#this is so stupid why do I like these two so much hsjsjsjsjs
andro-dino · 2 years
alright, I am a weak-willed man, so here are some ian/aleksei ideas because I’ve been thinking about them far more than I should be
- they are both massive nerds. ian specifically takes a lot of interest in engineering and has a bunch of experience taking things apart and putting them back together to figure out how they work, but not much working with the actual precise tech kind of stuff, so when he sees all of aleksei’s fancy computer and tech stuff, he’s absolutely over the moon.
- aleksei really enjoys teaching him about some of the finer ins and outs of everything and watching him get the hang of it. i think it’s definitely one of the biggest things they bond over at first.
- I think aleksei would very slowly and gradually fall for Ian. he’s intrigued by him at first but it takes a while for it to develop into romantic feelings, and even longer for him to realize that that’s what it is. Ian on the other hand, while slow at first, doesn’t take much time getting a massive crush on aleksei. He gets a angry with himself about it and every time he thinks about it, will get really flustered and frustrated over it
- ian heard about all the tricks Lovushka pulled during the world tournament and is so excited to potentially have found another partner in crime, only to be immensely disappointed when he finds out that aleksei isn’t really all that into it. although he does get along surprisingly well with lera on that note. I think they would make fun of each other and banter a lot but they don’t actually dislike each other, and only tell aleksei that when the other isn’t around
- I honestly don’t know how the other garcias would feel about aleksei. I like to think they would have an overprotective sibling thing with anyone that anyone of them takes interest in but besides that, I dunno. I think it would be funny if they didn’t like him solely on vibes alone but ended up being kinda ok with him after seeing that Ian genuinely liked him.
- Ian likes to steal aleksei’s glasses to tease him but only upon putting them on does he realize that he actually needs glasses himself. he does not get glasses for a very long time however. instead, if he needs to read something while he’s with aleksei, he’ll just grab them straight off of aleksei’s face for a bit and then give them back without saying anything. aleksei has given up trying to stop this
- Ian likes messing with aleksei’s hair a lot. this will sometimes startle aleksei though because Ian will just straight up grab his entire head without warning
- ian could pick aleksei up like a sack of potatoes if he really wanted to and I find that fun. I think he would enjoy just picking him up and tossing him around at random times.
- lera makes fun of aleksei’s taste in partners and only doubles down on this for ian. she’s absolutely astounded how he managed to fall for someone who’s simultaneously a nerd while still being incredibly dumb.
- yk I think it’d be funny if aleksei didn’t legitimately know how to flirt with people. he has enough natural charm to him that he can get by but besides just bonding by shared interest, he has no idea how romance works. Ian I don’t think would notice this at first but he starts to pick up on it over time and teases aleksei a little bit about it. he does find it kinda cute though
- thinking abt these two staying together through shogun steel is really funny to me. i like to think that when the garcias were first setting up dna and everything, Ian would call aleksei and talk about the progress they were making, but it never fully occurred to aleksei what they were doing. he kinda just thought they were setting up some cool tech stuff or smth
- my personal hc is that while obviously Argo and merci-doji did a lot of the main work, Ian also helped design a lot of the dna beys and I think it’d be fun if he sent ideas to aleksei to see if he had any input on it
- aleksei doesn’t realize what all actually happened until like, he talks with Madoka one time (because I think they’d still catch up from time to time in the future) and she mentions it and aleksei just has a “wait it THAT what Ian was doing with the designs he was talking about?” moment and Madoka is just absolutely dumbfounded
- “how did you not realize that you were helping them with their evil organization???”
“I dont know! I thought it was just a fun side project or something!”
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do we know how iwabd malec met??? 🥺❤️
They are college sweethearts in IWABD hsjsjsjsjs
“What’s going on?” Magnus manages through the crowd and asks.
“Seth was being an asshole to someone and this guy challenged him.” Someone explains.
“To what? A duel? What is this the 1850s?” Magnus laughs.
“You choose the sport.” The guy, not Seth the asshole—but the other guy speaks.
Magnus pushes through the crowd to see who the fuck it is and his eyes widen.
The man is absolutely gorgeous. He seems like the term tall, dark and handsome was invented for him.
Magnus has seen him around the campus. Has heard about what a nerd Alec-fucking-Lightwood is.
“Bike race.” Seth says sharply. “Let’s see if you can beat me there.”
“Alec doesn’t know how to bike. He’s hot but he is a nerd okay?” Everyone starts whispering the same words.
Alec looks taken aback for a second before there’s determination on his face.
Seth blinks.
Magnus finds Alec before he can leave. “Hey, the route Seth has chosen is a dangerous one. He’s going to pull sone shit.”
Alec blinks quizzically. “Umm..yeah. I expected that.”
“You sure you want to do this?“ Magnus asks him.
What the fuck was he doing?
This is a random stranger he has barely talked to.
“Seth is a bully. And I don’t like bullies.” Alec states.
“Have you ever ride a bike before?” Magnus asks and something flashes in Alec’s eyes.
“Guess you will see tonight. Thanks, Magnus. I will see you.” Alec says as he is dragged by someone.
Does his name sound different now?
They all meet a few hours later, at a deserted area where the supposed bike race is supposed to happen. It seems like a bigger deal than it really is.
Magnus finds college students to be aggravating more often than not.
But he goes to the venue to see what happens.
When he reaches there, he doesn’t regret his decision because Alec Lightwood is a fucking vision in a black leather jacket and jeans.
“The rules are simple. You two have to go through the deserted Martlaw’s road. Whoever finishes first, wins.”
Seth doesn’t put a helmet on cause he is an asshole but Alec does. And Magnus finds it hot because he believes that protection is very sexy.
The buzzer goes off and both the men start.
All the wondering about whether nerd-hot Alec Lightwood can defeat Seth stop within the first 120 seconds when everyone sees what’s happening infront of them.
Alec is good—no Alec is great at this.
Magnus doesn’t know much about biking but he can notice that Alec seems entirely too passionate about them.
Its ridiculously hot.
But this is a dangerous route they are racing on so Magnus feels a little anxious for no reason.
As underwhelming as most stupid college events are, this one follows in the footsteps when the race ends easily with Alec being declared the winner without a shadow of doubt.
The man removes his helmet and everyone jumps on him to hug him.
Magnus wonders how big of an asshole Alec probably is. Guys who ride a bike are supposed to be assholes, okay?
Alec raises a hand infront of someone to excuse himself and steps aside from the bike.
He seems to be walking towards Magnus.
Alec crosses the distance and reaches Magnus.
Magnus expects something snarky for sone reason. But it’s quite the opposite.
Because Alec Lightwood gives him a shy smile.
Something flips inside his chest.
Magnus blinks. “Hey.”
“I won.”
“I can see. Congratulations.”
“That was a stupid thing by the way. That was a dangerous route.” Magnus points out, not knowing why he cares about the guy.
Alec smiles shyly. “I know.”
“I’m going to do something more stupid than this.” Alec points out.
Magnus raises an eyebrow.
“I’m going to ask you out.”
Magnus should say no.
He really should.
Because assholes guys who ride bikes were dangerous.
But nice boys with smiles that could light up the world? They were catastrophic.
He decides to say no.
But the words out of his mouth are different. “Yes.”
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