#this is the world's most stupid and pointless phobia
six-of-ravens · 1 year
I know I was joking the other day about how Talk to Me didn't scare me at all but pool filters do, but literally just now I thought about pool filters and like, other mechanical bits inside of pools for too long and had to turn the light on
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abbinurmel · 1 year
There's a giant flying roach in my apartment...
It's no more obvious to anyone besides me how utterly stupid and unfair it is to have a lifelong crippling phobia of an innocent harmless tiny creature, one that can't even sting me, that doesn't even affect my paranoia when I see it in photos or anywhere outdoors, a creature that I know has a benign purpose and even if it wasn't benign it had never asked to be put in this position...I KNOW it lacks any sense of how it bothers me(unlike spider crickets which DO deliberately jump at me to fuck with me because that's their actual instinct)- I do not even have the concern some do regarding germs or home infestation because I know those flying giant ones rarely infest and that cockroaches in fact HATE to be dirty and constantly wipe themselves with oils and their legs to groom. I follow Bogleech religiously for over a decade among dozens of other insect blogs, some of my earliest childhood books I learned to ever read were coloring books about insects and arachnids, I managed to thru hypnotism cure SOME of my fears of spiders, Gregor Samsa is one of my favorite literary characters, and The Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight is one of my favorite animated ones....
And yet. And yet. And yet.
...Even just spotting a stupid perfectly accurate TOY of them is sometimes enough to make me pee myself in terror. And now there is one, a giant one. Flying. In this house. Say that again Skinarmarink style. In this fucking house. It is now two days since he has arrived here...I thought he would mercifully just leave, so I would not have to resort to needless fear and cruelty. Please little one please just go. I know you don't likely need to be here. Why don't you just stay somewhere nice and dark and undisturbed like under the couch. I can pretend you never existed down there and there's dirt and crumbs for you aplenty. You could live on in my dad's recycling pails or maybe feed on dog poop if you just leave thru the back pet door. Please. Please I beg of you please just make this easy for us both.
...I am in a few months turning 37 years old.
Why does it have to be here sitting between walls. Why does having a barrier of wood and plaster suddenly transform this insignificant insect into a monster that is literally the stupidest fucking thing. Just why brain, how are you this dumb. Smug little asshole, what do you think this is, the film Mouse Hunt?? I got insomnia enough as it is what with that awful husky deciding he wants walks and socialization but ONLY after 11Pm every night. Look at him- no no don't look at him, ....doing its little roach business in between FOUR WALLS. The NERVE. THE FUCKING NERVE OF THAT GUY. FLYING AROUND BETWEEN MY PRECIOUS *WALLS*, MY INSULATION BARRIER FROM THE CRUEL OUTER WORLD OF MAN. I am trapped in my upstairs room and cannot go pee, or go downstairs to feed my dog, without peeking into the hall like a goddamn Jason Voorhees is lurking out there. I cannot use Raid here because we don't have any, and I don't have a broom or a book heavy enough to squash it and I feel sorry for it regardless, and the only way I can get by is if I manage to work up Courage the Cowardly Dog levels of reluctant trembling terrified 'bravery' to spray 'Dog Pee Smell Be Gone' mist at it if I become close enough to dare. I legit avoided using the steps because I was afraid I legit might fall backwards and break my neck if it flew toward me up here. I put pillows in front of my bedroom door to prevent him sneaking under the door crack but there is nothing I can do to seal the side edges of the door, which mock me with the hallway light, at 1:30am. Every clink the AC unit suddenly makes or every scratch of my husky dogs toenails across the wooden floor late at night now makes me jump like a gunshot. I am truly the lamest most pathetically useless fool of a coward, in the lamest horror movie plot ever written.
This is the most goddamn pointless, stupid, stupid stupid STUPID phobia ever made, and I do not recommend it, 0 stars.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Dracika headcanons ~ 🖤🦇
Y E S, I’m back on my bullshit (like I ever stopped😂) and this is me feeling my way with Dracula and seeing what he and I have together; as well as sharing some moments we’ve already had with each other in the time we’ve known each other.
Full disclosure: I am well aware that he would snap my neck and drink me like a capri sun in reality without a second thought. I know that we are 100% incompatible but I really don’t care. Believing that Drac would be, at least, fond of me makes me go 🥺😭🥺😭💖✨💖✨🥰💖✨ so that’s all that matters skskskskks. I’m so sorry if anyone’s sick of this, I really do understand, but I like to have all my self-shipping stuff on the same blog, which is why I’m posting it here and not on my side blog (on which requests for him are open👀).
Word count: 2, 421.
OMG MY UWUS ARE DROPPED I’M SOFT I’M CRY I’M LOVE 🥺😭🥺😭💜💜💜 LOOK AT HIMMMMM ~ 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I legitimately can’t stop staring I’m captivated someone help but also leave me here... I’m suffering but I’m enjoying it... 🥺
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As yet, Dracula and I haven’t spent too much time together. We’re still very much wondering what’s going on and why it’s going on and how everything is going to work. All we’re really aware of at this stage is that, for some reason, we’re drawn to each other. We’ve mostly just been... watching each other and getting to know one another through observation and gut instinct rather than... sitting down and talking. I think this is how it will be for the most part with us, though. We’re an odd dynamic but the both of us are quickly growing to like it.
He and I don’t spend much... time together, at least not yet as I’ve already said, but we spend a lot of time in the same room. I’ll do my thing and he will do his thing and occasionally one of us will glance over at the other. Quizzical looks are exchanged and Drac may ask if I’m all right, but other than that, we don’t talk, either. We’ve been silent company to one another for much of this time. I think that may be the main part of our dynamic - comfortable silence. I don’t really know what to say to a five hundred year old vampire because I don’t want to make my stupidity as a person with a lack of life experience obvious and Drac prefers to not talk at all when he’s busy doing something. He very clearly expresses his irritation at this through his body language and I’m not so good at handling when people are annoyed at me so I’d just rather not speak unless I have to.
When I go to bed, I always ask Drac to join me. He could come into my bed without an invitation, but as he puts it, “consent is unnecessary but delicious” so he waits for me to ask him. It never takes me long and tbh I’m not fully comfortable going to bed, especially with my night time phobias, without him there in the room with me anyway. As soon as I’m lying down and comfortable, Drac’s standing at the foot of my bed. He’ll crawl up my mattress (my bed’s against the wall so when I’m already in bed he has no other way of coming in unless he wants to climb over me and that’s too graceless for him) and I’ll pull the covers back for him. He slides in so quickly that my very squeaky mattress (it’s in desperate need of being replacing but I can’t afford it) doesn’t make any kind of noise. “Oh, bedtime for the human, is it?" My only answer is to turn and nestle my face into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and sleep finds me quickly. If I try to look around the room, he’ll hold my head where it is with a hand and he won’t let me look. He reasons the more I look, the more scared I’ll become, so he’d rather prevent me from looking at all. He’s the most dangerous creature in any room, anyway.
During the day, Drac sleeps so, of course, I’m left alone. He lays down with me when I go to bed and he leaves when I’m finally asleep (700 position changes and a deal with Satan later😂), but when I get up, he’s beside me and now I’m the one leaving when he’s finally asleep. I sleep when I’m tired and I don’t have much of a sleeping schedule so it’s not unusual for me to be up until four or sometimes five in the morning, and a bonus to this is that I get to spend more time with him. The nights are just for us; when the world slips away, he and I find each other.
When I’m away from Drac and I’m missing him or just needing his energy around me, I wear this jumper. It’s a small inside joke between us.
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Drac’s reaction to my jumper was:
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He appreciates the way it’s spelt (and so do I) and he’s been eager to get me out of it.👀
Drac is 6′4 and I’m 5′7 so the height difference is... amusing. At least to him. He calls me his “little bat” when I’m going to sleep or when I’m being cuddly (a luxury he doesn’t allow often; it’s usually saved for when I’m in some kind of distress), and when he’s feeling romantic or apologetic, he calls me “luna bella”.
He and I go on nightly walks down the beach together. I love to walk along the three metre high wall so I can properly feel the wind in my hair and some semblance of freedom, and if I lose my balance, he’ll just chuckle and tell me to be careful. Not in as many words but he’ll make a quip about the fragility of mortals and it sends the message through. If I do fall, he’ll catch me before I do. All of me is safe with Count Dracula. He likes to say he won’t catch me but I pretended to slip properly once just to see what he would do and he reacted very quickly so I think it’s safe to say he’s full of shit.😂
I got very attached to him, very quickly once I got over my fear. Even when I’m with him, I miss him, and Drac can always pick up on it. He finds it hilarious and doesn’t understand why I miss him despite our closeness a lot of the time, but there’s no way to explain it. Even so, I know he misses me too, because he’s with me more often than we’re away from each other. Drac has an odd love language but I’m slowly coming to learn him.
The night I realised I wasn’t scared anymore and I wanted him with me, I called him to me. All I had to do was say his name, and he was there. He was obviously in the area and he must have heard me from close by. I was in bed, ready to sleep, and he waited for me to speak. His eyebrows were raised and there was a slight smirk on his face.
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“Can you...can you stay with me? I’m not scared of you anymore but I also... don’t really know what to do.”
“You don’t know what to do, so you called me? Are you really not afraid of me?” His smirk kept widening, as did that look in his eye.
I hesitated but I still said, “not anymore.” and I pulled the duvet back on the side which would become his. “Join me?”
“This is a surprise. I did not see this coming.” He could smell my weariness but we didn’t speak much after that point. He laid down beside me and I slowly, carefully moved to cuddle him. And by that I mean I smushed myself into his side and he let me, but he didn’t reciprocate.😅😂
Drac tried to move away just at the point I was on the edge of sleep and I clung to him; I wouldn’t let him leave me. I had to show I trusted him, the way he wanted me to, and I guess falling asleep beside him was the best way to do so.
I kept moving around and it irritated him so eventually he tugged me to lay on top of him... he wrapped his arms around me and held me to him. His cold embrace is the safest cage I’ve ever been in. I woke and he wasn’t there but I could feel his energy around me. He won’t ever leave.
I don’t think he could ever love me, not in the way I love him, but I know he’s very fond of me and that’s enough. The fact that he is with me as often as he is, is proof enough that he, at least, has a soft spot for me.
I show him every day that I love him because I don’t really know how to say it to him. He’s five hundred years old so the usual methods of confession seem a bit... pointless. He needs more than words. I do this in subtle ways... for example, having my hair slung over my shoulder and I’ll lay down on it so my neck is bared. I fall asleep on him. I ask him to be with me while I sleep. He has free-for-all consent to drink from me but as yet, he hasn’t. I suspect it’s because he dislikes coffee...🤔😂
Usually, I lay atop Drac when we cuddle, but there’s been a few times he lays on me. Sometimes I’ll wake in the night and he’s looming over me. My lamp looks like a golden halo around the top of his head, and in my sleepy state I loop my arms around his neck and tug him down. He could so easily break out of my hold but he doesn’t. He lets me tug him down and I snuggle into him and press kisses all over his neck, leaving mock bites. He appreciates the irony.
Dracula calls “darling” or “my love”. He never uses my name; it’s always a term of endearment. I’m not sure why. If he’s telling me to do something, then it’s “dear”; comfort is “darling”, and the other names are as I’ve said.
I only call him “Drac”... “Dracula” if he’s annoying me. “My love” is a general term of endearment; we share a like for that one. Sometimes... and mostly at night (our real time together), I call him “my Drac”. It makes him smile... I don’t get much of a reaction, just a twitch of his lips, but I adore it.
When I’m upset, Drac doesn’t hold me. He doesn’t shush me or try to comfort me. He just... stays. With every passing moment, he takes a step closer until he’s standing right beside me and then he allows me to take whatever comfort I need. He’s not entirely sure how to comfort me, we’re still learning each other, but he follows my lead. As long as he’s in the room, as long as he’s close by, I can usually pull myself together on my own; I’m used to doing that so it saves him the effort. If I talk, he listens. If I don’t talk, he speaks. Whatever I need, he’ll do. He can read me well. I’m still learning him; there’s multiple options to everything he does and says and I love that about him.
With me being afraid of the dark and Drac being afraid of the light, I’d say we’re perfect for each other.😂
And speaking of...
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Both of us know and live with fear far more than we should. We have our reasons (which are illogical), and the fear we see in one another is partly why we’re so drawn to each other. I recognise the fear in him (it’s the opposite of my own fear) and he recognises mine. We understand each other on this level and we do what we can to keep each other safe. 
I definitely have a Protecc™ streak for Drac; my blackout curtains are perfect for keeping him safe, and though Drac hates my night light, which makes it daylight in my room, he never wants a repeat of that one night last week so he accepts it. He knows I’m scared sometimes even with the light, so he holds me tight and he won’t let me go. 
Both of us are exposed to our fears every day and both of us face them anyway. We’re brave on our own but together it feels like we only increase that strength.
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He’s so cute🥺.
He picks up on how the modern world works through consuming the blood of others’ (which I wilfully turn a blind eye to lmao I’m not about to tell him who he can and can’t eat; my morality has always been grey), but I help him with it too. Sometimes I can’t explain stuff to him so I’ll just show him what I’m talking about. He’s a quick learner. We watch Netflix every night together and sometimes he’ll take Poe or Wilde off my bookshelf and read me to sleep. I love his voice so much.
I love him. He’s safety from my fear in the dark. When I go to bed at night, I always consider sleeping in the dark but he sits on my bed and watches me. “That’s it, turn the light off. You’ll only turn it back on again. That’s what you do, that’s what you always do. What’s the point, darling? Just come lay down a while.”
Dracula is safety and comfort. He’s a smile and laughter because he’s very sassy. There’s something... about him which makes me mentally sleepy. I don’t know how to explain it but he just... makes me want to relax. I do relax when I’m with him and I think that’s why I spend time with him as often as I do, and why I’ve re-watched his series about eleven times in two weeks (to date).
He used to scare me (and he’s been warned that if he ever jumps out at me like he’s known to do to others, he will bring that back temporarily. He’s also been warned not to raise his voice at me, for the same reasons) but now he just makes me feel safe and relaxed and comfortable.
One day, Drac will step into the light and I will step into the dark. And in the space between us where the shadow lies, our hands will join, our fingers will interlock... and we’ll walk forth into what’s next together.
He came into my life at a time when my fear was and is at an all time high, and I think he’s here with me to help me to learn to deal with it. Maybe along the way, I can do the same for him. No one deserves to live in fear and isolation for 500 years, no matter what their dietary requirements are.
I love all of Dracula. I can say that with complete confidence now; I cried out of love for him earlier today and when I sleep tonight, I’ll tell him. Whether he loves me, I have no idea, but I think... I may be someone who’s gotten closer to him than anyone else has for a very long time.
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mercuryislove · 3 years
Once again, I have a small grocery list of asks for funny question friday lol
🥊 for Yixing
🍊 for Anwei
💥 for Ciaran
🐍 for Vera
💧 for Andhira
I love a good grocery list, especially on funny question friday lol
🥊 Does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? With everyone or just with certain people? Is there a reason for this?
Yixing is very very very very good at following orders from his employers lol He knows that's how you get paid and that's how you get hired again and that's how you get people to like you. But it doesn't mean he particularly LIKES to do it. He is quiet and off-putting and has like. no goddamn people skills but he isn't stupid and knows how to get a job done. So if he had things his way, he would prefer to be in charge because he's got all the necessary experience (and smarts) to tell people what to do! It's just a matter of whether or not they'll actually listen to him, because uh. Most people in his line of work don't like to listen to people and don't give a fuck about doing things effectively or efficiently or even ethically as long as they get PAID, which is why he's happy to defer to someone else and save himself the headache. ALSO he is so good at doing what he's told because it's the only thing his piece of shit father taught him. Well, that and how to throw a punch.
🍊 Does your OC have any triggers? Why do these things trigger them? What are they like when triggered and how do they calm down after?
Anwei hates closed in spaces and deep water. The deep water is a holdover from being, um, mortal, but the claustrophobia is relatively new. She got buried alive once and was trapped for several weeks beneath rubble that continuously crushed her rib cage ._. And it's not exactly that deep water scares her so much as it is being trapped in deep water. Because when you can't die, you just drown forever! Like a lot of people when triggered by a phobia, she'll get anxious to the point of a panic attack and does have to do the classic “five things you can see, four things you can touch, etc” thing to calm herself down. Despite it all she would absolutely like. swim through a narrow passage that's 300ft below the ocean's surface if the adrenaline kicked in before the fear. Like if she had to rescue someone or something lol And then she'd be back on solid ground like “what the actual fuck did I just do. Never let me do that again or I'll kill you.”
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn't know how to deal with, doesn't understand, or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Ciaran hates to be JEALOUS. Because he knows it's stupid and pointless because he KNOWS he's better than everyone, so why should he be jealous of someone else???? It doesn't matter if it's jealousy over someone giving their attention to another or someone having something he wants, he fucking haaaaates it. It all goes back to when he was the most celebrated dancer like in the whole damn world and he could get away with basically anything he wanted to because he was the best at what he did and everyone fucking knew it!! (I made a post about this when I was drinking last weekend but he was an absolute bitch back then lmao people hated to work with him earlier in his career because he was prickly and dramatic and prone to throwing tantrums if he didn't get his way and would also DROP other dancers in rehearsals if they pissed him off. But he could get away with it every time because like. what are they going to do? FIRE HIM? Every dance company in the world wants his name on their marquee so it's not like he'd be out of work. An “I don't need you. YOU need ME!!!!” kind of situation lol) ANYWAY being jealous and bitchy about it has never gone away even after a thousand or so years of mellowing out in virtually every other aspect. He will always and forever be the kind of person that scoffs like “Well everyone knows that I'm way better than that bitch so why don't they want me???” and then it eats at him for days when they still don't want him lol
🐍 Is your OC a good liar? How easy is it for them to tell lies? What is the biggest lie they've ever told and did they ever get found out? On the other hand, what is the biggest lie someone has told your OC and did they believe them?
Vera is NOT good at lying. She has too many tells. She's never bothered to lie much because she knows she's so fucking bad at it, but she has certainly lied to her uncles about staying clean and/or sober, in particular when she fucked off to the middle of nowhere after she quit hunting. She lied about where she went, who she was with, why she left, how long she'd be gone, and those two old men spent MONTHS trying to track her down. She said she was going to her hometown of Seville for time away and that she'd only be gone for a few weeks, but she went to fucking Sakhalin island in Russia and was gone for six months and fully intended to drink and drug herself to death. And when Josef and Luka finally tracked her down, they weren't even mad. They were just happy she was still alive. (Okay, they were a little bit mad but like. you can't ground a thirty year old woman.)
Also the biggest lie she ever believed?? Well, she didn't believe it for long, but it would probably be when she was a little kid and her parents had just died and her grandparents handed her off to Josef and told her that he would never raise her right because of the kind of person he is.
💧 What is something from your OC's past they're most ashamed of and why? What is something they're really proud of? And lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?
omg I've mentioned it before that Andhira tried to get her father killed. Obviously that didn't happen, which she is very grateful for. I mean, it seemed like a good idea at the time, right? He's so old and his judgment is clouded by his biases and there needs to be fresh blood as a Sovereign to repair the schism between vampires and, well, everyone else. And then she orchestrated this elaborate assassination (because it takes a fucking village to kill a guy like the Sovereign lol) and basically the second she gave the final go-ahead, she realized her mistake, because he's not just the goddamn Sovereign. He's her FATHER and she loves him more than anything. So she did the only logical thing and wiped that entire family off the face of the earth (with the help of her mom and brother, of course). All but erased their names from history, just for good measure. That could be the thing she's most proud of. Covering up the entire thing and erasing a bunch of shitheads from memory. But she's also very proud of convincing the so-called world's greatest hunter to come out of retirement (no, it's not Josef. His title is world's greatest builf—Badass Uncle I'd Like to Fuck), because literally everyone told her it was impossible. As for something making her shake with dread, uhhhhhh probably shortly after she told her little band of assassins the exact way to get to the only weapon on earth that can kill the Sovereign, and finding it missing from its designated location. All part of the plan but AT WHAT COST?
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Survey #430
“when the girl in the corner is everyone’s woman, she could kill you with a wink of her eye”
What kind of dog do you find most ugly? What a mean question. ;-; I don't think they're ugly, but I probably find chihuahuas to be the least visually appealing. Do you like wood floors or carpet better? Wood. Do you think the USA bullies other countries? Quite frankly, yes. Are you currently in love right now? No. Favorite fast food joint? Sonic. What would you do if your ex contacted you? THE ex, have a panic attack. Cry. Be wordlessly ecstatic. Be scared and confused. Do you still have feelings for your ex? Two, yes, but one is unrealistic considering I have no idea who he is anymore. It's been way too long for me to possibly, accurately like him. Ever tasted a flavored condom? No. Do you know CPR? No. How much do you care about your best friend? I'd die for her. Do you watch Dr. Phil? No. What age would you like to have a child? I don't want kids ever. Are your parents wealthy? Mom, absolutely not. Dad seems to be financially stable, but not wealthy or anything. Pick one state you’d love to live in? Alaska. How many pets do you want? And of what? Man, I want a LOT. I know I want more ball python morphs, a plains hognose, a woma python, numerous tarantulas, a fat-tailed gecko, a boa, orchid mantises, a sphynx, a tegu would be super cool... I'd love to have like an empire of pets one day, aha, but only so long as I could maintain them all and adequately provide for them. Have you ever asked someone out? Yes. When do you want to get married? I mean, I don't have a set age in mind. I want to get married when I'm ready. Can you play a musical instrument? I played the flute for yeeeaaaars in middle and high school, but I remember almost nothing by now. What if you stopped orgasming for the rest of your life? Idc, honestly. Does money make you happy? Money probably makes me happier than it should, but I'm not like madly in love with it or anything. Happens when you're poor your whole life. Your favorite breakfast food? Ugh, cinnamon rolls are a godsend. When was the last time you went to a funeral? I actually don't think I've ever been to one... only wakes. I really, really wish I could have gone to Jason's mom's, though... There was just no fucking way that I was going to risk upsetting Jason on THAT day of all days by popping up. Have you ever stolen someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend? Well, we never actually dated, but you could say that... Tell me the date of your first kiss. I don't know the exact date, but it was March 2012. Are your legs long or short? Normal, I guess? How many phobias do you have? Man, a lot. Is there a bookshelf in your room? No. Do you use the Facebook chat often? Barely at all. I only really use it to chat with Girt on the rare occasion we talk. Who got you hooked on the addiction you're addicted to (If you have one)? I discovered Mark on my own; I needed help in an Amnesia: The Dark Descent custom story, so I found his playthrough and watched it. Got a few laughs, subscribed. It was Jason who introduced me to Amnesia, though, so I can indirectly thank him, I guess? haha Are you currently worried about your parents finding out about something? No. Have you ever lived with a friend? Yeah, for a couple months. Have you ever only liked someone because you found out they liked you? No. Ever been on a real diet, or did you just stop eating? I've tried multiple diets. Have you ever known a white supremacist? I know multiple. Welcome to the South. Do you like the smell of a barbecue? Yesss. It's funny because I hate the food itself. Have you ever gone out in public in your pajamas? Yeah. It's not rare, if I'm being honest. How many times have you been to the ER? Too many times because of being suicidal. How many people are you currently texting? None. Anything exciting coming up? My nephew's birthday is in a few days! Would you rather get money or gift cards for your birthday? Money, so I can use it for anything. Do you have Instagram? I have three, ha ha. One for my basic photography, another for my morbid photos, and I went through a very short phase of having an Instagram for my pets. It still exists, but I don't really use it. Have you ever spoken to a detective before? No. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Do ladders scare you? Yes. Hot dogs or hamburgers? Cheeseburgers may possibly be my favorite food. Do you have any tattoos on your arms? I do. Have you ever owned or known someone who owned a black cat? I've owned plenty of black cats. What album is the last song you listened to from? It's from Disguise. What’s the last funny movie you watched? Probably Elf. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Mom's, yes. I only remember the month of my dad's. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you pick? I think I want to get my tribute to Teddy next. How do you feel about band tattoos? Hey, go for it. I see nothing wrong with it. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? Probably snakebites. Lip piercings in general are hot lmao. Are you any good at applying make up? Noooo, my hands are so shaky. How old were the last 3 people you kissed? Sara's 23; idr the exact ages of Girt and Tyler. I think Tyler was a year younger than me, and Girt is at the bare minimum three years older than me. If you found out you got someone pregnant, what would you do? Well, I'm a cisgender female, so... Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? Very frequently. Do you like your cell phone? I mean it's fine, but I'd like a new one. Is rap your favorite genre of music? No, it's actually my least favorite. Have you ever thrown up on anybody? Oh god, no. Do people think you’re happy? I think it's safe to say most people who know me know I'm clinically depressed. Or you know... maybe not. Quite a few people have been surprised to learn that about me because I can put on a good facade. What band would you stand in line for 24 hours to see? None, honestly. That's way too long. What was your worst childhood experience? I guess my dad's alcoholism. As a child, I thought it was a normal thing, but I do wonder if my fear of men has anything to do with how volatile drinking had a 50/50 chance of making him. He never hurt anyone, but he was just so mad and hateful towards the world sometimes. You can trade another person’s emotions for your own. Whose do you take? I have no idea. What was/is going to be your first waltz at your wedding? That'll depend on my partner and what song means the most to us/fits us best. "When It's Love" by Van Halen has been a consideration for forever, though. When it’s not summer, what do you miss most about it? I hate summer. I miss nothing about it. Do you consider yourself patriotic? No. What is the one thing that you need to do to die happy? Feel like I accomplished something notable. Do you consider yourself mainstream? No. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? Overdosing on cold medicine. What is life’s greatest mystery? Probably from whence we came. Humanity has fished for a definite answer forever. What was your favourite make-believe game as a kid? Pretending I was a meerkat hiding in a "burrow" that was a blanket fort, ha ha. Do you try your best at everything? Honestly, no. Who is your shoulder to cry on? My mom, without fail. What’s your standard excuse for not doing something? I dunno... it depends on the topic. Name the most beautiful person you know. As far as physical appearance goes, my friend Alon. Have you ever been to jail? No. What is one moment you wish you could have taken a picture of? Sara's face when I surprised her at her house for her birthday. It was absolutely fucking priceless. What place holds the most memories for you? Jason's house. Who was your first date? My puppy dog-love middle school bf Aaron. We went with a group of friends to a skating rink. My first one-on-one date was Jason. What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on? The zoo in 5th grade. It's the one and only time I've seen meerkats. For some weird reason, our zoo moved the meerkats not long after that visit. I THINK they said the environment just wasn't suitable for them, which I never really got... I think they mentioned the cold, but like, you have heating for them, and also, have you ever experienced a desert night? You consider all the other areas that have meerkats in their zoos and it's like... why, man. Bring my meerkats back. ;_; What do you think the earth will look like in 1,000 years? Oh dear God, I do NOT want to visualize that. My gut tells me it'll be a wasteland, probably without humans or most forms of life we have now. We have to get our shit straight, so very badly. I could rant for hours about how horribly and ungratefully we abuse our planet. Who makes you happy to be around? Sara! I feel like I can be my 100% authentic self, and we just vibe really well together. Like every time I've been there and she here, our friendship felt so natural and chill. I really, really need to save up for another trip up there. What secret have you tried to hide but it got out anyway? I kept the Joel situation to myself from pretty much everyone, but it eventually came out in front of Mom and Jason. It was actually the night of the breakup; I don't remember how it was relevant at all to mention, but I did in some form. Mom wisely never asked about it, and Jason obviously didn't. I was a stupid 12-year-old anyway, it's whatever now. Who/what is your everything? I will never. Ever. In five billion millennia. Let anyone be that again. How many people have you turned down when they asked you out? Ummm three? I think that's it. How many exes do you have? If I include everyone who ever had a title of "boyfriend/girlfriend," I have six. Who was your worst relationship with? Tyler. It was just pointless and the result of nothing but loneliness. What’s your ‘label’? (ex. punk, prep) I really, really don't care. Do you swear? How much? Like a sailor. I swore some beforehand, but I got really bad when Jason and I started dating. He swore a lot, and his mother did even more. I was around them as much as possible, so it rubbed off on me. What is the one thing that would make everything in your life fall apart? Losing my family, like being disowned or something like that. Especially when it comes to Mom. I rely on her so heavily, as much as I hate that. :/ What takes your breath away? Nature is very capable of that. Something like seeing big waterfalls in the mountains or something would marvel me. Are you patient? No, honestly. Are you a good dancer? No. Even when I took dance, I don't think I was great; however, I do think I was pretty skilled at clogging. Who would you call first in a life-threatening situation (not 911)? My mom. Who do you miss? Jason and his family, Megan, Alex, Hannia, Emily, Journee... a lot of people. Do you like snakes? I adore snakes.
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darling-blurbs · 5 years
Dead Man’s Land
Dead Man’s Land Ep. 1
Over-All Warnings: Swearing, Death, Gore, a lot of triggering topics and Illnesses Mentioned.
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“Honestly. There is an issue on the South and North Side,” The Queen of Death herself glares at the young boy in front of her. “Meaning they are trying to get into our territory.”
“OUR TERRITORY. Tokoyami, what are you are Tamaki doing about this issue?” The Queen turned her head towards the two bird-like boys. 
“Right away your Majesty!” The Queen Smirked. Before standing from her throne, making those in the room stand.
“Now, it is time for me to be a civilian for a while~ I hope I can trust the Prince of Fire to watch you all?” A rumble gave it’s agreement. The Queen kissed the Red Dragon which turned into its human form. 
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Esther kicked the rock that was in her path as she hummed to a song that blasted into her ears. Unknown to her, a multiple pairs of eyes stare at her, or more glare, across the street. 
All of a sudden, she felt a tap to her shoulder, making her turn around. A tall boy with black shades and a black suit stood in front of her. He had black hair and a chill worthy smile yet Esther was no normal female. She didn’t shiver nor squeak as any normal person would when they saw the symbol of the South Side, which was a Bomb Pin on their jacket or tie. Somewhere it could be seen.
“Yes?” Esther said as she tilted her head with innocence of a bunny. “Is something wrong?”
“You are in the Bomb Squad Territory. What Gang are you in? Or are you a normal girly?” The mysterious figure got into her face, trying to scare her, Esther guessed. 
“I thought this was No Man’s Land? Or Dead Man’s Land. I don’t remember! I’m a little new to town!” Esther smiled and giggled. 
“Oh well! Can you tell me where you are going?” Esther nodded and grabbed her bag and brought her phone out. 
“Um. I really don’t want to go with a stranger so can I have your name?” Esther asked while looking at her feet. A faint blush was placed on her face.
“My name is Sero Hanta. I’m from the Bomb Squad!” Esther giggled as his brain went on a frenzie. 
“I’m Osore Esther! I’m from...” Esther trailed off. “It’s stupid.” 
Sero tilted his head this time. “What is?”
“I’m a Puppet yet the Queen doesn’t trust me with anything. I might leave her gang but how can I when my quirk isn’t cool. She will kill me if I even think about it!” Esther started rambling but was cut short by a hand on her shoulder. Esther’s frantic blue eyes met the glasses. 
“Hey. If you are that worried, how about you try to join another gang before leaving hers?” Sero pondered.
“I could but what gang would want me?” Esther waved it off. “Anyways, I need to go to Nyx Nightclub.”
“Oh! Why are you going there?” Esther scratched the back of her neck. “Nevermind! I need to go there anyways! King Explode Kills is having a meeting with all the gang leaders which means him, Deku, Shoto, and Queen Death-” 
Esther smiled sadly. “Why is Shoto going? Isn’t he part of Deku’s gang?” 
“Well, every gang leader is bringing backup. Bakugou is bringing his most prized members, even though he won’t admit it. So, me, Red Riot, Chargebolt, and Alien Queen are going as back up. I don’t know if Queen Death is taking anyone with her-”
“Her dragons...” Esther mumbled.
“Dragons?!” By now, the two were already walking towards the nightclub. 
“Yes. She has four dragons. One being a red one with black spikes, another being pure white with purple as it’s secondary color. The Third one is black with purple as it’s undertone. The fourth one is unknown as it is her favorite,” Sero’s eyes looked like he was just told that the Earth was a peaceful place. 
“How about her quirk?” Sero asked.
Esther swallowed. “No one knows if she has more but the most known is called Death Puppeteer. She could kill someone by glancing at them. All she needs is their name and face. She can rearrange how someone would die so they could either die quicker or slower. She can also know how someone will die. As well as knowing their death, she can also know how their life plays out. But she can’t know if she is in it,” Esther looked at Sero before looking at the Building. “This is where I leave you. Thank you for walking me here!”
“Be careful!” Sero yelled as she left to the back of the building. 
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“What took you so long?!” Bakugou screamed at Sero. “I thought you said you would deal with the issue and then come back right away?! Why can’t you listen to a-”
“I found out more about Queen Death,” Sero said making Bakugou shut up. Bakugou made a motion which meant ‘spit it out’. “Queen Death has four dragons. Her quirk is called Death Puppeteer. Meaning, she can make your death quicker or slower just by knowing your face and name.”
“That doesn’t help us!” Kaminari, or Chargebolt, said. “Just that we should not tel... Her our full names! Boss, this is perfect!”
Bakugou growled before walking into the club fully. He saw a person with a Puppet tattoo. While Bakugou’s gang had pins and Midoriya’s had bracelet or necklaces, Queen Death had her Puppets get tattoos that had a certain symbol. No one knows what each mean. 
Bakugou saw another worker had the Deku Gang Bracelet. He looked around until he saw his pin. He walked over to the unexpecting worker. “Where should I be right now you damn Extra?!”
The scared worker pointed to a door that said ‘meeting is in progress’. Bakugou stomped over and slammed open the door. Meeting eye to eye with the insane boss of Quirkless, Deku. 
“Nice to see you join us Kacchan. Queen Death had a messenger say that she would come in a second,” Bakugou growled before sitting in a seat that was on the other side of Midoriya’s.
They all sat in silence while both leaders glare at each other. Well, Bakugou glared while Midoriya smirked with insanity in his eyes. Their higher up members looked between the two. In the room currently was Chargebolt, Red Riot, Alien Queen, and on Midoriya’s side was Shouto, Uravity, and Ingenium. 
The staring battle stopped when a different door opened. Out came a women with pitch black hair and black eyes. Her skin was pale. Behind her was four ‘dragons’. They were glowing and small yet still floated in the air like chinese dragons. One was a deep red, another white, another black, and the last one was blue. 
“Nice to see most of you are here,” The voice from the body said. The voice was smooth and made the table listen to her. “I’m Queen Death and I’m a little angry with the current report I got from my spies.”
“What do you?!-” Bakugou was hushed by a hand. One would think someone put their hand on his mouth to make him shut up but the Queen was raising her hand making no sound come out of his mouth. 
“Have you heard of Glossophobia? Fear of Public Speaking. Luckily, we are speaking very publicly so my quirk can work,” A smirk landed on the girl’s face. “Now anyone else want to interrupt me??”
The Queen clapped her hands together and smiled a sweet yet very creepy smile. “Great! Now let’s talk about you coming in my territory! If you have any brain, I’m the Queen of Death or Death Puppeteer. Heroes are scared of me and I was claimed the strongest out of all of you. Since I have two very powerful quirks, I will skip to the good bit!”
The Queen snapped her right hand fingers together. Door to her right opened and a table on wheels came rolling in, being pushed by two people in Puppet cloaks. 
Pausing it here for a second. Puppet cloaks are cloaks that lower Puppets wear. Puppets are known to be emotionless and only listen to her majesty (Queen of Death), others are not so emotionless. If a puppet is emotionless to a point where they think their life is pointless without their Queen, they will wear cloaks. Meaning, they will hurt you if you hurt their queen of if their queen asks of it. 
“On this table is an event I will be hosting. If you can steal my heart by then, I will let you have my territory as well as merging it with No Man’s Land. How does that sound?” The Queen flicked her hand, letting her Blue Dragon mistic thing, follow her Puppets out. 
Shouto raised his hand. “How do we know it would be you and why must we do it?”
“Nice work Shouto! By the way, your brother as well as father are lovely puppets,” Shouto blinked as he tried to register what she said but didn’t have time as she was already answering the question. “My Land has many resources! To sweeten the deal, I will let you lead my Puppets by my side. For the other question, you don’t! Of course, I do not have black hair and black eyes. This is all thanks to my other quirk, Fear! Let’s me do a lot of things such as know all of your fears and using others fears and phobias. Lockiophobia is the Fear of Childbirth and I can just think of the word and the person I want to have a child! Another phobia that I use is Necrophobia which is a fear of Death or Dead Things. I can make someone see something they love dead as well as that person dead! If I like you back, then you can also have parts of my power! So what is your answer? By the way, this deal isn’t just for Deku and Kacchan! It’s for all of you as well as the world. You are just the first I am talking to about this. If you say you don’t, there are probably be some low-life who could get two terriotries as well as getting my powers and people!”
“I’ll do it!” Everyone said at once.
“Let the games begin!”
(The Dragons:)
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Red // Prince of Fire // His small version is a floating, glowing red, chinese dragon.
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Shadow // Prince of Shadows // His small version is Black, floating, chinese dragon.
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Unknown // Prince of Space // HIs small version is white, floating, chinese dragon.
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??? // ??? // Small Version is a blue, floating, chinese dragon.
(Other Characters stated)
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Queen Death // Death Puppeteer // Quirks: Death Puppeteer and Fear Raiser
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Osore Esther // Puppet // Quirk: ??? // Works at Nyx?
All the Gang things (Pins, Tattoos, and Bracelets):
Bomb Squad Pins but a bit bigger so people could see it in a crowd:
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Quirkless Bracelets:
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Quirkless Necklaces (The chain doesn’t have to be red):
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Known Tattoo of Puppets:
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Known Tattoo of Other Members who aren’t the top ranking ones but aren’t puppets either:
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~Mod Dia Here~ See I said I would post the first part! I’ll get Mod Bambi to do his story, which is Mafia and slightly similar yet is different as Deku isn’t insane in Mafia and Shouto is in his own Gang and there is a different concept. This one is based on a beat. The Queen has challenged all gang leaders as well as their members, to try to win her heart by the time of her event. It doesn’t say in this chapter but, spoiler alert, the event is a masquerade party anyways. The real challenger for these boys is knowing who she is. Her appearance is different as she says. She is using her Fear Raiser Quirk to make her look different. I won’t look up the official name right now but when you have the fear of yourself or mirrors. So more on her Fear Raiser quirk in the next one!
~Mod Dia Out!~
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AHS: Cult Revisited (Spoiler Warning: It Sucked Then and It Sucks Now)
SOME CONTEXT: Since I discuss the politics of AHS: Cult in the following article, new readers should probably know that my own politics are leftist and generally liberal. As such, it’s worth bearing in mind that part of my annoyance with the series does stem from the fact that most of its liberal, left-leaning characters are inadvertently written as total bell-ends. Most of my annoyance, however, comes from the issues I’m about to discuss.
SPOILER WARNING: Lots of spoilers ahead.
I’ve been re-watching American Horror Story: Cult, despite the fact that it’s the absolutely worst season of the anthology series, because some family members wanted to see it and I wanted to sit in and crow about where it all went wrong. And you know what? I’d forgotten how deceptively good the first half of the series actually is. It’s funny, unsettling and camp in that way that only AHS can be, and it contains lots of satisfying moments where absolute bell-ends get punched in the fact or killed with gym equipment. When I reviewed it about a year ago, I kind of forgot that there was the root-system of a decent TV show buried under all the crap. Y’see, the thing about AHS: Cult is that it’s only a shitshow in retrospect. After you’ve chewed your way through the increasingly dumb and unsatisfying second half of the series, you reach a conclusion that renders 99% of what you’ve just seen completely pointless: a whole lot of sound and fury signifying fuck-all.
The core of the problem is Kai, the blue-haired cult-leader supervillain and psychotic clown enthusiast who serves as the series’ antagonist. The motivations that he pretends to have in the first half of the series are way more interesting than the real motives that he’s revealed to have in later episodes. You see, early-episodes Kai is deliciously complicated an apolitical. He doesn’t celebrate Trump’s election to president because he thinks a Cheetos-hued former gameshow host will actually make a good president, but because his presence in the White House will spread fear and chaos that Kai can use to his own ends. He’s like a less slapstick-y version of the Joker, revelling in chaos and collective national misery and only allying himself to one side or the other so far as it promotes those things. In some places, his ideology seems downright and actively non-partisan. There’s a bit where he talks to a downtrodden and much shat-upon news reporter about her anger as a black woman in Trump’s America and legitimates her rage- which feels like “wanting to be the last person alive on Earth- because then you got to watch every other motherfucker die first”. He recruits a buff gay guy by killing his homophobic boss. On the other hand, he also gets a disenfranchised prospective Trump-voter on side by reminding him how he’s been told he’s obsolete and irrelevant because he’s a working class white male. In the early series, Kai’s ideology doesn’t seem to have much to do with left and right: his message is more along the lines of ‘modern America is a worthless shithole that fucks everybody over, regardless of politics or demographic, so let’s burn the whole thing to the ground and put me in charge’. It’s genuinely compelling to watch... and then the second half of the series happens and it turns out Kai was basically lying about all this complex motivation. He’s actually just a misogynist who wants to hurt women. Well, fuck. And there was me thinking we were getting an interesting and nuanced character who walked the line between villain and sympathetic protagonist. Nope- apparently he’s just a jerk. That’s a pretty accurate portrayal of the way sociopathic cult leaders work in real life, but it’s not very narratively compelling. 
Here’s the trouble. I know plenty of jerks in real life. I don’t find them fascinating. I don’t think they make interesting viewing. They’re not good TV: they’re just fucking morons in need of a good, hard slap. I get what AHS: Cult is doing- it’s making the point that cult leaders and far-right, regressive politicians can seem more complex and compelling than they really are in order to get what they want before they reveal their true colours. It’s an allegorical warning against charismatic, evil, morally-bankrupt politicians like Trump. And that’s a fine point to make, in an online article or a short story or... well, basically any media that doesn’t have to keep me entertained for 10-12 hour-long episodes. AHS: Cult chose to make a point instead of making a consistently good, watchable TV show. And that’s a problem.
Of course, Kai’s increasingly tedious and stupid character isn’t the only problem. AHS: Cult wants to be all feminist and get you to root for its oppressed, trod-up women. Which would be great, if its female characters weren’t mostly loathsome dipshits. There’s Ivy, who deliberately gaslights her lesbian wife and drives her mad. There’s Meadow, who more or less embodies the concept of vapid self-absorption, seems to start improving as a character, and then commits suicide before she can become genuinely sympathetic. There’s the reporter who starts off sympathetic but who ends up egging Kai on to greater feats of cruelty and chaos (when she finally turns against him, it’s not because she has a moral epiphany, it’s because he decides to consolidate power rather than go with her plan of causing as much random destruction as possible). Oh, and then Valerie Solanis and her ‘SCUM’ cult turns up and starts butchering men (and any woman who doesn’t hate them to a sufficient degree) while spouting grandiose horseshit. In fairness, the grandiose horseshit comes from her book, ‘The SCUM manifesto’, which is a real thing that actually exists... but bringing it up just serves to make Kai’s eventual adversaries seem as crazy as he is, just when the narrative needs them to seem like a heroic alternative. How so? Well, it was written by a literal schizophrenic just before she tried and failed to assassinate Andy Warhol.
After episode seven, AHS: Cult is increasingly framed as a struggle between Kai’s far-right misogynist cult and his former supporters’ self-justifying revenge-oriented cult-within-a-cult of revenge. Who are apparently preferable because... reasons maybe? Well, at least they’re not out for world domination and don’t give their recruits names like ‘Speed Ball’, which is something.
The final issue is Ally. Poor Ally. She starts off as a slightly pathetic, slightly pampered but basically decent person. She’s a left-wing liberal and broadly on the side of good, even if her many phobias do prevent her from getting her shit together. After wife Ivy steals their son from her using Kai’s cult, Ally goes through a pretty good character arc and learns to conquer her fears in order to save her son from Ivy’s increasingly unhinged grip. She’s basically the show’s happy ending waiting to happen... and then, in the very last fucking scene, she dons a green hooded robe and takes up the mantle of the leader of the deranged SCUM cult. Because of course she does. Because we couldn’t just have one likeable, uncorrupted character, could we? She reacts to the traumas she has survived by recreating a secret organisation that already demonstrated its impotence in changing the world and will definitely cause more trauma for other people down the line. For some reason, the show seems to think this is some kind of victory.
AHS: Cult has a lot of good ideas and interesting characters, which is why the first half of the series is so compelling. Unfortunately, it squanders them one by one, until we’re left with a left with a bunch of petty, simple-minded jerkoffs playing tug-of-war for the nebulous, symbolic prize of cultural dominance. Maybe that’s an accurate portrayal of our echo-chamber-fuelled, divisive, crude political landscape. Tragically, I fear that it is. But it isn’t good TV.
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The one body positivity fact I don't like is the idea that most people who lose weight gain it all back within 5 years? Like I just saw an excellent post about fat phobia but it mentioned that 95% of people gain the weight back within 5 years. Like I think it's kinda bullshit to say people can't make a lifestyle change and maintain it. They gain the weight back because we live in a society that encourages unhealthy fast foods and processed shit, where restaurant dishes have far more calories in them than they even need because they add so much butter/salt/sugar/msg, we live in a society where most of our waking free time is consumed by work and eating what's already made that doesn't take time out of your free time because we're so exhausted, depressed, and stressed is the path of least resistance. Because we don't get enough free time to be active.
It's bullshit to act like being overweight can't have some effects on your health. Sure fat phobia contributes to fat people being brushed off in doctor's offices when they have real health issues going on unrelated to their weight. Sure some of the "facts" about fatness and health correlations are bullshit and it demonizes overweight people. Sure BMI is bullshit. Sure every body is beautiful, and every body has the right to feel good in their skin instead of brainwashed to meet impossible standards. Sure people need to stop treating being fat like it's inherently unhealthy or an indicator of health/worth/capability. But being overweight makes you more likely to die from covid. Being overweight limits your mobility, contributes to sleep apnea which can kill you, it can affect your energy, your sex drive, put too much strain on your joints, and it can be a co-morbidity(symptom) for other health issues. I know we all dance around these things because we want to live in a body positivity world but I think they can co-exist. It's not bad to be fat. Fat isn't evil. Fat isn't a bad word. Some bodies are naturally bigger than others. And all those bodies deserve respect. They deserve peace. Some people like their bodies whatever weight it is. Some people don't feel good with a higher weight.
A lot of diets don't work because they don't focus on moderation, they focus on cutting out things that are "unhealthy" and that kind of restricting leads to binging and Rollercoaster weight gain/loss. Because the diet industry is selling an all-or-nothing instant gratification lifestyle to keep you coming back after you inevitably fail to achieve impossible eating habits in an impossible amount of time. It's not because it's not possible to lose weight and keep it off, to make a lifestyle change and maintain, our bodies are absolutely capable of that. The weight doesn't come back because our weight set point is permanent and unchangeable. The weight comes back because of society. Because of the state of our Healthcare. Because corporations have been allowed carte Blanche to sell us into eating foods packed with unnecessary calories and addictive chemicals, they have been allowed to sell it in schools so children get hooked from a young age, they pump it into poor neighborhoods because it's cheap and healthy food is made inaccessible and expensive despite veggies and fruit being fairly cheap. The weight comes back because eating disorders aren't taken seriously and people go years in a cycle of binging and starving because they can't get help or be taken seriously. That's why the weight comes back.
What I don't like about the body posi movement is that it treats weight loss like a sin. I'm afraid to talk about the fact that I want to lose weight because every time I do I get brushed off with assurances that I'm beautiful and worthy and etc etc. I feel ashamed for wanting to change my body. But some of the reasons I want to lose weight aren't cosmetic. Tying my shoes was starting to get hard. Sex is difficult. All my clothes didn't fit and I can't keep replacing my wardrobe every time I gain weight. Because you can't get at my veins as easily and medically that's a problem. Because I sweat constantly. Because my thighs rub raw from chafe and my arms keep getting clipped by my side fat, and sitting in certain positions is really uncomfortable bc of the way my fat distributes. And when I see that stupid statistic that 95% or 3/4 or whatever number you're pulling from whatever study of people gain the weight back it makes me furious because it's like being told my lifestyle changes are pointless. That people with eating disorders are going to be trapped into a cycle they never recover from because of some stupid statistic you're scaring the shit out of them with, a statistic that is not going to encourage them to adopt body positivity or recover. That I'm trapped in a body that I physically don't feel comfortable in. That I'm not capable of changing my life. And I think it's fucking bullshit.
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ohoshi · 4 years
i watched the dont lie svt mafia game (the first two links u sent) and it was so fun!!! i love how you dont know who the mafia is until the end so it’s like youre playing along too :) also seungkwan was so smart!!! gradually building everyones trust and gathering allies around him!! i was so sad when he was killed off tho, he literally was abt to catch the mafia 😭 and hoshi REVEALING HIMSELF AS THE MAFIA was the funniest thing ever but also really smart like he turned everyone against mingyu (who honestly i thought was the mafia too), and in the last round hoshi was just openly like “who should we kill today” IM DEAD 😂 also can i just say that jeonghan looked so GOOD in that game...he’s such a sexy mafia 😏 i cant wait to watch their second dont lie mafia game!
u already know for 127 jaehyun was my first bias and now mark is my ult <3 and for dreamies if u dont count mark (since i knew him from 127 first so kinda unfair) i think jaemin was prob also my first and current bias?? he was my first bias and i just never stopped 😂 for wayv i think my bias is yangyang hehe :) im trying to think abt what similarities in my biases are - it might just be the smiley happy funny ones with the best laughs as we talked about before (this is weird but i think when i first meet someone i notice their laugh?? like i love ppl who have laughs that you can tell are just truly from their heart if that makes sense) i might also have a slight bias for rap lines but i think that is not as concrete as the smiley/funny thing!
omg thats so cool that you know so many languages!! youre so cool hehe :) i always have so much respect for ppl who learned languages (idk i dont count me knowing canto as learning a language bc i kinda passively learned it thanks to my parents hahaha) i took french and spanish for a bit in school but i didnt continue and have thus forgotten most of it D: (which i kinda regret, i want to try learning french again someday) also i totally get that about chinese and japanese being intimidating...ive always thought it'd be so cool to learn another asian language (and one that is more widely used than canto) but they are quite hard, esp for chinese/japanese where the writing system is a lot harder to learn!! i learned korean hangul so i can sound out words veryyyy slowly but i dont know what they mean 99% of the time 😂 i havent seriously applied myself to actively learning a third language but i've always wanted to! i can understand basic korean phrases tho since i watch so much korean content ahahaha
hmm as for weird phobias, i really hate cockroaches?? or bugs in general...and i also hate when circles are bunched together rly closely lol (i think it’s called tryptophobia but i wouldnt recommend googling that cuz it grosses me out so much omg 😰😰)
ok now to close this out on a happier note lol i THINK i can name all the svt members now??? like with maybe 85% accuracy 😂 and i think my first biases are joshua, jeonghan, & kinda dino and vernon :)) but i feel myself slowly falling for all of them i love how chaotic they are and ive laughed so much watching their videos already 😊😊
AAAH i'm so glad you loved it 🥺 ikr it was so good??? i especially loved the part when hoshi just blamed mingyu!!!!! and manipulated everyone into thinking that he was one of the mafia!!! what a smart move but also fun? hoshi the god of variety shows!! tbh i kinda knew minghao was the mafia since the beginning... he was just too quiet... i mean he is a quiet person yk but he was more suspicious than usual 👀 and i guess bc in the beginning they gave us the preview of their reactions and he laughed and knowing he's a scorpio i only assumed... so i didn't 100% buy hoshi's lie bc i was still sure that hao was one of the mafia 🤷🏻‍♀️ still tho it was legendary!!!! but i guess mingyu played it stupid and he was sus to begin with so 🤷🏻‍♀️ yeah.... YOU CAN SAY THAT JEONGHAN LOOKS GOOD BC damn right he does 😍 he is a beautiful man what can i say 🤷🏻‍♀️ he is also very confident in himself (the other day i watched one gose ep from 2019 it's called debate night i think and basically they're having a debate about the stupidest, most pointless things in the world (like is it better to live AS a pigeon or live WITH a pigeon for a year, or is it better to have 3 eyes or 3 arms 😅) and jeonghan always had a counter argument, ALWAYS, but he would say it so confidently looking handsome as hell he could make me believe that grass was blue..) btw gose always has dumb content like this but still i think it's the best idol content out there only bc svt are crazy funny and chaotic and those 13 boys share a total of 2 braincells shared by wonwoo and jun each; like there is one ep i think it's called the8 and the 12 shadows ans basically they all move in a row and all 12 of them have to repeat what the first member is doing, it might sound smart when i explain it but if you'd watch it you'd see that it's so dumb and pointless but it's funny and 1hour long and carats watch it bc 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways what i'm trying to do is show you what you're getting yourself into😌
ohhhh i think jaehyun, mark, nana and yangyang all have beautiful smiles and they’re all very smiley and bright people 🥺 so that's definitely the one thing your biases have in common 🥺 that's so cute 🥺 oh you think you're attracted more to the rap line? 🤔 all of your nct biases are indeed rappers (jaehyun is a i can do it all i'm 97 line he is excluded) so maybe??? but yeah you biasing bright idols is 🥺 adorable!!!
ahh thank you 🥺 i try!! yeah most people forget languages if they don't use them regularly </3 kinda scared i'll forget french bc i never use it nowadays, i used to know a woman who only spoke french and i would have to translate to her what my family tells her and vice versa, it was a great french exercise 💪 but i don't see her anymore so </3 the fact that you speak canto and chinese(mandarin i guess?) intimidates you really adds fuel to the fire<3 it's great that you know how to read hangul!!! me too!! you'll get better at reading with practise! but compared to chinese characters i don't think it's that hard, i mean, how do chinese people even memorize all the characters?? or WORSE how do foreigners memorize them??! writing in chinese must be so hard do you have to pay attention to all the tiny lines?? that's a lot of work 😨 i am terrified 😨 do you also know basic japanese phrases from anime?? bc personally i do but i know a lot more korean than japanese i mean thank god, i'm learning korean religiously tho 😂 still tho can't watch idol content without titles</3 (except with chinese wayv members who struggle OMG MAYBE I LOVE CHINA LINE BC THEY MAKE KOREAN A BIT EASIER? anyways i completely relate to them bc korean grammar is so hard, so strange and so different from grammar i'm used to in 'western' languages)
cockroaches? 😨 i too hate insects of every kind<3 so i understand <3 oh i know about tryptophobia(?)!!! one of my friends is scared of the same thing too, have to admit it does look disgusting 😬 i'm also afraid of heights and water!!! (but like the sea and the ocean sjsgsjaha i can't swim!! and i never want to!!!) 😨😅
AHHHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU 🤧 what a bias combo thooooo 👀 jeonghan? i approve! he is so fun!!! so beautiful!! sexc 👀 jeonghan is so interesting i love him and also joshua is so pretty too?? i mean obvs they're both visuals sjgssj but it's different with shua bc i can look at him all day it's soooo calming to just look at him?? ahh angelic! it's kinda interesting to me bc you bias jeonghan and joshua and jihan (their ship name) is kind of a big deal™ did you know that????? i assume it was unintetional and you had no idea about it jsgsja i also approve of vernon and dino as well but i mean i would approve of anyone and everyone at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️ have you seen pics of jeonghan with long hair??? i feel lowkey bad for saying this but he is so beautiful i deadass thought he was a woman 😧
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12 Wacky Things The Left Mistakes For Oppression
1. Black men are disproportionately being incarcerated
Maybe that’s because black men are disproportionately committing the most crime and murder? Despite making up just 13 percent of the population, blacks have been committing 52 percent of homicides in the United States for 30 years. In the other categories of violent crime such as rape, robbery and aggravated assault, blacks consistently committed a staggering disproportion of the total (40 percent while making up just 13 percent of the population) in 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010. The murder rate among blacks is similar to the rates in some of the most violent third-world nations. No other racial or ethnic group comes close. Note that for 20 to 24-year-olds, the murder rate committed by blacks (109.4/100,000) is 17 times higher than the rate for whites (6.4/100,000). Among 15 to 19-year-olds, it is over 20 times higher. The average for all ages is 13 times higher. The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result, so-called “criminal justice reform” is now being proposed to release a ton of black criminals from prisons, supposedly to “make amends” for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men. The vast majority of blacks in prison are there because of violent crime and mostly against black people. Ordinary black people cannot afford to go along with the liberal agenda that calls for undermining police authority over black criminals, they are still criminals regardless of their skin color. That agenda only makes for more black crime victims. The black incarceration rate isn’t racism, it is simply a sad but accurate reflection of the horrific black crime rate. It’s your own fault.
2. Some women don’t have high paying jobs
These young women either have taken woke intersectional feminist genderqueer majors which resembles less of a qualification in anything useful and more of a retarded child’s participation certificate. Or they have actually chosen happiness and personal fulfilment over frantically comparing their wage slips to every man they meet. Despite the fact that young women flock to these pointless and low paying courses, young women are still earning more than young men after graduating. Girls are getting better grades from kindergarten to university, they are being accepted into college more, they are being handed grants and scholarships simply for being women, they take home 57 percent of university degrees and they are dominating in many STEM fields plus they are twice as likely to be hired. If there is a biased structure in play favoring one gender over another, women are not on the losing end. The problem we have is once women are hired, they usually lack the motivation, competitiveness and win-at-all-cost mindset it takes to rise up the corporate ladder. Women also tend to work less hours, they don’t want to do overtime, they don’t want to take their work home with them and if the job involves danger, difficulty or physical labor, regardless if it offers high wages, they will turn it down. Feminists only reference the highest paying males of Fortune 500 companies as evidence of their “oppression” but these men are examples of working 90 hour weeks and not having a life away from work and making the worst partners and parents imaginable. If you don’t want a family, you don’t want to study a real major, and you don’t want to work hard but you still want to blame “the patriarchy” when you are broke and miserable, it’s your own fault. 
3. Islamophobia
Islamophobia is not a real thing, it’s just a term pushed by Islamists in order to export Islamic blasphemy laws to the West. This word is nothing more than a thought-terminating tool conceived in the bowels of the Muslim Brotherhood for the purpose of silencing critics. Every religion, ideology or idea is allowed to be subjected to criticism without turning those critics into people suffering from a phobia - except for Islam. Islamophobia is classic political correctness. You don’t have to deal with the substance of arguments against the oppression and human rights atrocities celebrated under this barbaric seventh-century ideology or the fundamentals within the Quran and Hadiths which are the driving force behind Islamic extremism, all you have to do is label critics a cluster of “Islamophobes” and the argument is over. As this lie prevails, we become infinitely more vulnerable to Islamic terrorism and sickening Islamic practices because we are afraid to talk about them and it prevents us from being honest about the danger we are faced with. People have become too scared to report radicalization, police have become too scared to investigate mass Muslim rape gangs grooming and abusing young girls, women have become too scared to report their rape when it’s committed by a migrant. All because we don’t want to be “Islamophobic.” It requires that no one speak ill of Islam or say anything that might put a frown upon a Muslim, if so then we are accused of spreading hate and being responsible for radicalizing and pushing these Muslims to terrorism but in reality it’s to enforce Islamic blasphemy laws onto the West, easing us into getting used to Sharia law. Ten years ago we could never have imagined British citizens being sent to prison for writing a criticism of Islam on a personal social media account but today it is illegal blasphemy and we are now being arrested for it. Brushing off Islam’s primitive religious fundamentals and pretending they are harmless and cute all because the majority of those who believe in them aren’t white is not progressive, it is not being tolerant, it is being submissive and dumb. If you believe your backwards religion is beyond criticism and your beliefs can’t hold up to basic scrutiny, it’s your own fault.  
4. Immigrants are being deported 
No. Illegal immigrants are being deported. I know the left have popularized the crazy idea that once somebody illegally breaks into our home, they are to be rewarded with citizenship, protection and handouts but that’s not how immigration works, this is not the immigration you say our country was built on and you know it. This country was built on legal immigration, and the ones who made it through learned the language and assimilated while bringing a ton of jobs with them. Legal immigrants are as safe from ICE as the President so let’s stop pretending that every immigrant is living in fear. I read children of Italian immigrants from the 60′s are “scared” of being deported - give me a break and learn the difference between legal and illegal, fucking morons. When you break the law, you do not get rewarded, that is not progressivism, that is stupidity. Today’s scenario is 15 million illegals ridiculing those who played by the rules. Illegal immigrants should have no expectations that their lives here should be the same as those who are legal citizens. These people are here illegally, they are aliens, they are not “dreamers.” By lumping together illegal and legal immigrants, the “let them all stay” folks are vigorously trying to muddy the water so the actual issue, illegal immigration, gets lost in the process. Though people are waking up and are finally putting border security before caring about being called bigots. If you cheat the system, sneak into a country illegally and you get caught and your ass is sent back, it’s your own fault. 
5. Women live in a “rape culture”
Feminists describe our society as a “rape culture” where violence against women is so normal, it’s invisible. Films, magazines, fashion, books, music, humor, even kids toys according to the feminist activists cooperate in conveying the message that women are there to be used, abused and exploited. Recently, rape culture theory has migrated from the lonely corners of the feminist sphere into the mainstream. Obama’s admin asserted that we need to combat campus rape by changing “a culture of passivity and tolerance in this country, which too often allows this type of violence to persist.” Tolerance for rape? Really? The 1 in 5 myth is just that. A myth. It comes from this 2007 Campus Sexual Assault study. In the study itself, the researchers make it clear that the research consisted of students from just two universities. There are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S and the research was confined to just two of them. It was a basic online survey that took 15 minutes to complete, it was anonymous, no one’s claims were verified and any affirmative answer to questions such as “have you ever had sex while intoxicated” was marked as rape. Even the study authors have since come out and explicitly stated that it is “inappropriate” to use their survey to make the claim that 1 in 5 women are being raped. Even the nation’s largest and most influential anti-sexual violence organization rejects the idea that culture as opposed to the actions of individuals is responsible for rape. RAINN urged Obama’s White House to “remain focused on the true cause of the problem” and explained “In the last few years, there has been an unfortunate trend towards blaming “rape culture” for the extensive problem of sexual violence on campus. It is important not to lose sight of a simple fact: Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions of a small percentage of the community to commit a violent crime.” RAINN is especially critical of the idea that we need to focus on teaching boys not to rape, the hallmark of feminist activism. “No one would deny that we should teach boys to respect women. But by and large this is already happening. By the time men reach college, most students have been exposed to 18 years of prevention messages, in one form or another. The vast majority of men absorb these messages and view rape as the horrific crime that it is. So efforts to address rape need to focus on the very small portion of the population that has proven itself immune to years of prevention messages. They should not vilify the average guy.”
6. Nobody wants to have sex with trans people
These “transphobic” people aren’t gay. I’m sorry to break it to you but we know the difference between a woman and a guy in a wig and we know the difference between a man and a girl with a buzzcut. Mutilating what’s between your legs makes no difference either. No amount of repeating ‘it’s all just a silly social construct’ will change biological facts and the nature of human attraction. We all support your right to live your life in any way you please but you cannot expect everyone to just go along with what’s inside your head especially when it comes to preferring who we want to have sex with, because uh you know, that should always be our choice. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to feel that you are in the wrong body but this does not mean that people should feel obligated to have sex with the gender that you “feel” when all they see is the gender you are. You are not being discriminated against, people should be allowed to be as picky as they want when it comes to who’s dick they let inside of them. To be discriminated against, one needs to be denied something without a valid reason and it seems like having a cock hanging between your legs when a straight guy is expecting pussy is a whole lot of reason to not to have sex with you. Do we call gay men misogynists for not having sex with women? Do we call lesbians man-hatin… forget that one. I get it, you’re desperate for love, you’re desperate for affection, aren’t we all? But manipulating and shaming people into having sex with you is pretty fucked up. It’s not your fault that you suffer from dysphoria but if you believe it makes you entitled to shame people into having sex with you, it’s your own fault. 
7. Women can’t walk alone at night without feeling scared
Name one person apart from maybe Thor who isn’t vulnerable to violent crime if they walk home alone at two in the morning. Men make up the large majority of all victims of violent crime, everything from threats to robbery, assault and murder so if anyone should feel afraid of walking alone at night, it’s guys. Except men aren’t being told the responsibility for their own safety falls to everyone else but themselves. The responsibility does not fall onto every man to keep you safe from your own actions, the responsibility remains with you and your decision to be stupid enough to put yourself in such a vulnerable situation. If a white man walks around at night alone and he gets robbed by a black person, would we say it’s every black person’s job to make sure it never happens again to another white person? Would we tell black children not to grow up to be robbers? So why do feminists insist on ‘reprogramming’ young boys and ‘rewiring their brains’ to teach them a crime they already know is wrong is wrong? Feminists instruct women to be scared and suspicious of every man that looks at them or they cross paths with but the idea that scary boogeymen are jumping out from behind bushes to rape women as they walk to their cars is a myth. Almost all rapes are committed by someone known to the victim so being scared and suspicious of random males on the street is an irrational and sexist paranoia perpetuated by feminism’s false rape statistics and anti-male campaigning. If you want to walk home alone late at night dressed like a slut, drunk and lacking all self-awareness, it’s your own fault. 
8. Black people are shot by police officers
Let’s be clear, by far more whites are shot by police than blacks. Although I don’t pick and choose when to consider demographics so it’s true, black people are more likely to be shot but for the same reasons black people are more likely to be incarcerated, this comes directly back to the black crime rates we talked about earlier. When you commit the most crime, you are going to have the most confrontations with police and thanks to black culture’s anti-police and thug mentality, most young black people don’t know how to properly react to the police which is a recipe for disaster. Police don’t patrol black neighborhoods for the fun of it, they go where the most crime happens and the astronomical black crime rate warrants such police presence. In almost every case Black Lives Matter have rioted over, their martyr has either been armed, attacking the officer, ignoring demands or resisting arrest. Hands up don’t shoot is a myth. What’s also a myth is the idea that white police officers have declared open season on black innocents. How many white cops have been responsible for shooting a BLM darling? Practically none. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers, these are facts. Police are also more likely to be killed by blacks than to kill unarmed blacks. In 2013 alone, 49,851 officers were assaulted with firearms, knives and other weapons. On average, 150 police officers have been killed in the line of duty every year. These include being shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten. Of the several hundred officers feloniously killed in the past decade, 46 percent of the perpetrators were black, despite them representing only 13 percent of the population. Do we call this a black war against the police? Blacks are 18.5 times more likely to shoot and kill a police officer than an unarmed black person being shot by an officer himself. If anyone’s life is consistently in danger, it’s the cops. If you commit crime, you attack a cop or you resist arrest, it’s your own fault.
9. The Pink Tax 
Feminists say that they’re being discriminated against for being women because products advertised to women are sometimes more expensive than products advertised to men, even though they’re exactly the same product. So, if they’re exactly the same, then why the fuck aren’t you buying the cheaper option? These “pink” products and services are only more expensive because companies know women are the only ones gullible enough to pay for a pink razor with a naked goddess on it and believe it’s better than the boring cheap brown razor alternative next to it that men will buy. The same thing applies for health foods, they’re usually priced higher because they know creepy vegan people and health fanatics are dumb enough to fork out cash for sundried pumpkin seeds and cabbage juice. The same thing applies with make up and beauty products, you slap a label on them that tells us it hasn’t been tested on a pig and people are willing to pay triple the price. The same thing happens with sports team merchandise and clothing and footwear, men’s versions are usually more expensive than women’s because they know men are dumb enough to pay whatever it costs to wear their favorite team’s gear around. Women are not exclusive to this targeting, if you’re dumb enough to pay for the more expensive option then sellers will remain smart enough to continue to charge you for it. An even more ludicrous tantrum feminists are having is about women having to pay more for certain services. They complain how mistreated they are because women get charged more to get a hair cut, even though on average women have more fucking hair to wash, cut and dry and men aren’t exactly lining up to get highlights, curls and extensions now are they. Listen ladies, it’s not rocket science, it’s simple business that keeps our economy as one of the strongest in the world. As I said, if you’re dumb enough to pay for it then it’s your own fault.
10. Transgender suicides
People who become so convinced they are something they’re not and resort to mutilating their genitals and hormonal development to make what’s inside their minds a reality have mental health issues? Who’d thunk!? Again, this is what happens when we pretend this is normal behavior and go along with it, we pump them with drugs and cut their tits off instead of actually helping them deal with their mental disorder in a humane and responsible manner. If someone came to a doctor and asked him to cut off a perfectly healthy arm because it just felt “wrong” for the arm to be there, should the doctor do it? This isn’t an idle question because this does happen with a mental illness called Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). People who have it feel as if they’re not supposed to have a certain body part, like an arm or leg. Doctors won’t remove a healthy body part, so some of these poor deluded people crush, mangle, burn, or otherwise deliberately destroy their own arms or legs in order to get a surgeon to slice them off. This raises a question: Are surgeons who refuse to remove healthy limbs from people with BIID doing them a service because they’re mentally ill or are they denying them their civil rights? Is BIID going to be the next mental disorder we are shamed into normalizing and accepting? When children who reported transgender feelings were tracked without medical or surgical treatment at both Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic, 70%-80% of them spontaneously lost those feelings. Imagine removing your genitals and realizing that it didn’t make any difference or worse yet, that it was a HUGE MISTAKE. Nobody wants to talk about the suicide and depression of trans people once they have realized it was all a mistake. Nobody is denying that transgendered people face a high risk of suicide, but it’s not because people aren’t using the correct pronouns, it’s because they are suffering from a mental disorder so for as long as we enable their suicide and depression by hacking their bodies and filling them with drugs instead of providing real and effective help, it’s your own fault.
11. Blacks still waiting for slavery reparations 
Black Africans and Arabs were responsible for enslaving the ancestors of African Americans and most people around the world including white people. Only 6 percent of African slaves were taken to North America, most slave imports were overwhelmingly taken to South America and the Caribbean. In 1830 there were almost 4000 black people who owned around 13 thousand black slaves. Are reparations to be paid by the descendants of Africans, South Americans and Arabs too? Or are we just going to keep pretending whites are to blame for slavery? Only a tiny fraction of whites owned a tiny fraction of the slaves so expecting every white person 200 years later to provide a black guy with a free sandwich or gift him a job for being black makes zero sense. The claim for reparations is premised on the false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well. Black buying power is expected to reach $1.2 trillion this year, and $1.4 trillion by 2020. That is so much combined spending power that it would make black America one of the largest economies in the world in terms of gross domestic product, the size of Mexico based on world bank data. Black people earning $75,000 or more per year are growing faster in size and influence than whites in all income groups above $60,000. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of up to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which their ancestors originated. Is it time to check that little thing called privilege? No evidence-based attempt has been made to prove that living individuals have been adversely affected by a slave system that was ended over 150 years ago. But there is plenty of evidence that economic adversity is the result of failures of individual character rather than any lingering after-effects of a system that was abolished 150 years before most of Black Lives Matter members were even born. Reparations were meant as payments to Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, Japanese Americans and African American victims of racial experiments in Tuskegee, or racial outrages in Rosewood and Oklahoma City. But in each case, the recipients of reparations were the immediate family or direct victims of injury caused by injustice. It’s never been about giving free shit to black people a century or two later and neither should it ever be. That’s just trying to rip off the system and it’s your own fault. 
12. Black people are held back by white privilege 
White privilege has become one of the favorite arguments of BLM and pandering guilt-riddled liberals who like to make excuses for the fact that black Americans struggle to keep up. The concept of white privilege is also a favorite weapon for those who make their living stirring up racial discord by saying that to be anything but white in America is to be handicapped by default. For those who wish to exploit an entire demographic of people for political benefit, the idea of white privilege has great appeal. However, there are a number of problems with the fundamental premise of white privilege. One factor that tends to undermine the premise of white privilege is that poor whites face every one of the same challenges that poor blacks and poor people of all races face, it would be easier to make a case for wealth privilege in America than white privilege. If that’s the case, white people still wouldn’t be the privileged group as all socio-economic indicators show Asian Americans come out far on top. This being the case, all Americans would do well to consider why it is that Asian Americans as a group do so much better on basic socio-economic indicators than white, black, and Hispanic Americans. There may be something worth learning from such an exercise. What Asian Americans have proven is that privilege in America is based not on race but on merit. People of any race can succeed in America if they emulate the approach of Asian Americans: take education seriously, develop a positive work ethic, obey the rules, respect the laws, and stay together as families. There is no escaping the fact that education and family structure play huge roles in determining the success or failure of various racial and ethnic groups. This plays a greater role in the difference between white and black success than automatically throwing a blanket over the entire white race. There are many issues within the black community that need to be fixed by themselves, acknowledging these issues is the first step as we all too often want to ignore them and expect whites to make the change. You cannot lack education, work ethic, family structure and respect for law and then go on to expect equal success and opportunity, it’s not plausible and it’s your own fault.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Sexism, Racism and Phobias over Sexual Identities For All!
One of the many problems with RWBY is that Ruby doesn’t have any arcs dedicated to her at all. You can kinda say that the episodes where team RWBY was formed in vol. 1 was sort of an arc for her, but that’s being really generous considering that was more team-centric than Ruby-centric.
Except you ignore how the ENTIRE SHOW is her arc: She has developed slowly THROUGHOUT her show. She has gone from being childish and naïve to the world like she was in Volume one to accepting that the world is more complex than her fairy tales and understanding how the world works. She still has problems to work through but she has another five or six Volumes left. So she isn't done yet.
If I were to reboot RWBY, one of the easiest way to fix this particular problem is to literally rip the arcs dedicated to Jaune from his generic white male protagonist hands and retool them for Ruby
By that logic we should then rip them from Ruby generic white female protagonists hands and give them to Sun then tear it away from his generic male hands and give it to Illa. When you start making RACE and GENDER an aspect of quality, you are essentially treating these people like objects and incindently end up acting racist and sexist. Not to mention Jaune isn’t even a protagonist, he’s a deturtagonist meaning he is a secondary protagonist thus if he finishes developing before the show is over, it’s nowhere near as big a flaw if RUBY does. And this ignores the fact that Jaune HASN’T gotten any development since Volume 2. Volume 3 gave him nothing and Volume 4 used him as tool for Ruby. But of course, RWDE is so obsessed with white males they will never acknowledge anything that isn’t a white male.
And this WITHOUT the implication that rebooting RWBY means essentially SCRUBBING MONTY OUT OF HIS OWN SHOW.  
In vol. 1, Ruby is let into Beacon two years early. While competent at fighting, Ruby is still wet behind the ears in terms of being a hunter and a team leader and all of this stresses her out. Pyrrha, an internationally famous fighter, finds Ruby’s enthusiasm and naivety refreshing, possibly finding Ruby’s innocence similar to her own when she was younger. She decides to help Ruby out as much as she can in terms of mastering Ruby’s semblance and becoming a competent leader.
And now I’m bored.  Why? because the humor that came from Jaune and Ruby’s interactions and Pyrrha and Jaune’s interactions are gone and replaced with every generic mentor relationship ever. there is no variation or humor, their personalities are not compatible in terms of interesting character development and in fact Ruby and Pyrrha become lesser characters because of it since Jaune added a foil characteristic to both sides. And since Ruby would know who Pyrrha is, that aspect of Pyrrha will never come up and since Jaune is gone Ruby will never have that fellow dorky classmate to make it charming. Congrats, one paragraph in and you’ve fucked up writing. Especially since you are burning up Ruby’s development too fats and thus we get stufk with a  fully developed character halfway through the series anxd now she has nowhere to go but back or be boring.
This would require fight scenes where people aren’t just super mega awesome but at the same time not bad fight scenes for the sake of terrible comedy either (e.g. all the group tournament fights in vol 3). Think Maka and Black Star levels of newb during the first few episodes/chapters of Soul Eater. They’re still competent in fighting, but obviously inexperienced in many other things. So, you know, actual growth and progress can be seen instead of just anime characters doing cool shit all the time. This also requires Pyrrha to be the leader of her team and not Jaune. Pyrrha being Ruby’s mentor will also give more leeway to Pyrrha having more connections to team RWBY. Yang is slightly suspicious of Pyrrha possibly having ulterior motives for wanting to mentor her little sis, Weiss is jealous that the famous Pyrrha wants to spend with Ruby and not her, Blake continues to just be there, etc. It allows Pyrrha to exist as her own person, gives her stronger plot relevance and connection to the main cast outside of being a member of Jaune’s team and the totally-made-up-on-the-spot seasonal maiden, and lets her be more than just a satellite love interest character for Jaune
So you want RWBY to take more from SoulEater, which then means it’s basically ripping it off and losing it’s identity? Good to see the RWDE tag cares so much about originality except when they suggest stuff.
So...Ruby working together with Weiss at the end of Volume 3 where they unite to go save Pyrrha contrasting Volume 1 where Ruby and Weiss were fighting each other doesn’t count as development? What about her learning the trials of leadership in the same episode which allows her to mesh more with Weiss? What about Ruby reconciling her motivation of being a Huntress with tebcruelity of the world showing a level of personal strength and adaptability very few people have? Is that not development? 
See, you focus so much on Jaune’s development you become blind to Ruby’s development. And Weiss’ development And Blake’s development. And Yang’s development. Ironically making YOU sexist.
And then we have your excuses for “improvements”: Pyrrha is too passive to be a proper leader and thus wouldn’t be able to rend in her teammates nor does she show any capability to be a leader (being a leader and being a good fighter are two different things), It makes Yang look stupid for suspecting Pyrrha, Weiss look more like a bitch than she really is. Pyrrha’s own person loses most of it’s meaning because Ruby really doesn’t NEED Pyrrha’s mentoring in combat because, surprise, Ruby si a prodigy in fighting and thus someone like Pyrrha doesn’t have enough experience to impart anything pf value onto Ruby (Espeically considering she has QROW as a mentor, someone who has a compatible fighting style and far more power and experience than Pyrrha) whereas Jaune would need Pyrrha’s mentoring, Ruby and Pyrrha fail in many of the same social ways and for similar reasons whereas Jaune does not and gives a companion to Ruby to sympathize with and someone to make Pyrrha’s flaws come to light. And then she loses the romance angle for her in which is a lot of the series heartwarming moments because there is no one else she is compatible with. And then her similarities to a certain inspiring, brave mentor disappear which is a spit in the face to Pyrrha. And that’s all without considering how this would screw up Ruby’s development since her learning to be a leader is shown in Jaune’s own arc but without it, it becomes more flimsy. 
In essence: Everything gets fucked.
Anyway, in vol. 2, the prom can still happen but just trash all the dumb hetero romance bullshit. It’s pointless, a waste of time, and also badly written. Anyway, Ruby is attending the prom and sees that Pyrrha is all alone with no date. They talk, and Ruby learns how lonely Pyrrha is from being so famous and being put on a pedestal or whatever. Ruby feels bad for Pyrrha and also feels guilty of doing the same things others have done that made Pyrrha feel so lonely in the first place. This moment deepens their relationship and they form a genuine friendship.Â
Oh so Heterosexuality is boring? Okay then, guess that makes homosexuality nothing more than a marketing ploy to draw people in and should be treated with no respect and dropped once the novelty wears out in which we will just find new ways to make heterosexuality good again. See how fucking offensive it is when you say this bullcrap. Also, by this logic, Toradora’s romance is shit because it’s hetero and a poorly written, poorly made, rushed, unaware Yaoi fanfic is good. Becuase that’s how heterophob-I mean, logic works.
Alos, giant plothole: WHy would Pyrrha say this to Ruby? She said it to jaune because he treated her differently but Ruby can’t due to having a knowledge f the Huntsman world. And even if there were some way to shoehorn this in: it lsoes most of the impact because it was said that Jaune had helped her out she fell in love but Jaune was too dense to see it. Now it just looks like angst. Great, this person wants to turn RWBY into the next Evangelion.
So, when Pyrrha gets killed off in vol 3., her death will actually have emotional meaning to Ruby and to the audience. She’s not just a love interest for generic white male protagonist that a good chunk of the fandom (me included) hates because he’s such a blackhole whenever it comes to screentime/character focus. Let’s face it, Pyrrha and Ruby are basically strangers to each other in canon and they’re only friends cause the two teams talk to each other semi-frequently. I don’t think they’ve actually even talked directly to each other even once (and if they did, you really can’t blame me for not remembering). Now, Pyrrha is a mentor and friend to Ruby, so witnessing her death will be legitimately more traumatic to her.
Except: No, it wouldn’t. Any emotions around Pyrrha would feel forced because without Jaune, she doesn’t look as good, her despair is cheapened, her love interest and seemingly promising future is gine, she doesn’t look all that impressive because the audience won’t see how a civilian like Jaune fights, her conflict around being the Maiden and dying will feel forced without the discussion with Jaune and it does not work with Ruby due to Ruby having more pressing matters and if she was inserted in, she would be overexposed in her own series, Ruby DOES become an ACTUAL Blakc Hole Sue, the quality of the show tanks and it dies. Congrats you killed RWBY.
And no, Jaune isn’t a Black Hole Sue nor is that the reason why you hate him: You hate him because he’s white, he’s male and he’s heterosexual because you’re racist, sexist and heterophobic. And as you people in RWDE are so keen on saying: Why should RT pander to bigots? See I know this because criticism’s effect actually dials to one way or another on issues: Since this is a radical change that demands something to be removed entirely, I know that thinsg are fine because the thing isn’t being overdone. Also, I know this because her only criticism of Jaune is hes white and male and she keeps acting like heterosexuality is a bad thing.
And ironically, this actually makes them sexist as hell because they cannot see past Pyrrha’s vagina and see her for the person who she is. She is only worth something if she is completely separate from a man, thus forcing her down one path and one path alone. This also shows that they will refuse to see her strength as a character (her actions for doing good despite the damage it will cause her, her conflict about it, her conflict about her feelings with jaune, her sadness, her strength as an actual fighter) I if it has anything to do with a man, thus never seeing past her gender.  Espeiclaly ironic considering the person Pyrrha is most like in anime is Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, AKA the manliest guy in anime so her gender barely has anything to do with who she is.
And finally: I love how this person completely disregards Penny dying, Roman dying, Ruby being to a pulp by Roman, Ruby seeing her sister maimed and seeing her school, destroyed as if cumulative stress is not a thing. I wouldn’t let this person within ten miles of a depressed person.
Which leads us to vol 4., where Ruby is all kinds of fucked up from all the shit that happened to her. Her sister lost an arm, her team is scattered across the world, she witnessed 3 people die right in front of her (2 of them being her friends), and her dream school and the kingdom of Vale are fucked. All of this shit can lead to a number of possible developments for Ruby that can happen over the rest of the course of the show, including 1.) she becomes bitter and cynical, losing all sense of hope and optimism she had, 2.) despite all this, she still retains her hope and optimism, or 3.) a mixture of both, where Ruby realizes that the world and being a hunter isn’t as idealistic like being a hero in her stories, but she still wants to do what is good.
And this si exactly what happened in Volume 4. Literally, word for word. Pyrrha’s death made literally no impact here now because really nothing really changed. Except wait, nobody cares about pyrrha, Ruby ahs no way of processing her feelings about Pyrrha, their relationship would feel cheap and poorly written, Pyrrha will have either made no progress with RWBY or contrived progress. 
And let’s take a lok at thes ethree options. Number one is out because it’s basically a spit in the face to Monty and his message of keep moving forward and would make just a copy of Volume 4 Jaune. 2. is the same as three which is exactly what happened. Congrats, you have two options, one of which was already done and the other literally disgraces a dead man’s work. Not like RWBY would survive to this point with all the imbalances of removing Jaune does.
This amps up the character focus on Ruby while drastically reducing Jaune’s. Like the boy or not, you have to admit the amount of time and priority spent focusing on Jaune’s emotional and personal conflicts and growth is really fucking bad writing when he is supposed to be a secondary character. The show is called RWBY and Ruby is supposed to be the actual main protagonist. If anyone’s going to get an absurd amount of focus about their growth, it should be her.
A.) he’s a secondary PROTAGONIST AKA DETUROTAGONIST. In fact, he would be teh closest to BEING a protagonist as the main character’s Foil. Yeah, you kind of forgot that aspect of Jaune’s character, like everything else that wasn’t the color of his skin or the contents of his pants. SO no, that doesn’t work.
B.) That’s already done before: With characters like Goku who sucked up all the development from characters like Yamcha and Tien and Chtaotsu and Master Roshi and Bulma and then ended up with nowhere to go in Z and it brought the whole show down because the characters that could be explored had to be left behind. This is a flaw so prevelant all but the most hardcore DBZ fans will admit it. You’d just be the idiot who never got the memo.
C.) Again, you are ignoring Ruby’s own development to harp on about Jaune, once more making you the sexist one here.
Disclaimer: What is described still falls into the many clichéd pitfalls like the mentor dying and the other generic shit that is in RWBY’s writing, but that wasn’t the point of this rant. The point of the above text is to fix the lack of character focus on Ruby with the material given from the show, even if said material have been done to death already. It’s a bandaid for one wound, but the body that is RWBY is still riddled with critical injuries of bad writing.
Because cliches are always bad, right My Hero Academia, the highest rated recent Shounen, One Punch man and Mob Psycho 100, web comics who defied all the odds like RWBy, and Gurren Lagann, Montys favorite anime and one of the main inspirations for RWBY?
Except that you just bring up more clichés that don’t get the variations that RWBY has given the ones it has now just to be sexist, racist and hetero and somehow homophobic. COngrats, you fail writing.
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Wow it’s been a long time...I was actually trying to log in to my other tumblr but ended up on this one.
Interesting development from the last, I dunno like 4 years? I haven’t been here for a while anyway. But I have emetaphobia now and I have done for over a year
What is emetaphobia? It is the intense phobia of up chucking or being around someone that has or might. Google it if you like. I can’t really stand to think about it because it sends me into all sorts of crazy!
This all started because of my OCD, ah yes my old friend is still there. It is alive and very much kicking! I got a tummy bug and it didn’t fit my rule about germs. My general rule about this kind of illness (which I will refer to as nunchucking because I can’t stand the word) is that if you have been around someone who was nunchucking and you’re okay after 48 hours then you’re good to go! However I became unwell after a week...thus my rule was broken.
Now for anyone without OCD they are probably thinking how completely ridiculous this all sounds but when you have OCD you think that certain behaviours of thoughts will stop the thing you are so desperately afraid of happening, from happening. So this broke me. Literally broke me.
I am not working at the moment because the outside world and people terrify me. I can see germs everywhere and if I can’t wash my hands immediately after touching something “dirty” then man oh man am I stressed the hell out!
So going out has been a bit of a touchy subject. I also don’t eat meat anymore (I live a horrible, cheeseburger-less existence) “Oh how commendable” some may say, or “stop telling us all to become vegetarians!”. That is not what it is...I can’t eat meat because I am so terrified of food poisoning (side note: my GP said that you are more likely to get food poisoning from salad than from meat so that’s another thing to worry about!)
Anyway, I had a minor anxiety attack earlier because someone posted on good old facebook about the above and she was at my niece’s birthday party yesterday (I wasn’t there). Most my family was there so now I have that to worry about that. Which I know if a pointless and stupid thing to worry about but it is in my mind and it'll stay there for the next week.
I don’t really know what this post was meant to be. It’s not really because I want people to read it, it’s because I need to write it down. I can’t write it on paper because someone might see it and likewise with using word on my laptop. It just feels safer here, crazy I know but anyway I kind of feel better now so I’m going to go eat my dinner of quorn and curly fries (ooh yeah living the high life!)
Mucho love
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thefuturebelongs · 8 years
You post the questions, you have to do them. All 97 of them. Go!
So much pressure!Ask me things1. What’s your middle name? - Marie2. What are you listening to right now? - I'm watching NCIS3. What was the last thing you ate? - my leftover wrap4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? - uhhh Cassie5. Do you drink? - every now and then6. Do you smoke? - no way7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? - how much the eyes crinkle when they smile8. What is your hair color? - dark brown but not black9. What is your eye color? - brown10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? - I'm supposed to haha11. Dogs or cats? - dogs all the way12. What’s your favorite animal? - cuttlefish, giraffe, elephant or white Bengal tiger13. What’s your favorite television show? - eh it changes. Castle, Bones, law and order svu, PLL, and a bunch of animals shows14. What’s your favorite movie? - currently it's interstellar15. What’s your favorite band/singer? - Katy perry currently but it changes16. How old are you? - 25 👵🏼17. Do you have a crush on anyone? - maybe ;)18. What’s your sexual orientation? - uh whatever floats my boat? Boy, girl, whatever19. What’s your favorite color? - charcoal ha or seafoam20. What was your most embarrassing moment? - I usually say when I fell in the pool during my senior swim meet21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? - who doesn't wish that sometimes22. What were you like when you were a kid? - a terror hahah23. What would your dream house be like? - nothing too big but I want it to be nice and clean looking. Solid painted walls, wide plank hardwood floors, a pretty kitchen even though I'm a horrible cook24. What last made you laugh? - Carter farting and then being embarrassed. Stupid pug25. What is your favorite word? - validity26. What is your least favorite word? - I don't think I have one27. What turns you on? - uhhh28. What turns you off? - big ego29. What is your star sign? - libra 30. What are your favorite books? - extremely loud and incredibly close, river god, a brief history of time31. Do you have any siblings? - 1 older sister32. Do you like to dance? - depends on my mood33. What is your definition of cheating? - cheating is cheating. Physical and emotional34. Have you ever cheated on someone? - no35. Do you regret anything? - I regret a lot but it's in the past so nothing can be done36. Do you have any phobias? - eh I don't like the dark but it's not a phobia37. Ever broken any bones? - my wrist, snowboarding in 6th grade 38. Ever come close to death? - nope39. What is your religion, if any? - uhhh I'm not religious but I like to learn about religions 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? - once in college and I found it to be pointless41. Are looks important in a relationship? - yes and no. There has to be physical attraction but a relationship can't be built on look42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? - I look more like my mom but I have my dad's mannerisms43. What is your favorite season? - fall44. Do you have any tattoos? - 2. Hopefully 3 tomorrow 45. Do you have any piercings? - just earrings46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? - uh currently on number 347. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? - ha who hasn't48. Who is your celebrity crush? - oye so many49. Are you a virgin? - HAHA50. Do you get jealous easily? - I can51. What is your favorite type of food? - Chinese (but from china) and Italian (but from Italy) or Mediterranean (but from Israel) hahaha52. Do you ever want to get married? - someday53. Who was your first kiss with? - ha this kid named Andrew54. Have you ever been cheated on? - not that I know of55. What is your idea of the perfect date? - an amusement park or baseball game ha56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? - more so introvert. INFJ yo 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? - yeah why not58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? - eidetic memory59. What is your saddest memory? - all of 2016 hahaha60. Do you believe in love at first sight? - no but I believe in lust at first sight61. Do you believe in soul mates? - no62. Have you ever dyed your hair? - nope63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? - not that I know of64. Would you go against your moral code for money? - ew no65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? - uh I have very little confidence, I love photography and I can play the piano66. Who are you jealous of? - nobody specifically67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? - no68. How long was your longest relationship? - currently going on 3.5 years69. Is the glass half empty or half full? - half full70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? - I have no idea71. Who is your most loyal friend? - I'm lucky to have a few72. Are you in a relationship? - yes73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? - her compassion74. Are you a bad person? - I don't think I am 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? - lover76. What did you do on your last birthday? - uhhh I think I had dinner with friends77. What is your favorite quote and why? - the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams by Eleanor Roosevelt. Because you have to have dreams and then pursue them to make the world a better place78. If your best friend died, what would you do? - unfortunately one of my best friends did pass away last year and I cried everyday for him for about 9 months until I had a dream about him79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? - I would change my grandmother and the hospital not taking her seriously with her asthma attack80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? - I would yell and swear for about 12 seconds and then see as many people as possible81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? - I've had so many. Having extra arms or being in space and shit82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? - in a relationship83. Who were you in a past life? - hopefully someone loved84. What is your happiest childhood memory? - spending summer days at the park with my best friend85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? - everyone has86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? - nope87. If you were the president, what would you do? - oye I would focus on the environment88. What is your ideal career? - something where I help others. 89. What is your political affiliation? - I hate trump ha90. Are you conservative or liberal? - liberal91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? - females. Always 92. Do you like kissing in public? - only pecks93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? - people to stop fighting over idiotic shit. And to save the environment. And animals. 94. Where would you like to live? - ha somewhere with mountains95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? - Iceland. Or Australia. Or New Zealand. Or Peru. Or Switzerland. 96. Describe yourself in one word. - analytical97. Describe yourself in one sentence. - I'm funny but I'm actually not and I overthink everything but I like puppies.
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