#this is what happens when you are an occult girly reading vettius valens AND an asoiaf girly. you have unhinged shit like this in your head
althaeaofficinalis · 9 months
came to a realization today - so age 35 is your 12th house profection year, in hellenistic astrology. basically, annual profections are a timing technique that move as you age. your first year of life (birth year) is a first house year, where the themes of the first house and the sign on that cusp and the planet that rules that sign AND any planets in that sign are at the forefront of that year. when you turn 1 yr old, you move into your second house year, which is same thing for your second house etc. when you are 11, you're in your 12th house year, and then when you turn 12, you go back to your first house, and you just cycle around like that. (this is an EXTREMELY abridged explanation.)
so the 12th house, traditionally, is really kind of nebulous; it is in a sort of "blind spot" to the first house of self since it's right next to it and can't directly be "seen". what typically gets associated with it is self-undoing, enemies you don't know you have, the weird dark shit you refuse to look at inside of you like trauma, sometimes a sort of dark refuge from brighter things. it's called the house of ill spirit (as opposed to the house of good spirit, the 11th house). I'm actually in this profected year right now.
anyway the reason I bring all of this up is because I was talking to a friend and I mentioned how my 12th house year has been a lot of me enjoying cersei's incredibly fucked up shit thematically since we're the same age in feastdance, and then I realized that feastdance is cers and jam's 12th house year personified. and like... look I am pretty sure that's not what george intended but I'm just saying it fucking tracks, and of COURSE cersei is losing her shit and burning towers and recasting herself as robert and tywin in everything and getting the wind knocked out of her while jaime is muttering his lil madnesa mantra about lancel and the kettleblacks and moon boy for all he knows and thinking that threatening to trebuchet infants will get things done. they're just having their 12th house year and by god sometimes it do be like that
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