#this isn’t even all my trucy merch.
wrightfamily · 7 days
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don’t worry guys trucy wright WILL be at tgs tonight.
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bhonesless · 3 years
i raise you: klavier's pants usually have little to no pocket room at all. these high end super expensive designer pants have absolutely Useless Pockets.  
he constantly has the thought of "i should get something with functional pockets" but then he just never does  
if he needs to carry something that won’t fit in these pockets, he just hands it to whatever trusted person he's with at the given point in time.  
he then proceeds to forget that he ever gave them anything and 2 weeks later when he sees them again, they return like "hey lol here's your wallet back" and he's like ":) YOU."  
klavier goes out of his way to hand things to apollo specifically to annoy him. even if someone else is willing to hold his stuff. (apollo is successfully annoyed. while carrying klavier's stuff anyway because he’s been trusted with a task and HELL if he isn’t gonna do it)  
at one point apollo gets fed up "oh my god you make HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS a year just buy pants with pockets? why do you do this???" and klavier is like "well damn forehead boy i can’t help it if the Official Gavinners Branded $27549.47 Limited Edition Pocketless Jeans Available On Our Merch Site For A 20% Discount With Code “GUILTYLOVE” make my legs look GOOD it’s a small price to pay"   
(it’s not a small price to pay. neither in cost, nor in pocket sacrifices. but oh, the joy of cool pants and maybe possibly getting on a certain apollo’s nerves)  
also his jackets have no functional pockets either  
trucy: “imagine not being able to carry everything you need LMAOOOOOOOOOO”  
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brianna-lei · 7 years
Butterfly Soup Asks #17
The squad playing Overwatch, yaoi hands, and more! man I still have a lot left in my inbox after this... 
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I’ve spent an obscene amount of time playing Overwatch so I have many thoughts on this Neither Diya nor Noelle have ever played a first person shooter before, but Noelle studies many strategy guides and videos to prepare beforehand.
Following her research, Noelle chooses Symmetra after memorizing the optimal turret and teleporter/shield matrix placements for each map. Symmetra is a good hero for inexperienced players because she doesn’t require aiming skills, but secretly, Noelle likes her because she is focused and serious. She’s scandalized by her default outfit, but can’t afford to get the Vishkar/Architect skins
Diya sees the dog helmet on Pharah’s Anubis skin and instantly unlocks it, automatically setting her as a Pharah main. Diya is the type to happily choose Pokemon based on cuteness instead of practicality, so this is typical Diya
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Min ONLY plays these 4 attack heroes, in this order of preference: 
Reaper (cool and edgy)
Genji (sword is a long knife. only chosen if the above is taken)
McCree (cool. only chosen if the above is taken)
Soldier 76 (a soldier, cool. only chosen if the above is taken)
She’s mechanically very skilled, but in her 100+ hours in game she’s never even ONCE selected a tank, defense, or support hero, not even in skirmish or training, not even when she’s the last one to choose and there’s no healer. Literally 0 minutes on her career stats. 
Akarsha is an ironic Torb main and also a useless Sombra. During their first game together:
Akarsha, selecting Sombra: (affectionately) it's me
Noelle: How is that one you?
In spawn, Noelle can see Akarsha as Sombra with the Battletag “RedFart”
Sombra: (smugly) Hack the PLANET. 
Sombra: (annoyingly) Miss me? 
Noelle: .......... (the game hasn’t even begun yet and she’s already seething)  
Diya manages to get a triple kill with concussion blast through sheer luck before accidentally killing herself with her own rocket. Min constantly spams “I need healing!” in impossible to heal locations, or when she's already being healed but doesn't notice. Whenever she dies she goes “res me”. Akarsha is nowhere to be found. In the kill feed, Diya has managed to accidentally kill herself again with Rocket Barrage. Noelle switches to Mercy and Min blames her for “not healing fast enough”. Eventually, infuriated, Noelle just screams into the voice chat “FINE! DIE ALONE, YOU FOOLS!!!!” and lets her teammates at critical health perish at her feet 
the match ends in defeat but Diya got POTG for her triple kill
Noelle: Akarsha, what were you doing this last match?
Akarsha: Turned invisible
Akarsha: There should be a card for “time spent invisible”
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Only Min and Akarsha consider themselves gamers. Diya and Noelle will play Mario Kart at other people’s houses but don’t regularly play games Akarsha: besides DS games like Ace Attorney, she’s particularly addicted to MapleStory
Min: plays more console+pc games, likes CoD and Team Fortress 2
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Sakura, Yuki, and Akarsha have all watched magical girl shows at some point. Akarsha’s favorite one is Madoka Magica.
Akarsha likes a lot of Ace Attorney characters and her favorite is Phoenix, she finds him relatable. However, if you ask her, she will answer “Spark Bruschel” (below) 
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She dreads it starting from the night before the presentation and have trouble falling asleep from anxiety. As the time to present approaches she’ll get more and more nervous and sweaty to the point that she won't have an appetite and her stomach hurts
As she's presenting, if she has note cards or a powerpoint to read off of, she stares at that the whole time and reads at lightning speed. Diya has to write down what she's going to say word for word, she can't just put chunks and phrases on note cards because she wont be able to construct a coherent sentence. her life flashes before her eyes whenever she stutters or messes up a sentence
If she doesn't have anything to read off of, she stares at inanimate objects instead of the audience, completely blanks out, and sometimes when she can't recover from that she panics and tries to end the presentation prematurely by suddenly going back to her desk. just bad all around 
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Noelle has good posture, the others are all pretty eh and slouch sometimes. In particular, Diya slouches a lot when she’s with Noelle because Noelle was taller than her in elementary school and Diya still isn’t used to the fact that she outgrew her. 
It’s similar to how Min’s brain actually can’t fully process that she’s way shorter than Diya. When confronted directly with the fact Min will acknowledge it, but it hasn’t really sunk in, at all. Diya was only a little bit taller when they were kids, so in her gut that’s how it’ll always be.  I experience this with my childhood friends too LOL I still instinctively feel like I’m taller than my friend who’s now like 5′8″ (I’m 5′2″) 
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I feel like Diya and Hayden have long-ish hands because they’re big, but not yaoi hands level i dont know what to say 
--Tumblr wouldn’t save my post after this, so I copied it into Word and pasted them back in. It worked, but now some of the asks ARE THE WRONG SHADE OF BLUE.....
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(For those who don’t know, the song lyrics say “Her name is Noelle”)  Yes, and this also reminded me that whenever Christmas songs say “Noel”, Akarsha annoyingly points it out like “it’s you Noelle” 
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It came from leftover dinner from the night before, which Noelle’s mom cooked
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I have, I also love seeing all the different ways everyone writes the characters! Thank you fanfic writers!! ;u;
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Hayden: 5′11″
Jun: 5′8″
adding this to the FAQ, thanks!
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It’s not mentioned why she has a bandaid as a teenager. I have something specific in mind but it may come up in the sequel so I won’t say anything else about it
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Here’s their birthdays from oldest to youngest:
Noelle: January 18
Akarsha: April 20
Min: July 4
Diya: November 26 I haven’t come up with the birthdays of other characters yet (except Jun, whose birthday is the same as Min’s haha)
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Yes, stay tuned :>
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Yup, that pose was reffed off of Trucy’s surprised sprite! I love how over-the-top it looks 
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OMG...I hate miscommunication as a cause of conflict in stories so don’t worry, there’ll never be a choice with disastrous consequences like that in any of my games! 
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I’m really glad to hear this, I sometimes wonder “should I have made them older?” but this is ultimately why I made them the age they are! I think a lot of people in their 20s instinctively feel 14 is too young because they’ve forgotten what they themselves were like at 14. I kept journals so I have evidence haha 
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You’re welcome, I’m really glad she was relatable!! Noelle has a Chinese name and goes to Saturday Chinese school, but I haven’t decided on what it is :( Maybe someday...
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I REALLY want to sell Butterfly Soup merch like charms/prints/diya’s hoodie but bc I’m busy I haven’t had a chance to set it up yet >_> It’s my goal to accomplish this by the end of the year
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It’s currently only available for the computer, sorry! There’s nothing questionable in this for 14 year olds -- there’s profanity, but there isn’t any explicit sexual content or nudity in it!
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I’m glad that detail resonated with you!! I’m also self conscious of my hair (opposite problem, it’s EXTREMELY coarse) so I added it ^^;
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A few were drawn from scratch, but most of them are at least partially drawn over photos I took
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You can download it here, it’s a creative commons free song! 
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Yep this was fixed! I was so appalled this wasn’t caught before the game was released haha
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Aw thank you!!
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You’re welcome!!! The game hasn’t even been out for 2 months yet, I can’t believe people love it enough to replay it already ;u;
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