#this is sponsored by twix by the way
vidimillion · 4 years
“You're gonna have to get through me first, and you won't."
hi. i wrote a Jasico AU based off this quote. spent an hour and a half busting this thing out lol. might be part one? of me writing AUs based off quotes? idk yet. enjoy.
let's say it's a highschool mortal au
everyone knows jason grace as the ever-perfect golden boy, who never got less than an A on his tests and never lost a touchdown in a game of football (plus, gets every vote in student council elections)
and far less people know nico di angelo. everyone has heard of the psycho quiet kid who's still goth in 2020 and prone to starting fights. everyone's heard of that kid, but no one's heard of nico
everyone has also been viciously told to stay away from the guy. including jason.
so get this. one day during history class (one of jason's favourites, second only to art class), jason gets a phone call and excuses himself to answer it. no one knows what it was, but everyone in class was silently baffled when the bell rung and he still hadn't come back
meanwhile, nico's skipping class for whatever reason
surprise surprise they bump into each other in the halls. nico notices that something's off about jason's behavior. he seemed jumpy, made up two different excuses about what he was doing or where he was going. nico didn't know shit about jason except for his reputation, but something in his gut told him jason isn't all good right now.
nico thinks it may be related to how jason's sky blue eyes seem too grey to be perfectly fine
one of jason's excuses is that he just wanted to get a snack. nico lets him go but jason heads the opposite way, towards the exit doors instead of the vending machine
nico asks if he's gonna get a snack and jason yells back that he changed his mind
nico calls out to him, heads over to the vending machine and hits it's side. the glass face pops right up, exposing the snacks within
nico says offhandedly that percy once mentioned that jason likes twix bars. nico asks if that's true and before jason can confirm it nico grabs a twix and closes the face again
"don't rat me out for this, okay?" nico says, shoving the bar into jason's arms, "this is my one allotted good deed per day, and something's off about you."
nico begins to walk off, yelling at himself in his brain and shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. he doesn't see jason's ears go red or hear jason stutter out a "t-thanks."
the next day percy, a mutual friend of both jason and nico's, hands nico a twix bar and tells him jason told him to give it to him "as a thanks for yesterday"
wondering what nico did yesterday, percy bothers him about it all day but nico doesn't answer
it's a little while later when nico sees jason in the art room after school and stares a little. he'd never say it out loud but he thinks it's a little endearing to watch-- someone so tall and built hunched over a pad of paper, sketching away as he sticks his tongue out in concentration.
he thinks it's a little endearing, watching someone like jason, all tall and scary and serious-looking, look kind of cute
he doesn't realize he's no longer lingering in the hall until he trips over something nearly falls through the door of the art room
he catches jason's shocked eyes and sputters out an apology before moving to leave, but jason stops him
jason suddenly realizes that he doesn't have anything to say exactly. except, he knows he still wants the sweet but scary-looking mystery boy to stay. so that's what he asks him to do.
miraculously, nico ends up agreeing and now he's sat next to jason fucking grace. jason fuckin grace who does his best to continue his drawing but finds that nothing can expel the awkward air between them. not even his favourite activity
normally nico wouldn't give a fuck, just in general. normally, he wouldn't have even said yes to staying. but nico fuckin said yes and now he's gotta pay for that, apparently.
so, hesitantly, nico asks what jason's drawing
jason's face falls and nico scrambles to tell him that he doesn't have to answer that. that since they don't know each other nico isn't entitled to an answer, but even if they did know each other nobody is entitled to share something they may not wanna share, and now nico is rambling and saying that he should probably leave--
jason doesn't let him. jason wants him to stay and tells him that.
jason doesn't know why he wants nico to stay so bad. nico doesn't know what about jason is making him turn into a wreck.
except he does know, even a little
so nico stays and jason tells him that he's drawing a portrait of a cat. his cat, his beautiful cat named tempest who he's had since he was a kid. a gorgeous black turkish angora with brilliant blue eyes.
jason explains how, on the day he and nico had bumped into each other, jason had just gotten a call from his older sister that tempest had died.
and jason finds himself growing sad without his permission, and the feeling of the air around them has changed. nico is the only one around, and he can't comfort a person for shit.
he has to try though, because no one likes being stuck with a sad guy as their only company. and maybe nico feels weird at leaving a sad jason grace to stay sad
the grey returns to jason's sky-coloured eyes and nico doesn't really like it
so he can't comfort people for shit but he finds himself trying. somehow, something he says works.
unconsciously, things start to become a schedule. it starts slowly, bumping into each other in the halls and sometimes nico catches jason still drawing things
and it keeps going like that until they seem to be seeing each other every day. talking every day.
they talk about how nico doesn't like starting fights, but people start them with him and he's always the one to finish them. they talk about how the school activities jason's parents forced him into take more out of him then he lets on.
they didn't intend to get close. they didn't intend to become friends. but neither of them regret it
and additionally, they are always alone. with only each other for company. they didn't quite realize they liked it that way until they came to the art room once and there were still people there, hanging around after the events of rachel dare's school-sponsored art auction. so they move to the roof, and they like it better there.
(though nico will always complain about the heat of the sun, but jason knows nico doesn't mean it)
and one day jason gets there early. or either he's early or nico's late, because there never seems to be an exact time for... this. jason decides to wait and nico still isn't there. he waits a little longer, and then a little longer, until the sun has beaten down on him so hard jason thinks he might've gotten a sunburn
begrudgingly, he decides to return downstairs. before he can decide whether or not he should just leave or look for nico, he hears a commotion down the hall.
jason rounds the corner and doesn't know what he expected. though he didn't expect the group of boys, crowding around someone. and without knowing who it is, jason's blood already begins to boil as he hears the words they're saying
"you're such a fucking freak." one says. "what are you, a fucking faggot?" another spits. and then one goes to shove the boy in the middle, and as the smaller figure topples to the ground, jason sees familiar black hair and black eyes.
jason's vision goes red.
before he even realizes, he'd stalked over and pushed the boys out of the way. he turned his back to nico, doing his best to cover him as he growls at them.
"If you want to fuck with him, you're gonna have to get through me first, and you won't."
93 notes · View notes
the-croissant · 4 years
Episode 1 - Lockdown
Hey guys, Im starting to write out a fictional radio show called Welcome to Rocky County, so...here is the first episode
*Taps mic*
Testing, 1, 2, 3. Test. Hey, is this even working?
*Clears throat*
Testing, testing. Um, excuse me microphone?
*Brief pause*
Ah, here we go. Hey guys, my name is Skyler Dylans and I'm the new radio host here in Rocky County, since, as you may or may not know, station management has casted our previous host, Mason Barges, into that mysterious vortex near the front entrance to the Sam's Club parking lot.
It is my pleasure to inform all of you that the Rising Sun Steakhouse, owned by Richard Corey, you know, the ominously tall man who only ever wears gym clothes and lives in the blue house on that corner? Yeah, him. His steakhouse is celebrating it's GRAND OPENING today! Of course, majority of you weren't invited, and the guest list is limited to only immediate family members and close family friends, but I think we should all just take a moment to give Richard a round of applause for such an accomplishment. Come on Rocky County, let's all celebrate this momentous occasion with Richard!
*Sounds of awkward but genuine clapping into the mic for an uncomfortable amount of time*
You know, Rocky County? I used to know Richard when we were young. Yeah, he was dating my older sister. They had quite a nasty break up, though. So, Richard, if you are listening to this: Salina doesn't miss you. She really doesn't. You were an absolute piece of [censored] and you can go [censored] yourself. [censored] you, Richard.
In other news, guys, a mysterious but rather alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed has ordered that everyone in Rocky County be in their houses for a community wide lockdown. The cause of this lockdown has not been disclosed. All of us are to be in our houses, and if not our houses then the closes secure building, and lock the doors. Close the windows tight, and do not look through the curtains. You are not to leave your respective lockdown locations until you have permission from the mysterious yet alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed. So stay in your houses, or workplaces, or wherever you are, and stay safe, Rocky County! We don't want to repeat that incident with the turtles releasing formaldehyde, now do we? I didn't think so. Now get inside before the mysterious yet alarming secret government agency sees you outside and decides to eliminate you. Now that that announcement is over, let's have a word from our sponsors.
*Static noise*
*Crashing noises*
*Sirens wailing*
*Heavy breathing into the mic*
*A deep voice begins mumbling into the microphone*
[Same voice] Kool Aid. Drink it. It is good for you.
*Microphone drops to the ground*
*High pitched feedback noises*
[Skyler back on the mic] Well, that was a fun commercial. You know, it's one of my favorite Kool Aid commercials. Always makes me feel like they really care about their customers. Ah, how I love Kool Aid.
Anyways, listeners, how about we take a look at today's traffic?
Hmm...let's see. It's empty. There are zero cars in the road. That's probably because everyone is locked inside. Nevertheless, the traffic is amazing. I wish the traffic was like that on my way to work today.
Oh - guys, my intern Jamie is handing me a notice that a spokesperson on behalf of the mysterious yet alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed has made an announcement at City Hall. He is saying...oh! Listeners, it seems that the mysterious yet alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed is reporting that while they will not reveal the reason for our lockdown, they are willing to tell us that it is extremely dangerous to be outside right now, and death is a very real possibility. The mysterious yet alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed would like to thank you for your cooperation, and as a sign of their gratitude they will be leaving a single, unwrapped twix bar on everyone's doorstep.
Please remember, you are not to retrieve this twix bar until the lockwood is over, as that would mean exiting your house, and that is absolutely not allowed.
I wish they would just tell us what the reason for all of this. Maybe then I could use it as inspiration in my art. Oh, listeners, fun fact about me! I love to draw. Art is my passion, and I am much better at it than Alice. Of course, most of you don't actually know Alice, but she knows who she is. Alice knows, now don't you, Alice?
*Phone buzzes in background*
*Brief pause*
Well, well, well, listeners. It seems that Alice does know. She just send me a text message reading "you suck". Now Alice, that is very rude of you. I do not suck. Don't be a bully, Alice.
Update on the lockdown situation: the twix bars have been distributed. You didn't notice, since the mysterious yet alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed did not actually physically deliver your twix bars. They simply appeared. Remember, listeners, you are not to collect your sweet treats just yet. You must remain indoors. Your safety is our top priority here in Rocky County, and it would be in your best interest to cooperate with our wishes.
Let's see...it seems I still have some time left on air, so let's go over the community calendar.
On monday, there are hot yoga classes at 8:30 am sharp in in the dance studio of the community recreation center. On tuesday, the Oshiro family has rented out the party room at Adrian's Pizza House for - aww...it's Anisa's birthday! Anisa Oshiro is turning nine years old on tuesday, and they are renting out the party room to celebrate. Well, happy early birthday, Anisa! Wednesday, oh this is a fun one, guys this wednesday is the semi annual fund raiser for the Rocky County varsity football team, the Rocky County Stone Golems! Are you guys going? I'm going. I love the popcorn. And let's see...on thursday we have, oh? What is this?
Listeners, my intern Jamie is handing a report from the mysterious yet alarming secret government agency who's name is not to be disclosed that the lockdown is over! Yes listeners, you heard that right! The lockdown is over. Now, you may exit your homes to retrieve your twix bars! Well, Rocky County, I am going to bring this radio show to a clownse now, as you are not the only ones with a special treat waiting for them on their doorstep! Oh, how I love twix. Well, listeners, I hope you enjoyed my first time hosting the nightly radio show, and I hope I did a good job living up to poor Mason's legacy. Stay tuned next for our new game show called Guess Who where contestants try to guess who the celebrity guest is based only on the sound of their screams. Good night, Rocky County. Good night.
Link: https://my.w.tt/hAzKW3xA9bb
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clawingbackthepast · 4 years
Adverts: Chocolates, Sweets, Ice Creams and Lollies
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54321: A Pack of 5 for Only 32p
Aero: Makes You Go Oooh
Aero: My Aero, My Hero
Aero: Wallpaper
Bassett’s Jelly Babies: Bassett’s Jellyworld
Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts: He’s Had One Too Many
Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts: You Might Turn Bertie
Bounty Ice Cream
Breakaway: Don’t Take Away My Breakaway
Breakaway: It’s Wicked
Cadburys Boost: Biscuit Boost
Cadburys Boost: What Can Fill the Watford Gap
Cadburys Buttons: Sing a Song of Sixpence
Cadburys Buttons: Three Little Pigs
Cadbury’s Caramel: Personal CD Players
Cadburys Caramel: Postie
Cadbury’s Chunky Bars: Elton John
Cadburys Creme Eggs: Zodiac
Cadburys Crunchie: I’m So Excited
Cadburys Dairy Milk: Show Me Heaven
Cadburys Dairy Milk: The Chocolate and a Half
Cadburys Flake: Gypsy Caravan
Cadburys Flake: Waterfall
Cadburys Fruit and Nut: Everyone’s a Fruit and Nutcase
Cadburys Mini Eggs: Mr Cadbury’s Parrot
Cadburys Roses: Christmas
Cadburys Roses: Supergrans
Cadbury’s Roses: The Sweetest Way to Say Merry Christmas
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Astros
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Cadburys
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Caramel
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Creme Eggs
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Crunchie
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Dairy Milk
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Marble
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Milk Tray
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Roses
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Snack
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Time Out
Cadburys Sponsors Coronation Street: Wispa Mint
Cadburys Time Out: DJs
Cadburys Time Out: When It’s That Time
Cadburys Twirl: Take 5
Cadburys Whole Nut: Winter Train
Cadbury’s Wispa: American President
Cadbury’s Wispa: Dad’s Army
Cadbury’s Wispa: It Ain’t Half Hot Mum
Cadbury’s Wispa: John Thaw and Dennis Waterman
Cadburys Wispa: Mel and Pete
Cadbury’s Wispa: Michael Medwin and Trevor Eve
Cadburys Wispa: Wispa Gold
Cadburys Wispa: Wispa Gold 2
Chewits: Muncher Menace
Club: Club Fan Club
Club: Join Our Club
Dime: Armadillos
Dime: That Bloke’s a Nutter
Fab: Smashie and Nicey
Ferrero Rocher: The Ambassador’s Reception
Fruit-tella: I’m Too Juicy
Fry’s Turkish Delight: Full of Eastern Promise
Jolly Rancher: The Great Taste of Fruit Squared
Kinder Surprise: Chocolate and a Surprise
Kinder Surprise: Sharkybaba
KitKat: Pandas
KitKat: Thunderbirds
Magnum: Me and My Magnum
M&Ms: Football
M&Ms: The Candyman
Mars: Petrol in Cars
Maynards Wine Gums: Juice Loose Aboot This Hoose
Milky Bar: Cowboys
Milky Bar: Milky Bar Buttons
Milky Way: Bad Altitude Problem
Milky Way: Red Car and Blue Car
Milky Way: Satellite and Meteor
Opal Fruit Ice
Penguin: Funny
Penguin: Killer Whale
Penguin: Nephew
Penguin: Shirty
Quality Street: Carol Singers
Rocky: Rocky Robin
Rowntrees Fruit Gums: Kevin the Fruit Bat
Rowntrees Fruit Gums: Kevin the Fruit Bat Is an Artist
Rowntrees Fruit Gums: Kevin the Fruit Bat’s Birthday
Rowntrees Fruit Pastille Ice Lolly
Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles: Beyond Fruit
Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles: You Just Can’t Help Chewing 1
Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles: You Just Can’t Help Chewing 2
Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles: You Just Can’t Help Chewing 3
Secret: You Can’t Trust Anyone to Keep a Secret
Skittles: They’re Wicked
Smarties: Only Smarties Have the Answer 1
Smarties: Only Smarties Have the Answer 2
Smarties: What Makes a Smartie
Softmints: Peeling Potatoes
Toblerone: Triangular Chocolate
Trebor Soft Mints: Mr Soft
Trio: Magic Wrappers
Trio: Soundproof Box
Twix: The Case
Vice Versas: Brown Is White and Vice Versa
Wagon Wheels: Kinda Big and Kinda Nice (Short Version)
Yorkie: New 7-Chunk Yorkie
0 notes
coolinaustin · 7 years
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SXSW 2018: Free Party RSVP Roundup, Part 1
South by Southwest 2018 is just around the corner, and to help you keep your eyes on the party prize, we’re rounding up the RSVP details for the best of the free parties that you might actually want to go to.
All of the events below ask you to RSVP, and we anticipate that they’ll all most likely be open to people without badges or wristbands. However, some of these parties do give priority entry to badge and wristband holders, and some become badge-only at night — we’ve identified those in the listings.
We’ll be posting batches of new parties right here in the days ahead and compiling the full list on the “SXSW” tab at the top of this page — so keep checking back for updates!
A few tips for maximum enjoyment:
1) SHOW UP EARLY. Parties sometimes hit capacity very soon after they open, so there’s a good chance that you’ll be dealing with some pretty serious lines by mid-afternoon, especially on the weekends and double-especially on Music weekend. Plan accordingly and have several backup options just in case. Also be aware that free drinks and free food may not last for the entire event, so try to get there when doors open whenever possible to maximize your chances of getting the good stuff.
2) RSVP for as many events as possible, even if they conflict, and even you’re not sure you’ll actually go. It’s good to have options (see tip #1).
3) If an event page says the party is sold out, check again later (and get on the waitlist if there is one). Some organizers reopen their lists and start accepting more RSVPs closer to the event.
Stay tuned to this site, our Twitter feed, and our Facebook page for more RSVP tips, band recs, and other SXSW-related goodness. Heard about any cool events you don’t see on the list yet? Tweet @ us and let us know! Good luck out there!
Multiple Days
Mashable House Fri. 3/9 and Sat. 3/10 from noon–5pm; Sun. 3/11 from 11am–3pm • The Main, 610 East 6th Street • RSVP required Free food early in the day, sometimes free drinks, swag, mingling, product demos, and various other activities. This is an official event so badges will get priority, but you can usually get in without one if you get there early enough. The big MashBash party is Sunday night from 9pm–2am, and that’s most definitely gonna be badge-only. The Deep End by Vox Media Fri. 3/9 through Sun. 3/11 • 11am–8pm • The Belmont, 305 West 6th St. • RSVP required Free food and drinks, cool panels, podcast tapings, arcade games, and more. Sounds like a great time and should be a pretty hot commodity.
The Fast Company Grill at SXSW Interactive Fri. 3/9 through Mon. 3/12 • 11am–4pm • Cedar Door, 201 Brazos St. • RSVP required Free drinks, tech demos, panels. If you’re patient you can probably also get some free food. One of our faves!
Fox Sports House Fri. 3/9 through Mon. 3/12 • 11am–8pm • Hangar Lounge, 318 Colorado St. • RSVP required; may be badge-only at times This is an official SXSW Sports lounge, but they’re taking RSVPs so there’s a chance that parts of it could be open to the public. Sounds like there should be lots of food and drinks to go around, plus some sports panels and special parties throughout the weekend.
Pinterest House Sat. 3/10 and Sun. 3/11 • 10am–2pm • Container Bar, 90 Rainey St. • RSVP required Free drinks, food, and panels. This is technically badge only, but they were somewhat flexible on that last year. Swing by and find out if you’re in the area.
Future of Technology Lounge 2018 Sat. 3/10 through Tue. 3/13 • 11am–5pm • Capital Factory, 701 Brazos St., 5th Floor • RSVP requested Tech demos, panels, and probably some free snacks and drinks at various times during this multi-day lounge hangout.
Texas A&M X '47 Discovery House Sun. 3/11 from 3pm–midnight; Mon. 3/12 from 11am–midnight • RSVP required Free Stiles Switch BBQ, music, and a bunch of other things Aggies like. It’s unclear whether signing up on this event page counts as an RSVP, so look out for a confirmation email.
Playground Pop Up at Alibi Sun. 3/11 from noon–8pm + 9pm–midnight; Mon. 3/12 from 2–7pm + 8pm–midnight • Alibi, 96 Rainey St. • RSVP required Music technology party with demos and DJs. Night events are probably badge-only.
#WeDC @ SXSW Sun. 3/11 and Mon. 3/12 • Easy Tiger, 709 East 6th Street • RSVP requested Most of the details are still TBA for this year’s event, but we loved it last year. Potentially some free drinks, food, and swag in addition to panels and music.
Pandora at SXSW Tue. 3/13 through Thu. 3/15 • 1–6pm • Gatsby, 708 E. 6th St. • RSVP required Three days of good up-and-coming bands. Make sure to pick up your Pandora wristband in advance to avoid standing in line twice.
TWIX House of Duos at Lustre Pearl Wed. 3/14 and Thu. 3/15 • 1–7pm / 8pm–midnight • Lustre Pearl, 94 Rainey St. Nice lineup of duo music acts. Night shows are probably badge-only.
Dr. Martens Presents COLLiDE @ Container Bar 2018 Wed. 3/14 through Fri. 3/16 • Noon–7pm • Container Bar, 90 Rainey St. Three days of live music.
PMA Global Street Farm Wed. 3/14 from 1pm–midnight and Thu. 3/15 from 3pm–midnight • L’Estelle, 88 ½ Rainey St. • RSVP required; badges get priority Food samples, cocktails, live bands. Global street food tastings both nights from 9pm–midnight — these are sure to be in high demand, so it might be difficult to get in without a badge.
FLOODfest Wed. 3/14 through Fri. 3/16 • Times TBA (day + night shows) • Cedar Street Courtyard, 208 W. 4th St. • RSVP required Three days of day and night shows. Badges get priority at night and it’s usually tough to get in without one.
British Music Embassy Wed. 3/14 through Sat. 3/17 • 2–6pm • Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto Blvd. • RSVP required Brit rock, fun vibes, and occasional free drinks make this four-day event one of our favorites each year. RSVP separately for each day: Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
BrooklynVegan + Margin Walker Present: Lost Weekend Thu. 3/15 through Sat. 3/18 • Noon–6pm • Cheer Up Charlies, 900 Red River St. • RSVP requested Lineup info is still TBA, but there’s usually a very good slate of acts. RSVP separately for each day: Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Sound + Color Presented by M&M’s Fri. 3/16 and Sat. 3/17 • 1–7pm / 8pm–midnight • Lustre Pearl Rainey, 94 Rainey St. • RSVP required Great two-day lineup and probably hella M&Ms at this Rainey Street bash. Friday afternoon acts include LovelyTheBand (2pm), Mallrat (3pm), Gothic Tropic (4pm), Flint Eastwood (5pm), and Okkervil River (6pm). The night showcase is very likely badge-only; headliners include R.LUM.R, Billie Eilish, and Sylvan Esso. Saturday afternoon’s lineup includes Warbly Jets (2pm), CYN (3pm), The Shacks (4pm), Ron Gallo (5pm), and The Black Angels (6pm). The night showcase features Night Beats, Albert Hammond Jr., and Cut Copy.
Friday, March 9
Fitvent 10am–6pm; 8pm–2am • 301 Chicon St. • RSVP requested Fitness-focused gathering featuring music, speakers, and giveaways. Free food and nonalcoholic drinks in the evening.
YouEarnedIt @ SXSW 4–8pm • YouEarnedIt, 206 East 9th Street, Suite 1502 • RSVP requested Free food, open bar.
Panoply #DataParty 4–6pm • Ginger Man, 301 Lavaca St. • RSVP requested Free drinks and food at this networking event for data and marketing pros.
ATX Startup Crawl Multiple locations and hours; RSVP to get the map and more details • RSVP requested Free drinks and food hosted by companies all over downtown, starting in the afternoon and continuing into the evening. A classic way to kick off the fest.
Do512 Presents Galactic Interactive 6:30pm–2am • Hotel Vegas, 1500 East 6th Street • RSVP required Free drinks, cool bands, and standup comedy at this outer-space-themed throwdown. Music lineup features Great Good Fine OK, Riverboat Gamblers, SMiiLE, Tamarron, and more.
Saturday, March 10
Spredfast Smart Social Suite Day party (time TBA) • The W Austin, 200 Lavaca St. • RSVP required; must receive confirmation Free food, drinks, and other festivities. This was our favorite party last year, and it’s pared down to just one day this time, so make the most of it! Must request invite and get confirmation email.
Retail Innovation Lounge 9am–5pm; happy hour 5–7pm • Max’s Wine Dive, 207 San Jacinto Blvd. • Must request invite and receive confirmation Free cocktails and food.
Saved By The Brunch 2018 Presented By Natural Light 10am–2pm • Deep Eddy Cabaret, 2315 Lake Austin Blvd. • RSVP required Drinks, burgers, and a DJ. The organizers would like to note that this Natty Light-sponsored event is for “deal closers only.”
Smart Home Open House Hosted by Yonomi 10am–6pm • Yonomi Townhouse, 111 West 8th St. • RSVP required Free wine, beer, snacks, home goods on display from local vendors, and demos of smart home devices.
American Cities House: Startup Celebration Rooftop Lunch 12:30–2:30pm • Maggie Mae’s, 323 East 6th St. • RSVP required Free lunch and libations.
Soundcheck Saturday 1pm–?? • Hotel Vegas, 1500 E. 6th St. • RSVP requested A bunch of bands and multiple booze sponsors, so possibly free or discounted drinks.
#SXsmarketing - The Smart Way to Work with Agencies 2–6pm • Darwin's Pub, 223 East 6th Street • RSVP required Open bar for beer, wine, and well drinks, plus panels and networking.
Connect 2018 6pm–1am • Terrace 59, 412 Congress Ave. • RSVP required Complimentary tacos and open bar. Looks like you’ll need to receive confirmation to be sure you’re on the list.
Startup Night SXSW 2018 Presented by the Kauffman Foundation & TechCo 8pm–12:30am • Maggie Mae’s, 323 East 6th St. • RSVP required (Probably) free drinks; get there early to have a chance of getting in, as badges will get priority.
Sunday, March 11
Create + Cultivate: Women to Watch 11am–5:30pm • The Refinery, 612 Brazos St. • RSVP required Panels, mentoring sessions, and other events, plus some free food and beverages at certain times while they last. This one was packed last year and there are some more big-name speakers this time, so it would be smart to get there super early.
SXSW BBQ Brunch and Brands Noon–6pm • Secret location • Must request invite and get confirmation Free BBQ and networking.
Startup Sunday with SendGrid & Friends Noon–6pm • Key Bar, 617 West 6th Street • RSVP requested “Startup shenanigans, live music & open bar all day.” Mimosas and samosas available when doors open at noon!
On Vinyl & Human Influence Present: South Austin Local Showcase 3–7pm • Location TBA • RSVP required / suggested donation (see below) Sponsored by Austin Eastciders, Guayakí Yerba Mate, Tito's Handmade Vodka, and Deep Eddy Vodka. Local line-up featuring Rachel Lieberman, Torino Black, The Mammoths, Blynd Birds, Coattails, SMiiLE, and Swimming with Bears. This is a benefit for SIMS Foundation, and people who donate to the GoFundMe get in automatically. Or, if you’re a local Austin artist, you can apply for an invite here.
Splash Presents: Magic Hours 7pm–1am • Sidewinder, 715 Red River St. • RSVP required Music by Glassio, Rick Feds, Miears, Yellow Shoots, Mobley, and The Disfunction.
SocialHaus SXSW 2018 8:30pm–?? • “Justine's Secret House,” 1303 East 7th St. • Must request invite and be confirmed “An exclusive night of secret art exhibitions, live installations, and performances.” Probably lots of free stuff.
Amplify Philly House Party 9:30pm–2am • Pour Choices, 401 East 6th St. • RSVP required; technically badge-only Open bar til midnight, plus music by DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Aktive, and Fuegomayo. This is an official event so it might be tough to get into without a badge.
Monday, March 12
Do512 and COVERT CURIOSITY Present Strange Brew 7 1pm–late • Hotel Vegas, 1500 E. 6th Street • RSVP required Big slate of bands and possibly some free/cheap drinks from sponsors Deep Eddy Vodka and Karbach Brewing.
A.V. Club and The Onion Present: Just Another Manic Monday 3:30–11:30pm • Mohawk, 912 Red River St. • RSVP required Nice lineup featuring Superchunk, Wye Oak, Bully, Shamir, and others. Possibly some free drinks from sponsor Wild Turkey American Honey. Badges and wristbands get priority.
Lafayette Live Crawfish Boil @ SXSW: A True Cajun Experience 5–9pm • C-Boy's Heart & Soul, 2008 South Congress Ave. • RSVP requested Free Cajun food while it lasts, one free drink, live music, and networking.
Big Fat VR Party 6–9pm • Capital Factory, 701 Brazos St. • RSVP requested VR, booze, and food.
Amplify Philly Music Showcase 8pm–2am • Pour Choices, 401 East 6th St. • RSVP required; technically badge-only Official SX showcase with music by Low Cut Connie, Son Little, Vita & The Woolf, and others. This is an official event so it might be tough to get into without a badge, but we’ve heard it’s possible if you get there early.
Tuesday, March 13
The ShipStation Lounge Experience Noon–8pm • Vuka Gather, 411 West Monroe St. • RSVP requested Free food and drinks, networking, and panels. Open bar and music 6–8pm.
She Shreds Noon–8pm • Kinda Tropical, 3501 East 7th Street • RSVP requested Music by La Luz, Speedy Ortiz, Hinds, Shamir, and others.
SXSW Boot Scootin’ BBQ 5–8pm • The Vaughn, 310 Colorado St. • RSVP required; must request invite and get confirmation Live country music, Salt Lick BBQ, and an open bar.
Media Temple's SXSW Interactive Bash 8:30pm–late • Stubb's BBQ, 801 Red River St. • RSVP required (see below) Giant official closing party for SX Interactive. Usually very tough to get into without a badge, but the site suggests that it’s possible: “entry is first-come, first-served but priority is given to SXSW Interactive and Platinum badge holders.” RSVPing also gives you a chance to win VIP access and a meet-and-greet with the closing act.
Wednesday, March 14
Day Drinking with DistroKid at SXSW 2018 1–3pm • The Jackalope, 404 E 6th St. • RSVP requested (but probably not required) Possibly some free drinks at this music industry meetup.
CxBB — Celebration by Beardbrand 6–11pm • The Rattle Inn, 610 Nueces St. • RSVP requested Live music and free drinks while they last.
The Sound Release SXSW 8:30pm–2am • Peckerheads, 402 East 6th Street • RSVP requested Emerging hip-hop acts.
Thursday, March 15
Dutch Impact Party SXSW 2018 Noon–6pm • Waller Ballroom, 700 East 6th Street • RSVP required Free drinks and food for “delegates”; we’re not really sure that that means, but last year you got a drink ticket and a tasty grilled sandwich with your RSVP. Also good music and nice people. Fun times!
SMILF at The Showtime House 1–7pm • Clive Bar, 609 Davis St. • RSVP required Day show lineup includes US Girls (2pm), Stella Donnelly (3pm), Natalie Prass (4pm), Sudan Archives (5pm), and Sunflower Bean (6pm). The night party runs from 9pm–midnight and is very likely badge-only.
Precision, Olympus & For Spite present Turn Your Camera On 1:30–7pm • Precision Camera & Video, 2438 W. Anderson Ln., Suite B4 • RSVP requested Good local bands and free drinks provided by Tito's Handmade Vodka and Big Swig. This is a 10-minute drive north of downtown so plan to get a ride.
Brew Music 5–8pm • Zilker Brewing Company, 1701 East 6th St. • RSVP requested Free beers for the first 100 people, followed by spirited discussions about synth music. We highly recommend Zilker’s Marco IPA, by the way.
South by South Wildfox Party 9pm–1am • Pop, 620 West 6th Street #1 • RSVP requested Open bar.
Friday, March 16
11A Records, Northern Spy Records and Wharf Cat Records Present: Romancing the Wax 11am–6pm • Hotel Vegas, 1500 East 6th St. • RSVP requested Music by Golden Dawn Arkestra, Odetta Hartman, A Place to Bury Strangers, and others.
Cinderblock's Block Party presented by Pacifico Noon–late • The Cabana, 5416 North FM 973 • RSVP required (paid ticket options available; see below) Free drinks at a mansion pool party, with performances by Rayland Baxter, David Ramirez, Medicine Man Revival, Mathew McNeal, Mitchell Ferguson, and Suzanna Choffel. It’s pretty deep east of Austin, so it may be wise to shell out the $10 for guaranteed admission (or $45 for VIP, which includes food and other perks).
Fun On the Run Tour Noon–?? • The ABGB, 1305 W. Oltorf St. • RSVP requested Day show at a cool venue south of downtown.
Cocoa Butter Radio LIVE at SXSW Noon–5pm • The Townsend, 718 Congress Ave. #100 • RSVP requested Live interviews followed by artist performances and showcasing DJs in between sets.
Beats x Beers Festival 4 Noon–8pm • Lone Star Hookahs, 301 Chicon St., Unit G • RSVP requested Music and fun surprises. More details TBA.
The Chi at The Showtime House 1–6pm • Clive Bar, 609 Davis St. • RSVP required Day show lineup includes Melo Makes Music (2pm), Air Credits (3pm), Knox Fortune (4pm), and Joey Purp (5pm). The night party runs from 8pm–midnight and is very likely badge-only.
4theculture Pop-Up Party 6–10pm • 1408 East 13th St. • RSVP required Free drinks, music, vendors. More details TBA.
Saturday, March 17
Do512 Presents: The Big One 11:30am–6pm • Barracuda, 611 East 7th Street • RSVP required Performances by Ron Gallo, Hinds, Michael Rault, Speedy Ortiz, and others. Beverages from Deep Eddy Vodka, Mike's Harder, Austin Eastciders, and Karbach Beer. This will get crazy as the day goes on so try to get there close to doors.
Hip Hop Weekly SX St. Patty Party Noon–5pm • 501 Brushy St. • RSVP requested Free green beer and jello shots. This one just might get rowdy.
You Made 4 It? Industry Panel & Artist Showcase Noon–6pm • 217 East 6th St. • RSVP required Hip-hop panels, performances, and free food. The organizers are also hosting an invite-only mansion party at a private location from 11pm–4am, so keep an eye out for more info on that.
Shameless at The Showtime House 1–7pm • Clive Bar, 609 Davis St. • RSVP required Day show lineup includes The Nude Party (2pm), Post Animal (3pm), Shamir (4pm), Tank and the Bangas (5pm), and WAVVES (6pm). Expect a pretty large crowd, seeing as how this is a pretty small venue on Music Saturday. The night party runs from 8pm–1am and is very likely badge-only.
Sunday, March 18
The Austin Puppy Party 2K18 Noon–4pm • Lustre Pearl, 94 Rainey St. • RSVP required Complimentary beverages (1 Tito’s Vodka drink ticket when you show the Bumble app on your phone), plus some pretty nice dog swag and, of course, puppies! Might not be as crazy as usual since they’re having it on the final Sunday of the fest this year.
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catmigliano7 · 5 years
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#FastRepost from @Fur The Love Of Animals by @fastrepost_app ••• Thank you @greenies, @persilproclean, @dovechocolate, @chipotle, @twix for taking a stand against animal cruelty by pulling advertising during @teenmom02 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 @mtv no response? #justicefornugget After David Eason allegedly shot his and Jenelle Evans‘ family dog Nugget for snapping at their daughter, some of Teen Mom 2‘s sponsors have announced pulling their advertisements from the show — including a pet health company. Greenies, which makes dental treats, tweeted on Friday, May 3, “We have zero tolerance for animal cruelty. We can now confirm that, as a result of this incident, our GREENIES ads will no longer run during Teen Mom programming.” “Thank you for bringing this to our attention,” sponsor Persil ProClean responded to a concerned Twitter user. “We are no longer advertising on Teen Mom 2. Again, thank you for your feedback.” Meanwhile, Chipotle tweeted, “We are no longer airing our ads during episodes of Teen Mom.” Dove Chocolate echoed those sentiments, writing, “We in no way condone animal cruelty or the mistreatment of animals. We appreciate your feedback and wanted to share that we have stopped advertising on Teen Mom programming.” TWIX wrote, “We in no way condone animal cruelty or the mistreatment of animals. We appreciate your feedback and wanted to share that we have stopped advertising on Teen Mom programming.” MTV did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. https://www.instagram.com/packerbackercat7/p/BxLy6gSHjZq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qdcgmyg01ivv
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csrgood · 5 years
Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka Kicks Off City’s Inaugural Great American Cleanup With Keep America Beautiful-Newark and MARS Wrigley
Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka and Keep America Beautiful-Newark, the new local branch of national nonprofit Keep America Beautiful®, held the city’s first volunteer Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup® event today in the city’s South Ward.
Joining Mayor Baraka for the South Ward community cleanup were Keep America Beautiful President and CEO Helen Lowman; City of Newark Chief Sustainability Officer Nathaly Agosto Filion; Alison Mulligan, Mars Wrigley Confectionery US, which is opening a new market hub in Newark in 2020 and is a significant supporter of Keep America Beautiful and its local branch; and Malkia King, Executive Director of Keep America Beautiful-Newark.
More than 100 volunteers took to the South Ward streets after a kickoff ceremony concluded at the Clinton Avenue Community Sound Stage. At the ceremony, Mayor Baraka announced the recipients of the 2019 Love Your Block Mini-Grants Program, an initiative designed to connect residents with City departments and community organizations with hyper-local neighborhood beautification and community building projects. The cleanup was followed by a volunteer celebration with Newark residents receiving family-sized home recycling bins as part of the day’s festivities.
“Everything we do in Newark is done in strong collaboration with partners,” said Mayor Baraka. “We’re all about bringing community members together in the spirit of improving our neighborhoods and working hand in hand to accomplish our common goals. I also want to congratulate the winners of the Love Your Block Mini-Grants Program, and look forward to seeing how they put these grants into action to create a better and stronger Newark.”
Keep America Beautiful-Newark and the City of Newark will conduct additional cleanups in April and May: April 13, West Ward; April 27, Central Ward; May 4, North Ward; and May 11, East Ward. For more information about upcoming events, click here.
The annual Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup is the nation’s largest community improvement program, engaging Keep America Beautiful and its network of more than 600 community-based affiliates, branches and partnering organizations to conduct cleanups, green-ups, and fix-ups in thousands of communities across the country throughout spring.
“Keep America Beautiful-Newark was thrilled to kick off our new branch of Keep America Beautiful with a Great American Cleanup volunteer event, thanks to the support of the City of Newark and our partner Mars Wrigley Confectionery,” said Ms. King. “We greatly appreciate the encouragement of Mayor Baraka, demonstrated by his participation in today’s cleanup. We know he believes in the tri-sector partnership of bringing together government with nonprofits and the business community to effect change. Keep America Beautiful-Newark, working closely with the City of Newark, will pursue transforming Newark’s public spaces into beautiful places.”
Mars has a long history of partnering with Keep America Beautiful as a key corporate partner, working with the organization for more than 60 years to educate America's youth about environmental stewardship and improve local communities nationwide.
"At Mars, we are working hard today to create the world we want to see tomorrow and that starts with taking care of the communities we operate in,” said Ms. Mulligan. “With the opening of our new market hub in 2020 and joining forces with Keep America Beautiful, we’re committing to Newark that we are here to further the revitalization of Newark for Associates and residents alike.”
National sponsors of the 2019 Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup include the Altria Group, The Dow Chemical Company, The Glad Products Company, Niagara Bottling, Inc., Northrop Grumman Corporation and Sazerac Company.
About Keep America Beautiful Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Established in 1953, Keep America Beautiful strives to End Littering, Improve Recycling and Beautify America’s Communities. We believe everyone has a right to live in a clean, green and beautiful community, and shares a responsibility to contribute to that vision. The organization is driven by the work and passion of more than 600 Keep America Beautiful affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the collaborative support of corporate partners, social and civic service organizations, academia, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Donate and take action at kab.org.
About Mars, Incorporated Mars is a family-owned business with more than a century of history making diverse products and offering services for people and the pets people love. With more than $35 billion in sales, the company is a global business that produces some of the world’s best-loved brands: M&M’s®, SNICKERS®, TWIX®, MILKY WAY®, DOVE®, PEDIGREE®, ROYAL CANIN®, WHISKAS®, EXTRA®, ORBIT®, 5™, SKITTLES®, UNCLE BEN’S®, MARS DRINKS and COCOAVIA®. Mars also provides veterinary health services that include BANFIELD®Pet Hospitals, Blue Pearl®, VCA® and Pet Partners™. Headquartered in McLean, VA, Mars operates in more than 80 countries. The Mars Five Principles – Quality, Responsibility, Mutuality, Efficiency and Freedom – inspire its more than 100,000 Associates to create value for all its partners and deliver growth they are proud of every day. For more information about Mars, please visit http://www.mars.com. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Larry Kaufman
+1 (203) 659-3014
Keep America Beautiful
source: http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/41856-Newark-Mayor-Ras-J-Baraka-Kicks-Off-City-s-Inaugural-Great-American-Cleanup-With-Keep-America-Beautiful-Newark-and-MARS-Wrigley?tracking_source=rss
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hatnews3-blog · 5 years
RealitySteve.com - My sarcastic, slanted, sophomoric, and skewed view on the world of reality television
I realize, of course, that very few people are drawn to Are You the One? because of the mathematical strategies that must be employed for twenty-two people to have a shot at splitting a million dollars, but for those who are interested, the statistics at this point are as follows:
• 3 beams of light were nabbed in 2 consecutive ceremonies.
• 0 matches were made from 2 sojourns into the Truth Booth.
• 1 guy received head from Kenya during a luau.
• 1 girl named Lauren has received approximately 36 seconds of screen time.
• 7 blowups have gone down courtesy of Bria and 4 of them required she be physically restrained.
• And the number of women still convinced something real and true exists beneath Zak’s staggering and smelly layers of douchiness? Well, that number would probably measure somewhere near infinity.
The last ceremony concluded with Zak calling Bria trash and her retaliating in return that their garbage love story is over – and all that probably means is they’ll be heading into the Boom Boom Room any day now. But we can hope, can’t we? We can hope Bria calms down. We can hope Zak falls scruff-first into a volcano. We can hope Tevin will eventually stop hoping that Kenya will spontaneously turn decent. We can hope Lauren gets to say four consecutive sentences on camera and that Cam finds himself a fellow Conservative in that messy den of iniquity. Or we can say “f*ck hope” and simply wait for someone new to fly off the rails because this is an MTV reality show, dammit, and just it’s nice when our hopes pan out.
Episode four begins with Bria blathering about how much she respects herself and how she deserves better and that she’s not a dumb bitch, which means she will definitely end up straddling Zak in the very near future because Bria seems to be the very opposite of what she claims to be. And since she is a woman who deeply respects herself, she drenches another woman’s legs in chocolate syrup and dives tongue-first into the girl’s crotch to lick that syrup off – you know, much like the feminists of yore used to do. Her antics are having the exact effect we all know she’s going for. Zak is getting jealous, so since he’s a very mature person, he decides to lean in and kiss Samantha right in front of his hysterical ex. But Samantha! Could she be the token normal one on this show? I think there’s a chance that she might just be! As Zak leans in, she jerks backwards to avoid lips that have already slid over mouth of almost every girl in that house. She knows Zak’s deal and she’s not into it and I would hereby like to announce a brand new holiday! It will be called Samantha Day and on that day no woman will deign to kiss a dipsh*t and champagne and mini Twix bars will rain down from the sky. I’ve already ordered commemorative tees.
The next morning, Asia wakes Lewis to tell him she’s made him breakfast – something he swears hasn’t happened for him since Ja Rule had a hit – and he likes her and all, but he’s keeping his options open. Then there’s Brett and Cali. Those two are clicking. Need proof? As they discuss what kind of animal each one of them would be, Brett knows Cali would be a bird! Is their love deep or what? It is so deep that it’s time to start swapping secrets. Brett’s deep dark secret? He’s had three surgeries. Cali’s? She tosses hot peppers into her mouth like candy and then makes poop that burns her sphincter. Yes, theirs is a glorious kind of love and I’m certain it will last forever.
Asia is into Lewis, but she tells Tevin that Lewis hasn’t made any sort of move on her yet. She’s not sure if he’s being respectful or what, but she finds it odd that the two haven’t even danced together, not even during the luau a few days back. Once the luau is brought up, Tevin lets it slip that Kenya not only danced atop Lewis that night, but she went down on him as well. This is brand new information for Asia and she does not appreciate being kept in the dark by two people she thought she could trust. “Let me know you got your d*ck sucked. And let me know you sucked his d*ck!” she exclaims to Tevin about those two traitors and his response is to nod sagely and the whole thing is a moment of bonding one only sees on basic cable.
Also: I’m officially canceling Samantha Day. It turns out she gets positively giddy when men leave pools of sweat in their wake and, well, that’s the sort of shit that should just not be celebrated. The guy whose sweat is currently making her swoon is Daniel, and the truth is I don’t care if they get together or not. I’m just happy she’s not dreaming about doing a slip n’ slide through any of Zak’s bodily fluids.
Terrence J pops in next – he’s contractually mandated to show up now and again – and this week the Fate Button determines Shamoy, Lewis, Maria, and Lauren (the blonde phantom) get to go on the out-of-the-house date. Everyone is thrilled Shamoy and Maria were selected because there’s a good chance they’re an actual match and now they can be shoved into the Truth Booth and maybe something can finally be confirmed. The date they head out on involves horseback riding through the foggiest afternoon Hawaii has ever seen. Lauren gets to speak at least four times, Maria admits that Shamoy gives her butterflies, and Shamoy rides shirtless because Maria has latent Fabio fantasies. Everything is going perfectly until Lauren gets thrown from her horse, but it turns out this formerly mute girl is tough and she literally gets back on that horse and finishes the ride.
Back at the house, Asia is busy informing everyone she can corner that Kenya took Lewis’ hand a few weeks back, pulled him into the Boom Boom Room, and then sucked his d*ck. Had skywriters been available, she probably would have requested that one form the image of Kenya’s mouth enveloping Lewis’ scrotum so everyone could learn the news at once, but alas, skywriting is not in the budget for this show, not with all the tequila that needs to be on hand every second of every day so the contestants can wash away whatever inhibitions still remain in the darkest corners of their souls. As Asia wipes away tears of fury in the kitchen, Daniel asks Samantha to accompany him on a mini excursion to go catch crabs. Yes, there are a zillion “catching crabs” jokes I could make right now, but I’m instead going to appreciate that Daniel is not currently sweating buckets and I’m going to celebrate that he knows how to build a fishing pole out of bamboo – that kind of MacGyver sh*t could come in handy in the real world! – and, I swear, my eyes didn’t even roll when the two of them sat on the shore and kissed.
It’s Truth Booth time! To nobody’s surprise, Shamoy and Maria are sent in to determine if they’re a real match or not. The totally-just-for-show lights pass over their bodies and we find out these two are a perfect match! The house explodes into cheers, Shamoy and Maria are relieved as hell, and I’m devastated because now the only two clinically normal people in that villa are being sent away to the Honeymoon House so the rest of these rather insane people can more easily weed through one another to achieve a cash prize.
Seeing the perfect match pop up on the screen is making the rest of the house feel all kinds of giddy – or all kinds of drunk, but let’s pretend the romance here is not sponsored by Smirnoff. After declaring how “perfect” things are between she and Brett (and after we all then heard the rumbling of symbolic thunder the very second she said such a thing), Cali gets out of the hot tub and Brett has no idea where she has gone. He discovers her talking to Zak, a conversation that involves Zak telling her that she reminds him of his sister and Cali muttering, “Cool,” in return, but Brett is not about details at the moment. No, this guy gets in Zak’s face. Zak stays calm the entire time because pretty much everyone he’s ever met has hated him; he’s used to people invading his personal space to inform him that he sucks. Watching Brett’s overreaction, Cali is concerned. She’s experienced this kind of controlling man in her past and Brett is making her feel scared. She should probably already be scared. MTV has labeled Brett “The Jealous Type,” and he’s proving here that sometimes labels are pretty f*cking accurate. A few guys attempt to intervene because the guy is acting like a crazy person and Cali keeps telling him that he’s acting irrationally, but he’s not really into logic right now. Oh, and Cali keeps calling him “Zak” which is really not helping matters.
It’s a new day and the alcohol has seeped out of his system and now Brett thinks that maybe he blew things out of proportion the night before. And speaking of blowing things, Tevin lets Kenya know he accidentally told Asia about what happened between she and Lewis a while back and now Lewis would like to talk to Asia. With his shorts slipping all the way down his ass, Lewis leads Asia away so he can tell her there’s no reason she should feel an emotional attachment to him – which is a sentence all women love to hear. Asia thinks they have a connection despite the fact that he’s yet to see her naked, Lewis appears perplexed by everything Asia is saying, and it all just gets louder and more confusing when Kenya bounds over and says she had no idea Asia had feelings for Lewis, but she swears whatever transpired between the two of them was not “romantical” in the least. They all end the conversation with a hug, though Lewis is more than a bit freaked out because he’s nowhere near as into Asia as she apparently is into him.
It’s ceremony time! With one match already made, the group is now looking to solidify the other pairings. The guys get to choose their matches this week and it goes a little something like this:
• Lewis chooses Asia and Samantha sits back and watches as Asia mumbles some explanation about how whatever happened with Lewis and Kenya no longer matters and the whole thing makes Samantha sad because she feels like Asia is compromising herself. For the record, I’m now reconsidering my reconsideration of Samantha Day. The woman is wise and she’s yet to put her fist through a wall or through someone’s face. So what that she likes sweaty men? Let the bells that announce the dawning of Samantha Day ring! • Cam picks Kayla. • Tevin selects Kenya. • Daniel chooses Samantha – and she’s already worried he’s not enough of a challenge for her. • Brett gets up and rhapsodizes about how Cali is still the one he wants despite the fireballs of rage he spit at her the previous evening. But Cali? She doesn’t particularly love having to say this in front of everyone, but she’s no longer cool with a man who has psychotic bursts of anger due to his own issues with trust. She’s not willing to overlook the negative tendencies he all but waved before her face like flags and she tells him that she’s done. His response? He picks her as his match for the evening and Cali presses her hand on the screen to lock in that match with a look of pure duress smeared across her pretty face. • Andrew (who?) picks Lauren, the girl who fell off the horse and has now had 48 seconds of screen time. • Bria is chosen by some guy I’ve maybe never seen before and I do not know his name, but he helped her locate her missing pasta that morning and great love stories have started from far less. (Okay, they haven’t. But I’m afraid of Bria, so let me just publicly say that the locating of carbohydrates is so important in a relationship and I wish her and whoever this guy might be the very best.) • Kwasi picks Jasmine. • Tomas (I think) selects Nutsa. • Zak lands on Morgan.
With all these new selections, some of which are completely random and based only on missing fusilli, the group ends up with only two correct matches. They are now, Terrence J cautions them, in the danger zone and there is only one way to combat this growing crisis: they should all head out on a Relationship Retreat where their exes will be there to ambush them! Sounds healthy, right? And so romantical.
Nell Kalter teaches Film and Media at a school in New York. She is the author of the books THAT YEAR and STUDENT, both available on amazon.com in paperback and for your Kindle. Also be sure to check out her website at nellkalter.com. Her twitter is @nell_kalter.
Source: http://realitysteve.com/2018/08/30/are-you-the-one-nell-kalters-episode-4-recap/
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Whats With Mars Chocolate Candy Maker of M&Ms and Snickers
New Post has been published on http://moneymag.site/whats-with-mars-chocolate-candy-maker-of-mms-and-snickers/
Whats With Mars Chocolate Candy Maker of M&Ms and Snickers
The history of Mars Chocolate is not as well known as other candy companies, primarily because it has always been a privately owned family company and thus does not have to disclose information to stockholders.
The history of Mars Chocolate starts with the founder, Frank C. Mars. Mars began selling candy in 1911 at age 19 from a recipe his mother had handed down to him. His first attempt in Tacoma, Washington was a bust. But he didn’t give up.
He moved to Minneapolis, MN and started again, this time under the name Mar-O-Bar which later became Mars, Inc. He made several different kinds of candies before introducing his first hit, the Milky Way, in 1923.
In 1929, Frank Mars moved the company to Chicago as that city offered a central geographic location and a strong railway presence. The factory built there still turns out candy bars today.
In 1932, Mars’ son, Forrest opened the first European branch in Scotland with a $50,000 loan from his father and the recipe for Milky Way bars. The first Mars bar was produced in this Scottish factory. Other brands first conceived in Great Britain before their introduction to the United States include Snickers, Skittles, Starburst, Twix, and Topic.
In 1939, the history of Mars took another giant step as it began advertising on the radio. It sponsored a local trivia show called Dr. IQ and produced a candy bar by that name as well. This is one of the first examples of tying a product to advertising.
M&Ms were first introduced in 1941 in a paper tube to prevent melting on the shelf. In 1950, the letter “M” was first printed on the candy. Peanut M&Ms followed in 1954.
In addition to candy, Mars got into the vending business. Their Klix unit introduced the first in-cup vending drink machine in 1973.
Several bars are marketed under different names in the U.S. and abroad. For instance, The original Mars bar was just a variation of the U.S.’s Milky Way. What we knew as the U.S. Mars bar is now called Snickers with Almonds. The European version of the Milky Way is known as 3 Musketeers in the states.
In 1980, M&Ms became the first candy in space when astronauts specifically requested that it be included on their missions.
M&Ms have been the official candies of the 1984 Summer Olympics and the 1990 Soccer World cup. Snickers was the sponsor of the 1994 Soccer World cup in the USA. And, the company declared M&Ms to be the official candy of the new millennium in 2000 as the letters MM are Roman for 2000.
In the history of Mars chocolate, many different products have been produced. These include perennial chocolate bar favorites such as Snickers, Milky Way, M&M’s, and Twix bars, cat and dog food such as Whiskas and Pedigree, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Uncle Ben’s rice, and Promite, a sandwich spread similar to vegemite.
Recent history of Mars chocolate has included protests by vegetarians when Mars changed the composition of the candy bars they produce. They now use whey made with the lining of animal’s stomachs in their candy.
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coolinaustin · 7 years
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CoolinAustin’s SX Shortlist: Free Party Highlights for Thursday, March 15
Here’s our roundup of today’s best free parties! Also make sure to check out our full list of the best RSVPs on the SXSW tab at the top of this page. Hit us up on Twitter for even more updates from the field, and check back for party highlights each day of the fest. Have fun out there!
Shout-out to the cool folks at Festival Saviors, Keegan’s List, ATX Concert, @SXSWMF, and Fest Xperts — check them out for some more hot party tips. Also, Showlist Austin is an amazing resource for set times at unofficial showcases throughout the fest.
Quantum Collective Southwest Invasion 11am–7pm • Whole Foods Rooftop, 525 N. Lamar Blvd. • RSVP required This three-day rooftop mini-fest is a great place to hang out and bask in the glorious March weather, slightly away from the madness of Dirty Sixth. There are usually some freebies from a bunch of cool sponsors. Thursday’s lineup includes: Larkin Poe, Dear Rouge, Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional, The Accidentals, NoMBe, and many others. Continues Friday and Saturday.
PledgeHouse 11:30am–6pm • The Blackheart, 86 Rainey St. • RSVP requested Four days of solid music lineups on two stages, plus free Torchy’s Tacos and High Brew Coffee at the morning acoustic performances! Today’s acts include Wye Oak, A Place To Bury Strangers, Josh Rouse, and others. RSVP separately for Friday
101X + Bud Light Day Parties Noon–6pm • Buffalo Billiards, 201 East 6th St. • Free; no RSVP needed Bud Light specials and a chance to see interviews and short acoustic sets by good bands with minimal crowds.
Twangfest Noon–5pm • Broken Spoke, 3201 S. Lamar • RSVP requested Featured artists include James McMurtry, Waco Brothers, The Weather Station, Whitney Rose, Joe Purdy and Amber Rubarth, John Paul Keith, Jeff Plankenhorn, and more. Sponsored by Tito’s Handmade Vodka.
Dutch Impact Party SXSW 2018 Noon–6pm • Waller Ballroom, 700 East 6th Street • RSVP required Free drinks and food for “delegates”; we’re not really sure that that means, but last year you got a drink ticket and a tasty grilled sandwich with your RSVP. Also good music and nice people. Fun times!
YETI Presents: Tacodeli SXSW Showcase presented by Wrangler Noon–7pm • Yeti Flagship, 220 South Congress Ave. • RSVP required Tacodeli tacos, beverages, and live music.
Party in my Pants Free Day Showcase Presented by LiveVibe Noon–7pm / 9pm–1am • Little Woodrow's on 6th, 520 W 6th St. • RSVP requested Six bands each day, plus nightly afterparties with DJ Richard Gear. Thursday’s lineup includes: Capyac, Stop Light Observations, Jared & the Mill, Kolars, Naked Giants, and Blastfamous USA.
Dr. Martens Presents COLLiDE @ Container Bar 2018 Noon–7pm • Container Bar, 90 Rainey St. • RSVP required Today’s lineup includes Taylor Girlz, Buddy, Leikeli47, Weathers, Amy Shark, Elle King, Tinashe, and Kemba. Continues tomorrow.
8th Annual Lucy's South By South Austin Fried Chicken Revival Noon–7pm • Lucy's Fried Chicken, 2218 College Ave. • No RSVP! Four-day music bash located just a bit south of downtown.
Waterloo Records Day Parties Noon–7pm • Waterloo Records, 6th and Lamar • Free; no RSVP needed Four days of free shows by some of the buzziest SX bands, with autograph signings after each set. Today’s lineup includes: The Weather Station (6pm), Dashboard Confessional (5pm), Caroline Rose (4pm), A Place to Bury Strangers (3pm), Marlon Williams (2pm), Shamir (1pm), and Melat (noon).
CultureMap Clubhouse at SXSW 2018 Noon–6pm • Parish, 214 East 6th St. • Free; no RSVP needed Enjoy specials from Austin Eastciders and a lineup featuring The Fontaines, The Lagoons, Culture Wars, Mobley, and others.
FLOODfest Noon–6pm • Cedar Street Courtyard, 208 W. 4th St. • RSVP required Thursday’s lineup features Lucy Dacus, Neil Frances, Nina Nesbitt, Jack Harlow, Starcrawler, and a special guest.
Girls To The Front Day Party 1–6pm • 2511 East 6th Street (between Pedernales and Calles streets) • RSVP requested Violet Days, Pearl Charles, pronoun, KITTEN and more!
Brooklyn Bowl Family Reunion 1–6pm • Scoot Inn, 1308 East 4th St. • RSVP required Acts at Thursday’s Consequence of Sound Party include Dan The Automator & Qbert (with secret special guest), Sunflower Bean, and others. RSVP separately for Friday.
Pandora at SXSW 1–6pm • Gatsby, 708 E. 6th St. • RSVP required Three days of good up-and-coming bands. Today’s lineup features Sunflower Bean, Karol G, Morgan Saint, Harry Hudson, and Pale Waves. Get there early. Night shows are badge-only.
Levitation Day Party 1–7pm • Hotel Vegas, 1502 East 6th Street • Free; RSVP requested Music by Night Beats, La Luz, Hinds, Shame, Orb, Goat Girl, and others. There’s also a night showcase where badges will get priority, but non-badges can pay a small cover.
StubHub at SXSW 2018 1–7pm + badge-only night shows • Banger’s, 79 Rainey St. • RSVP required Thursday’s performers include Hembree (2pm), Durand Jones & The Indications (3pm), Liza Anne (4pm), Field Report (5pm), and Mt. Joy (6pm).
TWIX House of Duos at Lustre Pearl 1–7pm / 8pm–midnight • Lustre Pearl, 94 Rainey St. Nice lineup of duo music acts. Night shows are probably badge-only.
Four Daze of Clash: Day 2 1pm–2am • Sahara Lounge, 1413 Webberville Rd. • RSVP requested Bunch of bands at a deep-eastside dive bar. Sponsored by Dulce Vida Spirits and High Brew Coffee.
SMILF at The Showtime House 1–7pm • Clive Bar, 609 Davis St. • RSVP required Day show lineup includes US Girls (2pm), Stella Donnelly (3pm), Natalie Prass (4pm), Sudan Archives (5pm), and Sunflower Bean (6pm). The night party runs from 9pm–midnight and is very likely badge-only.
Precision, Olympus & For Spite present Turn Your Camera On 1:30–7pm • Precision Camera & Video, 2438 W. Anderson Ln., Suite B4 • RSVP requested Good local bands and free drinks provided by Tito’s Handmade Vodka and Big Swig. This is a 10-minute drive north of downtown so plan to get a ride.
SXSWaterterloo 2–6pm • Waterloo Cycles, 2815 Fruth St. • Free; no RSVP needed Not to be confused with the Waterloo Records shows, this West Campus bike shop day party will have free craft beer from Hops & Grain, plus music by Ohmme, The Magnettes, Doe, and Annie Hart.
British Music Embassy 2–6pm • Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto Blvd. • RSVP required Brit rock, fun vibes, and occasional free drinks make this four-day event one of our favorites each year.
UO Live In Austin 2–7pm • Urban Outfitters, 2420 Guadalupe St. • RSVP requested (usually not enforced) Free all-ages shows. Thursday lineup: Post Animal (2pm), Mallrat (3pm), Gus Dapperton (4pm), Men I Trust (5pm), and Porches (6pm)
Feedbands Dashfest 2–10pm • Cenote, 1010 East Cesar Chavez St. • Free; no RSVP needed “Three-day musical festival powered by Dash where you can get & spend cryptocurrency in order to enjoy 25-cent beer, 25-cent wine, and 25-cent tacos.” Download the Dash app to skip the drink line.
Rock The Rooftop Showcase 2:30–10pm • Cheers, 416 East 6th Street • RSVP requested but not required Free show with music by Swimming w/ Bears, Honduras, Super Doppler, and others.
PMA Global Street Farm 3pm–midnight • L’Estelle, 88 ½ Rainey St. • RSVP required; badges get priority Food samples, cocktails, live bands. Global street food tastings from 9pm–midnight — these are sure to be in high demand, so it might be difficult to get in without a badge.
Brew Music 5–8pm • Zilker Brewing Company, 1701 East 6th St. • RSVP requested Free beers for the first 100 people, followed by spirited discussions about synth music. We highly recommend Zilker’s Marco IPA, by the way.
Budweiser Country Club 6pm–? • Fair Market, 1100 E 5th St. • RSVP required Free beer and music by Old Crow Medicine Show, Kane Brown, Elle King, and others. Open to the public, priority entrance given to SXSW music + platinum badge holders. This should be very crowded so line up early if you want a shot at getting in.
South by South Wildfox Party 9pm–1am • Pop, 620 West 6th Street #1 • RSVP requested Open bar.
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catmigliano7 · 5 years
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#FastRepost from @Fur The Love Of Animals by @fastrepost_app ••• Thank you @greenies, @persilproclean, @dovechocolate, @chipotle, @twix for taking a stand against animal cruelty by pulling advertising during @teenmom02 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 @mtv no response? #justicefornugget After #DavidEason @hicktownking admitted shooting his & @j_evans1219 #JenelleEvans‘ family dog #Nugget for snapping at their daughter, some of #TeenMom2‘s sponsors have announced pulling their advertisements from the show — including a pet health company. @greenies, which makes dental treats, tweeted on Friday, May 3, “We have zero tolerance for animal cruelty. We can now confirm that, as a result of this incident, our @GREENIES ads will no longer run during @TeenMom programming.” “Thank you for bringing this to our attention,” sponsor @persilproclean responded to a concerned Twitter user. “We are no longer advertising on @TeenMom2. Again, thank you for your feedback.” Meanwhile, @chipotle tweeted, “We are no longer airing our ads during episodes of @teenmom ” @dovechocolate echoed those sentiments, writing, “We in no way condone animal cruelty or the mistreatment of animals. We appreciate your feedback and wanted to share that we have stopped advertising on #TeenMom programming.” @twix wrote, “We in no way condone animal cruelty or the mistreatment of animals. We appreciate your feedback & wanted to share that we have stopped advertising on @teenmom programming.” @mtv did not immediately respond to @people request for comment. (at Columbus County, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/packerbackercat7/p/BxEPbo7H8we/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qozkm13whxcy
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