#this is worse than Rigel V
merrysithmas · 1 year
au where una gets gum stuck in her hair and frantically calls pike to her cabin at 3am for an "emergency" & he's shook like emergency??? what's going on??? and there she is in the doorway, whispering, with a towel over her head like a forlorn saint and demands he come inside. he's just staring like ok what is going on??? and she removes it, revealing The Situation.
and it's worse than either of them ever imagined, she explains with every attempt to remove it the mess worsened. snowball effect. it's giving medusa. so he has to spend his entire downshift to help her get it out for 6 hrs using the old earth wive's tale of peanut butter (which he luckily has, ground fresh somehow). apron on and everything.
and she's having a menty b that she's going to have to shave half her head and pike suggests maybe bangs and she loses it
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simbience · 5 years
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↳ Ope, jee I really don’t know? I updated them soo long ago but I don’t think I noticed a difference in quality? Really just did it so my faliens could tan :c
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↳ I owed @rigel-sims​ a sim for a req and they claimed her! Sorry !! 
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↳ I probably love you too. 
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↳ 🥺 Thank you sm...  
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↳ That would bee adorable h u h jk I’d probably ruin it and make everyone scarred by bees 4 life F
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↳ I think when it comes to the sims Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook are my only options and frankly, they’re all terrible. But ya!! UKW This 2 week break I’ve been on has kinda helped? Granted people have been worse to me than before when I was actually active, but that’s ok cos’ it just made me realize I’m not here for anyone else or their approval? obvs not EVERYONE is going to like you or your sims, that’s not even a big deal!!!! But being nasty abt it just makes them look soooooo bad! They’re pixels, how juvenile can you possibly be? In the end they’re only hurting themselves!! I’m gna keep making what *I* like because this is about and for ME, not anyone else? Ppl need to understand that!! 
& imma quote my v beautiful and smart friend here: “Imagine judging someone on their MUSIC TASTE like.... y’all it’s 2020 can we learn to disconnect music from the artist. You: enjoys a couple songs Them: well she sTaNs melanie.  Even if she does like ddlg it doesn’t matter because you don’t??!? We shouldn’t base assumptions on a persons entire life and stance on issues based on a singular artist they listen to.” 
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↳ I dunno! But it’s irrelevant cos they don’t matter! But ty sweetheart <3 
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↳ I lov u. 
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↳ Thank you nonny!!!!!!!!!! 
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
Drunken Promises (Leonard McCoy x Fem!Reader) [Request!]
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“Hi I was wondering if you could write a story where Bones and the reader get really drunk on shore leave and get married. Neither of them know until they dock at a station and she gets a package on the bridge for Mrs. McCoy.” -anon
Hi anon!! I can NOT tell you how much I LOVE THIS IDEA. I had sooooo much fun writing this! Thank you for requesting!
Ughh I CAN NOT WAIT until summer break. Three more weeks, but they’re all going to be long ones. Here’s what’s going to be happening upload-wise: I have finals in two weeks and then I will be gone on a trip for another week without my laptop. I will hopefully have pre-written requests to upload from my phone, but I’m not sure if I will have time. If that doesn’t happen, once I get home I will write like there’s no tomorrow! I will be getting requests out
Word Count: 2043 Warnings: Fluff, swearing, implied smut Posted: Tumblr, Wattpad
You had definitely not planned on getting drunk. You were even the ‘designated driver’, and even though you were on Risa and had definitely not driven there, it was still (supposed) to be up to you to get everyone back to the ship safely. That was not what had gone down. 
The beginning was coming back slowly and in little pieces the next morning. You were hungover as hell, and supposedly everyone else that had gone on shore leave was too, judging by how Jim had given everyone an extra day to regroup. 
Sometime last night, you had rented a hotel room. You had assumed you had done it alone, since you woke up alone, but you couldn’t have been more wrong. You were sprawled over the king-sized bed, limbs tangled in the sheets and a bottle of fresh apple juice tucked under your arm. You groaned as light filtered into the room as one of Rigel V’s suns started rising higher, rolling over and taking a swig from your juice. 
You could remember who you went with; Jim, Scotty, Chekov, Spock, Uhura, Sulu, and Leonard. You remembered slipping into that [f/c] dress that you had been dying to wear in front of Leonard and caking on that ridiculous amount of makeup to make him jealous when other guys approached you. You just couldn’t remember anything after that. 
Hours later, your rumbling stomach was enough for you to drag your drunk ass out of bed, gripping the apple juice bottle tightly. You slid your legs out first, only then realizing you were nearly naked (which was just a little odd) and then allowing your head to adjust to the sudden movement. You didn’t have any clothes with you since you came here straight from the bar, so you shrugged a plush complementary robe over your shoulders and made your way to the doorway. That was, until something on your bedside table caught your eye. 
You stumbled back towards your bed, bending down to pick it up. Your eyes widened when it hit you, nearly dropping back down.
It was an elaborate, stunning wedding ring.
You scrutinized it, bringing it closer to your eyes so you could examine it further. You brought it with you into the living room, placing it gently on the small kitchen counter, before looking in the mini fridge for something to eat. When you again realized that there was nothing in this room because you rented it when you were drunk, you had no food, no clothes, and no currency. You called room service anyway, telling them that you were a Starfleet officer and that the tab could be charged as a work expense. After all, your extra day was Jim’s doing, therefore making it Starfleet’s problem. They could deal with a $25 breakfast. 
It wasn’t that much later when a young Risan knocked on your door to present an elaborate meal. (Maybe it would be a little more than $25) You thanked her and promised that a tip would be included on the bill since you didn’t have any Risan cash money. She left in a hurry after that and you sighed, pouring yourself some of the pinkish drink from the pitcher into a glass and walking out onto the balcony. You sighed at the beautiful view, wondering how the hell your drunk self had gotten this room, and your thoughts wandered back to the shimmering silver ring resting in your palm. You couldn’t have gotten married, could you?
Accidentally getting married to one of your closest friends would have been enough to deal with, but a stranger? You didn’t know if you could deal with that. You heaved another sigh, placing the delicate piece of jewelry into the robe pocket and settling into the plush chair. You decided you would figure it out later. For now, you wanted to enjoy the killer view and the sweet breeze before you had to face anything.
Leonard woke up in a strange bed, with next to no clothes on. He didn’t know where he was, or who he was with, or even what had happened the night before; all he could think about was his throbbing head and the fact that he might have had a one night stand. 
The lump next to him was turned away from him, knocked out cold, tangled in the sheets and snoring softly. He slipped off the bed and found his pants, maneuvering around to the other side in hopes he would see who he had (possibly) slept with, but her face was obscured from view besides the mop of hair spewing out from the covers. He moved to pull the pillow away, but he stopped. He didn’t want to confront whoever it was if he woke her. That didn’t stop him from looking around the room for other clues, though. His eyes caught onto a peek of [f/c] fabric poking out from underneath the conforter, still slightly attatched to the wearer, and Leonard’s thoughts flashed to [y/n]. She had been wearing a [f/c] dress that night as well and the possibility that the hungover girl in front of him was her, but he quickly pushed the thought away. He didn’t want to deal with those feelings. His eyes wandered around a bit more as he shrugged his shirt on and he froze as a glittering piece of metal grabbed his attention. 
Horror filled him as he held the intricate ring between his fingers, the possibility that he slept with a married woman dawning on him. He quickly placed the ring back where he had found it and hurried out from the room, running his fingers through his hair to make it seem less messy but making it worse. He buckled his belt in the elevator and smoothed the wrinkles out of the black tee he had decided to wear. In his hurry to leave he missed one crucial detail.
The silver band he wore on his left hand, matching the one he had found on the bedside table. 
He could remember that he had gone with all of the senior officers to the crowded bar, and he remembered the dress [y/n] wore. Oh, that dress, with the seemingly modest frame from the front but if she had turned just slightly, the slit traveling up her thigh just enough, and the open back that exposed her smooth skin; it was all enough to make his mouth water all over again. The thought occurred to him again that the woman in the room might’ve been her, but he thrust it away a second time. There were plenty of women wearing that color that night, not that he would rather be with one of them. Part of him hoped that it was you, but then returned to the ring and all bets were off. She wasn’t married to anyone. 
Not until last night at least.
The next morning, you felt ten times better than the day before. You tidied up a little bit before leaving, placing the Risan cash on the table that you had gotten from the ATM in the lobby for the polite Risan waitress and the housekeepers. You also paid for the robe, which was what you wore over your open-backed dress in the chilly morning. You absent-mindedly fiddled with the ring in your pocket, slipping it on without thinking. You pressed your other hand onto the scanner as you walked through security to get back onto the ship, not even sparing a second glance to the screen that displayed your name. The security guard’s gaze snapped up to look at you curiously, but before you could understand why you were already walking up the skywalk back into the ship. You hastily made your way to your quarters to change, but bumped into Jim. 
“Hey [y/n], back so soon?” he shot you a knowing glance and you rolled your eyes. 
“Hold your horses, Jimmy. I woke up alone yesterday,” you assured him, sidestepping the captain and continuing forward. 
“You sure about that?” he slid into step next to you, nudging your shoulder lightly. “Bones came back early yesterday morning-”
You took a sharp turn, interrupting him. He caught back up with you. 
“Trust me, Jim,” you began, stopping in front of your quarters. “Leonard would never sleep with me. Plus, I have more pressing matters to deal with.”
You flashed the ring to him as the doors closed, Jim’s eyes widening before the metal hissed shut in his face. You breathed out in relief, calling the computer to bring the lights up to 75% as you slid out of your robe and dress to hop into the shower. You took the ring off and set it on the counter before slipping into the warm spray.
Ten minutes later, you stepped out and tugged on your uniform, walking out of the bathroom while toweling out your hair. You also put the ring back on, twirling it absent-mindedly as you made your way to the bridge for duty. The turbolift hissed open and you strode out to your station. You started prepping before you felt someone come up behind you. 
“This is for you, Mrs. McCoy,” Jim sneered, holding the small package in front of you. Your eyes widened and suddenly, it all came crashing back down on you.
You sat at the bar, several shot glasses littered around you as you guffawed with a stranger who had just bought another round. You could barely hear or see anything, you were so drunk, and suddenly the man wasn’t there anymore. You looked around curiously, and that's when you noticed he was replaced with a familiar face. 
He took your face into his hands and pressed his mouth to yours roughly, letting it escalate as you responded immediately. You made out for a while before he pulled away.
“I’m in love with you,” he slurred, caressing your cheek. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you replied, grabbing his hand and stumbling out from the bar. You had found a small pawn shop that was selling stolen jewelry, but you and Leonard didn’t care. You quickly bought the rings and rushed over to a small place that resembled the Little Vegas Chapel, and you were married. It had gotten a little heated on your way out, so you both ran to the nearest resort and booked a room. You both stumbled in, kicking off your shoes. You were kissing again, and Leonard was fumbling for your zipper as you crawled onto the bed. His hands roamed over your body, resting dangerously over your ass-
You snapped yourself out of your reverie as the memories trickled in, heat blooming in your face. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed, eyes flicking back down to the ring on your left hand. 
“Did you just...” Leonard’s voice caused you to freeze as you turned around, ring in plain sight. His eyes zeroed onto it, slowly moving from his hand to yours over and over again. “Oh no.”
By now, you had attracted the attention of most of the bridge crew, all eyes on you and Leonard. He suddenly grabbed your hand and practically dragged you into the turbolift, pausing it as it started to move. 
“[y/n], I’m so sorry,” was the first thing he said, surprising you. 
“For what?” you asked. “I’m not mad about this.”
“You’re not?” he looked at you quizzically. “[y/n] we got married and we haven’t even had our first date yet. I took advantage of you-”
“No, you didn’t,” you insisted, placing your hand on his arm. “Len, what happened the other night; I wanted it. I wanted you. Drunk or not.”
He seemed to loosen up a bit, but he was still tense.
“Okay,” he said slowly, smiling lightly. “I wanted it too, but we still have this marriage problem..”
“Don’t worry about that,” you smirked cheekily. “I quite like being Mrs. McCoy.”
He returned your sly grin, sending chills up your arms. “Do you now?”
Your smile faltered a little at the predatory look in his eyes, adrenaline and excitement raising the hairs on your arms. He ran his hands up your body, resting them on your cheeks as he pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
He pulled away too quickly for your liking, eyes boring into yours. 
“I quite like it too.”
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Science Fiction New Releases: 8 February, 2020
Planetary avatars, post-apocalyptic vault dwellers, interstellar privateers, and alien hijackers feature in this week’s collection of science fiction’s newest releases.
After the Sky (Spirits of the Earth #1) – Milo James Fowler
The meek have not inherited the earth.
The world isn’t how they left it. When the bunker airlocks release them after twenty years in hibernation, the survivors find a silent, barren world outside. But they are not alone. There is a presence here, alive in the dust—spirits of the earth, benevolent and malicious as they interact with the human remnant.
Milton is haunted by a violent past he’s unable to escape, despite the superhuman speed the spirits give him.
Not interested in bearing the next generation, Daiyna is determined to destroy the flesh-eating mutants lurking in the dark, pierced by her night-vision.
Luther is a man of conviction who believes the Creator has offered humankind a second chance, yet he’s uncertain they deserve it—and he’s perplexed by the talons that flex out of his fingers.
Willard is a brilliant engineer-turned-soldier who refuses to leave his bunker, afraid of becoming infected and willing to destroy any obstacle in his way.
As their lives collide, the mysteries of this strange new world start unraveling, culminating in the ultimate life-or-death decision one survivor will make for them all.
Archangel Rising (Archangel One Book 2) – Evan Currie
Archangel Squadron faces off against the forces of the brutal Protectorate to claim a prize, and save humanity, in a gripping novel of deep space jeopardy by the author of the Odyssey One series.
At the helm of a commandeered freighter, Captain Steph Michaels has infiltrated the Free Star systems. Leading a captive crew, and posing as a privateer, he’s on a mission to seize a precious resource from an enemy outpost. Backed by his Archangel Squadron, it’s a smash-and-grab operation he can pull off in his sleep. Until it isn’t.
Before he and his “pirates” can strike, they’re met with an unexpected obstacle. The mining compound they’re targeting also houses camps of slave laboring families. It’s an innocent population Steph refuses to sacrifice as collateral damage, and his morality will drive him to greater extremes than ever before. With a ruthless enemy commander facing them down, Steph will find himself in conflict with not just the Free Stars but potentially with the Empire itself.
The odds of victory? Impossible to foretell.
Between Two Worlds (Four Horsemen: Guild Wars #2) – Chris Kennedy and Alex Rath
The Omega War is over, but conflict continues.
The Peacemaker-enforced ceasefire brought an end to the hostilities, but the Mercenary Guild’s moratorium on new contracts has given the other guilds time—and freedom—to redress long-standing grievances. It has also led to a mindset of “while the cat’s away, the mice will play,” and many are taking liberties they wouldn’t have normally.
On Earth, the Golden Horde continues to rebuild, because Sansar Enkh has a good idea of what’s coming. In addition to rebuilding her forces, she knows the Humans will need all the advanced tech they can get their hands on, so she sends Captain Markus “Spartan” Nicolos to search the home world of the SalSha for remnants of Kahraman tech.
The mission is a two-pronged one, as the SalSha leader Thorb needs to return to the world of his birth to recruit new pilots for his war-depleted bomber wing. He also needs to stop along the way at Capital Planet in hopes of getting the SalSha recognized as a mercenary race.
Nothing is as it seems, though, and forces are jockeying in the shadows for power, through all means possible—both legal and not. The team of Spartan and Thorb leave Earth heavily armed and armored…but will it be enough?
Glass World (Undying Mercenaries Series #13) – B. V. Larson
The Galactics arrived with their Battle Fleet in 2052. Rather than being exterminated under a barrage of hell-burners, Earth joined a vast Empire that spanned the Milky Way.
More than a century has passed since the glorious day of Earth’s annexation. Struggling to hold on to a handful of planets in the frontier provinces, humanity is at war with Rigel. After the destruction of both our fleet and theirs, a time of quiet rebuilding has begun.
James McGill was hoping for a peaceful break in the conflict, but an opportunity to gain a significant technological edge arises. He’s summoned to Central and sent off to the stars, searching for a strange planet dotted with crystalline formations. There, the vicious apex predators from Rigel manufacture their impenetrable body armor.
McGill is sent to the new planet first as an agent, then at the forefront of Legion Varus. He must face death, evil aliens, and his own untrustworthy government. Find out who lives and who gets permed.
Invaders: Dreadnought Ocelot (Invaders #4) – Vaughn Heppner
Logan and the survivors of America’s Counter Alien Unit are stranded on an empty alien space station near Saturn. Luckily, a Galactic Guard dreadnought is coming. They believe the ship belongs to the Galactics that have quarantined Earth for over six thousand years. Logan hopes to join the Guard and see the stars, and escape those on Earth trying to kill him.
But when the dreadnought arrives, the captain beams giant killer apes with laser rifles onto the station. The captain, a criminal hijacker, hopes to loot the Earth of lost Polarion technology. Worse, he plans to destroy the planet later to hide his tracks from the real Galactic Guard.
To save the Earth, Logan will fight the aliens on the station. He will fight them in space, and he will fight them underground. He will never surrender.
Pluto (Planetary Anthology #1) – edited by Dawn Witzkeand Richard Paolinelli
Pluto, the Roman god of death and wealth, ruled the underworld far away from all of the other gods. So it was only fitting when, in 1930 and working on a theorized ninth planet proposed by Percival Lowell, Clyde Tombaugh used the telescope at Lowell Observatory to locate the ninth planet in our solar system, far, far away from its brothers and sister.
Then came that day in July of 2015. Like the Romans when they found themselves within Pluto’s realm and discovered it was nothing like the desolate fires of damnation assigned to his Greek counterpart, Hades, those of us in modern time discovered that Pluto was nothing like we had imagined since 1930.
That iconic photo of Pluto, with the heart-shaped plain later named Tombaugh Regio, told us that there was so much more to the planet. First, it was not blue and not just solid ice as so many had expected it to be. Just like Pluto’s mythological domain, the planet displayed a variety of features and composition.
In this volume, what you will find in the pages that follow are twenty-one amazing stories of death and wealth set around a wandering cousin far out in the cold edges of our solar system. You will find Vikings, knights, warriors defending home and hearth, of triumph and tragedy, and, yes, even the god himself. You will read tales of great courage and great loss. Of sacrifice for a greater good and of justice delivered to the overly greedy.
Commodore Henry Gallant (The Henry Gallant Saga #6) – H. Peter Alesso
A gigantic Unidentified Flying Object materialized over the capital of Earth – terrifying the world.
The ancient Chameleon race wants to work with Humans to stop the genocidal Titans. The Chameleon are humanoid but have an AI chip implanted in their brain which gives them unique abilities.
Henry Gallant’s exceptional ability to interface with AI makes him the key to negotiate a mutual defense treaty and obtain the alien’s superior stealth technology.
Using the advanced tech, Gallant leads a raid against the Titan’s homeworld.
Science Fiction New Releases: 8 February, 2020 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
0 notes
swipestream · 5 years
Science Fiction New Releases: 20 April, 2019
The titans of military science fiction rise to duel with mecha and starships in this week’s new release roundup.
Absolution (Blood Runners #1) – George S. Mahaffey Jr. and Justin Sloan  
In a futuristic New Chicago where justice is meted out via a barbaric system called Absolution, you can either level up or check out.
Nobody knows this better than Marisol, a super-powered tracker whose job involves hunting down “Runners,” people who’ve been paid bounties to become suspects in crimes committed by the wealthy.
On the verge of becoming the city’s premier Hunter, she stumbles upon a young Runner who holds the key to a conspiracy that could topple New Chicago’s dictator–and threatens everything she’s ever believed in.
“It’s a little bit Hunger Games with a touch of Running Man and just a sprinkle of Ready Player One.”–Amazon Reader Review
Armor World (Undying Mercenaries #11) – B. V. Larson
In a twist of fate that rocks the Galactic Empire, James McGill finds himself negotiating the future of a thousand inhabited worlds.
An artificial object made of compressed stardust is barreling toward Earth. Is it an invasion ship? A doomsday weapon? Perhaps it’s the final response of Squanto, the Warlord of Rigel who McGill has repeatedly humiliated. Or could it be from the Mogwa, sent to avenge McGill’s assassination of Earth’s Imperial Governor?
No one knows the truth of its origins, but the object is huge and unstoppable. Whoever hurled this rock at us isn’t answering our calls. Every weapon bounces off, and the people of Earth begin to go mad as they realize their destruction is only hours away.
The Colossus (Blood on the Stars #12) – Jay Allan
The Hegemony strikes again…
The Confederation and its allies have won their first victory, retaken their capital from he forces of the Hegemony. But the enemy is not beaten, far from it, and they are back, with an unstoppable weapon, a vast superbattleship, a deadly hybrid of imperial and Hegemony technology, called the Colossus.
The great ship is enormously powerful, nearly unstoppable, and in its armored depths it hides a secret, another Hegemony weapon, one that will change the dynamic of the entire war. One that will challenge Admiral Barron, and his officers and spacers, to the greatest test they have ever faced.
The battle for the Rim has reached its climactic stage, but even as the Hegemony moves forward to claim victory, an old enemy, a terror from the distant past, is about to return…and change everything.
Dropship (Forsaken Mercenary #1) – Jonathan Yanez
If they can’t control him.
They’ll try and kill him.
Daniel Hunt is the deadliest mercenary in the galaxy if he can just remember. Five years before he woke up with nothing more than his name. Now his present is on a violent collision with his past and the future of the galaxy.
The Earth is dead. Humanity has taken to the moon and Mars to have a chance. On what’s left of Earth primal gangs war for dominance.
A rebel force will discover a weapon of unimaginable strength, the wealthy in the galaxy will do anything to possess. As Daniel unravels the origin of his past he’ll realize he’s not the same weapon he once was. But does redemption exist for someone like him?
Dust of the Deep (Wings of Earth #2) Eric Michael Craig
Some runs pay better than others … Especially when there are pirates involved.
After almost losing his Shipmaster’s licenses, Captain Ethan Walker takes on three new crewmembers and the first job that will get him back into space. He realizes en route that the supplies and personnel they’re carrying make the ship a prime target for pirates. It’s too late. He has no option but to complete the run regardless of the danger.
Things get worse for the Olympus Dawn when they make a one hundred light-year detour to pick up an archaeologist who knows their actual destination, only to find that someone has kidnapped her.
While they’re waiting for instructions from the archaeologist who hired them, Walker learns that Captain Kendrick Jetaar will stop at nothing to capture their cargo. Captain Walker must escape the ruthless pirate lord before he and his crew become casualties in a war he didn’t know existed.
Fortunately, the load pays exceptionally well, if only he can survive to collect.
Earth Aflame (Earthrise #11) – Daniel Arenson
The Singularity has come. The machines have risen.
Our robots, once loyal servants, now slaughter us. Our cars, planes, and starships have become machines of death. Cyborgs roam the land, deforming humans, growing their twisted army.
Is a heartless, mechanized hell our future?
A faint hope shines. Heroes still fight. Famous names. Einav. Marco. Addy. Lailani. The heroes of the Alien Wars. Names etched in our history, in our hearts. Four friends. Four humans . . . against an army of metal.
A shadow has fallen. Humanity must shine brighter than ever before.
Gott Mit Uns (Terran Strike Marines #5) – Richard Fox and Scott Moon
Terran Strike Marines fight for victory. No matter the odds. No matter the cost.
The final battle against the Kesaht begins.
Lieutenant Hoffman and the exhausted Marines of Valdar’s Hammer are called upon to make a desperate assault against the enemy’s home world. But the foe is prepared, and their planet is a death trap.
While the Strike Marines fight for their lives, the fabled ship Breitenfeld remains captured by the Ibarra Nation, and the Ember War hero Valdar languishes in a cell. The ship and her captain are held on a strange world of the Ibarra’s design, and only the Hammers can free them.
Hoffman and his Strike Marines have fought from the icy wastes of Koen, to the jungles of Eridu, and even deep into the heart of a shattered moon, but their final mission will demand a price in blood.
The Lost Supernova (Lost Starship #10) – Vaughn Heppner
Androids used to mingle among us, pretending to be human. Then an alien puppet-master altered their programming. Unknown to us, androids began leaving human society, burning their clothes and peeling off their skin to reveal the chrome-colored bodies underneath.
They gathered in a system were a star had exploded, blowing away the atmosphere of a Jupiter-like planet. The supernova had hurled heavy metals against the remaining core. The androids are mining supermetals that can turn ordinary ship weapons and shields into invincible armaments.
The altered programming includes human genocide, which will start with a murderous attack on Earth.
Luckily, Captain Maddox finds the enemy system. But during a space battle, something happens to hurl Victory thousands of light-years away into the Scutum-Centaurus Spiral Arm. The crippled starship will take years to reach home again. Long before that, Earth will be a radioactive ruin.
Now begins a desperate journey in hostile space that will stretch everyone as Maddox strains to reach the Lord High Admiral in time with knowledge about the coming android attack.
With Your Shield (Four Horsemen Tales #10) – Chris Kennedy and Alex Rath
Come back with your shield…or on it!
Staff Sergeant Markus ‘Spartan’ Nicolos is one of the Intelligence Department’s best. A hacker who can beat any code, he’s in charge of communications intercepts for the Golden Horde’s Computer Operations section. When people can’t break a code, they bring in Spartan.
It wasn’t always this way, though. Spartan used to be a frontline CASPer pilot—someone who could be counted on to get the job done and bring the squad home safely…until he lost his entire squad in an ambush. He also lost his edge in the attack, and he swore he would never pilot a CASPer in combat again.
Everything changed, though, when he came up with an idea for a new type of scout CASPer—one that would prevent what happened to him from ever happening again. He’s been given a mech to convert and a team to help him bring his idea to reality. And he’s been given a chance to test it out on a Golden Horde deployment.
But in the time immediately before the events of the Omega War, forces are already moving behind the scenes, and nothing is as it seems…and they’re bringing along Spartan’s combat mech—which he said he’d never pilot in combat again—just in case.
Science Fiction New Releases: 20 April, 2019 published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
Every and all space things👍
AAAAaaaah omg ty!!!!! (I did it once and then it deleted in case you were wondering why it took so long)
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? I don’t even know my first name at this point
Venus: What’s your first language? English (though you wouldn’t know it some days)
Earth: Where’s your home? Not my house ~I’m not sure I’ve found it yet.
Mars: What’s your sexuality? Technically I’m bi/pansexual but I doubt I’d date a guy sooo
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? Only step sibs but we’re not v close
Saturn: Any pets? Two very old rabbits that I adore and Borris the cocker spaniel who is currently trying to sit on my laptop and winning 😂
Uranus: What’s your hobby? Self loathing and meme farming 👌
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 6th october
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 18:57
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? I’m doing a levels atm, and with any luck I’ll be off to uni in september to start a masters in biochem
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? I’m doing a levels so ofc
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? I do p well generally though I almost failed gcse art last year
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? yh
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? yup!
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? I cry with any emotion if I feel it strongly enough but if it it’s not sadness it’s usually because I’m happy.
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? I don’t remember many things to be honest. I suppose the way people have treated me and what they have said (in good and bad ways).
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? There are a few specific good people who I desperately want to see happy and will do anything to see them finally get what they deserve 💖
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? A couple
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? Lmao I’ve been pretending to be a straight girl for 18 years 😂
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? Yeah, both in the growing apart and passing away sense. It sucks.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? Everytime I speak I beat myself up about it later tbh
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? Halloween!! 🎃
Orion: Favourite month? October or July
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? Ugh I don’t read enough it’s so bad. I’ll say the 5 people you meet in heaven again.
Delphinus: Favourite study? …..I don’t have one. Though the first thing that popped into my head was the study of fire🔥 
Hercules: Favourite instrument? I’m always a slut for piano covers breaking my heart
Gemini: Favourite song? It changes so often but I’m really digging To Build a Home (by the cinematic orchestra) and Rats (by motionless in white) rn. Bit of a difference between the two 😂
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? There’s a couple of houses I feel chilled in but my fave place atm is just in the corner of this field watching the world go by and just escaping for a little while. I need to go back there.
Libra: Favourite colour? Like, a blood red or black.
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? I spend my life in Depression Sweatshirts^TM and jeans atm and I keep telling myself I’ll make an effort at some point but honestly I don’t even know what I like wearing anymore
Aries: Favourite movie? Deadpool/shrek (2)/hot fuzz/my sisters keeper/the life of brian
Cygnus: Favourite weather? I like it warm because I’m always freezing but The Ultimate is when you’re lying in bed watching a thunderstorm
Hydra: Favourite sound? Thats a bit… erm 😏? Let’s go with rain.
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  I don’t really have one. I’m still on pretty good terms with a girl I’ve known since I was literally a baby I suppose
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? I like socialising and being around people if they’re the right people but I’m anxious af 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? Nah, attraction though
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? I’d prefer to say I’ve never had one
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 👏Fucking terrible judging by my relationship status 👏
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? No, but then again I haven’t ended  that many relationships.
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? My dad? No.
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? Yhhh smh
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? It was quite a few years ago now but yeah, it was super cute. I still wish I knew who it was!
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? I once dated someone because I didn’t want to be mean and say no again (for like the 10th time) and it was one of the worst decisions I’ve made. So no, I won’t be doing that again.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? Only if it wasn’t safe or my s/o wanted me to
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? Yeaaah
Other stuff: Wishes
Comet: What’s your big dream? To be happy and to be able to look back on my deathbed and go “you know what, that could’ve gone a lot worse!”. Regrets are the worst too, so I’d like to minimize those.
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? I’d like a stable job and to settle down with someone who genuinely loves me. I don’t know about the rest, I’m hardly the sort to make a life plan!
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? There’s people I wish I could tell them how I feel. People I wish I could tell them who I am. People I wish I could tell them where to stick it.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? I can’t answer that, for starters because I’d freak out over the butterfly effect of it
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? (I’m guessing this means from the dead because I hardly have a burning desire to bring back VCRs or ought) I’m torn between Carrie Fisher, some people who died too young or a certain dog. 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? Oh wow nope I can’t think about the future! In a better place than I am now, with more experience and understanding.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? I mean there’s so many things, but tbh I’d like to ride a giant zip wire
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? Dont make me choose?!!?! Imma just say Lexa Kom Trikru lmao
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? Me finding someone who isn’t out of my league and also a labour majority government (in the near future at least).
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? The stars!! The moon!! 🌟🌘
0 notes
solaciummeae · 8 years
It All Just Goes to Show How,  Nothing I Know Changes Me At All | Part 15
Some part of her deep inside felt as though she was lying– whether to herself or Dean didn’t matter. She does love him, but she can’t help feeling like something doesn’t measure up. Perhaps, it doesn’t measure up to what she’d been meant to have with Jude. She’d done her best to put the blonde out of her head, she hadn’t see him almost half a year anyway. Last she’d heard he wasn’t even around anymore– which was just fine with her.
She’d insisted that they go to a different bar– V’s still held the potential that the psychic would be around. However, Dean had insisted right back that Jude hadn’t even been there in months. “Our friends and family are there– its your bar too Emma.” He’d told her with a pointed look.
So she’d put on a pretty dress and curled her hair for the first time in years. This had to be the most impractical outfit she’d worn in a long time. Not to mention– Emma didn’t wear white. She reminds herself that she’s not who she once was anymore, that its okay to be different as she takes one last look in the mirror. As she exits her bedroom, she almost crashes into Dean, who thrusts his arms out to grip her upper arms to steady both of them.
“Whoa whoa whoa–” He calls out before he really takes in her appearance. He’d been looking at the floor up until his eyes catch sight of the white fabric of her dress. She was wearing a dress and not just any dress– a very short, very girly dress. He has to swallow as his eyes finally make it up to her own which only stare at her challenging him. ‘Whoa…’ The word repeats one more time in his head, this time from pure awe.
“Well Dean, I didn’t know you had such a large vocabulary…” She snorts, crossing her arms under her chest.
“Hey– you don’t normally look like this– I mean– you’re always beautiful– you know that– you just–” He stumbles over his words.
“Look like a girl for once?” She suggests not missing a beat, nodding her head slowly as she looks up at him.
“Well yeah– I mean– no. Damn it– let’s just get out of here already.” He grumbles, scowling at her.
Emma leads the way down the stairs, stopping at the foot of them and looking around. She doesn’t see anyone at first and continues walking toward the front door. She’s just gotten it open when Dean hits the floor too and it becomes apparent that they weren’t as alone as she’d thought.
“Now just where do you think you’re goin’ dressed like that?!” Bobby’s voice comes calling harshly from behind them.
Dean almost slams into Emma again as she turns to look back at Bobby. She shoots a look up to Dean, furrowing her eyebrows. “You didn’t tell him?”
“Tell me what?” Bobby demands, glowering at them both. “What’s goin’ on here?”
“We’re just going out to V’s Bobby, nothin’ to worry about. I’m going with her.” Dean tries to explain casually with a tight smile.
Emma’s jaw hangs open slightly, looking at the blonde as if he’s an idiot. “Its a date Pops, don’t worry we’ll use protection.” She quips easily before slipping out the door with a snort. She skips down the steps of the front porch and makes her way over to the Impala.
Dean swallows again, as Bobby’s face turns ten different shades of red and menacing. “You’ll do– what?!”
“Sorry Bobby, we’ll uh– catch you later.” Dean mumbles quickly, slipping through the door and practically running toward his car just as Bobby shouts at them both to “get back here this instant.”
Emma of course, is laughing so hard she’s doubled over seemingly unable to stop. “Real funny Harper– tryin’ to get us both killed.” Dean gripes angrily, unlocking the car and getting inside in time with the brunette. He doesn’t even want to let his mind linger on the joke she’d made. ‘It was a joke…right?’ His mind utters unable to hide the thought.
Emma scoffs, “Oh come on– you have to admit the look on his face was priceless.” She slumps down into her seat, still grinning at her own humor. Of course, she wouldn’t let it go anywhere near there with Dean. Not yet at least. She was still trying to get used to the idea that they were going on a date. She’s not ready for that kind of intimacy with him. Then again, he doesn’t have to know that.
The car ride to V’s is oddly quiet, save the music that plays from the speakers with Dean humming along. She can feel the anxiety radiating from him and it sets her on edge. He isn’t nervous for the same reason she is. He went to this bar all the time and didn’t have to worry about seeing any exes of his.
‘He isn’t your ex Emma, you were never together.’ She reminds herself bitterly as they pull into the parking lot and vacate the vehicle.
He stands next to her, keeping his gaze on hers with a questioning look. He offers his hand to her, not sure if she’ll take it or if its too much too soon. He’s grateful when she does and gives it a squeeze as though she’s reassuring him that this is what she wants too.
“You know Dean– if you’re going to have a panic attack because of one date– before it even starts– this relationship isn’t going to be short lived.” She teases, leaning up to kiss his cheek. She doesn’t wait for a reply as she pulls him toward the door that stands open.
“Oh yeah, right– cause this is totally normal for me.” He complains, eliciting another laugh from her as the step inside. His eyes are so focused on her, he doesn’t even want to look away as if he’s afraid she’ll vanish right in front of him.
Emma’s laughing abruptly stops as she turns her head to greet Ivy at the bar only to find Jude standing there instead. She looks back at Dean before he can even catch her eyes. She proceeds to drag the Winchester toward a corner of the bar they wouldn’t normally occupy– the furthest from where Jude stands.
He hears the laughter before he can finish making the drink in front of him. After all, he’d know her laugh anywhere. His eyes shoot up just as she looks away, her eyes falling on the person she’s with. At first he wants to deny that its her. Emma didn’t wear clothes like that, she didn’t radiate the kind of confidence that had reached him upon her entering the bar. He watches her pull Dean over to the far table, holding tightly to the hunter’s hand as he trails after her with a stupid smile on his face.
His eyes narrow involuntarily, on their clasped hands and the emotions spilling from Dean as they take their seats next to each other. To the empath in him, its obvious that this is more than a normal night out for them. This is a date from the feeling that he gets from the older Winchester.
He tries to read Emma but its like there is nothing to read at all. It confuses him because she’d always been so easy to access before. Instead, he’s stuck with Dean who frankly, emits the kind of love sick vibrations that are enough to make the psychic want to be sick. He forces his eyes back to the drink, pouring in the last ingredient and passing it over to Rigel who gives him a sympathetic look.
He can’t get the image to leave his mind of her standing there looking like angel– even though she’d been staring up at someone else. He closes his eyes, giving a shake of his head– knowing that he needs to put up barriers so that she can’t sense his own melancholy. He barely even has time to do so as she comes marching up to the bar. She doesn’t even look phased by the sight of him, in fact she looks completely indifferent.
“Bottle of Maker’s; two shot glasses.” She orders, offering Rigel a smile who sits at the bar looking as mellow as ever. “By yourself tonight?” She asks, receiving only a nod in response.
Jude almost can’t function with her standing this close to him. He turns away reaching for the bottle she’d asked for, his face crumpling momentarily. His expression returns to neutral as he turns to hand it over the bar along with the two glasses. He doesn’t said a word– he’s not even sure he knows how to at this point.
Emma offers the most easy, “Thanks,” as she takes hold of both and turns away. She nudges Rigel in the shoulder with another smile and then heads back to her table with Dean. She’s glad for the methods Zoey had taught her. She knows he won’t be able to read anything from her even if he tried. Then again, she feels utterly dead inside even as she projects confidence in herself walking back over to Dean.
She takes her seat next to him, receiving a look of worry. “You didn’t have to do that you know? I could’a gone.” He tells her as she pulls the bottle open and pours two shots in front of them.
“And while I appreciate that– oh knight and shining armor– I’ve got it handled.” She informs him, reaching to give him his own glass. As he takes it from her she leans into him, swallowing her own and setting it on the table again.
Dean mimics the downing of his own drink before wrapping arm around her shoulder when she leans into him. He wants her to know how strong she is– how what she’d just done proved just how far she’d come. More importantly, he wants her to know how much he loves her– even if it will never be like what she’d had with the psychic.
She looks up at him, smiling sadly at the thoughts he seems to want her to hear. She leans in to him and presses her own whiskey laced lips to his, lingering for a long moment before pulling away. “Don’t give up on me okay?” She asks, that same weary smile coming from her.
Dean nods, even though he can’t help but feel as though he’s fighting a losing battle. He didn’t need to be special to know how the man behind the bar felt about the girl in his arms. It didn’t take a genius to see that it hurts her to be so close to him even with Dean holding her himself. Its written on her face, past the mask of self-assurance. She can probably feel everything that Jude feels.
Dean can only imagine what it must be like to see the woman you’re in love with for the first time after months apart. Even worse– to see that woman with another man.
He’s surprised she hasn’t already had enough and suggested that they go somewhere else– a true testament to just how different she was now. But for the first time in a long time, Dean actually finds himself wondering if that wasn’t a good thing.
“Emma–” He tries, but she she kisses him again to silence the worries she can’t probably already sense within him. He’s happy to oblige her with the movement of his own lips– clinging to her as if this thing between them won’t last.
She pulls away, her eyes fighting with his to instill hope in him. “Its okay Dean– really– don’t worry so much. I’m not that girl anymore.”
“You know what darlin’, that’s exactly what I’m scared of.” He looks on her with sadness of his own.
Jude just watches the whole thing helplessly. He can’t hear what they’re saying but every time she kisses Dean it causes a sharp stabbing in his chest. He’s sure he’s never been so jealous in his life. Sure, when he’d lived with them, Emma’d had male friends that inspired similar feelings within him. But to see her here after all this time– so completely content to rest in the arms of another– kissing him as if nothing makes her happier. It twists a knife only deeper into him. He finds himself wanting to drink, something he hadn’t desired in weeks. It would be easier to numb this horrid torment he’s stuck with. He eyes Rigel who looks more than a little concerned.
“Go– I’ll man the battle station.” Rigel tells him smoothly, rising from his seat and making his way to the spot where Jude stands.
Jude walks swiftly away, finding the hallway that houses the stairs that lead to the apartment above. He’s not sure he can even go back out there. At the same time, he isn’t sure he can make it up the stairs– that’s just how weak he feels right now. He decides that he needs to at least conceal himself from anyone who could possibly find him. Hell, he’d be content to crawl into the darkest hole and never show his face again. He moves to the cover of the underside of the stairs and slides down the wall. He rests his arms on his knees and hangs his head in the small defense of the space created.
His body begins shaking with involuntary sobs, silent but steady. He had to know that this wouldn’t easy, he had to know that he wouldn’t walk back into her life with nothing having changed. She just didn’t even seem like the same person. It didn’t help that she’d walked into the bar with someone else– someone who she’d very clearly moved past himself with.
He’s so angry but the sorrow in him wins over any other emotion. He wants to scream inside of his head but he just doesn’t have the strength. He can’t get the way she’d looked at him out of his mind– like he may as well have been stranger of no consequence to her.
While he’d been lonely in his rash pursuit of death the months before now, he’d never felt as alone in the universe as he does now. He keeps coming back to how beautiful she looks tonight– so independent and strong. The tears fall onto his jeans, creating wet splotches on the dark denim that in his folded up state, he can’t even see.
When Adam had told him that she was moving on– so much so that his son had started to disappear from existence– he hadn’t said that it was due to the fact she was dating someone else. He berates himself rapid fire in his mind. He tells himself how stupid he is, how pathetic and worthless he’s become. While he’d been off on a path of self-destruction– Emma had grown up. She’d become this person who he finds he doesn’t even know anymore.
Jude reminds himself of the biggest proof of this, how openly affectionate she was– initiating intimacy with Dean when she’d always shied away from him when he’d even tried. He’s so ready to give up any sign of sobriety. What did it matter who Jude was anymore? She deserved better than the damaged man he’d become and its clear that she’s already found that person to replace him with.
He doesn’t even realize that the screaming in his head that he’d thought to do before is already happening. It doesn’t even register because the torture his heart feels is enough to choke out any sense of self-awareness.
Back out in the lobby of the bar, Emma jumps slightly in her chair, her head whipping back toward where Jude had been before. While she knows he can’t sense her, she’s all too mindful of him.
He isn’t standing behind the bar anymore, instead Rigel has taken his place. She frowns, resisting the urge to hide her face in Dean’s chest. She feels sick as a loud screaming pulses through her mind, forcing her eyes to close at the agony it puts her through.
They’d already had enough to drink that they both sat there laughing at stupid stuff. Things like how Bobby occasionally baked and wore aprons around the kitchen for messier projects. His face is overcome with fear as she suddenly seems disturbed by something. He brings the hand of his free arm up to pull her to face him. “What is it?” He demands softly, his eyes working desperately to hold her own.
She shakes her head quickly, trying to abate the feeling of emptiness within her at what she senses. It can only be Jude, there’s no question as he has a very distinctive signature. She’s never felt such pain from anyone since she’d left the mental institution so many years prior.
It terrifies her to know that its coming from someone she was once so close to. She finds herself probing his mind, even at this distance. His head is caught in a storm– a storm that may as well be called by her own name.
Emma recalls Adam telling her that Jude was a mess, but she’d been too stubborn to listen. She couldn’t have even imagined how bad it was for him, she’d just assumed he’d be better off without her as she’d convinced herself she was without him.
He keeps thinking about drinking as though its an addiction he can’t bring himself back to. She can’t understand why this is so prominent in his mind or why it would be such a bad thing to get drunk. She searches through his own memories of the past five plus months and feels her insides freeze up.
To say that what she sees isn’t pretty is a gross understatement. She watches him intentionally put himself in danger time after time, hunting things that no one should go after alone– let alone in the state she sees him in. It all plays before her eyes like the most depressing movie she’s ever watched.
She starts to notice the pattern of his days– the routine he’d fall into himself. He hunted carelessly day after day, didn’t treat his wounds, he hardly ate or even slept, but worst of all, its clear to her that he’d developed a drinking problem.
The feeling of numbness within her starts to subside as she can’t watch anymore. Her body becomes heavy as she rests in front of Dean. She’s so overwhelmed by it all that when her eyes register him in front of her again, she can feel the tears slipping down her cheeks.
He’d been calling her name slowly for the better part of the past five minutes but knows she can’t hear him. Her eyes are glazed over and he can tell she’s not with him right now. He doesn’t try to pull her out knowing that it could cause more damage if he did. When she blinks a few times, causing tears to fall down her face– he knows its time for them to leave. He doesn’t know what she saw nor what she heard– but he knows whose head she’s been lurking in.
Suddenly its as if she’s back to her old self and while its terrifying to see her switch so quickly, he’s almost relieved to know that the Emma he knows is still in there somewhere.
“Come on darlin’, let’s get you home.” He tells her softly, his thumbs brushing away the water streaking her face.
She nods helplessly, hating herself for feeling so weak after being strong for so long. They stand from their seats, leaving the bottle of liquor on the table and making their way to the exit. She holds onto him as if she isn’t capable of walking on her own, only pausing to glance in the direction she sensed Jude coming from.
Dean is furious to say the least, but he’s not sure if he has any right. His first instinct is to blame Jude for breaking her heart again, but he doesn’t know what’s just happened. He can’t ask her to explain to him what was going on her head because he wants her to have the privacy she needs.
He all but speeds back to the house, determined to put as much space between her and that idiot as possible. As he pulls in and kills the engine, they don’t even move to get out. She shifts over to him, her legs coming up underneath herself as she wraps her arms around him again and hides her face in his shirt.
His arms circle her protectively as she begins fiercely crying into him. “Its okay Em…” His voice comes warmly, resting his chin atop her head as she trembles against him. She’d been fine for so long, the change had come on so swiftly. He finds himself wondering if what she’d found in the other psychic’s head had been too much for her to bear.
As they sit there with only the light from the house washing over them in the front seat, he already knows. She can never be his because she already belongs so wholly to someone else. Someone who– judging by Emma’s state– was in just as bad of shape as she was. This is the only conclusion he can come to.
The two of them couldn’t keep going on like this. Its so painfully clear that without each other, they just didn’t function.
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