#this is your emoji now i am very sorry. if there were a birkenstock emoji you would have gotten that one but since we also talked about fee
nxsmss · 3 years
7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 24, 25, 37 (I think I know the answer haha), 47, 54, 57 (don’t be shy, show both), 74, 76, 82, 96, 113 (as a german, I know this is a heikle frage)
enjoy brudi 💛
danke brudi❤
7. how tall am I?
I'm not sure about 5,5 I think (168cm)
8. what do I miss right now?
cold weather, concerts
9. favourite color?
black, purple
10. do I have a crush?
12. what am I listening to right now?
I feel like dancing - all time low
16. meaning behind my url?
nxsmss = anxious mess without the vowels
24. tattoos and piercings I have?
tattoo: '01 on my ankle
piercings: 4 lobe piercings on each side, helix on my right ear, tragus on my left ear
25. tattoos and piercings I want?
tattoos: nothing particular
piercings: conch, rook, industrial, and I always wanted a nostril piercing
37. if I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
drew haha, sebastian stan and a bunch of my moots
47. do I have any nicknames?
nope :(
54. my top 5 blogs?
I don't think I have top 5 blogs or top 5 moots. I basically love interacting with all of them. but some I have interacted quite a bit recently or that have been on my mind (whether I interacted with you a lot or not) are, you of course, @x-lulu @jjouterbanks @hernameisnoell @chloesapogue
57. what is my current desktop picture?
I have 2. my laptop and an additional desktop. and no I don't get shit done
Tumblr media Tumblr media
74. dyed my hair?
yes, black, black/blue, dark purple
76. met someone famous?
jeff stinco walked past me and a bunch of other fans while we waited outside the venue for a simple plan concert
I was at a supernatural convention were I took a pic with matt cohen and my friend and I met ruth connell and briana buckmaster in an elevator
and a bunch of german youtubers back in like 2014
I think that's it
82. where do I want to live when older?
don't really care, tho I could imagine moving to hamburg
96. what does the most recent text that you sent say?
brudi nooo. ich würde ja sagen stell dir einfach vor es ist drew und ihr geht gerade Möbel shoppen weil ihr zusammen zieht aber die incest vibes wären da schon größer😂😂
do yourselves a favor and don't translate it into english
113. do you smile at strangers?
in my town, yes. when i go to a bigger city, no
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