#this is why I hate the argument : stevebucky stans are just made their ship didn’t go canon
imposterogers · 2 years
no fr marvel (disney) was so upset that ppl wrote a bunch of fanfic about steve n bucky that they decided their only option was to just ignore all previous canon and throw their entire dynamic down the garbage disposal. instead of. you know. just ignoring it and keeping their relationship platonic like we all expected
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oldstevestan · 7 years
Hiya! Can I ask an honest question and not get into an argument cause I know this causes this fandom a lot of wars, but, why are you so anti Tony? Just curious (I personally love Tony and think he’s had a rough time, I adore Bucky and think he’s had the WORST time, and I love Steve and think he’s had a rough time. Tbh I don’t hate any character in MCU)
okay first of all let me just apologize. i know i have a temper and itend to overreact a lot and end up making posts that comes off as mean andhurtful and i’m sorry. (please guys let me know if i ever end up offendinganyone!)
now on to yourquestion and i’m gonna put this under the cut because this got long and rambly.
short answer: hisstans made me hate him with the way they keep demonizing steve, nat, wanda andthe rest of the team cap. they’ve even called bucky a murderer, terrorist andcompared him to laden.
(i’m talking abouthis rabid stans btw. i know there are a lot of tony fans who love all theavengers and this isn’t aimed at them)
long answer is morecomplicated i guess. i hate him but i also kinda don’t? i’ve only watched IM1.that was a long time ago and i was not impressed with him at the end. but thenthe avengers came out and they way he treated steve in the begining just rubbedme in the wrong way. he reminded me too much of a bully i had in high school.
then that god awfulr*pe joke in aou. i’m a survivor and i hate it when people joke aboutthat. 
CW is a can ofworms. in CW tony:
 put wanda under house arrest and calledher a WMD 
blackmailed a 14 y/o and brought him in a fight against supersoldiers WITHOUT his legal guardians consent. 
refused to listen to steve and startedthe airport battle  
broke the accords multiple times evenafter signing it.  
tried to kill bucky even though heknew bucky was innocent to hurt steve 
not only did he blasted bucky’s armoff but also shot him in the back. like the guy just lost his arm AGAIN, he was probably in shock and tony just? blasts him? in the back? and there are peoplewho still think tony wasn’t trying to kill bucky. like that sounds fake but okay 
kicked bucky in the face when buckywas already on the floor, hurt and bleeding sans arm, with his metal boot. nowi’ve mentioned this before, i identify with bucky the most and any buckytorture scenes make me really uncomfortable. that scene hit too close to homefor me and i low key hate tony for it. (god i hate winterir*n so much)
he never facedconsequences for any of his actions while team cap was arrested and put in theraft. steve got them out and now team cap and probably nat are fugitives. tonygets to go to india (i will forever hate the person who thought india was goodplace to send tony) and recieve awards while steve, the guy who fought in ww2,gets called war criminal. and somehow his stans still think he is the victim?lmaooo
in homecoming heonce again made an offensive joke and asked aunt may to wear ‘something skimpy’in front of peter and even peter looked uncomfortable during that scene. tonystans drag steve through the mud because of his harmless ‘bikini’ joke with natin TWS but when tony makes an offensive joke it’s suddenly cute and funnybecause it’s tony.
i still didn’t postwank when his stans started writng steve bashing/wanda bashing or team capbashing fics. i didn’t post wank when his stans started shipping bucky with theperson who tried to kill him in cold blood and start coming up with biazzareheadcanons about how bucky would be team tony and hurt steve, who is the mostimportant person in his life, because he hurt tony’s feelings. but then thesefics started showing up in the stcky tag and i just lost it. stevebucky is oneof the few things that make me happy and seeing this stuff in the tag was sodepressing that i had to stop going there.
one thing thatmakes me lose my shit is when his stans compare what wanda did to ALL theavengers, not only tony, to r*pe. i’ve never once seen a steve stan say wandamind r*ped steve because she showed steve a vision too. it’s obvious that thesepeople don’t give a single fuck about r*pe survivors and only like to use thatword to make tony look like a victim. i, personally, don’t have any repect forthese people in my heart.
then there’s thething with mental illness. literally all the avengers, not just tony have someform of PTSD and trauma but his stans like to act as if tony’s the only one whosuffers from it and use it as an excuse to justify his shitty behaviour. 
it really doesn’tmatter who does what to these people, somehow they’ll find a way to twist anyscene to make tony look the victim and paint the rest of the avengers asbullies. these people are so full of hate that they wrote a fic about nat gettingbrutally tortured and murdered because she stopped the fight and let steve go.she was the only person in CW who was shown caring about tony and they still painther as a monster and call her names. i can only imagine the shit they’regonna say about bucky when he eventually takes steve’s side in IW and says one(1) mean thing to tony.
god i can just goon and on about tony and his stans but i’m gonna stop here.
tldr, i may or may not hate tony but i 100% hate his stans and they arethe reason why i’m so anti tony. 
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