#this is so self indulgent oh my gawrsh..nobody look at me..
ge · 1 year
rambling a leetle cuz i wanted to expand on my tangchung lgbt/romance headcanons..feel free 2 ignore i just wanted to finally write this down somewhere so it stops driving me crazy
chung myung is a gay trans man and tang bo is a cis gay man..someone posited t4t tangchung 2 me a while back which rules so hard but for some reason tang bo being cis is funnier to me idk i cant explain it..yallre just gonna have to trust me on this one
chung myung always knew he was trans since he was a kid because being called/treated like a young lady always pissed him the fuck off soooo bad..he complained about it to chung mun one day and the next day everybody in the sect started referring to him as a young man and that was that, they love their littlest brother very much.. hes non dysphoric but when he grows up he goes on whatever the wuxia equivalent of T is but doesnt get top surgery cuz hes always been fine w how his body looked.. my nonop trans masc king fr!!!!!!!!!
he didnt figure out he was gay until a decade or two after he met tang bo tho LOLLL he never had any interest in women but he also didnt really care for many men either so he just assumed he didnt really gaf about romance.. after he met tang bo, he fell in love slowly but didnt realize it because, since hes never held romantic affection towards anyone before, he wouldntve recognized the feeling to put a name to it anyway so once he and tang bo got close and settled into a comfortable friendship, it CLICKS and he finally realizes and goes ‘ah.. im in love w tang bo.. time to never ever tell him and yearn after him forever’
tang bo is gay and i feel like hes always known.. hes a rich respectable young master from an influential family and i feel like he went through a lot of potential arranged courtships in his youth w many various young ladies, NONE of whom he liked and sabotaged their arranged dates at every chance he got until the elders of his family just gave up.. the first girl he ever got paired up w was demure and quiet and graceful, exactly how a proper young lady should act and everything a man would want in a prospective wife, however the moment tang bo laid his eyes on her he felt nothing but distain and derision, his first thought was ‘id rather marry a MAN’ and then his brain stuck on that thought and he took it to bed w him and that night while he was staring at the ceiling of his chambers he thought ‘i suppose i do wish to marry a man’… hes closeted however and had to suffer through many arranged dates w many women all the way up into his twilight years, when he finally meets chung myung.. it wasnt love at first sight but, like chung myung, it was slow and saccharine except he knew it was love the moment he felt his heart flutter at the sight of chung myung smiling at him, eyes crinkling and warm, over the rim of a wine glass
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