#this is the most high-effort shitpost i've ever done
deerdreams · 8 months
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Lunarae takes the direct approach.
Anyways I've been having a blast with the Astarion romance
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twicecursedmonk · 2 years
Getting My Bearings
I’ve freed myself from work for long enough to actually write something. My aim right now is to define the scope of what I will be blogging about. I’m in the middle of transforming my online identity fully away from season 4*, which includes diversifying the platforms I’m active on. For reference to anyone interested in my online career, the plan is this
Twitter/Mastodon will be for shitposts, passing thoughts, and other ultra-short form content
Neocities will be more of a gallery experience of writings and other works that I believe are best representative of my overall creative vision.
Tumblr will be for medium length content that is temporally relevant. Descriptions and analysis of the things I am doing/making/consuming.
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A painting I saw on Twitter, posted there without credit
More on tumblr: I don't plan on using this site often beyond using it to catalogue my thoughts. At this time I don't have any aims on community building here, and my blog will mostly function as a sort of behind the scenes view of the process of creating other projects that interest me more.
What other projects you ask? Here's a list!
How To Win Disco Elysium by becoming the baddest hustler to ever live (YouTube)
Untitled Video on the Pale and Innocentic system (YouTube)
The Unscrupulous Netizen's Guide to Modern Computing (Neocities)
Untitled Home Alone Rip Off Game (Platform TBD)
Untitled Naruto Rip Off Game (Platform TBD)
Music? (Soundcloud?)
For now, my goals are more based on creating a process I can stick to than any particular output, however I feel better with the projects I've selected for season 5 than previous seasons. In the past I have not been very good at getting things done. The problem I have identified is that it's very hard for me to try to do things. The solution I'm testing is doing without trying.
Notably, Twitch is not a platform I have any major plans for at this time. Twitch for me right now fits in the category of too time consuming without any real benefit. I may stream incidentally if I am already doing something that would work well as a stream, or if I have a specific idea, but it's not something I will be putting major amounts of effort in. I do need lots of Disco Elysium footage at this time, and I plan on streaming while I collect that, but beyond that I have no specific plans for the platform at this time.
Monetization/calls to action? None at this time. I may set up a Patreon at some point, however it doesn't seem important at this time. For now, just know that you can get in touch with me best on Discord. I made a new server recently too!
Feel free to join, you will need approval to get into the server, just let me know where you came from and I'll let you in. That's all for now
*For reference
Season 1: Middle School. I was active on an unmoderated forum for a children’s book series that a bunch of 4chan/SA posters had colonized. Everyone hated me (deservedly). Later on, I switched from the book forum to the official SSOHPKC forums, which I believe also no longer exist. I’m very glad for that. Not many people, including myself, have record of season 1. Defined by the disgusting ignorance of youth
Season 2: High school - college. I was mostly active on Facebook and reddit. Sadly this cringe still exists. I have no plans on removing it however. Search for it if you'd like, my only request is that you let me know if you find it, and not ruin the search for others. Towards the end of season 2 I withdrew from most public forums. Defined by a paralyzing fear of rejection.
Season 3: Commie Zoombini. This is where I believe most people who may read this first became aware of me. Season 3 is when I became active on Twitch, Twitter, and Discord. I started streaming after watching Hasan for a while and thinking "yeah I could do this". Defined by a smug sense of supieriority
Season 4: Cursed Monk (Maine). I honestly have very little memory of this. Gave up on everything. Defined by the burden of expectation
Season 5: Cursed Monk (Texas). Last season sucked, but the name was good so I'm keeping it. Season 5 is the present. Defined by the unknown.
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maybe-i-missyou · 3 years
thanks to @foreverfanficaddict for tagging me to do this!
my check in tag
1. Why did you choose your url?
I wish I had a deeper meaning, but it's literally just miss you supremacy
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have @time-wondroustime which was my main blog before this and is sometimes used now (my commitment issues manifest through the number of tumblr blogs I've made aksjdjsk), then I have 4 (I think? maybe 5...😅) that have been abandoned for one reason or another
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2013 (it was my first social media account)
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I'm not organized enough to have a queue in general...or a tagging system lol
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I mainly started a 1d one because Walls was coming out and I knew I was about to not shut up about it. Also I had just abandoned a different blog of mine so making a new one seemed like a great idea (it was!)
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
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but also lesbian flag because it's pride month
7. Why did you choose your header?
One of my favourite Louis quotes!! (here is the source)
8. What's your post with the most notes?
My 1d as the fab 5 post
9. How many mutuals do you have?
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
all of my posts are shitposts
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
it depends on the day, what I'm doing/how I'm feeling and if anything is happening with the boys that day
14. Did you once have a fight/arguement with another blog? Who won?
No, it's my non-confrontational pisces-ness (also I just don't care enough to put in the effort most of the time online aksjdjkdk)
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog" posts?
Absolutely the worst. The ones that are like "if you don't reblog this x will happen" gave me so much anxiety in high school so now I just actively avoid any post with any iteration of needing to reblog the post. if I actually like the post I'll either try to remove the reblog that says it or try to find another post with the same sentiment
16. Do you like tag games?
Yeah!! Although I'm a bit behind at the moment, oops 😅
17. Do you like ask games?
I've never done one, but maybe one day. Feel like I'm a bit too boring for them lmao
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't really understand what "tumblr famous" is and I don't care enough to find out lol
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. Tags?
@counttoinfinityy @hearyouhowling @letsbealone-together if you want to and haven't done so already
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queerofcups · 7 years
oooh i caught your inbox being open relatively fast for once! so this is a loaded question (with potentially a long answer) so feel free to not answer, but you mentioned a little while back that the phandom tends to be shitty to its fanfic writers and that really stuck out in my mind. what are some things you think we could improve? 'cause i've been in fandom for over a decade but i pretty much engaged with anyone until dnp came along, so i'm still feeling my away through the dos and don'ts
lol my inbox is always open to you friend, feel free to drop by whenever. 
mm. so caveats. 1. while the fandom isn’t particularly small, the fic writing community is small which presents its own set of challenges. 2. i’m a fic writer and before that reading fic was the main way in engaged with fandom so i’m very biased. 3. chances are high i said that when i was in my feelings about something or other not getting the response i wanted lol. oh, and 4. tumblr is terrible for all fic writers ever, but y’all have heard that rant.
ok, caveats over: i think one of the things most indicative to how phandom treats its writers is the fact that some of the large reccing blogs don’t tag writers. outside of the issue that that sets up a dynamic where a writer might have a fic floating around that’s got a ton of notes they don’t even know about (this has happened to me), its creates this thing where people see writers are content producers and nothing else.
i don’t think its a secret that i get really tetchy when people ask me to “write more of this!!!!” or when they prompt me something really specific that’s basically like here’s a story i want to see, write it for me. and i don’t think its a secret that i get really excited when people ask me about my motivations for stories i write. because those stories are part of me, my experiences as a person are in all of those stories. i’m not just pumping out words for the hell of it, and can’t just pump out more of a store because someone wants it.
second, you ever compared the notes a fic gets to the notes that some gifs get? you ever compared the notes a fifteen word shitpost gets to the type of notes some fic gets? like, i’m gonna be real: i feel a way when “when dan and phil get married xy&z is gonna happen” and it gets 700 notes, while i spend a week (or weeks or months) writing a fic that’s gonna get 100 notes. 200 if a big blog reblogs it. 
and i’m like. a pretty successful fic writer for having been here 6 months. It annoys me even more when I see people who started writing later (or haven’t done a chapter fic, or a series, like no one cares about my strategy to get more readers but pls believe that i schedule posts at the busiest time of the day and weigh whether a fic is good enough (or people pleasing enough) to go to the phanfic tumblr etc). it annoys me when “””””smaller”””” blogs post fic and its SO GOOD and it gets ten notes. 
(i have no idea how much effort it takes to make a gif, so i can’t comment on that but the discrepancy is still significant)
and there are just! there’s no fic newsletter! some people do fic rec posts but they get lost in the mishmash of tumblr! or maybe there are and i’ve just never ever seen them, which is a problem in itself!
so like, the solutions are the same things that people all over have been saying. reblog people’s fic. leave comments. invest attention and praise in fic writers that you like. encourage them (while not demanding content, unless they ask for that sort of pressure.) be aggressive about it. love your fic writers and they’ll love you back (in the form of more fic)
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