#this isn’t a good post but i think stancy does make sense for both of them 😭
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petruchio · 3 years ago
would stancy not be such a character regression for both steve and nancy lol i see how theyve both grown separately and they get along much better now but in terms of overall plot meaning that would be such a disappointing step back
ok im honestly of 2 minds about this
like first of all, i feel like at this point ive given up on the development of stranger things making sense and im fully just here to watch my favs and have them say funny lines and swing baseball bats at supernatural monsters. like if you’re watching stranger things for the character development… power to you i guess, but i feel like you’re just going to be disappointed lol. like for me, i love steve and nancy separately and i love them together. always have. so i just like to see them :) i just think they’re neat
but also like! i still think stancy is good anyway!!! like would it really be a step back? i mean yeah they broke up, but my thinking is, they broke up in large part because of nancys guilt over barb and her externalizing a lot of that guilt onto her relationship with steve, which honestly wasn’t fair to either of them! @ofswordsandpens wrote a really nice post about it here — basically yes, of course the only person who can truly absolve nancy of her guilt over barb is *nancy herself* but her repairing her relationship with steve is also a pretty valid narrative way for her to move forward as well! especially since s4 showed that she’s still troubled by it!
(side note that’s why i thought nancys vecna possession was so lame?? like i thought it was so obvious that it was going to deal w barb and steve and the night at the pool. it was literally right there for them to deal with… a character that carries a lot of guilt…. former fan favorite character they killed off… steve being the only one left with her in the ud… they set it up so clearly and i thought they were going somewhere with it and then they just abandoned that and made her just watch haunted house boy and dr brenner tattoo artist era instead. like why… why would vecna care about nancy enough to show her all of that……. it was bizarre. a serious and extended lingering barb guilt scene would’ve been way more compelling. but i digress i was supposed to be talking about stancy)
i mean. we didnt see it on screen but steve and nancy started dating presumably because… they liked each other? and it was everything that happened with the upside down that got in the way of that! so for her to be able to separate all the upside down stuff from that relationship and just be comfortable with liking steve as a person again? personally i don’t feel like that would be a regression for her. honestly i think it would be a step *forward* for her to be able to really come to terms with her feelings surrounding barb, steve, and everything else she’s faced since s1 began. and steve too! who has learned not to minimize the problems and not pretend it isn’t happening like he did before. yes they’ve both changed a lot from who they were at the start of the show, but they’ve developed in a way that their reunion honestly makes sense to me. the nancy and steve of s1 and s2 could never have gotten here. but the nancy and steve of s4 CAN!
idk though like i said before i usually avoid tv fandom FOR THIS REASON and the shipping “discourse” ive seen wrt stranger things is like, genuinely alarming to me!!! like i go in the tags for some fun times and people are so intense!!! like isn’t this supposed to be for fun 😭 it’s just a television show. at the end of the day my main defense of stancy is literally just “i like them” and i really don’t have anything more to say for myself. i just like them. i think they should make out. that’s it
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nanceharringtons · 3 years ago
Expanding on the whole “my parents never loved each other” scene post, it’s interesting how people use that as their number one reason stancy would never work as it’s not very accurate the way they try to paint it. As if Nancy is allergic to the very idea of ever having a family and should just spend her life devoted to her career. Nowhere in that scene did she mention that she hates kids and the idea of ever having her own family. What she does fear is a loveless marriage for the sake of convenience and having to drop all her ambitions like Karen did to raise said family.
This is 100% not what Steve is offering. If you honestly believe Steve would expect her to give up her dreams and her ambitions to be a stay at home mom then you don’t know either of these characters very well. I mean we’re talking about Steve here. The one this fandom always refers to as the ‘mom’. If anyone was to stay at home, it’d be him. 
There’s a scene in season 2 where Steve and Nancy are in his car and he’s feeling resigned about his future. He mentions how he’s probably just going to end up working for his dad and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad because it pays good and he’d get benefits and could be around for her senior year. This scene, I feel, played into Nancy’s fears of settling. Steve didn’t know what he wanted for himself so he’s resigned himself to working for his dad after high school because it’s the easiest option. 
In season 4 this isn’t the case. Steve grew up a lot in their time apart and he knows what he wants now and he tells Nancy as much. She sees this. You can read it very clearly in the winnebago scene. She isn’t “disgusted” or “repulsed” by his hopes for the future, she’s very clearly intrigued by it and people who are trying to say she isn’t are just willfully ignoring canon in favor of their own headcanon.
It’s also important to note that Steve said Nancy was the most important part of this dream, so it wasn’t so much him saying “I want six kids with you” so much as he was saying “I see you in my future.” It’s also important to note that Nancy can have both. She can have her career and her ambitions and still have a family to come home to and go on summer vacations across the country in a winnebago with. It isn’t like she can have one or the other and the fact that some people treat it like that just says a lot to me. It doesn’t take away from her being an ‘independent girlboss’ nor is it misogynistic for her to want a family, so can we stop throwing around that word when we don’t personally like something? She can have her dreams and still want a family too without it being sexist. 
ALSO, Jonathan mentioned having kids with Nancy in a future where they’re both miserable because he apparently thinks that Nancy would just drop everything to be with him in Cali if he’s honest with her, which... Seriously? Say that this did happen for argument sake... Isn’t that basically the point antis are arguing about how stancy wouldn’t work? Make it make sense.
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rosesradio · 2 years ago
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#oh to be robby. i’m pretty sure he left at that point but if i heard my new sensei tell my old sensei ‘you know you liked it’ i’d be 🏃‍♀️
My Top Posts in 2022:
1.) you have a character named EJ (the letters of which stand for no other than Elton John) (that’s gay)
2.) his narrative foil (just fyi having a same-sex narrative foil is automatically gay) is a bisexual curly haired twink with big brown eyes, cuffed jeans, and a blurred line sense on what is “bro talk” and what is just flirting (i.e. “pretty boy”, the pillow fight, the “lovers” comment, etc.)
3.) both of the characters are within the same love square, constantly shown to have short, flighty relationships with the same girls. despite this, they’ve built up and tried to keep a close friendship outside of unknown, hormonal-driven spikes of jealousy
4.) i have grabbed the mouse by the tail
172 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
every fandom has the gay person’s straight ship. aka the straight ship that is so legitimately good and valid that people don’t ship it just because it’s straight and in the show.
for cobra kai it’s robby/tory (and damanda for the parent crowd)
for stranger things it’s lumax (and, in some cases, chrissy/eddie. i said what i said)
for hsmtmts it’s gina/ej. point blank period portwell is so good
that’s all thank you and gn <3
256 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
i’ve been meaning to say this for a minute but like i think people in the st fandom should--what’s the word--acknowledge fanon content more, and like allow people to ship what they want (to an extent, guys) etc.
maybe it’s because i’ve been in a lot of fandoms where we relied on fanon content to carry the fandom (which is why i left sanders sides lol) but i think that stranger things is so rooted to it’s theories and whatever current ship is being portrayed, that people feel the need to shut others down in their fanon content.
for example, is steddie going to happen? most likely not, they’re going down the (imho basic) route of stancy. does that mean that no one should ship steddie or make content of them, and that the ship is inherently bad, because it’s not in the show? absolutely not.
concepts of things (especially ships) is what encourages creativity and content. i actually think the concept of mileven is pretty cool (but the way they show it in the show makes me not want to root for them). basically, just because a ship isn’t canon, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t like them or make content about it. that’s literally what fandom is for.
257 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
so i was taking uquizzes because i’m super productive (is this a bad time to mention there’s no new ctp update tonight? lol) anyways i found this uquiz (that is not mine!) i wanted to share because i wanna see what my mutuals get. it’s which dead dove trope are you? i’ll share first i got age gap :/ which honestly fair
304 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
for all of the ej slander we have endured this season, i am willing to accept an apology in one of four ways:
1.) ej gets an emotional scene in which he breaks down and has a heartfelt song dedicated to him, like all of the other struggling characters have gotten thus far (some have gotten multiple songs).
2.) ej gets a hot villain bop in which he corrupts the entire show as a last screw you all to the cast who has been nothing but inconsiderate of him
3.) ej gets a heartfelt ballad in which we can all begin to sympathize for him until it takes a sickening turn into a hot villain bop
4.) ej gets with ricky
563 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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