#this is such a poor starter im sorry WE WILL DO BETTER I PROMISE
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jaerk · 5 years ago
                                                                                               ━      ♞  ┊  @hyunark​      、
for as long as jaemin can remember, he’s had a strong sense of self. he knew who he was, he knew where he came from and was through on through proud of each and every aspect of his life that made him him. but there are days, certain days -- specific days -- that jaemin wished he was anyone but himself. these were the days he much liked to spend alone. one day in particular was among those that could coax this certain reaction from him. and unlike himself, jaemin finds himself by the by, on the side of the road with no one to turn to.
( of course, he had people to turn to but today of all days was among those days that he’d rather not be with those people --
he’d rather be saved from the pitiful looks and the sympathetic gazes as they all tell him they’re sorry for his loss and that today is just another day he should be grateful but it’s certain that jaemin is anything but grateful. 
in fact, today -- he’s the opposite )
he’s had the bouquet in his hand for hours, stuck at the bus stop  --  urging his sense of self to be strong and to make his travel to the mausoleum quick before it begins to rain. somehow, it always rains on this day.
but he sits there for a while, continues to do so even after the rain begins to fall and the tips of his sneakers begin to dampen ; the flowers laid on the side of the bench next to him. not a inch moved, because truth be told, jaemin couldn’t do it. he couldn’t bear to see them all by himself. this is what prompts him to get up, steps taken away from the shelter of the bus stop and into the rain, slowly leaving behind the bouquet of flowers and his promise to see his parents that day. 
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doctorsorders-deathboy · 7 years ago
Of All the Nights
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lmfao i guess i’m back from the dead bitches. (this wip has existed for so long. i could not tell you why i decided to finally finish it tonight but AAA im so excited to be posting a fic again omg) amusingly, my last fic also involved late night baking. i hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 1941
Read on ao3
It was 3:07am on the third of January and Nico di Angelo was dressed in nothing but a too-small fuchsia bathrobe, soaking wet, and about ready to commit bloody murder.
It was very possible, he thought, that the bathrobe contributed to his fury.
This was the kind of disaster that he’d recount to Jason later, with countless creative swears thrown in, though as he stood shivering and fuming outside a stranger’s apartment, it occurred to him that this might be one of those stories that would get more laughs from Jason than shared anger. Asshole.
Speaking of assholes, the door finally opened, revealing a very flustered looking blond man around Nico’s age. For a moment, Nico almost backed off on his prepared rant upon seeing how miserable the blond looked, but when another draft of winter air hit Nico’s still dripping legs, his scowl only deepened.
“What the hell were you doing baking at fucking three in the morning?”
The blond blinked once, twice, three times. He opened his mouth, closed it, and Nico was about ready to break his damn nose when he finally said, “Sorry… Do I know you?”
Nico had never had height to his advantage but hell if he didn’t know how to make himself intimidating. The blond shrunk back as Nico reared himself up to hiss, “Luckily, I was able to make it through 21 years of my life without meeting you before you had to go and nearly set the damn building on fire because of your insomniac cooking. Do you have any idea what kind of night you’ve caused for me? Did it ever occur to you that maybe you should save your incompetence for the waking hours when most people will be out at work anyways? Honestly, what kind of bullshit did you pull to make the fucking fire alarms go off? Did you pull this shit on purpose? Is this some kind of a joke to you?”
The man took much too long to answer again and Nico was collecting every bit of self control he had to keep himself from wringing this jackass’s neck when the response finally came. “Why are you wet?”
Nico must have reared up spectacularly that time because the man quickly amended, “I mean―! I’m sorry, that’s not the point here, um…” He peeked out of his apartment and looked around the deserted hallway. “If you want to yell at me, can you do it in here? I don’t want to wake anyone else up.”
“Like hell, you care,” Nico grumbled but willingly stepped into the man’s apartment. In hindsight, this really wasn’t Nico’s wisest move considering this guy was a stranger and Nico was nearly naked, but the blond seemed about as threatening as a frightened mouse. A tall, blue-eyed, frightened mouse who somehow had a tan in the dead of winter.
“Sorry, who are you again?” the blond asked, closing the door behind a fuming Nico.
“Your pissed off neighbor from two floors up,” Nico snapped. Unfortunately, the blond visibly cringed, looking like a kicked puppy, so Nico muttered, “Nico. Di Angelo,” as a reconcilement.
“Will Solace,” the blond introduced himself in return. He held his hand out to shake but quickly drew it back when it was clear that Nico’s arms were not moving from where they were crossed against his chest.
They stood in uncomfortable silence until Nico repeated, “How the hell did you set off the fucking alarm?” in as dangerous a voice as he could manage.
“I, well…”
Nico shot another fierce glare and Will didn’t waste anymore time in getting to the point.
“I was making pizzelles for my sister’s birthday and the iron must’ve broken because it was making a lot of smoke. It set off the fire alarm which went off throughout the whole building and… yeah. It was a mess. I’m really sorry. I feel awful.”
Nico didn’t doubt Will’s sincerity. The poor man was hunched in on himself with bags under his hands and his hands firmly stuck in his pockets. That didn’t make his story any less ridiculous, though.
“I’m sorry,” Nico said without a hint of remorse, “I think I missed something. Why the hell were you baking at three in the fucking morning?”
Will frowned at him. “You curse a lot,” he muttered.
“Why the fuck were you―”
“I was working until 1am!” Will exclaimed, which was the first indignant comment he’d made. “And I have classes at ten in the morning, but I promised to meet my friend for coffee at eight so I figured I’d just power through and bake when I got home but―” His voice broke off.
Nico’s cheeks tinted with embarrassment upon seeing Will’s face crumple a bit. God, please don’t cry. Nico hadn’t ever been very good at comforting crying people.
“Sorry,” Will said, his voice hoarse. “I should probably… I’m just going to clean up and go to bed. No more smoke. I promise.” He attempted a laugh to lighten the mood but it came out strangled and pitiful.
Nico was about ready to leave Will to mope when he spotted a picture hanging on the wall across the room. Will stood in the center, looking much happier than he did standing in front of Nico. The Will in the picture had a smile that made you want to smile back and had each arm thrown around a friend, pulling them close. He looked jubilant; the kind of person who you felt certain you could approach without fear. It was a painful contrast to the melancholy man Nico had met.
It felt very wrong to Nico that someone so happy could look so broken.
“What about your sister’s pizzelles?” Nico asked quietly.
Will shrugged. “I’ll have to buy her something on my way over tomorrow. Hopefully she won’t mind. I just feel bad, I promised I’d bake for her. Those pizzelles are her favorite.”
Nico considered this for a moment before internally rolling his eyes at himself. “Then we’d better make some pizzelles, shouldn’t we?”
“You still never explained to me why you showed up at my apartment soaked and nearly naked,” Will said conversationally, as he stood washing the dishes while Nico carefully arranged pizzelles in a tin.
Nico cleared his throat. “That’s a conversation starter I haven’t heard before.”
“Seriously,” Will said, grinning. “Were you swimming?”
“Why would I be swimming in the dead of night?”
Will shrugged. “I dunno, that’s why I was asking.”
“I wasn’t swimming.” Nico put the lid on the tin and turned around, pulling his fuchsia bathrobe tighter around himself.
Will turned towards him, too, eyebrows still raised.
Nico exhaled very slowly before admitting, “I was taking a shower.”
Will blinked. “At… three in the morning?” When Nico’s expression darkened, he added quickly, “Not that I’m judging! Obviously. I’ve taken many middle-of-the-night showers. I just… So, are you a med student, too, or what?”
Nico scuffed his shoe across the floor and grumbled, “No.”
“I had a dream,” Nico blurted, probably due to a combination of his lack of sleep and the way Will’s eyes had this kind, dreamy quality to them that made you feel like you could tell him anything.
Will’s eyebrows furrowed. “You showered because you had a dream?” His eyebrows shot upward. “Oh.”
“Not like that!” Nico said quickly, heat rushing to his face. “No, oh my god, no, that’s not…” And then he was laughing harder than he had in a long time and Will was laughing with him and he hardly felt embarrassed anymore. “No, it was a nightmare, not…” Nico tried to catch his breath. “Not that.”
Will tsked. “That’s a shame.”
“Yes, very disappointing.”
“So the shower was, what, to calm you down?”
Nico shifted, his mind flashing back to the dark, blurred images of a few hours ago. Bianca’s smile melting off her face, his mother screaming for him, a packed, dark room where people were crying and disappearing one by one, and he was next, he was next―
“Yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “Basically.”
When he’d woken up, he’d had to spend what felt like eternity reminding himself how to breathe again. He’d been having more nightmares recently, ones so bad that he almost considered Jason’s advice to start seeing a therapist. I mean, shit, he knew college wasn’t doing much for him in the mental health department but things hadn’t been this bad since he was thirteen.
He tried different things each night to get himself back to sleep―whatever it took. One night he didn’t manage to properly get back to sleep afterwards; he just lay in his bed with the lights on and music playing, counting the beats of his heart as he dozed on and off. That night, after waking up, he couldn’t stand his own skin, couldn’t stand being trapped in his body any longer, couldn’t stand the way he could still feel cold, dead hands from the dream clutching him―
So he’d gotten in the fucking shower and made the water as hot as he could stand and then the goddamn fire alarm went off. Jesus Christ, of all the fucking nights.
“Must have been a pretty bad dream,” Will murmured.
Nico shrugged. “Yeah, I mean… Yeah. I was… Sorry for being so harsh on you earlier. I was still kind of shaken up, I guess. I probably wouldn’t have marched to your apartment for a stupid mistake on a normal night.”
Will grinned. “Probably?”
Will laughed. “Oh, here!” He handed a small tin to Nico. “You helped make em, you should get some for yourself.”
Nico opened it to see that it was crammed full of pizzelles. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, of course. I love the bathrobe, by the way―I never said.”
“Oh god.” Nico groaned. “It’s not mine.”
“Your girlfriend’s?”
And then Nico was laughing again. Christ, that was twice in one night. Something must be wrong with him. “Yeah, no. It’s my sister’s.”
“Ah. Well, for the record, my next guess was that it was your boyfriend’s. I don’t mean to assume anything.”
Nico sucked his teeth. “I don’t have one of those, I’m afraid.”
“That’s a shame.”
“Yes, very disappointing.”
Will smiled softly to himself and Nico noticed that he had a dimple on one side of his face. God. Nico really wished he smiled more.
“Well, thanks so much for the baking help. You really didn’t have to,” Will said as they walked towards the door.
Nico waved him off. “I’m the one who came to your apartment in an angry rage. I needed to make it up to you somehow.”
“Do you frequently get in angry rages?”
“Yes, but mostly just for the aesthetic. Usually I’m too tired to be properly angry.”
Will laughed.
“I’ll return the tin to you, by the way,” Nico added.
“Will you be showing up at my apartment nearly naked again?”
Nico flushed and laughed nervously. “No, I promise I will be fully clothed.”
Will hummed disappointedly. “Well, I suppose I can’t have everything,” he murmured. He smiled then, full and warm, and his eyes crinkled at the corners, and yes, Nico definitely wanted to see that smile more. “Goodnight, Nico,” he said cheerfully.
The door shut before Nico could figure out a way to respond. He stood there staring at it for a solid thirty seconds before turning and heading back to his apartment. When he got back, he decided, he’d put the pizzelles in a different container. He wanted to return the tin to Will Solace as soon as he could get away with.
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survivormontenegro · 6 years ago
Episode 5: "I just can't believe I did 4 hours of calls for a tribal that literally didn't happen." - Ali
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in other news, i think benj flipped and honestly good for him! i think its smart, mitch, michael and noah are all messes. i'm feeling SO much better about my spot in the game, like we can hopefully keep voting JJ till we go to a tribal, and I can start trying to build those cross-tribe connections YAY. 
in other news, MO IS DOING SO GOOD I THINK! like i think he doesn't like me anymore after the last time i hosted him, but i'm super super proud of him for doing his thing this season yay yay!
i just can't believe i did 4 hours of calls for a tribal that literally didn't happen, I'm truly screaming... now the test is how long it takes JJ to find out EEEEEK.
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IM SORRY. Excuse me but IM SORRY. Why do people keep targeting me. LIKE HELLO IM NICE. Plus I think I'm being pretty genuine. Thank god for Benj, my social game is coming IN HARD. Mitch and Michael totally bold faced lied to me. Mitch even said that he wanted us to be strong together, BUT right after tribal he was said "I must say I'm really sorry."  OOOOOOF STrong OOOF
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What's on my mind you ask? The fact that budva won the challenge when the lyrics didnt match what they were lip syncing OOP
but also Serious confessional time woop woop! For starters, I fricked up HARDCORE. First thing i said is that i would target Noah if we ever went to tribal and what do i do? Yeah, lets go for Caleb :D. Tribal Lines. REEEE! Now all of the og doormentors dont trust me which is just great (woohooo)!!!! Big rip to my g Noah. I actually thought we might have had something going if we just won immunity but things happen. We were so robbed in the music video challenge ugh (looks at hosts who arent named alyssa or nicole). Anywhoooo yeah despite me lying to half of the people here, they all like me well enough so i dont think im going anywhere anytime soon. Im a social icon so be ready for more of meeeeeeeee
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Soooo..... that happened
It was kinda lucky I was in a movie for 2 hours after the deadline so I didn't have to face immediate backlash lmao but there wasn't that much, mitch was pretty chill about it what a king, if I can help it id want it to be Michael next over him, speaking of Michael he hasn't talked to me about it or much before so we shall see where that goes...
Our video was ROBBED even with the penalty
I love the other 4 and I hope they don't end up fucking me over... hehe
I bet the other budvas on the other tribe are wondering who flipped JKFJS
But ya I just hope we can win cuz if we keep losing its bound to be me eventually but I feel like doing this if I make merge def gives me more options than others cuz ill have these 4 og greens who now trust me and then my old friends from budva who I didn't betray like ali and ian who im excited to reunite with
so ya we will see how it works out !
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I told Alex lol
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It has been a HOT minute.
First of I can’t believe punctuality defeated Alex. I am shook. I deadass thought we were gonna lose. Like on call with Tom he jokingly mentioned that what if we actually won immunity amidst all the scheming, plotting and lying that has happened this round. I am just blown away. And now Noah is gone and presumably someone from OG budva flopped? I’m thinking it’s Mitch tho hmmm. Kinda hoping Benj is safe!!
On another note tho, like here’s some interesting tea!!  *insert sc of convo with Tom I sent hehehehe* (Johnny note: ^ you can ask ian about this idk what hes talkin about)
Like Omg JJ would have been 100% going if we went to tribal?? There was going to be no revote because Jules, Tom and presumably Evan flipped at the last minute. I am screaming!! Ali really got through to Jules making it look that JJ is a hot crazy mess. Like I am just screaming tbh. I love OG Budva Baes, I really feel thankful to have been swapped with like not shady people from my og tribe hehehe
So rn if we do end up going to tribal council, I do hope the plan is still JJ and either Tom or Jules still flips on him. Hopefully those three are keeping quiet about their flip so we can get JJ out of this game.
On a different note, like I know he’s a threat and all but I’m really liking Tom. It’s really just the Straight Connection™ ahsjdjd Like idk I just want to align with Aussie’s and all hahaha. Jason and I are planning on forming like a side alliance with Tom and possibly Evan lol. I did promise Tom I was gonna have his back if he flipped and tho the flip didn’t happen because we won immunity, I still plan on doing that but I better keep my eye on Tom tho because I don’t want him to be my UgH Brett this season.
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Me and Ali are doing an EXCELLENT job at acting like we don't know each other and going deep undercover in our tribe, like, if I'm gonna be proud of anything in this game so far it'll be that and not being first boot. But mostly that. I really hope that we go far together in this game with Julia because I think the three of us could make a really good team.
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C*befield is a cursed game!! literally had my laptop opened for hours doing the trick tom told us in the chat and when I finally stopped at 15B the hosts says it’s in invalid because it needs to be the game over screen but the game literally glitched so I keep going on to infinity without hitting cubes or getting game over Grrr
RIP mine and Ali’s laptop
Also Tom is drunk on the tribe chat rn. Now we just need Julia to be drunk ahsjdjd
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okay Evan I see you. Making dumb dumb decisions GRRR. Him leaking EVERYTHING to JJ, like what was the endgame? He just burns everyone across the board.
With that said, if we have to go to tribal I still want JJ gone. I can't deal with anymore, him like asking to call me while i was drunk with friends on my way back from prom is so annoying, like... my life is not games, i literally.. was with friends like... boundaries.
i feel bad being mean to JJ but ughhhhhhhh. Evan also needs to have not done anything he just did. I literally... was gonna be in such a pickle next vote because Jason/Ian would've wanted Evan out, but Thomas/Jules wouldn't have. He like panicked about how out of the loop he was (which I can understand and respect), but like... this was such a, SUCH a poor way of handling it. JJ is gonna be on a reign of terror, its just going to be so tiring.
I just... am really tired of it. I'm annoying, and I get that, so its hypocritical for me to get mad at the others but like... GRRR.
i just want a final five of me, jules, julia, tom and benj. LET ME HAVE THAT.
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Tom and I bonding over JJ FINALLY going home? ICONIC, SHOWSTOPPING
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jj = mess
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I am not sure if I already submitted a confessional on the shit that went down today but here we go.
So I wake up to see all is well. Nothing has happened much. Then Evan comes here asking me if I voted JJ and questioning me with all kinds of shit. The kid is legit panicking because from what Tom told me, he was the last to know of the flip against JJ. So now Evan thinks he’s at the bottom and is sweating bricks. All of a sudden JJ blows up in the tribe chat and he freaking knows we were gonna send him out the game if we lost the music video challenge.
I then learn that presumably mcfreaking Evan fucking leaked to JJ that he was getting voted out which caused all this mess on the tribe chat with JJ calling Tom, Jules, Evan, Ali and Julia out for lying to him and that he’s thanking me and Jason for being straight up to him? Umm I don’t get this tho because me and JJ literally did not exchange any talks about the vote. So I don’t get where he’s going with this lol. Jules was trying to calm JJ down and she was laying down the law whew. I mean if anything this blow up just secured my allaince’s control?? Like now Tom and Jules are with us and they know Evan is a rat and JJ is sinking. UNLESS this is just a freaking ploy by them in which they are being oh so extra ahsjdjd
Right now if I would have my way, Budva baes along with Tom and Jules work together for this vote. We throw most of our votes at JJ and that may include Evan. And then we tell JJ who’s pretty desperate right now to vote for Evan. I would want someone to throw one or two votes at Evan as a safety cushion in case JJ pulls out an idol. Here’s to hopIng everything goes accordingly for the Budva Baesss
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Well fuck i've flopped on confessing my sins again. So last round I made probably the shittiest music video..... and I won. How in the fuck. TAKE THAT BITCHES! ON TIME QUEEN BETTER THAN A LATE ONE! But so JJ is super fucking annoying toward the original Budva people, such as myself. But he has also annoyed his tribe pretty bad. Sooooooo Jules flipped. This round it looks like he is gonna go but Evan talks too much and I wanna kill him.
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RN im a paranoid mess because people are telling me to vote michael and im kind of forced to do that? The problem is, I like michael a lot so i really hope we win this challenge because i think we have a good shot. It also doesnt help that we got rid of the majority so now i could very well be going here.
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resurrecticn-a · 5 years ago
grrlpower comic sentence starters 2 / ??
a list of sentence starters compiled of quotes from the webcomic grrlpower. taken from strips jan 3rd to july 4th. feel free to change pronouns or anything else to fit your muse better.
“ are you telling her about the tape recorder? ” “ ugh, worst. christmas. present. ever. ” “ should i ring that one up for you? ” “ hey! that ones mine! ” “ what's with the poster tube? is that like a purse or something? ” “ i'm curious what the answer will be this time. ” “ what? she hasn't told you either? ” “ oh she's told me lots of things... ” “ it’s my fathers ashes. ” “ he's still alive.. ” “ well that's just weird. ” “ a dialysis machine? it's not plugged into you. ” “ it runs on batteries! ” “ is it supposed to be? ” “ you'd know that if you weren't lying! ” “ i have to go to the restroom! ” “ just promise me it's not something dangerous or illegal. ” “ i honestly don't know.... on either count. ” “ i mean.. i'm reasonably sure there's no danger? ” “ if you're going out for lunch then take the deposit to the bank. ” “ thanks ___, i've got it under control...... maybe. ” “ WHAT WAS THAT? ” “ SEE YOU IN AN HOUR! ” “ you're on my list! do you hear me?! ” “ the safety of many made shade! eat it nature! ” “ have you forgotten the list already?? ” “ don't you mean a white person five star? ” “ i don't want to put that little girl in the hospital. ” “ excellent customer service requires sacrifice... of the kitchen staff. ” “ hmm, not bad. could stand to have a little more kick though. ” “ ooh legal warnings! ” “ that girl is definitely some kind of freak. ” “ i've just about had it with you today! ” “ LOOK OUT! SATAN! ” “ that's the second ‘lookout satan’ we've fallen for this month. ” “ and one ‘hey isn't that the pope?’ ” “ whats going on, are they filming a movie or something. ” “ i think its one of those super types. ” “ that's just an internet hoax. there's no such thing. ” “ don't they need permission if they're filming? ” “ everything in a bank gets filmed anyway, maybe shes security? ” “ i’ll do it! ” “ don't worry, everyone will be okay. even those of us standing under an armed gunman. ” “ hah hah, fucking magnets. how do they even work am i right? ” “ i mean, oh my god! bad guys! kill them with your... gold beams? ” “ you need help with that little girl there buddy? ” “ fuck off i got this, her punches are like butterfly farts. ” “ not the eyes! ” “ wow i'm impressed, i have to say, ive seen a lot of crazy crap in my day. ” “ okay kid, he's down, geeze. ” “ son of an eel waxer your face is hard! ” “ i was going to say, nice throw, but tactically a poor choice. ” “ you didn't clear his gun. ” “ and also while you were a hostage, his buddy there probably wasn’t going to shoot you. ” “ are you bullet proof? ” “ really? felony bank robbery not enough? you gotta go for attempted murder too? ” “ stay down. ” “ assuming that didn't kill you, so hard to tell with you mushy humans. ” “ not the boots! ”
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