#this is shorter than most of my fics - probably because I planned for more
luckycharms1701 · 3 months
*comes sliding into your inbox and excitedly crashes you into a tight bear hug*
OMIGOSH CAPTAIN KIRSTEN YOU’RE BACK! How are you sweet thing!? I’m so glad to hear that your request box is open again! I’m so excited to see what wondrous words you’ll dazzle us with next!
I just had the most splendiferous like EVER, and I can’t believe I hadn’t thought about it sooner. But you like Peepaw Leo right? And I like Peepaw Leo.
So I was thinking like you know…maybe if you’re feeling up for it (if and only if of course) you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts on how F!Leo would react to someone who’s generally super amiable and confident with all the other and resistance members, suddenly turns almost painfully polite an awkward around him. (This is legit how I act around people who I think are attractive) It happens so much to the point that he thinks they don’t him when in reality, they like him so much it flusters them to the point they don’t know how to act around them.
Basically I just wanna see how a “mature” Leo would act when he realizes someone likes him so much they can’t function 😆
Once again, this is just an idea to get those creative juices flowing, so please do with it as you so wish and remember that you’re a darling treasure! MWUAH 😘🧡✨
anon-chan!!! hello!!! 🫂🫂🫂 i’m so glad to see you in my inbox!!!
congratulations anon-chan! this is officially the most difficult request that has ever been asked of me. i’ve spent weeks trying to figure this out. started writing a little fic, but it didn’t feel right. so i thought maybe i could do some headcanons, but every time i tried to start i didn’t know where to start!
the problem i’m having is variables. there are so many variables for how this could turn out, mostly depending on timing. when exactly during the resistance does this happen? because i feel like that informs leo’s response. so have some of my unfiltered thoughts. a peek into how i “organize” my writing thoughts, if you will. i’m sorry in advance
Early 20s: This Leo is still confident and optimistic, at least outwardly. He and his brothers defeated Shredder twice, how hard can the Kraang be? Sure, they need some help and it’ll take longer, but it’ll definitely work out in the end and life will resume as normal. Right?
So I imagine that Leo at this age would see you suddenly pulling away and acting formal with him and get upset at first. He thought you were friends, why are you doing this? He would likely reciprocate or get snippy, at least until one of his brothers, probably Mikey but possibly Raph, comes to him and is like “Dude. Come on.” Give the guy a break, there’s a lot going on you know??? So at his brother’s suggestion, he sits back and observes.
When he finally confirms for himself that you do, in fact, have feelings for him and that’s why you’re being standoffish with him, watch out! This little shit is going to make you suffer a bit. He’s going to start flirting with you. Lots of compliments, little winks, soft touches… You will be inundated.
Something changes. Perhaps they lose their biggest battle to date. Perhaps someone close to him dies. Perhaps it is Casey Jr’s birth. Any way it plays out, Leo realizes that life is shorter than it seems, that love is precious and fleeting and should be grasped. He realizes that his teasing may be a little more… genuine on his side than he’d realized.
So he comes to you. Perhaps he goes full ham, arranges a romantic meeting somewhere, plans a dinner. Perhaps you end up in danger, and he goes a little crazy about it. Perhaps it is just a quiet moment that the two of you manage to steal. Either way, he tells you how he feels.
Late 20s/Early 30s: Now here is a Leo who is starting to realize that they might be in over their heads. He’s lost at least one member of his family. He’s watched them steadily lose ground to the Kraang, despite everyone giving their best effort. He is starting to understand that they might not win this fight. At this point he’s probably learned how the Kraang came to our world and that he played a part in their arrival.
This Leo is overwhelmed, but still holding strongly to hope. He’s determined to do everything in his power to keep morale up. That’s why he notices immediately when you seem to start pulling away from him. He takes it a little personally at first. Yeah, maybe he’s not as fun as he used to be, but he’s trying to run a resistance here, that’s no reason to give him the cold shoulder. He resolves to approach you about it.
Something changes. Perhaps he notices you give him a sidelong glance. Perhaps someone teases you and he overhears. Perhaps he sits you down for that talk and you confess. He learns why you are so standoffish, and suddenly he has a choice to make.
Leading a resistance is a 24/7 job. He has no time for anything, especially when he has so much to make up for. Does he even deserve the sliver of happiness you’re offering him? And there’s the niggling thought in the back of his head that everything is futile anyway, that they’re going to lose and you’re going to die.
But if there’s one thing he’s learned out of all of this, it’s that life is short. He doesn’t want to die with regrets, and he knows he would regret not taking this chance. And he wants to give you what happiness he can, you deserve that. Wouldn’t it be a little “fuck you” to the Kraang, to find some peace in the midst of the chaos they (he) created?
He goes for it. He takes the risk, jumps in feet first, and tells you how he feels.
Late 30s: Leon. Oh Leon. He holds onto hope fiercely, with both hands, but he can’t, he won’t, keep any of it for himself. He understands implicitly that even if by some miracle they win, he’s not going to survive this fight.
He’s going to notice immediately when your behavior changes, when you get stiff with him. He keeps his finger on the pulse of everyone close to him, pays attention so that he can help them if they start to flag. It won’t take long for him to pull you aside, to ask you if everything is okay, if you need a break.
He’s going to figure it out, whether because you admit it to him or through context clues. He’s had years to hone his considerable talent in understanding people, his preternatural ability to know what they want with a glance.
He’s going to figure it out, and he’s going to do… nothing. As long as there’s the tiniest chance that you could survive this, he refuses to tie you to a corpse. Besides, he has been thinking up a plan, a last ditch effort, and maybe you could be the one to put it into action…
Your death hits him like a freight train. His own is a relief.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @celticvix @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds @thelaundrybitch @shakeyourtrees
58 notes · View notes
miasbby · 1 year
indefinitely ours.
(teacher!reader x teacher!Ellie x Abby)
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summary : You're not willing to date nor looking for anyone, but Ellie Williams, the art teacher working in the school that hired you a year ago, is making you seriously doubt that decision. With her flirting, praises and constant touches, you're all but ready to give up and ask her out. That is, until you meet her girlfriend, Abby, who to your greatest shock seems very… curious about you.
word count : 7.2k (sorry)
note : this is my first fic in the tlou fandom ever, so it'll hopefully be good and i hope the characterization is okay! i wrote this to practice writing shorter fics and failed.... it probably won't get a part 2 but who knows!
warnings : smut with a bit of plot, female anatomy reader, occasionally mean!ellie and mean!abby but they love you<3, light objectification, degradation and exhibitionism, mention of anal, alcohol use and light intoxication, sub!reader, consent is respected but there’s a few bold moments, bit of a housewife kink, crying from overstimulation, threesome.
An ordinary life is not what most aim for, but you have to be honest in that regard: there’s nothing you’ve craved to achieve more than the simple peace of life, a peace often found in modesty yet sought in extravagance. 
The primary school you joined last year has fulfilled that goal in more ways than one, allowing you the safety of a job you spent years dreaming of, a kind group of colleagues that have befriended you ever since you first arrived, and a class made up of the most adorable group of pupils, all eager to learn and earn the good graces of their favorite teacher judging by how the blue of your classroom’s walls are now entirely hidden by drawings. It’s on the outskirts of the city, in a cute area where prices had not soared just yet when you first bought a house, and the neighborhood couldn’t be more welcoming. 
Your time is well-spent: between preparing lessons, finding original ideas to keep a hyperactive group of six years old entertained, taking care of the renovations your new house still requires, and caring for a vegetable garden you did not expect to grow so well, it’s safe to say that you don’t have much time left for anything else, and that includes a relationship. You haven’t been looking, really, happy to settle down on your own until life picks up a slower rhythm and to make friends rather than losing yourself in back and forths. Your previous relationships were never particularly fulfilling and often ended up being on and off until you got tired of the uncertainty. You’re done with all of that. 
The only person that could make you doubt the choice of celibacy, however, currently has her back turned to you, rummaging through a tiny box of chalk sticks on her desk. The kids are out at lunch and you know she tends to eat on her own in here instead of the break room where all of the teachers often meet up. Of course, you only chose to come get her because she’s been a good friend, not because of any ulterior motive…
“Planning to stay hidden in there for long or are you going to come out and eat?”
Ellie doesn’t even appear startled and you wonder if she could somehow sense your presence by the door. She throws the tiny, useless pieces in the trash, reminding you to filter through your own box of it, and turns to face you with that eternally smug smile, leaning back against the side of her desk. It’s a mess, but that’s not surprising coming from Ellie. Whether it’s because she’s the art teacher in charge in the school or because that’s simply in her nature, you’re not sure, but you know to no longer be shocked by the sight of paper and paintbrushes thrown randomly on her desk. 
“Planning on distracting me for much longer or is that gonna stop at some point?” she answers back. “You can’t come in here looking like this and seriously expect me to think of lunch.” 
And that is exactly why Ellie is making you reconsider your opinion on dating. 
If it weren’t for the constant light flirting you still don’t know how to read into, you think that handsomely sweet face would have convinced you anyway. It’s not that Ellie is your style, it’s that you’re convinced no one on this planet could be more attractive to you. Today’s look isn’t helping either: that opened cargo shirt barely hides the simple white tank top she must own in four identical copies and doesn’t do much to conceal the tight, sculpted lines of her arms, blues veins running down to paint-stained fingers. 
Oh, if only you could stop thinking about how they’d feel dipping into the heat spreading from your clit down to your entrance, filling an emptiness that rings between your legs as much as it does in your heart. Unfortunately, such luck cannot be granted to you. Not yet, and perhaps not ever. 
“You’re not flattering yourself out of coming with me.” You slide your hand down to the doorknob and motion for Ellie to follow you out, but she shakes her head, grabbing her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.
“Sorry,” she says, smile dropping with hesitation before she continues. “The girlfriend forgot her lunch at home and I’ve gotta go get it for her. But I’ll see you tonight, we’re still grabbing drinks with the team, right?”
You blink, cheeks straining from the efforts required to keep your smile up even as it turns dishonest, and try to make sense of the word she just uttered, any heat in your belly extinguished by an ice storm. Did she say girl friend or… girlfriend? Why would anyway refer to their friend that way, though… Stop lying to yourself, you got the meaning right on the first try. 
Your heart does not break per se, but it skips a few beats you’re incapable of missing. In the few months you got to know each other, Ellie never mentioned a girlfriend nor did she introduce anyone to you. 
Well, there goes your only temptation for a relationship. Celibacy it will have to be.
“Of course. See you tonight.”
If Ellie notices the light dim in your eyes, she doesn’t show. 
That evening, you hesitate until the very last second about going home and finding a new show worth obsessing about or going out as promised. Ellie doesn’t give you much of a choice, however, when she shows up in your classroom right after the last student filters out with his father and pulls you out of your seat, refusing to take no for an answer. 
(If it’s the request that convinces you or the strong hold she has on your wrist, you’re not sure. But you still let her tug you to your car anyway.)
The ‘team’ as referred to earlier consists of five other teachers whose classrooms are all sharing a hallway with yours and with whom you spend your Friday evenings in a local beer bar next door, a place Ellie first dragged you all into when you were still relative strangers, to celebrate your arrival. Your usual table is free when you arrive, Mel and Ellie right behind you, and you suppose a beer might be the best way to forget about your stupid little crush and the shame eating at your insides for having taken friendly banter as flirting for months now. 
Overall, the night is fun, and after a few well-placed jokes at your expense, you finally manage to leave what happened earlier behind and enjoy yourself. Unfortunately, whatever superior being out there who’s decided you should, after a year of knowing each other, finally get to know all about Ellie’s girlfriend, is not on your side today. 
“Oh, hey Abs!” Mel waves behind where you and Ellie sit, still somehow pressed up against each other, and your friend immediately brightens up, turning around to face someone. “Have you finally decided to join us? I thought you’d never leave that work of yours for even one night a week.”
“Maybe next week if she forces me to come.” The woman comes into view and immediately rests a hand on Ellie’s shoulder, smirking down at her before her eyes travel to you and stay locked onto your own for one second too long for it not to feel somehow… knowing. “But nah, I only got here to take Ellie home. I bet she drank too much to drive and that none of you would have been able to convince her not to take her car.”
Mel laughs, joined by the others, and even you have to agree on that. Ellie is particularly stubborn on the average day, but she gets even worse after three beers and a few shots. 
“I’m fine, come on… I could drive on my own, a few beers have never killed me.” 
The problem is, she says that while stretching an arm over the booth seat, enveloping your shoulders and tugging you closer to her side, and the only explanation for doing that in front of that literal goddess-looking muscle-paradise girlfriend of hers has to be the alcohol. ‘Abs’ raises a curious eyebrow but her smile never dies, and you look away to focus on the bottle clutched in your hand, guts turning into a mix of nervousness and shame that does not blend well with alcohol.
Abby stays around for a bit. The whole time, her eyes remain on you, taking in the features of your face, sweeping over your figure and translating what you would interpret as unabashed attraction if it came from anyone else. It’s like she’s trying to memorize your face, your body, your soul. Like she means to lay an invisible mark on your heart you’ll feel with every beat, right next to the one Ellie has unconsciously placed there long ago. 
The arm only leaves its place on your shoulders when who you now know as Abby urges Ellie to go, and you leave soon after, sitting in the dark of your car for five minutes before your head clears enough for you to drive. 
That was… definitely something. But you could unfortunately not explain what in any way.
The next time you see Abby does not offer any sort of clearer explanation as to why the mood always seems odd around you and Ellie, and particularly so when she’s there with you. 
She comes around for drinks for the first time in months the following week and turns your offer to change seats down, seemingly fine with sitting next to you, her girlfriend on your other side. Her presence warms the hearts of everyone around the table but yours, stressing you out beyond sanity. You know you didn’t do anything wrong and that it’s probably a good thing that you learned of Ellie’s seemingly very joyful and fulfilling relationship now rather than after an attempted kiss or a date proposal. Yet, you cannot help but feel unsure around her - like she knows, like she can read through your heart and flick through its pages until its secrets have been bared. 
Abby never talks to you nor mentions you in her conversations, yet, she’s always got an eye trailed on your figure, always silently insists on you being aware that you’re taking all of her attention. 
And Ellie, well… Ellie has not changed, and that’s probably where the actual problem lies. 
She still smiles at you with that signature smugness you know is only reserved for her girlfriend. She still flirts and teases and touches, still makes comments about how prettily you blush and how well that shirt fits you and you never know what to answer to any of those things. This time again, one of her arms is spread over your shoulders, her fingers fiddling with the fabric of Abby’s shirt on your other side, and if anyone were to look, they’d probably think you’re dating either of them - if not both. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by her voice, and you almost let go of the glass of water you requested earlier when its now familiar murmur tickles your ear. “I like this skirt. Is it me you got it for? I’m sure Abby would like it just as much.”
Poorly disguised shock shines in your eyes but Ellie appears unphased, not even bothering with a glance at where her girlfriend listens to Mel vent about a fight between two of her students. You clear your throat, avoiding the heaviness of her stare, and shake your head timidly, scared to voice out your thoughts or to be heard. The fabric isn’t anything short per se, but it rode up your thighs through the night, and you’re suddenly far too aware of where Abby’s glances might have led to earlier. Ellie’s only response is a chuckle. 
You think that’s the end of it but that’s without counting on the end of the night - when everyone leaves but Ellie insists you stay around some more, and Abby doesn’t show any interest in moving away, her thighs spread and pressing you further into Ellie. The arm behind your back moves and this time, you can’t control the way your body jumps when she places a hand just above your knee, stroking the tight fabric of your skirt. 
“So,” you begin, trying to break the silence. “How long have you two been together?”
Abby takes a swing of her beer and your eyes follow the bulging muscle of her biceps until Ellie reminds you of her presence by patting your thigh affectionately. “Three years now. We met when Abby came around the school to renovate the gym with her crew and ended up moving in two months later. She’s a carpenter.”
“Oh,” you exclaim, interested but also still very much nervous. “That’s definitely helpful to have around at home. How long have you been doing this for?”
It’s the first time you address her directly and the kindness you’re met with feels almost surprising. You don’t think you would be kind to someone your girlfriend is two inches away from touching inappropriately right under your nose, but you suppose you should be glad that’s the case here. 
“Ever since I was a kid, really. Being a carpenter didn’t exactly fit my father’s plans but he always encouraged me anyway when I saw how much fun I had fixing things and building my own. What about you? What got you to into teaching?”
Tension leaves your back altogether when her answer reflects the smile perched on her lips and the mirth shining in her eyes. “Children, really. It started with babysitting and then all I could think about was teaching.”
Abby’s eyes dip down to your lips. “That’s cute.”
“I told you she’s adorable,” Ellie interrupts. “And beautiful too, isn’t she? I knew she’d be your type.”
Your lips part to speak but before a protest can slip past them, Abby nods, smile turning almost predatory. “I’d say she’s your own just as much. You’ve always liked your girls a bit innocent.”
“I’m not-”
“Can you blame me, though?”
Abby pretends to think for a second and gets that knowing look again, reading through the blush spreading up to your ears and the fast ups and downs of your chest in ways you fail to understand yourself. Everything’s going too fast, like a ball bouncing from one side of the court to the other, and it suddenly feels like they’re discussing you, praising you, without even including you in the conversation anymore. 
“No. I think I understand.”
Ellie chuckles, inching her hand higher up on your lap, and she allows the silence to persist for a moment longer before standing up to order another round for you. Abby never looks away. You’re still trying to comprehend what just happened, still failing to make sense of why your friend’s partner is staring at you like she’s considering the interest of throwing you over the table dirty with food crumbs and alcohol spills and flexing those fingers inside of your cunt instead of playing with the tip of her bottle. 
“Oh, you’ve got some crumbs here,” Abby says, eyes flicking down to wear your shirt wraps tightly around your chest. You follow her line of sight, wondering how that could be when you didn’t eat any of the fries they ordered earlier, and find nothing. “Here, I’ll get them off for you.”
Before a word of gratefulness can echo between the two of you, your lips part in shock, a hand positioning itself right above your breast and arching a curious eyebrow, staring into the depths of your eyes. There’s no hesitation in the action, but rather a sort of anticipation you find yourself trapped into. “Is this alright?” she asks, the “Yes,” out by your lips before you can even make sense of what she means.
Deep down, you know what it means. Deep down, you’ve got a feeling Abby might have been familiar with you far before your recent introduction. 
Once your agreement has been voiced, Abby startles you, immediately aiming for your right breast and gripping it with the whole length of her palm. A thumb rubs at soft skin only hidden by the light fabric of your shirt, almost transparent, not thick enough to act as a proper barrier, and you can feel it all - the heat of her hand, its roughness, how it’s thick enough, big enough to effortlessly envelop all of one breast.
It’s the first time her eyes have moved away from the trance they had yours stuck into, her stare dipping down to where she pretends to rub at your shirt, only reminding you of the absence of a bra to truly cover you. Your nipple hardens under her palm and that seems to be the goal because her hand changes sides, repeating the process, teasing and rubbing, the cotton fabric too rough for the sensitive little bud. Your thighs rub against each other, failing to get any sort of release from the pressure burning your cunt, hips almost bucking in a silent plea to be filled up by those very same fingers.  
Abby smiles, still kind, still honest, and shifts her hand only to roll it between two fingers, pulling a wet moan from your lips you fear the people behind you might catch. “See, that’s better now, isn’t it?” And just like that, she pulls away, hand settling back around her beer, leaving you to deal with the wetness soaking your underwear and the blush heating your face, shining like a broken christmas light. 
“Y-yeah.” It’s odd that you even manage to speak when flames circle hardened nipples, driving you into unknown depths of desire, but you’re proud to say you at least manage a coherent sound. “Thank you.”
When Ellie comes back, conversation follows a course far more normal, and if it weren’t for the hooded eyes, the pulsing heat, and the hand claiming its spot back on your lap, you’d think you hallucinated all of the tension. 
The state of your underwear when you strip down before a shower later that night, however, is all the proof you need. Yet, you fail to truly comprehend what happened. The innocence that almost shone in Abby’s eyes as she touched you is impossible to make sense of, and the next morning, you’re no longer sure of what her intentions truly were.
Did she mean to tease you like Ellie has been doing - as a friend, a friend who has a pretty interesting definition of the word platonic but a friend nonetheless? Or was this more? 
You’re not sure, but if anything, you won’t be the one to bring up the question just yet. 
Ellie and Abby are coming over to your house to help with the endless renovations you’ve been making. And no, it wasn’t your idea. 
You’ve been avoiding thinking about Abby and how she’s just as illegally fine as who you already considered to be the hottest woman alive, and although ignoring Ellie is impossible, you at least made some progress this past week with accepting the flirting as some meaningless fun. When you complained about the difficulties you’ve been having with painting the ceilings of two rooms and fixing the guest room bed, however, Ellie suggested that they come over to help and, well, how could you turn down such a nice proposal?
That’s how you end up watching them by the kitchen’s window as they relax around a glass of iced tea in the garden, cheeks stained with light grey paint and arms bared, water running in the sink and acting as the background noise to your current fantasies.
The mind owns a power the heart only dreams of having, capable of eternal wanderings uncontrolled by even the strongest wills. 
Yours has not resisted purposeless dreams. Dreams that once involved Ellie, a sweet craving for what could perhaps come to exist in the realm of reality - a craving for late-night guitar sessions and paintings in bold colors, for rough palms to sculpt your heart into submission and teasing smirks wiped away by kisses. Dreams that now involve someone else, a person you have yet to truly understand but who seems to perfectly fit a puzzle from which you did not believe a piece lost. Her body rings with a rigidity that’s a lot more pronounced, yet her heart appears softer, willing to lead you further into the depths of a euphoric swamp. 
A blurry motion startles you out of your thoughts and you blink to find the water is still running, the time still passing. Ellie is waving at you and Abby is staring with a raised eyebrow of curiosity. 
You smile, waving back, and turn off the tap. 
Fantasies are just that, unfortunately. You’ll have to make do with your imagination because it seems Abby isn’t intending on repeating what you’re getting more and more convinced was meaningless teasing anytime soon.
They spend the next weekend at your house too, fixing broken cupboards and a tall wardrobe you couldn’t figure out how to close fully, helping with the garden and any heavy objects you need to move around. 
It comes to a point where you decide that if you can’t have either of them, then dreaming is fine. The only problem is that you end up doing that a lot, and getting caught is inevitable. 
“Could I borrow your shower?” asks Ellie once the day reaches its end, the sun freefalling on the horizon. “I don’t want to dirty your couch.” Abby has fetched a chair for the same reason but you know how much Ellie like to sit beside you. Her girlfriend’s presence has not stopped the oncoming stream of cuddles she requires from you, and you’re more than happy to be held, touch-starved since the end of your last relationship. 
“Sure. I’ll get the food ready.”
You stand from the couch to head for the kitchen but before you can disappear, Ellie grips the hem of her shirt and pulls it up, revealing a glistening, tight stomach in what feels like a slow motion to you but is surely a very normal pace for anyone else. The fabric slides off her shoulders and gets thrown straight to Abby’s face but your brain is in no way capable to register anything but newly revealed skin and soft curves hidden under a white sports bra. 
“Feel free to join me,” she adds, teasingly, and you know it has to be directed at Abby who, it seems, is just as affected as you are judging by the darkened gaze she keeps directed at Ellie, but if that’s the case, then you cannot explain why Ellie is staring right at you as she says it before turning around and leaving for the bathroom. 
It’s that gaze you see once they’re gone that night, writhing on top of your bed, covers thrown to the floor and pillow wet with your spit. It’s that gaze encouraging a second, then a third finger to fit into your cunt, the pressure too much yet so far from what you wish for, from how well you know they would both fill you, breaching past undesired tightness and taking all that you’re willing to give. 
And it’s their voices, blended in as one, whispering praise into your ear and urging you to let go when you finally fall over the edge, tears pooling in your eyes and teeth aching from the marks they’ve left in that poor pillow. 
“You know,” you begin, words not slurring but speech clearly affected by physical exhaustion and beer. “I thought you were flirting with me before you suddenly mentioned your girlfriend.”
A chuckle greets you, but you can’t tell if it comes from Abby or Ellie, both of them cuddling on the couch in front of you as you lay on the fluffy chair you bought for decoration purposes but that’s actually pretty amazing to use when sleepy. The night has fallen and you spent a lot of time in the garden today while Abby watched over you and Ellie finished with painting touch-ups, explaining the tiredness numbing your arms and the effects of the alcohol. 
Your eyes remain closed and you shift around when air tickles the bottom of your stomach, your shirt having ridden up to reveal skin. 
“What if I was?” and this time, you know it’s Ellie - sure, because it sounds like her, but also because she’s the one who likes teasing you the most. 
You huff, internally rolling your eyes. “With a girlfriend like Abby, trust me, you were not. You’d be dumb to flirt with anyone else or want to kiss anyone else,” you say, voice barely above a murmur. That second beer should not have been handed in your hand, but Ellie has always been a bad influence and Abby drinks them with little effort. Slowly, you half-whisper, “Bet her lips are so soft.”
Abby laughs this time, reminding you of her presence, but you’re too far gone to care. “I think yours would put up a great fight in a contest,” she says, the smile evident in her voice. “Maybe even win, who knows. I know I wouldn’t mind trying you out.”
“Hey!” Ellie interrupts, “I get to try her out first. I found her. You would want me first, wouldn’t you?”
It takes a while for you to register the question and understand you’re being spoken to. “I think I want the both of you… together.”
Someone’s breath hitches, but you fall asleep before you can find out whose. 
All you remember the next morning is strong arms holding onto the back of your thighs and your back carrying you up the stairs, a pair of sweet lips leaving a kiss on your forehead, and the throbbing traces of a hand on the naked skin of your stomach. 
That must have been a fairly nice dream. 
You’re in the kitchen when things truly take a turn you did not expect to happen in reality, breaching the realm of fantasies and fully stepping into your life - your peaceful and joyful life that, as you will soon come to realize, was actually missing two precious souls to reach the desperate form of completion you sought. 
Abby is drying the dishes you’re washing and Ellie is… well, she’s simply being herself, avoiding any sort of chore and whistling in the living room as she chooses what movie you’ll all be watching tonight. The mood has been particularly tense today and this time, you’re glad to say it’s not your fault. Abby has been especially attentive to you, asking about your day, your past, and the shape you imagine your future to take, casually exchanging indecipherable looks with Ellie. They’re more than familiar with your house now yet they’ve never acted more like strangers scared of trespassing. 
If you didn’t know better, you would think of them as almost… afraid. 
Fortunately, the tension left as soon as night fell and you all settled back into soothing habits. At least, that’s what you think, until a shadow looms over your back, blocking the naked lightbulb from shining light on the last plate in your hand, and you realize that Ellie isn’t as busy as she made it out to be. 
“Dinner was great, thanks for preparing all of it again,” she says, supporting her weight with one hand on the countertop and the left one innocently resting on your hip. Her touch is welcomed and familiar, her palm cupping the curve to perfection. “Anyone ever told you you’d make the perfect little wife?”
You chuckle, rolling your eyes although you know she won’t be able to see it. “If that’s truly the case, there’d be a lot more people pilling up at my door, or at least one person. I think you two are just terrible cooks in desperate need of a chef.”
Abby shakes her head, nudging you with her elbow as she wipes water from a pack of forks. “You’re not wrong in thinking we’d wife you up in an instant if you wanted, but not because you’d be a great chef.”
“Yeah,” Ellie agrees, flexing her fingers where they rest on your hip. “I can think of a few other reasons. You’d be an amazing mother, for one, and you’re far more patient than either of us deserve.”
“And you’re ready to put up with her stubbornness, so a perfect match, really.” Abby’s comment makes you laugh but Ellie speaks again before you can tease her about her own issues with never doing as told. 
“All of that, and I even bet you’d be such a pretty little thing to fuck.” Your hands freeze on where you’ve just put the plate away, tension seizing unready muscles. You blink, staring by the window, the night turning it into a mirror and reflecting the shock wild in your eyes. For a second, you’re convinced to have misheard. But the silence that follows tells the opposite story. Ellie’s close, suddenly, closer than she was before, and Abby’s hands have stilled as well, her body tight with stress. “I feel like we didn’t thank you properly for all the meals you’ve prepared for us. What do you think, Abby?”
At the edge of your vision, you can sense that Abby has given in and glances at you from the corner of an eye, the sound of her breathing audible, loud. “I think she very much likes politeness, and… it would be rude not to give back after taking so much, wouldn’t it?”
“Right. And what about you, um?” The hand on your hip slowly slides closer to your front before drawing back, again and again, in what feels like a maddening caress. “Do you think we should thank you? Together, I mean.”
Later, you’ll have more than enough time to consider just how stupid it was for you, at that precise moment, to doubt the true meaning behind Ellie’s suggestion. There’s a part of you that yearns for this to be real, for it to feel real, but that part cannot be allowed to exist because it is directly connected to a risk of disappointment you’re not sure you would survive. So, when you reply a breathy little, “Yes,” you don’t actually expect what follows. 
“Good girl.” 
A whine spills past your lips but the reason behind its existence is blurry - is it the praise, vibrating through your lungs and soaking your cunt, or is it the hand that fully slides against your front, rubbing at the seam of your jeans frustratingly right above your heat, the other suddenly palming the curve of your ass and roughly kneading skin? You think you’ll never know for the first moan, but the next one is inevitably due to the second pair of hands finding a place to have some fun of their own. 
“I can feel how soaked you are already,” Ellie says, tone teasing, taunting and forcing past your defenses. “Are you sure you didn’t expect this to happen? How often did you fuck yourself wishing it was us, hmm, pretty girl?”
You think that question should not require an answer, mostly because you’re incapable of giving any, incapable of getting that brain of yours to think and function properly. But Abby doesn’t seem happy with your silence, and she finally decides to remind you of her presence. 
“We asked you a question, sweetheart.” Her voice startles you and your head turns to face her, your heart soothed by the admiration and the awe and the desire reflected in usually tight features. She’s smiling, not that usually kind expression but one that’s almost amused, and you realize you’re in serious, serious trouble with these two. Two fingers seize you by the chin, pushing it upward, and a thumb rubs at your bottom lip. “How empty did you feel thinking about how good we could take care of you?”
“I- I didn’t-” Ellie’s nails sink into the flesh of your ass, reprimanding, and Abby tuts, shaking her head disappointedly. 
“It’s alright,” she adds. “You can be honest with us. There’s not a single time we fucked since you started working here that we didn’t think about you, about how complete you’d make us.” And you’re going to process that at some point, but now will not be that time. Not when she continues to speak, stealing any hope for coherency from under your feet. “We’ll take care of you now, though. Come on, Ellie, don’t be a tease.”
Ellie hesitates, hands still, fingers flexing. They stare at each other with blazing heat in what you think could be a fight for dominance you’re not sure to make sense of when they could just take out all of that on you. 
“You better beg for it.”
When the gearwheels begin to roll again, you lose all sense of reality. 
It’s like they both observed you for months, like they figured out what button to push and with how much strength, what you love and what you’re too ashamed to admit you need. Chills of shame erupt on your arms at the idea, worsened by how smoothly Ellie works your body. 
“Let’s get these off you,” she mutters, lips hovering right next to your nape, inches away from a kiss. “You won’t be needing them around us anymore.”
There’s possessiveness in her words and there’s possessiveness in how fast she slips the button of your jeans off and tugs on the material, slowly, as if to admire what is finally hers to worship and use as she deems fit. Abby growls, watching with a well-trained eye as the tight fabric slides over your ass, and her hand moves down to press against your throat, keeping your back shamefully arched, ass raised for their eyes to feast onto. Your pants end halfway down your thighs, and you have to say there’s nothing surprising about Ellie’s eagerness to get to the source of her desires, hot between your thighs. 
“Abby told me I’d love your ass. Guess she wasn’t wrong.” You expect your underwear to follow next but she decides not to bother with that. “Ever gotten fucked there before, or are you keeping that tight little hole for when we decide to use it?”
“N-never, I- I don’t-”
Abby sighs, shaking her head warningly. “Ellie… focus.”
“Right, sorry. We’ll keep that in mind for another time, you’re ours now anyway, aren’t you? Our pretty little toy.”
You’re all but ready to cry when fingers slides into the front of your underwear, familiar roughness perceptible in the actions, immediately drenched in your desires. Your cunt aches, your core throbs, and your nipples harden. A cocktail of needs that can only be sated by much more than what you’re given. Efficient fingers part your folds before expertly reaching that little bud of sensitiveness at the top of your mound, circling it, pinching it, driving you crazy with it. 
But that’s not what truly seals the first release of the night. That only comes when Abby decides to fully join in on the fun. 
Fingers unbutton your shirt until it parts to reveal the pale pink bra that matches the current dark pink of your panties, only abandoning your neck until the offending lace has been pushed right under your breasts and returning to its hold. You think Abby’s going to kiss you, for a moment, but she’s only reveling in the hot puffs of air slipping past your lips and trying to swallow down the guttural moan that vibrates in your throat when Ellie decides she wants to take the next step.
The hand that had for now been palming your ass travels closer to your center and tugs flimsy fabric out of the way carelessly. You’re not given a warning when the first finger breaches past your entrance, only the sound of Ellie spitting on her fingers for unnecessary lube and that feeling of needing frustratingly more. A whine lodges itself at the back of your throat, and they both laugh, only turning your frustration worse. 
You want to move and fight back, tell them you’re more than capable of taking charge yourself. But there’s something about being treated as a toy meant to receive pleasure, about being admired and taken and praised, about that second finger joining the first and filling the tightness of your cunt, that forces you into a soothing form of submission, allowing every touch and taking them willingly. 
Abby palms at one breast, rolling a nipple under the strong surface in a touch that translates all of her strength. “Is that blush for us, pretty thing? You’re gonna come all over her hand like a good slut already, aren’t you?”
And, it’s cruel, but of course you do. 
Ellie flexes her fingers, increasing the speed of her arm. You can’t see it, but you know veins must shy prettily all over her forearm and biceps must be bulging from the tightness required to fuck you like she does now - like she wants to pull orgasm after orgasm from your core until you no longer understand what it means not to feel the maddening pulse of a release coursing through your body like liquid fire. Abby turns meaner, rougher, pinching a nipple between two fingers and pressing the hand further into your neck, forcing you to follow its direction and standing further on your toes. 
Four hands - teasing, fucking, taking. 
Two souls tauntingly attracting your own into their orbit, sealing an invisible lock around your heart, your body, your being itself. 
And sweet, sweet praise, whispered right under your ear, sending you into a release you’re helpless to control. 
“Ellie, Abby… I-” The moan that travels from your chest and spills past your lips is rough, guttural, connected to the inhuman waves of pleasures rocking through your body. Your cunt clenches around the fingers still thrusting in and out of your center, clinging onto the digits until they’re forced to stop, Ellie breathing heavily in your ear. Abby kisses down the curve of your throat, teeth nibbling at sensitive skin and laying a mark you refuse to ever cover. 
Your moan ends, broken off in tense breathing, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest, and that’s when you catch the groan vibrating Ellie’s throat. It, too, falls into silence. 
Abby swears against your skin, a deep, rough “Fuck,” that sends shivers down your spine. 
“Told you she’d be the cutest little thing to corrupt,” Ellie teases, slowly sliding out of you, fighting against the tightness of your walls and your eagerness to be fucked into a stupid mess. “She’s all proper and shit but I could tell she’d love it.”
“I never doubted you.” Abby says, kissing the lone tear sliding down your cheek with all of the tenderness she can conjure. “Come on, let’s get her on a proper surface.”
Heat blooms on your cheeks when Ellie steps away to allow Abby to take you into her arms, the ground suddenly disappearing from under your feet. The way they talk about you like you’re not even there, like you’re too fucked out to understand a single word, would be shameful under any other circumstance. You know it’s only a game when Ellie takes advantage of finally facing you by planting a soft kiss on your forehead, pushing away a lazy strand of hair. 
They begin to walk toward your bedroom like they perfectly know the way, and your vision turns dark right as they push the door open.
“Can you hold her open for me or have you been slacking at the gym?”
Your eyes remain closed, but your brain kickstarts itself into working properly again. You can feel the familiar linen of your sheets under your ass and soft naked breasts pressed against your back, another weight shifting in front of you on the bed. 
The body behind yours shakes in rhythm with a chuckle and you recognize Ellie. “Can you still eat pussy or should we trade so I can show you? Sorry we didn’t plan for your strap, I thought she might have a cock lying around but… we’ll have to take care of that next time.”
“Fuck you,” says Abby half-heartedly, the sound followed by more shifting. 
You’re fully aware again when Ellie grabs the back of your thighs and tugs them, spreading your legs and allowing air to tickle the slick still running from your center, drenched folds bared for anyone to use as they please. 
“Come on, get to it. I know you’re hungry.”
Another pair of hands holds you by the ass and your eyes flutter open, hoping to catch sight of what you once dreamed about. Abby barely spares you a glance before she all but leaps to feast on your cunt, igniting a fire not yet extinguished. 
“Abby… Abby…” You repeat her name like a plea, like a prayer. Your hips buck and trash around, your heart pauses and starts again, your releases come and come again right after each other until you exist no more, a broken toy a kid cannot help but continue to play with. 
Lips circle your clit and suck, pull and deliver rough kisses. An expert tongue gathers slicks at your entrance and spreads it all over already drenched folds, eating rather than licking, a starved woman relishing in her first and last mean. It’s all too much, too soon, too sensitive, and you’re in no way capable of pulling away, four hands keeping you all tight and secure in their hold, a prisoner to your own pleasure. 
“Keep them coming, pretty thing. I want your cunt red by the time we’re done with you tonight,” Ellie murmurs in your ear before resuming the path of tenderness her mouth trailing on down your neck. 
You only find the strength left in yourself to follow that order. 
An unwelcomed warmth burns your closed eyelids and you shift, attempting to escape its path. To your great despair, it doesn’t budge. A tired groan echoes in the room and you blink sleep back into your body, limbs stretching and encountering a soreness that did not exist before.
Oh. Right. Last night happened and… it was not a dream this time. 
Fear seizes your heart for a moment and you quickly look around, scared to find the bed empty save for your body. A happy sigh of relief marks the moment you see them - Abby clinging to Ellie’s back, still sound asleep and temptingly naked, and Ellie holding onto your waist, staring up at you with a smug look and a kind smile.
“Morning,” she says, voice broken from sleep. “You didn’t think we’d abandon you, did ya?”
“N-no I… I’m just happy to see you.” You cannot control the dumb smile that widens on your lips, and Ellie’s smirk only widens, her hold pulling you back into the eternal depths of the sheets. 
“We’re not going anywhere, try to get some more sleep.”
It’s a simple sentence, meaningless on the surface. 
Yet, you know it’s more than that. 
It’s a promise. 
A promise for more, meant to suppress the doubts blossoming in your chest. A promise that they’ll be there when you awake again, and again, and again.  
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notmaplemable · 6 months
Mable's RWBY Redo: Volume 1 + Trailers
Hello hello, and welcome to my own version of FRWBY, but hopefully without the controversy. But I wouldn't really call this a "fix it" fic or anything. More just a writing exercise where RWBY was more planned out than it actually was/is.
Since it does seem to me that RWBY was written quite a bit by the seat of CRWBY's pants, at least in the earlier volumes. How much that changed, I don't claim to know. But there are a few things in RWBY that probably would've more impactful if they were setup earlier. So, I'm going to try to do that.
I will be keeping most of the major concepts of RWBY the same. Dust, Grimm, impractical but flashy weaponry, the White Fang and that whole thing, Salem, etc. But just because I'm keeping the concept, doesn't mean there won't be changes in execution.
There are also a few things that where the plan seems to have shifted at some point. Like the Raven plotline for example, it seems like Monty was the only one who really knew what he planned to do with that. So I might be willing to go a bit more "off the rails" with that specifically and a few other things.
I'm also going to try to keep in mind the resources RT would've had at the time of each volume. So I won't be immediately changing things to 22 minute episodes with 16 episodes a season or something like that.
I am, mostly, going to be taking an episode by episode approach to this. Though I don't really have any experience with screen writing or what you can fit into a certain amount of runtime. So I'm not going to write out all the dialogue and things for most scenes. Just giving summaries and a few scenes of particular importance.
Though I think here would be a good time to respond to a few comments something like this might get.
No, I don't think I could've done better than CRWBY. No, I don't hate RWBY, I rather love it. No, I'm not going to sideline RWBY for a bunch of "straight white male" characters. No, I'm not going to erase all the LGBT representation. Yada yada yada. If you don't want to read something like this, you are more than welcome to block me or whitelist the tag. This is more or less just a fun writing exercise for me.
I'm doing the ships I want though.
So with that said, let's hop right in.
The red and yellow trailers will be completely unchanged.
The white and black trailers will be unchanged as far as what happens in each trailer.
For the white trailer, the change won't really be to the trailer itself, but more so something that changes things post fall of beacon. The arma gigas fight didn't actually happen and that's not how Weiss got her scar. Why? One fan fic had her get the scar a different way and I like it more than the canon way.
That's really it.
For the black trailer, Blake's design is the only thing that's changing. Now, it's not going to be a complete redesign. Mostly because introducing the rest of RWBY but Blake with their canon outfits would kind of be weird and require a good bit of extra work. I'd imagine at least.
So I'm just going to have her not wear the bow, and with shorter hair. Not quite what she had in Atlas though, probably something closer to Kali's actually. And add some white fluff to her inner cat ears to make them a bit less... flat.
Now, that does remove the dramatic reveal that she's a faunus for the audience. But I think the dramatic irony of only the audience knowing that can make up for it. And the hair can be a bit of a rough signifier of how long between the black trailer and her appearance in V1 was.
And just for the in universe logic of Blake not looking exactly the same if she thinks Adam is going to be coming after her. It's not much of a change, but it is a change.
Volume 1
I'm not going episode by episode in V1, since there really isn't that much I want to change. But I will be shortening to the volume to 10 episodes instead of 16. With the volume ending after "Players and Pieces" with 2 more episodes added to initiation. Which I imagine will mostly just be added action and maybe some conversation.
The first major change is going to be that Jaune still doesn't have his aura unlocked, but he knows what aura is. Or, at least the 5 minutes of research on Remnant's version of google's version of what aura is. He's gonna be looking for a way to have it unlocked. Maybe add in a throwaway like where he wonders to himself if he should ask Ruby to do it.
The second major change is actually something we aren't going to see. The reason why Blake decided to make Yang her partner, since she does seem to purposely seek Yang out in canon but we never really hear the reason. But honestly I can't think of a good enough reason at the moment besides Yang knowing Blake's secret. So we'll just save that for a flashback later and have it implied there was a deeper reason for now.
Everything else pre-initiation should be the same.
Once we get to the cliffs before everything starts, CRDL will not be there. Since we aren't doing jaunedice yet there's no reason to have them yet. We'll also have it stated that there are multiple launch sites and have Ozpin say something along the lines of "of the 200 of you that will go into the forest today, only 50 of you will pass," to give us more of an idea of the size of the class. Though the numbers can be changed to whatever.
Then things get started, everyone partners up, Ren doesnt kill a king taijitu because power scaling. We see Ruby and maybe a few others cutting through the unarmored beowolves, adolescent beowolves to be precise, with relative ease and start to struggle once the armored ones start showing up. To help with the power scaling a bit.
Jaune convinces Pyrrha to help "boost" his aura so he can heal faster. Pyrrha knows that's not how that works but goes along with it anyways. With her having some suspicions of Jaune, but not confronting him about it since... you know.
Everything else in initiation should be pretty much the same. Maybe with an extra fight scene or two. Ruby and Jaune are still named leaders. But we do get a small scene afterwards with both teams heading to their dorms which are of course, right across the hall from each other.
So, a bit after sundown the two teams go into their dorms, with Ruby and Jaune deciding to stay out for a second for a quick chat.
The two new leaders stand in front of their dorms, neither of them saying a word for a moment before Jaune decided to speak.
Jaune: You running up that that cliffside to kill that giant bird grimm was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Ruby: You mean the Evermore? *Jaune nods* Well, it was nothing really... I just saw an opportunity and took it. You know?
Jaune: I guess.
Ruby: But your team took down the Deathstalker, right? I bet that was super cool too.
Jaune: Everyone else did all the work. I kind of just stood there hiding behind my shield.
Ruby: But Pyrrha said you were the one who figured out how to take it down.
Jaune: Yeah, but-
Ruby: No buts! Besides, a good plan can be the difference between life and death sometimes. At least that's what my Uncle Qrow says.
Ruby: That's probably why Professor Ozpin made you a leader.
Jaune: *Rub the back of his head* Yeah... Heh, maybe he made you a leader since you're so good a pep talks.
Ruby: I guess...
JR: ...
Ruby: ...We've been training most of our lives to fight Grimm and bad guys. Maybe learning how to be leaders won't be so hard, right?
Jaune: ...Right.
*RWBY's dorm door opens*
Yang: Hey, Rubes, what are you still doing out here?
Ruby: Just talking to Jaune.
Yang: *Looks at Jaune* Vomit Boy.
Jaune: Can you please not call me that?
Yang: Not until you unruin my boots. *Turns back to Ruby* Now come on, we need our leader, and my favorite little sister, to pick who gets the bed closest to the bathroom.
Ruby: Oh, okay. I'll see you tomorrow Jaune.
Jaune: *smiles* Have a good night, Ruby.
Ruby: *Goes into her dorm with Yang*
Jaune: *Soon after Ruby shuts her dorm door Jaune's smile turns into a look of pure guilt as he stands silent in the dimly lit hallway*
Roll credits
And that's the end of volume 1. Not sure when I'll get to the next volume, but it'll be sometime soon. V2 should be more detailed, and will probably end up being longer than one post.
So yeah, tell me what you think and I'll see you next time.
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Hello, I found a Lee Minho and ler Jisung fic.
Since minho is a person who likes to do sports exercises, he mostly spends his time in the gym.
And that day, while he was spending time at the gym, Jisung was with him and guided him.
But Jisung thinks of something naughty while Minho is doing a "reverse grip lat pull down."
You've probably heard of this, but if you haven't, you can research it because you'll understand what I'm talking about.
He takes Minho's phone and puts Minho's phone on top of the other weights while Minho pulls the weight. and like this minho couldn't drop the weights.
Jisung tickled him.
I know this sounds cruel, but of course Jisung leaves Minho's phone without letting it break.
(I hope you understand and I hope you can do this when you are free. Thank you.)
Tumblr media
(if you haven't heard of the tool, this is the tool)
Okay first of all, this put me in a huge lee mood. ANYWAY
Lee: Lee Know
Ler: Han
The perfect Revenge
"Jisung-ah" Lee Know half pouted. He was in the mood to annoy the other like always.
"I'm gonna work out, wanna come?"
"Sure, I think it's so sexy seeing you without a shirt on, all sweaty."
"Oh yeah?" Lee Know tried to hide the fact he was blushing.
Of course all the teasing and flirting was more of a joke than anything, but for some reason it always made Lee Know feel loved. Han had always been there for him and was part of the reason he had debuted in the first place.
When they got inside the workout room, Han was pleased to see they were the only ones in there. This gave him a perfect opportunity to get Minho back for all the times he tickled him. (Not like he didn't like it.)
"Okay" *sigh* "I'm gonna work out my back muscles today. What're you doing Jisung?"
"I'm thinking an intense workout, I need the dopamine."
What the younger didn't tell the other was that he was doing an intense workout because it would naturally be shorter. Then, when he finished, the dancer would still be working out he could put his plan into action.
When Jisung got off the rowing machine, he was happy, but exhausted. He had beat his own record.
"Hyung, guess what?"
"I beat my old record!"
"Oh good job Hanji!"
"Thanks hyung! I think I should celebrate what do you think?"
"Definitely! You deserve it"
What Lee Know didn't know was that what Han meant by "celebrate" was a bit different than he was thinking. Han was going to tickle the older in the most cruel but fun way possible.
"Ahhh thanks hyung!"
At that, he took the bunny's phone and put it under the weights he was currently lifting up.
"oh, you'll see"
Right when Lee Know didn't think it could get any worse, the unimaginable happened - Jisung tickled him.
"NO STOP PLEASE hahahaha"
"Is that all you've got? I think I need better than that, that just won't do"
"I know it's unfair, that's the best part"
At that, Jisung removed Lee Know's phone from under the weights and let him safely put them down. Then, he began tickling the older again.
"nohohohoho pleasee"
"This is for all the times you tickled me"
"B-but you like it"
"I know, but I also like tickling you"
The teasing was too much for the older to take, he layed back into Jisung's body and let the younger tickle him.
"Awww, I see you you're not fighting anymore. Does that mean you like it?"
"NOHOHOHO I'm too tired"
"Oh, that's even better!"
Jisung took advantage of the fact that the dancer couldn't fight anymore and went for the kill.
Jisung stopped, seeing how out of breath Lee Know was.
"That was so mean"
"But you deserved it, didn't you?"
Lee Know smirked, knowing that was kind of true, though he'd never admit it.
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gustavgiles · 8 months
Here's a little Vikdecai fic that I hope you enjoy! It's a Viktor-focused story that I wrote 'cus I wanted to see them make up and kiss. Planning a Mordecai-focused followup that may or may not be spicy!
Some Interesting Viktor Facts/Theories that got into my brain doing a Viktor-focused read of the comic while writing this:
Lackadaisy Anodyne provides a wealth of information about Viktor's family:
He gets letters from his daughter, but *only* his daughter, not from his wife. My read on this is that his wife broke things off with him, rather than the other way around (like Viktor telling them to leave because he wanted them safe or something); that seems like the more likely situation if she's no-contact with Viktor.
His daughter sends him 1-2 letters a year; assuming that she started writing him when he split up with his wife, then that places the breakup at just before 1921 or 1922, depending on what year you think the half-hidden postcard is from.
The Palmer Raid precipitating the riot where Viktor lost his eye, then was arrested and bailed out by Atlas happened January 1920, which about lines up with the time he split up with his wife. I think Viktor going to prison and falling in with Atlas was the inciting incident for Viktor's wife leaving him; my headcanon is she didn't feel like he was able to provide for his family anymore, and was dragging them into a dangerous criminal element.
VIKTOR HAS A CONFIRMED THIRD UNKNOWN PERSON IN HIS PAST THAT I NEVER SEE ANYBODY TALK ABOUT! Alena (his daughter)'s 1926 letter to him reads: "Dear Father, Hello! This is my photo from the start of the school year. I wear my hair much shorter now, and so I wanted to show you. I can't believe it's already the holiday season! Will you write back? You don't have to write in English if you don't like to. I can ask Mama or Tala to translate. Merry Christmas, Alena" WHO THE HELL IS TALA?? Did Viktor's wife re-marry? Did Viktor emigrate with someone else? Is it just some random person in the Slovak community that Alena knows? QUESTIONS. (also this implies that Alena doesn't speak Slovak. I wonder if that hurts Viktor a little.)
Viktor HASN'T OPENED ANY OF ALENA'S LETTERS UNTIL NOW. Why? Does it hurt too much? Can he not find the time? It can't be that he doesn't care about his daughter because he saves the picture of her. STOP PUSHING PEOPLE AWAY VIKTOR, LET OTHER PEOPLE MAKE YOU HAPPY
Viktor's wearing what appeared to be Allied gear in Lackadaisy Scrapbook. Slovakians would have been part of the Central Powers, so it seems that Viktor emigrated (with his wife?) to America far before the events of Lackadaisy, and went to war against his own country. He probably had a more difficult time in the war than most people.
Viktor's birthday is Apr. 16, also from Lackadaisy Scrapbook. Maybe some day in the future Mordecai will look up his birthday via his arrest records and make him a little cake???
Tracey describes younger Viktor as "robust and amorous" in an old Q&A which certainly does not describe the current Viktor. He must've been happy and carefree at some point :(.
Tracey also talks a little about how she sees Viktor in another Q&A: "sometimes, drawing snarly Viktor expressions is my favorite thing because I’m thinking of Viktor’s superficially powerful, animal anger and how it only ever ricochets back, making him smaller by increments…" Which is a description that just really resonates with me. He wasn't *always* this sad and angry and lonely, the world's just chipped away at him over the years until he's a raw bundle of nerves. CAN YOU TELL I'M OBSESSED WITH VIKTOR I CAN FIX HIM
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hircines-hunter · 13 days
I'll answer the ask you sent me in the morning, but let me ask the same thing back about Sifkni and Roar of a Wolfborn-!!! I remember you've mentioned it has been years so I'd love to know how it began ☺️
Take your time!!!! No rush!!!!
If anyone wants to read the actual fic! Here’s the link!
It’s 46 chapters long. 202k on gdoc and word but 201k on AO3! It is finished! It’s Farkas/OC and there’s some Skjor/OC and mentions of another pairing. :3c
It all started a month after Skyrim came out. And I made Sifkni officially. I was gonna do the Companions and Main Quest like normal. Originally she was to become a werewolf through companions quest. Via Farkas instead of Aela bc she asked him.
But then the Dragonborn DLC came out and there was that werewolf pack. I changed everything. It mostly lived in my head. Her. Her pack. Her and Farkas.
I didn’t start writing about her until 2014 (I may rewrite the thing?) it’s a short 6 chapter fic from when her mother passed to the final attack on her pack before canon events. (I may be willing to share but it’s poorly written and 10 years old.)
And the roar of a wolfborn that has been finished is technically the 3rd draft! I started to write Roaw at the same time as her other fic in 2014 as well.
Because of the pack I made her born a wolf. And the first draft Sifkni and Farkas take it a lot slower than the 3rd draft. Like a lot slower. Lol. Sifkni mourned her husband. More. She had more… moments where she would talk super fondly and then start crying.
Farkas was down bad. Like worse than the latest draft. Trust me. He had it so bad. Vilkas had to be like dude calm tf down my brother.
Sifkni also was Asexual af in the original. I’m not sure what happened btwn then and now. But yeah.
I started the 2nd draft in 2023 going thru editing and tweaking and fixing and writing newer chapters. Before I finally jumped the gun , deleted the old version and started the new one. This time I decided to add the past events into the main fic (I found most people didn’t want to read the prequel). I added more nightmares. More mourning. More crying and changed a Lot! From what happened in the pack to how she reacts and remembers . To how the actual plot goes. I never intended for a lot of what happened to happen. The dragon attack that had her stuck in jorrvaskr for 2 months. Thats where a lot of her bonding with Farkas happens. Btwn ustengrav and the dragon. I never intended for them to ever get married. But… that happened. I never intended for later events to happen.
And saving skjor!?? Man that’s probably the biggest change I still have the old draft with Skjor’s death and the aftermath lol 😂
I never imagined I would ever finish it too I am so very proud of what I wrote! And that’s it’s finished!
But, yeah….. Sifkni has been through a lot from day 1 up til 13 years later….. and I am
But yeah… that is Sifkni. Her origins. And the journey to the ending.
And now I get to work on the Sequel. Which is all new. I’ve never planned or plotted this. It is mostly going to be a lot shorter than roaw. But it’s also the means for Sifkni to peacefully pass onto the Hunting Grounds! >:3c there will be a lot of reopening of old wounds. We get to meet her pack again! And Hircine will be there!
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soap143 · 11 months
heyy! I saw your requests are open, was wondering if you could write a 3racha tickle fic with cute lee!han, maybe one where they come into his room and practically BEG him to let them tickle him cause they miss his cute laugh HAHA but turns out he doesn't really need that much convincing cause he's been waiting for his hyungs to wreck him for a while now and was just top shy to ask 🥺
Idk, I read on your bio that you're still figuring this whole thing out so I thought if I suggested some ideas it could help, but you do what's most comfortable for you!! Love your writing, have a good day 🩷
I am genuinely kicking my feet, swirling my hair and giggling rn. I did figure it out and I will try my best. Thank you so much anon! 🙂 Btw I don’t know anything about their living space and what they do during the day (apart from dance practice and just music stuff). Remember that this is purely fiction
Missed you
Ler!Chan and Changbin
Stray Kids had been working extra hard these past few days, especially 3racha. They just had to make sure their new comeback was perfect and would leave their fans satisfied (and it will!). The infamous trio had already had a few sleepless nights, leaving them exhausted, so, when they were informed that this day was completely free from work, they were sure as hell happy.
The group decided to only rest this day, considering how productive they had been all week long. Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin planned to spend the day snacking and cuddling while finishing up the kdrama they had started a few weeks ago, but were forced to temporarily pause because of all the work they had. Minho and Felix wanted to go to a local bakery for breakfast and just chill and peacefully walk around the city, leaving 3racha mostly alone in the dorms, considering the other three boys would be too invested in the TV show to notice anything they would do.
Obviuosly, after a few sleepless nights, the only thing on their mind was to nap for most of the day. However, Han was convinced in sleeping alone in his room that he shared with Seungmin (he probably doesn’t but let’s pretend he does). Chan and Changbin were a little suspicious but too tired to care.
The hyungs of 3racha only slept for about an hour before they both agreed that they needed Han to sleep in the same bed as them. His presence was important, ok? “Let’s go to his room, I’m pretty sure he pushed both beds together to sleep better” Changbin groggily said “Um… I’m not sure, he seemed like he didn’t want to be disturbed…” Chan answered as he shoved his head into Changbins chest, bear hugging him with his arms and legs “Pleaaase, Channie hyungggg…!” the shorter boy whined “Noooooo Changbin hyungggg” the kangaroo giggled as he pressed Changbin closer to him, suffocating said boy in the process “Nohohoho, C-Chahan I can’t breath~” Chan just giggled and nuzzled his head into the crook of Binnies’ neck. When the chocolate bar boy did that, it immediately reminded Changbin of Han — he would love shoving his face into all kind of crooks, he said that it was more comfortable that way “Let’s go to Hannies room now! I miss him too much!” Chan gave in with a loud groan on the side of Changbins neck, making him giggle “Alright, you win, let’s go”
Han was laying in his bed, which was now double the size, considering that he had pushed both of the beds in his room together. Nonetheless, he just couldn’t fall asleep, no matter how big and comfortable his sleeping space was. He groaned loudly and flopped around. Since today was supposed to be a rest day, he couldn’t annoy anyone to get what he wanted so badly. Chan and Changbin were sleeping and he wouldn’t dare to disturb the remaining three boys in the dorm. So, he had no other choice other than just lay sorounded by darkness and suffer. Sounds dramatic, but it’s true.
“Be quiet! I’m about to open it!” Chan whisper yelled “I am being quiet!” “Just shut up for once, goddamit!” the aussie slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. He expected to see Jisung fast asleep, but was surprised to find him laying on his back, staring at the ceiling “Gosh, who hurt you, mate?” Chan giggled as he ran and jumped on top of his bandmate, Changbin laying on top of them all “Why are you here?! I was sleeping!~” “Yeah, yeah, of course you were” “You seemed to invested in the ceiling to care about sleep!” “Ugh, just shut up!” “We miss your laugh!” “Yeah, I haven’t been able to hear it this past week! Why are you so grumpy?” Changbin said poking the very bottom of the human tower (aka Han)”Gahaha don’t do that, tell me a joke instead to make me laugh!” “Oh, I didn’t know you were ticklish, Hannie~” Chan said, poking both sides of his body with his fingers “AHaha no, please~” the other two boys simply smiled, looking at eachother with mischievous smirks.
They both slowly got off the poor boy, trying to not be suspicious. To be honest, Han knew what was coming, in fact, he was waiting for it to happen, the dark room only fueling his anticipation. He was too tired to even stop them, or maybe he just wanted them to do it. Usually, nobody would even ask before starting the merciless attack. However, Chan and Changbin must have noticed that Jisung was not going to stop them, so they decided to tease him a bit “Hey Hannie…~” “Watcha doing?~” the quokka cocked his eyebrow in suspicion “I know that this week has been very complicated and that we’ve all been working very hard without any time to spare, but that doesn’t mean that you get to be grumpy and not laugh for a whole week straight” Chan said with a teasing voice “And uh, w-where are you going with this…?” “Can we tickle you?” “Pleahehease~~” Han was thankful that the room was dark, because he was more red than a tomato “W-whahat, no! Obviously no!” oh please do “Pleasepleasepleaseplease can weeeeeeee, we promise not to touch again for the rest of our lives” “Ummm… No” the dweakki started flopping around while whining like a child “Please please please plehehehehease! I swear Hahahan Jisuhuhng~~~~” the poor boy didn’t know how much longer he could handle it “Uggghhh, ok fine, you can…” He tried to sound as disappointed as he could. Both of the lers got to work immediately, Changbin grabbing his wrists and sitting on his palms to keep his arms in place “Are you ready~” Chan asked, placing his hands on the quokkas sides. Han just giggled in anticipation, waiting for him to attack “Juhuhust doho it…” “Oh? You could’ve just said so!” Chan teased as he started to squeeze the dreaded spot “AHAHAHA, ChahHAHnnie hyUHUHUHng” “Hey, it’s not just him here!” Changbin protested poking both of the lees armpits “AHAHAHEHEHA BIHIHIHIENIEHE HYUHUHUNG!” both of the attackers simply giggled at his desperate begging. Soon enough, both of the 3racha hyungs got tired of the two spots, deciding to change things up a bit “Ok, so if you can hold your laugh in as I tickle you in your chosen spot, we will stop” what? Han definitely didn’t want this to stop! “Umm… My thighs?” Chan smiled and leaned into Changbin to whisper into his ear “This boy obviuosly wants to be wrecked! Should we tease a little longer or just give him what he wants?” Changbin smiled and shook his head “He deserves a reward after such long week full of work” Both of the singers smiled and looked to the squirrel laying laying below them. He had heard everything “Ok so, are you ready? You must not laugh for a full 12 seconds!~” Han blushed and giggled “Ohohok…” the wolf placed his palms on top of his thighs and slowly wrapped his fingers around the muscle surrounding his leg. He nodded his head, signaling for the shortest of the three to start counting “one, two…” once he started counting, Han could feel fingers pushing into the sensitive flesh. He immediately smiled and held back a giggle “four… fiiivvve” Jisung just wanted them to stop teasing with the stupid games, but that wasn’t a problem for long, because once Chan started aggressively pressing and squeezing his thighs it was over “AHAHAHAHAH PLEHEHEAHAHASEPLEASHEHESE CHAHAN I LOHOHOHST I LAHAHAHA-…!” Both ticklers seemed to be satisfied with the reaction.
All three of the boys were smiling and giggling, one because of the fingers that were being shoved into his armspits and hips and the other two because of the ridiculous reactions of the very first boy “PLEHEAHASE, PLEASE, IHAHAH CAHAHAN’T ANY MOHOHORE!” “Of course you can, I know how much you love this~” Changbin teased poking his neck, stopping the deep belly laughter and replacing it with sweet giggles “Ahahahehehe Binieehehehe~” “Oh my God, I can’t believe I’ve been living without this sound for a whole week” Changbin said, fake wiping a tear “Youhuhu,re so dramatic” Chan giggled, tracing shaped into Han’s stomach “Ahaheheheheahah, ple-pleheheahase…~” the lee just couldn’t stop chuckling because of the tickly feeling on his stomach and neck “You’re so cute, but I don’t want you to pass out” Chan said with one last squeeze to his side “Yeah, I think we should stop…” Changbin “agreed” as he lowered his head and blew a raspberry onto Hans collarbone “OHOHOHOH MAHAH GAHAHAHA! WHYYY?!?!” Changbin just snickered and switched the torture to his neck “EHEHEHEAHAHAHA STOHOHOHOHP PLEHEHEAHAHASEHEHE~” “Alright, enough now Binnie~ He will die if you don’t stop” the dwaeikki pouted but stopped, bear hugging the maknae of 3racha andbringing him down onto the bed “Let’s sleep now, I’m exhausted~~” “Yeah, me too” Han agreed.
All three men were cuddled up in Seungmin’s and Han’s beds. Jisung was much more tired, almost falling asleep. He had a silly smile on his face. He couldn’t stop thinking about that wrecking that had had just a few minutes prior. Chan and Changbin were smiling too, knowing how much Hannie loved it.
Ok, so request are going to be open from now on. I’m on vacation for now, so I’ll be able of completing them, but I’m not sure how active I will be next week. Thank again, request will be highly appreciated🙂❤️
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tarabyte3 · 5 months
Fic Updates
It's been a while soo....
I Want You to Show Me Weak — As I've stated before, there are only 2 chapters left in the entire fic. I'm going to be finishing both of them before I post chapter 26. Then I'll be posting chapter 27 the next day. Gonna end the fic with a bang 😏 I have everything outlined and thought out, I just have to finish writing it (I'm very excited about what I have planned/written for the final chapter, which includes the ending). Though I will admit, it's been difficult to write knowing I'll be saying goodbye to this story. I'll miss my boys SO much 😭, as well as this version of Kino x Reader, but I want to finish it for myself and for all of you! Besides, there's always the possibility of oneshots set in this universe in the future AND I'm not done writing for Kino. Not even close! I have no date estimate at the moment, but I'm trying to give this one my full attention so 🤞
The Devil Makes Us Sin — Once Show Me Weak is done, I'm going to give this one my full attention for a while. (Though, to be honest, even though I'm trying to focus on finishing Kino first, I still keep this document open and regularly pop in to write a paragraph or two. What can I say, David is VERY fun to write for 😏, I love him, and I must follow the serotonin). The next few chapters will be shorter so they should go quickly, and I already have around the next 4 of them half written (I actually have about ~25k of future stuff written last time I checked, including parts of chapters MUCH further down the road 😅).
Other Wips
While my focus has been on my ongoing stories, I do have a few other WIPs I have actual content written for! So here's an update on those as well. For fun.
Personal Trainer!Kino x Reader Modern AU — I have the beginning of this story and a few scenes written, and SO many notes for it. (My relationship with my trainer is fantastic. He's 50% big brother energy, 50% wingman energy, but he says THE most out of pocket shit so I immediately write it down after my sessions. Because him saying it does nothing for me, but imagining Kino saying it?? 😵‍💫🫠🥵) It will probably end up ~5 chapters total. Probably.
And Your Heart, Love, Has Such Darkness (David x Reader smutty Oneshot) — I started this one a year ago because I wrote something for TDMUS that didn't quite fit, but I liked it enough to keep it and make it its own thing. It's over half done right now, so it will likely be the next oneshot I post.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You, but You're Pretty When You Cry (Dark!David x Reader) — I think this one will end up about 3 chapters long and will contain a lot of content warnings. It's going to be more horror focused (with splashes of dark humor because I cannot help myself). I adore the opening chunk I've written. It gave me goosebumps.
Secret Andy Blorbo x Reader Oneshot — This one started as a joke on Discord about an Andy blorbo that is not only incredibly niche/unknown, but is actively not attractive (one of the very rare times Andy Serkis does nothing for me. In fact, when I see him, my vagina makes the windows shutdown noise). Except I made the mistake of saying, "I want to try to write for this character as a fun challenge just so I can sexually confuse everyone." And it, uh, spiraled from there and made me rethink my entire stance on this character (thank you for not only indulging me, Hannah, but encouraging me and giving me more ideas 💖 I loved [redacted] thirst day in TNBF)
Halsin x Tav — That's right, I'm writing for the sexy druid. It'll be 2 chapters, and it's about a third of the way finished. This Tav will be a human fighter, but is otherwise written more like a Reader Insert. (Side note: going back to 3rd person POV after writing a lot of 2nd person POV is harder than I imagined 🙃)
Paz Vizsla x Mando!Reader Oneshot — That's right, I'm also writing for the big Mandalorian. It's about a third of the way finished as well. (These last 2 are actually a little intimidating because the fandoms are MUCH larger, but I need to get them out sooo fuck it, it's happening.)
So as you can see, even though I haven't posted very much outside of Liam Black, I'm still writing a lot. Apparently I just have commitment issues and a lot of ✨thots✨ 😌💖
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acesgayhusband · 2 years
Pt 2
Warnings: P w/o P, Dry Humping, Hate Fucking (Kinda??), AFAB reader.
AN: Okay so this was originally a pokemon only blog but then,, i started watching one piece so. Cut me some slack. I love Sanji. This is also shorter than what most of my fics will be because I plan on posting this in parts.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to find yourself like this. Sanji pressing his clothed cock against your own clothed cunt, rubbing up against you for stimulation, small moans coming from the both of you as he continued his ministrations.
You were down on his bed, on your hands and knees. Usually Sanji was on his knees just grinding into you, but today was different. He pressed himself so close to you, so close you could smell the cigarette smoke that covered him, so close you could hear his pitiful whines as he was chasing his release.
This deal would have seemed strange to anyone else, sure, while being a part of the same crew you two loathed each other so much. Although most of it was on your end, you berated him for quite literally everything he did, the blatant flirting he did with every girl he laid eyes on, you included. The disgusting smell of cigarettes that permeated around him. The only redeeming qualities he had was his cooking, and you had too much pride to eat it. So you either made your own food, or went hungry. To be fair, he wasn’t the one who started this weird arrangement. It was you. You don’t even know why you did it. Maybe being deprived sexually caused it and you knew he’d absolutely agree to it, or maybe it was because you hoped (and were correct in hoping so) that he’d stop flirting with you if you could offer him some other kinds of service. You were right.
“Fuck..” His sporadic movements were telling you that he was close, but luckily you were too, you just refused to give him any noises, that and you were terrified of others on board hearing the things you two got up to. However, since you were both in Sanji’s room and it wasn’t unheard of for him to make these noises, it worked out perfectly for you.
You stilled for a moment, before mildly thrashing around underneath Sanji, he knew what that meant, and he wasn’t far behind you in climaxing. A few more movements against you and you felt something hot and sticky start seeping into your own pants. Fuck.. Now you’d have to change. Again. 
Once he pulled away from you, he noticed the mess he left on your rear. “Oh shit, sorry..” He laughed a little bit and gave a slight tap to your ass, causing you to flinch and glare back at him. 
Don’t touch me.” You simply said as you pushed yourself off the bed and looked at the mess he’d made on your pants. “God, gross, can’t pull away when you’re about to burst?” Whatever, you knew this would happen. Thankfully you brought a change of pants. “Turn around, I’m not walking out of here like this.”
“Aw, I think it looks nice.” He laughed as he lit a cigarette and took a drag from it. Gross. Not only was he smoking around you but he was also just sitting in his own cum. Although it was nice to see that he wasn’t staring at you as you took off your pants and underwear, simply slipping into the new pair before exiting the room.
“Just let me know if you need any more help.” You heard him say as you shut the door behind yourself, making sure no one was around before you slipped away into the hall. God you didn’t wanna have to walk around with your own cum dripping down your legs, but if you didn’t show your face at some point people would probably start looking.
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baronessvonglitter · 2 months
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (if you feel like it, no pressure.) spread the self-love 💞
merci beaucoup for the ask @alltheirdamn 💟
5 self-written recs, here we go!
Halftime Show is the most fun, totally unserious fic, it was probably my favorite to write and I was honestly not sure people would even like it, but I've gotten some good reviews on it. A sequel is in the planning stage.
{you're an escort hired for a private Super Bowl party hosted by a mysterious client and his four friends}
(Joel Miller, Javier Pena, Dave York, Frankie Morales, Marcus Moreno x f!sexworker!reader)
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Sweet Summer Peach is evidently my most popular fic, with the most notes on tumblr. Indulgent, naughty, and fun because we all want that old man.
{when your dad's best friend Joel catches you with his younger brother Tommy, it sets off a spark of jealousy that can only be tamed by showing you how a real man treats a woman}
(dbf!Joel Miller x f!virgin!reader)
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he's got you on a pedestal, and me in his arms is the most angsty, and has broken quite a few hearts according to the reblog notes. A sequel is being written.
{you've known Francisco "Frankie" Morales your whole lives. Not even his marriage kept you from being in his life and in his bed. Then one fateful weekend everything changes and you have to find the will to give him up}
(fwb!Frankie Morales x f!reader)
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I'm gonna be a little unfair here and add my incomplete series fics, because they're my babies and I've put the most thought and work into them than any others. Rest assured, I'm working on their completion every day. Starting with my baby baby:
Cherry, Cherry is the first fic I ever wrote after being inspired by a Neil Diamond song on Spotify one November morning, coupled with my fifth or sixth re-watch of TLOU. And it is a bit of wish fulfillment.
{It's the summer before college and you're sure you have your life figured out.. then you meet your new neighbor, single (hunky) dad Joel Miller...}
(pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!reader)
and last but not least:
if love be rough with you, be rough with love was initially going to be a much shorter series, but it developed the more I wrote, and in terms of violence and angst is probably going to be the darkest among my fics. This was inspired by a fic I read on AO3, and I just expanded off it.
{As a nanny for the York family, you develop a crush on the head of the household, Dave York. What starts out as a simple, innocent crush grows to an urgent and violent love}
(Dave York x f!reader)
dividers by @firefly-graphics 👑
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My Girlfriends Roommate - Chapter 12 FINALE! (18+) Minors DNI
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WARNINGS: Pain and breeding kink is strong with this one. Rough sex, rough, rough, and rough! There's internal monologue, mentioning of God, talking to God, talking to each other through internal monologue, emotional connection, and lots of graphic scenes that is descriptive. Again this was an original fic I drafted with the main characters names changed, they're ones i created entirely on my own and their personalities do not reflect any of the real person(s) that are Enhypen. Just wanna throw that out there.
There will be a sequel, that's another original piece I did that I'll have to re-edit, but I'll wait and see how this series does and how receptive it is. Sequel is My Roommate's Ex, its alot, ALOT shorter than this series, but is alot jucier (really juicy actually, alot of you will probably be shocked)
MGR pretty much did all the work as far as the build up and relationship development, which is why there are so many chapters.
With that said, if you enjoy it, please either message or comment so I know it will be worth my time to re-edit the sequel and other works that I have drafted years ago. :) Take care loves and remember to love yourself and MGR Heesueng loves you.
It’s been a while huh. Or maybe you never heard me to begin with. Its not my fault, I couldn’t reach out. I couldn’t get through to you. But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore because I no longer need an answer from you.
I used to think you were testing me. Wondered if you had other plans for me. Thinking you were telling me to broaden my horizons.
Remember all those “potential” candidates you put my way? You know. The ones that made promises that, no matter the time or distance apart, they would be loyal… humble…display unconditional love, yet they never followed through even when times were peaceful. Yeah, those ones.
I used to wonder “why?” Why was it so hard to find what others found so easy to throw away? My friends, my brother, my father…
Even for someone like Gabe, to earn Vicky’s trust and devotion and used it against her, when I was the one who yearned and respected it. To the point where, for so long, I repeatedly dismissed the acts of her betrayal when I secretly found out just how grounded their relationship really was, physically and emotionally.
Why was it so easy for everyone to find it, yet impossible for me when I was the one searching? As if I was doing all the work for them.
Maybe I shouldn’t had been so eager to crave companionship, but you made me that way, didn’t you? Hehehe. I could never understand why you gave me demons when I asked for angels. Whenever I saw the happiness of any man, God…only you know…I hated the world. The beasts inside me wanted to burn this whole place down and end it. I was tired of everyone getting the one thing I couldn’t.
Was it wrong?
Considering the number of times, I’ve been let down, was it wrong for me to secretly wish for the demise of other people’s happiness?
Was it wrong for me to get jealous when Jay’s smile grew wider, Sunghoon’s meaning in life grew deeper, or when Jakes voice got higher…was it wrong for me to feign happiness when I hoped for chaos and turbulence?
There wasn’t a day I wanted to wake up from sleep. At least then, I wouldn’t have to think about it. Just dream of it. It was less lonely that way. But now…I don’t have to look forward to sleep. I don’t have to be happy only in my dreams, do I?
I have her. The one you sculpted to be more beautiful than the sun and moon. Yes…her. Her in front of me.
She is the one and only thing that I had been searching for since I became a man. She is the shelter I was asking for when I am so far from home. She is the most beautiful inside and out, and nothing makes sense without her.
She is the sole comfort in my life, and for once, I don’t have to worry about a single thing. You gave her wings, yet she chooses to walk beside me.”
Heeseung’s momentum was the exact opposite of Samuels. You couldn’t help but compare the two, after all, Samuel was the only other experience you had, and within the eight months of your union, you shared that experience with him countless times. Every single moment where you gave him access to your womanhood, while it was pleasant, it wasn’t as invigorating as it was now. Even on nights when Samuel was a hard lover and less soothing in his performance, you had no idea that the vigor of any man could surpass the levels he displayed.
You didn’t know any better until Heeseung entered. He was rough, he was hard, and he was fast. He wasn’t making love; he was fucking you. But somehow, perhaps due to the level of sentimental connection that you both seem to share with each other, you just knew that while he was fucking you, he did so lovingly.
Everything you needed and wanted in life; he was fucking it into you.
He fucked the tears you cried that night. He fucked the smiles that were deceived out of you by Samuels lies. He fucked the pain of reading his words of betrayal. He fucked the joy you felt at having someone to come home to. He fucked the screams coming out of your mouth right now as he pounds into you, creating a soreness each time his groin slaps against you. He fucked the laughter you shared with friends and family during the peaceful moments in life.
But most importantly, he fucked all his love inside you; as well as the pain, jealousy, anger, and disappointment he experienced. He fucked every single ounce of it into your core and watched the true beauty of metamorphosis to occur as all his burdens turned into the gasping moans coming out of you, soothing and healing him.
With pleasure and pain, you took it all in helplessly as he fucked all his thoughts and desires. You not only loved every single bit of it, you wanted more.
He fucked roses. Roses you grew for Samuel, that you nurtured and watered with the tears you shed that night, all blooming because of Heeseung.
He fucked blue. The color of the sky, that you loved so much, is now the color of your energy.
He fucked the moon and sun. The eclipse of his heart embracing yours. He fucked you into Heaven and Earth.
Heeseung was doing more than just healing, he was showing the amount of love and devotion a man could ever develop for any woman. He was taking care of you in ways that no other man would ever be smart enough to do on his own. He fucks into you relentlessly, all things good and bad, and it was the most terrible and beautiful thing you’ve ever felt. The echoing voice translates the beauty of Heeseung’s love into to the deepest trenches of your soul, hoping that his heart would hear.
“He fucks me…he loves me. He shelters me by coating the skin on my body with his tongue.
God, he is fucking me and he’s doing it so good.
Oh God, I love it when he fucks me.
Could anyone with a human heart ever understand?
Could you? With your almighty heart and values in creation of mankind? Could you understand that what he is doing to me is the very thing I never knew I needed?
I don’t ever want him to stop. I want him to fuck me every day. I want him to fuck me every night. I want him to do everything to me. Just…want him to….fuck…”
His pace increases, his thrusts go deeper, and your head suspends your features to flush with the ceiling, moaning, and screaming. The vibrations of the echoes in your voice dances in the room, bouncing off the walls, the buzzing swims into both your ears as he holds you, steady as possible, while giving you everything he’s got. The ferocity of Greek Gods couldn’t even compare to Heeseung’s own.
The back of your head presses away from the headboard, you lean your face forward and introduce your cries into his mouth, engaged in the most passionate exchanging of wet kisses. The flicking of your tongues migrating from left to right, up and down, and in and out.
Your hands around his broad shoulders, your body lost all contact with the headboard as you have now completely relied on his body to fully support you. Not that it was a surprise, it was still impressive that Heeseung’s strength carried the weight of two bodies effortlessly.
You fall dense on his form; it was hard and warm. You were inching closer to a heightened state of euphoria as you bounced when you received each raging thrust.
The view of your hair flowing all around, dancing against your skin was a sight to behold. The sight of your breasts in bouncing motion from the thrusting impact enabled him to feel the desire to continue. But not just for the pleasure he was feeling from fucking you, it was so he could keep watching the evolution of your beauty taking place before him, all because of the awfully pleasant things he was doing to you. Things that are every father’s worst nightmare.
Your beauty just continuously amazes him, from the moment he met you he did everything in his power to not overindulge the mesmerizing image of you since he was trying to remain committed to Vicky, even if it was all mental. But he couldn’t, he wasn’t strong enough. You were intoxicating and no matter how he tried to distract himself from you, he was always brought back to your image.
Now that he got to see you in such a vulnerable state, he learned that you weren’t just beautiful when smiling, laughing, and looking at him intently with those dangerous eyes, he now discovered that you were just as beautiful, if not more so, when your face was stained with the pain of his penetration or the pleasure of him hitting your spot.
You were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, an ancient glory of the world’s creation. Enabled by wanting to see more sides of you, he takes sinful act of performance to a speed that is unsearchable. And God, you lost it. Grabbing on to his chest, your strength drains out of you as your fingers drag down. You found yourself re-gripping your hold on his chest or his biceps, alternating as the high momentum of your bouncing form caused you to lose your handling. Your chest felt sore as you hyperventilate, and a combination of gasps and moans shot out of you violently.
“He fucks me.” “I fuck her.”
The slapping of on and off skin contact from his penetration accompanies your screams of pleasure. The feeling was so intense, and while you were pretty sure everyone could hear it, you knew that no one was going to do anything about it and, upon discovering his Heaven and Earth, you hope it stayed that way. The traffic of air escaping you causes your mouth to dry up, the flesh of your womb bruising from his explicit and merciless act; the moist flesh that binds around his cock continues to leak, allowing him to fuck you more easily, regardless of how tightly you were wrapped around him.
“He loves me.” “I love her.”
The sweat glistening your bodies, took part in transforming the movements from steady and neat to sloppy and shaky. Along with the explosion of pleasure and sexual power, you both were losing all sense of humanism, becoming animalistic and primitive instead. The mashing of his balls into your taint furthered the pleasure you were experiencing as you kept taking him in, permitting him to forge his sexual satisfaction inside your delicate and fragile body.
You never want to lose this. The thought of having him motivated you to raise and cross your arms around his neck; he knew the meaning behind this notion and just like you, he felt the same. Putting any remaining gaps in between your bodies to rest in peace, as he tightened his wrap around you.
His arms are parallel to each other as they remain firmly wrapped around your back, both hands reaching and touching your breasts from each side as he used the bulk of strength from his core to lift, pull, and push you up and down his cock, coating it with the slick gush of your pleasure. His knees were starting to grow weary from the strain of supporting you both, yet the pleasure of fucking you so beautifully gave him the strength to keep going.
“Please God, let him stay.” “I won’t leave you baby. I’m staying.”
Still exchanging the kisses, that have too now become sloppy, you began to feel like you were dying inside, the pleasure was too overwhelming, and you lost feeling in your fingers, finding it difficult to tell if you were touching his skin every time you dug the tips in. You have grown completely numb as your legs begin to slack off, their wrap around his waist loosens and the alternation of your bouncing of your body and the impact of his thrusts promotes them to slide and fall off.
Sensing you were growing weaker and faltering, he takes his arm and catches one of your legs from falling completely down, remaining hold of it. He places a reach around from the inside, placing his hand on your waist as his arm snakes your thigh, looping it from falling, maintaining some bit of integrity with the position as you continue getting fucked.
“I want him.” “I want her.”
You feel yourself growing too weak, your vision begins to tunnel as a thick ring of darkness slowly narrows your limited vision. Your arms wrapped around his neck begins to loosen and you found it more comfortable to place your hands back on his biceps, allowing them to rest on them since you lacked the strength to hold them in place. You can barely hold on. Your moans, while still maintaining volume, have decreased, the tone of your vocal cords no longer had the strength to push out solid sound, just a slight dying tone accompanying a whispering gasp as you took on ever other breath trying to find a way to re- stabilize your stamina so that it would match his.
A sudden swarm of defeat informs ceases you from doing anything. It was finally here.
You begin to feel the sharpness of your orgasm to penetrate deep into your stomach and chest each time his cock thrusted into you. Your legs shake violently, and your body is reaching a mode of panic as it jolts as you feel your hips gyrate against his groin. Though you’ve never experienced this, you knew of the feeling from the talk of friends, you were getting close. Really close.
Your body’s message to your brain is contradicting, it wants you to tell him to stop, to not proceed any further due to the overstimulation being unbearable. Yet, confusingly, it wanted him to continue, not just that, but it compelled you to move along with his rhythm and aid his quest for a release.
“God…please let him be the one and only one.”
“It’s me and you forever baby, I’ll always be the one to give it to you. Just me…and you….me fucking you… always.”
No words were exchanged, just the sound of your gasps and his groans and heavy breathing fills the hollowness of the room. Regardless, you both felt and heard each other’s tone of endearment as you communicate through the moans of pleasure. Your hips roll vigorously as you felt his cock begin to pulsate. He was also close, and his breathing began to shorten. His gasping breaths grew louder and more frequent, in sync with his thrusts. You loved the sound of his voice reflecting his actions towards you. It was capturing your independence and the sole entity of your being as you embraced the concept of being completely owned by him.
“I never want to be away from him.”
“Come with me.”
“I want to build a home with him.
"Marry me.”
“I want to carry his legacy.”
“Be the mother of my children.”
You both have reached the same altitude of the orgasmic high as his sloppy thrusts, receiving a boost of stamina from the turmoil of ecstasy in his core, become harder and faster. He was going into you deeper, to the point that your body reacted by jolting upwards. Your hands pushed against his biceps as you desperately try to remain suspended in hopes to inhibit him from breaking into you further, trying your best to prevent him going in too deep.
But Heeseung’s arm around your waist, which up until this very moment had been supporting you, works against you as he reaches up to the back of your shoulder, grabbing hold to push you down steadily and firmly, holding you in place as he continues his desire to extend his reach inside of you. He feels himself tearing your open parts that would be unreachable for any other man. He pushes, tears, rips, and separates you.
You found your voice as you let out a murderous scream, letting out everything ranging from yelling out his name and your desperate pleas begging for mercy, which he did not honor. To your painful horror he kept going while attaching his open mouth against your ear, placing soft kisses on your helix. Your remained facing off to the side, giving him full access to your ear as you try to find some sort of comfort from his kisses, in hopes that it would distract you from the pain. It didn’t, fact is, there was nothing that could ease, let alone save you.
You lose your mind. You lose sight, hearing, and the ability to think as your body is forced to take in all his power. The moisture inside you grows, it was your body’s response to the trauma, as if making it easier for him to slide in and out was going to help take the shock of pain away from him ripping into you, reaching a spot inside. A spot in every woman’s body that should never be breached.
The union of your fluids was formulating inside you, starts to seep out from whenever he thrusted, dripping down his cock and eventually creating a pool on the bed spread. Your mind has become blank with darkness, the pain starts to become tolerable as your orgasm trinkles in, starting off light and increases to the triggering point where the explosive punch from deep within your core takes place.
At that moment, the worst pain you felt at the hands of this man became worth dealing with as a nuclear effect causes your mind, body, and soul to be covered by a blanket of overwhelming pleasure.
Your scream was high in desperation from succumbing to that pleasure and pain. He loved hearing it, but he had, though barely, enough sense to stay mindful that you both were still in a dorm room. He loosens his grip and shoots his hand to extend passed the back of your shoulder, reaching from behind the base of your neck and around to the side of your face, covering your mouth. He loved the feeling of collecting your pants with his palm, the heat and condensation from it all being a mark of his victory.
Prior to muffling it, the sound of your scream brought him the most happiness he’s felt in a long time. He hated that he had to cover it, but he felt grateful that he was at least able to hear and memorize it before forcing it back into your mouth through the barricade of his hand.
Your body goes limp yet continues to shake in thunderous waves all over as the high from your intense orgasm pelted you with kisses of pleasure. It gave you wings. Heeseung’s orgasm follows suit after feeling the palpations of your walls clenching and pulsating against him at a rapid rate. There was an indescribable feeling of pleasure and joy within him as he felt the filtering release of his cum seeping deep inside you, painting your walls as white as the clouds in the sky.
All his children swim inside you, dancing joyfully upon finally meeting the warmth, comfort, and protection of their mother. Sealing your lips with another tender kiss, you both remain in position at a standstill. His cock resting inside you, you’re almost certain he was still releasing his fluid, which you willingly accept and take in. You receive his kiss as you enjoy the first and unfertilized stages from the act of procreation, and you embrace the concept of motherhood even if his offspring were in their microscopic form.
“My beautiful girl…I’m not going anywhere. You don’t have to worry about a thing. From now on, tell me what he’s done to you, and I’ll fix it.
Tell me you want a castle, I’ll build it.
Tell me you want the world, I’ll give it.
I’ll give everything, whether it’s my life or the sounds of the ocean, I’ll give you everything you want. It’s the least I can do, I’m so grateful.
I’m grateful to you.
I’m grateful to the love and creativity of your parents when they made you.
I’m grateful to him for giving you up.
I’m grateful to God for choosing you as his favorite. I’m grateful I get to keep you.
I’m grateful to the world, for once. I’m eternally grateful for finding you and even more so as I get to look forward an eternity with you.”
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bre-meister · 5 months
I wrote this greens fic back in February I think for one of the saftey prompts but for the life of me I can’t find the ask. If I do I’ll link it to this one later. Also, please mind the formatting I’m unfortunately posting on mobile 😅
✨Never Again✨
The change in Buttercup wasn’t super obvious at first. When she came home her answers to his questions were a bit shorter than usual and maybe she wasn’t as touchy as she used to be but honestly there could have been a million reasons why. Butch just chalks it all up to work being stressful and then it was getting close to her cycle as well. Not to mention she’d gotten into another fight with her pink eyed sister recently and that always tended to put her in a sour mood for a few days. He should have seen it coming much sooner. He knows her better than anyone. How could he ever have let this happen to her?
“You should have told me this was going on. I would have put a stop to it as soon as I heard about it!”
The nurse checking his girlfriend’s vitals gives him a dirty look. He feels bad for yelling especially with the way Buttercup shrinks even further into the hospital bed. Seeing her like this was off putting- small, injured, dare he say even oddly ashamed which stunned him the most because absolutely none of this was her fault. He wanted to find the weirdo who did this to her and handle him himself.
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think it was a big deal. He was just a fan. I get fans that come by the shop all the time. Honestly, it’s good for business.”
“Not when they overdose you with Anidote X. You almost died! You kind of have to be alive to do business ya know.”
The corner of her mouth lifts up in a small smile and Butch takes that as a win. As much as he’s trying to ignore it he’s scared shitless - has been since he got the call from Bubbles about Butters being in the hospital. Seeing her react to one of his dumb jokes makes him feel just a little bit better.
“Hey, not my fault the stalker was too dumb to get the dosage right.”
Her joke falls flat between them. As much as both of them would like to lighten the situation, reality was quite sobering. She’d almost died. Like really died. Her superpowers wouldn’t have been able to save her. Hell, the only reason she’s probably alive now was that her little sister had chosen that exact moment to come into the shop to pick Buttercup up for their planned lunch date. She’d seen Buttercup convulsing on the floor and flew her to the hospital after tying up the crazed fan in the back.
“Really, you should have told me. There’s no way that creep went from just checking out your bakery to attempted kidnapping without you noticing a change. We both know I have much more liberty than you to deal with these kinds of situations in a more permanent way.”
He was expecting her to continue arguing, to insist she could have handled it herself - and he knows she could have if that jerkwad hadn’t stuck up on her while she was closing up. What he wasn’t expecting was for her to break down into tears so suddenly.
Immediately he moved to perching on the edge of her bed so he could hold her better. The nurse had long since left them to their argument but Butch could see her disapproving look just as clearly in his minds eye.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m a terrible person coming in here and yelling at you like that.”
“No you’re not. Because you’re right and that’s what makes it so much worse,” she chokes out through her tears.
“You’re right. I should have asked for you help. I should have let someone else know what was going on. I don’t know why I didn’t. I trust you with my whole heart and yet I guess admitting this to you would have been admitting to myself that I couldn’t do it.
“I let my pride stop me and it almost cost me my life. I almost died Butch. I never want to be in that position again.”
“And you won’t.” He says it with so much conviction that he startles himself for a moment.
He gently urges Buttercup to remove her face from where she’d buried it in his chest so he could look her in the eye. He needed her to know how serious he was about this.
“No one’s ever going to hurt you again. i promise you that on everything i believe in.”
“And what do you believe in?” She whispers
“You. Us. I believe in us. And I want you to believe in me. I know you trust me so let me help you. If you had died today… I don’t know what I would have done.”
“You would have been fine -“
“No,” he cuts her off, “I wouldn’t have been. You are my world. My sunshine. Without you everything is just darkness and I’m not strong enough to fight it on my own. You make me stronger, happier, you make me who I am. So I mean it when I say I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing ever harms you again.”
“Well,” she’s full on smiling now, “we both know you can’t stop everything. Occupational hazard and all.”
“I can sure as hell try. “
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I’d love you even more if you told me where everyone’s hiding the scumbag that put you in here to begin with.”
“You and I both know I can’t do that. If I tell you where he is you might actually kill him and I’m sure as hell not going to the security max prison once a month for conjugal visits.”
“Honestly I’m more hurt you’d only plan to see me once a month!”
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rscroogedraws · 3 months
Our Beloved Docktor Frogg Part I
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Note: The last time I tried to write a L.O.S.E. fanfic was 2013. So, I'm pretty rusty.
In a nutshell: Docktor Frogg is starting to wonder if the grass is greener somewhere else. Maybe he'd feel more satisfied with his career and life overall if he was a mad scientist under an actual supervillain instead of Voltar the Saturday morning cartoon villain flop?
This is also me introducing my fan character Firecracker to what may, potentially, be a new series of L.O.S.E. fics after this one. I also plan on including Professor Venomous from O.K. K.O.! as a minor recurring character in this particular fic.
Without further ado:
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“Oh, Docktor Frogg! You got some mail!” Red Menace chirped as he passed over a surprisingly fancy gold embossed envelope.
Frogg nodded and took the parcel. He was relieved Voltar was out doing who-knows-what since the little gremlin would insist on getting first look at the mail just because of how shiny it was. He muttered a few choice words under his breath as he carefully opened said envelope, imagining Voltar scoffing, rolling his eyes, and whining that he never got anything good.
Honestly, Frogg was expecting spam about a credit card for the ‘elite’ supervillain or glossy, unbelievable photos of equipment he’d never be able to afford (or steal) in a million years. Instead, it was a wedding invite. And as soon as he saw the name and picture attached, his heart dropped a little.
There was the beaming and lovestruck face of Professor Venomous holding hands with a shorter man that had teal, swooped hair on one side of his head and one red cybernetic eye. The mystery beau looked great in a powder blue tuxedo, his smile almost hidden behind a big matching tie and a sea of ruffles. Frogg glanced at the letterhead again: “….formally invited to the wedding of Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman.”
Frogg sniffed and closed the letter. Years ago, he found Professor Venomous on a mad scientist forum. His specialization was crafting bio-mass attachments and creating artificial life. He was Frogg’s dream lab partner; a scientist whose demented imagination matched his talent, zeal, and determination to create bigger, worse, and deadlier things. A few of Frogg’s better organic monsters over the years, the ones that lived longer than five minutes, owed their existence to Venomous’ equations and thorough notes.
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When Venomous first shared pictures of what he looked like, it awoke something in Docktor Frogg. The man was as gorgeous as he was brilliant. He had a purple complexion that he carefully matched with turtlenecks in the same color family. His dark hair was glossy and combed back into a flattering wing shape. And he wore eyeliner.
Venomous had a touch of Goth aesthetic and Frogg’s heart always skipped a beat around Goth girls with tastefully put-together black outfits and make-up that made her look like the Grim Reaper’s next willing target. That applied to Goth guys too. It also better explained what Frogg previously chocked up as just “admiration” for the icon Rock Gothington.
It hit Frogg like an unpleasant satellite from the heavens above: He’d been crushing on his long-time online friend Professor Venomous. He’d held onto a slim hope, the slimmest most gossamer thread of hope, that Venomous might reach out one day, ask to be partners, and sweep him away from his dreaded day-to-day as a minion for a Saturday morning cartoon flop. Someone else beat Frogg to the goal he hadn’t realized he had.
Boxman. Frogg blew out a breath. Lord Boxman.
If Venomous had fallen for him, he probably had some blueprints or research worth raiding. At the very least, Frogg might find a devious new idea for a pet project and maybe even a new villain penpal. It’d help buffer his ennui if he had just one more person to talk to that knew what real evil was instead of continuing to insist that playing Ding Dong Ditch on their neighbor Steve was the height of villainy.
“What’d you get, Docktor Frogg?” Red Menace asked with a friendly grin.
“Junk mail.” Frogg deliberately looked away from Red’s face as he tucked the invitation into the inner pocket of his lab coat. “Just junk.”
“Why did you discretely put it away in your coat then?” Red raised an accusatory finger and eyebrow. “That’s the pocket you put important documents in.”
Suddenly the door burst open and Voltar puttered in, tapping his fingers and chuckling sinisterly. Even his antennae curled slightly backwards.
“Men! I’ve found a fantastic new way to annoy the neighborhood!” Voltar made a few showman gestures before sticking his hands behind his back.
Red leaned in curiously. For a moment, Frogg was actually grateful for Voltar’s interruption. As Voltar was pulling out his monumental find, Red shot Frogg a knowing glance and raised his brows. Of course he wasn’t just going to let Frogg off the hook.
Frogg swallowed heavily as Voltar raised a fistful of colorful kazoos.
“I’ve found a treasure trove of horribly played songs on NikNak!” Voltar carried on with a gleeful laugh. “And the fools shared their sheet music! For free! We’re going to learn how to play these songs. The worse. The better. Feel free to ad lib. And we’re going to knock on all our neighbors’ doors. And give them a kazoo concert that will make them groan in sheer agony!”
“I think you’re mistaking recorders for kazoos….” Red interjected.
“I got these from the dollar store for 25 cents. I’m not made of money, Red.”
“Wouldn’t recorders be more irritating?” Frogg said, frowning. “I’ve been to some pretty bad recorder recitals, Voltar. That’s the stuff of nightmares for some parents…”
“And grandparents!” Red added.
“Hmmm…..” Voltar idly scratched his chin and shook the kazoos mashed between his fingers. “I really want to do a bad kazoo concert today.”
With that, Voltar shoved the kazoos at Frogg and Red. Red excitedly started tooting on his while Frogg rolled his eyes and held up the pathetic plastic instrument between his claws.
As if Red’s tweeting and buzzing wasn’t bad enough by itself, Voltar joined in. In his case, he was pitifully trying to play two kazoos at once. Red sounded at least close to competent while Voltar was wheezing and blowing raspberries barely a minute later.
Is this really the rest of my life….? Frogg raised his kazoo and half-heartedly blew into it.
“Let’s gooooo!” Voltar cheered, pointing and marching back towards the door.
Frogg slumped forward and followed the peppy, jaunty strut of his comrades with significantly more somber energy. Maybe today he’d finally discover a Skullosus recruitment poster that didn’t have all the little “take a number” strips pulled off.
Instead of the neighbors, Voltar decided to drag L.O.S.E. to the park instead. Because he was hungry. And there was a specific hot dog cart there that had quality brats-not the cheap meat tubes everywhere else had-and a certain brand of spicy mustard that you just couldn’t find anywhere else in town.
While Voltar beelined for the cart, Red Menace noticed Mrs. Johnson parked on a bench and feeding pigeons. He casually strolled over with a certain grin on his face that better fit a superhero sidekick than a burly evil henchman. The elderly woman immediately perked up when she saw him. She fished out a couple pieces of the awful candy every old person ubiquitously carried on their person and offered Red the ones with the strawberry-themed wrappers. Of course, he gasped with sheer delight and popped one in his mouth.
Docktor Frogg rolled his eyes and looked down at the kazoo pathetically dangling from his claws. He raised it to his lips and started tooting a tuneless ditty. Only he could hear it. Otherwise, he was overpowered by bird chatter and laughing children.
Oh, look. Glory Guy’s superpowered spawn recently learned how to fly. The child was cackling as he flew around in a few dizzy circles, a little gray hare hanging onto his ankle for dear life. Glory Guy’s concerned cries followed a minute later.
Frogg chuckled sinisterly. Maybe in the next ten years Glory Jr. would be a delinquent on the quick path towards a supervillain that could easily rival the likes of Skullosus or greater instead of yet another boring and cookie-cutter boy scout like his old man.
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“….you’re absolutely sure?” Speaking of Skullosus, the skull in a jar was sitting across a picnic table from a character Frogg hadn’t seen before. She certainly wasn’t dressed like one of his typical minions and she wasn’t Skullosus’ gender-bent galaxy-conquering girlfriend either.
“Yeah,” she said with a firm nod. “I appreciate the opportunity, but it’s just not what I’m looking for.”
The mystery woman was barely a foot taller than Voltar from Frogg’s rough mental height estimate. She had short gray hair slicked back into sharp quill-like shapes at the base of her neck and cat-like yellow irises. Colored contact lenses maybe? She was dressed in a dark double-breasted suit and silver tie matched with black and white shoes Frogg had only seen in 1940’s movies. Based on her outfit alone, Frogg guessed she was probably a franchise rep for one of the big-name suppliers Skullosus had access to as an A-list villain.
Despite himself, Frogg cast a venomous glare in Voltar’s direction. His boss was happily chomping down on his stupid bratwurst. With a snarl and a few curses, Frogg turned his attention back to Skullosus. Maybe Voltar would be extra slow today and indulge what he liked to call his “foodie” sensibilities. Yes, Voltar, the man whose usual diet consisted of a big bucket of fried fast food chicken or cheap microwave pizza, was a fount of knowledge on fine dining.
At the very least, Frogg wanted to find out who Skullosus’ mystery supplier was. It’d be another brand name to add to his ever-growing list of mad scientist’s equipment he idly daydreamed about.
“I could really use a decent mad scientist right now.” Skullosus tapped the table top. “Do you like foosball? We just had a foosball table installed in the lounge!”
Frogg’s goggles bugged while the woman in the suit rolled her eyes.
“I’m not a mad scientist. I told you I’m more of a publicist. Or spin doctor for a more accurate description. My mad science is ad hoc at best.” She made a “so-so” gesture. “And I don’t like foosball.”
“But it’s so fun to make the little men kick the ball! It’s like….” Skullosus gestured vaguely. “And then the other guy goes-” He gestured vaguely again. “So fun.”
“Have you actually played it?” She folded her arms.
“My son likes it.” Skullosus shrugged. “I also just got orange soda in the employee vending machines!”
“Hire an actual mad scientist. Call me when you need a brochure for the people on your first conquered planet or whatever.”
“Firecracker, no mad scientists-”
“ ‘No mad scientists want to work anymore!’ Yeah, yeah….” Firecracker made a rude, dismissive gesture that eerily reminded Frogg of Voltar.
“Don’t you dare take that tone with the mighty-”
“You can’t eject me out the airlock.” Firecracker grinned in a menacing fashion. “This is a no disintegrator ray zone. Plus, Glory Guy and General Sargent are here.”
He ground his teeth and narrowed his eyes, but huffed in defeat.
“We’re still on for brunch Monday, right?” Firecracker adjusted the lapels of her suit jacket.
“Of course! Galactea is dying to meet you.” Skullosus’ entire demeanor shifted from intimidating to casual in mere seconds. He cleared his throat and tapped the front of his mech suit. “It’s disappointing that we’ll no longer be business associates. Please send any promising mad scientists my way?”
Firecracker nodded as she shoved her hands in her jacket pockets. “Yes. Of course.”
Skullosus nodded again and stood up. Then he ambled away towards Glory Guy who had just managed to catch his ball-of-chaos rugrat.
The gears in Frogg’s head started turning. If only Glory Guy wasn’t here. If he could just find a way to get himself in front of Skullosus-
“Enjoy the show, Goggles?”
Frogg’s thoughts were interrupted by Firecracker looking directly at him with tightly folded arms and a smug smile on her face.
It was that moment Frogg also realized his goggles had extended out a bit. He had unintentionally zoomed in on Firecracker and Skullosus when he got wrapped up in his eavesdropping. Also, he’d only been standing...ten feet away from their picnic table.
“Oh….” Frogg raised the tip of his claw to his chin. “A-ahhm….”
“Skullhead has a bad habit of using his outside voice.” Her smile grew and she laughed a little, her shoulders bobbing. “So, you’re an aspiring Skullosus minion then?”
“Yes.” Frogg pushed the tips of his claws together, blushing in embarrassment. “I’d like that. Very much.”
“I’d hold off from applying right now.” She held up a warning index finger. “Skullosus thinks he can juggle wedding planning with an evil operation that’s about to expand from not-yet world destroyer to galactic conquerer. It’s a circus!”
“...g-galactic conquerer?!” Frogg was salivating a little now.
“I can see the evil little twinkle in your eye.” Firecracker snorted. “Seriously. I’ve been ejected out of his airlock two different times because of pre-wedding jitters! Wait. Wait at least a month. Then he’ll be back to ejecting minions from the airlock twice a week. Only once if he’s in an especially good mood.”
The tone of her voice and imagining himself floating about aimlessly in space made Frogg very, very aware of gravity keeping his feet attached to the earth beneath him. He looked down at the grass and swallowed thickly. “Mm-hmmm….”
“Good news is you’re a shoo-in,” Firecracker lightly clapped Frogg’s shoulder. “I got my foot in the door because Skullosus caught a whiff of mad scientist on my CV. I can only piece together mad scientist scraps with duct tape, gum, and a miracle!”
“What exactly does Skullosus need a mad scientist for?” Frogg asked around the growing lump in his throat.
Before Firecracker could answer, Voltar popped up and sprayed a mix of spit and terribly played kazoo music in her face. There was a big, stupid smile on his helmeted face and he narrowed his eyes challengingly at Frogg and Firecracker.
“Time to move out, Docktor Frogg!” he declared.
Firecracker had a tight-lipped smirk on her face as her pupils shrank and she blinked a few times. She sniped one of the kazoos Voltar still wielded between his knuckles, raised the cheap instrument to her lips, and took a deep breath. She tweeted into the kazoo, as loud and obnoxious as she could. The resulting foghorn bellow was bigger than Frogg thought the instrument was capable of. It was followed by enough wind to push Voltar’s antennae back and at least a gallon of spit.
Now it was Voltar’s turn for shrinking pupils and rapid blinking.
“What was that for?!” he cried indignantly.
“You started it.”
Voltar tweeted the kazoo again, this time waving his hand off to the side with a few conductor-esque gestures as he seemed to try and remember some tune.
“...is that supposed to be Jingle Bells?” Firecracker asked.
“Nightshade smells! Bobbin lost a pin!” Voltar sang off-key. Frogg cringed when Firecracker started playing her pilfered kazoo actually in tune with Voltar. “The Shade mobile lost a wheel and the Cuckoo got away!”
“Oh, my God. I remember when Nightshade had such a cow about that on national TV.” Firecracker snickered. Then her eyes bugged and she raised the kazoo, tapping the air with it a few times. “Can you imagine putting together a choir of these and playing it right outside his house? Bonus points if its kids in Nightshade’s official shirts and carrying his stupid new action figures.”
“Ooohhh, he’d hate that!” Frogg chimed in, an evil smile tugging at the corners of his lips for the first time in awhile.
“Do you have more of these?” Firecracker shook the kazoo again for emphasis.
“No.”A few more fell out of Voltar’s pockets as his eyes shot back and forth like pinballs.
“I’m getting ahead of myself.” Firecracker laughed as she pocketed the kazoo and extended a hand to Frogg. “I’m Firecracker, the spritely and unpredictable! Pleasure to meet you.”
“Docktor Frogg,” Frogg spun his claw once with a little showy flare before taking her extended hand. “The ah...insidious and dement-cru...malicif-ignant.”
“Um, excuse me!” Voltar glared at her. “I’m the illustrious leader of the League of Super Evil, Voltar. But I don’t really need an introduction. You’ve probably heard of me.”
He puffed out his chest and made a display out of looking at his nails.
For a moment, Frogg tensed up and braced himself for an incoming Voltar tantrum. Most people were barely aware that they existed, saw them as minor nuisances that could be deterred with a “shoo” motion and a spray bottle, or worse, asked who they were even after several events that had almost leveled Metrotown.
“Yeah!” Firecracker tapped her palm. “The balloons? You kept everybody on 4th street up all night after popping a bunch of balloons...Where did you find enough?”
Voltar made a pleased noise. “The dollar store foolishly threw them out! They were all there in an alleyway dumpster! Free for the taking.”
While Voltar was laughing as if he discovered the secret behind perpetual motion, Frogg groaned and rolled his eyes.
“That’s where we find all of our equipment,” he snarked.
“Frogg! Don’t give away our secrets.”
“You already gave it away.”
“Do you think there’s more kazoos back there?” Firecracker interrupted.
“I didn’t think to look there!” Voltar sighed. “I actually bought these.” He glared at the kazoos still stuck between his fingers.
“Recorders would be more annoying,” Firecracker said. “We should stock up on those instead.”
“I told you!” Frogg said in a sing-song with a pointed stare at Voltar.
“Wait a minute.” Voltar folded his arms haughtily. “Who said you were joining us on my genius plan?”
“Fair enough.” Firecracker mimicked his body language before leaning in and blowing a raspberry. “But I can find cheap recorders and I know at least six evil parents that would love to use this as an internship opportunity for their kids.”
“I can recruit an entire neighborhood of annoying kids!”
“Brilliant.” Firecracker smirked. “If we teamed up, we’d have that neighborhood plus six kids. It’d maximize how annoyed Nightshade would be!”
“Wait, wait, wait…” Voltar shook his head. “Our goal is to annoy my neighbors. Especially Steve.”
“Okay.” Firecracker leaned in closer. “Let’s give Steve nightmares.”
The cold, icy tone Firecracker used actually sent a slight shiver down Frogg’s spine. For a moment, Voltar looked a bit phased. His yellow pinprick irises dilated a few times and he took a step back. A moment later, Voltar regained his nerve raised a triumphant fist. “Steve will pee himself in terror!”
“Great.” Firecracker fished a business card out of her pocket and slipped it into Voltar’s hand. “Call me when you’re ready to discuss the plan! I’m always excited to team up with other villains.”
With that, she waved and walked towards the same bratwurst cart Voltar was at a few minutes ago. Frogg watched her passing form, wondering why someone that had connections with Skullosus of all villains would want anything to do with L.O.S.E. Whatever her intentions, she could help Frogg start moving ahead in the world. He’d keep a wary eye on her but until proven otherwise, she’d given him a small spark of hope. He was mildly disappointed that the evil scheme was still Voltar’s small-peanuts vision but at least it’d been upgraded to real nuisance instead of mildly irritating; like a housefly aimlessly larking about exchanged for a mosquito nipping at someone’s neck.
“Gross. Did she just ask me on a date?” Voltar held out the business card as if it was a bag of dog poop.
“As if.” Frogg rolled his eyes. “Girls give you their phone number on scraps of notebook paper or napkins with little hearts on them. Or they just put their number in your phone.”
“How would you know?” Voltar looked at him suspiciously.
“I’ve been out on a few dates!” Frogg said, a bit more defensively than he would have liked. “Anyway, business cards are common. A lot of big-time supervillains and minions have them. This would be our first major collaboration with another villain. It might gain the League more notoriety.”
“We’re known!” Now Voltar was getting defensive. “We’re a household name…”
“We might actually get on the front page of the newspaper.” Frogg mused. “Or better yet, convince a social media influencer to make a video about us…”
“It’d be nice to see my face on the front page,” Voltar muttered.
“Alright, I’ve decided! The League will team up with this Firecracker. Only temporarily!” Voltar snickered. “Your nights of blissful slumber are numbered, STEVE!”
Before Voltar started on an evil laugh, Red joined them. He waved casually and held up a kazoo. “I’m ready to toot, Voltar!”
“Change of plans, Red. We’re going back to the drawing board…”
“Can we go back to the drawing board over subs?” Red Menace held up a coupon with a giddy grin. “Mrs. Johnson had a leftover Get 3 Subs free for Gene’s Sandwich Shoppe!”
“I could eat,” Voltar agreed.
“What about Doomageddon?” Frogg asked nervously.
“Oh, I have enough leftover grocery money to get him a sandwich. Besides, Doomy has very specific tastes!”
“Yeah, I bet…” Frogg shuddered. Thankfully, a big meaty sandwich was far more appetizing than Frogg’s string beany body.
Yet another reason Frogg was excited by the prospect of potentially leaving L.O.S.E.
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 9 months
AU/Fic Masterlist Cuz Whynot
Posted fics:
Stereo Souls - Fanfic - Tag DJMM x Reader soulmate AU
Cymbal Crash Bar - Fanfic - Tag Music Man x Reader - Reader takes over their uncle's bar where they meet Music Man, the bar's resident animatronic.
My ao3 account - I also have some one-shots up that I haven't made art or tags for so I won't list them all individually here. :3
Actively Working on:
Untiled DJ Dance Hall fic - No tag yet DJMM x Reader - After SB, DJ is sold to the dance hall owned by your sister, taking over your job as the resident musician. You're demoted and direct most of your ire at DJ until you realize how crappy his situation is.
Untitled DJ Humancurse fic - Tag Spiderfolk DJ is cursed to become human. A truly horrible fate...but perhaps some good can come of it?
Back Burner (and further) under the cut:
Spiderweb Sonatas - Tag Spiderfolk!DJMM x Fairy!Reader - Shorter domestic-ish fluff story about DJ (called Deejay in the fic, probably?) rescuing the reader from a bird attack and letting them chill at his place til their wing heals.
Attending the Attendant - No tag yet The first DCA fic I started, trying to get it in order before posting it.
Bouncer Music Man - Tag Haven't decided much about this one other than Bouncer is the dominant personality, and DJ possibly doesn't even exist. Still a lot of stuff TBD.
Flower Fae AU - Tag While out in the woods, reader gets shrunk for reasons that are initially unclear. They are rescued by a pair of flower fae called Sun and Moon. Things get awkward when they return to human size.
OctoMusic AU - Tag OG Music Man is an Octo-Mer siren. Hijinks ensue.
Forgotten Face - Tag - Fic Caine x Reader in The Amazing Digital Circus
Waaay Back Burner:
Monster in Paris AU - Tag Calling it the MiP AU because of the pic that inspired it but will not follow the MiP plot very closely. Normal spider DJ is science'd into giant spider spider with human intelligence who's good at music. Similarities to MiP end roughly at that point, but I don't have a ton of plot planned out for this.
Nothing Behind the Mask - Tag I WISH I had more of an idea of what to do with this but alas. Fantasy world where Sun and Moon are powerful entities trapped in the same mask, and have magic'd up floating clothing to appear more human. Reader is there too.
Childhood Friends AU - Tag Spider-DJ and Y/N meet when they are kids. DJ's species is quite small when young, and quite large when grown, leading to an...interesting reunion when Y/N and DJ are grown.
DJMM in VR AU - Tag The 'bots in the 'Plex have access to a VR MMO. DJ and the reader meet and form a friendship there, and eventually the reader finds out their new online buddy is the giant spider 'bot from work.
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corishadowfang · 4 months
On My Heart: 💓: is it part of a series or standalone?
Fallen Stars: 💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
KH folktale: 💟: how is your style different in this work?
(For this)
💓: is it part of a series or standalone?
Standalone! I don't do series very often, haha; in this case, while there's probably room for a series, I kind of wanted to keep things contained to a single story. So...hopefully it'll remain that way, haha!
💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
Oh, man. It's changed a lot from the original plans I had for it. Like--the very, very first iteration was back before Missing-Link was announced, and this was supposed to be a short, Brain-centric fic about learning how to live with his grief in a very different time and place. The first idea that could truly be considered proto-Fallen Stars was also supposed to be relatively short, despite the sound of the premise--basically, the plan was that it would follow Brain and Skuld's entire life in Scala ad Caelum (kind of following the idea that like...your trauma sticks with you, sometimes, and you may not always heal completely, but you can still be happy), with more...snapshots of what happened to them, rather than the monster it ended up growing into, haha. That got shelved for a little while because I started writing the first chapter and realized, "Oh, no...there's plot here." And then I made that Tumblr post and it got revived, aha.
As for how it's changed since I actually, officially started on current-Fallen Stars...uh. Well, it was supposed to be a lot shorter. I think my original outline had it in the mid-twenties, chapter-wise? That didn't pan out, obviously, haha. Other than that, the big points have remained basically the same (I've done too much foreshadowing, man, I need those to pay off), but the details have occasionally changed. For example, originally I wasn't going to reveal that Luxu was the narrator until the very end (with basically just a throw-away "As if" in the narration, haha), but it got moved up for...plot reasons that may become more apparent in the coming chapters.
KH folktale: 💟: how is your style different in this work?
This is a much less traditional story than most of my stuff, haha, so it ends up being quite a bit different! Normally, I have very character-driven based narratives that's primarily written in prose. This is...you know those literature textbooks that have compilations of stories, but also introductions to and backgrounds for them? This is like that, but the introductions/backgrounds are also telling the story of the narrator...basically trying to track down and put together all of these stories, which were kind of lost to time, since the Keyblade wielders kind of, uh...don't exist anymore in this time period. (This takes place far into the future, aha.)
The stories themselves all come from different eras, so I want to all feel very distinct. That means they'll probably all have pretty unique styles for how they're written; Daybreak Town (and pre-Daybreak Town) era-stuff will be pretty similar to some of the folktales/legends/etc. I've done for Dandelion Seeds, and the very early Scala days I know is very song-based, but I'm still working out styles for the others. So, uh...it's going to be a lot different from what I usually do, but also a fun challenge!
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theplanetplu20 · 2 years
Date Night
Tumblr media
pairing(s): Larissa Weems x ftm!reader
warnings: none this is just a bunch of fluff
word count: 2.5k
A/N: first of all i did not reread this or edit it so i’m sorry for any mistakes. i don’t really know what this is i’m just obsessed with Weems and there just wasn’t enough fluffy fics for her so here and ofc i had to make it ftm although I think you can prob read it as gender neutral but it briefly mentions binding and top surgery. i sorta based it off myself so your shorter than her and i’m still pretty feminine pls don’t fight me on my transness i’ll fight u anyways if u don’t like that uhhh i’m not sorry just don’t read this bdhd (this is from your point of view)
It’s early in the morning and I was lying in my apartment waiting for my girlfriend to come home from a school trip that had lasted a few days due to how far away the trip was. We’ve been dating for a few months now and since day one Larissa has been my person, she’s the only person who looks at me and really sees me. I’ve been trying to get some work done but all I can think about is if she’s home yet. I had gotten a text around 7am that they were on their way back, but I'm impatient and I haven't seen Larissa for a couple days, so I sat at the couch waiting. My eyes started to grow heavy as i waited since i haven’t been sleeping all that well, i always slept better with her next to me. I fought the sleep as best I could but I guess I fell asleep because a few minutes later I was awakened by the one person I wanted to see.
“honey,” She says softly, shaking me slightly. I love how gentle she is, it's adorable. I opened my eyes, still not ready to get up but wanting to see her. Oh was it worth it though so see her beautiful smile, the one that’s reserved only for me. I sit up, reaching up slightly to hug her.
“I missed you so much my love” I say finally feeling okay again with her in my arms.
“You haven’t been sleeping?” She knows me so well and I love how worried she gets.
“I have!” I protest “Just not as much as you would probably like….” I trail off. she sighs softly I know she’s not actually upset with me, just wishes there was some way to help.
“It’s okay I don’t sleep half as well without you either, why don’t we go to bed and take a quick nap, I still want to do something later though” She says pulling away slightly but not enough to leave my arms. I give her a confused look.
“What are we doing later?” I ask knowing she probably won’t tell me, she loves her surprises.
“wouldn’t you like to know? I guess you just have to wait” she smiles at me. I knew she was going to say that i was waiting for it, I immediately lean in to kiss her. I am so in love with this woman it’s crazy everything she does makes me fall more and more. I take her hand and start to walk to our room. Once we get in the room I kiss Larissa passionately trying to convey all that I feel for her and she kisses me back just as passionately. It feels like only a few seconds when Larissa pulls away but I know it’s been at least five minutes.
“weren’t we going to take a nap?” she says wanting to keep going but knowing if I don’t sleep a little longer now I will be tired for whatever she has planned later.
“Hey it isn’t my fault I have the most intoxicating girlfriend in the world that keeps me distracted” She laughs at this
“okay sweet talker go lay in bed I’m going to change really quick” She gives me a quick peck before pushing my towards the direction of our bed
“Remember to take your binder off and stretch honey don’t think I don’t know you and if you want to wear it later you’ll take it off now for a break” She looks glaring slightly with nothing behind it. I look at her sheepishly, she does know me so well but reluctantly I listen knowing she’ll be upset if i don’t. Listen I know it’s bad to wear it for more than 8 hours but you can’t blame a guy, I’ve been trying to save up enough money for top surgery without Larissa’s help but that shit is expensive. I get into bed and look at Larissa putting on my tshirt and smile just thinking about how i’m just the luckiest fucking guy in the world right now. She turns to face me seeing me already looking at her like she’s the only girl in the world and blushes slightly not used to being watched with such loving eyes which is crazy to me. She walks over and gets under the covers quickly setting our alarms then immediately cuddling into my side with her head tucked in my neck. Even though she’s slightly taller than me she loves to be the little spoon and she knows i will always hold her. I sigh lightly, loving the feel of her back in my arms again. I pull her impossibly closer.
“Sleep well my love” I whisper to her and give her a small kiss on her head.
“you too honey” she whispers back sleepily and we both fall asleep. I hear a very annoying noise that pulls me out from the best sleep I've had in the few days since Larissa has been gone. I reach my arm over and turn the alarm off. I look at the time and it’s 2pm. Then I glance down to see Larissa still tucked into my side. She looks so peaceful and absolutely gorgeous I can’t help but smother her in kisses. Her eyes flutter open and she giggles trying to push my face away with no real effort.
“How'd you sleep, beautiful?” I ask her pulling her impossibly close “good as always” she leans up to peck my lips but when she goes to pull away I chase her lips not letting her go just yet. She hums sweetly into my mouth and I give her one more quick kiss before pulling away to get up.
“Okay if we don’t get up now we’ll never leave this bed and i’m excited for what you have planned, so let’s go” She protests lightly to stay for five more minutes but she knows i’m right and she is clearly also excited for the day too. I give her another kiss and watch her get up and leave the bathroom. I could stay with Larissa in bed all day but I haven’t seen her in days. I wanna do something with her before she gets swept off to deal with evermore. I get up and put on my binder, a pair of beige khakis with a brown belt and a white undershirt with a brown crew neck sweater with a nice pattern on top. I put on a couple necklaces and two rings then walk into the bathroom where Larissa is in the shower. I had showered this morning so there was no need for me to shower. I quickly brush my hair and put a little bit of product in it to keep it looking slightly messy and then I put on some of the cologne Larissa got me. The water turns off and Larissa gets out and pulls her towel around her already cold from the slight chill due to the door being just opened. She looks at my outfit then back up to my face and I can already tell what she's gonna say.
“You look so handsome” I pull her into me by her waist not caring if some water gets on my clothes and she puts her hands onto the sides of my face “my beautiful boy” she pulls me into a searing kiss and I feel fucking euphoric. She was the first to pull away being cold just standing there in a towel. “Okay I'm gonna get ready, do you wanna sit with me and watch?”
it takes me a minute to respond still a little dazed from her kiss. “Um of course, you know i do” i say smiling bright. I find it so relaxing just sitting with her while she gets ready, music softly playing in the background. She starts with drying her hair, before getting dressed. She goes to her vanity to put on her makeup and jewelry so I take the opportunity to wrap my arms around her from behind. “You look so beautiful as always my love” I reach up slightly to put my head into her neck giving her soft kisses. I glance at her in the mirror from her neck to see her smiling at me. “Thank you” She turns in my arms after finishing putting on the last of her jewelry. She looks down into my eyes and I catch that sparkle of adoration in them. I give her a kiss before I take her hand walking to the elevator. “So where are we going?” I ask impatiently knowing she won’t tell me. She gives me a look that says you know what my answer is.
“You’ll see soon enough” I sigh
“Fineeee don’t tell me i’ll just die of curiosity” She laughs at my antics
“Well curiosity did kill the cat,” she says back. Just then the elevator doors open and I put my arm around her waist as we walk out and are greeted by the security guard who i know pretty well since i’ve been living here a long time.
“Have a good night you two!” Paul says as we get into Larissa’s car.
“Thank you, Paul, we will” i smile back at him. I put my hand over onto Larissa’s thigh as she drives to wherever we’re going. We’ve only been driving for about fifteen minutes before Larissa pulls the car into a bowling alley parking lot. I laugh lightly
“Really baby?” I look over at her smiling actually thinking it’s adorable. She smiles back at me knowing I’m just messing with her
“Yes really” She pulls the car into park and moves to get out before I put my arm out.
“Wait, wait” I say quickly before getting out and shuffling around the car to open the door for her. She laughs at me again.
“You’re such a gentleman” I close the door and give her a kiss.
“I know right who knew i was so romantic” I say jokingly and she giggled at my stupid joke. I put my arm around her waist and pull her close while we walk in. We get up there and Larissa apparently already made a lane reservation. I look over at her questioning because it’s not a busy night and we usually just assume there will be a lane open.
“I knew you would try to pay so I wanted to pay ahead of time” She explains. Of course she did, she knows that even when I try to save up I always pay for her for no reason. I kiss her quickly just because i can and we grab our shoes and move to the lane she reserved. We play for about an hour and a half enjoying being together and being slightly competitive, not actually caring for the outcome. By the end of our time she had ended up winning only because she was cheating though! she was very distracting so it’s not my fault.
“I wonnn!” she sings gloating. I pout at her not being serious. “awww did my big strong man lose?” she says sarcastically, pulling herself to me. I roll my eyes playing along “you can win me a stuffed animal at the claw machine. How about that?” I laugh loudly at that but agree knowing she probably does actually want the stuffed animal.
“Okay I’ll win u one which one do you want love?” She looks over them and then excitedly points to a small bee.
“That one please” she says sweetly wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on my shoulder. she gives me a kiss on the cheek for good luck. It actually takes me a couple tries but I do end up getting her the bee. She takes it with a big smile on her face and even though I just lost horribly to my girlfriend I won for seeing her smile. I take her hand and we walk out. “Okay now we have one last stop” she says, glancing over to me.
“Dinner?” I say smiling. she laughs a little knowing I’d be hungry.
“Yes but i’m not telling you what restaurant” I nod just happy for food. As soon as we get on the street I already know it’s my favorite restaurant. I smile happy she knows because my favorite things change constantly. I squeeze her thigh lightly to get her attention. She looks over smiling knowingly. “Do you want to take it to go or sit in the restaurant?” She asks knowing I get tired of all the people around me although I never get tired of her.
“takeout?” I smile, just wanting to be with her and not have the anxiety of thinking about if I pass or not or how if I'm acting manly enough. I never feel that way just around Larissa. I'm just me with her. I don't have to think about passing or acting a certain way just to be seen as valid.
“Of course honey” She is always so understanding since I always talk to her about my gender dysphoria and how draining it is. We quickly go in to grab the food and then make our way back home. We move in a comfortable silence up to our floor level. Once we make it to the kitchen we take our food out and eat at our table together smiling and talking about the stupid things that the kids did or details about the trip. I could never tire of being with her, everything we do, from going out to just sitting at our table. It's always my favorite.
“Y/nn” Larissa says clearly having tried to get my attention multiple times. I had been staring at her talk about something Wednesday did or didn’t do. I sorta of got lost in thought early on. I blush having been caught clearly not paying attention.
“I’m sorry love I didn’t mean to get distracted” I say sincerely. she smiles, not mad at all.
“whatcha thinking about?” she says genuinely curious.
“Just about how much I love you and spending time with you” Now she was the one blushing.
“Of course you were” she laughs jokingly “I love you too and I love every second we spend together” We lean across the table slightly to give the other a kiss.
“You’re adorable and I love you so much, but I’m also tired” I laugh
“do you wanna go to bed?” I smiled. If I didn’t know she was a shapeshifter, I would've thought she was a mind reader.
“Lead the way” I take her hand and we walk to our room changing into our pajamas. I crawl into bed waiting for Larissa to join me after taking her makeup off. She comes into the room, turns off the lights and gets into the bed with me going back to the spot she was this morning in my neck. She lightly kisses where she is before leaning up to actually kiss me. I deepen our kiss and put my hands onto her face pulling her closer before pulling away a few minutes later. I give her another small kiss, not able to get enough of her.
“Goodnight my love, sleep well” I say quietly
“Goodnight honey I love you” she says laying back down onto my chest.
“I love you too” I say and hug her close before drifting to sleep.
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