#this isnt a big deal but its a pet peeve
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enthesea · 5 months ago
i wish ppl would just. say what the audio is. instead of going. "ong you HAVE to unmute its so funny/good/etc whatever" bc like. no im in public without earbuds. just tell me what the joke is
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wolfythewitch · 7 months ago
wolfy this might be a stupid question but what's the difference between an animatic and an animation
Animation is like. Smoother? I guess. Animatic is the rougher version of it, like a draft. It usually has mostly the key poses and maybe some breakdown poses, but when you start inbetweening (poses in between frames to smoothen the action) it starts getting into the realm of animation
What's funny is a lot of animatics on YouTube aren't really the industry definition of an animatic, they're so much more defined and polished that animatics you see in pre production. Mostly because those on yt are already the final works, while pre prod animatics are like preliminaries for before the animation
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freddyloyd · 2 months ago
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These are all from the same issue😭Sometimes I'm lowkey judging people for overusing pet names in fics and stuff but maybe I was wrong, maybe Mike W Barr is the problem.
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kafus · 1 year ago
i sure do wish people knew what special interests and hyperfixations actually are because 1. they are two different things and 2. not everything you like a lot is a special interest or hyperfixation 😭
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shvdowsdrowned · 10 months ago
I hate when fic writers say the "reader" is gender neutral and then the she/her pronouns slip out halfway through the fic 💀
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worth-this-and-more · 23 days ago
[TW: sh mentions, violence] [spoilers for legendborn and bloodmarked, read at your own caution ;)]
so i've been rereading and trying to cover up all the legendborn content that happened while i pufff disappeared, and pardon me it is taking more time than i imagined, however i just wanted to start off with one pet peeve of mine
*rant incoming*
this might just be my unorganised thoughts or maybe just common sense, but sometimes you dont fully understand why a character did something; you have to sometimes to come back and read it again once you have that epiphany. it doesn't matter whatever tf they are doing, it sometimes just doesnt make that effect, especially on first read.
when i first read bree lashing out on greer and sar when they touched her hair, i didnt quite understand it. i thought its a cultural thing and moved on. now something about me, im a little fair, by indian standards. not completely clear skin and shit but im on the lighter side. so if im in my village, if im anywhere else wearing something with a bit of skin showing, i automatically get the comments "you're so fair" "what's your skincare" "so lucky" "you'd marry so soon" all that typa shit. and then come the unwanted touches, touching me on any exposed skin. and by any i genuinely mean any exposed skin. that's when i kind of realised why bree was so irritated when they tocuhed her hair, because people sometimes see our nicer features as free estate. and its annoying. and that is when her reaction fully made sense.
when i first read selwyn mesmered bree, i was so angry. i did not want bree to forgive him without him grovelling, ofc, but i also could not understand why he did that. what was his motive?? and why hide it from bree only?? nobody else?? now i've been in my low times since like years, not a big deal. got a lot of scars, some too visible, some not. i dont bother hiding it if im out in public where there's nobody who knows me or nobody who would care enough to ask. but if im with my friends, close people, i hide them all. and its just like valec said, its not to hide something its because of the fear of judgement. and that's when it kind of made sense why selwyn would hide his descent specifically from bree. she has bad experiences with mesmer, no doubt, but even worse with demons. it was a bad call through and through but one that is not unfamiliar. i dont hide my scars for my safety, i hide them because im ashamed.
and when nick killed max and then promptly disappeared into the woods, that was also somehow so out of character in my eyes from him. during grief and in the moments of crushing hopelessness, doesn't everyone want someone?? isnt the obvious reaction supposed to be him coming to bree, and not running away from her?? but that's not what happens yk. i once had a classmate who was not generally the type of person you'd want to be around. he was the type of person who has "trouble" spelt on him in flashing neon red. but after all, we were young, wanted to keep the peace, so i kept the decent communication. he would constantly invade my personal space, unwanted touches, unsolicited comments, it gets annoying. the last straw was when he tried to touch my best friend's schoolbag. i, in a moment of pure rage, threw him against the wall and actually started choking him. when the class managed to get me off of him, he was unconscious. in that moment my bestfriend came to put a hand on my shoulder, i visibly flinched and ran away from there and stayed in the washroom until school was over. this isnt as bad as beheading someone, but the response is familiar. of course he is going to go away rather than come closer; people whose love language is physical touch often have their hate language as isolation. i didnt hurt him purely because he tried to take my bestie's bag, i hurt him because i wanted to. nick didnt kill max purely because he killed his father, he killed him because he wanted to.
there's more of the events where we just kind of make this internal bias that we know what the character is going through and that we would definitely make better decisions, but can you?? do you really think you can or you're just overestimating yourself or underestimating the actual thing going on with the character??
i have made this mistake too, i know. i have taken some time to reflect back though and now i can say that yes i have made harsh judgements too. i am changing that tho because i've got a lottt of time to sit down and think and yeah i guess we all need it time to time.
what im trying to say is, things are not black and white. its a spectrum, there's dark grey light grey. it's a lot. and until and unless you are capable of putting yourself in that type of situation or closer, it's better to not make concrete opinions. shit happens and people do things, real life people are just that, people.
anyways this was a long rant i probably lost my point halfway through but okay whateva
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pixiecaps · 2 months ago
i think my pet peeve might be people using words wrong cause i just sat for a while thinking about what someone said in my tags going like well that isnt correct. but does it matter? but its wrong. but why does it matter to me so much? they didnt use the word right. but its not that big of a deal. but they need to understand theyre wrong? but
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jesskasb · 7 months ago
Ok but which drv3 fic are you reading. And is it good so far
it's "amalgamate" by doctorhaifisch !! and it is good so far yeah! really elaborate answer under the cut, i went on about this for longer than i shouldve. sorry. ill take any opportunity to ramble about v3. :']
based on the hits and the amount of fanart ive seen of it, it seems everyone and their mother has read it... however ive been purposely living under a 2 bedroom rock for like 4 years so ive only gotten around to it now after seeing an artist i follow say it made them reconsider a few things about ouma and it made them like kaito and realize how intelligent he is and how fascinating his role in chapter 5 was— and i was like wow, that must be a based fucking fic! it took me years to see kaito more than just a loud guy with a savior complex, and now that im a huge fan of him, i wanted to see what kind of fic could open someone's eyes to his awesomeness.
i check it out *really* skeptically, mainly cause i dont trust most people's depiction of ouma. they either make him genuinely not give a shit about things and just be a terrible person for no reason, or they make him too emo in a way he simply isnt. the main reason i even gave it a shot despite never having read a v3 fic in the 6 yrs ive been a fan, is that it said that the tags say the whole fic could be interpreted platonically (#AROWIN) (god knows im not against oumota but i prefer them as friends by a really substantial amount) and the amount of research the author seemed to have poured into strike 9 poison and its real world pesticide counterpart. the art they attached to chapter 1 was really good, too, so that made me curious.
now im in chapter 10/20 and i can say with confidence ive been having a great time. its plenty obvious the author has a lot of love for all of the characters, and even though i thought i could gain no new opinions since i already love ouma and kaito's potential dynamic and everything to do with chapter 5, i ended up being very pleasantly suprised by himiko's depiction here! i cant say im too big of a fan of her, not due to any actual fault in her character but rather kodaka's failings to do anything actually interesting with her. in chapter 9, this author used her untapped potential in a really heartwarming way that i loved. similarly, i have enjoyed seeing their portrayal of kaito and ouma, and it seems there's going to be an arc for ouma to begin seeing his classmates not only as people whose lives are worth saving as much as any other, but to see them as friends and letting them become close with him. ive always been a firm believer that in a non-kg setting ouma could become super close friends with a small handful of people, but this fic is making me reconsider that— maybe its more! another thing im really enjoying are all the fascinating possibilities that the author is exploring for a world in which ouma lives to see chapter 6 and the consequences of his actions. him being there while people investigate his room? most amusing. its all stuff that happens in chapter 5 and 6 until a certain point— just enough to get these two chumps to live, and then... well, i guess ill see how chapter 6 turns out, but as of right now ive been super intrigued and entretained.
i do also have a couple of complaints, but theyre mostly pet peeves and no deal breakers so far: there have been a loooot of pop culture referenced but they all feel in line with stuff kodaka would write so whatever, the author uses italics way more than id like... in the chapters up until 9 there were constant descriptions of kaito seeing ouma as a Kid, and while that in an of itself is true (he is a 17 yr old) the context began feeling a little infantalizing and like kaito himself wasnt 17 as well. theres noticeably less of this in chapter 9 and what ive read of 10, or when theres references to them being kids it includes everyone and theres even a moment where kaito tells ouma theyre the same damn age lol. theres also been a bunch of moments that are clearly very indulgent of ship dynamics and inclinations im not too fond of (particularly between ouma and shuichi) but like i said, nothings been too much of a dealbreaker since the positives far outweigh the negatives!
im currently on a trip where i dont have signal most of the time so i got the epub of the fic to read on the downtime. im def gonna keep reading it, and im excited to see where its going despite some of the cheesy lines such as
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(honestly i cant even complain. i dont care its a reference to the title of the game. he Would say that....)
i mean, really, it's such a good depiction of ouma. all his masks, his paranoia, his insecurities, his determination to stop the killing game, the way hes been helping the group while simultaneously remaining isolated, and the way his lies are an extension of his genius but also a constant tool to test his peers. i feel like i dont get to see all of these elements of him expanded upon so extensively like this fic does, and that alone makes me really respect what the author is doing! the word count may be scary but i think youd get something from the fic even if you only read like 5-6 chapters. so yeah in conclusion id recommend it if you give a shit about v3 and are interested in chapter 5 fix it fics LOL
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dirty-graves · 1 year ago
Hey ik this isnt rly that big a deal but its a pet peeve of mine- don't put censors in your tags.
It doesn't help people who might get triggered nor does it do you better on the tumblr algorithm -in fact, you'd WANT the algorithm to detect it, because people who have a certain word filtered now no longer have to see the post.
Feel no obligation to reply to this, i just thought I'd let you know :)
-sincerely, someone who did not want to see incest today
Doesnt tumblr shadowban specific words tho? There was a point where I wasnt censoring and they straight up wouldnt show up in the tags. Like I'm genuinely srry u had 2 see something u didnt want 2 see but I dont want my posts to get 0 interaction 😭
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randomness227 · 1 year ago
i think im developing a little pet peeve.
let me explain:
I'm glad that the movie was able to introduce so many new fnaf fans. what i find annoying, however, is when people treat the movie lore as the only canon lore. like I've seen people say that Cassidy isnt cannon. CASSIDY. The vengeful spirit possessing golden freddy. Just because she isn't canon to the movie lore doesn't mean she's not canon.
(that or i misunderstood what i read and am making a big deal over nothing)
Tldr: im developing a pet peeve of people treating the fnaf movie lore as if its the only canon that exists.
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brownheadedcowbird · 6 years ago
psa there’s a huge difference between low energy from not having eaten in a long time and low blood sugar
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pinkandblueblurbs · 3 years ago
Personally I dislike Nancy bc she’s kinda a bf flip flopper. When she was with Steve in s1 she was out flirting with johnathan and hanging out with him behind Steve’s back, and Steve was worried about it and she told him not to worry. But as soon as they broke up she started dating johnathan. And now when she’s dating johnathan she’s having feels for Steve and is neglecting her bf. I also really disliked how she handled the newspaper internship situation in season 3. Johnathan wanted his whole life to be a photographer and getting the internship with the newspaper was a huge deal for him and everything he ever wanted . But Nancy didn’t rly recognize that. She walked into the darkroom multiple times ruining his photos. She convinced him to ditch and got him in trouble , and then convinced him to ditch again and made him lose the job. She didn’t think that getting fired was a big deal when for johnathan it was a big deal. He basically has to support his household especially since his mom barely makes enough. And Nancy just doesn’t get that bc she’s never had to worry about money ever in her life. She comes off as very “if I care about something then EVERYONE cares about it and it must be done my way”. That attitude also comes off when she is desperate to have the winning arrangement of the school paper and has a rivalry with fred(?) (I forgot the dudes name, the one that vecna kills). Lol sorry this is so long but that’s why I (and other ppl I’ve spoken to) don’t like Nancy 🤷🏻‍♀️
okay the bf thing is a big pet peeve of mine asjsj. i dont see how she NEGLECTED steve??? she wasn’t ready to say i love you to him, that isnt her fault imo especially after everything she went through. and i guess she kiiiinda flirted with jonathan but like…. Its not like they DID anything while she was dating steve?? they literally just supported one another through the shit show that was going on in their lives??? i know her and steve didnt work out and i felt for steve emotionally but i felt for her too, and i rlly dont feel like its fair to make her the villain just bc she wasnt ready to say i love you or because she also had to lean a bit on jonathan during that time. even if she had slight feelings for jonathan, i think its okay that she was working through figuring that all out, and its not like she acted upon them while her and steve were together
and i can see where ur coming from with the internship thing, it was def a flaw of hers and an uncool thing to do to get jonathan fired. but like…. All the characters had flaws? i feel like that was shown as a flaw of hers, that she gets really driven to do what she puts her mind to and can tend to act somewhat selfishly to achieve her goals/not think about others enough when she’s working to achieve her goals… idk i just feel like its unfair to hate her bc she has a flaw when tons of other beloved characters have flaws (as they should bc they’re humans)
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a-very-tired-raven · 3 years ago
Ur Farmtale and Farmfell bros pet peeves?
Crisp: When 👏 people 👏 waste 👏 food 👏👏 To a farm monster, food is a message.
If a farm monster shares their homemade food with you, you know your a friend, or they consider you family. Its a big deal. They'll understand if your full, but put your leftovers up for later please!!!
Also when people leave the goat pen open lol
Cider: Same with the food thing, but when people can't understand he's busy at the moment.
Roost: when people try to get free riding lessons
Crow: when people assume hes shy or try to get him to talk when he doesnt want to. Crow isnt neccesarily mute, he just prefers not to talk much. He's not shy. Just quiet. Theres a difference
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magicalgirlpropaganda · 4 years ago
No one asked but here's my fantasy world pet peeves
• not enough dragons or wizards
• only certain gifted individuals can use magic
• black magic bad, white magic good (ik its not tht big a deal but as a witch it's a bit frustrating bcs it leads to a lot of misconceptions about witchcraft)
• the entire world is Europe. The entire fantasy world is just. Europe. Or European based. If you're going to travel the whole world and not just a specific country/region, it would be odd to make the entire world European based.
• corsets being an oppressive thing made to control women. Not only is tht historically innacurate, but also corsets are sexy and aesthetic
• making things boring in the name of realism. Idc if the cool 10 foot ornate sword with jewels and cool designs isnt "practical for combat". It looks a hell of a lot cooler than a historically accurate sword. And idc if scythes/sickles are " not actually good for combat". They're sexy and goth and i love them.
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toadbelly-remade · 8 years ago
u kno...... i have such a simple name...... its not hard to pronounce at all........ and yet. even when i correct people. they still fuck it up? like ok
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hhawkeye · 4 years ago
36 52 80?
done 36!
52. what is your dream car: ok i dont have a SPECIFIC one but i would like any kind of fucking ugly boxy piece of shit looking motherfucker from like the 70s-early 90s but i would like all the modern conveniences inside the car and all the safety specs etc but retain the just... absolute piece of shit aesthetic yknow. thats all i want. the cheap shitty seats w the fabric that has a kind of checkered pattern to it that leaves an indent on your skin when you sit on it with shorts on. thats it thats the dream babey
80. what is your biggest pet peeve: ok this isnt my BIGGEST one and generally i dont care about people making spelling mistakes etc its like. whatever. who gives a shit. but people who consistently spell perform as “preform” drive me up the fucking wall. sometimes its a typo and i get that but sometimes people just spell it like that. as though thats how its spelled. and it really is not a big deal but it does my head in sooooo bad. anyway this popped into my head so while its not my biggest pet peeve it is what i am going with.
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