#this isn’t a super big complaint or a targeted one to someone in particular
somebluemelodies · 7 months
i love ao3 dearly but the day more authors stop including spiderbit in the relationship tag when it hasn’t been shown yet and/or stating they’re a minor/background ship via the tags when they only show up a bit is the day i can live truly happy on that website
7 notes · View notes
icinch · 2 years
Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit
New Post has been published on https://www.cinchhomebiz.com/turn-the-struggle-of-others-into-big-profit/
Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit
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I’ve got a friend who has used this business model for years as a ‘side’ business.
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Funny thing is, his side business earns more than many full time businesses – about $10,000 per piece of software per year.
And yes, he doesn’t own any of this software himself, which means he never has to deal with programmers or customer complaints that the software isn’t doing whatever it should be doing.
Here’s how it works:
Find free software that people use – for example, cloud storage, help desk software, popular WordPress plugins, membership software and so forth. You might want to concentrate just on software that is used in the online marketing world, or you could branch out into other niches.
You’re looking for software that is somewhat popular, but ideally it’s not all that simple to use.
Anything come to mind? Forums are a good place to search. Look for a number of posts from people all looking for help with the same software, and you’ve found a winner.
Now then, you can either do the next step yourself, or outsource it to someone who knows a lot about the software. If you’re doing it yourself, you’ll need to get really good at using the software before you proceed.
You’re going to put together a tutorial that shows people how to use the software. Your tutorial is going to assume they know next to nothing about it, so that anyone and everyone can benefit from it.
Take them through all the steps of installing and using the software, along with all the features they might not even know about. The point is to make it super simple for almost anyone to use the software, once they have your tutorial.
Charge a modest amount for your tutorial – nothing over the top.
You might want to add a “done for you” option or upsell in which the software is installed and set up for the customer. You can do this work yourself, or outsource it to someone else.
And inside your tutorial, place links to the paid version of the software, along with anything else that will help the reader to make the best use of the software.
All of these income streams add up.
And buyers are easy to come by, because many times people are desperate for answers. They’ve already wasted time trying to get the software to work, and they’ve wasted more time on forums and help desks trying to get the help they need.
By the time they find your tutorial, they are more than happy to hand over several dollars to get the job done, or even more money to have the job done for them.
As you can see, we’re targeting people already familiar with the software who need help.
But that’s only half of your customer base.
The other half is people looking for a particular solution.
For example, they want to know how to set up a membership site without paying a monthly fee for software. You can recommend the solution they need, and the software only has a one-time payment.
Better still, you’ll show them exactly how to install and use it.
Of course, you won’t name the software on that sales page.
And yes, you will need two different sales pages. The first one targets the group who is having trouble with the software, and the second one targets the group looking for the solution the software provides.
Want to make even more money?
You can sell private label rights or resell rights to your tutorials.
And you can also get affiliates on board as well.
This can be a great product to sell via paid advertising – both in the ‘fix a problem’ format and the ‘here’s the solution you need’ format.
The work involved in doing this is small versus the money that can be made. It won’t make you rich, but if you put out just one of these a month, you might hit six figures.
And the shelf life of each tutorial will vary according to how popular the software is. You’ll be able to sell some for only a few months, while others might be good for a year or two before you need to update them.
It’s a perfect little side business that doesn’t require much startup cash – just the ability to find software that’s confusing people or solving a real problem, and creating the tutorials for your customers.
And don’t forget – you can also sell more solutions to your new customers after they purchase the tutorial. In fact, this alone can double your profits.
Get busy, and go make some more money by helping other people solve their problems!
0 notes
grabyourluck-blog · 2 years
Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit
New Post has been published on https://www.referral-master.com/turn-the-struggle-of-others-into-big-profit/
Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit
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I’ve got a friend who has used this business model for years as a ‘side’ business.
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Funny thing is, his side business earns more than many full time businesses – about $10,000 per piece of software per year.
And yes, he doesn’t own any of this software himself, which means he never has to deal with programmers or customer complaints that the software isn’t doing whatever it should be doing.
Here’s how it works:
Find free software that people use – for example, cloud storage, help desk software, popular WordPress plugins, membership software and so forth. You might want to concentrate just on software that is used in the online marketing world, or you could branch out into other niches.
You’re looking for software that is somewhat popular, but ideally it’s not all that simple to use.
Anything come to mind? Forums are a good place to search. Look for a number of posts from people all looking for help with the same software, and you’ve found a winner.
Now then, you can either do the next step yourself, or outsource it to someone who knows a lot about the software. If you’re doing it yourself, you’ll need to get really good at using the software before you proceed.
You’re going to put together a tutorial that shows people how to use the software. Your tutorial is going to assume they know next to nothing about it, so that anyone and everyone can benefit from it.
Take them through all the steps of installing and using the software, along with all the features they might not even know about. The point is to make it super simple for almost anyone to use the software, once they have your tutorial.
Charge a modest amount for your tutorial – nothing over the top.
You might want to add a “done for you” option or upsell in which the software is installed and set up for the customer. You can do this work yourself, or outsource it to someone else.
And inside your tutorial, place links to the paid version of the software, along with anything else that will help the reader to make the best use of the software.
All of these income streams add up.
And buyers are easy to come by, because many times people are desperate for answers. They’ve already wasted time trying to get the software to work, and they’ve wasted more time on forums and help desks trying to get the help they need.
By the time they find your tutorial, they are more than happy to hand over several dollars to get the job done, or even more money to have the job done for them.
As you can see, we’re targeting people already familiar with the software who need help.
But that’s only half of your customer base.
The other half is people looking for a particular solution.
For example, they want to know how to set up a membership site without paying a monthly fee for software. You can recommend the solution they need, and the software only has a one-time payment.
Better still, you’ll show them exactly how to install and use it.
Of course, you won’t name the software on that sales page.
And yes, you will need two different sales pages. The first one targets the group who is having trouble with the software, and the second one targets the group looking for the solution the software provides.
Want to make even more money?
You can sell private label rights or resell rights to your tutorials.
And you can also get affiliates on board as well.
This can be a great product to sell via paid advertising – both in the ‘fix a problem’ format and the ‘here’s the solution you need’ format.
The work involved in doing this is small versus the money that can be made. It won’t make you rich, but if you put out just one of these a month, you might hit six figures.
And the shelf life of each tutorial will vary according to how popular the software is. You’ll be able to sell some for only a few months, while others might be good for a year or two before you need to update them.
It’s a perfect little side business that doesn’t require much startup cash – just the ability to find software that’s confusing people or solving a real problem, and creating the tutorials for your customers.
And don’t forget – you can also sell more solutions to your new customers after they purchase the tutorial. In fact, this alone can double your profits.
Get busy, and go make some more money by helping other people solve their problems!
0 notes
anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/30 NXT 12/02 NXT UK 12/03 Smackdown 12/04 Takeover War Games 12/06 + Main Event 12/03
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...Yeah hi, what the fuck is with the doll trapped inside of the table? Is that a metaphor for Alexa??
I’m so happy for her being able to have segments with Orton. Good for her.
Alexa’s like a mere inch taller than me so she’s a nice gauge as to to how tall the men’s roster is in comparison, and Randy? Fucking tall.
So the writing was on the wall; Fiend cares about Alexa (whether the nature is abusive is irrelevant to this point) and Randy has figured out how to use Alexa as a pawn to manipulate Fiend. I was kind of hoping Fiend/Alexa were in control of the gameboard, but it seems I’ve been duped.
The only complaint I have about this is how... compliant and helpless Alexa was in this segment. She’s not only been possessed/traumatized into caring about Fiend, but furthermore she does care about him, so why wouldn’t she be fighting against Randy when she was in his arms? The writing of her character in this particular segment seemed shallow. I know she can play whatever emotion they want from her, so to not ask for any emotions at all is curious.
Also the only person who isn’t a heel here is Alexa, and I won’t really hear any argument on the manner. Fiend is a predator at best. Orton is a psychotic douchebag.
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My head hurts. Imagine Becky being stuck in a tag team with Lana rather than throwing a huge fit about not being able to defend her title for fucking months.
“Sarah you wouldn’t understand, but Shayna and I are about to-- *starts smiling like a fucking idiot*” Wow I want to defend wwe’s incessant need for giving Lana a storyline but I’m so fucking tired of abysmal promos. God. I. Miss. Becky. WHY is the Raw women’s champion wrapped up in this??
“First of all... ew.” lolololol
Shayna’s hatred for Lana is fucking hilarious.
Why is it, whenever Nia and Shayna do their dual barricade ragdoll move, Nia always gets the lighter one?
Nia fucking pummeled Lana lmao.
I kind of wish this story had a live crowd, I’d like to see if all of this was actually buying Lana some goodwill from the audience.
Hilarious watching Lana sit on the bottom rope for a few seconds before climbing through onto the apron, before slinking down to a sitting position, before finally collapsing onto the floor barely peering into the ring. Tf is she doing rofl.
Now she jumped up onto the apron lacking any enthusiasm, tagged herself in, and is climbing onto the turnbuckle while seemingly sobbing. What in the fuck lmao.
God Asuka is working overtime here.
*Bonus* online exclusive: how fun, Lana and Asuka are singing and dancing together. This division is turning into a garbage fire rq.
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Oh is Mandy still out with an injury in kf?
Love it when new debuts get no fucking entrance. Yikes.
Mia Yim had such a dope theme song and entrance, I can’t believe it’s been scrapped so that she can call herself “Reckoning” and hang out in some dead-end group. Shame.
Oh my god. Mia loses to Dana via rollup after taking virtually no offense. What a waste of everyone’s time. I see this going nowhere, absolutely nowhere.
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*Bonus* online exclusive: lmfao the Nikki Cross interview was worth a mention. First off, Nikki looks gorgeous. Second, I feel like this is the beginning of her run of not appearing on Raw because she isn’t deemed developed enough outside of a tag team, which is sad. Third, rofl @ her giving Sarah sheep’s stomach chicken to eat, I have no words. Anyway, she should be a solid midcarder. Get it together wwe.
Highlight: Probably the Nikki Cross online exclusive
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They got Shotzi something that glows. Wow.
Why is there a silhouette as if Io isn’t already added to the team? Why wouldn’t she be? Shayna was in last year’s, why wouldn’t Io be in this year’s? Is this supposed to be suspenseful?? lmao plz.
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Indi did not take a bullet for you, she was just an idiot. Also why does this bitch still have a neck brace on? It was an Eclipse, let’s get real for a second.
Why you acting like your team is cohesive anyway? Doesn’t Dakota hate you? Didn’t Toni just turn heel for virtually no fucking reason, after defending/consoling Shotzi and attacking Candice like a sore loser? *sigh*
I know fans are really into WarGames but I find the alliances really fucking weak every year. It’s as bad as Survivor Series, just with more weapons and brutality.
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So Xia Li lost some matches and now she’s being tortured... okay. I’m gonna keep my comments on this to a minimum cuz I can tell this will be some long-term story.
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Oh I really like how their respective team members are standing up in the back on balconies. I really fucking like the layout of this arena. Huge fan.
Why Shotzi vs Raquel though? Why is the team captain fighting? That’s not typical for these, is it?
Ugh failure to throw Shotzi through the ropes. There’s just... a skill gap in the division, you know? And Shotzi and Raquel are on the lower end of that gap. I don’t care if people love Shotzi, she’s MILES away from being a champion. What saves her is her risk-taking, but it’s just a matter of time before that bites her in the ass.
Shotzi’s offense is doing a minimal amount of potential damage to her opponent while taking herself out in the most convoluted way possible. She’s Sasha Banks on steroids.
You call it innovative, I call it foolish.
Raquel just standing there waiting with stairs in her hands. Beast.
Shotzi can’t have a kf leg injury, that negates 95% of her offense!
Limpy vs Gimpy
Setting up that ladder in the corner was clunky as shit.
A pure ladder stip is hard to have in a women’s singles match, but this match is a big pile of meh.
Honestly I’m not about to complain about all of these women getting involved because this is borderline boring.
AYYYEEE it’s Io! Io saved this match tbh. Love her, THAT’S my champion.
Give Shotzi’s team the advantage, I doubt they win anyway.
To be honest; you have former nxt champion Ember Moon, inaugural UK champion and former nxt champion who fought against Charlotte fucking Flair at WrestleMania Rhea Ripley, and current champion that beat Charlotte fucking Flair for the title Io Shirai. The idea of that team losing is laughable at best in kf. But they will, cuz fuck babyfaces.
*Bonus* online exclusive: What surprises could you possibly have in store aside from some random weapons? Also fuck your howl. Edit: she was talking about her stupid new tank, wasn’t she...
Highlight: Io showing up at the end of the ladder match
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Who’s this green-shirt bro and why did he run over there to break up the brawl as if there aren’t 2 dozen officials already? Men needlessly getting involved in women’s fights irritates the shit out of me.
He also got in the way of the shot for the majority of this clip. I hate him. 
I hope Jinny wins this future match.
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This Aleah girl is like a cross between Kacy and Alexa, and honestly I hate it. Which is odd cuz I love them. She pisses me off though. Not sure what to make of it.
So supposedly Valkyrie is undefeated? That’s good. Let’s keep that going.
Valkyrie has nice counters and is super athletic. I say this every time I watch one of her matches but she deserves more praise.
I hate that women on UK get so little time. Send Valkyrie and KLR to nxt and send Dakota and Rhea to the MR, thanks.
I’d pay to see Valkyrie vs KLR too!
Still not a fan of Valkyrie’s finisher. Love her gear though, it looks different.
Highlight: Always a pleasure watching Valkyrie
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Lmfao Bayley “fails” to break the count before rolling back outside, so she rolls back in and fucking stomps her feet while yelling at the ref. She’s good. She’s good at the basics, good at paying attention to her surroundings, and good at improvising.
Bayley and Nattie are smooth together. They’ve never had a match, right? Other than this?
Love how Bianca has all of Bayley’s attention.
Bayley just used Nattie’s discus clothesline against her lmao. What a troll.
I remember when Bayley tapped, her entire fanbase was crying claiming she was buried. Watching it myself, she is so obviously entering into a program with Bianca. Christ 90% of her attention was on Bianca throughout the match.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Bianca just told Bayley her hair ain’t even and she looks dusty, good fucking bye.
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mmmm not sure if Sasha has the admiration of the wwe universe. Look she’s a remarkable talent in the ring, but she is insanely annoying outside of it. She’s changed nothing from the time she was heel, other than no longer cheating to win. She obnoxiously cackles, she’s egotistical, she gets along with legit nobody. I’m not convinced the crowd would even cheer her, even if she’s one of the best bell to bell. Her fans can call her the number 1 babyface, but that’s a stretch if I’ve ever heard one.
“I won the first 2 women’s mitb” aaggghhhhh I hate that Carmella still claims that. Debatable. De-ba-ta-ble.
Lol “I can’t help if men are obsessed with me,” alright sure. That’s good tbh. Carmella is a notorious cheat but regardless, that’s good.
Well the reason y’all never faced one on one is because Carmella’s a Smackdown veteran and you just got here, but I digress.
So where’s the army that still runs around crying that Becky buried her when she called her the greatest woman to never be great (facts)? Where’s the outrage for Sasha demeaning Carmella and claiming she’s not in her league? Sasha fans are wild.
“With half the work I’m better than you. I held onto that Smackdown woman’s title longer than all of your title reigns combined.” omg she’s dead. Shots fired, target hit. Someone call Sasha a hearse. 
Instead of sitting there making ugly faces, Sasha really should’ve gotten up and left. Lick her wounds or something kekek.
Highlight: I’m into this Bayley/Bianca thing they’re building
Takeover WarGames:
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I just think it’s so cool that wwe shelled out the money for a Black Sabbath song. Of course they can afford it, but for a Takeover? Points.
Nobody wants to come take out Candice rq? No? Nobody at all???
Oh hell yeah Dakota gets to start? Good for her, since she skipped out on it last year.
I don’t fucking get Ember Moon’s persona, but I like her lit gear tonight.
“Aiming it square at Team LeRae” sometimes I wonder if Vic is simply blind.
The concept of this match is fun, but it always feels a little hollow until the match actually starts.
So cool that they got Wade Barrett on commentary in nxt.
Sloppy headscissors by Ember, but Dakota sold well per usual. Not sure why they’d have Ember run the marathon.
I’d pay so much money to see the 4hw in a WarGames match.
Oh that’s cool, Raquel put her hand up to protect Ember’s face from Dakota’s kick. We appreciate a performer that protects her coworkers.
That sunset flip powerbomb by Shotzi onto Raquel off the ropes was neat.
Toni up in here just removing all the turnbuckles. I wonder if running into exposed turnbuckles actually hurts that much.
Toni barely taps Ember with a kendo stick and she acting like she’s dying.
Man that 6 woman thing was so choreographed. Even did a countdown.
Io ma’am we don’t-- we don’t need ladders... okay. Okay.
Io scaling the cage and Raquel knocking her off like in Super Mario Brothers.
I feel like WarGames is convoluted enough, but sure, let’s get into the winter of overbooked women’s matches. New season, same bullshit.
AHAHAHAHAH IO’S FUCKING SMILE. She is standing on top of the cage putting a garbage can over her head, and has the audacity to wear a shit eating grin. I cannot, this girl is crazy and I love her.
Stupid spot? Maybe. Is Io batshit insane for jumping like 10 feet down completely blind? Absolutely. Points.
CLEAN ddt by Io onto Raquel. Spiked.
Candice is dumb. Got a trash can lid standing opposite Shotzi who’s wielding a chair. Candice throws the lid, says ‘hold on’, then climbs through the ropes to grab a kendo stick while crying ‘help’. Grabs her kendo stick, goes to bat against Shotzi, gets her hand smashed lmao. Idiot.
Oh that was perfectly timed. Dakota busts Shotzi with a chair strike and barely even begins to turn around before Io missile dropkicks the chair into her from out of nowhere.
Dakota stuck a trash can over Io and then did a double stomp that impacted the trash can so badly she couldn’t slide it off lol. eesh.
Is Ember gonna attempt to Eclipse someone onto a set of upright chairs... Omg no. You’re gonna take the brunt of this, jfc don’t.
Oh good god what a fucking beautifully bad idea. I hope you’re okay bro. Man Dakota FLIPPED over. Nasty, nasty move.
That Storm Zero through a trash can was ace. Honestly I see a lot more potential for Toni here in nxt than over on UK.
This is a really good match. 
It’s not that I hate the coffin drop off the ladder onto Candice, but Candice really ruined it by preemptively grabbing a chair and holding it on top of herself. Kind of spelled out exactly how that was gonna go.
Io and Rhea make an amazing team.
Rhea and being thrown into the cage on the outside of the ropes, name a more iconic duo. I’ve heard that’s the worst part about cage matches cuz your skin legit gets dragged against the links as you slide down.
Holy shit Io just got powerbombed through a ladder. OOF.
That’s the ending?? Raquel pinned Io for the ending??? Holllllyyyy shit.
Interestingly enough, I’d have to say the 2 team captains did the least amount of notable work.
What took out Shotzi: On screen the last bump she took was her coffin drop onto Candice, which kept her from saving Io. Mess.
Some great spots for sure. Recency bias might be a thing, but I feel like I enjoyed this one more than last year’s.
Highlight: That Eclipse onto the chairs to Dakota was WICKED
Main Event:
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Main event giving people promo time? Is this typical??
Okay look. You acknowledged Alexa is brainwashed. You acknowledged that she chose him (even though she’s brainwashed so you really shouldn’t be upset). Now you’re claiming SHE came out and slapped you, as if you haven’t been relentlessly bothering her about her boyfriend that she chose because she’s brainwashed, and as if you weren’t the one who came out and confronted her. Is this not super problematic to anyone else??? Nikki this doesn’t make you a victim or even a decent person/friend lmao.
It’s a good promo though. Good delivery, very buyable.
I know Lacey’s being a bitch, but it’s an awful hair style, Sarah. I’m sorry.
Lmao Lacey is so god damn funny when she has someone to play off of. I can see the appeal in her and Peyton, I can see it. I can see it. The pairing should absolutely not last long because Lord they’re abysmal in the ring together, but outside? Swell, just swell.
Lacey will always have a job solely for her character work if nothing else.
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Haha Lacey running from Nikki. She’s a treat.
Really thought that spinning heel kick was gonna be the end of it.
This match is definitely Main Event(tm) worthy, but I’m glad it has some semblance of a story going into it.
Peyton’s jump kick looks dumb.
Probably for the best that Nikki loses this, even if Peyton is awful.
*WarGames was definitely the highlight in an otherwise really lame week of wrestling. I don’t even have a runner-up, I’m just thankful for WarGames.
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maliyahainsley · 6 years
Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit
I’ve got a friend who has used this business model for years as a ‘side’ business.
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Funny thing is, his side business earns more than many full time businesses – about $10,000 per piece of software per year.
And yes, he doesn’t own any of this software himself, which means he never has to deal with programmers or customer complaints that the software isn’t doing whatever it should be doing.
Here’s how it works:
Find free software that people use – for example, cloud storage, help desk software, popular WordPress plugins, membership software and so forth. You might want to concentrate just on software that is used in the online marketing world, or you could branch out into other niches.
You’re looking for software that is somewhat popular, but ideally it’s not all that simple to use.
Anything come to mind? Forums are a good place to search. Look for a number of posts from people all looking for help with the same software, and you’ve found a winner.
Now then, you can either do the next step yourself, or outsource it to someone who knows a lot about the software. If you’re doing it yourself, you’ll need to get really good at using the software before you proceed.
You’re going to put together a tutorial that shows people how to use the software. Your tutorial is going to assume they know next to nothing about it, so that anyone and everyone can benefit from it.
Take them through all the steps of installing and using the software, along with all the features they might not even know about. The point is to make it super simple for almost anyone to use the software, once they have your tutorial.
Charge a modest amount for your tutorial – nothing over the top.
You might want to add a “done for you” option or upsell in which the software is installed and set up for the customer. You can do this work yourself, or outsource it to someone else.
And inside your tutorial, place links to the paid version of the software, along with anything else that will help the reader to make the best use of the software.
All of these income streams add up.
And buyers are easy to come by, because many times people are desperate for answers. They’ve already wasted time trying to get the software to work, and they’ve wasted more time on forums and help desks trying to get the help they need.
By the time they find your tutorial, they are more than happy to hand over several dollars to get the job done, or even more money to have the job done for them.
As you can see, we’re targeting people already familiar with the software who need help.
But that’s only half of your customer base.
The other half is people looking for a particular solution.
For example, they want to know how to set up a membership site without paying a monthly fee for software. You can recommend the solution they need, and the software only has a one-time payment.
Better still, you’ll show them exactly how to install and use it.
Of course, you won’t name the software on that sales page.
And yes, you will need two different sales pages. The first one targets the group who is having trouble with the software, and the second one targets the group looking for the solution the software provides.
Want to make even more money?
You can sell private label rights or resell rights to your tutorials.
And you can also get affiliates on board as well.
This can be a great product to sell via paid advertising – both in the ‘fix a problem’ format and the ‘here’s the solution you need’ format.
The work involved in doing this is small versus the money that can be made. It won’t make you rich, but if you put out just one of these a month, you might hit six figures.
And the shelf life of each tutorial will vary according to how popular the software is. You’ll be able to sell some for only a few months, while others might be good for a year or two before you need to update them.
It’s a perfect little side business that doesn’t require much start up cash – just the ability to find software that’s confusing people or solving a real problem, and creating the tutorials for your customers.
And don’t forget – you can also sell more solutions to your new customers after they purchase the tutorial. In fact, this alone can double your profits.
Get busy, and go make some more money by helping other people solve their problems!
The post Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit appeared first on Online Business Opportunities.
From http://www.nta-connect.ca/turn-the-struggle-of-others-into-big-profit/
from https://onlinebusinessopportunities2.wordpress.com/2018/03/30/turn-the-struggle-of-others-into-big-profit/
0 notes
Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit
I’ve got a friend who has used this business model for years as a ‘side’ business.
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Funny thing is, his side business earns more than many full time businesses – about $10,000 per piece of software per year.
And yes, he doesn’t own any of this software himself, which means he never has to deal with programmers or customer complaints that the software isn’t doing whatever it should be doing.
Here’s how it works:
Find free software that people use – for example, cloud storage, help desk software, popular WordPress plugins, membership software and so forth. You might want to concentrate just on software that is used in the online marketing world, or you could branch out into other niches.
You’re looking for software that is somewhat popular, but ideally it’s not all that simple to use.
Anything come to mind? Forums are a good place to search. Look for a number of posts from people all looking for help with the same software, and you’ve found a winner.
Now then, you can either do the next step yourself, or outsource it to someone who knows a lot about the software. If you’re doing it yourself, you’ll need to get really good at using the software before you proceed.
You’re going to put together a tutorial that shows people how to use the software. Your tutorial is going to assume they know next to nothing about it, so that anyone and everyone can benefit from it.
Take them through all the steps of installing and using the software, along with all the features they might not even know about. The point is to make it super simple for almost anyone to use the software, once they have your tutorial.
Charge a modest amount for your tutorial – nothing over the top.
You might want to add a “done for you” option or upsell in which the software is installed and set up for the customer. You can do this work yourself, or outsource it to someone else.
And inside your tutorial, place links to the paid version of the software, along with anything else that will help the reader to make the best use of the software.
All of these income streams add up.
And buyers are easy to come by, because many times people are desperate for answers. They’ve already wasted time trying to get the software to work, and they’ve wasted more time on forums and help desks trying to get the help they need.
By the time they find your tutorial, they are more than happy to hand over several dollars to get the job done, or even more money to have the job done for them.
As you can see, we’re targeting people already familiar with the software who need help.
But that’s only half of your customer base.
The other half is people looking for a particular solution.
For example, they want to know how to set up a membership site without paying a monthly fee for software. You can recommend the solution they need, and the software only has a one-time payment.
Better still, you’ll show them exactly how to install and use it.
Of course, you won’t name the software on that sales page.
And yes, you will need two different sales pages. The first one targets the group who is having trouble with the software, and the second one targets the group looking for the solution the software provides.
Want to make even more money?
You can sell private label rights or resell rights to your tutorials.
And you can also get affiliates on board as well.
This can be a great product to sell via paid advertising – both in the ‘fix a problem’ format and the ‘here’s the solution you need’ format.
The work involved in doing this is small versus the money that can be made. It won’t make you rich, but if you put out just one of these a month, you might hit six figures.
And the shelf life of each tutorial will vary according to how popular the software is. You’ll be able to sell some for only a few months, while others might be good for a year or two before you need to update them.
It’s a perfect little side business that doesn’t require much start up cash – just the ability to find software that’s confusing people or solving a real problem, and creating the tutorials for your customers.
And don’t forget – you can also sell more solutions to your new customers after they purchase the tutorial. In fact, this alone can double your profits.
Get busy, and go make some more money by helping other people solve their problems!
The post Turn the Struggle of Others into Big Profit appeared first on Online Business Opportunities.
from http://www.nta-connect.ca/turn-the-struggle-of-others-into-big-profit/
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filipeteimuraz · 7 years
Everything You Need to Know About Generating Leads on Twitter
People don’t always associate Twitter with marketing.
If you’re not using Twitter to improve your business, you’re making a big mistake.
Every year, about 200 billion tweets are sent out.
This number is astonishing.
With so much competition in the social media space, people may assume that Twitter’s best days are in the past.
That’s incorrect.
Twitter has never been more popular than it is today.
Check out these numbers:
Twitter has about 328 million users across the world.
That may not seem like a lot compared to the 2 billion monthly active Facebook users.
Still, 328 million isn’t a number you can ignore.
There are plenty of opportunities for you to generate leads and improve conversions on Twitter.
If you’re not actively using Twitter for business, it’s not too late to change.
Fortunately for you, I’m an expert in this space.
I’ve helped companies increase their Twitter engagement by over 300%.
In this post, I’ll show you how to generate leads on this powerful social media platform.
Recognize why consumers are on Twitter
Before you can start marketing, you have to determine whom you need to target.
Are you trying to engage with every single user with a Twitter account?
That’s not an effective strategy.
Instead, focus on your current customers and target audience.
Find out who is:
mentioning your brand by name
following your profile
engaging with your competition
tweeting about relevant topics and products in your industry
Market to these people if you want higher conversions.
Roughly 80% of Twitter users have tweeted about a brand.
After seeing the name of a company mentioned on Twitter, 54% of people searched for the business, retweeted the content, or visited the company website.
Why do you think so many people talk about companies in their tweets?
Twitter is a great way for customers to communicate with their favorite brands.
That’s why a third of Twitter users voice their opinions about products and businesses.
As a marketer, you need to embrace this engagement.
Recognize that it’s an incredible opportunity for brand exposure and growth.
When someone tweets at your brand, you’ve got to respond—fast.
According to Sprout Social, it takes an average of 10 hours for brands to reply to users on social media.
You’ve got to do better than that because customers will wait only 4 hours for a response.
If you don’t have time to respond to tweets, delegate this task to someone on your marketing team.
This person can easily respond to people on Twitter within minutes, directly from their smartphone.
Knowing this information is especially important if your target market consists of millennials and baby boomers.
Nearly half of them follow brands on social media.
Based on all the information I’ve discussed so far, it’s obvious that Twitter users want to engage with businesses on this platform.
Now that we’ve established this, it’s time to use this information to generate leads for your company.
Learn how to use Twitter advanced search query
Earlier I mentioned there are over 328 million users on Twitter and 200 billion annual tweets.
Not all these users and tweets are relevant to your business.
The key is filtering out the useless ones to generate leads.
This is my favorite way to get the most useful and significant source of leads: Twitter’s advanced search queries.
Here’s how you do it.
Step #1: Navigate to the “Advanced search” menu
I’m sure you’re familiar with the regular search bar on Twitter.
From your search menu, look at the left side of the screen under “Search filters.”
Click on the “Advanced search” button to proceed.
Step #2: Add keywords relevant to your company
This search field will give you much more accurate results than the generic search bar you’ve been using.
Add words and phrases based on your marketing insights, industry, and target audience.
For example, let’s say you run a website specializing in outdoor sports equipment.
You could add words like hiking, biking, backpack, tent, mountain trails, or surfing to the search bar.
It all depends on the goal of your marketing campaign to generate leads.
If it’s winter, you may want to include terms such as snowboard boots, skis, snowboard goggles, etc.
Don’t go crazy. Stick to a few specific words and phrases to start.
Step #3: Look for relevant usernames (accounts)
Adding accounts to your query can give you even more specific results.
Not sure what to put in these fields?
Here are some suggestions:
your profile
profiles of local competitors
large-scale competitors
industry experts
Adding your profile to the search may be the only obvious suggestion on this list. But maybe not many people are mentioning your company by name on Twitter.
That’s why the other ones are just as important.
Are people tweeting about your competitors?
Those users are your prospective customers.
What about an industry expert?
Let’s continue with the example about an outdoor sports store.
You could add Sean White’s twitter account to this search query.
He’s a professional snowboarder, so it’s not unreasonable to think that users tweeting about him are interested in snowboarding equipment.
The possibilities are endless.
You’ve just got to get creative to find the most accurate and relevant results to generate leads.
Step #4: Turn on your location
By default, your location services will be turned off for the advanced search query.
Turn it on to enable more relevant results.
For simplicity, I’ll continue using the sports store example.
Let’s say the shop is located in my city of Seattle, WA.
You have an ecommerce store, but you don’t deliver outside the northwest region.
Tweets about hiking equipment in Florida won’t be relevant to your lead-generation strategy.
It’s easier to narrow your search by adding a location now than having to filter through bad leads later.
However, if you have an ecommerce shop with global distribution, you may decide to disable the location feature in the search.
It’s up to you.
However, I’d still recommend focusing on a particular country or region.
That way you can segment these leads and market to them accordingly.
Step #5: Filter the dates
If someone tweeted about your company 3 years ago, it’s probably a little too late to consider that user as a lead.
You want to make sure your search results are recent as well as relevant.
Start with the last few months. If you want more results, you can always expand that to the last six months or to the previous year.
These 5 steps are super easy to follow.
Next time you’re trying to generate leads on Twitter, start with the advanced search query.
Use hashtags to promote your brand
Hashtags are a great way to get your company name out there.
If you can get enough users to use your hashtag, it could potentially go viral and start trending.
Here’s what’s trending in Seattle today:
Come up with a clever and creative hashtag for your company.
Look at the sponsored hashtag at the top of this image from Papa John’s.
#NationalPizzaMonth is much easier to read than #nationalpizzamonth.
Granted, if a user types this hashtag without any capital letters, it will still work.
But you should utilize this capitalization strategy in all of your tweets.
It’s easier to read, plus it can help you avoid potential embarrassment.
Back in 2012, a British singer named Susan Boyle used a hashtag to promote her new album.
She tweeted #susanalbumparty to promote it.
It’s harmless, but the combination of certain letters without any spaces or capitalization could appear inappropriate.
#SusanAlbumParty looks much better and prevents confusion.
But who knows, maybe you want to be sneaky with your hashtags, hoping one of them goes viral.
I just wouldn’t encourage or recommend that.
Tweets with hashtags also have a greater chance of being retweeted.
Retweets will obviously expose your brand to a wider audience.
The more people use the tag, the more likely it’ll go viral or trend on Twitter.
See who used your hashtag. Engage with these people.
It’s an effective lead-generation strategy.
Use Twitter as a customer service resource
If your customers have questions, complaints, or other inquiries, encourage them to contact you on Twitter.
Because other people will see how responsive your brand is.
It creates exposure and increases your chances of getting more leads.
Customer service interactions are trending upward on social media.
This means customers know they can contact their favorite brands via Twitter and expect brands to respond.
If other businesses are responding to their tweets, your customers will assume you’re going to do the same.
Ignoring your customers’ tweets could end up giving you a bad reputation for customer service.
However, responding to them in a timely fashion can have the opposite effect.
Customers are going to complain. These things happen.
Don’t let a negative tweet throw you off your game. Respond politely, and try to rectify the situation. Do not get defensive or make excuses.
Remember that everyone will see this interaction, so keep it professional at all times.
Look at what happens when a person experiences a positive customer service response:
The customer is likely to do two things:
share the experience
recommend the brand
If this interaction happens on Twitter, it’s even easier for the customer to do both of these things.
Providing amazing customer service can do much more than just generate leads.
It could potentially double your revenue.
Using Twitter for customer service can reduce the chances of the customer getting frustrated.
A recent study suggests that Twitter is the least frustrating customer service channel.
So you already have an advantage there.
Engage with your customers
Now that you know how to find leads on Twitter, it’s time to make sure you’re turning those leads into conversions.
If someone’s tweeting about your brand, products, or industry, reach out to them directly.
Let them know you can help.
Think back to our advanced search query.
You may find some users who don’t even know your brand exists.
How do you change that?
Here are a few tips:
follow their profile
like their posts
retweet their content
reply directly to their tweets
If they didn’t know about you before, they will definitely know about you now.
Make sure your profile is active.
Give your prospective leads a reason to follow your brand.
Getting a discount is the top reason why consumers follow a company on Twitter.
They also want to receive:
exclusive content
If your Twitter account isn’t doing these things, your lead-generation strategy won’t be nearly as effective.
Content consumption has grown by 25% on Twitter over the last 2 years.
Users want to interact and engage with their favorite brands on Twitter.
People all over the world are tweeting about things relevant to your business.
The trick is learning how to filter those results to generate leads.
Use the Twitter advanced search queries to do this.
It’s a great way to customize a search based on:
This information will give you the most updated and accurate results.
Once you find a prospective lead, reach out to them directly. Follow their profile, and try to get them to follow you back.
Run promotions, and offer exclusive content on your feed. This will entice users to interact with your page.
Twitter is also an excellent platform to provide customer service. If a customer has a positive customer service experience with your company on Twitter, they are more likely to share their story and recommend your brand.
Use hashtags as a creative way to get exposure for your business.
All of these tips will help you improve your lead-generation strategy on Twitter.
What hashtag will you create to generate leads via Twitter?
https://www.quicksprout.com/2017/10/30/everything-you-need-to-know-about-generating-leads-on-twitter/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2017/10/everything-you-need-to-know-about.html
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topicprinter · 7 years
This is a post originally published here (with images and that show how we collect these metrics).As we all know, great customer service doesn’t just occur by itself. It occurs when you’re listening and taking notes. When you know what needs to change. Otherwise, how can you change for the better?Merely going through the motions with your help desk software won’t guarantee certain results you may have in mind. You need the right data and the right process in helping you set specific goals. For example, if you’re trying to make customers happier, you might be inclined to improve the time it takes to resolve customer requests. If you’re trying to reduce complaints, you need to understand who’s complaining about what first.What is the purpose of reporting?The idea isn’t about being aware of what’s going on in your help desk. It’s about setting and reaching customer service goals. Reports are something that turns lofty ideas into attainable reality.What’s more, reports help you visualize processes and behaviors that lead to specific outcomes. Yet what you choose to communicate and and how matters quite a bit. For example:Frontline agents may want to stay informed regarding their own performance relative to the team.The team needs to be aware of monthly reports relative to previous periods. This is also for communicating goals for the next quarter.Management needs to understand key changes in trends. They should be able to set general expectations and establish policies to help reach projections.In either case, understanding who you must report to and why you’re doing it will help you focus on the right data. Having perspective on all three levels is a must, as is a willingness to improve support operations.What makes a metric usable?A while ago, we wrote a popular blog post about treating feedback like a mirror. In it we asked ourselves, “What is feedback supposed to be like?” The words that came to mind were: Descriptive. Specific. Immediate. Genuine. Things that make any type of data reliable and usable.Similarly, customer service is a precise activity with plenty to measure. There’s call volumes, chat times, resolution rates to decipher. Since it’s much easier to record, measure and analyze quantitative data, we can make calculated decisions that improve productivity as well as the overall customer service experience.With all this data comes a lot of responsibility. Indeed, deciding on what’s worth keeping (analyzing) and what to dismiss as background noise can be quite a challenge. With this in mind, we came up with a number of customer service metrics you should be keeping an eye on.1. Customer satisfactionWhile you may solve tickets on time and in effective manner, you’ve got no idea how well you’re really doing. That’s because one of the more important pieces of information is what customers think of their support experience.Furthermore, if you can’t place happy customers against those that are unhappy, how do you know where you need to improve?In some help desks, you can add a simple question at the end of emails that let customers rate their experience with a click of a link. Not only this allows agents to drill down into individual tickets, they can dig deeper and spot trends in:customer satisfaction over timesatisfied vs. unsatisfied customercustomer satisfaction by team member2. Conversations per agentTracking the number of conversations every team member handles can assist you in managing and assigning workloads. It helps in corresponding agent duties with existing workloads to keep the team functioning at its best.Having said that, there are many reasons someone might drop below their benchmark. First of all, there might be complex tickets that need extra attention. If you decide to use this metric as a KPI, use it to get the conversation started – not as a measuring stick.3. Response times according to customerObviously, a lower response time will always be a pleasant surprise for your customers. Yet this metric does more than ensure everyone gets a timely answer to their questions.It’s particularly useful if you’re segmenting customers according to value. Aside from keeping you in the loop of your team’s performance, response times ensure you don’t fall short of expectations with your most valuable customers.4. New conversationsPaying attention to the volume of inquiries that land in your help desk is crucial. Keeping an eye on spikes during specific times of day (especially over longer periods of time) will help you anticipate crunch times.This is not only helpful during the holiday rush, but super handy in planning vacations or working disruptions into your schedule.5. One customer’s ticketsSometimes you need to zero in on one particular customer’s history. This is useful when you’re trying to understand specific customer or agent behavior.Is this customer a typical or a special case? Getting a snapshot of each customer’s ticket queue (and its assignees) helps you visualize which agents are spending the most time with that customer.6. Change in ticket quantityTicket numbers fluctuate, be it week to week, month to month or year to year. Keep an eye on these trends to be sure you’re going in the right direction.For example, the majority of b2b and b2c businesses out there experience a considerable drop in tickets during the months of December and July. Setting business hours for your help desk disregards your evenings & weekends so that you can better compare workday trends.7. Most used workflowBeing customer-centric means setting goals to stay ahead of customer expectations. As a result, it’s a good idea to review workflows such as saved replies, SLA or automations to help eliminate trouble areas.When a certain command or task is used much more than others, it may be a sign of many things. It could be a bottleneck, an overused function (needs to be split into smaller functions) or just a useful function from your team’s point of view.8. Overall support volumeIs there a particularly large boom in tickets at a certain time period? Knowing when your crunch times are (and your ability to handle them) keeps disruptions to a minimum.One big advantage of getting a weekly picture over a time period is that it helps you understand what time of day is the busiest - and if there is a reason for that.9. Problem resolution timeHow long should the customer wait until their issue is resolved? Regardless of your answer, making it the primary target for agent performance isn’t always recommended.In this sense, the average problem resolution time can tell only half of the story, while the number of emails within that time period will tell you if tickets are directed to the right person (and if that person is adequately skilled in resolving that issue).How much back-and-forth communication needed to solve a ticket?How soon is a ticket assigned to an agent after it comes in?How is the importance of the issue communicated?How long does it take for customers to respond?10. Whether customers find the answerAs your company grows, you’ll need revisit your knowledge base, for both your customers and employees. This goes beyond offering a simple FAQ system – instead, a knowledge base is a self-service machine that answers contextual questions and gives users accurate suggestions.What should you measure?This could be a combination of metrics, including whether customers found your knowledge base articles useful or not useful; what article gets the most views and what topics are the most engaging for your users.Reports don’t just help agents do a better job or offer better service to customers. It’s something that helps the bottom line. It keeps team members on board and sets a trajectory for improvement. It uncovers weak points that otherwise would be hidden from your workflows.
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