#this isnt real by the way. um. sorry to the people on twitter i tricked. LOL!
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addoves · 6 months ago
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this new event is so sweet 🥺
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baddyxangel · 4 years ago
 I love The Darkling and think that he and Alina should be together. Baghra claims that he was just using her but I'm not convinced. So what do you think, does he have feelings for her or not?
I don't think he loves her... but I agree with Harmony that he's addicted to power and wants to have power over her. But then I ask myself, why her specifically? Is he attracted to her in some distorted, villainous way? But then why does he ignore her so often? And then I just don't know what to think anymore D=
I think that the evidence in the book shows that he does really like her, i believe that they belong together because of the darkness in his heart can be changed with her light. I think he's afraid of becoming weak as he said, so he ignored her. "the problem with wanting is that it makes us weak" During the book he always clenched his hands whenever Alina even mentioned Mal. 
I think you have to look at Leigh as a writer, and the fact that she loves complex villains and has even said on Twitter that the Darkling isn't evil. I've also read enough books to recognize types of characters. The Darkling is waaaay more complex than "I'm going to use this girl, I'm evil, I'm going to take over the world mwahaha." There's no doubt the Darkling's initial intentions were to use Alina. How many characters meet under bad intentions? lol A LOT. That doesn't mean those feelings don't change though; that's why there's character and relationship development. :P I think it's very telling that Leigh hasn't written in Darkling's POV and doesn't plan on it until AFTER Ruin and Rising. She doesn't want us to know what's in his head, which means what Alina thinks and her assumptions about him are probably false. I don't know if I'd say he loves her but he certainly isn't "only" using her.
Guy this post contains some spoilers. But it says why I think The Darkling likes Alina Guys The Darkling likes Alina! In 2cnd book (Kind of a spoiler but not really) There is a part on page 26 it says this: "Drink." More broth. I don't fight it now. I don't want to choke again. I fall back, let my lids drop, drifting away, too weak to struggle. A hand on my cheek. "Mal," I manage to croak. The hand is withdrawn. Nothingness (Credit to Leigh Bardugo) Anyways think; who's hand can that be? Mal's? Pshhh.... The Darkling would have control of the fjerdans and shu hans before mal would get to do that plus Mal would say something like: "Alina....." Or something else, or he might have been dragged away screaming and he wouldn't be able to with draw his hand the guards would drag him away. Sturmhound's? No he would wake her up and wouldn't make her to drink the broth. Ivan? Um..... no just no..... he wouldn't touch her like that. Only one who is left? If you guessed the darkling you guessed correctly! He would do something like that because he <3 her and how is he going to seduce her while she is half unconscious? So its not just seducing her people! Also the hand is withdrawn because she says "Mal," The Darkling would have felt burned and would have just withdrawn his hand! Also if you read the rest of siege and storm there will be other facts.... But sometimes he may seem to dislike her...... maybe that because he felt burned? Like seriously in first book he was cold because he just saw Mal and Alina kiss and have a very long and all 'bout love conversation of course he would be cold! then in 2cnd book she ran away from him with mal and he thought they were like doing couple stuff and stuff so when they entered the fold of course he would be cold! but then he ends up softening ^.^ SO he likes her people! Btw sorry if I spoiled anything for any1. Oh and btw I think this is what happened (In The Darklings view): 1.)She is kind of cute..... 2.)Well she is new to this and funny..... 3.) Hell with it im using her for all the grisha and for controlling the world but I like her! 4.) I will make my move on her! *KISS* 5.) She looked kind of seduced after that.... oh and Ivan saw that... oh boy I told him seducing here was the plan.... but I actually kind of like her.... *RUNS HAND THROUGH HAIR* 6.) Ik! This can come to my advantage! It will make controlling her easier but I also like her..... this is getting interesting 7.) *MAKES ANOTHER MOVE* Ivan, tell the fabrikators to make Alina's winter ball kefta black. 8.) *MAKES ANOTHER MOVE* Here come with me. After, can I come to your place? 9.) Uh wth am I doing? 10.) Oh boy she ran away from me.... My mom had something to do with it great, anyways I have to catch the stag in anyways+ I have a feeling she is going north after the stag because obviously that tracker is with her 11.) *JUST WITNESSES KISSING SCENE AND ULTRA LONG LOVE CONVERSATION* *GNAWS ON LIP TRYING NOT TO LOSE HIS CALM AND KILL THE TRACKER WITH HIS KNIFE AND TOO NOT SHOW HE HAS FEELINGS FOR ALINA TO EVERYONE ELSE THEN STAG COMES OUT OF BUSHES AND TREES. I SEE MAL SAYS ALINA LOOK, ALINA HESITATES KILLING THE STAG. SEES A CHANCE! COMES OUT OF HIDING AFTER SHOOTING THE STAG* Oh wow that was a wonderful and touching scene we witnessed alina....... but you know you should have listened to him; you should have killed the stag 12.) Oh boy I just enslaved Alina. Now I control her. Her heart will be mine if I kill the tracker on the fold tommorow. 13.)IVAN! CALL ALINA HERE! 14.) *ALINA COMES* You betrayed me........ *ALINA ASKS HIM TO BE MERCIFUL TO MAL* Merci? I can be merciful Alina. *GIVES THEM THE NIGHT* *ALINA JUMPS ON HIM SCREAMING AND SCRATCHING* *ALINA IS TAKEN AWAY* 15.) Tears come to his face but he doesn't let them spill the tears turn from sadness into anger...... 16.) *SEES ALINA RUN AWAY WITH MAL AND GAINS POWER* *STILL LOVES HER DEEP IN HIS HEART* 
I think the Darkling's love has to do with his personality. He may not be capable of love in the ordinary way, but he definitely intends on being with Alina one way or another. However its a bit twisted because really the romance is just a side benefit to the power he gets from her. Maybe in a way, she sees through him and into the good, which is why he likes her. She reminds him that evil, while a efficient way to accomplish things, isnt always what he should be doing...
I'm not quite sure about this. On one hand, he is obsessed with power and is only attracted to Alina because she "completes" him in a twisted way. On the other hand, a lot of his facial expressions and actions in the book seem to contradict his ulterior motives. My theory: he's respected and feared, so no one actually treats him like a person. Alina does. He of course wants Alina for himself so that he can use her power, but he's also developing deeper feelings for her, and the thought of falling for her is terrifying and confusing. That's why he reverts so quickly to a villain once Alina runs off and he catches her with Mal. I think he would have been somewhat more merciful had he not caught them together, but he's jealous (both out of pride and real hurt) and doesn't want her to think him weak.
I think a lot of people think the Darkling has to either A) want Alina ONLY for power or B) love/like her. When in reality, he can be both. He can want Alina for power AND develop feelings for her. Many characters seek another out for their own reasons (to use their power or whatever), only to end up falling for them genuinely. Happens all the time in books and movies. :P I'm not saying the Darkling doesn't want Alina for power, but he can want her for that AND for other reasons too.
I honestly think he wants to use Alina and ended up with a bit of a hate-crush/boner for Alina along the way. I'm not waxing romantic, but he definitely has a soft spot for her if he fell for the "my power is your power" bit.
It's no wonder the Darkling was so pissed when he was kissing her. He's torn. On one hand, he's lonely and I think he's jealous of Mal (or maybe he's jealous that Alina feels for Mal what he wants her to feel for him), but at the same time, he doesn't want to want her more than his own ambitions. He wants her but doesn't want to, maybe. I'd LOVE for Alina to end up on the throne with the Darkling at her side. The potential for this ending is epic.
It'd be a ruthless ending, not necessarily a happy one. honestly I have no idea where this is going to end. A very dark part of me at least wants her to fuck the darkling, because in no way are those feelings over. It's there. It's so there.
Hahahaha. It needs to happen, regardless of the ending. No doubt there will at least be an intense make out session. (Leigh said one of her favorite scenes is when the Darkling reveals his name, so I'm sure that scene is a deep one.)
I think he loves her as much as he's capable of, which could be a very limited way... You know, on account of all the evil. It's clear that he wants her badly and also that her mere existence has made him realize how lonely he feels. We're gradually seeing evidence of how his interest for Alina has evolved. In Shadow and Bone we see more than anything, the practical and physical aspects, namely world domination on the one hand and barely-able-to-control desire, on the other. In Storm and Siege, he's starting to know her and he wants her to relate to him, to realize how much they have in common. However, what really got to me is that he, in his creepy way, was there for her when she was lonely. Was this all innocent? No, we know there are so many ulterior motives for his apparition trick: undermining her, isolating her even more (from Mal especially), making out, etc But the fact remains that he would just be there because he wanted her company, as much as she wanted his. After all, it was her calling to him without knowing it. (Let's face it, by the time Alina gave up on changing anything in his bedroom -on day one-, we all knew she was just missing him badly, even if she didn't know it herself.) On the one hand, I think Alina's quest will change her completely, to the point where she will probably not be entirely human in the end. On the other hand, perhaps they'll be together just to keep one another in check, to keep the balance of whatever forces are at work, and because they literally compliment each other, being light and shadow. It can only be an eternity of fun... mostly.
You perfectly summed up my thoughts on all of this. I like the Darkling. A lot. He's sexy. And fun to pretend to be queen with. So the indulgent part of me ships him with Alina. 
I have my opinion both ways. The relationship between them is complicated. I think that the darkling kinda liked Alina. For her power and real love. But as Alina reveals his secrets in shadow and bone, you really start doubting if the darkling still has a thing for her. It's really complicated. The darkling is a sick and messed up person. It's funny how he keeps popping out of nowhere in the shadows surprising you. When Alina and Mal were on the run and popped out, they felt so startled. I think he was jealous of Mal. He probably would've gotten closer to Alina if Mal wasn't an obstacle. It's jealousy and he knows it. It's written all over his face. Dark and kinda evil.
I think he wanted her, but had no real emotion for her. He needed her power, so he was infatuated with her. I hope he ends up really loving her at some point though because I have the biggest obsession with The Darkling. I am so attracted to him, so I really hope he ends up doing some good and turning himself around
I think the real question is: why would the Darkling love Alina? (I don't say that to be mean, either. Just analyzing her character as a person.) I think the Darkling is drawn to the idea of another person being like him, as he's a very lonely and isolated creature. He longs for an equal or mate, so to say. Maybe he's loved in the past, but he outlives almost everyone so maybe he decided there was no point. (Until he found an equal) Regarding her personality, I think the Darkling's interest in her stems from how she surprises him, which doesn't happen often. She spits out whatever is on her mind, she catches him off guard, she thwarts him, etc. R&R just needs to hurry up so Leigh can talk about his character. She's pretty tight lipped, not wanting to give away the Darkling's true intentions. (Which to me is a big red flag that he isn't as evil as people seem to think)
I believe he loves her but has yet to reach a point where he can truly believe it himself. I'm fairly sure that he is right when he claims that he admires her power and that he never feared her. And that admiration had something more coming after. I do hope they end I end up together. He might be evil but he has reasons and he never acted as a whiny boyfriend as Mal did(well he did enslave Alina after seeing that kiss scene but anyway....)  I guess my favorite scene between the Darkling and Alina is at the end,the night before going back to the Fold. He calls her to his tent and I'm not sure why. He says she must have a lot to say and when she refuses to talk, he threatens her. As their conversation unfolds, it looks like he just wanted to have an argument with her... the "why-did-you-run-off-with-him" argument. In that moment, he behaves like someone in a relationship and I liked him. I don't know if that counts as whiny but it was a vulnerable side of him that we don't get to see often. To me that is the one scene where he reveals the most emotion: jealousy, longing and also pain... the desire to stop feeling whatever it is he's feeling for her. I wonder if he was drunk... 
In siege and storm though he does showing that he likes her. At the end however, in the chapel Alina nearly killed herself and the darkling when she grabbed hold of his power. And in siege and storm it shows that the darkling is jealous. He does also have feelings for her because in siege and storm why would he keep visiting her. When Alina asked him why won't you leave me alone, he said then I would be alone.
I honestly don't know how to answer this question because I still don't know what I believe lol I think we've seen glimpses here and there that he might have feelings for her but he usually comes across as so power hungry and ruthless that it really doesn't seem like he cares about anything but himself and his ambitions. I think part of him is enamored with her because she is the only other being in his entire life that is even remotely similar to him. And he hates that he feels that way, just like in Shadow and Bone when she felt anger when kissing him. He thinks it makes him weak. He said in Siege and Storm that he's lonely, maybe he seeks some sort of comfort in her? Maybe, maybe not. I think there can be valid arguments made for both sides but ultimately I think that it doesn't really matter if he loves her or not, because he will never love her more than he loves his own aspirations and goals. In other words, she will never be his number one priority. It depresses me really, because I love the Darkling. He is such a magnetic character and in some dark, twisted way I think they complete each other. I can't wait to see what happens in Ruin and Rising. I just hope he doesn't die :P
I totally ship Darklina/Alarkling. I do not think that he loves her or that she loves him. They do seem, to me, to be very attracted to each other. Sometimes I wonder if something bigger is going on because the Darkling and the Sun summoner seem to be sort of like Yin and Yang; they seem to complete each other and are two halves of a whole as well as wield power over one another.
I don't think it's love, but I feel like they're two halves of the whole, and because of that, they have an unbreakable bond. I totally agree with you. Find me weird but I think the Darkling and Alina are the perfect match for each other.
The Darkling is such a complex character that you really can't reduce his feelings about Alina to love vs. hate. Kind of like when she realizes that he wants her, but hates himself for wanting her, during their heated make-out session after the Winter Ball. Clearly, he needs her, but not just as a way of augmenting his powers. He needs her on a personal, intimate level, as the one being in the world who can truly, intimately, share his burdens, understand why his life is "rich in grief" and be a true partner to him. Alina's feelings for him are also tangled, and hardly straightforward. These are great books, and the Darkling is a fantastic character.
Just to clarify my comment above, I think the Darkling loves Alina, because she's the only one who can truly "get" him, with her potential to be as eternal as he is, with all that entails. But it's a love as complex as he is, not hearts-and-flowers, happy-ever-after like she could have with Mal, or even the kind of marriage-of-convenience-with-genuine-affection-that-could-ripen-into-love she could have with Nickolai. It;s complex, and twisted and dark, but it is love, not just obsession. Which is one of many reasons I freakin' adore these books.
Leigh mentioned that he did have strong feelings for her so i think he loves her, but i kind of have to agree with the obsession part, it seems he had his heart set on her being his consort from the whole "you were meant to be my balance" thing. Do any of you suppose he gave the whole "let's be just friends" thing consideration? And i do believe that Alina still had some, not a lot, of feeling left behind for him since he did understand her, when not many did.
I think he's more obsessed than in love with Alina. He's been alone for so long that the only other person who understands his eternity is his mother. So when Alina enters the story, he's a person who could be like him: live forever and make eternity less loney. Plus, she's meant to balance him out--the whole light and darkness thing. And she's the only one who could ever become his equal, albeit only if she has the amplifiers. I think this chance at a future not alone makes him possessive over Alina and we see this at the end of Shadow and Bone and a little bit in Siege and Storm. I don't think it's love, just an obsession with power mixed with desperation to not be alone and possessiveness to protect that.
Alright, after careful consideration and with the series fresh in my mind I have reached a conclusion. The Darkling loves Alina, is in love with the idea of being with her, but is not IN LOVE with her. The Darkling has existed for many centuries, life dull and boring, and has no one to love him, not even his mother. He is terrified of that, of the thought of being alone forever. Finally, he finds Alina, and his affections grew from the mere idea of using her for his own gain. He learns to want her, to crave her attention. At first this is successful and he realizes that once he controls Ravka, he will never have to be alone again. All of this comes crashing down once she leaves and returns to Mal, and the thought of her being with someone else, of being less than she is, and more importantly being alone again, angers him to the brink of breaking. This was a personal betrayal, and the Darkling spent the remainder of the series desperately trying to attain power and love from Alina, wanting nothing more, save the throne, than to have her as his own. When Alina loses her powers, he is so mournful, so distraught that he will forever be alone, leading his rampage. He believed that if Mal were dead, she would be his at last, no more fighting or obstacles stopping him. Yet he is condemned, and that is why he needed to be killed. He would've kept her alive, but only to suffer for his loss. When he is dying, I think that was the most happiness he has ever felt, that the one he loves, as much as he could love her, is there to mourn him. She is there to say his name and give him the hope that he was loved by her. The Darkling is an exceptionally written character and he loved Alina, not truly, but as much as he was possible.
If the Darkling was only using Alina for power, then he would have been completely done with her when she lost her powers, but the fact that he asked Alina to say his real name again when he was dying (which she also did when they were alone) proves he had some romantic feelings.
I just love the darkling so so much. I also think that no character can ever be completely evil. Because of his power of darkness he believes that he is a bad person and that his powers being dark must be used for evil intentions. When Alina comes along she shows him light, and begins to believe that he is not evil. Alina could've fixed the darkling who feels alone in his power and destined to be evil because of it. There relationship is so complex and interesting and I do think he loves her but this power almost forces his feelings in the opposite direction.
I see it as a way of the Darkling wanting to claim Alina for himself. As he had stated, he knew no one would understand Alina but him since they are alike in many ways. The Darkling probably didn't want to feel the isolation he had to experience for years until he finally met Alina which made him realize that he wouldn't have to face his own difficulties alone but with someone else alongside him.
I believe that he does, or at least feels akin to her, after all she is very similar to him: the dark pulls at the light and the light chases it away. I feel that he is drawn to her because they are so similar in nature. He was a child that was coveted, grew up alone (from what we know) and had made a very big name for himself, he is also one of a kind. We also have to consider that this is a man who has lived for a great many number of years alone, where the only person who has lived longer than him is his own mother, any chance at a relationship would end up with him outliving them. Where as if we look at Alina, a girl who is young, never really gotten the chance to live or love. She is almost to the point where her lack of powers, or lack of knowledge of them has left her dull and withered, but when she discovers them the world starts changing around her. She is put in the same position as Alexander was. Make a name for yourself or be a freak that could end up being hunted or worse. They're alienated and alienate together, and drawn to each other over that fact because no one else in the world can possibly understand what they have gone through, the choices they've made, and the sacrifices they've endured. If the Darkling doesn't love her, then he's certainly attached to her in that he knows that at the end of the day she is the only one that shares that experience. It's hard not to feel akin to that, or at least drawn towards it, and it's even harder to accept it as a loss.
I think at the beginning he loves Alina's power and the idea that finally, he is not alone. In the book, the power of the Darkling and Baghra is unique, even believed to be an abomination. Then here comes Alina, another Grisha with a power that only she has and as strong as the Darkling's power. The Darkling is somehow in love with the idea that he is not alone and thought that Alina was made for her. He strongly believes that Alina is his complement -- that he is the Yin and Alina is the Yang. It was because of that thinking that he was attracted to Alina. Then, as he get to know her more, I think he fell for her to the point that he is obsessed with her. In book 1, the Darkling displayed jealousy towards Mal (Alina kept on asking about Mal when they were in a coach going somewhere). In the last book, the Darkling did something that convinced me he loves Alina. He also ask Alina not to let him be alone. So there.
I don't think he quite loves her the way people would usually think of love. He's an incredibly lonely person and it seems that he has nothing else to do other than world domination, so I doubt he would even realize that he liked Alina. And I don't think he really does, because most of the attraction probably comes from seeing her as very similar to himself because she would probably outlive everyone else and he sees her as being lonely in perhaps a century. But in a twisted way, maybe he does love Alina. But I guess even if he does, he does not know how to express it. Most of the time, he comes off as a little creepy, and somewhat malicious. He blinded his own mother, for god's sake. If anything, I doubt he really has much capability for loving and I think being alone has numbed him somewhat from hurt or any emotion. Maybe at the start he only intended to use her, but I think it developed into an obsession, as many others have pointed out, and maybe it's love, but he doesn't know how to express it.
I definitely agree with Illyria, the Darkling was obsessed with the sun summoner (not Alina) and how perfect they would be together as polar opposites. Even so, he may have have had some very fragile real feelings for Alina. During his death scene, although he at first looks at her in disgust for losing her power, "you're nothing now." He also says her name and wipes tears from her cheek so....
I am fascinated with the Darkling character and hope there will be a series dedicated to his earlier life and how that shaped who he became and his mindset - complete with relationships. I read the Darkling prequel and that was a great little start but I'd like more - maybe even going back to how his mom grew up and how she survived without a mother and father and how that affected her and her son. How did he and Mal become amplifier? And why and when did the Darkling change from a relatively sweet and innocent kid with a protective mom to the person capable of such evil? I can't help but feel sorry for the Darkling and found myself rooting for a turnaround and happy ending for him. For some strange reason, I even found myself pulling for he and Arlina to get together. I think he was born a good person and had good intentions, but over 1,000 years (or however long it was), he became corrupted and twisted by his growing power and magic that was beyond his control and transgressions from others that he couldn't resolve or forgive. I like to think that he still had a little good left in him, and he partly was drawn to Arlina (whether conscious of it or not) for the the good and "balance" she could bring. He even referenced this "balance he needed" when talking with her once. I also think he was attracted to her through some higher power that he didn't necessarily understand nor like to start with but couldn't resist, although she turned on him time after time. He cared what she thought of him and it was clear that he was a lonely person and wanted an equal and companion. I think in the end he was almost as much dismayed with the loss of this eternal companion he saw as an equal as he was with the loss of power, but maybe that's just my "always rooting for the underdog" and giving someone "second chances" personality. I thought the writing and creativity and story plot were superb. I love a good love triangle too and we had a quadrangle in this one. Actually, I don't think the Prince felt for Arlina to the extent as did Mal and the Darkling. Mal loved her personality and goodness and the Darkling had a raw , powerful connection with her with the promise of an eternal companion. I thought the touch of the Darkling sharing his name with Arlina was so impactful and enlightening. You get the sense no one ever really knew or understood him, and that was what he might have craved more than anything else although he might not have realized this fully himself. While he didn't get the turnaround I was hoping for, I was at least glad to see he got a few tears from Arlina before he left this world.
"He loves her in a dark way. It’s just the kind of character he is." agreed and well said!
I do really think that in his own twisted way he really cares for her and loves her , maybe not somuch as a person but definitly the idea of her. I think he doesn't realy know what love is and how to care in the right way and thats why he acts to cruel but underneath it all he is just a lost boy and i do think he loves Alina because she is light.
I'm pretty confident that he actually likes Alina and there seem to be facts almost hidden by the book to support that. Sure he did try and control her but he didn't have to like her to do that. The darkling is a really complex villian here and do remember that he was actually raised by Baghra while she was still angry about Morozova. I think in the beginning in a kind of twisted way he wanted to help Ravka but while time passed he got to be obsessed with power.
"Some part of the Darkling that is still good is drawn to Alina, as a moth to a flame. But ultimately, they cannot be true partners without destroying the other." really like what you said, beautifully written. I would argue that he did like her in his own way, but he had to be cruel because of his plans for Ravka and the liberation/protection of Grisha. His ultimatum was much stronger and ancient than his developing feelings for Alina, and he has a complex psychology.
I think it's a mix of her/her power and neither of them are exactly able to figure it out. In the end, he let himself love her to a degree, I suppose, because he figured he was safe in the sense that she wouldn't die and leave him alone. In my opinion, he saw it fit to allow himself some sort of emotion because he didn't think he was gonna lose it, but R&R happened.
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