#this is sloppy and rushed and i'll look back on it later hating it
tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 23
As Our Hearts Ache Masterpost
Ash had to think of a way to help Dru escape, fast. Whilst Ash would love to bring her along to their hiding place, this would mean exposing her to his mother and admitting he had the chance to engage the First Heir in combat but chose not to- endangering the Queen's life in the process. Janus could understand, would understand, he always had- but his mother? His mother would be livid with him. And in a way, it is not like Ash could blame her. The Princes were now turning on her because he wanted to save Dru and he didn't felt like killing who was probably the last relative Janus had. This was all his fault, his mess. One he needed to fix, quickly. The best course of action was to fly her out and let her escape through the tunnel near the little palace, the one he had been using to sneak outside of Faerie undetected by his mom. Before he would take Janus and his mom through it. But if he gave her a good headstart, she'd make it back safely. Ash felt a twinge in his heart as he entered his room and saw Drusilla sitting on his bed, still staring at her brother's drawing. She froze momentarily and Ash hated how it was the spell that calmed her down, made her slump back on his bed. "There's a tunnel nearby, it leads to the mundane world. It will be okay, I'll take you there." He said things were okay more to assure himself then the girl. Dru stood up, clutching Julian's sketch with an expression that showed she was lost in thought. Ash gritted his teeth as he grabbed her, flying out of the window with her figure in his arms once more. He flew straight down to the caves, countless of thoughts and emotions rushing through his head as he landed. Dru stepped down but she hissed at the pain of her injured leg. "Do you have a stele with you? With my magic combined it should be enough to heal your leg in a matter of minutes." "Of course I have my stele with me. Which Shadowhunter doesn't?" Dru asked. "I don't." Ash pointed out awkwardly. Dru fell silent and reached for her stele, handing it to him. He quickly drew an iratze, something he had only drawn on Janus once and never on himself before as he had never needed it. He hoped his technique wasn't too sloppy. "I wish I could stay and ensure you are properly healed, but things are chaos in Faerie at the moment. I suggest you start moving as soon as you can. I might be using this tunnel with my mother later." "Well, thanks for giving me a headstart." Dru said and Ash nodded, his heart skipping a beat as he left the girl and the drawing he had previously cherished.
Tessa and Jem were silent as Kit and Jaime did most of the explaining. Ty was silent during their entire conversation, frozen like a statue on the couch. Gwenneth sat on the arm of couch next to Kit, staring in wonder at the home of the First Heir. It certainly had a charm even if it was not a palace. Tessa was deadly pale when Jaime explained the Queen had opened her lands to the Princes of Hell and that they had been scheming for months, her hands trembling. Jem put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, knowing full well what emotional turmoil those words provoked in Tessa after all she and her children had been through. "So they're all here, in Faerie? What is the Seelie Queen thinking taking a gamble such as that?" "It's Ash. Sammael seems to have some kind of obsession with him and considers him Lilith's grandson. It's Ash that allowed the partnership to come to fruition." Jaime explained, and Gwenneth nodded. "Their plans revolve around the Prince. With the power Ash has to create the Blight, it also gives him an easier way for all the Princes to break into our world." "A…Ah.." Ty choked out, trying to form the words that just wouldn't come, tears pooling in his eyes. Kit looked at him feeling the urge to cry himself, "Is it okay if I take Ty with me to my bedroom? I think it would be better if we were alone for a while." "Of course."
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
the most important thing.
TAGGING: Troian Bellisario.
LOCATION: Beach party in Sydney, Australia.
TIMEFRAME: January 9th, 2017. Late evening/night.
NOTES: On her first night out in Australia, Troian discovers three things - men can be pigs even in another country, it’s okay to have a party by yourself, and she will never be able to handle more than three tequila shots.
Turning around, Troian was momentarily blinded from seeing who was calling her by the wind whipping her hair around. She pushed some brown strands behind her ear and then gave a polite, curious smile to the man who was jogging up to her. There was an easy grin on his face when he stopped in place and handed her a flyer. Her eyes swept over it - it was a bright orange piece of construction paper with newspaper letters cut out to advertise a party being held that night. Troian didn’t know how far it was from the hotel she was staying at. “You should come,” he told her and Troian contemplated it. She had come to Australia for new experiences, right? She didn’t want to spend her entire days there cooped up in her hotel room. The walk around the local market that morning had been fun; she had gotten to talk to vendors who were more than happy to strike up an easy conversation about their businesses, their lives. Troian had learned a lot. Maybe attending a party would just be the cherry on top of her already well-spent day. “We’ll see,” she told him in response to his unspoken question of whether she’d be attending. She smiled once more as he told her that he hoped to see her there, and watched as he turned around with a little more skip in his step.
Had she put that there?
Biting her lip, Troian glanced down at the flyer once more. It was a few hours from now and she hadn’t confirmed her attendance there. She didn’t have to go. This was her vacation and the whole point of going along was so that she could do what she wanted to do. So there was no need to make this a huge deal and go through the entire day stressing on whether or not she’d change into a dress later and show her face. On this vacation, this week away, she was living in the moment. So with one final look at the details, Troian folded the flyer in half and then stuck it in her purse. She had some more exploring to do.
She had decided to go. Dressed in a white, floral halter top dress, Troian messed around with her hair for a few minutes before finally giving up on it looking decent. She wasn’t trying to impress anybody and honestly, the weather in Sydney wasn’t going to allow her brown curls to do anything but grow more curlier in the eighty degree weather it was providing. Where it was winter temperatures in America, it was summer living in Australia at the current moment and Troian was taking complete advantage of that. She had slid her freshly painted toes into a pair of gladiator sandals and the sand from the beach was currently wedged in between them as she walked to where the mystery guy from this morning was.
“Hey,” she greeted him and smiled as he turned to look at her. “I’m Troian. Thanks for inviting me to this thing. What..what exactly is this thing?” She glanced around, looking at the various people scattered about the beach. Luckily, it was a packed area and Troian hadn’t voluntarily walked into a situation that would put her on the news..There were men and women milling around with beers in their hand, talking away and the whole vibe was relaxed. It seemed to be a get together planned at the last minute, not something that had been planned painstakingly over the past few months. Accepting a beer herself, Troian popped the top off and took a swig. It was cold, refreshing. A warm breeze swept over her and Troian felt her shoulders visibly relaxing the more she became attuned to the fact that she was safe here, and didn’t need to worry about being in danger.
“We’re just hanging out. We throw these every once in a while, invite whoever we see on the streets. You get to know all sorts of people that way.” Troian nodded at this answer, it seemed logical enough to her. Taking another swig of her beer, Troian rose a brow at the arm that was placed around her waist and before she could protest-
“You wanna take a walk? It’s beautiful to walk by the water this time of night.” 
A walk sounded nice. Even talking to this guy sounded nice but the groping? Not nice. As gently as she could, Troian edged out of his grip and mentally prepared herself for whatever cruel thing he spat out as he realized his precious male ego had been damaged. For his credit, he seemed to have pieced together he had gone past his limits and he raised his hands up with that same effortless smile, backing away slightly. “Sorry. Just a walk. I’m Martin, and I swear, I don’t bite. I thought it’d be nice to show you around.”
Troian wasn’t dumb. She knew exactly what Martin had been thinking and a walk wasn’t the first thing on his mind. “Uh-huh,” she retorted back to him with disbelief etched in her tone and her brows stayed furrowed as she spoke to him. “I’ll walk. But your hands stay by your side, Martin.” They both chuckled and then after Martin made the deliberate showing of his hands being shoved into his pockets, Troian clutched onto her beer bottle as she went down the beach with him.
Martin stayed true to his word. He made no more passes at her and he listened to her describe her reasons for this trip with avid interest. He spoke about how he had done the same thing after he was done with high school, taking a gap year over to Switzerland and the two of them talked about what they wanted out of the trip. Troian was careful not to reveal too much; she still didn’t know him very well and her guard was ever present, but his relaxed demeanor and the three beers she had been drinking since conversing with him had lulled her into what she later knew was a false sense of security. Martin seemed really nice. It was nice to meet somebody who just wanted to talk to Troian and who seemed into what she had to say, especially so far away from home where Troian already felt incredibly homesick for the people she had left behind.
“You’re very beautiful,” he told her out of the blue after Troian had stopped describing a story about what she had seen at the market that morning. Pausing, Troian licked her lips. His tone was sincere but - what did that have to do with fresh blueberries and them falling out of crates into the middle of the road? The two were unrelated and now they were going back to awkward territory. Martin stared at her with wide, earnest eyes and Troian gave him a weak smile back but her stomach was flipping. Was this was Martin did? Was Troian not the first girl to believe the friendly tone of his voice and be fooled by the head nods, the details he told her about himself? Had this all been a ruse? Was she playing right into a trap? Did he think she was there to find herself with a few meaningless hook ups?
Martin did not know Troian.
“Thank you. Um. I think we should probably head back now.” Her hands made a move to push themselves up off the warm sand but then Martin’s lips pressed against hers. For a brief second, Troian wondered if she should kiss back. She was single, she was unattached. She was far away from home and she had every right to go around doing whatever she wanted. 
She was not unattached. Not even in the slightest. Troian would always, always be tethered. And more so..Troian didn’t want to kiss anybody who didn’t hear her when she talked. He may have listened, but he didn’t hear.
And frankly, Martin was a horrible kisser.
Pulling back, Troian’s nose scrunched up as she eventually scrambled up to shake sand off her legs. “No thanks,” she laughed. It might have sounded cruel but apparently, Troian being nice wasn’t working to quell Martin anyways. “You got a boyfriend back home?” He asked, as if this was the only reason Troian would dare turn him down and Troian just laughed again. Men.
So fragile.
“No,” she answered honestly. “But the closest thing I have to that back home is ten times the man you’ll ever be. Trust me.” Troian smiled as she said this, and she was still smiling as Martin muttered, “Fuckin’ tease,” underneath his breath and stalked away. Sitting back down in the spot he had vacated, Troian felt more okay being alone than she had in..years, just staring out at the waves. She had had every opportunity to be with somebody else, and she hadn’t taken it and for once, Troian wasn’t second guessing herself. She knew her reasoning for wanting to say no and while she wasn’t going to lie and say Keegan hadn’t been a crucial part of it..her reason still had included that Troian didn’t feel the need to have someone pay attention to her and call her beautiful, as if their opinion and their opinion alone was what mattered. It was her truth. And even if that truth wasn’t shared..or it wasn’t somebody else’s truth..it was still hers, and Troian, for once, didn’t feel like she had to be validated by someone else.
She was her, and she was alone, and that was okay.
Troian had not stopped at beers.
After one impromptu phone call to Grant that ended with Troian upchucking the remainders of her tequila shots, a woman was rubbing Troian’s back soothingly as she knelt over some bushes. “There there,” a voice whispered in her ear and Troian groaned in response. Either Australia liquor was harder for her to handle or Troian had overestimated how many shots she would be able to handle.
Probably both.
“Up you go, girlie,” Troian had no choice but to lean on this mystery woman’s side and she met a pair of bright green eyes that were smiling in mirth back at her. “C’mon, I have a house not too far from here. Let’s go sleep it off.” Troian was too drunk to argue but all she could ask was, “You’re not going to kiss me, are you?”
Met with laughter, Troian was helped away by the mysterious stranger who, thankfully, appeared to be nothing like Martin and as she was tucked away into a bed later, Troian came to a second conclusion.
She was her, and she didn’t have to be alone, and that was okay too.
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Gang orca x a male reader whos quirk is that he's really snake like. Winter is here and reader is getting super sluggish and sleepy bc of the cold! Please and thank you!!
gang orca with his sleepy snake sboyfriend
pairing: gang orca x male!reader (he/him)
genre: fluff, light comfort
warnings: gang orca, he needs a warning, he makes me have my happy shivers and i love him please love him he deserves it
author's note: i love this man so DAMN MUCH THANK YOU SM FOR THIS-
also, y'all, plz feek free to send in requests! i can't guarantee i'll get to them quick, but i will get to them. there are some that will take me longer for education/research purposes, but i want to be as inclusive as possible, and part of that is having an idea of what y'all would like to see. i love you all!! ❤️
EDIT: i came in to edit bc i wrote this at 2 am and i can see where the exhaustion started beating me-
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so he's. a mammal. 🧍 he's warm-blooded. but that doesn't mean he hasn't built up a tolerance for extreme weather conditions. being a hero means working year-round, no excuses or real exceptions unless you're out of commission.
so when you two first met during a fight in the winter months, he was kinda confused as to how you became a hero- especially with how you quickly climbed the charts over the summer without even a slight issue.
you just seemed so... off. and it wasn't until afterwards that he even considered how your quirk effects your body. he was honestly surprised that you still had to be out there when your body was basically trying to get you to shut down just being out in that temperature.
"ah, pardon me if this is a rude question, but-"
"pardon me for cutting you off, but the answer is that i can still fight. i may be a little more sloppy, but we caught the villain, right?"
the way you only took a few moments to warm yourself before rushing back into action was when he first started feeling something.
and eventually you two started talking outside of work, getting to know each other and developing an incredibly deep bond over how you fear being outcasted because of how your quirks scare others off.
it grew. and it grew. and now, here you are, three years later living in the same apartment and proudly wearing the title of the oddest, most surprising power couple of your time.
obviously, after so long, he's educated ss to why you get the way you get in the cold. now his concern is trying to avoid that, especially during hero work.
at first it starts with gentle reminders when he's checked the weather.
reminders like:
"[Name], make sure to take your jacket."
"yeah, it's starting to get colder out. do you have the right clothes?"
"please make sure to take time to warm up when you can, alright, dear?"
but as it gets colder, s t r e s s.
but this is kugo sakamata. is he going to show you stress by smothering? no. no, instead:
in the winter months, he's a lot more aware of the areas of the city you cover. he stays alert during patrolling to reassure himself that you aren't curled up in an alley starting to freeze to sleep-
a lot of times it can be frustrating to you because you want to be independent. you want to be able to do hero work without burdening others, especially the man you love most. but then you realize he has a point, and you're caught in this awkward space of wanting independence but needing help. :((
because of this, you start re-developing insecurities of your quirk, which sucks because you were just starting to get past them.
"uh- kugo?"
"you can't notice the - uh... the..."
he hates how much you look down on yourself and your quirk, and he honestly wishes he could change society.
a lot of times, he'll reassure you verbally
"you don't need to feel ashamed. it's natural."
"kugo- please-"
"i can't tell. i promise. but even if i could, it wouldn't matter. you're a hero, [Name]. if people can't get over the fact that it's part of the same amazing body of the hero who's saved hundreds - if not throusands - of lives, that's not your fault."
but other times, when he notices it's just not cutting it-
he'll cuddle you-
and in the winter? he's killing multiple birds with one stone (RIP hawks 😔)
not only does he get the satisfaction and reassurance of holding you, but you feel comforted and it's helping better regulate your body temperature. it works as a momentary state of brumation (i learned so much abt snakes bc of this i-) and you're able to relax against him as you soak in as much body heat necessary.
when he CAN'T be around to cuddle you, he makes sure 100% that:
you get cuddles when you get home. he will pull you into his arms as soon as you walk in, and at that point you give into it. most of the time you straight up fall asleep because your body feels two times more worn that it does on the worst summer days.
your winter uniform is always ready to go. he will never let you go on patrol on cold days without that gear. he's not controlling, but that's the one thing he just can't let you do. if your uniform for some reason isn't ready, you're staying home
"darling, it's my job. i have to go, winter outfit or not-"
"without your winter outfit, you won't be able to function on your way down the block, let alone through a fight."
"... i hate it when you're right... you really are such a dilf."
"...nevermind... anyways, since i'm trapped, might as well keep me warm?"
he cuddles you until he HAS to go on patrol, and when that happens, he tucks you in with three big, warm blankets and adjusts the temperature control to keep the home extra warm for you.
before you move in, he gets a special mattress that also includes mild temperature control.
he literally does everything to make sure you stay warm.
if for any reason things don't work out, he will immediately know. other pros already know to contact him ASAP if they see you unable to perform.
he picks you up, takes you back to the agency, sits you by a heater and wraps one of his big suit jackets around you,,
so warm, so gentle 😩
and yes, hot chocolate/tea.
overall, 10/10, will cuddle you again
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angloie · 3 years
— valentine cherry.
annabeth's lips taste of cherry, and percy can't quite forget the taste.
genre ; enemies to lovers, fluff.
warnings ; valentines day, shit writing, swearing.
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A kissing booth.
That's what the chosen fundraiser event is, anyways— a stupid kissing booth, of all things. (is kissing booth an appropriate term? there's kissing, yeah, but people opt towards the hugging option. smart people.)
A typical Valentines day event, Annabeth snickers under her breath, How cheesy.
Ah, valentines day. A day in which lovers, friendships, and platonic love is celebrated. A day in which people all over the world celebrate with joy.
Annabeth couldn't be more miserable.
Her friends say she's so salty because she's never gotten any gifts with romantic intent. But they're wrong, so wrong; because that's totally not true and that'll change today. (hopefully.)
Although, she's glad she isn't running the booth— she's taken the responsibility of managing a few stands, thank god.
"We're taking a quick break," One of the volunteers come up to her as Annabeths' walking around, "Do you mind watching the stand for us?"
"Which one?" Annabeth pulls out the cherry lolipop out of her mouth, eyes flicking towards the booths.
He points towards the kissing booth.
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Is a quick break supposed to last more than twenty minutes?
No, Annabeth thinks, No it's not.
She's starting to think that they set her up. People continue to stare at her as she sits at the booth— alone— and she continues to subtly tap the 'on break' sign.
Percy Jackson strolls up to the booth just as Annabeth debates leaving.
"Oh, fuck me." She mutters between gritted teeth.
He smirks in reply. "What would five dollars get me?"
"A slap, maybe," Annabeth rolls her eyes at the boy, "The people who run here are on break, by the way." The taps the 'on break' sign once again.
"Oh c'mon! Don't you wanna help the poor polar bears for charity?" Percy bats his eyelashes, lips forming into a dramatic pout.
The blondes' face remains stone cold. "We're raising funds for elephants."
The group of girls watching nearby giggle.
"T-That's what I said," He clears his throat, "How about ten dollars? twenty?"
"We hate each other, Jackson," Annabeth's tone shows no hints of amusement, and yet her lips curl into a small grin. "I don't have time for this."
Percy frowns a bit at the word— hate. Is it his fault he didn't say thank you to her for holding the door open for him when they first met because he was too shy? Because the teachers kept on pairing them to read romeo and julliet lines? Or because he can't seem to think properly when he's around her causing him to embarass himself in front of her?
...Maybe the last one could be his fault.
"How about a burger?" Percy tries with a nervous grin, "Pizza?"
"Shut. Up."
"I promise i'd bake some blue cookies-"
Percy doesn't have time to finish his sentence, because then Annabeth reacts in a way she never thought she'd do: she's pulling him in.
Their first is anything but perfect— it's sloppy, rushed, his lips are agape and Annabeth's lipgloss is smearing on his lips. The group of girls gasp and the people around them stop in shock.
A string of gossamer connects to their lips as they pull away, breathless; Annabeth's eyes sparkle and his cheeks feel hot. Percy's sure his soul has ascended.
(Annabeths' just did too.)
"Not bad." She grins, placing a chaste kiss on his lips as she reels back, eyes catching on the returning figures of the people who run the booth.
Percy can't bring himself to look in Annabeth's eyes at the shock.
The booth leader stiffles a sigh, a pitiful look in his eyes. "Sorry for the wait." He looks at the two of them- Or more specifically, Percy. "Everything okay?"
He's willing to bet that he has the most lovestruck grin on his face right now.
"Just fine," Annabeth smiles saccharine sweet before turning away, not sparing him a glance, "I'll see you guys later."
Percy can't quite forget the taste of her cherry lipgloss on his lips.
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author's notes ;
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a-mended-pact · 3 years
Unsteady keys: Chapter Eight
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A/N: Hey everyone sorry for the wait on this chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know your thoughts.
Warning: this chapter contains Smut. If you are not 18+ DNI
Word count: 2,320
Request are open
If you wanna be added to the taglist just ask!
I was the first one awake. I tried to go back asleep but the longer I layed there the more my mind filled with images of him and Ethan. I wasn't upset about them having been together.  Quite the opposite actually if anything I just wanted to know Spencer from back then. Was he happier? Did Ethan make him experience a happiness that I wasn't giving him?
This isn't jealousy right? I've never really had this emotion around Spencer before. He's never given me a reason to feel like this. It's a strange thing. 
I glanced down at his hand resting on my stomach. His silver band was shining in the sunlight that was peeking through the curtains. Even though my mind was a wreck, the atmosphere in our room. Our home was calming. I didn't want it to be shattered. Of course I knew that eventually it would. I only hoped just not right now.
I closed my eyes and kept trying to fall back asleep when I felt his arm tighten around me and pull me in. He nuzzled into my neck and started peppering it in kisses. A soft sigh escaped me.
'Good morning love.' His voice was hoarse and extremely dreamy. I knew we wouldn't be able to have our talk about Cat if he sounded like that the whole time. All I'd want to do is jump his bones and show him exactly who he belonged to. 
I rolled over to face him and groaned in small annoyance because of course he looked delectable. 'I can't tell if that was towards me or the thought of being awake with the sun in your eyes too.' While he spoke he was rubbing sleep from his eyes. 
'Oh it most definitely was to you. It's not fair that I'm supposed to be upset and you look like this when waking up. Derek wasn't kidding when he called you pretty boy all the time.'
As I spoke I shoved him on his back completely and straddled him. I watched as he closed his eyes and let out a small moan as my hands purchased on his chest. The longer I sat there feeling him beneath me the more my mind filled with ideas. Pleasant dirty ideas. 
I dug my nails into his chest and scratched him softly. I leaned forward and began kissing his neck, placing wet kisses up and down it until he started squirming beneath me. A moan left his lips as I bit his neck and started sucking. Sure I knew this wasn't a professional thing to do. Especially since everyone would definitely see it. That was the point though. I wanted everyone to see it.
Apparently the ring wasn't enough to show he was mine and I wanted to make sure the point got across this time around. 
His hand wrapped itself in my hair as he held me down to his neck and grinded against me. Making me moan in his ear and him shudder at the sound.
I pulled away and sat up completely on him. 'This wasn't how this morning was supposed to go.' I punctuated each word with a movement of my hips.  I could feel him through my panties. God it was a glorious feeling. 
A small moan escaped him as he rested his hands on my thighs watching me. 'This definitely isn't how I imagined it happening either but I'm not gonna complain. ' He met my motions on his own and I couldn't help but dig my nails into his tummy. 
'I'll only let thi-' before I could finish my sentence he bucked up into me and pulled me down to him by cupping my throat gently. I couldn't do anything but moan and whimper. Life definitely wasn't fair sometimes.
He kissed me hungrily at first until he pulled away and stuck his thumb on my swollen lip. 'Mark me.  That's what you want isn't it? You want to have more of a claim over me than the ring on my hand. You wanna show them that my body is yours just as well as my heart. Do it Y/n. I'm all yours.'
We both rushed off the bed quickly to strip ourselves of our clothes before I shoved him down to the mattress. He laid there with his hands behind his head with a smug smile. 
'I hate that you're right. I thought after we got married I wouldn't have to keep showing people that you're mine. I'd wipe that smile off your face though if I were you or else I'll make sure your breath smells like me when you interrogate Cat later, maybe even when you go talk to Ethan too.'
A small chuckle escaped him as he watched me climb up his body leaving bites and claw marks in my wake. 'Careful darling your possessiveness is showing.' I glared up at him from his belly before biting him there. He winced slightly but still held that blasted smile. 
I was already turned on just by seeing him nude. He always had that effect on me and he knew that. Once I made it up to straddle him again he pulled my head down to his neck. 'Go on sweet girl. I know you want to.' I moaned into his ear as I rubbed my wetness up and down his hard cock. I laced my left hands fingers in his hair as I latched onto his neck. He lifted my hips slightly and aligned himself up with me and made me slowly sink down on him. I gasped and let go of his neck as he bottomed out completely. 'F-fuck!' I sighed into his neck attaching myself to him yet again as I started to ride him. 
He felt amazing inside of me. Stretching me. I had missed this. We'd be so distracted with work and Diana and my mental health it's taken a toll on our sex life. I pulled myself back and rested my hands on his chest for leverage as I started riding him harder and faster.  'God, that's it. ' He moaned, throwing his head back in ecstacy.  
I dragged my nails down his chest to the end of his happy trail making him buck up into me. His hand moved to my waist as he pulled himself up to cup my ass. He started kissing up and down my neck until he made it to my pulse point and bit. A loud moan escaped me as our movements became more violent.  My hands began clawing at his shoulders and back. 
A whine left me as he pulled me into a gentle kiss. His other movements making me thrash on top of him. My legs started shaking and clenching.  He was the only thing keeping them apart.  'You're almost there sweet girl. Just let go.' I continued gasping and whining as his own thrust became a bit irregular.  My eyes brimmed with tears when he began covering my neck in kisses and bites. My hands caught into his hair as I held him there.
'I- I don't wanna. Not yet.' I was so breathless I wasn't sure if he heard me. He smacked my ass making me let out another moan. A few tears escaped my eyes as I fought against my own orgasm. I didn't want right now to end because the moment it does we will have to actually confront the storm around us. I wasn't ready for that.  
He cupped my face and caressed his thumb along my cheekbone.  'I'm yours. Only yours. All yours.' His thrust became sloppy as he kept kissing me each time he pulled back to speak and our lips were still touching. Caressing. I whined again and clung to him harder. I felt his other hand move between us. The moment his fingers touched my clit I felt myself come undone. He let me ride out my orgasm as he continued to thrust until he came too.
'I love you Mrs Reid. ' He said right before he tossed me off of him so he could get off the bed.  I could feel his cum leaking out of me and I could do nothing but shudder. I was going to yell at him for what he did until he grabbed me by my ankles and jerked me to the edge of the bed, spreading my legs wide. Before I could ask what he was doing his face was buried between my legs and he had me pinned in place by his strong arms and hands. 
'Oh! My god Spencer!' My hands immediately went into his hair as I squirmed from overstimulation. I was gonna cum within seconds. I'm sure he could tell too. It was always so easy drawing orgasms from me when he used his tongue.  
He pulled back and looked up at me, his face glistening with my essence. He kissed my thigh and smiled at me. 'Sweetheart you shouldn't threaten me with something I would enjoy and then not do it.' He buried his face back into my heat bringing me closer to orgasm with each stroke of his tongue.  
'There you go. Cum in my mouth darling. I'll be sure to talk to Cat and Ethan when we go into work first thing. ' I began shaking again as I grinded on his tongue.  With a couple of more licks I was a goner.  I climaxed into his mouth and he ate it up eagerly.  
'I'd say you thoroughly marked me my love. '
By the time we made it into work we were late. I had no regrets though. I could see her smiling at me the whole way Into the building. Obviously admiring her work. She was giddy and to be honest I didn't blame her because I was too. Even if my neck was killing me. Y/N really did a number on me. I was certain I'd get looks had I let anyone see me before I strolled into the interrogation room. This was going to be fun. I could still smell her on my skin and on my breath. I had brought my go bag up so I could clean myself off properly after. As much as I loved having her state her claim on me like this. It wasn't work appropriate nor was it polite to the rest of the team.
I had no idea whether or not my wife followed me here or not. Honestly I didn't really care if she did. This would happen whether she were watching or not regardless. I had let Cat get to close for comfort in more ways than one. 
I sat down in the hard chair across from her and watched as she took in my new markings. Her face contoured from amusement to hatred back to amusement.  'Oh, Spencie looks like you've been a naughty boy. Are you trying to tempt me into ruining you too?' She went to reach up to touch me when the cuffs pulled her back into place. 
'I'm married Cat. Nothing I do with my wife is any of your concern. However what is my concern is where Lindsey is. Why don't you give me a little hint?' My voice came out monotone. I really just wasn't in the mood for today. I much rather be surrounded by someone that wasn't such a pain in my ass. 
She clicked her tongue at me as she let out a laugh. 'What like I'd just give you the answers? Please.' She scoffed. Her eyes never left my neck and I couldn't help but fight a smug smile as her emotions started getting the better of her.
I stayed silent as she thought of what to say next.  'Why don't we play a game first?' She smiled at me, her teeth showing. 'I think it would be more fun.' It was like she was reminding me she was still in control and that made me nauseous. 
'If I guess right to my own assumption I'm gonna need you to tell me what I want to know but if I guess wrong I'll tell you everything I know about Lindsey.' The smile never left her face. Someone like her shouldn't be able to get under my skin.  She was a killer and here I was thinking of how attractive her mind was as if she hadn't killed about 200 people. 
'I'm not playing your games Catherine.  If I heard right you and I aren't playing anymore. It's you and the misses.' I smiled as I got close to her making sure I blew my breath into her face. Her eyes widened as she Jerked herself away from me like I had burned her.
'You're a bastard spencie.' She looked away from me and down at her hands. If I didn't know any better I would say she's trying not to cry.
'What's the matter? You are showing signs of jealousy. Do you wish it was you that did this to me? I leaned away showing off my neck a little as I stretched.  'You love the idea of getting your claws into innocent men especially when they aren't expecting it.' A smile formed on my features as I watched her struggle to make eye contact with me. 
'Well I'm expecting it. I was from the moment we knew you were involved in this case. You are trying to taint me and Mark me as yours.' I pointed to my head and I watched as her eyes followed my hand movement. 'Luckily for me I've already got someone's claws into me and I wouldn't have it any other way.'
I got up to leave when I turned and looked at her
 'Have fun with the other Agent Reid, Miss adams.' I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as I closed the door behind me.
@sassymoon @rainsong01 @onlyhereforthefanfics @itsdars @dreatine
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