#this is slightly old because I forgot it was in my notes app lmao
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oingomyboingos ¡ 1 year ago
Tag 9 people you’d like to know better. I was tagged by the lovely @icannotreadcursive
Last song: spotify tells me it is Honeymoon (Forever) by Hellogoodbye, which is off of my ineffable husbands playlist. I have good omens brain rot rn 😅 accepting fic recs if u have any
Currently reading: I have been slowly churning my way thru Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. 1950s Mexicana socialite must go investigate her cousin’s mysterious illness. the cousin lives in a spooky manor after she has married into the once-rich family of a British aristocrat, whose failed mining enterprise hangs over the town like a spectre. ALSO Tombs by Junji Ito—I very much enjoyed the title story and the one about the deep sea creature.
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Currently watching: Recently finished Kingdom, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s a korean period drama with zombies. The king dies while the queen is waiting to give birth, and the current heir starts a coup. What do you do if you’re from the queen’s clan and desperately want to stay in power? Why, infecting the king’s corpse and turning him into a zombie sounds like a great way to buy time until you have a new heir. The costuming is excellent (THE!!!!! HATS!!!!!!) and the characters are genuinely so likeable.
also going apeshit for star trek lower decks
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Current obsession: I blame david tenant’s wonderful acting because after bingeing good omens 3 times in the past few weeks I have now returned to doctor who and am attempting to watch the 13th doctor. it’s fine. not the best quality writing. Im curious to see where this “lone cyberman” plot goes. the evil microplastics episode was silly. i want to know more about “ruth.” i liked the mary shelley bits, but I am slightly put off by the writers not letting thirteen think on the fly. ten always used to come up with these crazy schemes in the moment. meanwhile, in the mary shelley episode, they keep asking thirteen for help and she goes “yeah my brain isn’t working right now check back later.” like, hm. I don’t like the written in incompetence. or perhaps it’s the phrasing/set up of it that’s getting to me? it’s not that there weren’t challenges that were tough for ten, but the writers’ hand wasn’t so….evident? it always felt like big time lord brain working on the problem. now it’s as if they’re telling us “hush we haven’t gotten there yet so just deal with her being dumb no we will not give you more info yet or a satisfying reason for her to act this way.” i’m also not the biggest fan of the whole “oh look at me i’m talking to myself” jokes. I know they’re trying to make the character quirky and likeable, but the joke wasn’t funny the first time and now i’ve heard it like 8 times. save me. I have heard that her final season is better, so hopefully that’s true. I think I will be taking a break for now though so that I can watch more star trek lol
alrighty I’m supposed to tag 9 people i want to get to know better so! let’s go: @kayliflower @dolly-macabre @cosmosredshift7 @godofsickdreams @idylls-in-juniper @minecraftgender @transathenacykes @lezbfrenz @great-exhibition-of-1851
(only if u want to!)
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makeste ¡ 5 years ago
BnHA Chapter 282: Aizawa Defeeted
Previously on BnHA: Oh my god do we even care about that at this point. Tomura made a speech; Gran Torino died; Deku lost his shit and tried to strangle Tomura to death with his bare hands; Ryuukyuu came back from Wherever She Was and tried to grab Tomura but he punched a hole through her giant hand; and now he’s grabbing his Quirk-Be-Gone bullets and is ready to cause some mayhem okay?? That about sum it up?? Is anyone even reading this?? CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH IT I’VE WAITED AN ENTIRE WEEK.
Today on BnHA: Well I guess let’s start with what doesn’t happen: Bakugou doesn’t lose his quirk. HE LUCKED OUT!!... for now, anyways. Because, thanks to a near-impossible-to-predict series of events (seriously, raise your hands if you had “Aizawa gets shot but goes full World War Z on his own ass” on your bingo card), Tomura has seemingly regained his regeneration powers, which means that his other quirks are probably back online as well! So we’ll see how that all goes. Anyway so in the meantime Shouto’s back, looking very mad that everyone temporarily forgot he was a main character. And Gigantomachia is back as well! Or almost, anyway. Also, you’ll never guess who broke another one of his arms! Go on, guess. But at least he still has the arm, though, which is more than we can say for certain other people’s limbs. Poor Aizawa is literally on his last leg. He and Tomura really got off on the wrong foot. He chopped his leg off, is what I’m saying. It’s that kind of chapter folks.
you guys I’m losing my whole fucking mind. I straight up deleted the tumblr app off my phone for 24 hours so that I wouldn’t be tempted to log in and risk potentially being spoiled. and I’m happy to say that it worked! so here we are now, completely spoiler free, and let me just say that if Horikoshi decides to cut back to Gunga Mountain now, I will either cry for hours or abandon the series forever and go do something more productive with the rest of my quarantine like learning how to play sad songs on the guitar
all right. here goes
so we’re opening with Deku, who is currently comprised of 100% rage and 0% mercy, and is doing that thing where only the whites of his eyes are visible. and basically he’s just thinking “I’VE REALLY GOT TO HOLD ON TO THIS GUY AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T DO ANYTHING ELSE HOMICIDAL.” which is a solid game plan, but perhaps not so easily accomplished
-- oh my god this poor kid is still in denial, I can’t. why are you doing this
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is there even still a Gran Torino to tend to at this point? after Tomura bulldozed a hole through his torso, and you went and finished the job with your own fucking attack? sob
but I guess the law of Tragic Shounen Mentor Deaths mandates that Gran’s should be at least as drawn-out as Nighteye’s was, though. so he’s probably only Mostly Dead, which is still Slightly Alive if I remember my Princess Bride correctly, and I think I do
so now the rest of these stooges are finally catching up with us here
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yes, my friends. a bullet. WELCOME TO MY LIFE FOR THE PAST FUCKING WEEK. anyways I have a LOT of pent-up energy here just fyi. there may be a lot of unnecessary screaming in this recap
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(ETA: fun fact: this attack did absolutely nothing except make things approximately 100x worse. but you tried Deku. you tried.)
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anyway so if you’re just joining us, Tomura just pulled two bullets out of his pocket, the good guys finally noticed, and then Deku did a smash and everything exploded. the radius of this attack actually looks wide enough to have potentially involved Aizawa, who probably does NOT want to get any debris in his eyes right now, and also Gran, who probably doesn’t particularly want to be hit by another deadly attack for the third time in the past ninety seconds. anyway so I guess what I’m trying to say here is WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT YOU LITTLE GREEN LUNATIC
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he got the one!! the one that was in Tomura’s right hand!! but what about the one in his left ahhhhhhh
(ETA: lmao at Kacchan being the one to blow up the same bullet I was so sure he was going to be shot with. saw the writing on the wall, huh kid? what do we say to the god of foreshadowing?? ‘NOT TODAY.’ ...except that we’re still not actually out of the woods yet so you still better watch yourself lol.)
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based on the font here, these are Tomura’s thoughts. which he is thinking immediately after getting the lower half of his jaw very painfully cronched by the VERY homicidal sixteen-year-old still clinging to him. anyway so Tomura’s thought processes are as inscrutable to me as ever lulz
and Deku’s arm looks broken again, yaaaaay. but at least it’s his left arm and not his right! so that’s nice. now they can match
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my reading process here is as follows: 1) scroll down exactly one panel. 2) scream even though absolutely nothing has happened yet. 3) WRITE THAT DOWN 4) REPEAT
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YOU GUYS IT REALLY HIT AIZAWA AND NO ONE DID A GODDAMN THING?? it wasn’t even drawn out or anything??? it just HAPPENED, within like four pages??? NO SLOW MO?? NOT EVEN A REACTION PANEL WHAT THE FUCK
son of a bitch I would so dearly like to grab Manual and RockLockRock’s heads right now and just conk them together real hard. YOU STUPID FUCKS sob YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! IT REALLY WAS JUST ONE!! AND YOU WERE SHARING IT!! SO IT’S MORE LIKE HALF A JOB!! AND YOU STILL COCKED IT UP IN ABSOLUTELY NO TIME AT ALL OH MY GOD
(ETA: they should blow this panel up and make it into a t-shirt and make Manual and RLR wear the shirts every day for the rest of their lives. half a job, you guys. please go away I cannot even look at you right now.)
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(ETA: I still can’t figure out if this horrific angle is due to the earlier damage from the Noumu, or if Tomura really just flung the bullet THAT hard. honestly I’m surprised it didn’t just slice right through him with that kind of velocity. “no thanks because then I wouldn’t get to write a scene where he chops his own leg off” oh okay well when you put it that way, Horikoshi.)
if I recall correctly this is the leg that he said was “twisted”, no? yeesh. might just want to chop it off real quick, then. s’not like it’s doing you any more good. does anyone know if zombie rules apply or not with this sort of thing?? shit
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“THANKS”?? okay what. did it hit him or not??
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jesus fucking christ. when I said “might just want to chop it off real quick” literally FOUR PARAGRAPHS AGO, I can tell you that the one thing I did NOT expect was for Aizawa to be all, “you know what, that’s a good idea”, and then YOINK OUT HIS TRUSTY HERO SHANK AND GO FULL 127 HOURS ON THIS BITCH. "LALALA WE’RE GONNA DO IT RATIONALLY TEEHEE” like excuse me, the fuck
anyways. I don’t even know what to say. thank you Aizawa’s leg for your sacrifice, and for always supporting him. literally. oh my god I came here ready for my son to enter a new phase of character development, and for the manga as a whole to enter a new phase of glorious, glorious angst. no one told me I’d be sitting here making puns instead. what a fine, confusing day
anyway though let’s just fucking hope it worked. and side note, if Aizawa Shouta really did chop off his own fucking leg just now and somehow STILL managed not to fucking blink, I think we might as well just go ahead and hand him the Biggest Badass In The Series award right now because no one is ever going to top that. nope. not happening
it is truly a testament to Shigaraki Tomura’s unfathomably mysterious sexy villain energy that he still somehow manages to look hot with only half a face
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also no one in this manga actually feels pain, do they. not Deku, not Aizawa, not Tomura, no one. no wonder none of them have any self-preservation instincts to speak of
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did someone just randomly explode just now. at this point it might as well happen, right
oh it’s the shockwave from Deku’s Wyoming attack, apparently. how nice of it to have a delayed reaction for absolutely no reason
anyway so Deku’s being flung back, but he’s grabbing onto Tomura again with Blackwhip. but oh shit you guys, if Tomura escapes Deku and Ryuukyuu’s clutches and still has any bullets left in his pocket, we may still be able to salvage this Bakugou quirk situation after all. would be nice to be able to actually do something with all of these “happy quirk losing day” balloons that I ordered
(ETA: actually, believe it or not I honestly like this better. Tomura using AFO was always the more dramatic option anyway. and now that we’ve done the bullet thing everyone has presumably let their guard down again, which, good.)
I love how Tomura apparently hasn’t noticed that Aizawa’s just amputated his own leg? to be fair he’s probably distracted by all the explosions and such
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also gotta love how Deku’s arm-breaking attack seemingly just made everything worse for no reason. and also how Manual and RockLockRock are once again just standing there doing absolutely nothing
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just like we all saw coming!! ...
so is this Endeavor’s attack?? Bakugou’s?? either way, hot damn. fortunately for Tomura he is apparently operating under the same guidelines as the U.S. Federal Reserve, in which mutilated bills may still be exchanged at face value if more than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present. basically as long as roughly half of him is still vaguely Tomura-shaped I assume he’ll be fine
(ETA: in hindsight I should have immediately been able to identify this as a Shouto attack based solely on how murdery it was lol.)
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a LOT. of smashing, guys. feels like... 60% smashing, 20% severed legs, 20% Kranch
-- oh no oh SHIT oh shit oh shit
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(ETA: um so I really can’t tell how far that wound extends and whether or not Aizawa still has his right eye, shit.)
first of all how did Deku get here next to Aizawa when he was just over there with Tomura, what. and second, I think Aizawa just blinked, oh shit. probably on the verge of passing out after CHOPPING HIS OWN LEG OFF which STILL hasn’t been acknowledged yet?? did I just completely misinterpret all of that back there or what
(ETA: there was seriously so little attention called to this that I scrolled back up to confirm it probably like half a dozen times. apparently Horikoshi thinks that THE MOST BADASS THING TO EVER HAPPEN IN THE MANGA should be completely downplayed. whereas if it were me, there’d be an entire two page spread of JUST THE LEG. WITH MUSIC PLAYING. EVEN THOUGH IT’S A MANGA.)
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look at him though. he’s so happy. this is why I can’t stay mad at you no matter how deranged you get you little maniac
so is quirk-stealing back on the menu then or what. don’t think I’ve been lulled into any kind of false sense of security by any of this lol
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so Todoroki really went after them ALONE. the better to put his dad right back up at the top of the Lose Your Quirk Sweepstakes finalists. well... second-to-top, maybe. like I said I will not be lulled
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why do I feel like the odds of Gigantomachia arriving to herald the end of this chapter just shot up DRAMATICALLY
so the next page is almost entirely just a list of cities that the news anchor is telling people to evacuate because they’re in Machia’s path. along with a bunch of dead heroes lying around everywhere, and Ochako being all ominous
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(: weren’t they, though? heh. this is going to be so, so bad (: (: (:
-- fuuuuuuuuuuu
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aaaaaand that’s it. hahahaha. okay then let’s summarize
Bakugou defied all expectations and kept his quirk (FOR NOW)!
Kranch showed up after 157 years and is probably wondering why the heck I keep calling him “Kranch” now. THINGS CHANGE WHEN YOU’RE MIA FOR A WHILE MY LITTLE STARBUCKS CHRISTMAS CUP
Deku broke his arm for the 78th time
Tomura regenerated but seems to think Aizawa’s quirk is actually gone for good, which I’m pretty sure it’s not. so if they can keep him from destroying everything long enough for Aizawa to turn it back on again, we might possibly still survive this
and lastly, Machia is about to kill all of these stupid people frolicking around outside of this fitness club who are probably so proud of themselves for not being glued to their phones 24/7 because they prefer to LIVE LIFE IN THE MOMENT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. well that’s on you my friends. at least it’ll be a quick death. ffff
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snowpeawritings ¡ 6 years ago
Hi, long time lurker here requesting for the first time! Can I have scenarios (or headcanons if not possible) of Ren/Akira seriously trying to win back his S/O after borderline-cheating on her (with either Ann or Makoto)? If you could really play up the hurt/comfort factor, that would be great--I'm kind of a sucker for those. Thank you so much!
this got too long who o ps. consider it as thanks for keeping up with my super long hiatus!
Reader is female
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12:00 PM: I’m here at LeBlanc, where are u?
12:30 PM: How long do u have to take to get ready? U must be worse than me lmao
12:53 PM: Srsly where tf r u
1:00 PM: Ur not even in ur room so what the shit akira
             Where are you????
1:38 PM: Oi
You started a call with 💍Darling♥️💍
← Oct 24 at 2:00 PM
Call ended at 2:32 PM
“Not even a seen…” You muttered to yourself as the call ended when you pressed the close button. Wait for as long as you could, it felt like your spam messages aren’t getting through to him. You placed your phone on the counter and sighed, leaning on the counter with your chin propped on your hands. The cafe droned away with only an elderly couple talking and the TV going on with the news.
You clutched your stomach when it was growling. You were supposed to meet with Akira and eat at a cute cafe that just opened in Akihabara but that was supposed to be two hours ago. Sojiro’s curry has never felt more appetizing than it was now.
Speaking of curry, the aroma of the trademark food was stronger than before. You looked down and blinked when you spotted a dish of freshly cooked curry together with a spoon that seemed to have your name engraved on it.
“You looked like you needed it.” A deep voice said in front of you. You looked up to see Sojiro leaning on the counter, a slight tilt on the corner of his lips that seemed like a tiny grin.
Letting a smile cross your face, you thanked the man as you picked up the spoon and dug on the curry. When the flavor hits your tongue, you let out a happy groan of approval when the spices meshed together beautifully in your mouth. For a moment, you forgot what you were even waiting for in Leblanc
“That hungry huh?” He said dryly, raising a brow. “I thought that young girls like you are conscious of eating too much?”
You covered your mouth before speaking. “Me and Akira were supposed to eat somewhere else for lunch so I thought I shouldn’t eat anything.”
With that in mind, you looked down at your almost finished plate, suddenly feeling sick. “Guess that went wrong, huh?”
It wasn’t that the idea of Akira ditching you made you squirm, it was the fact that this was repetitive. You understood that his school work was tiring, but it shouldn’t be so bad as to cancelling dates at the last second for three weeks?
This was too much for you to handle.
You didn’t even realize that Sojiro had his hand on your shoulder, a comforting action that you thanked the man for.
“Well, I know that I’m not much for good company,” He started, “but maybe I can help you feel less lonely.”
Feeling that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, you nodded and began to tell him about whatever topic you could come up with. As time goes on, Akira was the farthest on your mind as you were pleasantly surprised that Sojiro could keep up with you… not that you had any doubt that the old coot is stronger than you in some way.
Sojiro had bidden you goodbye as you exited the cafe. He would’ve walked with you to make sure you were safe but he had to keep the cafe in check despite being the night. He cleaned the plate of your curry (“Free of charge. Don’t wanna charge a lonely lady.”), the sound of water running on the dirty dishes was a calming noise to him as the stress of today’s work flown by. The TV continued on endlessly with the news, the hype of the Phantom Thieves, the sudden hate for the police, and whatever politics that left Sojiro a sour taste in his mouth. He counted the tasks in his head; after washing the dishes, he should turn off the TV and count the bills that he was slightly behind and then—
“Sojiro, I’m home.”
—He should buy some cat food since he doesn’t know why that boy kept the cat in his bag when he goes out. The kid himself walked in with Morgana not-so covertly hiding as he set his bag on the table and stretched his back. An audible crack followed with.
“So where have you been?” Sojiro asked him.
He wasn’t the type to ask him about how his day went but when he remembers your nearly crying face, he had to know.
Akira blinked, looking as though he as well find the question surprising. “I’ve been at my part-time job, the flower shop at the underground mall. Like a law-abiding citizen.”
The slight cheek at the end didn’t went unnoticed. Sojiro blames himself to show the kid his snark. “Check your phone.”
Akira wordlessly drew his phone from his pocket and raised his brow at the sudden influx of message notifications and a missed call. He unlocked his phone and tapped the messenger app. To his horror, he saw your messages and he winced at the different timestamps.
“Judging by that wince of yours, you didn’t even notice your phone going off.” Sojiro concluded, mouth turning into a frown each passing second. “Poor girl had to wait for hours just waiting for you to show up.”
From behind Akira, he heard Morgana seethed through his teeth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Akira did was incredibly idiotic.
“I-I was too busy.” Akira excused quickly. “So I didn’t notice.”
Sojiro clicked his tongue, his patience wavering a little bit. “Like hell you do. You keep talking to her on the phone like it’s the end of the world the moment you let it go. There’s no way that you can miss her calls.”
Yells of his teammates flashed in his mind, the sounds of spells casting out was fresh as the bruises on his skin were beginning to burn. Akira turned his head away from Sojiro’s scrutinizing stare, feeling like he was back at the questioning room. He wasn’t ready for this.
“Well, whatever the hell you did, it made her upset.” Sojiro said, giving up when Akira wouldn’t give a direct answer. “Meet her in person, fix this goddamn relationship of yours and prove that you’re not just another punk.”
If it were any other time, Akira would’ve joked that Sojiro’s words were the most comforting ones that could ever come out of his mouth. But he bit his cheek and nodded, making a mental note to cancel all Phantom Thief meetings for the next week.
You looked at the ‘Seen at 8:52 PM’ and wondered if Akira might be having second thoughts about your relationship.
He didn’t even let you know what he thinks when he saw your onslaught of messages. Then again, maybe he didn’t because he gave you space (which worked… for a while until you lost sleep wondering why the hell did he only seen it). You did recall that he had a part-time job but you were pretty sure that job didn’t take that long.
Not unless he had another activity to go afterwards…
Eyes only focused on the screen, you didn’t notice a familiar figure right in front of your desk. Slim hands covered your own as black hair tickled your forehead.
As much as comforting his voice could be, you didn’t want to even look at his slate eyes. You kept your head down but didn’t bother to remove his hands. He seemed to catch this, however, as he slowly pried your phone away and cupped your hands in his.
“Please, let me explain.”
He was persistent, a trait in which you both hated and loved. You were biased on his persistence that made him worm through your walls and eventually into your heart.
Letting out a sigh, you lifted your head to meet his eyes. Slate eyes that seemingly dripped with a million apologies. If this didn’t happened before, you would’ve apologized to him instead.
“This isn’t the first time, Kurusu.” You whispered. “You know that, don’t you?”
He sighed out through his nose. “I know and I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
“And you better not be wasting it this time.”
He winced, but regained his composure. “I know I messed up but I had a lot to go through and I forgot the time and then—”
Akira paused when he saw your scowl. “My reasons aren’t getting to you, are they?”
You raised your brow.
He sighed, standing up to his full height but still held a grasp on your hands. “Look, I would tell you about my reasons but… I really can’t.”
“Don’t you think that it’s a great time to tell them?” You said dryly.
His mouth suddenly went dry. “I—”
“Save it.” You spat, getting your hands back from him as you glared at his agape expression. “I can’t stop you from whatever it is you do, but you’d think to spare some time for your girlfriend after the first argument?”
Your little outburst garnered a bit of attention from the class so you covered your face with your hands and groaned. “Just please leave me alone.”
You didn’t hear him say anything else but you did hear footsteps slowly receding until they were gone. Letting your head fall down on your desk, you groaned out once more as you felt your eyes water.
If you can’t go to that cafe in Akihabara, then you might as well go their yourself.
The district was teeming with electronic media that it made your eyes hurt from the lights. Not only that, but there were so many cosplayers and anime fanatics that you had to steer clear from. But not matter what the distractions, you were going to eat there and it’s totally not that you were hungry for the cute animal-shaped food.
Spotting the pastel-colored building, you sped up your pace. Your stomach was already growling and the display of foods on the window is making it more prominent. The Rilakkuma-shaped omurice is enticing, but then again the Anpanman bread is super cute as well…
Before you could even decide, you spotted a familiar mop of black hair at the corner of your eye. You would’ve disregarded it but seeing the head of a black cat pop out of its bag was enough to send you reeling.
The person soon disappeared into the crowds. You debated for a while, thinking whether to follow the person or not but the one who was behind you was beginning to pester you on why you weren’t moving.
With a sigh, you ran away from the restaurant and followed the person. You apologized to every person you’ve bumped into, keeping the black-haired person in your sights. Huffing at how fast this person is going, you might as well be chasing Ryuji who removed his hair dye. Still, no one had black hair that curly.
Luckily you were beginning to walk into an open area; an electronics street that not a lot of people visited. Your head craned around for the person, hoping to see them once more for a good look.
Yet like magic, the person appeared in front of an electronics store, with a smaller woman standing next to him–
Suddenly you weren’t feeling so good.
The image of Akira and Makoto together had crushed your insides.
Akira’s habit of staring down at his phone would probably worsen his eyesight.
The strings of messages he’d sent to you went completely unnoticed. Even when he went home after working in the airsoft shop, you didn’t even drop a seen. Maybe he really did screw it up this time.
Setting his bag down on his desk, Morgana leaped out from the bag and stretched his legs. The cat soon caught on with his leader’s attitude. “Is it your lady again?”
Akira took a cursory glance at his feline companion before looking back down at his phone. It didn’t take much for the cat to make a guess.
“I know that we’ve been busy with the whole Phantom Thieves but you know we’re already at a big risk if more people know about us.”
Akira scoffed, looking indignantly at the cat. “You didn’t say anything when Kawakami and Yoshida found out.”
Morgana winced at his words, knowing that among the non-Phantom Thief confidants he’s made already knew of his secrets. “Well… they’re different! They provide valuable assets for the team unlike her!”
“She’s valuable to me.” Akira cut him off. “She’s been there for me despite my records, despite getting the same backlash as I have.”
The phone stared back at him, the hint of his reflection showing his solemn expression. “She makes me happy.”
Morgana sighed through his nose. This was troubling his leader far more than he realized. If this continues on, it would eat Akira from the inside, thus making missions in the Metaverse absolute hell if their leader isn’t in the game.
Sometimes, he loathes being the only sane one in the group.
Before he could even utter his sentiments, a booming voice echoed from downstairs, a voice that both of them never heard being uttered from their caretaker.
“AKIRA!” Sojiro’s voice boomed. “Get your ass in here and start explaining!”
The teen turned to Morgana who had the same shocked expression on his face. Wordlessly, Akira stood up and went downstairs, Morgana following suite. When Akira went downstairs, he saw Sojiro leaning against the counter, a piece of something in his fist and his foot tapping impatiently. His face was twisted in a snarl which twisted even more when he saw Akira come downstairs.
He was afraid to ask but he was probably in shit’s creek already. “Is there something wrong, Sojiro?”
The man didn’t respond at first, letting his angered breathing permeate the room before stomping up to Akira and shoving the object at his chest.
“You’re in deep shit.” He said lowly. “I don’t what the hell were you thinking but you’ve messed up big time.”
He brushed off the pain blooming in his chest from Sojiro’s shove before looking down at the object. The pain soon blossomed into a weight that crushed his heart.
The promise ring that he’s given you was in his hands.
“So that’s it, huh?”
Makoto furrowed her brow when she saw her leader hung his head down. Not once in her life did she ever see the confident Joker look so depressed. His bloodshot eyes were a stark contrast against the bags under his eyes as his glasses were more smudged than ever. Even if she’d given him a cloth to wipe his glasses, she wonders if he didn’t try to remove them when he wiped his tears.
“If I had known this had come to this, I would’ve stopped asking you to come with me when we were checking on one of the students.”
He didn’t say anything, opting to bang his head against the table as he sighed. Maybe the school council room wasn’t best place to conduct a relationship counselling but it was better than anywhere else.
“I don’t know much about you and her, much less relationships in general but I feel guilty for making her leave you.” Makoto said to him. “I’m going to help you get back together with her. No matter what.”
Akira lifted his head and Makoto had to suppress a wince when he looked more miserable like that. “Thanks… I have a plan… and I need your help.”
Makoto Niijima changed in a few weeks and you don’t know whether you liked it or you envied it.
Somehow she grew more confident in the time of the Kaneshiro incident. She was more assertive, more outgoing, more open to helping her fellow students without backing down from her own sense of justice.
That type of confidence is something that you wanted to have. Maybe then Akira would’ve stayed with you.
Speaking of the student council president, you now stared back at the brunette as she warmly smiled.
“Sorry to bother you like this,” She said your name, “but is it okay if you would come to the student council room after school?”
You crossed your arms, not particularly liking where this is going. “For what reason, may I ask?”
She still kept her smile. “You’re not in trouble or anything. It’s just that there are a lot of victims of the Kaneshiro incident that left students in debt. I want to ask them whether they were affected or not so I can ensure that they would be alright.”
You can’t really deny that. A lot of your classmates were victims of the case and even when you pressed them, they would just brush you off. Maybe they didn’t want to involve you in their problems or that you were the girlfriend of Akira. Maybe both.
Letting out a sigh, you nodded at her. When she thanked you, you swore you saw her eyes crinkle with excitement.
Soon, the school bell rang as you packed up your things. Remembering that you had a meeting with Makoto, you begrudgingly went to the room. Maybe if you ditched the meeting, you wouldn’t sock her teeth in everytime the image of her and Akira together pops up in your mind but it just wouldn’t sit right by your morality.
Reaching at the doors, you slid them open and entered. “Niijima-senpai? I’m here.”
You looked around the room before your eyes landed on a figure you never wanted to see. Before you could escape, an audible click resounded behind you as you tried to move the now-locked doors.
“Sorry!” Makoto’s voice echoed behind them. “But it’s for yours and his own good!”
Akira now stood in front of you, his lips pursed into a thin line. He wasn’t looking like his usual, trickster self with his sunken face but your anger clouded that.
“What the shit, dude.” You spat, not even bothering to hide your annoyance.
Akira didn’t say anything. From the corner of your eye, you noticed that he had something in his hand but you didn’t say anything. Not until your anger subsides which will possibly never happen.
Before you could say anything else, he took your hands in his and held them close to his chest. “Whatever you saw, whatever people said to you, they don’t mean anything.”
Your eyes widened when his voice cracked at the end. His original bloodshot eyes were beginning to go redder with each tear rolling down. You never saw this side of him.
“Please…” He whimpered. “Don’t leave me, please. In my time here at Shojin, you were my source of happiness when life brought me down. You made me so happy that I never wanted to let you go…”
His body racked with sobs and soon you felt his tears hit on your face as he let out a pained gasp. You couldn’t even blink, fearing that he might really break down if you turned away from him.
Your back hit the door softly, letting Akira lean on your forehead before sinking down with each passing plea. He had his head on your chest when you felt your own tears forming. Akira didn’t seem to notice you crying, his knees giving away until he was kneeling in front of you, crying in your hands. You felt tears and snot on your hands but you were sure that you weren’t faring better.
“I l-love you t-too much…!” He rasped out, letting go of your hands and instead wrapped his arms around your waist, his head on your stomach. “Don’t leave m-me, please!”
At this point, your sobs were joining with his in the student council room. Without even thinking, you knelt down in front of him and hugged him back. The sight was messy and no one probably noticed Makoto leaving the door unlocked when she heard her leader’s cries.
Throughout the episode, the ring in Akira’s hand felt lighter when you forgave him.
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gguktastic ¡ 8 years ago
He Tasted Like Love // D. H. X READER
NOTE : I didn't exactly understand the 'doesn't want kids' part, so I'm just gonna see it as 'is not ready for a relationship'. I'm so sorry for disappointing :( Warnings - swear words, vague mention of sex, very very boring and shit. ALSO YA'LL I HATE MYSELF I HAD THIS WRITTEN AND THEN I FORGOT ABOUT THIS I AM SORRY TO WHOEVER LOOK FORWARD TO IT LETS GO ON TO THE FANFIC SHALL WE // "DAN! PHIL! IN THE KITCHEN, THIS FUCKING INSTANT!" It was a rainy and miserable Saturday, and all I wanted were some mini Easter eggs to snack on, seeing as my room mates had bought them for a YouTube video on their very famous channel, but hadn't used them in the end. However, when I slouched to the kitchen to have some, well, you can guess what I discovered. Dan and Phil both grumpily walked into the kitchen. "[Y/N], it's fucking ten AM, you'd better have a good reason to wake us up at such an early hour," said Dan. Cue eye roll. "Who ate the mini Easter eggs?" I asked, cutting straight to the point. Both the boys straightened up, their cheeks painted in a light blush. "I'm sorry for eating a quarter of it, [Y/N]," said Dan, evidently guilty. "Ugh, whatever." "I'm sorry for eating the mini Easter eggs, [Y/N]!" Said Phil. I smiled at him. "It's okay, Phil. Just don't do that next time." Dan flared up. "What?!" He said, his voice high pitched. "So I'm dismissed rudely for eating, like, just a quarter of the pack, and Phil here is given a smile for eating the rest of it? This isn't fair!" He yelled, like a toddler. I laughed. "Dan! You're not a five year old anymore. Deal with it." Saying so, I simply walked out of the kitchen after pouring myself a bowlful of Dan's cereal. Right after me, Dan stomped out, and Phil stayed behind to give me a high-five (which completely flopped). Hello there. My name is [Y/N], and I'm a [INSERT DREAM CAREER HERE]. Three years ago, I found an advertisement in the newspaper by some Dan and Phil, who were apparently looking for a room mate. Since my current room mate threw wild parties at the apartment every other day and made me help her clean up, which basically meant she would sleep off her hangover, and I would end up cleaning the whole thing. On top of that, I'd been paying her monthly rent for around two years. Since I couldn't really afford to pay two people's rent or rent out an apartment of my own, I decided to ring the guys, whom I met the next day as I looked at their apartment after a coffee with them. I found out they were actually big-time YouTubers, so I pointed out that giving off their address and phone number like that could get them some serious stalkers. They said they had thought about it, and had decided to use a different phone number for calling, and to actually meet the person before taking them to their apartment to show them around. Still, dangerous. I, to this day, still didn't know why they were looking for a room mate, but I longer really cared. All that mattered was that none of them had tried to get in my pants. I was a sister to them, and to me, they were like brothers. However, I'm not going to deny that I have had a crush on Dan ever since I moved in, three years ago. I mean, could you blame me? Tall, dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, and those dimples? Irresistible. I shook my head, and proceeded to drown my feelings out with cereal. // Two days later, I waved goodbye to them as they got into a cab, on their way to the airport to leave for Singapore, and then, Australia, for a YouTube event. I sighed as the cab sped off. 'It's getting bored for a week now, great.' A day later, I was sitting in the lounge, re watching old episodes of Attack On Titan, wincing at all the gore and blood, when all of a sudden my phone began to explode with notifications. When I say 'explode with notifications', my phone literally fell of the table because it was vibrating that much. Twitter. Tumblr. Instagram. What on Earth even happened? I opened tumblr first, that's what mattered. All I saw on my dashboard was a picture of Dan, standing in front of the Merlion statue, mouth open, and in such a position that it looked like the water spouting out of the Merlion's mouth seemed like it was going directly into Dan's mouth. The caption? 'Yes quench my thirst Merlion dad.' I face palmed. Typical Dan. I scrolled a bit, and came across a picture of Phil, attempting the same thing Dan did and completely missing. I laughed, shaking my head. Those two, I swear. Again, two hours later, my phone exploded with notifications, thankfully not falling off the table this time (mostly because I was sensible enough to keep it away from the edge of the table.) I opened my Twitter this time. All I saw were the words 'Dan' and 'ripped jeans'. I finally found a picture. God damn. I'm not going to lie at all, but Dan look hot in ripped jeans, and my eyes bugged out looking at the picture of him. Oh lord, I need to stop. I got some more of Dan's cereal, to drown my feelings out: again. // A few days later, I woke up to the same thing happening. What did Dan do this time? I chose to go for Dan's Instagram this time. I felt my heart stop for a second. It was Dan, sat on a stool, wearing ripped jeans, and a long, feminine-cut flannel shirt. There was a smirk on his face, as he sat, legs apart. My breathing felt laboured. Oh, fuck. I immediately took a screenshot of the picture, and opened up the Messages app, just to shoot a quick text to Dan. [Y/N] - What is up with that fuckboi selfie? I sent the screenshot. A minute later, I got a reply. Danyul - Lmao I thought I was looking good wait I am looking good rite ;)) I laughed and replied. [Y/N] - you looked good but kinda like a fuck boy, js Danyul - ugh I want to kms now [Y/N] - nO you look like a good fuckboi Danyul - omfg what is wrong with u what is a good fuckboi [Y/N] - ugh whatever, I'll Skype you guys after your show, text me when ur done Danyul - lmao okay fine then ttyl enjoy the silence at home [Y/N] - I will dw, you enjoy australia Dan and Phil's meet and greet had probably started, that could be why he didn't reply, but just read the text. // "What the hell were you thinking, Dan?" I was skyping with the boys, and as soon as they picked up my Skype call, I called out Dan for the mirror selfie he'd posted a few hours earlier. "So I wasn't looking good?" He asked, a smirk on his face. Phil laughed as I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Yes, Danny boi, you looked good, kind of like a fuckboi - a good looking one at that - and you probably made the hearts of around a million girls from around the world stop and cause their 'deaths', as far as I saw on tumblr. Also, Phil, if you ever take a fuckboi selfie like that, apparently people are going to 'float out of their body and transcend into nine different dimensions," I said, making Dan laugh like a hyena and Phil stick out his tongue in the adorable way he does when he laughs. "You can tell them all, that is not happening any time soon," Phil said, and I laughed in reply. "Well I'm going to change out of these clothes now because my sweatpants are calling my name, I'll be right back," said Dan, disappearing into the bathroom with a pair of sweatpants and a tee. "[Y/N], spill." Demanded Phil, as soon as he thought Dan was out of earshot. I was taken aback, confused. "Spill? About what?" "Um? About the fact that you really, really 'like' like Dan?" I blushed visibly. "I - but - just that, I'm not ready for a relationship yet," I say, my voice getting quieter by the second. Phil's face softened and looked almost sad. "Todd?" "Todd." Todd was my ex-boyfriend, whom I broke up with only a few months ago after I found out that his 'helpful' colleague had been way too 'helpful' to him. It just made me not trust anyone else at all for a while and mainly just stop thinking about being in a relationship. I jumped back to the present as I heard Dan shut the bathroom door behind him and enter the frame. Phil and I put our happy faces back on as we talked till the sun came up, the dim light seeping through my partially open curtains. // "[Y/N], I'm hurt! Why wouldn't you come to pick us up from the airport?" Dan yelled, as soon as him and Phil entered through the front door of our apartment. I ran down the stairs to the actual door to the apartment. "Well, Dan and Phil, you'll find out when you go get changed and come into the kitchen!" I said, panting after the exercise. They looked at me, then each other, then shrugged. "[Y/N], it'd better be good, I'm still a bit offended." Said Dan, making Phil and I laugh as he nudged my shoulder while going up the stairs. In reply, Phil obviously raised his eyebrows at me and I bit my lip, slightly shrugging. Phil smiled and patted my shoulder as he climbed up the stairs and walked past me to get to his room. As soon as they were both in their rooms, I got my 'surprise' - successfully green velvet cupcakes after their fail at making them green once before- out of the oven, a sweet smell spreading around the kitchen. I then 'silently' ran to my room, grabbing a bunch of pillows. Phil was the first one to get out of his room, dressed in his classic, old gengar shirt and a pair of Star Wars pyjamas. I gently threw a pillow at him, Phil struggling to catch it. We had a mental conversation. 'Pillow fight?' 'Pillow fight.' 'Attack Dan when he gets out of the room?' 'Attack Dan when he gets out of the room.' We nodded, and put our backs to the walls on either side of the door, clutching our pillows tightly. We had to keep ourselves from bursting into giggles, but after a few minutes of waiting, we finally heard the doorknob turning. I looked up at Phil, and we grinned. 3... 2... 1... The door opened fully and I yelled out a war cry, slamming my pillow onto Dan's face, and then so did Phil. I threw the third and last pillow towards Dan, and Phil and I ran. It must've taken a moment for Dan to realise what was happening, because I was almost to the lounge when I heard Dan's footsteps on the floor. I stopped for a breath in front of the lounge, but Dan caught up. He was only a few steps behind me when I made the stupid decision of running into the lounge, which Dan then rushed into, closing the door behind him so I had no escape. He grinned evilly, and I resorted to darting to different sides of the room to avoid his pillow, but then I felt his arms around my waist, and I squealed. I felt myself rise up a few centimetres from the floor. "Dan! Let me go!" I said, giggling. I heard Dan laugh as he set me down on the floor again. I decided to run while I could, but me being me, I stubbed my toe on the edge of a couch. I fell to the floor, groaning in pain. Dan sat down beside me. "You're the only person I can trust to do something like that," he said, chuckling. I pouted, lightly hitting him on the shoulder. "Daaaaan," I whined. "It huuuuurts." I pouted some more. To make it feel better, Dan stomped his heel on the toe I had stubbed. I sharply gasped, and Dan burst out in his hyena laugh. All of a sudden, I felt him draw me closer to him, his arms around my waist, his head resting in the crook of my neck, bodies close together. After a second of not realising what was happening, I finally clasped my hands behind his neck, hugging him back. He smelt of vanilla and coffee; he felt like a summer day after months of winter. His breath against my cold neck, hot. "Hey, [Y/N], I know it's a really hard time for you after Tony, and you're really, really brave to be dealing with it like this, sometimes I forget that something so shit has happened to someone as beautiful as you; it shouldn't have, ever." His chapped lips forming the words against the bare skin of my neck sent shivers down my spine: the good kind. I let the first of the tears fall, wetting his shirt. When Dan hugged me tighter, pulling us together so close that I could feel his heartbeat, I let go. "[Y/N]. I know you won't like this, but I just have to say that I really, really like you. I overheard you talking to Phil about me the other day, and since then, I've been thinking, and I really, really, really like you. You can say no, I would understand." I pulled away from the hug, eyes wide, and hesitantly pulled him in for a kiss. He tasted like mint chocolate; his lips were softer sandpaper against my completely smooth lips. His hand was warm as it cupped my cheek, the other hand behind my back, pulling me closer to him. He tasted like love.
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