#this is some of the cutest fuckin art I’ve ever seen
franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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dameferre · 4 years
ok. i would say no one asked for this, but mel @montparnasse blatantly did and enables every step into madness i take but it started getting way too long for a message
and since. y’know. the world is a flaming shitheap i’ve recently found a coping mechanism in tiktok bc i’m lame as hell. & if you, like i was, are a millenial who downloaded the app just to see a bunch of white teenagers and awful str*ight people, i thought i’d provide a starter kit of lgbt creators and creators of colour for people to follow so the tiktok algorythm will get the hint that you don’t wanna see that kinda shit. bc there’s a lot of quality content on tiktok! you just gotta dig a bit
so. here we go. les amis as people i fuckin follow on tiktok bc WHY NOT (under the cut bc it takes up Way too much space on the dash)
combeferre: mistercapehart. a Beautiful black member of the lgbt community and 7th grade teacher with a smile that makes FLOWERS GROW. evidence: a combeferre character study and just like. the best possible teacher/dad vibes need i say more
bahorel: iambeckydee. yes, this was a thirst follow. would you not thirst follow a real-life bahorel? that’s what the fuck i thought. she’s hot, she’s gay, she’s well-spoken, she’s well-dressed, she’s a goddess. evidence: fashion, babey and too hot and body positive for your nonsense
marius: higashipat. curly haired trans icon of my heart. a goddamn gift and a grade-A cutie who deserves the world. just a source of hilarity and joy evidence: marius vibes and more marius vibes and marius being friends with courfeyrac vibes
cosette: killinggf AND fatraco0n for the same damn reasons. they’re both black and some of the most beautiful women ive ever seen in my entire gd life. sources of positivity and light and love but they’re not afraid to call out bullshit. they make life worth living tbh. evidence: killinggf- how bout we just. be nice to people. and actually if i think about cosette and watch this i cry so | fatraco0n- va!lid!da!tion! and the Best energy
eponine: dontacallmeshe. the hot nonbinary lesbian of my dreams. they don’t take shit, always look fucking Amazing, they’re just a fucking icon. evidence: they’re so fuckin valid and marius found dead in miami and did i mention they’re so fuckin valid
feuilly: silly.oldbear. just a stunningly beautiful lgbt girl who’s artistic, and talented, and opinionated, and just all around a delight. idk what more to say evidence: beautiful and taken lmao and the cutest damn shit i’ve ever seen and artful thinkin’ 
jehan: msalwaysdifferent. somehow embodies every interpretation of jehan i’ve ever had. just an all around beautiful human being evidence: the most soothing voice in the world shows you some plants and fashion, babey!
courfeyrac: emoprettyboy. this one was honestly kinda hard bc i wasnt sensing strong courf vibes from Anyone but hear me out. the self-proclaimed ‘hair of tiktok’. bi, poc (asian), former athlete who lives to piss off bigots and make people smile. also makes like four tiktoks a minute bc loves that sweet attention  evidence: vibe until you die, bro and i just like fashion videos this is obvious and some courf vibes
musichetta: rea1le. lbh we get approx. 2 sentences about chetta in the brick so i can make up my own damn interpretations. she’s hot, she’s black, she’s funny, i love her. what more do u want from me evidence: when u sexy and lbh chetta’s a kinsey 5 who happened to find two exceptions to the rule and a literal angel blessing you with common sense
bossuet: okaynkay. just some hot, casually alcoholic, unlucky gay vibes. i dunno what more you could ask for really. evidence: a respectable tactic and Strongest of bossuet vibes
joly: cowgirl.dyke. i had a hard time w/ joly (kaithebug was my first choice but the acct is private) too but she’s gay. she’s adorable. she has the unconventional taste in clothing and weird fucking earrings that are Integral to a joly evidence: draw four, bitch and what a wonderful kind of day
grantaire: jeeshthepeesh. gay white boy with strong meth-head vibes who loves the sound of his own voice and is honestly hilarious evidence: dead inside and grantaire vibes and i watched this video 50 times in abject horror
enjolras wouldn’t have a tiktok lmao and i couldn’t find anyone beautiful and opinionated enough. so.
few more tiktokkers i adore but couldn’t fit and can’t be bothered to link (i’ve done enough): thelonliestwolf / griffinmaxwellbrooks / everydaylaw / alluringskull / gookoosh2020 / keatsdidit / alaskan.boii / sybil.kappert /
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Survey #317
i’m tired as a motherfucker and don’t feel like thinking up some lyrics, so here, jus have the survey.
Have you volunteered in the past 6 months? No. French fries or onion rings? French fries. I don't like onion rings. Do you suffer from anxiety? Very badly. Favorite healthy snack? "Apples and peanut butter are one of them." <<<< Same, actually. Good shit. Favorite Disney movie? Forever and always The Lion King. If you see a bee in your house.. are you going to kill it? I hate to say it, but I'm killing it. Do you normally take a shower in the morning or at night? Morning. Do you have a cat? Yeah. What is your favorite animal? It will always be meerkats. Always. Do you know what time you were born? 10:30 AM, I believe. Do you like McDonalds? I'm gonna be real: I've never understood the McDonald's hate. I enjoy it perfectly fine. I mean it's certainly not gourmet, but I'll choose it over other fast food places sometimes. It's cheap and decent food, imo. What's your favorite flower? Orchids. Have you thought about joining the military? FUCK no. Who is the person that has impacted your life the most? Given my PTSD, I think it's pretty obviously Jason. Have you ever had a pet fish? Yeah, but not a lot. I never enjoyed them much. Have you ever wanted to be on a game show? Not seriously, no. I wouldn't want to be on television. Have you ever vaped? Nah. Who was the last person to give you a hug? Either my niece or nephew. Have you ever been on TV? I don't think so, no. What's your favorite store in the mall? Hot Topic, ugggghhhhh take me there. Has anyone ever told you that you have an accent? Yeah, especially when I was younger when I definitely did have a clear Southern accent. Do you have any piercings? Yeah, six. I have been DYING for a new one lately... How did your parents meet? Work. What was your first word? "Dada." Do you eat more healthy food or junk food? Somewhere in the middle, I'd say. What do you spend too much money on? When it's my own money, tattoos. I think I'll be perfectly capable of doing it, but when I'm employed, I'm going to have to watch how much I invest into those. What is a disturbing episode of an otherwise non-disturbing show? What is a disturbing show (or one you would describe as one) is enjoyable to you? Meeeh I don't watch enough for this. What is the most memorable song in a movie? How about a show? Oh wow, I dunno. "Circle of Life" from TLK is a beauty, as is "Strangers Like Me" from Tarzan. There really are a lot. As for shows, "Carry On My Wayward Son" from Supernatural will immediately get fans screaming the lyrics, haha. However, I don't know if that song properly counts since it wasn't written just for the show, but whatever. What is something you’re grateful for that humans have made/have continued to make exist? What about something that you wish that humans didn’t destroy? The Internet, whew. I wish humans would stop destroying the fucking environment. It's heartbreaking how many woods are wiped away here for construction, only to never be built on... While evil men are commonly talked about, what woman would you consider the most evil? I don't know, but it would probably be a rapist or pedophile. Those are probably the people I abhor most. Do you believe children can be evil? If so, what child from history do you believe to have been the most evil? I don't really think children are born evil, no. I've never heard of a diabolical baby or anything. I think the environment they are raised in molds them as they age. I don't know about the last question. Name one way that music can be bad for humans. It can be depressing sometimes, actually dragging your mood down, especially if you already feel low. What has been one of the most blatant advertising in a movie, show, or music video? Some of these questions are hard man, idfk lol. What book have you read/listened to that “messed you up” (or made you have a lot of negative feelings afterward)? Johnny Got His Gun left me feeling so spiteful towards and disappointed in the world. It definitely made me feel down for a while. If you have a pet, what is the best thing that you have for them (either a toy, a highly rated food, etc)? If you don’t have one but would like one, have you thought about what you would get your pet? We definitely don't have the money for "high quality" stuff. What works, works. Did you ever know anyone who was (previously) a part of a cult? What cult? Were you ever a part of one? No. What is something that is legal right now that really shouldn’t be? I'm stealing the previous person's answer by saying fireworks. They have a horrible effect on animals and PTSD victims and is just litter and a fire hazard. What is a movie you consider successful/good that did not have high reviews? I'm not educated enough on movie rankings. When you met the person you now like, what happened? We hugged and cried a bit lmao. Did you realize anything today? No. What do you want to do today? It'd be nice to get off my ass and get Emerson's birthday pictures into Lightroom so Ashley can finally have them... Can you honestly say you’d risk your life for someone else? I know with certainty I would for some people. Could you forgive a boyfriend or friend who physically hurt you? Ha, nope, byyyyeee~ What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you? Ugh... So one night when I was lying down to go to bed but also texting Jason, I was being playful and joked for him to sing me to sleep. He sent me a video for "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides (one of his favorite bands) and just pasted the lyrics, and I thought it was the cutest fucking thing ever. I went to bed listening to it and just smiling. It's why I just don't listen to it anymore. I shouldn't have even talked about it, soooo next question. What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? Ummm South Africa, Yellowstone National Park, Germany, Alaska, and the Bahamas, maybe. How many tattoos would you like to have? I'm gonna be a fuckin mural. I want tats pretty much everywhere. What question do you hate to answer? "What do you like to do for fun?" What's your favourite animated or cartoon program? Fullmetal Alchemist. What do you think the greatest invention has been? Electricity. What's your favourite movie quote? I dunno, I don't really have one. Do you prefer digital or analogue clocks? Analogue clocks are way more elegant and can be beautifully decorated. Who is your favorite foreign singer/musician? Do you translate his or her lyrics? If you exclude English-speaking foreign bands, like from the UK, Rammstein for sure. I can translate some of them. Say something in a foreign language? "Liebe" means "love" in German. What is a weather-type that you like that not many others do? Snow, for sure. I've never understood the "ew, snow" type of people. It's so pretty. Granted, it's rare here, so it's more of a treat down here, but still. Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? Sara has a beautiful voice. What was the last word you learned? I have no clue, given how bad my memory is becoming... It's hard for me to learn anything nowadays, because it doesn't stick. What is your favorite culture? (that you find most interesting): I'll be honest, I'm not very well-informed on foreign cultures. Due to taking so many classes though, I do find German culture to be quite appealing. They are very serious about honesty (for example, telling someone you're okay when you're not is frowned upon in small talk, even), as well as manners. I would love to experience their lifestyle. Have you ever watched anime porn? I've never watched porn to begin with. If you got paid $3 million to smoke meth one time would you do it? Nope. I'm not risking addiction or death. Are ladybugs cute? Yesssss. Will you leave the house without fragrance on? Yeah, I usually do. Do you make good money doing what you do? I'm unemployed. I've only ever worked minimum wage jobs. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries, yum. And kiwi. What do you think of horses? I love them! Are you doing something with your life that matters? Ugh, I don't feel like it. Do you like gravy on your mashed potatoes? I hate gravy. What is the dirtiest rap song you have ever heard? Nicole played "WAP" once when I was in the car and I wanted to die. What about a dirty song in any other genre? "Bitches" by Hollywood Undead MIGHT be rap, but idk? What even is their genre???? But anyway, as much as I love the song, it's dirty as shit. What is a genre of music you simply can't stand? Rap, generally. What is, in your opinion, the best way of dealing with a break up? Lots and lots of self-care and focusing on loving yourself and realizing your worth lies in yourself and not another person. What flavor of Doritos do you like best? Cool Ranch, of course. Would you ever go to a comedy club? Yeah, sure. Why is it that photography is becoming a trend? Because it's art, and people enjoy art???????? What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? White Chicks gets me way harder than it should lmao. Would you ever consider dating someone who lived across the country? I guess, so long it was the plan that we'd eventually move in together, and effort was being made to achieve that once we got pretty serious. Do you have a tattoo? If you do, describe the pain you went through when getting it done. Well, I have six, so I'll just talk about my first one, which was on my wrist. It really isn't bad, especially once you've adjusted to the pain. I think the best metaphor would be that it's like lightly pinching a cat scratch. Outlining is the worst part, imo. What is your favorite bookstore? I don't have one. Who was the last person to tell you that you were cute? I have no idea. When was the last time you had a fever? How high did it go? Oh, I couldn't tell you. Those are very rare for me. How many times do you think that you’ve truly been in love before? With who? Twice, with Jason and Sara. Do you prefer French kissing, or regular kissing more, and why? I mean, this depends on the mood as well as how serious we are. Have you ever been married before? How many times? No. Who do you know that gives the best hugs? Summer has always been a big, strong hugger like I am. Have you ever dated someone of the same gender before? Yeah. Who do you consider to be your hero? My mom. Who is your best friend? Tell us about them. Sara. She's a very caring, strong, creative, just overall amazing person who stands firmly for what she feels is right, and we can't forget about her incredible loyalty, nor her absolute adoration for animals, reptiles especially. How much did your car cost? I don't have my own car. What is the last picture you received on your phone of? Sara sent me a photo of Martha, her ball python. Do you have any friends that actually model? No. Do you keep condoms in your room? No, considering I have no reason to. Do you follow any special diet? (dairy free, vegetarian, gluten free etc.) No, but I desperately want to return to being vegetarian. Vegan would be even better, but I know I'm absolutely not capable of that. What is an appliance you don’t have, but would love to have? uhhhhh Which keys on your keyboard are worn out the most? My "a," "s," and "d" from gaming. If you could be any supervillain, which would you be? Ha, I could probably pull off Harley Quinn pretty easily. Though "super"villain sounds a bit strong for her. What’s the most historic thing that has happened in your lifetime? Either Covid or 9/11, probably. What’s the scariest non-horror movie? I personally think the idea behind Johnny Got His Gun is fucking terrifying. What’s the most amazing true story you’ve heard? More beautiful than "amazing," but whatever. I can't think of anything else. Jason's mother actually left his father to go back home to New York when he cheated on her, but he followed her all the way there, and they wound up reconciling and were very happily married since. They were a spectacular couple, and I miss them a lot. What brand are you most loyal to? I have no idea. It's hard to be loyal to any when you're not the one buying products. Where are you not welcome anymore? Well, speaking of him, probably Jason's house, haha... I feel that if I just showed up there, his parents would honestly be super happy to see me and want to catch up, but Jason, not so much. I doubt Colleen would welcome me into her house, either. What’s the most recent show you’ve binge-watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced? Just... adult stuff. Paying bills. Having a stable job. Passing their driver's test. What are some misconceptions about your hobby? We'll use forum roleplay here, in which case I know a very common misconception is that it's sexual in nature and is a kink. It's never been that for me. It's about building unique, complex characters in a vast universe of your creativity, meshing with other's. It's a beautiful thing to me. What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? Oh, I'm sure something with Mom... because she is absolutely never wrong. What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down? Conspiracy theories on YouTube, aha... What odd smell do you really enjoy? I really enjoy the smell of lilacs, though I know people who think they smell too strong and/or just stink. If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? Hm, interesting question. Maybe approachability, moral alignment, and mood. What is your favorite flavor of pop tart? I really like the chocolate sundae ones. Gum? I really like fruit-flavored gums, especially watermelon or strawberry. Last song you sang along to? I sang a bit to "Second Chance" by Shinedown. Are you fascinated by rivers? Yeah, sure. Streams, more specifically, because you can see the bottom and walk more safely in them. I love exploring those. Do you live near a volcano? No, and I plan on keeping it that way, haha. How big is the screen on your digital camera? I dunno, the normal size for a Canon? Do you find train whistles comforting? No. What bird is the cutest? Oh, that's so hard. I love the pastel-colored ones, and hummingbirds are like, universally cute. Are you scared to look at your own organs on x-ray or ultrasound? No, that's actually really cool. Do big eyes freak you out? On people? Generally, no. I tend to find them cute, actually, especially on girls, but I've definitely seen people with big eyes that instead look kinda creepy. Have you ever walked on a frozen lake/river? Hm, I'm actually not sure. I don't believe so, though. Have you ever held a real sword? No. Have you ever seen a tree over 100 years old? Uh, realistically, probably? That's not that old in the grand scheme of trees, is it? Do you feel uncomfortable at fancy restaurants? I can sometimes, yes. I feel very out-of-place.
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artgurusauce · 5 years
So, how was Pokemon Shield?
Before I start, this is going to cover the main game, not post-game. Sorry, no talk about Dickhead Swordward and Shieldbert. Also, if it wasn’t obvious already, massive spoilers ahead. 
I’m not going to ramble for hours about this, because to be honest, my thoughts about this are much briefer than they are for gen 7/Alola. Not to say there’s not much going on in this game, just that if you were expecting a super professional and profound review of the game from me, you may or may not be disappointed.
I will do my best to be articulate, though.
I’ll start with the rivals, the most obvious choice the begin with being: Hop.
Hop is definitely not like Hau like so many people were desperate to make me believe pre-release. In fact, while their arcs are similar, there’s a biiig difference. That difference, to me, is their changes in character. Hau had a big ass crash, yes, but his character change was pretty damn gradual. With Hop, after Bede puts him down, well, you can pretty much tell he’s not the same guy right off the bat the next time you talk to him. I absolutely adore Hope and I’m glad he got as much screen time and focus as he did. His arc was fantastically written and beautifully handled all the way to the end. All I can say is, another cinnamon roll for the collection.
Then there’s...Marnie.
Now, I don’t hate her, far from it. I adore her very much as well. The problem is that it seems she doesn’t get much time to flesh out like Hop did. A problem that goes both ways between her and Bede. Of course when I got to the seventh gym and met big brother Piers I actually did like the dynamic they were going for. Buuut I really wish they had given Marnie just a little more time to herself before that. I just didn’t feel like they did enough with her and...that’s a damn shame considering how popular she was upon her first reveal. Of course, again, this isn’t to say I don’t think she’s still just the cutest little punk goth button ever.
Sigh...and now it’s time for me to talk about Bede.
Look, from what I could tell, half the fandom was nuts for him, the other half was sick to death of a generic douchebag rival that adds no flavor to the table. But I’m a little torn on this one. Like I said, him and Marnie share an awful side effect of Hop’s arc being the most prominent...they don’t get enough time or everything that happens in their arcs feels...rushed, by comparison, at least in my opinion. So the thing is, when Bede gets disowned by Chairman Rose, of course my first reaction is “You had it coming, you were being a shit.” But then Opal...takes him in? And...acts as though Oleana manipulated him? I guess I could perhaps see what they were going for here, and, I’ll admit it, I kind of adored their dynamic, albeit a short interaction between them. And I did find it rather cute at the League when he was all flustered about being trained by Opal, having to continue training because everyone was cheering for him. But the thing is...his arc is kind of...broken? Like, I want to feel bad for him, and I want to feel invested in Opal taking him in and showing him the ropes of the Fairy Gym but...it just doesn’t work like it should. Which is odd considering Bede gets considerably more time to flesh his arc than Marnie, at least, that’s how it seemed to me. I do think the general story and Hop’s own arc really just forced the writing’s hand in sweeping Bede’s arc by as fast as possible. He could’ve been an interesting diversion of expectation, but...oh well.
Speaking of gyms, how do I feel about the gym leaders?
Well, Milo is a fucking cinnamon roll, and I do think I’ve settled on shipping him with Nessa because...I mean...c’mon now. Short bean boy, toll ocean gal? Perfect for each other ♥
I don’t really...feel anything towards Kabu. His design is bland, his personality didn’t stick out to me at all, but I guess they can’t all be iconic gems when you think about it.
Then...there’s my baby boy Allister. And lawd, my dudes, if Hop ain’t my new son well then Allister sure as fuck is. I did HC that he was mute like Red before the game came out and, well, his personality and dialogue are pretty good despite not being what I was hoping. I mean, c’mon, how can you not love that adorable little face? Or that he’s so socially introverted he keeps a collection of masks to make absolute sure his face is hidden? I am going to be quoting “Crumbs, that’s aces” forever now.
Opal was an interesting woman, I definitely think there could’ve been more to her relationship with Bede but I already discussed that. My dad thought she was kinda scary and creepy but she reminds me of that old lady from Spirited Away so I ain’t bothered all that much lol. She was nice enough, I do like her humbleness and that she’s willing to admit it’s definitely time for her to call it quits. And yes, I have seen that official art of her when she was younger. She is a fucking QUEEN  ♥ ♥ ♥
Then comes Melony...hoooo boy my lesbian ass is fallin’ so hard it physically hurts me in ways you will never imagine in your life. Wicke wishes she was this thicc. In all seriousness though, I am pretty curious about that son of hers. I heard you can meet him in Sword but I’ll have to wait and see that for myself. Aside from being the newest love of my life, she’s absolutely adorable and wholesome. I know her card reveres her as strict, but, she just looks like a cinnamon roll.
Piers...oh Piers, where do I even begin? His design is fucking on point, for one thing. And his relationship with his sister Marnie is just so cute and so much fun to watch. As unfortunately left field as it was for me, I did like his arc about not being a good Gym Leader and wanting his sister to take over for him. It was sweet and kinda sad but I just love him so much. For the first Dark Type Gym Leader, not bad guys, not bad at all. Also omg Piers slay me with your metal, king plsssss
Finally, there’s Raihan and...omg he’s so great. This mother fucker not only takes selfies in the middle of a match, not only bombards you with weather effects therefore making him a fun and challenging opponent, but this dude is also beefin’ with our head champ? SIGN ME UP, FAM. For real though, like, I loved battling with Raihan the most out of anybody that I fought. I definitely haven’t felt this much fun battling a Gym Leader in years. And I will forever be torn as to whether or not I want to ship him with Leon >3>
Speaking of the chadster, I ain’t talked about ‘im yet. Or Sonia, for that matter. Honestly, they’re both pretty great. 
But Leon is the fuckin’ MVP this gen, I’ll tell you what. He’s such a bro he tells Rose his “Day of Destiny” bullshit can fuck off til our match is over. Of course, I do like his ditzy and dorky sides too. Like his snapback collection or how easily he gets lost seriously Leon it’s just a straight fucking line to your house how do you fuck that up. But he ain’t just a bro to the main character, naw, he a bro to his actual bro, Hop. And I fuckin’ love it. Their interactions are so investing and entertaining and wonderful to watch. It’s almost kind of magical, in a way. I think he is without a doubt my number one favorite Champion of all time now. 
But as for Sonia, well, I dunno...maybe I’m nitpicky or remembering things wrong but she seemed to drop her disdain for researching the legend of the “Darkest Day” like a hat at some point. Granted, I still think her character arc while it wasn’t even needed was very well done. I loved listening to her dork out about the legends, her research, all of it. It was spectacular. And ever since I first found out she was childhood friends with Leon before the game even came out, ladies and gents, these two have dun been my OTP. The only one still challenging that notion is Raihan at this point, lol.
And now...we get to Oleana and Chairman Rose.
Oleana is just...kind of a nothing character for me, personally. Even after knowing about her Garbardor and all that, sorry fam, she ain’t doin’ it for me. She was a red herring so overblown and obvious it has since been laughable that anybody thought she was gonna be this gen’s Lusamine. She is just...some really crazy lady who happens to be passionate about her job. Ok.
Rose, however, is an absolute bastard. And I love it. However, I do have a problem with this, as it sort of connects to my earlier point with Bede. His relationship with Bede is...I don’t even know if I could call it a father-son relationship. I mean, yeah, he basically adopted him, but he disowns him at the drop of a hat. Granted, what Bede did was wrong, but...really? I guess that’s just how much of a dick he is, but, there’s no closure to that. Even after finding out what a horrible, deplorable man Rose is, Bede never talks to him after he’s disowned. Maybe this was meant to be a “Well it’s better he moves on to the next chapter of his life as soon as possible” sort of thing. But his sudden taking under Opal’s wing did not accomplish that feeling with me. So it feels sort of...hollow, to me. There’s no conclusion, follow-up, it’s almost as if Bede didn’t even know who Rose was anymore after Opal scooped him up. And yeah, Bede says “Everything has gone wrong since I met you” but...here’s the problem; That’s as much as he goes into being affected by Rose. It’s not too important, I guess, but it’s something that bothered me, personally. Rose’s motivations seem...ok, I guess. It’s about what I was expecting. Seriously though, his battle theme has no business being that good.
Those are all my thoughts on the characters, at least any that were all that worth talking about. Without further ado: Allow me to introduce y’all to my babies...
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As I mentioned on Monday, my team consists of an Appletun, Centiskorch, Greedent, Hatterene, Inteleon, and an Eiscue. And I only just now realize like 5 out of 6 of them have names that start with a “C” lmao.
First up, we have my very first darling: Chastity
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There’s a few things one should know about this slick little bitch:
Big shock, she was a huuuge cry baby as a Sobble. Like, mortified of pretty much everybody. Total mama’s girl. But as a Drizzile she was just a total grump goth binch. The only one of my Pokemon in my camp she would give the time of day is her dear friend Chariot, who at the time was a Hattrem. They pretty much grew up together and they’re besties now.
But now that Chastity is fully grown, well...she’s a little...flirtatious. Oh, no, not with the boys on her team. No no no. Every camp we step onto she’s just flirtin’ like a mad woman. She even managed to seduce my dad’s Cinderace who was already a huge playboy
Still, I can’t stay mad at this cute little brat. She’s still a total mama’s girl at heart and I love her to death. Btw, her Snipe Shot is ridiculously strong, though that’s probably because she’s still holding a Mystic Water haha
Up next is our resident lady in waiting: Chariot
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I found Chariot in the Motostoke Outskirts and she has always been a picky snob even as a Hattena. She only ate small portions unless it was Whipped Cream Curry. Though nowadays I’m sure she only eats in such small portions to maintain her figure...
As I said before, she and Chastity have pretty much always been best friends. I definitely love to imagine her always hassling Chastity for her less than lady-like behavior though, haha. Chariot was weirdly sleepy as a Hattrem, though. Like...she dozed off a lot. She must’ve been getting plenty of beauty sleep for her evolution lol. 
I used to have a Toxtricity on my team named Ripper before I found an Eiscue for the League, and she seemed quite enamored with him. At least for the long period he was with us, she talked to him 50% of the time when I stopped for a little break. It was incredibly adorable, though I fear what might happen if I leave them alone at a daycare for too long...  <(⚆_⚆;)>
As a grown Hatterene, she’s rather dainty and conversative. I’m actually surprised, lately she’s starting to talk to some of her other fellow team mates lately. I suppose she’s not as stuck-up as she pretends to be, haha.
Up next we have our looonnnggg boy: Mushu
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I picked up Mushu at Kabu’s gym. He was pretty shy as a tiny Sizzlipede and often avoided talking to most of his team mates. He was pretty spooked by a lot of them, actually, particularly Ripper for reasons I never quite understood. I guess when Ripper was still a baby, Mushu didn’t understand why he cried so much and was terrified of the loud noises he made lol.
However, he grew into a long boi rather quickly and he’s pulled us through some pretty tough spots in the gym challenges so I like to spoil him with lots of play time. He’s got a Jolly nature and honestly, it shows a lot more now that he’s all grown up. He loves to play and races with his team mates pretty much all the time. Rip Caramel, your utter annihilation will not be forgotten. He’s a very sweet and almost gentle boy and I honestly feel bad for all the battering he’s had to take before because I was a little too eager to take on opponents way out of my league.
A couple of fun facts about him before we move on:
His favorite curry in the curry dex is Smoked Tail Curry, which he always eats in gigantic portions. He freaking loves camping on Route 6 or in Stow-On-Side, I guess he really loves the heat.
Up next is my precious dumpling baby: Caramel
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I first caught Caramel on Route 5, and I love love looove my baby apple pie. He’s such a chill and adorkable little dragon and I’m not one to pick favorites but...oh, who am I kidding? He’s totally my favorite.
As an Applin he was just too cute. He was a little slow and none of his team mates seemed to understand him so they tended to leave him by himself. So I ended up having to give him lots of attention so he wasn’t too lonely. And gosh was he just the cutest little baby apple. Of course, he wasn’t an Applin for very long, so there’s not much to speak of regarding his early stages.
However, once he evolved, he became a fucking tank. Caramel can take hits like a freaking champ and since I gave him Draco Meteor he’s practically an unstoppable beast. Of course, by heart, he’s a Lax boyo and enjoys the littlest things in life: Like the nice breezes in the Wild Area, or his Apple Curry, even if it’s snowing something fierce outside he’s all about it. And I just- argh he’s so fuckin’ cute!  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Up next we’ve got the chunky cheeked baby: Peter Griffin Conker
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Conker is a Gentle boy who’s been with me since the very beginning at Route 1, and it fits since objectively he’s probably the weakest Pokemon I’ve got on my team. But that’s ok, because he’s definitely scored us a couple of hard gym challenges just like Mushu has. He was definitely useful for buying some time when I needed it, that’s for sure.
He was pretty chattery as a Skwovet, even if some of his team mates weren’t all that talkative looking at you, Chastity. This probably comes as no surprise, but he’s always had a bottomless stomach. Seriously, he’s eaten large portions even as a baby Skwovet and it baffles me. Guess he’s just a really hungy boy, lol.
As a fully grown, chunky Greedent, he’s pretty slow. Like, really slow. Even when he runs it’s like a snail tracking through peanut butter and molasses. And it’s too cute to watch. I really wish I could give him belly rubs tbh, he looks like the type that’d enjoy those, haha. These days he’s best friends with my Eiscue, Cubert. They usually race each other after they have lunch.
And finally, one of my greatest MVP’s: Cubert
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Cubert joined us very late in the game on Route 10. And while unfortunately he ended up taking Ripper’s place, I knew he’d be a good addition to the team. I’ve given him Hail and Aurora Veil, which is super useful for battle prep. It’s pretty lucky I was able to find this little guy waddlin’ around up there on my way to Wyndon.
As I said before, he was pretty anti-social with everybody at first. Though I’m sure that’s because he was so new by the time we got to the League. Thankfully, Conker got him out of his shell and they’re best friends. He still seems a little shy around the others, and even myself, but I’m just glad he’s got somebody to talk to. Not much to say about him unfortunately, since he’s so reserved and tends to keep to himself, but I’m sure that’ll change eventually with time.
Now that’s everyone that’s on my current team, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my boy Ripper at all, so, allow me to introduce an old friend who’s been livin’ in retirement for the past few days:
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I first picked up Ripper at a Nursery while I was omw over to Hulburry, I believe. So Ripper was with us for a damn long time until I picked up Cubert. Initially I had hoped he’d be a High Key Toxtricity, but I’ll take what I get. Besides, he was more than helpful with quite a lot of battles, especially Opal’s gym.
He was pretty loud as a Toxel, which should come as no surprise. Always throwing tantrums and never really seemed to eat anything bigger than a small portion of whatever curry I cooked, so he was picky just like Chariot was. All around a bastard baby, really. He didn’t really start getting onto the battle field until he evolved, in all honesty.
But once he did, hoo boy, he was killin’ the competition like a pro. I feel pretty bad I didn’t take him into the League with me, but I felt like Cubert would’ve been more useful so I swapped ‘im out. I’ve been pulling him back out of the PC box for some more training lately to help him catch up to make up for it, though. And he seems pretty happy about it, so bygones are bygones I suppose.
And it seems he���s still very much taken with Chariot. Sigh, young love, so adorable. Anyways, respects to the OG madhouse that got me through some toughies, you did good out there buddy. ;w;
Alright, well, that’s just about all I have to discuss, for now. I hope this wasn’t too droning of a post or anything. But before you head out, I’ve got a little surprise. Since this was such an interesting experience, I’m opening a new Tumblr based on my journey that will follow my Trainer OC Luna and her adventures through Galar. If you’re curious to check it out, click here. I don’t really have an upload schedule, so just keep your eye out for any posts in the future. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 44
“Don't ever do this to me again, because I don't know if I would survive” was the last thing she heard him whisper before sleep finally overpowered her, he just heard her sigh the cutest sigh in reply and then seconds later her deep, soft breathing, hopefully that hangover wasn't gonna be too painful in the morning. His eyes became heavy too, finally he could give in to this motherfucker of a jetlag that had been stalking him all evening, his adrenalin constantly pumping through his veins for hours had worn him out completely, she was safe, so was he, he had more than he could've asked for with her head resting on his chest and her body firmly glued to his, his eyes obeyed his mind and fell shut, let go, give in..the moon threw its' mysterious veil over their exhausted bodies at the closing of this weird, dramatic day. Come on, woman, pick up, where the hell are you? Surely that prick must have left hours ago, knowing you, he's probably being carried onto a plane, crippled or kicked black and blue because you're the wildest cat I know. “..'llo?”, what? it was fuckin' 7AM and that nitwit answered her phone with a sleepy voice? Fuckfuckfuck! “Jared?..hey! uhm, I was just checking up on Harper, is she ok? I was so worried about  her when you carried her out of the club..” his voice like honeygold syrup while he kicked the wall in frustration. “Sean..just a second” Jared reluctantly pulled his arm from under her but stopped when she started to stir, nonono don't move, only when she was completely still again, he whispered in the phone “Sean, I can't talk right now..she's ok..really..she's sleeping now and I don't want to wake her, I 'll call you later, ok?”. Sean heard the dry click in his ears, what the actual fuck? Oh she's sleeping, blablabla, she's probably exhausted from the hard fucking you gave her, bweeghh, his stomach squeezed uncomfortably together, she was his and he would get her..eventually..one lost battle wouldn't make him lose the war. “Who..phone..what time is it?..owww” Coco put her hands on top of her head and closed her eyes in pain “owww, my head..”, Jared groaned a little, she was awake, that stupid fucker had woken her, “it was Sean..checking up on you..here..” he turned to the nightstand and picked up the glass of water and a tablet. “I thought you might feel like you do this morning, so here, take that and go back to sleep” he handed her some paracetamol and the glass. She pushed the medicine between her lips and quickly swallowed it before she put her head back down on the pillow, “better already” she smiled carefully up at Jared, “good, I'm glad” he slowly twirled a strand of hair between his fingers and let his lips caress her aching forehead. “Will you just..?” her hand reached for his head and pushed it back down on the pillow as well, stop that Leto “thanks, I was getting a bit dizzy”, he shuffled his pillow a little closer until it bumped against hers, “you're..breathtaking” there was such an honesty in his eyes that she almost believed him. “Calm down, Leto, flattery is not gonna get you anywhere..that's not what it's gonna take, that is not what I need” she whispered “I don't need to hear all that beauty bullshit..that would be selling me short, like all I am is a pretty face to you, nothing more..I mean, think about it, just because you're very easy on the eye, doesn't make you any less of a bastard”.
Ok, time to face the music “true..” he squinted his eyes a little, indicating to her that her words made impact “I just can't take back what I said, can I? It was stupid and totally uncalled for, I wish you would believe me..when you put that knife into that painting yesterday, I felt it physically..I know that sounds ridiculous but I think you're the most talented person I've ever met”. Yeah sure, whatever, she rolled her eyes “the most talented person with absolutely no career.. pathetic? Was that the word you used to describe me?” she huffed but he stopped her from rolling over on her back again. “Don't, Harper..come on, you seem to forget that your paintings was what drew me to you, I didn't even know what you looked like and I couldn't care less, I was just so blown away by your work that I just needed to get in touch with you and buy something, which I never received by the way..” he smiled. She shot up and jumped from the bed, rummaging through some paintings and then returned to the bed “here, all yours” she pushed the painting in his hands “nobody else wants them”. He took the painting and shook his head “they just haven't seen it yet, hang on” he put the painting on the nightstand and took a picture, fidgeting around on his phone immediately after, “what are you doing?” she frowned, “I'm showing it to the world” he grinned as he pushed down on the screen “there! On instagram, facebook, and Twitter” he showed the picture to her, “what? But..I don't want..” she stammered, “too late, I'm not deleting it, it's high time the world sees what a talented painter you are..oh look, the first likes are flooding in..soon you'll be the most famous one of us two”. Harper snatched the phone out of his hands, oh god, he was right, that heart thingy popped up every 2 seconds “what the..?” she breathed as he pulled her between his legs, her back resting against his chest “your career is about to skyrocket, that's what” he kissed the side of her head. “How do I know they're doing it for my work and not because you put something on social media?” she didn't understand much of how social media worked, so far she had managed to stay far away from it after all the horror stories about stalking and screenzombies she had heard, artificial friendships, artificial lifestyles, filters, and all that crap. “Well, you can never be a 100% sure I guess, but it's all about the tags right? #artist #painter #art #HarperCocoRobianoDarby “loveofmylife #talentedasfuck #artsavestheworld #girlfriend #love #lover #mywoman” he rattled with a huge smile “look at all those comments! 'wow Jared, she's so talented', 'it's breathtaking, can we see some more work?', 'is it for sale?', 'I have a galery and want to exhibit her work, where can I contact her?”. Dumbfounded she stared at all the messages on the screen as he slowly scrolled through them “I guess you have your answer right there, it's all about you, not about me, you kept your work hidden for far too long” he pushed a kiss in her hair, “huh? You posted it only a couple of minutes ago..so this is social media..it's scary” she stammered while her eyes whizzed over the screen. “No, it's not, it can be fantastic, like right now..in just a few clicks you're famous, people keep asking to see more of your work, look..you keep saying that I'm only trying to flatter you, but this is proof that it's not flattery but the truth, if others are seeing and saying it too”. He felt her go to jelly in his arms while she just stared and stared, “you were right..and your parents are wrong, they always were..wrong not to see and support all that amazing talent their daughter has, wrong because they are too blind and jealous of their own child”.
Harper finally took her eyes off the screen and turned to look at him over her shoulder “and you? What about you?” she whispered, “Me? I was wrong to say all I said about your career, I still don't know why I said it, it must be to do with jealousy as well..jealous because you're gonna have a bigger and better career than I have or could ever have and you did it all with your own talent, which is something I can't always say about myself” his hand caressed her cheek, pushing a kiss on the tip of her nose. What he said about her parents made her pulse race “I want to believe you..I really do, but jealous? My parents? Of me? Why would they be? They're rich diplomats, and their kids need to follow in their footsteps and be all perfect and conservative, not throw some paint around and..”, he immediately stopped her “exactly..but they have no power or control over you, they've probably never had..and that's something they can't stand..I know, because I talked to them after you had left..I called your Dad and..well, I gave them my honest opinion on whose fault it was that there's such bad blood between the two of you”. Harper's eyes grew wide as saucers, had he really done that or was he just saying that to get back into her good books? It wasn't exactly like she could call or contact them and check! “oh..and what did he say?” she raised her eyebrows, “well..ok so I should probably say that I lost my patience and basically called him a cold, heartless idiot if he denies his amazing, talented, wonderful, creative, perfect child just because she follows her dreams and her heart” he scrunched up his nose “I may or may not have said bastard instead of idiot though..hmm, guess that won't score me any points and I can kiss my invitation to the next family barbecue most definitely goodbye, but fuck that! Someone needed to tell him what was up”. He watched her nostrils flare a little while she stared at him with those big, amazing chocolate eyes of hers, oh god no..she wasn't gonna cry, was she? Coco just couldn't hold back any longer and she let her muffled snigger burst out into a hiccuping laughter. She rolled over the mattress clutching her chest “you didn't, you so didn't” she snickered and flapped her eyelashes at him, oh god woman, drive me completely crazy, why don't you? “I did..I'm sorry” there was a sudden shift in energy when her eyes drilled into his looking up at him. “No apologies needed, none whatsoever..” she whispered, he leaned in, he had to, he just was drawn to her like gravity, before she could do or say anything, his lips crashed down on hers.
Demanding, hot, apologetic, reassuring, this kiss was all of the above but most of all it was..needed, it was time to bury the hatchet, she needed to be with this weirdo, this was THE ONE, she didn't even know what that actually was supposed to feel like, but she just felt it in every fibre of her being. Jared felt her deepen the kiss, thank god, please let this war between her and me be over, I don't want to fight anymore, what she did next, had his skin on fire in a split second. Her hand reached for his face, her warm hand caressing his cheek, only to venture southbound over his chest, their lips still glued together when he felt her hands sneaking into his underwear, cupping the perfect round globes of his butt. Reluctantly he disconnected the kiss and closed his eyes, his face still hovering over hers, “what? What is it?” she tapped the tip of his nose to get his attention, what? He didn't want this? “nothing..it's just..” he didn't even open his eyes, he leaned his head back, “it's just what? Jared” she asked anxiously, goddammit..men! Always so unpredictable. When he felt her shift uncomfortably underneath him, he finally looked at her “I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for yet..I just know that if we keep going like this, I'm not gonna be able to stop..” he breathed. Sweet, stupid, considerate, at times unbearably romantic Jared..”who said anything about stopping? I just want this pent-up frustration and anger fucked out of me, and since I can't do that on my own, you'll need to get to work, Leto, and fast before I change my mind” Harper's hands urgently traced down his shoulders, his chest, his abs, her fingers hooking behind the front of his underwear whilst she bit her lip, and looked up at him with those not so innocent bambi eyes. “God, you're not exactly a hopeless romantic, are you? But that's ok, because I prefer my sex-crazed kitten” he grinned, his mouth got to work and bit her shoulder, pulling the strap of her bra down with his teeth, seconds later his warm, hot tongue circled around her hard nipple, touchdown! God yes! She sighed in bliss while her hands ran through his long hair.
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tagged by @lucypcvensie uwu thanks for putting up with my weirdo self ily <3
How tall are you? 5′2 
What color and style is your hair? lots of people say my hair’s a light brown, but hair stylists say it’s a dark blonde so I’ll trust their judgement // my hair’s curly
What color are your eyes? blue (with these little flecks of gold right around the irises, you can only see them if you look real close)
Do you wear glasses? I have glasses, don’t necessarily wear them all the time
Do you wear braces? I used to, but I developed root resorption and had to get them off early (spring of 2017) so now none of my teeth toouch except for in the very back :( makes it really hard to eat samiches (yes that’s how I like to spell sandwiches fight me)
What’s your fashion sense? so I don’t count most days as my fashion sense bc I wear athleisure ish allllllll the time out of laziness, but when I do make an effort I have two ends of things bc I’m androgynous. so on a day when I’m feeling more masculine you’re gonna see me in a sporty-type-look (spandex, just barely sagging joggers, a graphic tee, my gold chain and jordans, I usually pull my hair into a ponytail and lay my edges), but on a day when I feel more feminine you’re gonna see me in some tried-and-true type of clothes (cute shirt, leggings, heels, jewelry, makeup did, hair down and [hopefully] acting right), but on a day when I’m feeling in-between I’ll try to experiment or be “edgy” (basically mixing and matching or trying something I saw a celebrity do and thought was cute). regardless of any style I’m in, though, you’re always gonna see me with my nails done, whether that means I got acrylics on or that I painted them myself... just know. that’s how we do. and by we I mean me.
Full name? I won’t share my last name, but Eden Amaris (fun fact: amaris can be pronounced two ways!) Is my first and middle
When were you born? December 18, 1999
Where are you from and where do you live now? was born in Federal Way, WA but I consider myself to be from Tacoma, WA as I’ve spent all of my most important years there (early childhood + hs + uni). I now live in Tacoma.
What school do you go to? University of Washington
What kind of student are you? a fucking mess I’m quiet at first, but once I’m comfortable I’m rly talkative and answer so many questions that my teachers will literally stop calling on me unless if there’s no one else lmaooo, I’ve also had several classmates and teachers tell me I should be a teacher and surprise, surprise, I do want to be a teacher for some time
Do you like school? f-f-f-FUCK YEA I LIKE SCHOOL how is that even a question??? to take it down a couple notches, yes, I love school, whether it’s for sports or for learning, I’m always excited to come to school everyday wow what a frickin nerd amirite, frickin loser
Favorite subject? depends on my professor. at this point, I highkey hate all of my classes rn bc I don’t feel like I’m learning anything. that miiight also have something to do with depression and anxiety though so idk what to tell ya man
Favorite tv shows? not a super TV person, but I’m a thot for Steven Universe
Favorite movie? I love tf out of movies, my all time would have to be Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (I just pretend that WftPotA didn’t happen atm bc I hate sm of what happened in it), but in the last few days I’ve watched War Horse (I cried like a bitch lemme tell ya), Secretariat (didn’t cry like a bitch but got teary-eyed) and 42 (I did cry at certain parts but it’s kinda uplifting so ya know, wasn’t super sad) and they were all lovely so if you haven’t seen them yet, go watch them! They’re all free on Netflix
Favorite book? When I was little it was this book called Junket (that thing is older than my grandparents, good lordte), I think some of my favorites rn tho are Heartless by Marissa Meyer and Tales from the Perilous Realm by J.R.R. Tolkien
Favorite past time? a couple months ago you would’ve thought it was crying from how much I did that, but tbh it’s probably drawing, writing, reading, watching movies, listening to music, sewing, spending time/going on adventures with my friends and helping my friends with their lives. I KNOW THAT’S EVERYTHING BUT I CAN’T HELP IT REEEE my most favorite past time atm is helping my friend Charlie clean and organize his room and designing things for his business, also spending time with my favorite little niecey-poo in the WHOLE WORLD OMGOODNESS HERE IS A PICTURE OF HER BEAUTIFUL SELF I LOVE HER SM SHE IS THE SWEETEST MOST CUTEST AND FUNNIEST AND SMARTEST WITTO GIRL EVER AND I LOVE HER <3
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Do you have regrets? boy oh boy, do I: taking so long to forgive my abuser (thx for destroying my childhood @ my biological father), procrastinating, not having enough self-love/worth/confidence, being complacent with so many of the friends I used to have, focusing so much on socializing in hs rather than my sports and my schoolwork, being so afraid to just be myself bc I knew most people don’t want to be friends with a weirdo, the list goes on, all I can do now is move past it though so... ohwell.
Dream job? oh SIS get ready for this: sooo I want to own my own business, known as LEAD Revitalization (L for Love, E for Equity, A for Advocacy, D for Diplomacy - these are the core values of my business), which aims to help revitalize underdeveloped and underserved ethnic communities in the US and around the world and fight against gentrification through implementing art of all mediums in or near historic locations in that community that is representative of the demographic living there (so if the area is a primarily black neighborhood, you’re gonna see art depicting black history and culture, and if the area is primarily Asian you’d see Asian history and culture). I won’t get too into it just bc that would make this post way too long, but if anyone’s interested or wants to hear more you can bml ;) like literally bc I’m passionate af about it so I will talk your head off for days on end if given the chance
Would you ever like to be married? yes
Would you like kids? yes
How many? two or three of my own (I’m hoping for a girl and a boy) just so I can have the experience of having kids, but once they’re grown and out of the house I would like to adopt more if I have the resources to. my cousin’s adopted, so like, idk. I think that if you can adopt a kid, you should, bc there’s so many of them just stuck in the foster system and that’s complete bs
Do you like shopping? yes but I usually don’t like getting myself things (unless if we’re talking groceries or something I actually need), I love to buy things for other ppl tho if I can
What countries have you visited? canada for like 3 days technically, I just went to Mt. Whistler for spring snowboarding (that shit hurted) with my aunt bc she paid for the whole thing and my passport
Scariest nightmare you have ever had? TRIGGER WARNING: DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE - I had a nightmare awhile ago that this guy I used to be involved with raped me, I also used to have recurring nightmares after I stopped going to my biological father’s house for visitation where he would come searching for me trying to kill me and my older brother (he’s tried to kill me 3+ times sooo... it makes sense). so like. fun.
Any enemies? S A T A N and myself, or.... my brain, I guess. idk.
Self-doubt? you betcha
Any significant other? kinda? I’m currently fwb with my ex and still have feelings for him (oopsies), we split bc he was going through shit and needed to figure himself out, I’ve been close to him for a phat minute so I’m not really trippin about it. I also have crushes on other people, but nothing’s presented itself as something worth pursuing yet so. yakno.
Do you believe in miracles? lmao I would fuckin hope so, the very fact that I’m alive rn is a gd miracle so yea
How are you? I am so-so. If we’re just talking about today, I’m prolly fine, but if we’re talking long term, I’ve been going through it. I’m just trying to figure myself out atm, and it’s rough, but I’ll probably get there. My friends think I will, at least.
i tag: @crookedly-rainy @secretpatrolpiespy hi I don’t have any other friends on Tumblr so I tagged my friends from Amino Y E E T
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nat-20s · 6 years
A definitive rating of Daredevil artists based solely on how cute they draw Foggy Nelson
finally ranking them by what’s important
Bill Everett
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An infant. Still unsullied by literal decades of Matt’s bullshit. A good good boy. 10/10
Wally Wood
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Classy. Lovin’ the look he’s rockin. However, points off for being a very generic comics man, does not have fully formed Friend Shape.  7/10
John Romita Sr.
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Look, to be fair the only image I could find of this Foggy is of him being threatened by Spider-man (you know how it is) so this is probably not an entirely fair represenation of this man’s art. That being said, still has generic comic man syndrome and I don’t like the hair. 6/10
Gene Colan
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See, now, that’s my fuckin’ BOY! The official start of the Anime Bangs™ that Foggy will continue to rock for the next fifty goddamn years. I love him. 11/10
 Bob Brown
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I’m sorry but this cover is just FANTASTIC so I included all of it rather than cropped Foggy. In general the look is okay but the context is amazing and my man is rockin’ the suit. 10/10
Gil Kane
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Another example of me being only able to find one Foggy image, so again not an entirely fair judgement, but based on this alone like...oof. Girl get your eyebrows done. Get rid of the sideburns. Bring back the bangs.  Where is his good good roundness??? Bad overall. 3/10
Frank Miller
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Frank Miller I hate literally everything you stand for and you were one of the worst things that ever happened to Foggy Nelson in terms of how you wrote his character and if I ever meet you IRL we WILL be fighting in the back of a Denny’s parking lot but I am judging this not on the content of the story but the artistic look of Foggy alone and based JUST on the visuals...goddammit. I love this. I love everything about this. Foggy is a fucking sartorial nightmare and I would lay down my entire life for him just because of that jacket and bowtie. You won this round, Miller. 12/10
David Mazzucchelli
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A solid Foggy. I like the two-toned lighting things going on. A little jockish for my taste though. 9/10
John Romita Jr.
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The eyes. The eyes are where this falls flat for me. (I’ve looked at other images and they all are just a little off). Like the bangs? Excellent. The roundness? Very good. But yeah I’m unsettled. Still a good 7/10.
 Lee Wicks
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I’ve seen how he draws Foggy in long shots and it’s fine so I don’t know why this image is so extremely cursed. Mr. Wicks, why did you give him the face of a pug??? Bad. Points gained back for the green bowtie pink shirt combo tho. 4/10
Scott McDaniel
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I! LOVE! HIM! He is the human embodiment of a warm hug and I would do anything for him. Extremely good job Scott 12/10.
Joe Quesada
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There’s nothing, like, ostensibly wrong with this Foggy, I just don’t feel him as much as some. The jacket is a plus but his hair came straight out of a 90s sitcom and I don’t fully trust him. Still 8/10
Alex Maleev
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A very good, sturdy, dependable Foggy. I love the look of murder in his eyes when he talks to Matt. Truly captured his exhaustion after dealing with decades of horseshit. 10/10
Paolo Rivera
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Good. Dependable. Trustworthy. Love the nose. Would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers. ;) 11/10
Chris Samnee
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Ron Garney
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Eh. Not feelin’ it. Definitely a depression look. 6/10
Mike Henderson
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The general shape is good but the face needs a little work. Still very much a pal though, so I can get behind this Foggy. 9/10
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ombreecha · 6 years
Top 10 Husbandos
tagged by @csisui
This is gonna be fuckin chaos you’ve been warned. I’m tagging the following before said chaos though cause sometimes I’m a nice person #shot
@clerithraven @elegiesforshiva @kyoandyuya @stray-arrows @roseyrosho @ss-tyytyy @something-sasusaku-something @narcolepticprincess @juliayalokin @raineya and aaaaaaaaanyone else that follows meeee
. . . I think I have a fuckin type #sideeyein
Number 1
Layle from Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers—the husbando of husbandos keeper of my heart please continue to be my life love and pursuit of happiness because jesus christ i love you so much please end me and all that I am because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck boi you on a tier all on your own and you will not be tamed you sauve ass fucker
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Number 2
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto—sweetest baby boi of bois who now a man. i’ve literally grown up with this precious cinnamon roll who will kill you and will probably always love you and desire to protect you from all of the things because jesus christ you were done so dirty but thankfully you and kween of strong style have made it to the end and now you can be happy and i just always want to see that smile you give so subtly. . .fuck man i just love you so much OTL
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Number 3
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII—Ex soldier for hire who I would hire and love and cherish and tell you it’s okay because you’ve been so midnfucked for so long and need someone to be so patient with you and god do you know how much it kills me when I see how absolutely heartbroken you’ve become?????? you seriously are the absolute sun to my goddamn childhood and you were so revolutionary and I’m pretty sure you were the first real husbando I ever had and will never be removed from my list so help me god
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Number 4
Hei from Darker than Black—Chinese Electric Batman who once was an alcoholic but can do no wrong and man do you look great in some goddamn scruff like please kill meeeeeee with that impressive ass shit like you the most savage of boys and I would seriously be okay if you buried me alive cause fuck why are you so perfect and wonderful and god dude I just cannot with you
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Number 5
Bruce Wayne from Batman—the based god of my world and the greatest detective of my motherfuckin heart like boi you got them brains and some serious A game like you on a level not even the Justice League is prepared to deal with and I would follow you straight into hell if you so much as glanced my way cause holy shit have you not seen yourself also congrats on your wedding because Selina Kyle is an absolute snack and god I just wanna bare your children btw
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Number 6
Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden & Dead or Alive—Dragon master can dragon himself into my bedroom if you know what i’m saying hehehehahahaomfgkillmecauseholyfuckimalevelofshitlordthatshouldneverbeallowed. . . you know what i’m saying ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) can you even fuckin blame me though like look at this motherfucker like he fuuuuuuuckin so gooood
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Number 7
Kou Tanaka from Ao Haru Ride—winner of best shoujo boi smile and ornery as hell but the cutest little shit lemme let you know. this boy man when he smiles it lights up rooms and therefore lights up my goddamn heart. thank god he’s not real cause holy shit imagine if he was actually in my class i would of learned literally fucking nothing i promise you this
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Number 8
Oreki Houtarou from Hyouka—captain energy conservationist with an absolute heart of gold when it really matters this is a boy who legit is probably the biggest cinnamon roll on the list and has the cutest subconscious habits of all time. please come into my home and be the energy conversationalist you are because goddamn i will take care of you and all that you are and love you until my literal last dying breath
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Number 9
Jacke from Final Fantasy XIV—Guildleader of the Rogues and boi you can legit give me any quest and I will drop all my shit. You’re the newest husbando to grace this list and effectively bumped someone below the top ten and that right there is a absolutely fucking achievement you fuckin snack of a man please just wear my thighs as earmuffs you absolutely gorgeous man #shot
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Number 10
Kyouya Sata from Wolf Girl and Black Prince—The prince of class 8 and it’s a total sham and I dig that and I dig the absolute sadist side he got behind that princely smile. . . listen I’d be willing to wear a collar and let him lead me with a leash if he asked me too no joke cause how am I gonna tell this dude no like just how?????? I’ll bark for you my priiiiiince wooof fuckin wooof my dude #insertallthebarking
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Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed—the biggest crybaby in gundam fuckin history
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Kazuto Hirigaya from Sword Art Online—King of Haxx and solver of all Death Game issues fuck i’m trash djsalkjdsalkjdasl
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Kenshin Himura from Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin—hearto of swordo my dudes
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Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VII—Knight of Knights yaaaaaassss
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Soldier 76 from Overwatch—Lemme call you daddy pleaaaase
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hellyeahrpmemes · 7 years
here’s sentences from 10 more of jenna’s videos! feel free to change names/pronouns/zodiac signs/etc.! more jenna sentences
“I’m not very good at drawing things.”
“Yours won. Yours so won.”
“It looks like a feral cat.”
“You’re just pretending to be a chef.”
“I made your forehead in pancake form.”
“Don’t look at mine - don’t look at mine…!”
“She looks like a ghost of herself.”
“It looks like a tombstone walking a dog.”
“It looks like a can of silly string gone wrong.”
“That’s a bunny. You draw it every single time we’re at dinner and you find a crayon or a pen. That’s the one thing you know how to draw really, really well.”
“So it’s a flamethrower?”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“I’m gonna put this on your bed tonight. On your pillow.”
“It’s an Ankylosaurus, duh.”
“Can you autograph my pancake?”
“I wonder if it tastes good.”
“It looks like a weird calculator.”
“If he can do it, we can do it, too.”
“In the end, we both lost.”
“It was a lot harder than it looks.”
“There are some moths in my house, and I don’t really want to kill them, but they are driving me crazy. I swear to god, if they start chewing my clothes, it’s gonna be game over. I’m gonna burn this house down.”
“I have lost my mind a little bit.”
“Worship me, Pinterest.”
“I feel like I am now the queen of DIY.”
“We would just sit there, and maybe look out the window, and maybe talk to each other.”
“You really needed a friend, but I really liked to play with it alone.”
“What did you do? That looks so cool!”
“I forgot I had a rope, and I forgot this thing called friction happens, and I sawed it in half.”
“I didn’t say anything to my dad, because I knew that that would be certain death.”
“I am a really bad liar and I have a terrible poker face.”
“My brother wasn’t going to tattle on me, because he is not a snitch, and I appreciate that.”
“It was like top ten most angry moments I’ve ever seen my dad.”
“Shut up, my gerbil is not fat.”
“Dude, your gerbil is so fat.”
“It was the most disgusting thing I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Sometimes, if your mom can’t take care of you, she’s just going to eat you.”
“I took a pair of scissors, and I decided to give my cat a haircut.”
“Damn it, now the cat’s gonna get his head stuck in everything.”
“I’m fired, I quit, I’m fired.”
“I got Julien a drone for his birthday.”
“He really just loves to chase it.”
“Why fight it when you can just work with it?”
“It really is completely hysterical.”
“This is what I want to watch on the Internet.”
“We love each other forever.”
“I would never do anything to put him in any sort of danger.”
“We work together to make fun things happen.”
“It’s just really cool and really amazing and I just wanted to share it with you.”
“You don’t even care, do you?”
“Do you need a snack or anything? You good?”
“I think avocados are propaganda in Southern California.”
“You hate something as meaningless as an avocado, Jenna? Really?”
“If I was a ghost, I wouldn’t just help people when they needed me, I’d be there all the time.”
“What’re you doing? Cutting your nails? I’m gonna stand here and watch.”
“Are you ever truly alone? I say no.”
“Why am I turning? I hate this chair…!”
“I don’t think ghosts and/or spirits just limit their visitation hours to when you need them. I think they’re there all the time. Creeping on you.”
“I think parasailing is boring as fuck.”
“That looks intense, count me out.”
“It’s very boring. It’s not worth it.”
“Why are you so famous? It really bothers me to the core of my being.”
“I think almond butter tastes like blood. I think it’s gross, and it tastes like blood.”
“I think tonic water tastes like earwax.”
“I think that making a salad is way too much work for the end result.”
“I’m not really talented at hard manual labor, which I’m sure my grandparents would find as a character flaw.”
“I think Jenna is the best name ever. Sorry, all other names.”
“I would buy her a drink like the gentleman I am.”
“I have a landlord that says no, but I say otherwise.”
“Go check out the otters. You won’t be disappointed.”
“They’re literally just there to have a great time.”
“I mean, it’s cool to see you, man, but you seem sad.”
“I think curtains are way too expensive for what they are, and a waste of money.”
“I’d see that, like, four times in the theater.”
“I’m legitimately terrified of prescription drugs.”
“I don’t really care what anybody says. I mean, I do a little bit.”
“Think for yourself, use your own brain, it’s a fun thing to do.”
“Guess what? This is life.”
“I think it’s funnier now that the song is two years old.”
“If I paid money for it, I’m angry about it.”
“This is the weirdest fucking app.”
“I think it’s genius. I think it’s great.”
“Does this not know that google exists?”
“Did that horse fall?”
“Is this porn? Is this porn? This feels porny.”
“This one makes me feel like I’m really there.”
“That’s pretty annoying.”
“It’s not the worst, but it’s also not not the worst.”
“One small tattoo for man, one giant leap backwards for mankind.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, that’s nightmare fuel.”
“It’s so stupid that it’s amazing.”
“Just that name is the funniest thing ever.”
“Oh, I hate this so fucking much.”
“Think of all the times you just needed a candle, but you don’t have one.”
“Whenever I find something really cool, I just tell Julien, and he never appreciates it, so I hope you appreciate it.”
“It’s time to go.”
“This is the cutest shovel I’ve ever seen.”
“I got this on sale!”
“I feel crazy.”
“I like to sew, even though I’m not very good at it. I just refuse to fail.”
“We used to have to take home economics, where you learn how to sew and cook and stuff, and, apparently, people don’t take that anymore.”
“I still am mediocre at it.”
“If shit ever went down at a zombie apocalypse, everyone’s gonna be butt-ass naked, and I’m gonna be over here, sewing, with electricity.”
“I’m just gonna try and sew myself a sick outfit.”
“I also don’t want to spend a lot of time doing this.”
“Fuck patterns, fuck all that shit, let’s just do it live.”
Everything that I sew is gonna be with navy blue and/or black thread, which, if you have a problem with, just go away now.”
“I’m gonna make a long maxi skirt, ‘cause those are overpriced.”
“I would do this drunk, but it seems really dangerous to sew drunk.”
“Something smells like burning.”
“It looks crooked, but you just pass it off as fashion.”
“Get your scissors, and cut whatever the fuck is bothering you the fuck out.”
“Backwards and forwards and backwards, it’s just like life.”
“The best way to learn is to just look at a shirt, and make it.”
“Just don’t even bother finishing anything.”
“Yes. Yes, cape, yes.”
“Somebody could have made something really nice out of this. Not me!”
“I’m literally wearing a tube of pajamas, and I love it.”
“When I was at the fabric store, I saw this, and just really couldn’t resist.”
“What lady going to a ball couldn’t fit this into her wardrobe?”
“A fun, exciting fabric to make a hat out of is denim.”
“Don’t laugh, it’s fashion!”
“If you saw this, you’d be like, that is couture.”
“I really should’ve just made my entire outfit out of this, but that’s for next time.”
“Looks great. I’m scared of you, but it looks good.”
“I feel like the outside matches the inside.”
“Yes, bitch, you fuck that outfit up.”
“Honestly, I’d wear this shirt. And this skirt.”
“I’m also sorry. But not that sorry.”
“Most of it just stems from being terrified of authority. I’m scared of getting in trouble.”
“Whenever someone asks me for my phone number, I always give out my real phone number. I can never lie and give them a fake number.”
“I’m terrified of having that confrontation.”
“Yeah, I got it really wet. It’s soaking wet. Just fully submerged in water. It’s wet.”
“I just wish that I could lie, but I feel too bad, I have to tell the truth.”
“I could’ve saved myself a lot of money with just a couple lies.”
“Their dogs are not therapy dogs, and you can tell.”
“I know for a fact that, by saying yes to that question, I’m just gonna get a lecture for the next ten minutes.”
“I don’t need to hear the lecture. I know the lecture.”
“Eggplant? Ew! The fuck is wrong with — my god, no…!”
“I don’t need to violently argue with someone when they say they don’t like something.”
“I can never, ever, ever lie to a police officer or a cop, ever.”
“I wasn’t speeding that much, but I was definitely speeding.”
“I was listening to R. Kelly’s World’s Greatest, and it was just getting me so hyped up that I just, I went so fast, I didn’t realize how fast I was going.”
“He gave me a $300 speeding ticket.”
“That started the ‘do not play’ list in the car.”
“You’re singing with your eyes closed, which is not good for driving, at all.”
“I think this is a good look. I think we should make this a thing.”
“Some of you guys are fuckin lying.”
“Oh my god, how’s it going? So good to see you!”
“Hey, thanks, I’m a catch.”
“It’s a conversation, we should listen.”
“I don’t wanna listen…”
“I’m gonna use my eyes and pretend I’m listening.”
“She just asked us a question — did you hear what she asked us?”
“So how’s, uh… how’s what’s his face?”
“I just don’t want her to tell the tree story again.”
“One time, I was climbing this tree in my backyard…”
“She can smell your fear, you know.”
“I can smell time. It’s 11:30.”
“I can rap. Quadruple threat.”
“Did you watch the baseball game the other night?”
“Are we drunk?”
“This is bad, we shouldn’t have said that, why did we say that?”
“Hey, we should get this pierced.”
“Do you feel like breaking something?”
“I really love you so much.”
“She’s already drunk ‘I love you’-ing.”
“At least she didn’t make any drunk plans yet.”
“We are not going to remember that. Not at all.”
“What do you think happens when you put a ton of lettuce into a woodchipper?”
“I fucking hate you guys. You guys are idiots.”
“My brain is a terrifying prison.”
“Why are you laughing already? Stop laughing.”
“You put the heel of my boot in my mouth? What are you, insane?”
“This touches the ground?”
“I was mad, sorry.”
“No, this is not going to turn into you solving a Rubik’s cube.”
“Who makes appointments a year in advance? I do.”
“This is my inhaler, you asshole!”
“Did you just say scoff?”
“You sinus-blasted me?!”
“Do you have any idea the mental preparation you need to have before you take one of those!?”
“As soon as it hit my tongue, I knew I was fucked.”
“Open up, we are playing a game.”
“Julien, my mouth tastes like Christmas tree!”
“Oh my god, what the fuck is that? It’s wet…”
“Open up all the way.”
“You put yeast in my mouth. That was fucked up.”
“Wow… I hate you.”
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rnisa · 7 years
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Sorry to answer this as its own post and not a reply to the actual question, but I hate how Tumblr mobile doesn’t allow you to format question responses! I talked too much and might have gone slightly off topic or given details you may have not been interested in, if so, I apologize! I bolded some stuff that way you can quickly browse and read from whatever point looks good to you, and skip the rest! I included his relationshipS with other characters bc I think he’s a very social being who fears being alone by himself, with his thoughts. If you want me to try again without mentioning other members I will, just let me know!
Fuck yeah! Hit me with that, “there’s-more-to-him-than-bombs” Junkrat!
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So, I honestly feel that upon first joining Overwatch, he would spend the majority of his time alone (though, when I say alone, I mean with Roadhog, even if he’s doing all the talking Roadhog is always there to listen) busying himself with his hobbies. Now that he’s got to have a clean slate from here on out (no more crime sprees, drat!) I think he would become quite bored, and instead of coming up with plans for heists, he becomes the new, er…“mastermind” for minor, frivolous quests. For example; someone’s misplaced a possession or important object? Junkrat’s on the case! Pretty soon he’s coming up with this big idea on how to locate the thing, return it to the owner, be a hero AAAAAAAND nevermind, it was just hiding under the couch all along. Junkrat won’t be needed any longer (not that they requested his aid in the first place).
Some of the agents would be pretty annoyed with his antics. At first, he’d try befriending others. Being nice. Casual conversation, jokes, trying to make them laugh…and nothing works. He never really gives up, but there comes a point where he tries a little less.
I headcanon that Lucio and D.Va are the first ones to warm up to him. Initially out of pity, they reach out to him. He’s a bit wary, kind of snappy and guarded. I mean, the boy’s trusting but given how everyone else had treated him until this point, can you blame him?
Lucio and Hana are the closest to him in age. They invite him to do things! Going out for a casual stroll, playing games, watching movies, maintaining each other’s weapons, etc. Stuff normal young adults do, right?
Once he’s made these two new friends, I imagine he’d spend plenty of time with them. It gives Roadhog a break (I have my own ideas for who he bonds with, but that’s for another ask if anyone’s interested) from his silly antics, and it’s good for Junkrat to be spending time with people his own age.
Junkrat likes to draw. He likes arts and crafts. He’s fucking terrible, but he thinks he’s great. Please, let him think he’s great. He and Hana hung out before and decided to make friendship bracelets. Junkrat made a sculpture of trash meant to resemble her mech (she loved it!) They spent a lot of time inspecting her mech, and Junkrat offers to…“upgrade” it (honestly? This is how I imagine her new missiles came to be and I think that’s one of the cutest headcanons I’ve ever thought). Junkrat feels like he can go to her a lot with his feelings.
Also in his spare time, Junkrat likes to explore. Sure, he’s been around the world and back, he’s seen a lot - as a criminal. He’d love to revisit certain places (and not stealing anything this time) to just have fun, and socialize. Lucio is more than happy to invite Junkrat to travel on his tours. Not only does Junkrat get to enjoy his pals music, but it gives him healthy exposure to “regular” people. Unfortunately, Junkrat’s learned the hard way not to mention that he’s best buds with the guy on stage. Few people, boys and girls have tried using Junkrat in an attempt to get to Lucio. Now, he just says he’s a big fan that happens to always have VIP backstage access.
So yeah, if you couldn’t tell, I think he’d be best friends with those two. When he’s not with them, I can see him as the type to just wander around (with Roadhog, more often than not) go to parks, feed some fuckin’ birds, and strike up conversation with random people. He feels good when he makes others laugh, whether it’s by a story or joke he’s told. Junkrat attracts very kind-hearted people, those who look past his appearance and that sort of strangeness he’s got. He doesn’t like to be alone. Sleeping is difficult. His thoughts can travel to dark places very quickly, especially in dead silence.
He is good with kids. I think he’s the type that a kid could see as trusted, someone that always makes them laugh. However, the parents probably wouldn’t like that on first glance. I don’t like to talk skins much, but perhaps his Jester skin could be him street-performing, or perhaps he’s gone and cheered up a crying child. Perhaps he finds a lost kid and returns him to their family. As a clown/jester/whateverthefuck, he can pass off his personality as acceptable in the silly get-up and face paint. No matter how he’s dressed though, children adore him and he’d make a great babysitter.
Eventually, I think he and Mei would become friends. I’d imagine this is at some point where perhaps she’s in a bind, stuck trying to fix something, or a particular problem and Junkrat helps out. It’d take a long time, but once he demonstrates that he is actively becoming a better person , she realizes how intelligent he truly is, and how different things would be if he were born in a different place. She does feel sadness at how his potential is seemingly wasted, yet in time she grows to appreciate how he’s not stupid - he’s just smarter in a different way than she is. There are fields in which she excels that he does not, just as there are fields in which he excels, that she does not. They become good co-workers, and does not mind when he asks her to help him out with reading.
So speaking of that, he enjoys listening to others read. Likes watching other people work. Bonds with Torbjorn in an almost father-son way (THAT SHIT IS MAD CUTE).
Gonna stop there because this looks long enough already on mobile. I’m so sorry if any of this isn’t what you asked for, sometimes I have difficulty comprehending even simple things;;; my bad.
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agentduckorico · 7 years
here have a list of some of my favorite twrp blogs because im Really Feeling It right now
@interstellar-slutstrut my partner in crime, probably the reason i started TWHP i think? We’re always on the same wavelength and is the BEST RPER he has a life and he’s 3 hours behind me so he doesn’t always reply buT WHEN HE DOES. GODDAMN. GOOD SHIT. With whom i have basically solidified a lot of my headcanons
@havvehoagie first twrp friend!!! lvoely bean holds a special place in my cold dead heart
@chaoticmindelectric GREAT ART HOLY SHIT. Beautiful glowy lighting!!! Gorgeous lining! AMAZING!!
@captainsaltypear Havve stan. Probably the only TWRP fan from Singapore. Somehow shares my goddamn name. SAME MOOD? SAME MOOD!!
@karaizawa Would Actually Die for Sung (honestly same tho), really cute blocky sharp art!!! I love!! Amazing Sung headcanon I love!!! The only person I’ve met who actually likes Sung’s stache other than Sung himself
@glowbos  Has somehow been to like a thousand TWRP concerts (im fuckin jealous), is always making food when in vc, PRETTY HAIR PRETTY HUMAN, the Adult of one of the twrp servers, I once entered voice chat to hear Addy cooking and complaining about Phobos having no ass and honestly that’s all u really need to know. A slut for space.
@literallythecheshirecat/ @galacticvegetable THE CUTEST MEOUCH ART I HAVE EVER SEEN GODDAMN, actually has facecanons for Sung’s moms and therefore is better than me in every way, ANOTHER CUTE SUNG, yall haven’t seen veggie’s havve facecanon but i have and its beautiful, CUTE BUNNY PHOBOS I LOVE
@jhobos Will absolutely kick Sung’s ass i believe in u em, Eye Makeup Deity, Alpha Sung, a beautiful human who imo rocks Sung’s outfit better than that weird Canadian dude with the stache
@nonbinaryphobos ADORABLE ART, otomotobos, the cutest coloring and highlights I’ve seen, i dont even know how to describe it other than “cute”
@deadymcdead S L E N D E R  H A V V E, you can absolutely count on deady to add cute lil tags to shit, crosshatching, actually gives Havve’s mask three dimensions and is therefore better than me in every way, i like to go thru Deady’s blog to look at art and tags u should try it sometime
@bajilliancomedy  TUPPERWARE SHITPOST PARTY, always good to test angst against, if i need a specific twrp photo you’ve got it, gr8 twrp aesthetic blog, it’s a fuckiNG REMOTE JILL YOU HOOLIGAN
@rhombustron  MY PARTNER IN TWANGST, at least like a third of my main headcanons for twrp come from ford, ALSO A GOOD ARTIST like goddamn homie ur Sung is super cute and I absolutely love him! THAT GOOD HAVVE FACECANON (we do not talk about Hell Hogan), I always get really excited when I open my inbox to see “rhombustron said to tupperwareheadcanonparty”
@owlabouttwrp if i miss a twrp post u can be damn sure that i can find it on this blog
@lespobs WRITES GOOD SHIT GODDAMN, somehow i consider u one of the god tier twrp blogs even tho u post a lot of kpop, this is the only blog i don’t unfollow bc it posts kpop because ur twrp shit is just [clenches fist] so good
@lesbianmeouch WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GOOD ARTISTS IN THIS FANDOM GODDAMN, posts a lot of aesthetic shit which i love
@commandermeouch knows everyone (i kept seeing “foleh” everywhere and now i know who it is i feel like i’ve unlocked a secret), “torp”, along with glowbos foleh is responsible for most of the live show images and gifs and i thank god for that every day, great tagging system
@doc-sung-appreciation-blog Unsurprisingly a Sung stan. Surprisingly posts about more than just Sung.
@meouchy-boy Meouch stan. will absolutely fight everyone and everything. doesnt use tags a lot but when he does theyre golden
@autisticphobos thAT GOOD STIM HEADCANONS, may not tag ur twrp shit but will absolutely reblog it
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himboprince · 7 years
Anime Reccs from ur BOY!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Great plot, great characters, ur probably gonna cry. Minimal fanservice, fixes a lot of the issues the original anime had. Also the art holy shit the fightscenes in this are some of the best. Its on Hulu, Funimation and Netflix (i think)
Princess Tutu
The art is cute, some jokes get a bit repetitive, the plot is actually pretty good and BALLERINA DANCE BATTLES HOLY SHIT YAAAAS. If you’re into magical girl stuff this is a good one to watch. Avalible on Hulu and Funimation
Wolfs Rain
I’m pretty goddamned biased on this one as I’ll watch almost anything with wolves in it. The plot makes no sense but the art is beautiful at times and ur gunna fuckin cry also its gay. Sadly this one is only legally available on Funimation.
Wolf Children Ame & Yuki
-uncontrollable sobbing-
Konohana Kitan
I’m only 5 episodes in but this anime is gaaaaaaaaay. Do you like cute fox girls? Do you like fox girls who work at an inn? Do you like gay fox girls who work at an inn and get into shennanigans?! Well this is your anime. It’s not very serious but its cute for what it is (and holy shit its gay). Its only 12 episodes and on crunchyroll.
Wandering Son
-uncontrollable sobbing-
This is one of the best depictions of being trans/gender queer in anime (granted it still has its problematic moments) but they handle the subject matter pretty well. It really captures that akward questioning a lot of us have. Its also adorable and heart wrenching and jus go watch it ok? Its on Crunchyroll.
Sailor Moon
It’s fucking Sailor Moon the GOAT, The DBZ of Mahou Shoujo, one of the most influencial anime ever how have you NOT seen it?! All 5 seasons are on Hulu and probably funimation or if you have money you can get the boxset and consume all of it.
Cowboy Bepop
Another GOAT, great starter anime, great soundtrack, the plot is eposidic, the world is one of the most diverse (aside from Mitchiko & Hatchin another great anime) and it’s chock full of movie refrences. Also Shinchiro Watanabe is the GOAT YAAAAS GO WATCH BEBOP. Its on hulu (the dub of course watch the dub best dub of all time).
Mob Psycho 100
Holy shit I’ve never seen animation like this before the colors, the movement aaaaah its fukkin beautiful! Mob is truely the best boy and jus wants to improve himself and become a better person and we can all learn from that. Made by the guy who wrote OnePunchMan so this is quality AND FUCK THE CRUNCHYROLL AWARDS MOB PSYCHO WAS ROBBED AT LEAST IT DIDNT REUSE FUKKIN ANIMATION FUKKIN YURI ON ICE FUJOSHI AASRRRFFFGVSH. It’s avalible on Crunchyroll
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Just fucking watch it....jus i have no words this is a series best experinced for yourself. Its on Hulu and Crunchyroll and the dub is airing on Toonami
Little Witch Academia
Thisis basically the cutest anime ever. It’s Harry Potter done RIGHT with cute girls. Akko the protag can get a bit annoying but the other characters help. (Succy is best girl btw). Its animated by Studio Trigger so ur eyes are in for a treat as well and it’s FINALLY availble on Netflix.
Boku No Hero Academia
If you’re not watching this already...idk wat to tell you. Its a superhero anime but its so goooood, don’t let the fandom overwhelm you just watch it. Bakugo who is like Sauske drenched in gasoline and his edginess turned up to 11 is horrible and can b a turn off since Deku is so sweet and hardworking and doesn’t deserve the cruelty thrown his way (seriously Bakugo is trash idc abt the manga he’s fukkin TRAAAASH) but aside from shitlordmcboomboom everyone else is great. Especially All Might. There is some fanservice which is uugefffgh but the plot is good and the animation is on point alot of the time. It’s on Hulu, Crunchyroll and I think Netflix and Funimation.
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Survey #237
just a warning beforehand this survey has some probably tmi stuff.
Which is better: good 'ole southern food or sea food? Despite coming from and still living in, I legitimately enjoy almost NO southern food. Absolute garbage. I don't enjoy much sea food either though, save for shrimp, so I guess that. Have you ever had a very strong spiritual experience? I dunno. What do you think you want to major in at college? I'm an Art & Design major right now. Minor in? English is my minor currently. What song do you have on repeat lately? Quite a lot, actually. What’s something important you could be doing now? I could be working on finishing the draft to my Writing paper and this week's Art History chapter, but... yeah. I procrastinate all to hell, but I "justify" it with me having SO much extra time in the library while Mom takes her classes that I have a great deal of time to just do everything in there. How do you feel about Circuit City going out of business? I have zero clue what that is. About how often do you go on cleaning sprees? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what're those? What’s the best story you’ve gone over in an English class? The Outsiders. Is your house haunted? Don't think so. What kind of tissues do you prefer? At least thicker as a single sheet of wet paper and soft. But ultimately it's nota a big deal. What face wash do you use? I prefer the Biore charcoal scrub, but I've been out of that for like... ever, and it's pricey, so we haven't bought any more. So now I use this peach scrub stuff Mom gets. I don't like it much because it's kinda abrasive, so probably bad for my skin, but it at least makes it feel cleaner. Do you reject Satan? I don't even know if a head demonic entity exists. Got no opinion on him. Are you violent? Far from it. Do you use google search or yahoo? Google. Was your step mother terrible? Her political views are fucking trash, but she herself is a wonderful person. Do you know anyone who doesn’t care about anything but themselves? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Are you single? If no who are you dating and for how long? I'm single for now. I don't believe prayer or "good vibes" have any power, but nevertheless, I almost DO pray Sara and I will come back together once she figures herself out and one of us is brave enough to move. Do you enjoy going for walks? Nowadays, no, but only because I'm still recovering from muscle atrophy in my legs, so it hurts quiiite a bit. But in a way, yes, I do enjoy walking as I know it's good for my legs, but it's still painful - but improving immensely. Before it started to get real bad, I fucking loved going on walks down the path by Sara's. When it wasn't cOLD AND WINDY AS A MOTHERFUCKER What are your favorite accessories? Do piercings count? If yes, totally those. And spiked chokers are fucking hot. I'll wear mine again someday, just fkn watch me. Do you wear makeup on a regular basics? Not at all. I am asking for *genuinely* black eye shadow and also quality black lipstick for Christmas, though, for when I do wear makeup. Ours suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. When was the last time you really established your favorite TV show? Oh, idk. It's been years. Write one lyric that really explains the way your life is going as of now? HAHA I'm actually listening to NSP's "Danny Don't You Know" right now and if "you're just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29" aIN'T ME- Do you ever have any fantasies that involve certain celebrities? Who? Yes. Take an. idk. Wild guess. You can read like one or two of my surveys and already be absolutely sure lmao What is your favorite brand of shoe? Where can you buy these shoes? Converse, and... multiple places?? Does anyone ever judge you for something you naturally cannot help? Oh, I'm sure. Do you support homosexuality in general? Why do you or why don't you? Of fucking course I do. It's natural, and especially after realizing I was bi and experiencing a genuinely loving female-female relationship, I've only grown more ferocious in standing for gay rights. Fuckin try to tell me I can't love her without some sky demon firing me into Hell for it. I'll bring sunscreen. If you had your own personal dance crew, what would you name it and why? I dunno??? Has anyone ever called you an exact replica of one of your parents? Agree? No. Have you ever claimed to be in love when you knew you really weren’t? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't joke around with that shit. If you had the chance to meet an annoying celebrity, would you still do it? No?????? Why would I want that??????????? Do you ever lie in the grass during summer or are you afraid of ticks? 1.) That sounds boring and too hot and 2.) I'm fucking terrified of all parasites, so ticks are zero exception. Does it bother you when you see slutty girls getting all the cute guys? *chaotic eye twitching* In winter, would you rather wear jacket or hoodies? Why is this? HOODIES! Mega cozy. Would you consider yourself a good singer or are you tone deaf? Depends on the song, but generally, I don't think I'm real good. My voice isn't stable. Do you think regrets are better left unspoken or should they be out loud? Y'know, a real good question for once. I think maybe... it depends, I guess? Some things are just better unsaid, sometimes vice-versa. I suppose it depends on who you're telling, too. What color is your remote? Does it have any special/interesting features? Uh I know it's black, but that's it. I never use the TV. Name a time when you cried the most: The night of the breakup when Mom drove out to get me (I was walking to his house to talk bc she wouldn't take me), and she had to physically hold me down when we got in the house because I dashed and she knew I was about to do something stupid. I just fucking collapsed. That night is so blurry, but I'll never forget the crying. Fucking NOBODY deserves to go through that goddamn night. What color is your keyboard? It's black, though the keys are rimmed with red light. Have you ever thought about suicide? Too many times. Please please please please seek help if you have even a moment's consideration about it. How do you feel about Obama? I don't know much about him politically, but he was funny as fuck, I do know that. Seems like a chill dude. What was the last lie you told? I dunno, something little. Name 3 things in your purse (or wallet): My Harley Quinn wallet, hand sanitizer, aaaaand my keys. What time does your favorite TV show come on? *shrug* Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? I haven't been to many seriously "scary" places, honestly... so idk, really. Do you like string cheese? NO. What color was the coolest insect you’ve seen? No clue. Probably some butterfly or moth. Do you own any pink clothing? ... How do I not know this. How do you usually style your hair? It's directed to the right with no part through it and swoops over/close to my right eye. Do you use anything to whiten your teeth? I'm also asking for whitening strips for Christmas. .-. Ah, how gift desires change as you grow. I took awful care of my teeth during the worst of my depression, so yeah, I need them. I'm honestly stunned they're in a decent condition now. Have you ever collaborated with anyone on a project (not for school)? Hmm, don't believe so. What is (going to be) your career? I refuse to drop my career aspiration of a photographer. Not giving up on that no matter what. What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Crocodiles' teeth protrude both upwards and downwards over their lips while alligators' only show downwards; crocs have a more tapering snout, alligators' are more rounded; and crocs are generally bigger. I didn't obsessively watch Animal Planet for nothing, y'all. :^) Were you breastfed as a baby? Yeah. That woman had five goddamn kids with no epidural or anything. She ain't afraid of no pain, and she's also like, MEGA into child health, safety, etc., and while formula-feeding is completely fine and valid, it's factual breast milk is a lot healthier for babies. What does your favorite shirt look like? Man, that's hard to pick. My most comfortable and well-fitting one is a Metallica "King Nothing"-inspired design, which is black and just has some gnarly skull designs 'n shit on it. HA HA WAIT, found it! This is it. Just a few days ago though, my mom's coworker went to the NSP 10th anniversary show in Chicago AND SHE GOT ME A FUCKING SHIRT BC SHE KNOWS I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH I SQUEALED SO LOUD AND SMILED MY FACE IN HALF. What is the cutest breed of puppy in your opinion? Do not EVEN with this, omfg I couldn't even try. What is the cutest baby animal in general? Have you, like, SEEN baby meerkats????????????? They're not the cutest for the first, like, two weeks (BUT still cute!!), but once they're outside the burrow? Jesus fuckin CHRIST they are the cutest creatures known to the galaxy and beyond. If we're talkin' like, cutest from birth, maybe cats. I adore kittens. Do you have some sort of odd fascination with anything? Perhaps my "strangest" is what's referred to as "vulture culture," which is essentially using naturally-deceased (usually wild) animals for art, such as those popular crystal-covered skulls, necklaces, creative use of wet specimens, stuff like that. I find some odd beauty and respect in creating art of the dead - it's like... making death beautiful and honoring the creature by immortalizing it in an art form. I personally photograph roadkill (that shit's confused the fuck outta drivers lmao) with the goal of forcing the brutality of it onto viewers and just make you think "okay yeah I need to drive more carefully." I don't know if that technically qualifies as vulture culture as I don't really... use the corpses, but nevertheless, I really enjoy doing it. I do kinda question the morality of it, like you can't ask an animal "hey do you wanna be art when ur dead?", so you're left to decide for it, but I think I lean ever so slightly more towards it being respectful, showing the beauty of its life. I WANT TO SAY HOWEVER, I DO FUCKING NOT support hunting trophies. I even question taxidermy outside of being from hunting considering you're not really making art, something new, some sort of message, out of it. There's no creative purpose other than to show "hey look at this dead animal!!", and besides that, it kinda creeps me out. Wow sorry for the ramble, I'm just into this stuff. Who was the last person to text you? Sara. What did they say? Paraphrased, that life has been a serious cunt to her lately. Which is true. have you ever broken someones heart? He fuckin acted like it after two goddamn weeks. I suppose maybe Jason, though I can't really tell you that since he fucked off after the breakup, so it's not like I was around him. I'll admit his health and general demeanor was withering as time led up to it (I knew something was wrong, he'd just never tell me), so he was obviously suffering. I feel awful for that shit, seeing I was apparently that goddamn stress-inducing. Had yours broken? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO I think the whole Internet knows, oops. Do you consider past relationships a waste of time? No. Well, maybe just one. I kinda wanna say Tyler was, but then again, as I was healing, it showed exactly what I would not tolerate. So I guess it had a silver lining. Do you think you’ll be around to see the world end? I wanna say no, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's gonna be climate change (reason #1 for me), the super volcano finally blowing, or nuclear war. Scientifically, we are far, far, far from overdue for another mass extinction anyway. Do you believe in second chances? Yeah, sometimes. Depends. Do you swear? Way more than needed. Swearing a lot just became part of my normal vernacular through exposure to Jason and his family lmao. I was just about always there, and whew does his mom swear like a sailor. Italian New Yorker to the core. To me, "swear words" are just normal vocabulary. What is the nearest photo to you of? A family of meerkats on my wall. Are you good at being quiet? Sure? Who has your heart? I'm guessing you mean romantically? Two people are tearing at it, then. One that's fuckin stupid and needs to stop. Do you like it that way? No. No. Sara is, realistically, the best match for me and a very healthy partner for me. But now that for whatever goddamn reason Jason sneaked back into the picture (metaphorically; he hasn't reached out or anything), hints of obsession/addiction are coming back. I know it's fucking creepy, but I was legitimately obsessed with him. I sent him a perfectly polite and genuine email of ME apologizing to HIM, and I guess that just shot my feelings back up. God, typing this makes me realize to a fuller degree that this is an awful idea. Where is this person? Sara's probably at home; hell if I know where the other is. When was the last time you saw them? I saw Sara this past February. Jason, not since February of '17. Do you prefer desktops or laptops? Laptops because of portability. Sunrise, or sunset? I think maybe sunrise, considering the colors tend to be more pastel. But both are gorgeous. What kind of mood are you in? A confused as hell one. The Jason thing is driving me insane, and TMI WARNING I've been dealing with a fucking ginormous libido that I'm guessing sprouts from my new birth control, and it led me to doing to thing I said I'd never ever do because I only want to share that experience with my partner. Y'know, the "m" word. Saying it feels too weird and dirty. That's the problem: it's so instilled in my head that masturbation is lustful and just "wrong" that my brain is still trying to process that it's okay and natural and, as I found, relieving. I had to look it up and everything to convince my shameful ass I wasn't being "dirty." Hey, on that note: Planned Parenthood offers way goddamn more than abortion, friends. I swear it's beyond wild what I used to believe. But yeah ANYWAY, I'm just feeling weird and still kinda "tail between my legs" today. Do you like fans that blow directly on you or oscillate? Depends on how hot I am. What is one thing you worry about most in long-term goals? "not having enough money to get there.." <<<< YUP this. Right before you fall asleep, what is your usual position? It's hard to tell considering you're falling into unconsciousness... but I THINK on my left side, hugging an edge of the blanket to me. When you have sex, do you keep your eyes closed or open when finishing? I wouldn't know; I've only ever been on the brim before freaking out and we stopped because I was literally scared of how overwhelming the feeling was. That and my family was home and I was having trouble staying quiet lmao. When you have mail do you open the biggest one first, or doesn’t matter? Uhhhh. I honestly don't get mail enough to answer this. I'd probably go for the smallest? When you wake up what is the first thing you usually look for? My phone. Think of the last habit/addiction you quit. What replaced it? Hm. I really don't know. Your phone rings but you don’t know the number, would you answer it? No sir-ree. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I didn't always back then. Do you let your girl/boyfriend drive, or do you prefer to? 1.) I don't drive and 2.) I'm single. The last time you had sex was it in the morning, afternoon or night? Hell if I remember.
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sonmain · 8 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60,61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82,83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,90, 91, 92, 93,94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 100.
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?More milk2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?No, it's hell3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Tissues, wrappers, receipts 4: how do you take your coffee/tea?Idk5: are you self-conscious of your smile?Yes, very6: do you keep plants?Yes!!! I had a fairy garden but one of the pots broke 😪7: do you name your plants?Yeah, I named the tree in our backyard Venosaur8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?Oh, painting on canvas, or drawing with a pencil9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes!! V v good stim!10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?Side11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?Fuckin...Furries12: what's your favorite planet?Earth, I love the animals and plants. She's so cute13: what's something that made you smile today?My friend said my story was good14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Probably kind of bright but also with some posters and nice decor and nice beds and a little window we can sit on.15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Space lightning is a thing16: what's your favorite pasta dish?Alfredo17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?Magenta, or turquoise 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.Oh I fell on my ass in the hallway and threw my MacBook. Only two people saw it19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?Well not a conventional one but I've had journals before.20: what's your favorite eye color?Blue21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.It's this golden and red bag and it's soft22: are you a morning person?Hahahahaha funny. Next question23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Make art or browse tumblr24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?Yes25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? I haven't broken in anywhere26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?I don't have any shoes like that27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?Blue raspberry28: sunrise or sunset?Sunrise (ironic)29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Giggles30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Fucking yes31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I guess, sometimes, no32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I fucking tripped over my friend at a sleepover after she said "person here!"33: what's your fave pastry?Any really34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?MOG, he was a green stuffed monkey thing with no hands or toes so I called him mog the monkey frog, I think I do still have him35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?Idk36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?Imagine dragons37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?Clean but it usually ends up messy38: tell us about your pet peeves!LOUD NOISES AND PEOPLE MAKING FUN OF ME ASKING THEM TO STOP39: what color do you wear the most? black40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?Um...my bracelet I got from my friend for Christmas 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?Artemis Fowl42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Starbucks, and the wonderful smells and hot chocolate43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?My friend Tori44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?Never45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Sorta46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.A man went to court for wearing only underwear. It was a brief case.47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Losing friends, yes49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? No50: what's an odd thing you collect? Idk?51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Tori-blu 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Pure memes53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?No54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? Tori55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?Idk56: what are some things you find endearing in people?Laughs 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?It made me feel crazy and yes58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?CHARLIE IS WINE MOM, TORI YOU KNOW YOURE VODKA AUNT FOR A REASON59: what's your favorite myth? Idk60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Not really 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?Leaves, leaves62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?Orange, apple63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Kinda leave them be64: what color is the sky where you are right now?Light blue 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? OOhh um, Cheyanne and Kennadie66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?White and pink alternating with Blue and yellow over it67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?Oh they make me feel...amazing. I like the different feel! And like the soft glow. And the new feelings of being on a dark bus during rain.68: what's winter like where you live? Well it used to be frozen hell...but now it's not 😥69: what are your favorite board games? Monopoly70: have you ever used a ouija board?No and I plan to never71: what's your favorite kind of tea?Peach72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? Not really, it's more procrastination that destroys me73: what are some of your worst habits?Procrastination, forgetting to eat, disregarding self care, self hate, 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.They are the sweetest most amazing halminerd that loves my stories 75: tell us about your pets! Kiwi is my two year old boxer. We call her Moose, Meat brick, lazy doggo, and basically everything else lol76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?Probably a project 77: pink or yellow lemonade?Eh I like both78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?Hate79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Made art for me. Omg I die 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?Grey81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.Like swimming in the clearest and most murky waters, and feeling relaxed at free82: are/were you good in school? Sorta83: what's some of your favorite album art?I actually don't know84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?No85: do you read comics? what are your faves?Well like..,Rock and Riot86: do you like concept albums? which ones?No87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Zootopia, hocus pocus, 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Idk89: are you close to your parents? Yeah, sorta90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. The sky lines reach amazingly high, the city gets washed in the glow of the riding a setting sun. (It never said I couldn't be vague)91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Europe!92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Drowns it93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Up in a pony94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My sister's 95: what are your plans for this weekend? Going to the mall with a few friends 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Procrastinate 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Uhhhh aquarius and ravenclaw 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Yes! 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Arrietty's song, Sail, rocks, fireflies100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Past, so I can do over and cause myself not to become an anxious fucky fuck that messes every thing upPhew!
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evils-corner · 8 years
Hm... do every prime number on the list!
I had to look up what a prime number was and then I had to look up the prime numbers between 1 and 100 I hope ur happy Anon
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? 
When I first step outside, yes! I like to feel the cold air on my cheeks and in my lungs! But after those first few minutes I’m pretty done with it haha
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
Lemme see, I’ve used bits of paper, socks, headphones, pencils, a ring, the paper...cover sleeve thing of the book.....Mostly I just use bits of paper. Like receipts or sticky notes or something
5. are you self-conscious of your smile? 
Yes I am...my smile doesn’t look good at all...when I smile for pictures it makes me look like I’m in pain/constipated/etc fkhkefkahf;kjdsf
7. do you name your plants? 
Ah I don’t have any plants, but I probably would if I did!! I name a lot of my things so I think I’d probably name a plant if I owned any
11. what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? 
“*looking around in confusion* What’s a boner?”
And...that’s the major one that comes to mind I don’t really know anymore lmao at least none others are coming to mind sobs
13. what’s something that made you smile today?
Sending memes to @charmyjouta during art history this morning :3c
17. what color do you really want to dye your hair?
I really want my hair to be like, a dark reddish/auburn color!!
19. do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw/ in it? 
Yes I do! I have a dream journal (it’s not a physical journal it’s a word document but still) I haven’t had any dreams worth noting lately tho, or ones that I remember...last entry was like back in June of 2016 :T
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? 
29. what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? 
uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh @acrylicqueen is really expressive, and when she talks about things she likes/is interested in/etc she gets excited and moves her hands a lot and makes a lotta random noises (like little yells/yelps and stuff) and I think that’s adorable :oc
31. what is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks. 
I really REALLY love socks but at the same time I??? Don’t??? I dunno how to explain it other than like I don’t like my toes feeling trapped?? I’d rather walk around barefoot if I could, and I used to wear flip flops at every opportunity so my toes could be free lmao but I still love socks! I rarely wear just plain white ones, and I also rarely match my socks, I like having two different colored/designed socks....I can’t sleep with socks on my FEETS OVERHEATS AND I END UP KICKING THEM OFF AND LOSING THEM FOREVER RIP my socks.........my favorite pair right now is a tall pair that says “Yo Dude put some pants on!” (because I started sleeping without pants and if I slept with socks on I’d definitely wear those to bed HAHA) I also LOVE thigh high socks and if I had any pairs I’d definitely wear them,  but alas I do not....I need to remedy that
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Honestly I love having my room be clean, but right now it’s a fuckin DISASTER just because I can’t get motivated to do anything about it/I don’t have the time to do anything about it and it pisses me off looking at the meSS.....
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Warriors: Into the Wild! The book is so nostalgic for me, and it’s the first in my favorite series and there’s just...such a homey feeling about it...like it just. makes me think of warm sunny days with my friends and it’s such a nice read and it’s written so well.........so nostalgic ;v; 
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Hmmmmm that would probably be my dad! We used to lay down in the back of his truck and watch meteor showers together and point out constellations and stuff....that was a long time ago...
47.what food do you think should be banned from the universe? 
my immediate response is cheese but at the same time there is some cheese that I do like (like on pizza) so instead I’m going to go with octopus because THAT SHIT IS NASTY BLEEH
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp fiction? What do you think of them? 
I’ve seen Rocky Horror and Beetlejuice, but not the other two ;v; I loved them!! I need to watch them again tho it’s been YEARS since I’ve seen either aaa....
59. what’s your favorite myth?
Um....well.....I can’t say I really have a favorite myth? Like...nothing is coming to mind lmao 
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received? 
Stupidest gift I’ve ever given was a “Rainbow Cock Pop” which was...a rainbow sucker shaped like a dick. Gave it to my friend Tristan at his Christmas party and he sucked on it all night hfkdhkfhahfe;klhwf 
The stupidest gift I ever received was a toothpick for Christmas from my Dad. We had a year where my dad decided to give us...shitty gifts, for no reason other than it was funny. My brother got him one tho because my brother knew about the shitty gifts, having helped wrapped presents. (My dad got a roll of toilet paper and my brother got a half empty bottle of ibuprofen.) 
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
GOSH I love those kinda days!! They’re just so calm and relaxing and soft to me!
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
Well I’m not really a tea person and I’ve only had a few kinds, but I really do like Earl Gray! Especially in a London Fog Latte - Earl Gray Tea, vanilla syrup, half steamed milk half hot water...so good....
73. what are some of your worst habits?
Nail biting is the big one - I bite when I’m anxious or bored or fidgety or idle or...anytime really. I don’t have a stopping point and routinely bite until I’m in pain/bleeding/etc and that doesn’t even stop me...I don’t know if this really counts but I also overthink/stress about every little thing lmao...tho that might be. a mental illness thing. So idk
79. what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? 
uuhh. Uuhhh?? Has anybody ever done anything cute for me?? ? I. Don’t know??? If u have I’m sorry I have a shit memory sobs
83. what’s some of your favorite album art? 
....//s w e ats um. I don’t know? I never look at album art for anything haha....
89. are you close to your parents?
Not particularly. I don’t want contact with my mom and my dad never really...seemed interested in me. Like I can’t even say ‘I love you’ to him without it feeling awkward or anything.....haha.....
97. myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? 
INFP, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw! 
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teddyaltman · 8 years
Do the odds 🐢
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? i have cereal dry bc milk is gross but i do like cereal as a snack3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? mostly plane tickets or train tickets
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? yes altho i used to be worse7: do you name your plants? i only have one plant and no it has no name but now i feel bad, what should i name my plant???? 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Y E S always its a running joke at work that i’m always singing to myself 
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? my mind has gone blank idk 13: what's something that made you smile today? texting15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! “you are taller in space” - this is fuckin me up cos princess leia is sO TINY imagine how small she would be on earth im emotional17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? i actually rly like my hair the colour it is at the moment but i’d prob go darker to try it rather than super blonde again idk19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? no im not organised enough for a journal but i do doodle in my work diary when i finish a to do list21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. i love my backpack that i haggled for in venice it’s blue and white and super comfy and i love it23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? netflix (and cuddling~)25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? i broke into my friends house once by crawling through the kitchen window bc she forgot her house key27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? bubblegum flavor? idk?29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? dan always squeezes my hand rly tight when he’s happy and i love it when he’s happy31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i rly like socks, especially when they’re fun socks i hate just black or just white socks!! i like to wear them to bed too otherwise the monsters might get my feet but if its super hot i might not. i don’t always wear socks in the day but i’ll mostly put them on for bed
33: what's your fave pastry? uh idk but i had an amazing vegan donut in dublin it was delicious 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? i like pens but just like basic bic pens i like to have lots and lots but uh i like looking at stationary in paperchase but i rarely use it37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i like it clean but it is often messy because i am Terrible39: what color do you wear the most? burgundy! 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? i read an anthology (the last one) from the otherworld series when i was in aus and honestly it was great i loved it so much that series means so much to me and it ended so many characters stories in a beautiful way43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i have no idea tbh45: do you trust your instincts a lot? close my eyes and leap? uh yeah i try to trust my gut!47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? pineapple49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? i don’t rly buy physical cds anymore and i don’t have my own record player so~ i bought ed sheeran’s new songs last night on itunes??51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? marygrace - mr brightside53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? yes, yes, no, yes - i love rocky horror and i wanna see it live, heathers is Great, and pulp fiction is p good!55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? lmao i am a dramatic person idk i’ve probably done a lot of dumb shit57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i cba but i could sing it from memory and yes of course59: what's your favorite myth? uhh idk i don’t rly have a fav??? i do like mythology tho esp greek stuff and i read some p cool fantasy books based on myths and metahumans61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? lmao i don’t even know omg my sister got me condoms once??63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? okay so my DVDs are all alphabetical except disney classics which have their own section, and boxsets are also separate, my books are in cubes and they’re sorted by age, also author and in series when applicable. also there’s a star wars section. i can’t wait to have my own place so i can get proper bookshelves tho tbh65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? my cousin adam! he lives in greece and i didn’t manage to go visit him over christmas when he was home which was sad 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? a lil gloomy but then i’ll take buddy for a walk and we’ll bounce along together and he always makes me feel better69: what are your favorite board games? trivial pursuit, bezzerwizzer, pointless, articulate, taboo, pictionary, citadels, life ... i love board games71: what's your favorite kind of tea? anything fruity73: what are some of your worst habits? biting my nails, speaking too loud, chewing ice75: tell us about your pets! MY BABIES okay i have two dogs; meg is a black lab and she’s an ol lady now but she’ll always be my angel girl and she got me thru some dark times in high school tbh, okay then my boy - Buddy Boo Rainbow Maurice is his official name (blame my sister) but my lil buddy he’s my saviour honestly, so he’s a beagle cross but we dunno what with and he’s HUGE like a beagle on steroids but with his lil beagle face and floppy ears like goddamn cutest ever tbh he’s such a bundle of joy i love him So muhc. then i have 3 chickens (we used to have 5 RIP) and they’re called Dragon, Jemima and Sue Ellen (yes, she’s mine, yes named after a Dallas char) they’re p chill i read to them sometimes last summer we read the book thief and hp philosophers stone77: pink or yellow lemonade? yellow79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? dan’s mum invited me to spend christmas with them when she found out my family were going away and she made me a special christmas eve present like i was just ~another kid in the family and i went again this year and honestly it’s just the sweetest thing i love them all so much and they’re all so welcoming and wonderful and i don’t deserve such goodness in my life (also shoutout to delani who drove all the way to may and kate’s to surprise me for new years!!!)81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. like the sea when a storm is brewing, but with a hint of steel underneath and the sun is still just visible on the horizon83: what's some of your favorite album art? tswizzle speak now, ed sheeran + ??? idk i use spotify on my phone mostly i don’t look at album art hahah85: do you read comics? what are your faves? sometimes, i like anything about girls tbh87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? The Holiday, Star Wars, The Parent Trap, Rear Window, 17 Again, It’s a Wonderful Life89: are you close to your parents? yes they’re my heroes91: where do you plan on traveling this year? canada! hopefully disneyworld too, and i;d like to see more european cities; lisbon, krakow, berlin!!93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? i either shove my hair in a bun, braid it or wear it down 95: what are your plans for this weekend? hang out with my friends!97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INTJ, scorpio, gryffindor99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. little miss, ours, truth in your eyes, follow your arrow, sugar we’re going down, a thousand miles, she is the sunlight, cotton eye joe
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