#this is the problem when people ask me about anything lotr related i'll just go on and on
queensabriel · 11 months
Your LOTR Boromir lives fic ALREADY sounds amazing - are you willing to share anything about it or are you just focusing on working on it for now? Also I'd like to please ask about Gondorian names and how they're constructed and how you'd go about making one up (because I've got a LOTR fic in the early wip stages and a couple Gondor OCs that I still don't have names for, and I'd like to be accurate.)
Heehee oh i'm glad you're excited for it! I am kind of giving him a Jaime Lannister character arc (minus the, you know, twin stuff) in that instead of dying he's getting injured in a way that will affect him for the rest of his life and essentially mean that he can't be a warrior anymore and is going to have to rethink some large parts of his identity, as well as having the whole firsthand knowledge of how corrupting the ring can be. Also there's going to be some epic bestie friendship with Boromir and Eowyn, some really emotional shit when he's reunited with Merry & Pippin and also when he returns to Gondor finally.
I am also pondering the idea of working a plot in relating to my headcanon that the Arkenstone is one of the Silmarils, but i have to decide if that will be too much??? idk. AND YES LETS TALK GONDORIAN NAMES I'M HAPPY TO HELP.
HOKAY SO - you have a lot of options here, and they're all going to depend on the exact background of your characters and what you want their families to be like. A lot of people in Gondor who we're introduced to in canon are named after historical figures - Boromir is an example, Denethor another, also Faramir & Éowyn's grandson Barahir. So if you don't want to make up a name, you can literally just look at the family trees (all can be found on the lotr.fandom.com wiki) and pick something that you think fits. I'd also recommend looking them over to get a good feel for what names sound like.
But if you do want to do JRRT proud and dabble in some linguistics of your own you still have a lot of options for making up names! Names of Gondorian people are most commonly of Sindarin origin, but you don't have to hold tight to that. I personally think it would be very reasonable to have people with Rohirric names, and probably at least some with roots in Adûnaic - the language spoken in Númenor. (Especially if someone's parents are history buffs. Probably it would be weird for someone to have a completely Númenorian name like 'Ar-Zimraphel' but honestly as long as the strangeness is acknowledged you could go for it.
As for actual naming customs, everyone seems to just have the one name, I haven't really seen any examples of surnames or patronymics (other than being like "Faramir son of Denethor"), sometimes there will be references to lineage if someone comes from a Known Family - like Boromir being of the House of Húrin, but that's not really part of the name.
Here are some very useful sources:
Parf Edhellan is an amazingly comprehensive online dictionary, phrasebook and general information source for Tolkien linguistics, so if you're looking for specific word meanings that's the place to go. It's got every language JRRT made up.
If you want to grab some quick and easy premade Sindarin compound names, here is a very nice list to check out
Also I am always always happy to talk Tolkien stuff so if you wanna run anything by or bounce ideas off of me i am here for that :3
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velvet-games · 4 months
intro post
I'll probably add more to/change this later; I've just needed an intro post for a while, and this is what I could think of. you should probably remind me to update it if this section is still here after like six months lol.
name/pronouns/age/gay shit~
honestly you can call me whatever, but I probably won't know you're talking about me unless you use vel/velvet.
prefer they/it; any pronouns are fine.
I'm probably non-binary I guess.
I'm an adult.
I basically just identify as queer at this point, but I'm like,, vaguely aroace-spec probably? still figuring it out. I'm actually very happy to talk about it more specifically, but I might have to sit you down for an entire day to explain it lol.
what I do/post~
I mostly post fandom stuff, and my original posts include a lot of art + occasional meta. I'm starting write fic too, so that might be a more regular thing in the future :)
other accounts~
@/velvetygames -- explicit nsfw twitter/x account, not very active
@cornerbytes -- old dragon prince account that I will probably revisit when the new season comes out
@/velvet_games -- ao3 account
I post occasional nsfw here (never super explicit; that's saved for my twitter); it'll be tagged #nsft.
current fandom: hazbin hotel
previous fandoms:
hannibal (will always have a very special place in my heart)
arcane (will revisit when the new season comes out)
ofmd (literally so happy this exists; devastated it's not getting a new season)
the dragon prince (will probably revisit when the new season comes out)
good omens
lotr (I also read like 2/3 of the hobbit and will hopefully finish it this summer lmao)
things in media that make me go insane (in a good way)~
happy endings
good visuals (even if everything else is shit; extra points if it's animation)
this one's weird but I love situations where a character is really helpless; I thought I liked whump because I can be borderline sadistic about it sometimes, but whump is really not necessary at all to this concept
religious stuff, mythology, angels specifically for some reason (especially when they're terrifying and/or fallen)
gay people
you are welcome to send in ideas through comments, DMs, asks, etc., but I can't guarantee I'll draw them. if I don't, it doesn't mean that I don't like your idea; I'm probably just busy or have too many brainworms about a specific thing to draw anything but what's on my mind.
I randomly get really anxious about feedback on stuff sometimes lol, but I promise I read every single comment/tag and cherish them very deeply <33
also, like/rb spamming is totally fine and welcomed! I know some people don't like it, so I just wanted to make it clear that it's completely cool with me.
for a really long time, this was my pinned post, and it's still true! definitely welcome any interactions from mutuals <3
I do have a problem with randomly ghosting people though; I've been much better with it recently, but please try not to take it personally if I don't respond to DMs quickly. I'm probably just being insane and in my head about it. I'm really sorry.
this is an account that is purposely removed from my irl stuff; I'm here to have fun and relax on my mostly fandom-oriented blog.
I don't block often since I mostly meet nice people on here, but I am very happy to block accounts that make my experience on this app shitty.
I try to tag triggers when appropriate, but please let me know if you need me to tag anything I haven't.
art for me is just a hobby I use for fun and self-expression, so while I really appreciate concrit, keep in mind that my goal is ultimately to make stuff that makes me happy.
I am also very protective of young artists that get made fun of for being beginners or making unconventional art; you should never assume why someone is making art, and you especially should not assume that they are focused on becoming more skilled or making things that are beautiful to you. if they're not hurting anyone and you're not their target audience, get the fuck out.
I am of the mindset that media is not real, but that your reaction/the things you learn are. liking cannibal media does not make you a cannibal, but seeing bigoted portrayals of minorities can feed your biases (doesn't necessarily mean you can't consume it; does mean its effect on you/others irl should factor into if/how you decide to interact with it).
I'm vaguely fucked in the head. just keep that in mind.
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Just gonna put it out here
My dad has been really invested in Rings of Power and has been asking me a lot of questions related to the first age like what are the silmarils, who's feanor, etc. He used to be an avid Tolkien fan and introduced me to the world himself and he has asked me several time to enjoy TRoP because it's "Good if you think it as outside of Tolkien"
If I had to enjoy something Tolkien-but-not-really-Tolkien then I'd enjoy Eragon or something like that, definitely not something like TRoP which is basically a fanfiction off Tolkien that is massacring storylines and characters.
The Tolkien tags used to be so different that i now have to avoid almost all of it 😭. I have nothing against those who are enjoying the show, but absolutely have personal problems against the show. Look what they did to my boy Finrod. We don't talk about Sauron. If TRoP is getting money then fanfiction writers too should get money off their stuff because it's basically the same thing at this point.
Sorry, I forgot to post this. I got caught up in my own wailings XD
"Good if you think it as outside of Tolkien" seems to be a running theme. People I work with are enjoying the show. I'm the only one who seems to have a problem. I'm also the only one who spends waaaaay too much of my time thinking about the Silm (hello special interest and hyperfixation). Though I'm not the only person who has read Tolkien in the group, anyone else who has has only read LotR and therefore doesn't really have anything to reference the show against.
But you're right, it can be dificult to enjoy it as a thing outside of Tolkien when what they've produced is a step down from the original work. I will also say that I found it hilarious that you mentioned Eragon because that also had a disasterous adaptation XD And contains many elements that very much make it a Tolkien fanfic in itself (don't get me wrong, I had my Eragon phase like the rest of us!)
As for the tags... well... the show is new. The show fandom and book fandom are overlapping quite a lot at the moment, but from looking at the films I feel like things will settle down and maybe separate out better? I don't know. This is just another instance of making sure you manage your online experince well. The unfollow and block buttons are your friends. I'll admit I've done a good bit of unfollowing in the last couple of days, either of people or of tags and you know what? My dash is almost completely back to normal! I just need to block some TROP specific tags and I think we'll be good.
It's sad, I get it. I don't normally actually go searching through specific tags, I follow enough people that my dash is interesting on it's own. Yet even for me, it felt... wrong.. to be unfollowing the Sauron tag. I'm not ashamed to say that I have a feeling of complete strangers ruining something I love deeply (I literally carry around my knitted Sauron when I'm having a tough time, becuase he is very much my comfort character who I must have just so). But despite that, the fandom circles that we're used to still exist, we just need to make sure we're interacting with the right people for what we want to see.
Sorry, if that little speech came off as weirdly patronising? I'm after getting most of the horror out of my system now and am quite happy to not catastrophise about the fandom as a result of the show. I'll probably still pass comment for the next little while becuase I don't have the self control not to, but other than that I think "Unfollow, Block, Curate" needs to be the mantra for now and we'll see that we can continue on as we always have.
Lastly, on money. Unfortunately legalities like rights make all the difference in money terms. Let's not bring the angry ghost of Anne Rice down upon ourselves (though, the new Interview with the Vampire adaptation seems to be beeing met well XD)
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