innermost layer of clothes, it makes him uncomfortable.
least favorite superpower.   a tossup between super-strength and tactile telekinesis. anything a superboy can do that he can't: he hates.
least favorite thing about falling in love.   the act itself. dami feels barely a sliver of romantic feeling toward anyone at all (currently the headcount is: mar'i grayson, ..., .... verse dependent: flatline, jonathan kent) so it's not one that he cares to linger on or delve into.
least favorite thing about death.   that no matter what he does, it never stops. no matter how good he tries to be, death is always in step with him and waits for any chance to take and never give back.
tagged by @banschivs ♥ tagging @starignite, @thirt13n, @qynzel, @yrghostie, @dcmonshcad, @batcowmaster + anyone who hasn't done it yet! ♥
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