#this is taking so much longer than anticipated I have like 7 backups with failed scenes
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catdile · 5 months ago
Someone needs to get them some water or something
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starfleetdoesntfirefirst · 5 years ago
8tracks Backup
Edited 1/7/2020 to reflect that the new workbook can open your 8tracks folder and fix errored playlists you’ve already run with just a few clicks, which I hadn’t realized until I had time to use it myself!
The following is the new, up-to-date as of 1/6/2020 version of this reblog chain with extraneous and out-of-date information removed and a link to and information on the new workbook.
After 8tracks announced, with only a few days’ notice, that it was shutting down on 12/31/2019, an effort was made to preserve as many playlists as possible. The original 8tracks backup macro by VidderAdmin was downloaded over a hundred times across multiple continents, and the information from thousands of playlists was saved. Go fandom!
However, it turns out that 8tracks is staying up a bit longer—though we have no way of knowing how long—which leaves more time to save playlist information. To this end, VidderAdmin and the team that formed to work on this created a new macro workbook that fixes some issues and improves functionality.
The Updated Macro Workbook
- FIXED: playlists with Unicode producing 0kb files (and helps rerun files that failed)
- FIXED: missing images (and helps rerun files that failed)
- IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY: helps rerun failures, allows user to choose folders to download to and to download to subfolders by fandom tag specified by user, accounts for extraneous text at the end of URLs without the user needing to ctrl+f and delete it, checks folders to ensure every text file has a matching image and reruns those without
You will need to have macros enabled to run the spreadsheet; here’s how to enable macros. Side note: genuinely friendly PSA that macros are default-disabled in Excel for a reason. Macro viruses can send and delete files and be computer-destroying levels of dangerous; always be careful what you choose to download and run!
Download: bit.ly/8tracksbackup
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[Rest of ID in alt text] “8tracksbackup is a macro-enabled workbook that helps to quickly download playlist metadata (including the track list) and cover artwork based on URLs that you provide. We have also included some tools to help ensure those downloads worked correctly.
We're a team of volunteers hoping to preserve fandom history before it's lost, but we are not affiliated with 8tracks, and we are not affiliated with Internet Archive.
While we've done our best to test out the macros in this workbook and address any bugs or glitches, unfortunately we can't guarantee how it will perform, and you are using this at your own risk.
If you're familiar with VBA, you can take a look at the code yourself, but again please know that we can't guarantee how it will perform if you modify the code, or if you are sent a copy of this workbook that didn't come from us.
We've included some instructions within these tabs, but if you have further questions, please contact us at 8tracksbackup AT gmail DOT com and we'll do what we can to help.
If you are interested in submitting your 8tracks metadata and covers to the Internet Archive to be included in an 8tracks Fandom History Collection, please contact us at the email above by 12/31/2020.
If you'd like us to notify you when we've updated the workbook, or if you do not want your playlists included in our collection, you can fill out this Google Form: forms.gle/9Weh4RpKYnXFTrMQ6
Thank you for helping to save at-risk fanworks!”
So, do you need to re-run URLs you’ve already saved?
One of the main (and hardest to spot) issues in the original pre-New-Years macro was that JSON files (where the tracklists are) were coming out blank for playlists whose information included Unicode (pretty much anything not in the Roman alphabet; for example, Japanese lettering and Chinese characters).
EDITING TO ADD: I wrote the below struckthrough text before I’d used the new macro workbook, and I hadn’t yet realized that it has a sheet that quickly finds and re-runs the errored playlists in your 8tracks folder (and/or whichever other folders you point it at, if you’ve organized playlist files into multiple folders). It took me less than an hour to use it to fix all the errored playlists out of the over 6,000 total playlists I’d already run! So, my errored playlists from running the first macro are fixed, and if you have errored playlists from running the first macro, it should take just a few clicks and less than an hour’s running time to fix them. :)
So if you want to make sure that closer to all of the playlist URLs you ran through the macro have their tracklists saved, especially for tags/fandoms with many playlists with Unicode (for example, anime fandoms), you may want to re-run them with the new macro (which also has some convenient ways of finding the errored playlists).
However, don’t despair if you won’t have time to re-run URLs; having already saved a majority is much better than nothing having been saved! (If you don’t have time, you can also share your URLs with us at the email above in case someone has time to run them on the new macro, though please know that we may not have time to get to them. Please include a note that they were already run with a previous version—thanks!)
A note for folks who sent me, starfleetdoesntfirefirst, URLs to run: As I mentioned in another post, back in the days of the first macro I was able to get to some or all of what each person sent, but may not have time to get to all of what each person sent depending on when 8tracks shuts down. However, I almost definitely won’t have time to use the new macro to re-run Unicode-containing and other errored playlists I already ran. I’ll pass them along to the rest of this team, but given that none of us can guarantee we’ll get to them before 8tracks shuts down, if you feel strongly about making sure everything you sent to me gets re-run with the new macro, it may be worth pinging your Excel-having friends for aid. (I apologize for this; I didn’t anticipate things getting to this stage rather than a quick pre-New-Years effort!)
How to record & check (some of) which 8tracks tags have already had their playlists extracted
This Dreamwidth post is a place where you can comment to record which 8tracks tags, from any fandom (or nonfandom topic like “autumn”), you have extracted the URLs from, and check which 8tracks tags others have already extracted the URLs from, to avoid unnecessarily duplicating work. (You don’t need a Dreamwidth account to comment!) Not everyone who is extracting URLs is going to know about this post, so no guarantees of avoiding duplication, but it’s a start. :)
How to extract playlist URLs for use with the workbook
Instructions by @meeedeee adapted by me:
1) Do a tag search on 8tracks (or go to your own “liked” or “already listened” page if those are the playlists you want to save). Scroll to the very bottom of the page (so that all playlists have loaded and actually appeared on the page).
Note that if your tag has more than 1000 results, 8tracks will still only grab 1000.
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2) Use a link-extracter plugin (like this one for Chrome) to extract all the links on the page.
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3) Filter for links with the word “play” in them. This will pull up only the actual playlists. (There were 54 playlists tagged “Nyota Uhura,” and as you can see in the screencap, adding the filter “play” gives exactly 54 results.)
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4) Copy into spreadsheet.
Note on Archive Team’s effort
Archive Team is also attempting to archive as many playlists as they can, by random number rather than by tag due to 8tracks’s 1000-playlist limit in tag search. These will probably be stored on the Internet Archive as WARC files, which means that it will be harder for non-power-users to access playlist info, thus our continuing this separate effort.
Per @meeedeee: As a result they dropped trying to archive by tags, instead they’re running 3.5 million random numbers in the hopes of grabbing what they can. On the back end of 8tracks, the playlist data is not stored by URL, or by tag, but by unique numeric identifier. Because of the volume that they have to run, the Archive Team will not be archiving the “look and feel” (user profile icons). Only basic metadata (playlist, user name, comments) and cover art. The meta data will be stored in a json format which looks like this and is not easily readable https://8tracks.com/mixes/3169100/tracks_for_international.jsonh
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v-thinks-on · 5 years ago
The Final Problem
Part 7 of The Man Who Sold the World
First | Previous
“If she fancies herself Moriarty, she may be inclined to share his fate,” Holmes remarked without preamble.
Watson glanced up from the book he was reading. It took a moment for him to register what Holmes had said and another to realize what Holmes was suggesting. As the gears finally slid into place he said, “No.” Just in case Holmes had not heard it the first time, he repeated, “No. I never went back there and we’re not doing it now.”
When Holmes replied, he spoke cautiously, “I confess I wasn’t thinking about your feelings on the matter, and for my thoughtlessness I sincerely apologize. However, I fear it may be the only way to put an end to these crimes once and for all, or at least the best that I can think of. We can’t just sit by and wait as more people are killed until she chances to make some fatal mistake. You know as well as I that we have no further leads; Barker has said all he knows, and Ivy Douglas remains missing. And it’s nearly a sure bet. She has even given the name Moriarty; I cannot believe she expects it to end any other way.”
Watson interrupted, unable to contain himself any longer, “It’s too much of a risk.”
“I survived once, didn’t I?” Holmes attempted with a crooked smile. “If I could face Moriarty and come out on top, surely we can best this imitator.”
Watson shook his head. “I’m sorry Holmes, I can’t let you do it again. If anyone goes, it will be me alone.”
“No!” Holmes even seemed to surprise himself with the outburst. His expression softened. “It seems you’re not the only one who has been a little lonely these past hundred years. I can promise I won’t take a single step without you beside me.”
Watson hesitated, but at last he said, “No. There has to be another way.”
“Perhaps,” Holmes admitted. “You’re right that were our places reversed, it’s not a risk I’d care to take.”
Several days passed without a case or even a client knocking on their door.
“You’re certain it would work?” Watson asked, breaking the contemplative silence.
It was Holmes’s turn to glance up from the day’s paper, but it did not take long for him to gather his thoughts. “You have seen how closely she has kept to your accounts of my cases-”
“But not close enough to get caught,” Watson reminded him. “Somehow, her allies manage to disappear in time.”
“That’s why the risk is a necessary one. We already have enough evidence against her. With her taste for the dramatic, she couldn’t possibly resist the opportunity to bring us down once and for all in a final confrontation between the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, and the criminal mastermind, Professor Moriarty.” Holmes’s eyes shone with the thrill of the chase and Watson felt his heart begin to race in anticipation.
“But it isn’t the same,” Watson said, dragging them both back down to Earth.
Holmes stared at him for a moment before he finally relented, “No, you’re right, it isn’t.”
“We can’t repeat the past and I have no desire to.” Watson could not quite keep the edge of emotion out of his voice. “Even if you were to face Moriarty again, we don’t know if you would be so fortunate, and this isn’t Moriarty that we’re facing. We’re not the only ones with the benefit of hindsight, and we don’t know what she’ll do with it.”
“Now, now,” Holmes began with condescending dismay, but stopped himself short. “I mean to say that we do have some inkling of how she will behave - we have not gleaned nothing from all of the crimes she has orchestrated. She prefers to remain as close to the crime she is imitating as possible, even down to the language, as you have said, and only allows her subordinates to escape when the culprit could have done so. In the latest instance, she even allowed the crime to develop naturally when it would have been easier and more certain to murder her target and bring the body to the scene. With all that, I have little doubt that she will follow us to Reichenbach and bring a single sniper - Mrs. Ivy Douglas, if I’m not mistaken - who will not act unless absolutely necessary.”
“But say we do run to the continent and mirror our old steps,” Watson insisted, “it’ll be an obvious trap.”
“All it will tell her is that we are prepared for a confrontation, which we are. Her chance is as good as ours, and we all know it.”
Watson’s eyes narrowed in distaste. “I don’t like it. It is a good opportunity, but not with those odds. We’ll need backup and plenty of it.”
“Now, that will certainly make her suspicious,” Holmes protested.
“Do you believe we could truly make an arrest on that narrow precipice? Any struggle is more likely than not to throw us all into the spray. Just because it didn’t happen once doesn’t mean it will go your way again. And the officials are capable of subtlety from time to time.”
Holmes considered it. At last he answered a tad reluctantly, “Very well.”
“Then I will call Inspector Houghton,” Watson said, not entirely sure about it himself, but still, he stood and picked up the phone.
When every detail had been planned and all the pieces were in place, at last Holmes and Watson set their plan in motion.
The doctor walked up to the front desk of a quiet hotel. “Reservation for Holmes.”
The man behind the desk clicked around on his computer for a moment and gave him some papers to sign before finally handing over an electronic key that looked more like an ID or credit card. Watson thanked him and he and Holmes made their way up to their room. It was far from the nicest hotel in London, but it mattered little; they wouldn’t be there for very long.
It took a few tries, but between the two of them they finally got the door open. They stepped inside and immediately got to work.
Holmes opened his suitcase on the bed and handed Watson a bundle of clothes. “You might as well look the part,” he said with a wry smile.
Watson accepted them with a breath that could have passed for a sigh and set about unbuttoning his collar. “We’re actually going through with this” - it was almost a question, asking that it not be so.
“We’ve seen to every precaution. We will only fail if our Moriarty does not take the bait, and there is no doubt about that.”
Watson frowned. He wished he had Holmes’s confidence, but everything had been taken from him once, he could not bear to have it happen again. He was sorely tempted to call the whole mad thing off, or to run to the continent alone, leaving Holmes safely behind in London. But either would have been selfish. They had a plan, the best he could do was stick to it.
He took a long, steadying breath and tried to focus on one step at a time. Methodically, he changed out of his suit, into an even more antiquated priest’s frock. It didn’t quite fit right, but he presumed that was part of the disguise.
Once Watson was dressed, Holmes stepped back to admire his handiwork. “I’ve never seen a more pious gentleman. You would hardly look out of place at the Vatican. Now, just a few finishing touches.”
He seated Watson on the edge of the bed and took out his make-up case, full of powders and brushes. Watson craned over to get a better look.
“You must stay still,” Holmes admonished, but it didn’t hold any heat.
Watson reluctantly faced forward. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Holmes take out a broad brush.
He drew it across Watson’s cheek with surprising gentleness, the bristles tickled against his skin. Watson let his eyes fall shut as Holmes gradually painted lines onto his face. His chest was tight with nerves about the upcoming chase, but there was something soothing about the soft, repetitive caress, each motion no doubt purposeful and carefully planned. Holmes knew what he was doing and it was the least Watson could do to try and keep his nerves in check.
His makeup done, Holmes carefully pulled back Watson’s hair and slid a wig over it. His long, nimble fingers worked their way around Watson’s head, rustling through his hair as they adjusted the band here and there.
At last Holmes sat back and declared, “You look like a new man.”
Watson’s eyes blinked open in the suddenly bright electric light. It took a moment for him to register the face in the mirror. An old man, almost as old as Watson truly was, with deep wrinkles and sun-darkened skin, peered back at him.
“Why, I can hardly recognize myself,” he exclaimed, and as he spoke the face before him almost seemed to transform as familiar features made themselves known.
“Carry yourself a little stiffer,” Holmes suggested. “Do not forget your venerable years.”
Watson nodded, trying to make the gesture as halting as he could.
“Better,” Holmes said, though Watson could tell he still had a long way to go.
Then they both hesitated.
Their easy banter gave way to an awkward, uncomfortable silence, revealing the tension that had been lurking beneath the surface since before they left Baker Street.
“I best be going,” Holmes said at last, and got to his feet.
Watson followed suit. “Be careful.”
“And you. But I doubt Miss Moriarty knows our game yet. No, the chase will not truly begin until we alight on the continent. I wonder how long it will take for her to realize…” Holmes trailed off in thought, but he quickly found himself again - “No matter, she will follow, and she won’t risk it until Reichenbach.”
Watson tensed at the word.
“You remember your route?” Watson asked at last, more for something to say than for the answer.
“I am not so old as to be forgetting things.”
Watson gave him a look.
“Do not fear, my dear Watson, this business will all be over soon enough.”
“Don’t say that,” Watson snapped. He took in a deep, steadying breath and slowly let it out. “I’m sorry, Holmes,” he said, his voice still a little shaky. His hands were quivering. “I know it’s not the same, but still I find myself dreading the end.” His voice fell as he spoke.
Holmes reached out and clasped Watson by the shoulder. “I’m here and I will not leave you again,” Holmes said, his voice firm. “We have done everything in both our considerable power to ensure that we come out alive, so that is what will occur. There is hardly a chance of failure.”
Watson nodded and attempted a smile of his own.
Holmes was not entirely satisfied, but he withdrew his hand and bade Watson farewell, “I will see you at Victoria Station.”
With that, Sherlock Holmes turned, stepped out the door, and made his way down the hall as though he had not a care in the world.
Watson waited maybe fifteen minutes before his nerves got the best of him. He straightened his frock and made for the door like a man on a mission. Only as he was about to swing it open and stride out into the hall did he remember to bow his back and tried as best he could to hobble out. He had little patience for the slow, halting gait of the old priest he was trying to impersonate, but somehow he made it down the stairs and out the door, into the bright morning.
He imagined Holmes racing across the city, darting from cab to cab, as he hailed his own and set off straight for the station. Holmes was thankfully easy to pick out of the crowd on the platform, tall and lean, making no effort to conceal himself. For all of Watson’s years of imitation, there was something strange about playing Holmes’s role so purposefully, especially with his old friend right there in front of them. And Watson had never taken up Holmes’s penchant for disguises.
Still, Watson felt a little more confident in his shuffle as he made his way over to where Holmes was standing. A young officer stationed by the turnstyle offered to help Watson with his bag and he tried to direct her in a muffled voice. He only belatedly remembered that his English was supposed to be limited besides, but at least that way he had an excuse to speak as little as possible.
He thanked her in what little Italian he knew and settled in to wait for the train. He tried to catch Holmes’s eye, but Holmes’s gaze seemed to slide right over him as he scanned the crowd, almost managing to look nervous as he waited for someone to meet him.
It wasn’t long before the train arrived and he asked for Holmes’s help with his luggage as clumsily as he could. Holmes distractedly obliged.
When Watson tried to take the seat next to him, Holmes protested in a voice that wasn’t quite his own, “I’m sorry, you must understand, I’m waiting for my friend.”
“I- I don’t understand,” Watson attempted.
“I’m saving this seat for my friend,” Holmes insisted, seemingly blind to Watson’s struggle.
He was relieved when the doors slid shut and Holmes looked away to scan the car once more, giving him the opportunity to remark with a little well-deserved impatience, “My dear Holmes, you have not even condescended to say good morning.”
Holmes jumped a little and exclaimed, “Good heavens! How you startled me!”
“Not too badly, I hope,” Watson said without much sympathy.
“No,” Holmes said with a chuckle, keeping his voice low. “My apologies, Watson, but an actor, you are not.”
Watson did not dignify him with an answer. Instead he remarked, “I wonder if Moriarty herself will make an appearance.”
“I doubt she’s aware of our plans just yet, but I expect it will not take long.”
Watson nodded. “She’s been keeping a close eye on us.” He recognized one woman in particular sitting on the other side of the train, whom he had often seen near Baker Street, often lingering in view of their door.
It was a short ride to Kings Cross, but they arrived barely in time for the next train for Paris. Fortunately, Holmes got them quickly through security and they made it onto the train without incident. Watson fell into his seat, grateful for the chance to breathe.
They weren’t on board for long. They got off at Ashford, abandoning their empty luggage on the train. It wasn’t quite Canterbury, but after much debate they had decided against the half-hour detour. So, from Ashford, they caught a series of trains along the coast. The ride was a largely peaceful one. They alternated between easy conversation and companionable silence. But, when silence did fall, Watson found it difficult not to ruminate upon their dangerous errand.  The woman had followed them from the underground, but thus far nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
They stopped for a late lunch in Lewes, and then went on to Newhaven to wait for the evening ferry. They brought dinner with them, and arrived in Dieppe, France close on midnight. There was no longer a night train to Brussels, so they stayed overnight in Dieppe and continued on to Brussels in the morning.
Miss Moriarty had missed her chance in London, so instead it was in Brussels that they found themselves dogged at every corner. First a van barely missed them as they crossed an avenue, then a brick crashed to the sidewalk beside them, and finally they were accosted by a rough looking man with a club who was thankfully scared off by the police before he bloodied Holmes’s knuckles. That night the hotel was evacuated on account of a fire that did more damage causing a nuisance than destroying anything. Of course, none of the perpetrators were caught.
Otherwise they spent a leisurely two days in Brussels before they went on to Strasbourg, and the day after that to Geneva. From there, they went from town to town, hiking where they could, and taking busses where they could not. It was as beautiful and foreboding as Watson remembered, with rocky peaks towering above and sloping valleys below. He did not let Holmes out of his sight. To his relief Holmes seemed to accept it and did not try to venture far.
The last assault came, as they expected, at the Gemmi pass, where a large rock fell from the peaks above, past where they had just been standing moments before, and down into the lake below with a tremendous splash. They never saw the perpetrator. Thankfully no one was hurt.
Finally, they stopped in Meiringen. They stayed in one of many hotels that had popped up in the area since they had been there last.
That night, both of them were reluctant to go to sleep. Neither had much to say, or rather neither was quite ready to put their churning thoughts to words, instead they sat in silence, too keyed up to go to bed. Holmes sat doubled over, his keen eyes fixed on the wall ahead as though he could read volumes in the wallpaper, or perhaps see straight through the wall. Watson was tired, but his racing heart had other plans. Not for the first time on their harrowing journey, he longed for a smoke.
Finally, Watson got up the courage to speak, “Holmes, please hear me out. Only one of us is needed to bait Miss Moriarty into our trap, and the case was mine from the start. Stay in the hotel tomorrow, let me go alone to the fall.”
Holmes snapped to attention. He answered a little too lightly, “We wouldn’t want to raise Miss Moriarty’s suspicions. She should be expecting two of us, after all. She may hesitate if she finds only one.”
“Then return with the messenger boy. You know she’ll send one.”
“I’m sorry, Watson, but you won’t be getting rid of me that easily. I know it’s selfish of me, but I want to see this through to the end, and I cannot bring myself to let you go alone. I let you follow the messenger the first time because I couldn’t bear to risk you at all.”
“And what if you die” - Watson could no longer hold back.
“And what about you?” Holmes met Watson’s eyes, his gaze steady, but it betrayed some of his heart. “Perhaps I’ve become too confident in my own immortality, but we’ve planned it well and besides, I know you wouldn’t allow any danger to come to me.” He hesitated. “I’m afraid you are in a graver danger than I.”
The next morning, both of them left the hotel early to hike to the falls. Watson faltered as the sight of the familiar treacherous peaks, but Holmes took his hand and helped him up the path. They walked in silence, neither quite ready for what was to come. All too soon, they came upon the fearsome fall, its roar louder than it was in any of Watson’s nightmares.
There, they waited. Watson wished he could have brought his revolver, but it would not go on the train. Miss Moriarty likely lacked the same scruples.
It was not long before the messenger boy reached them, asking for an English doctor to treat a dying Englishwoman at the hotel. Watson glanced at Holmes, hoping he would take the out that was offered, but he knew well what Holmes’s response would be. So, the boy returned down the path alone.
Soon after he disappeared out of sight, Watson spotted a woman coming around the bend. He shouted over the fall and Holmes leaped to his feet, ready for a fight. As she drew nearer, Watson easily recognized her features; this was the very same woman who had made a mockery of his late wife. He was not surprised, but the sight of her sent a jolt of anger through him.
He clenched his fists and yelled as soon as she was close enough to hear him, “Why? Why would you do such a thing?”
She grinned and seemed to laugh - he could not hear her over the roar of the fall.
“Who are you?” Watson demanded.
“Jamie Moriarty,” she answered proudly, striding toward them and the fearsome falls as though she had not a fear in the world, “the great granddaughter of Professor James Moriarty, here to finish the work he started.”
Even standing on the precipice, the roar of the falls echoing in their ears, still Holmes argued, “Professor Moriarty had no children.”
“So the public was led to believe, but his descendants have not forgotten him. I have reclaimed my family name and will bring it back to the notoriety it so deserves!”
If she was going to say more, they did not hear it, for at her triumphant conclusion they heard a shot go off and a plume of smoke burst out of a rock on the other side of the falls. They hardly had a chance to respond as a squad of officers came running up the trail and surrounded Miss Moriarty. Without her sniper, she was thoroughly out gunned and quickly subdued.
Holmes and Watson followed them all down the trail. For how smoothly it had gone, Watson was still a little weak with relief, while Holmes seemed to be bursting with all the energy he had not needed to expend.
He laughed and declared, clapping Watson on the back, “Well done, my dear fellow. I suppose I owe you an apology for underestimating your advice. It all went off charmingly. I even find myself wishing there had been a bit more of a scuffle.”
Watson gave Holmes a look.
“But it is all for the best,” Holmes hastily tacked on.
“Yes,” Watson answered at last, unable to keep a smile from stretching across his face, “It did go well, didn’t it? I’m sorry I wasted so much time worrying about it.”
“It had its worrying points,” Holmes acquiesced. “If not for all your worries, it may not have gone nearly so well.”
“You’re the one who suggested where to stake out to catch the sniper?” one of the officers walking near them spoke up.
Holmes waved it off. “I happen to be very familiar with the area.”
“Well, those were brilliant hiding spots, I don’t know how you found them, but I could’ve looked all day and wouldn’t have seen a thing. It all looks like sheer rock, who would’ve thought you could climb it.”
“Ava Smith, you are charged with the murder of Samuel Easton, John Rowe, Nelson Duvall, Thomas Johnson, and William Strout. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence,” Mrs. Houghton recited. “Do you understand?”
Miss Smith merely nodded. She sat in imperious silence on the opposite side of the interrogation table, as though daring them to question her.
The doctor could only repeat his question from the falls, “Why? Why attempt to reenact the past like this?”
To his surprise, she smiled. “Why do you do it? There’s only one reason, isn’t there?”
“What are you talking about?” the doctor demanded.
“Who would want to be Miss Smith or Jonathan Holmes, or even Doctor Watson, when you could be Sherlock Holmes or Professor Moriarty? Who doesn’t want the starring role?”
“I try to help people,” he protested.
She waved off the suggestion. “Of course, anyone would want to be the great detective, but you can’t have Sherlock Holmes without Professor Moriarty, and anyway my talents are better suited to the latter than the former,” she concluded with a dismissive shrug.
“That’s a poor way to honor Sherlock Holmes.”
“What does he care, at the bottom of Reichenbach Fall?”
Watson flinched. Holmes rested a reassuring hand on Watson’s elbow.
“No,” Watson said at last, “You’re right, Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty both make a poor excuse for one’s actions.” He gave her a pointed look.
“I’ve been wondering,” she remarked, ignoring his comment all together, “Why you call yourself Jonathan Holmes while your friend here goes by the name Sherlock and calls you Watson.”
Watson struggled to find an answer.
Thankfully, Holmes replied easily enough, “That my name is Sherlock Holmes is little more than a coincidence. You could call it providence, if you like, that someone with such a name would take an interest in detection, or you could speculate that I was inspired by my namesake. Either way, it is not so unlikely that, finding myself the friend of a man named John, I might call him Watson.”
She turned on Watson, unconvinced. “And that your name is also Holmes is likewise a coincidence?”
Watson hesitated. “I thought it fitting.”
“Isn’t it, though? Better than John Smith, at the very least.”
“Is that it? All of this just for a name that you have no claim to?” Watson demanded.
She sat a little straighter in indignation. “I think I’ve lived up to it well enough.”
“Hardly,” Holmes put in. “Professor Moriarty’s organization was rather more than a band of actors and con artists.”
“This is only the beginning, an advertisement if you will for my and Sabrina’s business, but I suppose she hasn’t told you a word.”
“What kind of a business is that?” Watson asked.
“It’s about time I saw a lawyer, I do have the right to one, don’t I?”
Mrs. Houghton nodded and motioned for the guards to come in and take Miss Smith back to her cell. Once she was gone Mrs. Houghton concluded, “I can’t say much for her motivation, but otherwise I’d say the case is closed. Between your testimony and all of the material evidence, I would be surprised if she didn’t plead guilty.”
“Thank you for all of your assistance,” Watson said.
“Always happy to help.” Mrs. Houghton shook his hand and Holmes’s before getting back to work, while the two gentlemen returned to Baker Street.
10 Years Later:
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson were seated at the table in their flat at 221B Baker Street for breakfast one morning. Holmes was busy on his phone while Watson had the paper open in front of him. However, Watson had made little progress in reading it; instead, he was preoccupied by his companion.
“Holmes,” Watson said at last, “I can hardly believe it, but do I see a touch of grey in your hair?”
Holmes looked up from his phone with a start and seemed to take a moment to realize what had been said. Finally, he replied, “Perhaps it is not my hair, but your keen vision that is beginning to fail you.”
Watson gave him a reproachful look, but he could not help but smile back. “You must have seen it in the mirror,” Watson insisted, “Unless it is your faculties that are failing. Mine are sharp enough to see the beginnings of wrinkles on my face.”
“No, I have seen them,” Holmes admitted, though he did not seem to mind, “And your wrinkles too; they accentuate your smile.”
“Then it’s true,” Watson marveled, “Age is beginning to catch up with us once more.”
Holmes nodded. “I would say so. And I, for one, am ready to do away with this false veneer of youth that I have worn for so long. What do you say?”
“I agree,” Watson answered. “I have lived a full life. And now, I can be grateful that I have lived long enough not to spend the rest of my time alone.”
Note: I’ve also written a short, romantic follow-up: Holmes and Watson Meet the 21st Century.
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jkottke · 7 years ago
Some early thoughts on iPhone X
I got an iPhone X on Friday and have been using it all weekend. Here are some of my initial thoughts about it, some of which will likely change after more use and reflection. As an hors d'oeuvre, Apple's guided tour of iPhone X's new features and capabilities:
In some ways, the setup process has been streamlined. Soon after turning on the iPhone X, it asked to use my nearby iPhone 7 to transfer its settings. The verification step for this used a cool swirling blue pattern on the X that I had to view with my old phone's camera...the iTunes visualizer is finally coming in handy.
In other ways, the setup process could still use some work. Anticipating afternoon delivery of the X, I'd backed up my iPhone 7 that morning. When it came time to set up the X using that backup, it failed...iTunes said the backup was not compatible. It didn't specify why but I had a hunch: my 7 had iOS 11.1 installed but the X had an earlier version installed. I upgraded the X and the backup worked. Less savvy users are going to be completely lost here and Apple should fix it.
The X is slightly thicker and heavier than the 7. With the larger screen area, the iPhone is no longer a one-handed device for me in many situations. This might be a dealbreaker for me.
Haven't used the "wireless" charging yet. Just added this $25 charging pad to my shopping cart though, so I'll get to try it out in a couple of days.
Animoji is the "Ewoks in Return of the Jedi" feature of the iPhone X. After the novelty wears off, approximately no one will use it.
I don't like the notch. It looks idiotic. I'll probably get used to it. I don't care for the display's rounded corners either. If you look at the apps that have been updated for the X, many of them don't make use of the bottom 1/4" of the display because of the rounded corners. I feel like there's an optical dissonance happening where I see the edge-to-edge display and think, "wow, massive display" but really the bottom slice of the screen and the two weird bunny ears at the top are not actually that useful. (Pls don't email me about the utility of the bunny ears for the time, network, & battery display and the tradeoffs involving the camera placement, etc. "You've gotta put those somewhere!" I am aware.) Call me old-fashioned, but I want all my screens to be rectangles with square corners.
Face ID works great for me. I had a week of stubble on my face for the initial scan and it still worked after I shaved. It worked with glasses on. (My Ray-Ban sunglasses: no.) It worked with a baseball cap on. It worked in the dark...like a really dark room. It worked in a dark room with my glasses on. It worked with my head rested on my hand with pretty much half my face covered (this one surprised me when I realized what had just happened).
Thank god the home button is gone. So far, Face ID + swiping up is a superior interaction 99% of the time. It's quicker and you don't have to think about it. App switching is super simple now...just swipe left/right on the bottom of the screen. Relearning the new Home-less Siri, screenshot, and power-off interactions isn't that hard.
A note on Face ID security, from Apple's Face ID Security Guide:
The probability that a random person the population could look at your iPhone X and unlock it using Face ID is approximately 1 in 1,000,000 (versus 1 in 50,000 for Touch ID).
I hadn't read about the 1 in 50,000 for Touch ID...that seems really high.
The TrueDepth camera is fun for taking new kinds of selfies. (I wonder...can someone take that video and make an animatronic face that can be used to break into my phone?)
Everything on this phone happens instantly...or somehow faster than instantly. It would be fun to use the first iPhone (which seemed really fast at the time) just to compare how blazing this this really is. And I wonder...will the X feel as slow in 10 years as that first phone feels today? It doesn't seem as though it could get much faster...
The OLED screen is beautiful. I mainly use my phone to read Twitter and my email, so I'm not sure I need this beautiful new screen, but damn your tweets look good!
The camera quality remains the key advantage of the iPhone...they're just so far ahead of everyone else here.
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The Defense Puppy and Residence Safety
Dog Trainer School We all know moments have altered. Crimes happen right now, that had been unheard of fifty many years ago. Even twenty to thirty a long time back, the globe was a different spot. Murder, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and rape are at all time highs. The stats are scary. Our businesses fall short, getting rid of billions of bucks a calendar year to theft, and we are no lengthier secure, not even in our personal residences. Firearms legal guidelines become far more restrictive each and every yr, and most people are not able to have their firearm available twenty-four several hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the calendar year. Every single forty seconds, an additional child is documented lacking. A woman is sexually assaulted every single two minutes, seventy % happen in the victim’s Home! Businesses drop an approximated 30 BILLION Dollars each and every yr to theft. Each and every fifteen seconds, a home is burglarized. In 28% of these burglaries, a family member is House! A house stability system is essential in today’s planet, for the two your residence and your business. In my impression, nevertheless, this is not adequate. The regular law enforcement response time for confirmed (audio or video) alarm law enforcement dispatches is around 7 minutes, nationwide, in accordance to Chelsea Mitchell from Safe Pacific Corp. Most police departments have a four part reaction timetable. The highest precedence (precedence 1) goes to a theft alarm verified by audio or movie (typically a federal government or business installation), whilst a typical motion detector based mostly method is assigned precedence three, dependent on availability. I know, from personal encounter, that the response time can be significantly for a longer time, specially if you live in a rural spot. The query is, what do you do until aid comes? You may solution this issue, as several do, with one thing like “well, I very own several firearms.” That is great, I do as nicely, but what if you are caught off guard and your weapon is not quickly accessible (appear at obtainable illustrations of property invasions)? What if your jurisdiction has very rigorous anti-gun regulations? I do not imagine, for even one next, that the concern of currently being arrested should ever discourage you from safeguarding your family members or oneself. However, arrest, pursuing a fight for your daily life, is a quite true probability in some components of the United States, and numerous other international locations are significantly worse. Another thing to consider, you cannot “recall” a bullet. When you pull the trigger, there is no turning back again. Unfortunately, a swift net lookup will return tale after story of family members who ended up accidentally shot following getting mistaken as an intruder. Whilst tragic, it transpires. Do not get me mistaken, I am not from firearms, fairly the opposite. I just imagine you are significantly much less probably to hesitate protecting yourself with lethal force, the more self-confident you are concerning your choice. The best laid strategies ... Regardless of your current safety actions, you must always search for methods to incorporate redundancy to your strategies. Ol’ Murphey enjoys throwing wrenches into our nicely laid strategies and when 1 protection measure fails, you will be happy you have backups in location. In multiple studies and interviews conducted between convicted sexual assault, theft, and burglary felons, they were questioned what protection measures were most successful at deterring their criminal intentions. Persistently, at the leading of the record, were protection dogs. When questioned why, criminals outlined these reasons: *Canine listening to talents choose up suspicious sounds before than alarm programs *Canine barking alerts homeowners and neighbors too quickly *Concern of currently being attacked by a canine *Confronting a puppy is a lot far more dangerous than working with an alarm technique Most criminals admit to totally bypassing a house exactly where educated individual protection dogs ended up stored. They merely moved to a much more accessible, much less dangerous target. These are all excellent reasons incorporating a properly qualified security pet to your stability measures is a sensible transfer. They can subdue an intruder until authorities react to your stability alarm, buy you time to access your firearm, as effectively as give you a lot more time to correctly assess a situation, probably averting a tragedy. Yet another bonus, you CAN recall a effectively trained safety canine. From a legal responsibility standpoint, this is a recreation changer. With the appropriate instruction, you can apply only the force essential to stop the menace and right away de-escalate your use of force as necessary. A properly skilled security canine is the one most successful, and safest deterrent to crimes in opposition to you, your house, your enterprise, and your family members. It would be sensible to critically consider incorporating a trained canine to your safety plan. That mentioned, I have presented a training protocol below to give you a head begin. The automated perimeter alarm It is typically explained, “The best offense is a good defense”. I believe the ideal protection is to not engage in the recreation. If somebody forces you to play the match, and your safety or that of your loved ones is in jeopardy, CHEAT! “All is fair, in enjoy and war” How do we cheat? We stack the deck. 1 way we can stack the deck is to be a handful of moves forward of prospective threats, well prepared long before threat strikes. This coaching protocol is one way to keep a few moves forward of your opponent. Very first, let’s get a couple of factors jointly. Some you will need now, other people a small later on. A dog (I know this looks self apparent, but so does not utilizing a blow dryer in the shower) Anything, Everything, that can make your puppy bark persistently (I hugely propose one thing you can manage the dogs accessibility to) Little soft treats your canine Truly likes (Ought to be modest ample your puppy can pretty much inhale them. You want your pet to just take as minor time as possible to try to eat the handle) A couple of prepared volunteers (a lot more on this later) Adequate visible markers to flag the perimeter you want to safe (Dogs see blues ideal) The 1st portion of this instruction protocol has two stages. Instruct your canine to bark on command: A fast word of caution, use some thing that your pet will only have accessibility to when YOU are interacting with her. Or else, you may possibly find yourself likely mad to the audio of a canine that barks all working day and night just to amuse himself, till you prepare her to cease barking on command. You could also wind up with a neurotic puppy if you go away your goal item out exactly where your dog can see it but not obtain it. The least difficult way to achieve instructing your pet to bark on command is if you have an item the puppy genuinely wants, that he will bark for, when you take also prolonged to give it to him and his frustration builds. If you have some thing your dog currently barks for every time she sees or interacts with it, even greater. When your puppy 1st barks for your concentrate on item, reward them with it. When you get to the level when your puppy immediately starts to bark when you existing the product, you can start holding out a small longer prior to you reward the puppy. Slower progress is considerably greater than transferring also quickly and puzzling the pet, correcting this will just take much more time in the extended operate than having the time to do it proper to get started with. Keep in mind “measure two times, reduce once”. Now, Slowly function on duration, right up until your canine will bark incessantly no issue how long it will take to get his reward. When you can correctly manipulate your canine barking with what ever strategy you are utilizing, it will be time to insert your verbal cue. You can use what ever phrase you want. You might contemplate some thing like “Easy” or even “It’s Okay”, this way you look like you are striving to de-escalate a negative scenario to any witnesses. You do not want to appear like the aggressor when legislation enforcement arrives. Also, I desire to talk in a low voice or to whisper when I give verbal instructions. This could sound odd, but there is a method to what might audio like insanity to many. One particular, there are many conditions exactly where you do not want anybody to know you are speaking with your puppy. Two, canine have significantly far better hearing than humans, they do not require us to be loud to hear us. It also assists practice your puppy to spend better consideration to your verbal cues. Finally, there actually are not any situations the place you need to have to be loud or market that you are cueing your puppy. After you have made the decision what cue and tone you will use, begin pairing your command to the barking. Reward your canine at random intervals in the course of this phase of coaching. Begin repeating the cue and praise Although the pet is barking, using the tone you determined works ideal for you. (i.e Softly stating “Easy... Effortless... great Straightforward... Easy”) This is a training strategy acknowledged as capturing. You are primarily tying a command to a behavior your dog is already presenting. This approach evidently communicates, to the dog, what behavior you are asking for. Completed correctly, this is an exceptional coaching strategy that you can use for all manner of behaviors. Clean, rinse repeat. Right after numerous repetitions, put your target item away, let your dog quit barking, and unwind a small bit. A very good sign of when your pet is all set for this stage is when your pet commences anticipating what you want. Now, give your verbal cue Without the concentrate on item. If he does NOT bark, go back again to the previous exercising for a couple of far more repetitions and then consider once again. If your dog responds correctly, immediately reward her, as quick as feasible. When your dog constantly and reliably responds to your voice command without having the target item, transfer to a variable reward routine. Educate your canine to cease barking, on command: At this point, your canine is barking on command. This is an vital element of the subsequent phase of this education protocol. You will need your reward treats for this workout. You will also require to choose on what you will use as your cease barking command. Start off with a few treats in a single hand and make certain you are in arms reach of your pet. Give your canine her cue to bark, praise and fortify as ahead of.(“Easy … good simple) Now, give your cease barking verbal cue at the identical time you present your handle hand to your dog. This is a physiological training technique. Your pet bodily can't bark even though sniffing. Your timing is essential in this physical exercise. You need to give your verbal cue at the exact moment your dog stops barking to sniff the treats in your hand. You need to reward the puppy with the take care of quickly. Do not get discouraged if it will take you a handful of attempts to best your timing. Permit your puppy have a deal with or two whilst reinforcing and praising as before. (i.e. Hush … excellent hush … hush) Soon after a number of repetitions, examination if your puppy will cease barking on command, without having presenting your handle hand for the sniff. If your pet will not give up barking with the verbal command only, return to the sniffing workouts, testing periodically. If she does, amazing! Speedily reward him with the handle. As before, slowly insert a hold off between command, response, and reward. Bear in mind to function at your puppies tempo. You do not want him acquiring bored or disappointed. When you reach the position the place your canine will end barking on command, with no the handle, and continue to be silent until finally you cue her to begin barking once more, persistently, you will be all set to move ahead. An eighty per cent reliability is the commonly approved regular of consistency. Our common is ninety-8 p.c. Function on the two barking and cessation of barking, on command, in as many environments, spots, and conditions as you probably can, to aid your puppy generalize the conduct. If your puppy struggles, or functions like they have entirely overlooked their earlier education, in a new surroundings, or beneath certain situations, no need to have to fret. Dog’s are environmental learners and this is fairly frequent. Take a number of measures back again and reinforce the coaching. Eventually, your dog will generalize the behaviors and will respond correctly, regardless of environment. Any time you alter one thing about your education, environment, duration, etcetera, only adjust one particular issue at a time, and begin with as number of interruptions as attainable. When your pet has generalized a new behavior or extra ability, slowly include more interruptions. Once your pet responds correctly, no issue the environment or distraction, you can commence to fantastic tune and perfect behaviors. Implementing the behavior: Preparation: Begin by inserting your visual markers along the perimeter you want your canine responding to. If the region is fenced, you can connect your markers to the fence. If the spot is not fenced, or only partially so, you can use study flags, strips of cloth on stakes, or one thing related. Don't forget, as revealed in the diagram earlier mentioned, dogs see blues best. You want the perimeter evidently obvious to your pet. Outdoors of this region your pet will take no action other than observation. Inside this area, your pet responds with the conditioned actions(s). You need to also decide on a command you want to use to draw your canine focus to some thing you want her to observe. The rest of your preparations revolve all around your helper. Ideally, your helpers will be people that do not visit often, or that you have sufficient helpers so you do not have to use the exact same man or woman multiple occasions. They will want to provide a mobile cellphone with headphones for some of the workout routines. Go over specifically what you need to have your helper to do in advance of time. Make confident whomever is supporting you has a comprehensive knowing of every thing prior to you start. Bringing it all collectively! So, here is what you want to do. Commence outside with your pet on leash. Act natural and do whatever you usually do, other than activities that are quite distracting for your pet, or that genuinely amp your puppy up. We constantly begin easy and include problems to education periods soon after the puppy is regular under the existing expectations. Your helper should wander up from outside of your residence line on the Outdoors of your perimeter. Your helper must act as if they are on a informal stroll, paying no interest to you or your dog. In the commencing, do not give your canine his interest and watch command right up until your helper is approaching the area the place they will cross your set up perimeter(probably a gate or driveway?). Now, many factors require to occur in pretty quick succession. You will give your dog the “attention and watch” command you chose, although pointing at your helper, this is a cognitive instruction strategy that relies on inferential reasoning. As your dog attracts her consideration to your helper, praise softly, your helper crosses your established perimeter, and you give your bark command, your pet begins barking, you praise as your helper turns on his heels and leaves the perimeter, you give your stop barking command, and your helper proceeds walking away, not looking back again, until finally out of sight. If there is not somewhere for your helper to go “out of sight”, praise your puppy as you walk inside soon after your helper has left the vicinity. All of this transpires extremely rapidly, a lot of it at the identical time. The more rapidly your helper can respond to your dog’s behavior, the more quickly and simpler your pet learns their habits dictates the actions of your helper(s), and that trying to influence the actions of people moving into your property is satisfying. This is a complex sequence of stimuli and behaviors, if you have an problem with element of a instruction exercising, split it down to its simplest actions, recognized as component education, and work on the actions individually. You can get better benefits as you have the capability to target on difficulty places. You need to usually conclude your education sessions with accomplishment, even if that means only undertaking a single repetition, at moments, particularly in areas your pet struggles. I would relatively end right after a single achievement than fall into the entice of “one more”, which inevitably does a lot more hurt than great. When the results of this outdoor perimeter training physical exercise are satisfactory, you can shift indoors. Repeat this exterior part of the instruction, although inside of, seeing with your pet from a window that gives a obvious vantage position of your helper and exactly where they will cross on to your property. For the instruction sessions within, your helper will need to have their cell phone and headphones. Call them and set your phone to speakerphone. Put your mobile phone in a pocket prior to you interact with your canine. You do not want to inadvertently create cues for your pet. Have your helper area their finish of the cellphone get in touch with on mute and use headphones, primarily generating a one way interaction exactly where your helper(s) can pay attention for their cues to complete their work. They will have to depend on your commands to your dog and your dog’s barking to know when to cross the perimeter, switch close to, wander away, etcetera. If your dog is an within puppy, within coaching exercises ought to be your main concentrate. At this point, your coaching progresses by drawing your dog’s consideration, with your “attention and watch” command(nevertheless pointing at your helper, take a look at when you can stop using the pointing and verbal cues the exact same as you have for your verbal cues in the earlier), further and additional from the place exactly where the helper will cross. Your goal becoming for your canine to shell out attention, but not bark right up until the helper crosses the perimeter, and then cease barking when your helper exits your set up perimeter. Apply with methods from diverse directions, crossing your perimeter at diverse places, at different moments of day and night, helpers of diverse sexes, and as several different races as you can, and helpers putting on different designs of clothes. Some carrying things in their arms, other not. It is important that you do not use the same helper solely, you want your dog responding to the Steps of your helper, not the specific helper you are using. The much more thorough and different your instruction periods, the a lot more your puppy will generalize the instruction and react properly. As soon as your pet responds as he must, irrespective of the variable, you can begin getting rid of some of your perimeter markers, 1 or two at a time. Repeat some of the training workouts earlier mentioned. As ahead of, if you encounter any concerns, consider a action again. Remember to go at your dog’s speed, finish every single education session on a good(success), only modify 1 variable in your education at a time, use your verbal and visual cues only as lengthy as your dog demands them, and return to them, in the starting, when you are changing a variable. Your ultimate goal, of system, is that your puppy will will respond, by barking, to anybody getting into your residence. If you are not expecting firm, you are undoubtedly not heading to be caught by surprise. There are quite a few techniques to incorporate to, modify, and/or improve these behaviors to far better match your requirements and predicament. There are also several makes use of for the individual elements of this coaching protocol. Your only limitation is your imagination and devotion to the work concerned. This training protocol is only a general outline and is not intended to handle particular behavioral concerns, nor specific situation involving your person dog, in regards to this protocol. There is far more than one way to skin a cat and your dog may possibly reply greater to different education approaches. If you expertise problems or troubles, your best selection is to get in touch with a qualified professional.
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foggy-notion · 7 years ago
7 Gigantic Influences Of Car Recovery.
Doing some good maintenance surrounding each concern with regards to keeping the technical performance of your vehicle is a need. Everyone is requires to double check at all cost the very corners found on every single detail presented on those cars to ensure such impressive result while using and driving it to their destination. One mechanism which is deliberated as a vital basis to start sorting out from the hundreds or thousands of options is learning the credentials supporting each matter. Publisher: mariana nikki Towing is the process of pulling or drawing behind a chain, line, bar or some other form of couplings. Publisher: Jabbar Karlee It isn''t too difficult but if you are completely new to pulling a trailer then it can be a little over-whelming. Publisher: Mark Ames If you are a keen motorcyclist it is likely that you'll want to consider the advantages of owning a lightweight motorcycle trailer to tow behind your bike. The advantages of owning a motorcycle trailer are numerous and will enhance your overnight or several day touring or camping trips that you'll make. Caring for Car Rentals: Your Responsibility As A Customer 2. Maintaining ATV Online 3. Maintenance Parts For Your Go Kart 4. Subaru Impreza: Staying Ahead in the Compact Segment 5. What makes cars luxurious?
It is certainly a daunting question for people who aren’t aware of the excessive red tape involved behind the car shipping procedure. This is where a proficient car shipping company can come to peoples’ rescue to make the vehicle shipping procedure an easy job. An online quotes system that can offer a very fast and continuous update and response to all your queries 24 hours a day. Cheap insurance cover with complete vehicle safety insurance. A door to door vehicle transportation support and service. People often involved in this situation unwanted. This alone can already make the car look outstanding. A car audio system qualifies as the basic and most commonly used in car entertainment system. Modern car audio systems however do much more than just play music. They can also play music stored on various devices in various formats and pair with other various devices as well. Audio systems in cars play music from CDs, DVDs, Cassettes and Portable Storage Devices. People often involved in this situation unwanted. If anyone ever faces this kind of problem then he or she should call the injury claim. Every car owner who usually roams around here and there faces this kind of problems. Publisher: jessica thomson Business It is true that accidents may often take place when we are least expecting them and more than often is unforeseen. But there are times when we become victims of wrongful actions of others or even situations created by others. However, the aftermath of such accidents always take a toll on our lives and health. But there are laws to protect us from the effects of the damages that we may face. There are times when a person may be severely injured as a result of an accident that has occurred at a place of work due to reasons of work. Lease schemes might spring to mind. Log in or Create Account to post a comment. Publisher: Richard Henry Choose an area that's far away from traffic, like an empty parking lot, and carry out simple driving tasks with the whole thing hitched up. Before bearing out onto the road and surrounding yourself with irate drivers and tractor-trailer trucks. Publisher: Richard Henry Assuming you're a safe driver, your chances of getting in an accident are really in the other guy's hands. You are driving across an intersection and get broadsided by someone running a red light. Lease schemes might spring to mind. Rather than buying a car outright how about looking into Audi Car Leasing, or BMW Car Leasing instead. There are a number of options you can choose when you consider Audi Car Leasing and Mercedes Car Leasing. Pick a scheme that best suits your needs. Contract hire is one Audi Car Leasing option that you might want to think about. With this scheme you basically hire the car of your choosing over an agreed amount of time for a fixed monthly fee. The trailer may be ripped of the hitch if the cargo becomes off balance. To avoid this incident tightly pack and secure everything. Attach the ball mount and coupler together. Attach safety chains between the tow vehicles and trailer as well. Cross the said chains beneath the tongue of the trailer. Attach the chain to tow vehicle and not the tow hitch. The chains work as backup safety choices that keep the tow vehicle and trailer connected if the hitch fails. Fix all electrical and check the lights. Breaking down is a real nuisance so it's good to be prepared with knowledge on how to tow a car. It may seem a little daunting at first so read our guide on how to tow a car safely for some helpful advice. An 'On Tow' sign must be displayed at the rear of the vehicle being towed. And you'll be pleased to know that all Halfords tow ropes and towing poles are supplied with an 'On Tow' sign that you can use. Inspect the tow rope or towing pole for any damage, defects or abrasion before you use it. There are times that you just can't afford a new car. You don't have to fret and be gloomy because there are second hand cars that have good deals. You just need to know how to select good second hand vehicles and making sure that even their cheap seat covers are worth your money. You need to research well and also seek the advice of people who bought second hand cars. great site First and foremost, you need to know your budget for your car.
Check if the company offers towing away of illegally parked vehicles in your property
Offering roadside assistance in times of need
If the company has its trucks licensed and insured
Hire the company that gives you transparent breakup of the towing of your vehicle
Check if they offer wheel lift as well as low boy trucks
Connect the brakes and lights wiring
Check if the rates are 100 per cent transparent
Offering towing of your vehicle out of any area or blockage
Are Car Shipping Quotes Free? Publisher: Elaia You may be moving to another state, selling your car, or buying a new one, and you need a car shipping service. If you are wondering whether car shipping quotes are free or not, well, the answer is yes. All legitimate car shipping companies should and will provide you a FREE car shipping quote. Publisher: Leverenz Randall Today there is various shipping companies are available in market for shipping cars from one place to another. Publisher: Kazmee Accidents can happen any time, no matter how you prepare on things to make you safe everyday, there are things that you can not anticipate and will definitely caught you in surprise. Whether you are an individual or running a business, almost anyone can seek the towing services. Van accessories can be found onlint with cheap prices and home delivery for added convenience when looking to buy van and car accessories online. Log in or Create Account to post a comment. Publisher: Cole Rees It seems that now more than ever, people feel the need to get away from the stress of life as working hours are becoming longer and the stress is increasing for most individuals on a daily basis. In order to take out that frustration, people want to get involved in exhilarating activities, or simply to feel like they are doing something different. How towing in Castaic is done? Whether you are an individual or running a business, almost anyone can seek the towing services. Top companies in Castaic offer towing services of cars, trucks, trailers, SUVs and even motorcycles. Suppose you have customized motorcycles, or cars, then just mention that while hiring any company. Similarly, understand one thing that if the cars need to be transported far, it is better that you go for low bed towing and if the cars are new, it is recommended that you choose enclosed carrier trucks. Hire the company that gives you transparent breakup of the towing of your vehicle. If you cherished this article and you simply would like to get more info with regards to fast recovery - content - i implore you to visit the page.
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