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yawarakaizai · 1 year ago
do you have any plans to write for dazai?
also your newest nikolai fic won't show up in tags
m y nikol ai fic isn t show ing up i n tag s .... 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
i m gon na wor k on a daz ai fic nex t actua lly !! s o im pret ty exci te d to se e wh at i ca n do ! (๑*ᗜ*)
i f anyone ha s any i deas lmk !
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
1836 Oct[obe]r Sat[urday] 29
8 1/4
12 3/4
No kiss H[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d at 9 for 1/2 h[ou]r then Mosey ab[ou]t a new cart and tak[in]g 2 of my old carts - told
Mr. H- [Husband] to settle ab[ou]t it - (Mr. Husb[an]d ca[me] ab[ou]t Ja[me]s Nelsons’ hav[in]g h[a]d a 2[n]d summons
for leav[in]g st[one] for water Lane mill chim[ne]y in the r[oa]d – p[ai]d 20/. fine last Sat[urday] - Mr. H- [Husband] want[e]d A- [Ann] to
pay for h[i]m this ti[me]) – F[ahrenheit] 40° at 9 1/2 and the sun shin[in]g - the gr[ou]nd cov[ere]d w[i]th snow
last night on our gett[in]g int[o] bed and cov[ere]d thick[l]y this morn[in]g - 1st snow s[in]ce last wint[e]r –
out a few min[ute]s - no workmen here b[u]t Ingh[a]m who took the slate off the old brewh[ou]se – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 5/.. to 10 40/.. A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch whi[le] I br[eak]f[a]st[e]d – af[te]r br[eak]f[a]st a long whi[le] in the hall
mus[in]g and consid[erin]g ab[ou]t the roof, and how to do it etc and mak[in]g out in my own mind the orig[ina]l plan
of the h[ou]se - then a few min[ute]s in the barn - Booth (David) h[a]d call[e]d en passant - no mason
here exc[ept] Amos at the Lodge prepar[in]g the rabbit[in]g for hang[in]g the out-door - In the barn when
Mr. Wilkins[o]n ca[me] ab[ou]t 11 50/.. as surrogate to prove my a[un]t’s will – expl[aine]d - swore her
personalty und[e]r £20 – p[ai]d Mr. W- [Wilkinson] (who st[ai]d ab[ou]t 20 min[ute]s) £1.15.0 his charge + 4/2
ov[e]r = 2 sov[erei]gns – ver[y] bil[iou]s for the last day or 2, and partic[ularl]y so this morn[in]g – ga[ve] Mr. W- [Wilkinson] a
wrong date of my a[un]t’s death the 3[r]d inst[ea]d of the 3[r]d inst[ant] - and wr[ote] therefo[re] as foll[ow]s to go by Geo[rge] the
gr[oo]m this aft[ernoo]n -‘Shibd[e]n hall. Sat[urday] 29 Oct[obe]r 1836 ‘Sir - I casually ment[ione]d to you this morn[in]g
‘my hav[in]g a bil[iou]s headache, and I trust this will be my excuse for hav[in]g told you that my a[un]t di[e]d
‘on Mon[day] the 3[r]d ins[tea]d of on Mon[day] the 10th inst[ant] - Miss Walker begs her comp[limen]ts w[i]th my own to the Miss
Wilkinsons - I am sir, very truly yours, A. Lister’ ‘The rev[eren]d Rob[er]t Wilkins[o]n Heath’ - then h[a]d
Mr. Jubb 1/2 h[ou]r till 2 - A- [Ann] pret[ty] well, d[i]d n[o]t, as I expect[e]d, get a bad cold cold by her
thorough starv[in]g yest[erday] at Shugden head – w[e]nt to see ab[ou]t the st[one] there – fr[om] 2 to 6 h[a]d one
or oth[e]r - my pay day – p[ai]d Ingh[a]m for Hilltop fence wall[in]g and for work here at the
dry wall arch[in]g up to last night inclus[ive] – Settl[e]d w[i]th John Booth - then h[a]d Jos[e]ph Mann
and bef[ore] I h[a]d done w[i]th h[i]m (ab[ou]t 3 1/2) Mr. Lister the appraiser ca[me] – shew[e]d him my a[un]ts’
clothes – expl[aine]d – s[ai]d I h[a]d sworn her personalty und[e]r £20 s[ai]d that I h[a]d f[ou]nd in h[e]r purse
on[l]y 3 1/2 sov[erei]gns and 6/6. - then ord[ere]d Mr. Lister warm spic[e]d beer, and to be shewn int[o] the h[ou]sekeeper’s
r[oo]m, and w[e]nt b[a]ck to Jos[e]ph Mann - Long talk ab[ou]t the coll[ier]y – ab[ou]t 300 l[oa]ds of coal up at Walker
pit – ord[ere]d 100 l[oa]ds to be sold and the rest kept for the h[ou]se - Mr. Rawson h[a]s rais[e]d his coal to 1/. p[e]r
l[oa]d and gi[ve]s 5/6 p[e]r l[oa]ds score for gett[in]g and h[a]s giv[e]n his men 25/. a piece and hir[e]d for 6 or 12 m[on]ths at
5/6 p[e]r score - the Long goit thro’ the Ing terrib[l]y rotten stuff to dri[ve] thro’ - may be up at
Mytholm bridge in 6 w[ee]ks fr[om] this ti[me] - 180 y[ar]ds fr[om] Listerwick Engine pit to List[er]w[i]ck coal
pit - to bot[tom] the Engine pit, and dri[ve] the 180 y[ar]ds and bot[tom] List[er]w[i]ck pit will ta[ke] till next June –
the engine p[i]t will n[o]t be bottom[e]d till the end of Ap[ril] or int[o] May –
Jos[e]ph Mann h[a]s bor[e]d 6ft. 6in. in Lit[tle] marsh quarry hole that he h[a]s just sunk (an oblong
hole) - and bef[ore] boring h[a]d sunk 12ft. 6in. deep - 12.6. + 6.6 =19ft. deep of throw[in]g out and
boring and in this depth are the foll[owin]g strata –
 pr[ove]d my a[un]ts’ will
 val[ue] of my a[un]ts’ person[alt]y
 Lit[tle] marsh st[one]
Lit[tle] marsh quarry hole.
                                                                  ft. in.
no. 1 soil                                                     0.6
. 2 worse d[itt]o                                            0.6
. 3 skegs                                                       3.0 + 1 ft. of this ver[y] decent slate.
. 4 good riving st[one] flags etc.                  5.0 +
. 5 mare and ackerspire                                3.0 varies; thick[r]r and thinner; will av[era]ge 4ft.
+ 6 good riv[in]g st[one] strong[e]r than no.
4 b[u]t in water.                                            3.0  strong[e]r i.e. thick[e]r lifts; mo[re] ashler-like, b[u]t like[l]y to rive pret[ty] well
                                                                      call[e]d the wat[e]r lift. a thin shelly part[in]g bet[ween] the 1st f[oo]t and the 2 oth[e]r f[oo]t of this lift.
7 stone qual[it]y unknown                           0.11
8 some kind of soft stuff                              2.6
9 some k[i]nd of stone                                  0.6? bored int[o] it 6in.? JM- [Joseph Mann] s[ai]d a few in[ch]
+ Beg[a]n boring aft[e]r the 1st f[oo]t of no. 6 .:.
bored 2.0
5. 11
but J. Mann tells me he h[a]s bored 6ft. 6in.
told him to level, and see wh[a]t fall we h[a]d and if the wat[e]r c[oul]d be tak[e]n
off no. 6 in a drift to pay for the exp[ense] – to see to wh[a]t gr[ea]t[e]st depth the wat[e]r c[oul]d be g[o]t off.
                       ft. in.
Stone no. 3        1.0
. 4.                     5.0
. 6                      3.0
good stone =      9.0
Told Jos[e]ph to get a hole or one hole at each extrem[it]y of the st[one] put d[o]wn for A- [Ann] at
Shugden head as soon as he c[oul]d - told h[i]m to th[in]k ab[ou]t an arrangem[en]t ab[ou]t Whiskum r[oa]d
he s[ai]d he w[ou]ld ta[ke] it and keep it in repair (aft[e]r being put in repair) - and keep a regul[a]r acc[oun]t
of the toll tak[e]n for 6 m[on]ths or 12 m[on]ths w[hi]chev[e]r I lik[e]d - I s[ai]d eith[e]r w[oul]d do - we shall see at
the end of one of these terms wh[a]t the r[oa]d costs and wh[a]t it pays and then settle so[me]th[in]g –
aft[e]r Jos[e]ph Mann, h[a]d Rob[er]t Mann and Mark Hepw[or]th and settl[e]d w[i]th b[o]th and then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
till aft[e]r 6 - the magist[ra]tes fined Ja[me]s Nelson 31/. + costs =40/. this morn[in]g (vid[e] line 2 of this
morn[in]g) – ga[ve] Mr. H- [Husband] 2 sov[erei]gns for JN- [James Nelson] b[u]t to tell him that he m[u]st pay for hims[elf] in fut[ure] –
Mosey agreed w[i]th Mr. Husb[an]d this morn[in]g to ma[ke] a capit[a]l new br[oa]d wheel[e]d cart for £25
and to ta[ke] my 2 old carts for £5 .:. I shall as it were get my new cart for £20 – din[ner] at 7 –
coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – h[a]d Geo[rge] up to find fault ab[ou]t his n[o]t com[in]g b[a]ck this ev[enin]g till aft[e]r 7 the note being
giv[e]n to h[i]m at 3 1/2 p.m. – s[ai]d he d[i]d n[o]t get off till 5 - A- [Ann] g[o]t Robertson’s Life of Ch[arle]s V
[cuarto] fr[om] the lib[rar]y tonight - we sat look[in]g int[o] it - or rath[e]r she r[ea]d me 10 or 12 p[ages] of the
Introd[uctio]n – fr[om] 10 1/2 to 11 5/.. wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today - Ingham +...... d[i]d n[o]t work
in the aft[ernoo]n - too wintery - fine (overhead) in the morn[in]g till bet[ween] 12 and 1 – aft[er]w[ar]ds snowy
and wintery - deep snow on the gr[ou]nd - no do[in]g anyth[in]g out of doors – F[ahrenheit] 33° now at 11 5/.. p.m.
and fair and starlight – Lett[er] tonight 1 p[age] fr[om] Mr. Lister 11 Stockwell common - in ans[we]r to
my let[ter] on the d[ea]th of my a[un]t – condol[en]ce and thanks for my hav[in]g remitt[e]d the rent to his moth[e]r
at midsumm[e]r
 Whiskum r[oa]d
agreem[en]t w[i]th JM. [Joseph Mann]
 new cart Nelson’s fine
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vicxy · 4 years ago
Hello <3!! How have you been? & thank you for this wonderful game of yours 💓💓
This is for your new Astro game, here’s my Groom Persona Chart:
My Alma is Aries in the 6th house
For the numbers 1-12, I choose number 5
Tumblr media
{I hope you have a nice day/night, take care ☺️💓}
Hello! Thank you for this beautiful ask :))
Your future spouse is likely a wild and carefree person who likes to live life to the fullest. They likely have Aquarius in their chart or Uranus. As a child, they were probably independent and intelligent, maybe the gifted kid of their class. They are also a pretty consistent person: I think you will know their feelings toward you at any time or they could just be straightforward and easy to read. Either way, they’re pretty honest with you. However, he could be rebellious and impolite to those whom he despises or dislikes. Quite idealistic and creative as a person. They could also show their love in unconventional and special ways. You will have a happy home life together. This relationship will require quite a bit of work to blossom and reach it’s fullest potential, but in the process both you and your partner will grow as people. It could progress a little slowly at first. I also get some earth energy, maybe a little Taurus. If you are willing to put in the effort required, this relationship will be a beautiful one :)
I hope this resonated, lmk how it was! Have a nice day :)
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annelisterofhalifax · 4 years ago
Tues[day] 31 March 1835
7 3/4
11 3/4
V  No kiss Fine morn[in]g F 46 1/2° at 8.28 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r w[e]nt d[o]wn  to Mrs Geo[rge] Robins[o]n, she st[aye]d ab[ou]t an
h[ou]r. Ca[me] to say Dewhirst h[a]d tak[e]n a place at upp[e]r brea, w[a]s go[in]g to ha[ve] skin pits t[he]re and the wat[e]r
w[oul]d be spoilt, s[ai]d perh[aps] it w[a]s well. I sh[oul]d be oblig[e]d to bring an act[ion] and the matt[e]r w[oul]d be
settl[e]d 1 way or oth[e]r next assizes. I explain[e]d ab[ou]t the send[in]g the not[i]ce to quit. S[ai]d I h[a]d nev[e]r
nam[e]d it. Mrs R-[Robinson] s[ai]d M[iste]r Lister, the appraiser h[a]d nam[e]d it and m[u]ch h[a]d been s[ai]d ab[ou]t it. S[ai]d I
c[oul]d n[o]t help doubt[in]g t[hi]s, d[i]d n[o]t kno[w] how M[iste]r List[e]r c[oul]d kno[w]. Mrs R[obinson] seem[e]d satisfi[e]d w[i]th
wh[a]t I s[ai]d and well pleas[e]d. She and all the neighb[ou]rs anx[iou]s for M[iste]r Warburton to get Hipperh[olme] school.
M[iste]r W[ilia]m Priest[le]y wr[ot]e to M[iste]r Th[oma]s Robins[o]n to ask his vote for M[iste]r Carter who is B.A [Bachelor of Arts] b[u]t  
n[o] t M.A[Master of Arts
yet w[ould] ha[ve] been if M[iste]r Huds[o]n h[a]d liv[e]d 2 m[on]ths long[e]r. S[ai]d if M[iste]r Warburt[o]n d[i]d n[o]t get the school
yet, if he chose to rem[ain] at Hipperh[olm]e, Miss Walker and I w[oul]d do all we c[ould] for h[i]m and he w[oul]d ha[ve]
plenty of accomodat[[io]n made for h[i]m. I d[i]d n[o]t ev[e]n kno[w] h[i]m by sight, b[u]t th[ou]ght t[ha]t consider[in]g
V  all the circumst[ance]s he ought to get the school. T[he]n h[a]d Turner the delver [digger] ab[ou]t rag tops and bot[tom]s
to be deliv[ere]d at Mytholm at 1/6 [1 shilling 6 pence] p[e]r y[ar]d, 3 in[ches] thick and wall stones at 2/. [2 shillings] p[e]r 2 horse
load and 1/2 [one shilling 2 pence] p[e]r 1 horse load, and parpoints at 1/. [1 shilling] p[e]r y[ar]d. S[ai]d t[hi]s w[ould] n[o]t do, c[oul]d get
the rag tops and bot[tom]s deliver[e]d at 1/3 [one shilling 3 pence] p[e]r y[ar]d, the wall st[on]e too, too d[ea]r, w[oul]d th[in]k ab[ou]t it.  
at 9.50 in 1/2 h[ou]r hav[in]g set Thorp jun[io]r and his man to pl[an]t out the hazels (620) t[ha]t ca[me] on Sat[urday],  
in my walk bank and in Wellroyd wood und[e]r upp[e]r brea. Good motion loose and  
pretty good one yesterday also after breakfast  next to nothing yesterday and today
on getting up in consequence of eating greens the last three days at dinner I ought to have
had vegetables before. A few min[ute]s w[i]th my fath[e]r, weak b[u]t pret[ty] well t[hi]s morn[in]g. Wr[ote] the
+  ab[ov]e of t[hi]s morn[in]g till 11. R[ea]d fr[om] page 8 to 15 Phil[ip] on the Vit[a]l funct[io]ns] and at 11.20 off w[i]th A-[Ann], left h[e]r at  
to look ov[e]r th[in]gs left t[he]re, at 12 saunt[ere]d b[a]ck al[on]g my walk prun[in]g etc etc so[me] ti[me] w[i]th Thorp and his man plant[in]g  
hazels on the bank side t[he]re. Ho[me] ab[ou]t 2, talk[in]g to Ch[arl]es How[ar]th till 3 ab[ou]t upper brea wat[e]r etc, no need wh[a]t ev[e]r to
spoil the Low[e]r brea wat[e]r. If any harm done to it, it m[u]st be done on purp[ose]. Heavy rain at 2 3/4, ca[me] in at 3.5.
1835 M[ar]ch
 fr[om] 3.10 to 4 1/2 wr[ote] 3 pages and ends to M-[Mariana] Sor[ry] I h[a]d 
been so long in writ[in]g, w[oul]d n[o]t ma[ke] excuses b[u]t  simply by and 
entr[us]t h[e]r n[o]t to th[in]k me forgetful, anx[iou]s ab[ou]t Percy [Mariana]. ‘I 
ha[ve] th[ou]ght and do th[in]k of you, and often for you, mo[re] ‘mo[re],  daresay 
t[ha]n you imagine. You were right to s[e]nd me the prayer you wr[ote] on the 
9th. Perh[aps] t[ha]t day or rather its annivers[ar]y, will nev[e]r pass by eith[er] of 
us, unnot[e]d. B[u]t let us look up[on] it w[i]th ‘thankfulness. I nev[e]r cease to 
persuade mys[elf] t[ha]t you determ[ine]d wise[l]y, and t[ha]t ti[me] will show you 
mo[re] and ‘mo[re]  clear[l]y how m[u]ch you ha[ve] reas[o]n to be satisfi[ie]d. 
T[he]re is a gleam at hand mo[re] bright t[ha]n I c[a]n ‘bel[ieve]. All will go well 
w[i]th us b[o]th. Sure[l]y Percy [Mariana] will recov[e]r, and sure[l]y I shall soon 
ha[ve] the ‘on[l]y th[in]g want[in]g to my own happ[ine]ss, t[ha]t is, the mo[re] 
perf[ec]t ass[uran]ce of y[our]s. On[l]y keep up y[ou]r sp[iri]ts and hope and 
‘th[in]k all th[in]gs t[ha]t please you best, and I ask no mo[re]. We kno[w] t[ha]t all 
th[in]gs work togeth[e]r for good. ‘it is en[ou]gh. Ga[ve] M-s [Mariana’s] k[i]nd 
mess[a]ge to Adney [Ann], hope it h[a]d n[o]t made h[e]r idle. ‘She oft[[e]n 
‘sp[ea]ks w[i]th gr[ea]t pleas[u]re of our hav[in]g you here. I am n[o]t afr[ai]d of 
y[ou]r lik[in]g h[e]r less well, or being ‘less pleas[e]d t[ha]n you exp[ec]t. If you 
are bent up[on] hav[in]g the paragraph, I m[us]t s[e]nd it you ‘anoth[e]r ti[me]. I 
can[no]t at the mom[en]t, turn of the pap[e]r, in ti[me] for the let[ter] bag of 
tonight, ‘b[u]t the announcement w[a]s , in subst[an]ce, the marr[ia]ge of 
Capt[ai]n Tom Lister of S.H [Shibden Hall] to Miss Ann Walker ‘late of Lidgate. 
On discov[er]y of the hoax, a handso[me] volunteer apol[og]y w[a]s s[e]nt by the 
Ed[ito]r ‘of one of the pap[e]rs; and here the matt[er] end[e]d, f[o]r nobod[y] 
w[a]s annoy[e]d, and nobod[y] car[e]d ab[ou]t it’ My fath[e]r very feeble, my 
a[un]t ‘suffers a ver[y] gr[ea]t deal b[u]t the vit[a]l pow[e]rs seem far fr[om] 
exhaust[e]d’…. Bel[ieve] me alw[a]ys and ver[y] truly ver[y] f[ai]thfully and 
aff[ectionatel]y y[ou]rs A L-[Lister]’ H[a]d s[ai]d my wrist w[a]s spelk[e]d and I 
wr[ote] w[i]th mo[re] pain and diffic[ult]y t[ha]n the last ti[me] I wr[ote]. The heavy 
rain contin[uin]g w[e]nt d[o]wn at 4 1/2 and ask[e]d my fath[e]r for his phaeton to 
fetch A-[Ann] ho[me], st[aye]d talk[in]g d[o]wnst[ai]rs till off at   at 4.40 and at 
Cliffhill at 5.5. A-[Ann] h[a]d n[o]t been t[he]re, w[e]nt to Crownest. She h[a]d 
been look[in]g ov[e]r old pap[e]rs all the day b[u]t w[a]s just ready to co[me] 
away. Off at 5.10 and ho[me] at 5.35. So[me] whi[le] w[i]th my fath[e]r and 
Mar[ia]n, dress[e]d. A-[Ann]  w[e]nt L  to my a[un]t at 6. Wr[ote] the first 18 lines 
of t[hi]s page. Din[ner] at 6.20, s[e]nt off my let[ter] to ‘Mrs Lawton, Claremont 
house, Leamington Warwickshire’. Coff[ee] w[i]th my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n 1/2  
h[ou]r till 7.40, t[he]n look[in]g ov[e]r A-s [Ann’s] old pap[e]rs t[ha]t she br[ou]ght 
fr[om] Crownest for ab[ou]t an h[ou]r. More cop[ie]s of wills, Mr Caygill’s gr[ea]t 
gr[a]ndfath[e]r to A- [Ann] and wh[o]se d[au]ght[e]r Ann Caygill marr[ie]d sir 
Ja[me]s Ibbotson [ correct spelling is Ibbetsen] B[arone]t and Mrs Charlesworth’s 
will +   [cum aliis]. Wr[ote] the last 8 lines till 8.50. Till 9.50 r[ea]d fr[om] page 15 
to 55 Philip on the Vit[a]l funct[io]ns 20 min[utes] w[i]th my a[un]t til 10 1/4 at 
w[hi]ch h[ou]r F 50° fine b[u]t dullish morn[in]g, rainy aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 
2 1/4.
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cheritzteam-es · 6 years ago
[Mystic Messenger] Anuncio de las Cuentas Sancionadas por Conductas Inapropiadas
Hola, Somos Cheritz! 
En esta ocasión queremos comunicarles las sanciones que hemos aplicado a las cuentas en las cuales hemos descubierto conductas abusivas y utilización de programas ilegales para jugar “Mystic Messenger”. 
Se aplicarán “suspensión permanente de todo servicio del juego” a las cuentas que hemos descubierto manipulación maliciosa de los servicios del juego o intentos de hackeo para manipular los datos del juego. Si tiene alguna pregunta o consulta sobre la aplicación de estas medidas por favor enviar un correo electrónico al correo siguiente. 
Consultas y preguntas al Correo: [email protected]
Lista de cuentas sancionadas por conductas ilegales : Total de 4974 cuentas
mi***[email protected] i.***[email protected] fw***[email protected] r***[email protected] hell***@gmail.com 845a***[email protected] mi***nyaa.nyaa chri***[email protected] dan***[email protected] tee***[email protected] cri***[email protected] 39b***[email protected] form***[email protected] shy.***[email protected] c***[email protected] iron***[email protected] ju***[email protected] a***[email protected] ril***[email protected] its***[email protected] rea***[email protected] 577***[email protected] vi***[email protected] c6***[email protected] t***[email protected] r***[email protected] aflu***[email protected] appl***[email protected] dar***[email protected] 12dc***[email protected] b***[email protected] 4c75***[email protected] 7***[email protected] rayr***[email protected] fcd2***[email protected] a0***[email protected] sama***[email protected] joc***[email protected] dir***[email protected] 86a0***[email protected] irfa***[email protected] do***[email protected] ji***[email protected] 3***[email protected] dari***[email protected] salm***[email protected] st***[email protected] vick***[email protected] 52***[email protected] 3***[email protected] dud***[email protected] ed***[email protected] 7cdb***[email protected] abe***[email protected] 8a***[email protected] a***[email protected] a662***[email protected] taba***outlook.com ma***[email protected] kan***[email protected] dmor***[email protected] ashm***[email protected] i***[email protected] nico***[email protected] bra***[email protected] 3***[email protected] nic***[email protected] j***[email protected] 7***[email protected] z***[email protected] dani***[email protected] p***[email protected] mch***[email protected] 2d2***[email protected] b***[email protected] 5985***[email protected] quac***[email protected] he***[email protected] pok***[email protected] anne***[email protected] c***[email protected] 8d***[email protected] a***[email protected] sad***[email protected] eb***[email protected] 762***[email protected] re***[email protected] a***[email protected] c***[email protected] sho***[email protected] sa***[email protected] laia***[email protected] 95a***[email protected] mine***[email protected] 1***[email protected] soph***[email protected] 0van***[email protected] 1c1***[email protected] 6***[email protected] i***[email protected] sydn***[email protected] kha***[email protected] a***[email protected] pol***[email protected] s***[email protected] giul***[email protected] t***[email protected] efi***[email protected] d***[email protected] 4ca***[email protected] lail***[email protected] ce06***[email protected] 6958***[email protected] jen***[email protected] cale***[email protected] i***[email protected] pi***[email protected] r***[email protected] 1c***[email protected] n.***[email protected] am***[email protected] sire***[email protected] e0f***[email protected] aid***[email protected] 2b***[email protected] f0b***[email protected] koo***[email protected] v***[email protected] st***[email protected] cr***[email protected] feli***[email protected] 7.p***[email protected] 0c***[email protected] go***[email protected] c3***[email protected] bdc***[email protected] me***[email protected] ill***[email protected] quee***[email protected] fl***[email protected] ol***[email protected] ange***[email protected] 11***[email protected] 34***[email protected] nat***[email protected] jak***[email protected] pbta***gmail.com fu***[email protected] dbc3***[email protected] p***[email protected] m***[email protected] sori***[email protected] mrcf***[email protected] pret***[email protected] jann***[email protected] slo***[email protected] b***[email protected] 00***[email protected] fa***[email protected] 1***[email protected] che***[email protected] na***[email protected] ja***[email protected] s***[email protected] jm***[email protected] k***[email protected] so***[email protected] sa***[email protected] emm***[email protected] yun***[email protected] b***[email protected] ca8b***[email protected] min***gmail.com jvs***[email protected] 0***[email protected] l***[email protected] eow***[email protected] cha***[email protected] m***[email protected] ang***[email protected] s***[email protected] ri***[email protected] le***[email protected] as***[email protected] alex***[email protected] 1***[email protected] y***[email protected] s***[email protected] ma***[email protected] sp***[email protected] 8d5***[email protected] wa***[email protected] ju***[email protected] j***[email protected] annw***[email protected] c***[email protected] s***[email protected] c***[email protected] lain***[email protected] f75***[email protected] 4e71***[email protected] tyl***[email protected] asl***[email protected] 19***[email protected] 16***[email protected] n***[email protected] 7cd***[email protected] 6***[email protected] ka***[email protected] minl***[email protected] ky***[email protected] lay***[email protected] le***[email protected] dead***[email protected] 70***[email protected] 7e9***[email protected] nava***[email protected] f3***[email protected] w-m***[email protected] d6c***[email protected] rai***[email protected] aest***[email protected] d1b***[email protected] lu***[email protected] 22db***[email protected] abr***[email protected] heyi***[email protected] l***[email protected] fda***[email protected] d8***[email protected] krys***[email protected] ayy***[email protected] eru***[email protected] der***[email protected] 56***[email protected] anot***[email protected] v***[email protected] l***[email protected] mari***[email protected] c***[email protected] e***[email protected] nau***[email protected] g***[email protected] 9***[email protected] cab***[email protected] liy***[email protected] za***[email protected] 164a***[email protected] isa***@gmail.com t***[email protected] e***[email protected] 5***[email protected] ro***[email protected] 38***[email protected] 9da3***[email protected] chy***[email protected] kr0***[email protected] vv***[email protected] y***[email protected] ri***[email protected] 67***[email protected] xmg***@gmail.com 3bb***[email protected] asa***[email protected] rah***a.com 1f42***[email protected] 2e***[email protected] ned***@gmail.com girl***[email protected] la***[email protected] sava***[email protected] c***[email protected] sa***[email protected] ea1d***[email protected] se***[email protected] sun***[email protected] 95***[email protected] mana***[email protected] nati***[email protected] ff***[email protected] af***[email protected] my***[email protected] tibi***[email protected] c***[email protected] d0b***[email protected] jess***[email protected] be***[email protected] b***[email protected] a***[email protected] thom***[email protected] akuo***gmail.com v***[email protected] 0***[email protected] vi***[email protected] j***[email protected] 13d3***[email protected] mari***[email protected] con***[email protected] che***[email protected] th***[email protected] broo***[email protected] b***[email protected] jzpi***@hotmail.com rizo***[email protected] t***[email protected] lila***[email protected] sta***[email protected] mari***[email protected] mar***[email protected] l***[email protected] a***[email protected] ink***[email protected] 2d4***[email protected] she***[email protected] kay***[email protected] kpo***[email protected] a2***[email protected] t***[email protected] 4***[email protected] h***[email protected] thal***[email protected] xxx***[email protected] heyh***[email protected] jin***[email protected] a***[email protected] mel***[email protected] aya***[email protected] ko***[email protected] m***[email protected] 8***[email protected] danc***[email protected] sm***[email protected] cri***[email protected] h***[email protected] acce***[email protected] t***[email protected] eri***[email protected] em***[email protected] 6***[email protected] e9***[email protected] k***[email protected] kami***[email protected] c***[email protected] la***[email protected] jac***[email protected] ysh***[email protected] a***[email protected] 30***[email protected] joi***[email protected] 4b7***[email protected] cas***[email protected] ha***[email protected] the***[email protected] sya***[email protected] 6***[email protected] tha***[email protected] sno***[email protected] k***[email protected] jxs***[email protected] 5c2***[email protected] c76a***[email protected] lu***[email protected] ara***[email protected] 2***[email protected] j***[email protected] ha***[email protected] m***[email protected] bf***[email protected] rod***[email protected] sora***[email protected] br***[email protected] sal***[email protected] dina***[email protected] a***[email protected] all***[email protected] va***[email protected] f***[email protected] h***[email protected] 775f***[email protected] 51***[email protected] h***[email protected] par***[email protected] 998***[email protected] de***[email protected] s***[email protected] h.***[email protected] m***[email protected] swee***[email protected] 1***[email protected] am***[email protected] f***[email protected] 6***[email protected] 89***[email protected] raf***[email protected] t***[email protected] e8***[email protected] kma***[email protected] oofl***[email protected] 4d***[email protected] ant***[email protected] t***[email protected] ng***[email protected] 2b2e***[email protected] 8***[email protected] trac***[email protected] gn***[email protected] nor***[email protected] 593***[email protected] st***[email protected] apmc***[email protected] sar***[email protected] 9***[email protected] pram***[email protected] sha***[email protected] c***[email protected] bk***[email protected] all***[email protected] luna***[email protected] ca***[email protected] z***[email protected] alis***[email protected] ke***[email protected] fai***[email protected] air***[email protected] 7fe***[email protected] il***[email protected] lea***[email protected] awe***[email protected] c1a***[email protected] ti***[email protected] an***[email protected] mand***[email protected] je***[email protected] va***[email protected] b***[email protected] evan***[email protected] e***[email protected] pu***[email protected] web***[email protected] kend***[email protected] fab***[email protected] 9c2b***[email protected] ay***[email protected] 1hal***[email protected] lil***[email protected] nana***[email protected] a***[email protected] fait***[email protected] 6***[email protected] ve***[email protected] q***[email protected] ti***[email protected] sher***[email protected] dra***[email protected] quan***gmail.com ri***[email protected] acf4***[email protected] 8c98***[email protected] cha***[email protected] que***[email protected] 9***[email protected] fcb***[email protected] 5***[email protected] s***[email protected] j***[email protected] 1***[email protected] tek***[email protected] 54***[email protected] e7***[email protected] yand***[email protected] gue***[email protected] wha***[email protected] s***[email protected] vy***[email protected] n__o***[email protected] tenx***@gmail.com 0812***[email protected] jea***[email protected] bl***[email protected] meli***[email protected] p***[email protected] moon***[email protected] ba***[email protected] cap***[email protected] 53***[email protected] gas***[email protected] j***[email protected] z***[email protected] 58f6***[email protected] Flut***[email protected] abby***[email protected] j***[email protected] nina***@icloud.com hehe***[email protected] f***[email protected] anna***[email protected] d***[email protected] han***[email protected] ky***[email protected] zo***[email protected] e***[email protected] 28***[email protected] 0157***[email protected] mael***[email protected] cu4n***[email protected] ab5***[email protected] amn***[email protected] da***[email protected] d***[email protected] anna***[email protected] fc***[email protected] as***[email protected] ar***[email protected] f***[email protected] m***[email protected] 97***[email protected] ba***[email protected] ar***[email protected] friv***[email protected] 7f***[email protected] czar***[email protected] s***[email protected] v***[email protected] jen***[email protected] jad***[email protected] cmi***[email protected] a***[email protected] jil***[email protected] ha***[email protected] pan***[email protected] 4e***[email protected] sage***[email protected] d***[email protected] do***[email protected] yagm***[email protected] yee***[email protected] 87f***[email protected] j91***[email protected] mar***[email protected] jum***[email protected] kp5***@gmail.com 10bf***[email protected] sa***[email protected] f61***[email protected] aisr***[email protected] am***[email protected] d***[email protected] maya***@ccs.k12.in.us 41d5***[email protected] co***[email protected] je***[email protected] ji***[email protected] nik***[email protected] nic***[email protected] idon***[email protected] anjo***[email protected] c***[email protected] i.ul***gmx.de l***[email protected] n***[email protected] ade7***[email protected] dc***[email protected] jdk***[email protected] m***[email protected] 37***[email protected] 65***[email protected] 2***[email protected] 5115***[email protected] m.r.***[email protected] cota***[email protected] karl***[email protected] abi***[email protected] a***[email protected] ang***[email protected] im***[email protected] ar***[email protected] maxa***[email protected] c23***[email protected] Al***[email protected] edca***[email protected] sh***[email protected] mith***[email protected] ki***[email protected] ilov***[email protected] b43***[email protected] 7***[email protected] c***[email protected] tras***[email protected] a183***[email protected] blue***[email protected] sum***[email protected] 4b***[email protected] 77***[email protected] l***[email protected] gnah***[email protected] 800a***[email protected] agmy***[email protected] d***[email protected] gu***[email protected] l***[email protected] pe***[email protected] e2df***[email protected] c1***[email protected] k***[email protected] j***[email protected] 0***[email protected] 07ca***[email protected] 656***[email protected] heej***[email protected] go***[email protected] 8e3d***[email protected] li***[email protected] za***[email protected] aut***[email protected] 841***[email protected] bu***[email protected] c***[email protected] o***[email protected] 9d***[email protected] hia***[email protected] the***[email protected] ami***[email protected] atos***[email protected] jas***[email protected] hero***[email protected] 8cac***[email protected] lie***[email protected] cb0***[email protected] 6ba6***[email protected] e0f5***[email protected] judi***[email protected] c***[email protected] 76d***[email protected] juil***[email protected] omcm***[email protected] ma***[email protected] keki***[email protected] 166***[email protected] bc***[email protected] d***[email protected] bc***[email protected] ar***[email protected] sa***[email protected] ed1b***[email protected] a***[email protected] 15***[email protected] mar***[email protected] ol***[email protected] th3***[email protected] he***[email protected] sage***[email protected] p***[email protected] joos***[email protected] b61***[email protected] sher***[email protected] 793***[email protected] sh***[email protected] onl***[email protected] a200***[email protected] cf2***[email protected] 5***[email protected] po***[email protected] dign***[email protected] kzu***[email protected] 59c***[email protected] gi***[email protected] 8***[email protected] rebe***[email protected] ari***[email protected] tama***[email protected] vi***[email protected] wi***[email protected] p***[email protected] swa***[email protected] lia***[email protected] em***[email protected] kend***[email protected] kgib***[email protected] joj***[email protected] aka.***[email protected] 73ab***[email protected] kail***[email protected] tha***[email protected] l***[email protected] h***[email protected] 4***[email protected] jewe***[email protected] 2ef7***[email protected] emai***[email protected] e***[email protected] pho***[email protected] Ness***[email protected] trin***[email protected] RE***[email protected] tu***[email protected] j***[email protected] pree***[email protected] mega***[email protected] ssf***[email protected] jay***[email protected] f***[email protected] 95***[email protected] and***[email protected] kan***[email protected] lu***[email protected] imn***[email protected] ef0***[email protected] p***[email protected] sic***[email protected] yuzu***[email protected] bflo***[email protected] a6***[email protected] tea***[email protected] f6***[email protected] m***[email protected] hic***[email protected] die***[email protected] 1eb***[email protected] jaja***[email protected] naye***[email protected] oli***[email protected] peac***[email protected] keny***[email protected] f***[email protected] son***[email protected] maf***[email protected] je***[email protected] cher***[email protected] kryb***yahoo.com lela***[email protected] alex***[email protected] nico***[email protected] i***[email protected] sar***[email protected] ir***[email protected] dd***[email protected] 4***[email protected] l***[email protected] 4a***[email protected] blue***[email protected] 33***[email protected] ka***[email protected] pi***[email protected] 2004***[email protected] al***[email protected] 6***[email protected] b74***[email protected] 404***[email protected] nor***[email protected] d78d***[email protected] n***[email protected] aut***[email protected] l0v***[email protected] iva***[email protected] so***[email protected] f***[email protected] nmar***[email protected] f156***[email protected] 3***[email protected] snea***[email protected] 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je***[email protected] a***[email protected] c0***[email protected] 2811***[email protected] go***[email protected] gab***[email protected] r***[email protected] diam***[email protected] w***[email protected] tu***[email protected] bak***[email protected] c4***[email protected] kenn***[email protected] l***[email protected] s.***[email protected] h***[email protected] clkc***[email protected] 3***[email protected] salv***[email protected] s***[email protected] gra***[email protected] ba***[email protected] 551***[email protected] me***[email protected] s***[email protected] ggu***[email protected] mi***[email protected] c***[email protected] t***[email protected] l***[email protected] ai***[email protected] ha***[email protected] 33***[email protected] tor***[email protected] m***[email protected] id***[email protected] arc***[email protected] r***[email protected] 1a6***[email protected] ja***[email protected] blos***[email protected] 2***[email protected] a***[email protected] 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lyn***[email protected] 120***[email protected] dm***[email protected] fla***[email protected] 604***[email protected] nik***[email protected] dana***[email protected] sill***[email protected] 3c0***[email protected] f***[email protected] lesa***[email protected] ma***[email protected] a***[email protected] he***[email protected] ac9***[email protected] 9***[email protected] i***[email protected] lul***[email protected] lu***[email protected] c***[email protected] 22***[email protected] f***[email protected] b9***[email protected] fc3***[email protected] g***[email protected] ja***[email protected] mich***[email protected] kay***[email protected] vuqu***[email protected] kr***[email protected] 6db***[email protected] deni***[email protected] ma***[email protected] cuq***[email protected] uy***[email protected] p***[email protected] mar***[email protected] th***[email protected] f3***[email protected] ecde***[email protected] qu***[email protected] 7b***[email protected] 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======(8월 21일 이후 추가로  "영구적인 서비스 이용 정지"가 실시된 계정)======
======(Permanently banned accounts after August 21st)======
======(Cuentas agregadas a la lista negra de cuentas banneadas a partir del 21 de Agosto)======
Agradecemos como siempre a todas las coordinadoras que juegan Mystic Messenger diariamente en todo el mundo. Y seguiremos trabajando para proporcionarles un servicio justo para todes. 
Muchas Gracias. 
De Cheritz. 
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fiirelords · 5 years ago
hi ana! we haven't been mutuals for long but i already love your blog! totally know how you feel about coming and going lol, i think that's perfectly fine i mean we all go through phases on here haha. hope you're well anyways! could i please have a detailed blograte? x
hey steph! thank u sm💖 I hope you’re well too and I’m really glad we’re mutuals :)
want one?
url - dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!
domain - don’t have one | dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!
icon - basic yikes | don’t recognize it | poor quality | pretty cute! | omg awesome | tempted to steal it
  T H E M E
desktop theme - basic yikes | not my style | kinda pretty | gorgeous | i wanna steal
colour scheme - not my taste | pretty | gorgeous | my fav colours!
updates tab - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect
nav page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect
about page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect
mobile header - nonexistent | i don’t get it | not my fandom | bit blurry | alright | lovely | absolutely gorgeous
mobile colours - kills my eyes | don’t match | looks nice | urgh aes af
  P O S T S
activity - you post too much | you post too little | you post the perfect amount
reblogs - urm nonexistant ?? | kinda random | not my fandom | pretty good | wonderful | incredible!
aesthetic - inconsistent | eye pleasing | absolutely perfect
original edits - you don’t have any | not my fandom | great start | not bad | lovely | so original | gorgeous | omg i’m jelly af of your skills
personal - nonexistant | not enough | too many | you seem sweet | omg you make me laugh so much
activities [e.g. botm / awards / rates/ reqs etc] - nonexistant | not enough | good | wonderful | such original ideas
  O V E R A L L
overall - meh | pretty nice | lovely | incredible
following - no sorry | not my fandoms | now | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | you’re one of my fav blogs
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years ago
1834 May Saturday 18th
6 40/60
12 40/60
fine b[u]t dullish – F59 at 7 50/60 – br[eak]f[a]st in 20 min[utes] and out at 8 25/60 – r[ai]n s[e]nt me in in 1/2 h[ou]r – read[in]g a lit[tle] of Walpole’s Let[ter]s – asleep-
h[a]d Washingt[o]n bet[ween] 10 and 11 – no competit[io]n and the prop[erty] for N[orth]g[a]te on[l]y 3 or 4 bidders- the high[e]st £6350 – of course no sale – laugh[in]g and s[ai]d I was ver[y] well satisf[ie]d – he ga[ve] me the sale plan of Staups- told h[i]m I meant all the work here to be done by piece – I sh[oul]d be away next Sat[urday] – he w[a]s to co[me] and see wh[a]t h[a]d been done – p[ai]d h[i]m two 10 p[ou]nd b[a]nk of Eng[lan]ds and £20 Brigg’s notes theat[re] div[iden]d for the £40.6. of E[lizabeth’s] for Miss W-[Walker]
and then h[a]d Lowe’s boy w[i]th the clothes – n[o]t a ver[y] good fit - the gr[ea]t coat a gent[leman]’s coat w[i]th silk buttons! – Lowe to co[me] hims[elf] on Mon[day] morn[in]g – the boy to say I w[a]s disap[pointe]d in the fit, and to ta[ke] the gr[ea]t coat b[a]ck for liv[er]y butt[o]ns –
then with Ch[arle]s H[owar]th meas[urin]g to see if the mullion of the low[e]r wat[e]r clos[e]t wind[ow] w[oul]d be even w[i]th the mid[dle] of the pass[age] – then ca[me] cart fr[om] Huddersf[iel]d bring[in]g Miss W-[Walker]’s chair bed and bedd[in]g fr[om] Mr Atkinson’s for Matt[hew] to sleep on in my fath[e]r’s r[oo]m – then dawdl[in]g till 1 1/4 hav[in]g been a min[ute] or 2 w[i]th my a[un]t – poor[l]y this morn[in]g- settl[in]g w[i]th Jos[e]ph and tell[in]g h[i]m how to keep his acc[oun]ts –
fr[om] 1 1/2 in ab[ou]t an h[ou]r wr[ote] 3 pp to Miss W-[Walker] in ans[wer] to h[e]r let[ter] 3 pp and all cross[e]d rec[eive]d this morn[in]g will try to be w[i]th h[e]r 10 min[ute]s bef[ore] 12 on Tues[day] – It will be a gr[ea]t th[in]g if I leave h[e]r behind – will stay as long as I can, and bring her b[a]ck ab[ou]t the 29th tho[ugh] will keep the lodg[in]g till the 2nd June - will see Rokeby and Raby and be in York ag[ai]n ab[ou]t the 27th or 28th and 1 day enough for pack[in]g – I can go ov[e]r p[e]r mail for the yellow carr[ia]ge and Mrs Myers can ta[ke] ca[re] of the baggage intend[e]d to co[me] by it – H[a]d bet[ter] keep Sm[i]th to rec[eive] us on our ret[ur]n fr[om] Rokeby etc to ha[ve] a boil[in]g kettle etc – bet[ter] to ha[ve] so[me]bo[dy] than nobod[y] – as if we do n[o]t arr[ive] bef[ore] 10 the fam[il]y may be in bed – If I leave her (Miss W-[Walker]) she shall cert[ainl]y ha[ve] Eugenie – h[a]d catechis[e]d Sarah pret[ty] close[l]y – sh[oul]d ha[ve] been satisf[ie]d if she h[a]d been at Hew[ar]th Grange - b[u]t n[o]t worth whi[le] to shut up Lidg[a]te for so sh[or]t a ti[me] – th[ou]ght Miss W-[Walker] h[a]d been long en[ou]gh there –
dawdl[in]g over of 1 th[in]g or oth[e]r till 5 – then out w[i]th Pickells etc – settl[e]d w[i]th h[i]m and Ch[arle]s H[owarth] – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – r[ea]d a lit[tle] of so[me] of L[or]d Bacon’s Ess[ays]s -fr[om] 8 35/60 to 9 35/60 in the hut-walk – 1/4 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t – poorly – ca[me] to my study at 10 10/60 – read[in]g sev[era]l pap[e]rs in the World vol[ume] 1 Brit[ish] Essayists – s[e]nt off at 8 my let[ter] to ‘Miss Walk[e]r Hew[ar]th Grange York’ – wr[ote] the last 12 lines till 11 25/60 R[ai]n soon aft[e]r 8 a.m. w[hi]ch contin[ue]d mo[re] or less (fine grow[in]g day) till n[ea]r 5 p.m. – aft[er]w[ar]ds fair and fine moonlight ev[enin]g –
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senzacaponecoda · 5 years ago
(res conlangii)
Waiting on data to come in for schoolwork so I kind of doodled a plan for the syntactic evolution of Góoreta which is probably as good as it’ll get and the new draft for what will be Tantapty 2.0, which would be like Pa3aty 4.0 or something by now. 5.0, 6.
Góoreta is ancestral, and was modeled as pretty much a prototypical Nubian language; based on Old Nubian directly.
Góoreta is mixed SOVT/SVTO. T and V are generally fused (i.e. auxiliaries are rare) but SOV is slightly more primary and it’s reflected in how the verb is marked.
So the maximal noun phase is something like {en}  {adjunct} {adjective phrase} root.stem-{sg/pl/col}-{nom/dir/gen/cop/abs} {adjective phrase} {adjunct}, {en} being an optional semantically empty determiner (syntactically it helps clue the listener in to a complex NP), {sg/pl/col} being the East Sudanic singulative/plural/collective number markers, the dir case being a combined accusative-dative, cop being the copulatory case, basically the marker for the more topical half of a copula phrase (as opposed to the part traditionally called a predicate, which is confusing when you’re talking about languages that don’t use a verb to express it). Leftward adjuncts and adjective phrases tend to be alienable, rightward tend to be inalienable/attributive. Compounds are thus backwards for an OV lang: manfire, not fireman. Possession is always marked rightwardly.  Supplementation common.
Adpositions are chiefly prepositions, but adpositions that were promoted to conjunctions before Góoreta are postpositive.
The maximal verb is {adv} root.stem-{caus}-{pret}-{inch}-{pass/recip/mid}-{neg}-{admir}-{modal}-{fut}-[PNG]-{subj}
Already pluractionals would be lexicalized. Moods not happening in the morphology would be adverbial or like CP level or something. Verbs are mostly regular, with no supplemental stems coming to mind. Verbs however can be compounded, and a passive-perfective participle phrase WITH (adv) verb-POS tends to deliver stative sentence structures.
So a kind of overview of the whole sentence I got from a book on Egyptian might look like
(C) S-O-A-s-o-d-V.T (C) or (C) S-s-(í) V.T-o-d-O-A (C)
where d is indirect object and A is adjuncts. Small is pronomial arguments and caps is lexically full. Cs are not mutually exclusive.
It seems that it’s necessary to have both a post-Góoreta NS creole and a pre-Tantafty Afroasiatic creole of the creole in order to “marry” it into the family as my goal originally was.
AA was probably already VSO~VOS, and probably ergative-absolutative. This initial hybridization would actually be crown to actual Afroasiatic, maybe being more of a hybridization with a Pre-Afroasiatic.
T would then be broken from V, and the cross-linguistic tendency for creoles to trend SVO (although this is maybe a European bias error since creoles tend to be half IE due to colonialism) is a compromise.
So new syntactic structure is C-S-s-T-V-o-d-O-A It basically follows Góoreta’s SVO style syntax. The new NP is {en} root.stem-{sg/pl/col} {adjective phrase} {adjunct}
Which loses the Nubian case system.
The new VP is
{aux=V-TA-M-Neg} root.stem.{inch/caus} {other mood} POS
Everything outside the domain of the inchoative broke off. The tense system would probably revolve around the now inherently unaccusative perfect i-VERB-POS forms and an un-i’d form derived from that. Maybe from núu (at) such as what forms a progressive in many languages. This has an advantage of preparing the verbal system for a harmony derived Front/Back ablaut.
Unfortunately Tantafty retaining an admirative mood seems unlikely.
This is when the Afroasiatic elements become dominate, and the stage of the language borrowed is roughly sister to the non-Ethiopian type Afroasiatic languages.
New syntax overform is like S-T-V-s-d-o-O-A. V-s tend to form a unit.
Despite Egyptian losing it, verbs inherit the prefixing conjugation as it assists the Ca1a22a3 unmarked form of present tenses (though, maybe, really, it should lose it, the same way Egyptian did.)
New NP is
{en}-cl.ABS root.stem.{sg/pl/col}-cl.ABS {(a) complement} {adjective phrase}-cl.ABS {adjunct}
Agreement is normalized. Number is lexicalized. Class is introduced. All nouns inherit the PAA absolutative case (-a), although case is not a feature of the syntax. Old nominative -u occasionally used, grammaticalized into something of focalized case. New number system starts to arise from dragging {pl} suffix with -cl.ABS irregularly. (a) represents a connective element, like {of}
New VP would be
{aux} {caus}-root.{inch}.stem-{modal}-[PNG]
Auxiliaries handle most issues. The new causative from AA supplants NS’s productively, the inchoative is detectable but fossilized, like English -Cle in words like rattle, dabble, nipple, etc. Some new modals have attached themselves between the verb and the PNG markers, from the possessive markers, at least in the perfect aspect. Old modals provide at least a new subjunctive.
4. ~ 5. (split as legit branch, then future Amizightization/Arabization)
Language eventually shifts into VSO syntax preferably. Old focalizing case used for SVO word order subject.
Word order is T-V.s.d.o-S-O-A
NP is
where S is state derived from the connector/absolutative case. 
Every draft of Tantafty/Pa3atic thus far has had case but I’m not entirely sure why it would even arise at this stage.
The nisbe could give rise to a kind of genitive-dative. But an earlier stage is likely to have had an et-ha-qadoyshim kind of accusative preposition. By now I want {en} to have become {lá} so it might be something that looks like l-á~an-á or something. The genitive-dative would probably have to go - l>r is what the negative for NPs is going to end up as, and ní would end up declining for something that governs it instead of what it governs. I could be silly and use d~ð, which looks both Imazighen-y and Modern South Arabian-y at the same time. I like the idea of German-style case-on-the-article-ness though.
Nouns would thus be VCCVC in form preferentially I guess. Irregular forms would be the main vestige of Nilo-Saharan - supplemental singulative-collective-plural forms.
For VP I guess that means a form like
{AUX} {caus}.stem.{modal}-[PNG] {adv}
The causative would be partially fossilized into the verb. The auxiliary would handle most of the weight, but probably as preverbs like in Egyptian or Nahuatl or so on as a VSO correlate. Although preverb-auxiliary-verb is likely too. Morphological moods I guess would be heavily reduced, compared to, say, Arabic or something.
The perfective/imperfective system should break into a new stative (like the present perfect), new preterite, new imperfect, and new “cursive” system, where cursive is habitual, gnomic, or the like. That’s taken from an Amazight language but kind of nicely lines up with how English distinguishes present perfect, the past tenses, the progressive, and the simple present. Auxiliaries from “come” and “go” add tense to the paradigm. New moods to be determined, probably areally based on Siwi and Arabic. Voice probably has to be grammaticalized from a verb/preposition instead of an Afroasiatic-y one. Likely a good place for stand? “He stands damaged by battle.”
It would probably be realistic for Tantafty to gain a prefixing conjugation from a suffixing conjugation Coptic style. The Amazight languages do interesting things to their prefixing and suffixing conjugations though and I might want to base whatever I do about the yaCvCCvC present forms on something like that, however. It might be that the whole present form from PAA collapses into just a gender distinction of the subject, which I’m leaning towards. Then PN agreement happens in the suffixes.
Vestiges of NS would then mainly be pluractional vs singulative verbs. I might be able to fit an honorific/emphatic mood in akin to Góoreta’s admirative, which I really wanted, but it can’t really be a direct descendant.
I like the idea of Tantafty having serial verb constructions (which it’s had for years now) and I like the idea of the creoles having compound verbs. Something like an atelic verb head and a stative resultative verb pattern might be doable for a lot of verb nuances, and end up with some weird compounds on the way.  A random bit of what looks like Mandarin syntax I guess. This would be, like, the cut-break compounds.
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shoplove-moveddd · 8 years ago
bro you don't have to answer but are you gay
um………………………………..what could have prompted this question…………………………….. this assumption…………………………………………………………………. dont get me wrong just like namjam said “she keeps me warm” u know….. i love gays….. girls… gay girls……. any girl wanna hold my hand
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maris-a-writer-now · 7 years ago
hello hello!!! could i request being bffls with mx in like bullet points!! please and thank you!!
For sure!! Thank you for requesting here, and request or whatever :))
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(A/N // This is gonna be separated by member because I feel like that’s what makes sense here, if I’m not right let me know and I’ll change it!! :))
BFFL’s with Monsta X!
Genre: Fluff, maybe some crack (prolly some crack.. Its monsta x)
Warnings: None
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So. He’s definitely more withdrawn than the other boys.
Most of when you two would hang out you’re watching tv
Maybe on your phones
He would show you videos he saw that he thought would make you laugh
He was alright right
You would recommend kdramas for him to watch on the road
He would skype you to watch the newest episodes with you
Always insists on paying for your food when you go out with him.
“Just let me pay. It’s not a big deal.”
He always said it with his little smile playing on his lips, so you couldn’t really refuse.
When you had a bad day, he was who you would go to first. 
Definitely your favorite shoulder to cry on.
He would rub your back and not offer advice until you asked him.
Overall, reserved but loving. 11/10 need me a friend like Shownu
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v e r y energetic. (not the same as minhyuk, but still pret energized.)
always feels like he has to be talking to you, if not in person then through text.
literally if you set your phone down for ten minutes you come back to twenty texts and a missed phone call.
“I thought you were ignoring me :(”
takes emojis very seriously
if you don’t respond with the same enthusiasm with emojis he thinks he did something to make you mad.
likes to carry you.
like even if you don’t want to suddenly you’re off the ground.
laughs at all of your jokes, even if they aren’t funny
most of the time when you hang out its watching him excercize
he can and will drag you to the gym so. be prepared.
overall just be prepared to exert a lot of emotional energy. he just wants to make sure that hes keeping you happy. soft lil bub  
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energetic pt 2
he will literally keep you doing anything his mind can think of for hours
loves to make you laugh, so expect him embarrassing himself and you in public.
clin g y boy
he really loves being close to people, so anything you’re doing hes got your arms intertwined.
“Just hold my hand! It’ll be easier to get around!!”
l o  u   d
you can hear him from a mile away so you always know when he’s close.
loves to sing to you 
when you’re laying in bed, he’ll wrap himself around you and sing to you until you’re about to fall asleep
he really just has this soft spot for you tho
like he would throw hands with anyone who ever made you upset
overall a loving puppy who just wants to see you smiling. oof im soft
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So. Every one at all times compares him to being like. a mom, but i don’t agree at all..
hes definitely the dad friend. slightly detached from all situations, kinda awkward when it comes to your emotions, makes really old jokes, but really really loves you.
so with that comes him being slightly overprotective.
he has to make sure anyone that you want to take time out of your day to talk to is worth your time.
he likes knowing that you’re taking care of yourself.
texts you to tell you to sleep and eat, even if it annoys you sometimes.
he doesn’t exactly know what to do when you get upset, so he just starts making faces to try and make you smile
“Oh good.. I’m glad you’re smiling now.”
loves to hug you tightly so he can laugh at how you try to squirm out of his grip
he would definitely straighten up your living room if its a mess while you’re out doing stuff.
you would come back to him with your feather duster and music blasting.
overall just a dorky dude who loves you a lot, and makes sure you’re out there living your healthiest life. a whole mood. 
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to start off with there would be a lot of laughing. like a lot.
mostly him laughing at you, cause he just thinks its funny when you do things on accident.
You trip? Hes laughing. Drop your phone? He drops a giggle.
there would be a lot of sleeping over at each others houses. 
like you would come home from work, and see hyungwon dead to the world in your bed.
you would shrug and just lay down next to him
i think he would really like to shop with you, to get your opinions, and also to spoil you lowkey.
like i feel like hes this guy who likes to buy the other members things that he thinks they would like, so he would definitely pass that onto you.
doesnt ever call you, but he will facetime you if you werent around.
mostly you two text, cause its a lot less effort on both of your parts.
definitely nights spent hanging out involve you cooking for him after he whines enough. 
“I’m so busy, please cook for me~”
all in all, hes a pretty chill guy, just looking to laugh and hang out in a low maintenance setting. definitely me but like.. whats new ya know 
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very ve r y s o f t
like i don’t know how to explain it other than that sentence.
he’s almost like the older brother you never knew you needed.
if you’re cold, he’s giving you his jacket, if you’re hungry he’s buying food right then. Raining? He’s holding the umbrella like.
definitely challenges you to rap battles just so he can outrap you.
invites you to hang out at his studio all the time.
has you track raps for him so he can hype you up
he always drives you to and from wherever you’re going because he’s scared of letting you walk alone.
“I’m not going to let you be in danger idiot.”
definitely uses idiot as a term of endearment.
texts you uplifting quotes to make you happy if you’re sad.
he acts cute when he wants you to smile, but you always end up pushing him away 
overall the best hype man who also hugs all of your problems away. cause lets be real jooheon def gives the best hugs like oof… 
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(This gif has nothing to do with this reaction, I’m just really glad I got the chance to use it lmfaoooooooooooo. Sorry Changkyun I really do love you.)
im just gonna say it. your text history is just you and him sending memes back and forth.
he definitely sends memes of himself, and you yell at him saying those weren’t allowed.
he loves to make fun of you gently to make you laugh, and of course you do the same.
hes def the type to call you at 3 am to be philosophical
and you always answer and listen because it always makes you happy
hes very helpful when you need advice
he always knows what to say and what not to
hes very spontaneous with how you two hang out.
sometimes hes making you hike, and sometimes you just lay on your kitchen floor after you two had a competition on who could eat the most cookie dough.
v sarcastic, but always knows when to turn it down for you.
l o u d pt. 2
he raps at you when he knows you’re already low key annoyed at him
overall hes just trying his best to make sure that you’re in your best mood around him. yes memes included. 
I really hope you enjoyed this!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Mon[day] 10 October 1836
7 35/..
11 1/2
No kiss ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - ready in 3/4 h[ou]r - as long as if I h[a]d regul[arl]y undress[e]d and dress[e]d ag[ai]n – b[u]t I mere[l]y wash[e]d
and made mys[elf] comf[orta]ble as well as I c[oul]d and chang[e]d my pelisse – w[e]nt to my a[un]t at 8 20/.. - the h[ou]sem[ai]d h[a]d sat
up till 4 a.m. and Oddy h[a]d h[a]d no sleep - my a[un]t h[a]d been restless all the night and h[a]d been up 3 ti[me]s s[in]ce
I h[a]d left h[e]r - still restless, and w[oul]d be g[o]t up 3 ti[me]s fr[om] my go[in]g to h[e]r at 8 20/.. to my go[in]g d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 9 10/..  - I h[a]d lift[e]d
h[e]r int[o] bed ag[ai]n the 1st of the 3 ti[me]s w[i]thout her seem[in]g incommod[e]d - the 2[n]d and 3[r]d ti[me] Oddy th[ou]ght it best for me to lift h[e]r
should[e]rs whi[le] the oth[e]r rais[e]d her legs – aft[e]r the 3[r]d ti[me] of gett[in]g up she seem[e]d so exhaust[e]d I th[ou]ght she w[a]s gone
b[u]t she rall[ie]d bef[ore] I w[e]nt to br[eak]f[a]st – perh[aps] I w[a]s so m[u]ch as 20 min[utes] at br[eak]f[a]st - Firth the glaz[ie]r br[ou]ght his bill –
Let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart]
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 . Surely, my d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, you are still w[i]th
‘Vere, and, I hope, m[u]ch the bet[ter] for all h[e]r k[i]nd attent[io]ns, and for the change of air –
‘I trust the weath[e]r h[a]s been bet[ter] w[i]th you than w[i]th us, and that you, at least, and those ar[oun]d
‘you, ha[ve] n[o]t suff[ere]d fr[om] this sickly season - you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear that my
‘poor dear a[un]t is no mo[re] - For the last week her suff[erin]gs ha[ve] seem[e]d to
‘decrease w[i]th her str[en]gth, and she expir[e]d, at five min[ute]s past one this aft[ernoo]n, so
‘quiet[l]y that I w[a]s hardly aware of it at the mom[en]t - my gr[eate]st anx[iet]y is remov[e]d  - its
‘remov[a]l is a bless[in]g to her, b[u]t w[i]th me it leaves a strange feel[in]g of bereavem[en]t –
‘Vere will excuse my writ[in]g just now - you will tell h[e]r that I am well, and
‘alw[a]ys, d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and ver[y] affect[ionatel]y yours A. [Anne] Lister’
for the lead pip[in]g (the 2[n]d batch) and A- [Ann] p[ai]d h[i]m £59.11.0 in gold exc[ept] one £5 count[r]y note –
I h[a]d s[e]nt John Booth at nine for Mr. Jubb and he ca[me] ab[ou]t 10 or 10 10/.. - my a[un]t h[a]d been up wh[ile]
I w[a]s at br[eak]f[a]st and w[a]s gett[in]g up ag[ai]n as I w[e]nt b[a]ck int[o] the r[oo]m at 9 1/2 b[u]t Oddy and I lift[e]d h[e]r gent[l]y
b[a]ck int[o] bed, and she soon beca[me] mo[re] settl[e]d - by 10 she seem[e]d quiet and compos[e]d, and Mr.
Jubb as he sat by her bedside s[ai]d (at 10 20/..) that her pulse w[a]s gone – h[e]r f[ee]t were gett[in]g
cold - I told h[i]m she w[a]s warm all ov[e]r an h[ou]r bef[ore] - she nev[e]r attempt[e]d to get out of
bed aft[e]r 10 - Mr. Jubb sat by h[e]r 1/4 h[ou]r or 20 min[ute]s – tri[e]d to gi[ve] her brandy and wat[e]r b[u]t
she c[oul]d n[o]t swal[low] it - he s[ai]d if we c[oul]d keep her m[ou]th moist, it w[oul]d be a relief to her
b[u]t wh[a]t c[oul]d we do - the last th[in]g she took (and that w[i]th diffic[ult]y) w[a]s a jelly ab[ou]t noon yest[erda]y
I took Mr. Jubb d[o]wn to see A- [Ann] m[u]ch bet[ter] - now wants good nourish[in]g th[in]gs to get up her
str[en]gth - Cookson bet[ter] – go[in]g on well – m[u]st ta[ke] bark (quinine) - Sarah the kitchen m[ai]d
n[o]t so well this morn[in]g – m[u]ch fev[e]r – ver[y] lucky we s[e]nt h[e]r ho[me] - at 10 50/.. Oddy call[e]d me
(Matty h[a]d been w[i]th my a[un]t s[in]ce 9 1/2 a.m.) she and Matty th[ou]ght my a[un]t go[in]g - Mr. Jubb w[e]nt
up w[i]th me and st[ai]d till 10 55/.. when I s[ai]d that as he c[oul]d do no good I w[oul]d n[o]t detain him - he
th[ou]ght my poor a[un]t c[oul]d n[o]t contin[ue] ver[y] long - she breath[e]d ag[ai]n and contin[ue]d breath[in]g rath[e]r short
b[u]t pret[ty] eq[uall]y and n[o]t ver[y] loud - A- [Ann] call[e]d me d[o]wn ab[ou]t 12 1/2 to sp[ea]k to Mr. Husb[an]d - the hall clos[e]t door
h[a]d co[me] op[e]n and left the wine to the mercy of the workmen - Mr. Husb[an]d help[e]d me to move the
19 bot[tle]s left there of the York port w[hi]ch I put in the store-r[oo]m - I h[a]d just done when A- [Ann] ca[me] for
me, and I w[a]s just in ti[me] to see my poor a[un]t in her last mom[en]t of life in this world –
it w[a]s just 5 min[ute]s fr[om] my ret[ur]n upst[ai]rs to her breath[in]g h[e]r last at 1 5/.. p.m. - for an inst[an]t
her mouth h[a]d an express[io]n of pain, b[u]t that express[io]n w[a]s gone ere the last breath escap[e]d –
there w[a]s a slight catch b[u]t no groan or sigh - the last intellig[i]ble words were (last night)
‘I dont kno[w] wh[a]t to do’ and this morn[in]g (I th[in]k it w[a]s) ‘I m[u]st go out’ - my a[un]t h[a]d spoken
 my a[un]t’s d[ea]th
sev[era]l ti[me]s yes[terda]y ev[enin]g and this morn[in]g b[u]t n[o]t intellig[i]bly - I sh[oul]d suppo[se] she h[a]d n[o]t mo[re] pain than m[o]st
necess[ar]y accomp[an]y the increas[in]g of breath[in]g as d[ea]th appr[oa]ches - her count[enan]ce w[a]s tranq[ui]l when
the vital spark w[a]s gone - Matty w[a]s at din[ner] and on[l]y Oddy and I pres[en]t - my a[un]t remind[e]d me of my
a[un]t Martha - I w[e]nt int[o] the r[oo]m at 6 50/.. p.m. w[i]th Matty - the knees were n[o]t qui[te] str[ai]ght nor the lips
clos[e]d - the latt[e]r c[oul]d n[o]t close for the upp[e]r teeth - it w[a]s the sa[me] w[i]th my a[un]t Martha - A- [Ann] h[a]d sat by me
so[me] ti[me] this morn[in]g in my a[un]t’s r[oo]m b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t stay whi[le] Mr. Jubb w[a]s there - she h[a]s exert[e]d hers[elf]
and done ver[y] well - took h[e]r out and we walk[e]d on the flags 1/4 h[ou]r till 2 - then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
ga[ve] ord[e]rs for the hall to be board[e]d up and made decent by Sat[urday] aft[ernoo]n - the fun[era]l to be on Mon[day] –
then h[a]d Rob[er]t Mann (Rob[er]t + 4 today) (in the gard[e]n) and ga[ve] h[i]m ord[e]rs for tomor[row] - the gard[ene]r and Hemingway the Wyke gard[ene]r who ca[me] to sp[ea]k to me yest[erday] morn[in]g – h[a]d beg[u]n this morn[in]g tak[in]g off the sod fr[om] the intended back Lodge road –
told Rob[er]t to look aft[e]r them - to see that the road w[a]s right set out, etc etc – Ingh[a]m and his man
and boy at topp[in]g up the dry arch walls - Mark Hepw[or]th and Binns 2 one h[or]se carts cart[in]g stuff
addit[iona]l fr[om] the hall floor and fr[om] n[ea]r the west tow[e]r – fr[om] 2 50/.. to 4 walk[e]d (up and d[o]wn fr[om] the hut
to the rustic chair many ti[me]s) in the walk, mus[in]g - I rem[em]b[e]r my feel[in]gs on the loss of my unc[le] –
the d[ea]th of my fath[e]r is qui[te] recent – b[u]t my a[un]t is the last of the last generat[io]n - she w[a]s alw[a]ys
good and k[i]nd to me - none will ev[e]r th[in]k so high[l]y of me - none w[a]s mo[re] interest[e]d in my interest –
none ............. I th[ou]ght till the tears start[e]d - my head beg[a]n to ache, and I ca[me] in to wr[ite] let[ter]s –
chang[e]d my pelisse etc - a few min[ute]s w[i]th A- [Ann] at my desk at 4 40/..  and wr[ote] quick[l]y the let[ter]
to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] (vid[e] line 4 et seq. of the last p[age]) - then w[e]nt and sat by A- [Ann] and wr[ote] the oth[e]r 3 let[ter]s
w[i]th less ease bec[ause] she talk[e]d to me - ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836. I th[in]k,
‘my d[ea]r[e]st Mary, I ha[ve] n[o]t yet thank[e]d you for your kind, useful let[ter] of the 22[n]d of last m[on]th - I
‘rem[em]b[e]r you told me, you were go[in]g int[o] Devonsh[ire] on the 27th ult[imo], and w[oul]d n[o]t be ver[y]
‘long away - I sh[oul]d, at any rate, ha[ve] giv[e]n you a fortn[i]ght – Perh[aps] you ha[ve] at this mom[en]t your
‘h[ou]se full of comp[an]y - ours is ag[ai]n in mourn[in]g - my a[un]t’s suff[erin]gs seem to ha[ve] decreas[e]d w[i]th
‘h[e]r str[en]gth for the last week, yet the fatal change d[i]d n[o]t pos[itivel]y app[ea]r to be tak[in]g place
‘till ab[ou]t noon yest[erday], fr[om] w[hi]ch ti[me] to ab[ou]t nine this morn[in]g she w[a]s restless, w[i]thout, howev[e]r,
‘seem[in]g to be in g[rea]t pain – Fr[om] ab[ou]t 10, she w[a]s ver[y] quiet, and, at five min[ute]s aft[e]r one, breath[e]d
‘last so gent[l]y, that I w[a]s n[o]t, at the mom[en]t, qui[te] cert[ai]n she w[a]s gone, and that h[e]r place sh[oul]d kno[w]
‘her no mo[re] - the last of the last generat[io]n is now swept away - Mary! you, and I, and those we
‘love, m[u]st now st[a]nd forem[o]st in the gap - you kno[w] how good and k[i]nd my poor a[un]t alw[a]ys w[a]s to
‘me - she h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to profit by the alterat[io]ns be[g]an so soon, on h[e]r acc[oun]t and at h[e]r own req[ue]st –
‘the h[ou]se is in sad uproar - this ma[ke]s it look mo[re] lorn, and casts a deeper shade over our
‘bereavem[en]t - we shall exp[ec]t you at the end of the m[on]th – sure[l]y we shall then be mo[re] ab[le] to gi[ve] you
‘the comm[o]n comf[or]ts of home - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone away ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r
‘we h[a]d hir[e]d, died, d[i]d I n[o]t tell you? very sudd[enl]y, a few days bef[ore] she ought to ha[ve] co[me] - God
‘bless you, Mary – alw[a]ys ver[y] espec[iall]y and aff[ectionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n - you w[oul]d supp[ose], fr[om] my n[o]t writ[in]g ag[ai]n,
‘that my a[un]t contin[ue]d m[u]ch of the sa[me] state as when I wr[ote] to you last – H[e]r suff[erin]gs app[eare]d to
‘decrease w[i]th h[e]r str[en]gth, b[u]t we h[a]d no reas[o]n to suppo[se] she m[i]ght n[o]t ha[ve] contin[ue]d long[e]r, till ab[ou]t
‘yest[erday] noon, or afternoon, when h[e]r str[en]gth seem[e]d fail[in]g fast[e]r than it h[a]d done bef[ore] - she took
‘a jelly at noon w[i]th diff[icult]y, the last th[in]g she d[i]d take - she h[a]d  a rest[le]ss night, b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t seem to
‘be in gr[ea]t pain – Fr[om] 8 to 10 this morn[in]g, she w[oul]d be g[o]t out of bed half a doz[e]n ti[me]s – aft[e]r this, she
‘beca[me] more quiet, and breath[e]d h[e]r last at 5 min[ute]s past one, so gent[l]y that I w[a]s n[o]t qui[te] cert[ai]n, at
‘the mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad state of confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y –
‘our rem[em]b[ran]ces to your fr[ie]nd, and love to yours[elf], and bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n, alw[a]ys affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ –
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - My d[ea]r[e]st Isabella – aft[e]r my a[un]t’s long and severe
‘suff[eri]ngs, you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear of h[e]r release - she h[a]s been rapid[l]y losing str[en]gth for the
‘last w[ee]k, and this aft[ernoo]n, at five min[ute]s p[a]st one, expir[e]d so gent[l]y, I w[a]s scarce[l]y aware, at the
‘mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y - alas!
‘she for wh[o]m the alterat[io]ns were so hurr[ie]d on, h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to benefit by them! we sh[oul]d ha[ve]
‘ask[e]d you to co[me] now, b[u]t we ha[ve] hard[l]y r[oo]m for ours[elves], or peop[le] to do the work we are in absol[u]te
‘need of - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone ho[me] ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r is dead –
‘we ha[ve] on[l]y the strange that is, the newly-co[me] h[ou]sem[ai]d and char wom[a]n - we are expect[in]g
‘Mrs. Lawt[o]n at the end of the m[on]th, if we can manage it - can you tell us of any
‘trusty pers[o]n to co[me] and help us – Gi[ve] my love to Mr. and Mrs. Duffin, and tell them of our trouble –
‘my gr[ea]t anx[iet]y is gone; b[u]t it is a gr[ea]t bereavem[en]t - Love to Charlotte – Ev[e]r ver[y] faith[full]y
‘and affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ - at 6 50/.. and h[a]d seal[e]d and giv[e]n A-  [Ann] for the Let[ter] bag my let[ter] to ‘the honourable
‘Lady Stuart Brafield h[ou]se Oulney Bucks’ - to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton,
Cheshire’ to ‘Miss Marian Lister M[arke]t Weighton’ and to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Petergate, York’
w[e]nt w[i]th Matty Pollard int[o] my a[un]t’s r[oo]m for 10 min[ute]s - How chang[e]d s[in]ce this morn[in]g! – s[ai]d Matty
‘a more respectab[le] Lady d[i]d n[o]t live anywhere here’ - all look[e]d solemn - I m[i]ght
ha[ve] s[ai]d ‘It is good for us to be here’ - It is a relief to me to ha[ve] writ[te]n my journ[a]l –
din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – fr[om] 8 1/2 to 9 55/.. wr[ote] all b[u]t the cop[y] of the let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] w[hi]ch I wr[ote]
bef[ore] 6 3/4 – ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - fair b[u]t damp by 10 – ver[y] heavy show[e]r bet[ween] 11 and 12
or ab[ou]t 12 – ver[y] show[er]y morn[in]g - fine in aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 1 p.m. a lit[tl]e rain in the ev[enin]g
ab[ou]t 7 p.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds – F[ahrenheit] 49° at 10 p.m. – No[te] last night (print[e]d circular) fr[om] Mr. Ja[me]s Highley
by order of the committee to ann[oun]ce a meet[in]g on the 14th of the subscribers in aid of the ch[ur]ch rate
to determ[ine] as to the dispos[a]l of the Bal[an]ce of the subs[criptio]n –
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whenthesungoesblack · 4 years ago
This picture is great and here's why:
The color of her pants (very neat!)
The fat guy with the vest just standing there like some skyrim npc
The blatantly wrong Bible quote
*some woman in the 60's walking* W E R E A L I V E T O D A Y
Mad car pret ler esting ERT (or details)
The guy that clearly needs Jesus wearing a "you need Jesus" shirt
The window just showing how absolutely no one is giving a shit about these dumbasses
Tumblr media
this is my favourite picture on the internet now and everyone needs to see it
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official-saltbag · 7 years ago
I-I-I'm pret-t-t-ty bushy-y bit-tch gave you th-that bla-anket 'cuz she c-could tell y-y-you-u wer-r-r-re tir-red. It's-s a horri-ible blanket, but-t y-you could do-o with it, r-right? . . . O-Oh and I-I'll sing-g your s-self proc-claimed "Theme Song", Believer. A-And you kn-know, with a s-shitty stutt-t-t-t-t-t-ter like th-this-s-s, it's not gonn-n-n-na ever be g-good! -Stuttering Anon
Shuddup, the adults are talking.
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monomas-a-smug-bih · 7 years ago
may i request a monoma x reader where monoma thinks reader likes someone else?
This smug bih is jelly af
(Readers quirk is taking over someone's quirk by touching them for as long as they want. They don't use there quirk but control how the opponent uses it.)
MONOMA NEITO slammed his locker shut more aggressively than usual, catching a worried glance from Kendou. She paused her conversation with a vine haired girl and glanced over.
“What’s your problem now?” She almost groaned puffing out her cheeks. The blonde just shrugged and said it was nothing. He trudged along the long school hallway alone.
No he was definitely on edge about something.
He’d developed an ’ infatuation ’ with some 1A female that participated in the Sports Festival. He was interested by her before, but seeing her be amazing on the battle field seemed to just put fuel in the fire. His fire anyways.
Now, he had a crush on you. Especially since you were patient enough to start up some small talk with him while watching some other students fight it out. He was beyond surprised, not showing any of it on his face of course..
He r e a l l y wanted to hear more of your voice.
But than he realized something, you’ve been talking to that ‘Bakugou’ kid he pissed off at the festival. A lot. Like more than an average person (or Kirishima) could handle, the guy was barely even sociable 90% of the time! So why were you putting up with him instead of Monoma!
Thoughts were rushing in and out of his head, the teachers lesson not even reaching his ears. The ringing of reasons for 'her’ to like Bakugou were far too loud.
Did you like him?
Did he like you?
Were you dating…?
On the inside, he was furious. That dude was a total lunatic with some stupid superiority complex. What does Bakugou have that he doesn’t that you find so appealing? He kinda felt sick, the nausea causing his internal anger to dissipate into worry almost immediately.
His ears were so deaf to the background noise of his surroundings, an orange haired girl had to poke him with a pencil.He was sent a few glances from students, the teacher had asked him a question. 'Shit.’ He hastily smiled politely asking him to repeat the question.
“I said, did you get all that?” He felt sweat trickle down his neck.
“Yes sir.” His smug expression definitely was conflicting with his nervousness on the inside.
After getting out of the classroom way too early for some reason, Kendou filled him in on the instructions for the training today. They were meeting up with class 1A for a training exercise. His ears perked up, now he was kinda excited.
He’d get to talk to you again.
“Pfft I don’t know why, something about team work and adapting to the people and your surroundings and different unknown quirks of others….. you know the deal.” He thanked her and they headed to the arena together. It was a city like setting, with lots of metal pipe structures and frail looking buildings, a little outing clear in the middle of it.( kinda like the one in the new ep w izuku n sero but more clear and like a city? Idk)
There were four roles. Police who couldn’t use quirks, Heroes who could, injured or attacked who needed rescuing(immobile unable to move), and Villains. It was a simple but complicated exercise.
“If a hero, villain or police officer is immobilized or wrapped in white tape, they become the injured and are not allowed to move from there spot. The key to winning depends on how many injured on each side or if all heroes or villains are immobilized.” All might practically yelled.
“You may all put yourselves in pairs.” The tired man sighed, his eyes almost covered by black long hair was evidence to his haggard state.
All might gave an almighty salute to us (see wat I did there hehu) and it was time to team up with someone. His heart sank at the the thought of you choosing Bakugou over him, when he heard you two arguing like a married couple.
“Boom boyyyyy where are youuuu….” you almost sang poking your beautiful head out of the crowd.
“Shut up already! So much for being the fucking patient one!”
Well there goes his chances with teaming up with y-
“Quiet down already, pairs need to consist of one 1a and one 1b student.” The haggard man sighed. Monoma glanced to you excitedly, though managed to keep his face blank.
“What kInD oF FuckerY is ThiS!!”
Taking your eyes off Katsuki, you and the blonde made eye contact, your e/c orbs looking into his pretty grey ones, didn’t you know him from somewhere? It clicked so you smiled brightly and ran over to him.
“Hey hey! I know you! Sports festival right!” You trotted over waving to him. His grey tinted eyes lighting up, he’d be lying if he wasn’t excited by you even remembering him.
“Yep. What is it?” He smiled for a second, it transitioning to a familiar smug grin.
“O-oh! N….Neito! Right? Well we have to choose different pairs now and your the only person I could think of….so…” you tried not to ramble, a little sad that he’d probably say no. His eyebrows bounced up, eyes widening a slight bit, than chuckled. Man did he loved the way his first name sounded in your voice.
“Well I don’t see why not.” He shrugged smugly, secretly dying on the inside about how cute you looked when you stuttered and rambled a little bit.
You two with some others were chosen for the part of heroes of course, and Bakugou was chosen as one of the villains, paired up with some random 1b student.
At the moment, you and the yellowy’ blonde may have been trying to attack a certain explosive boy. He was on a rampage of capturing heroes while you too thought up a plan inside a partially destroyed building.
Monoma distracted him, putting his dodging skills to work, snatching the boys quirk too steal his attention,
“Haha, go on and try.”
Monoma was taunting him, so you swooped in from the building jumping towards his back, your hand grazed the ash blondes shoulder, gifting you control over his quirk. He hadn’t seen you yet since you were a fast runner he knew a second hero was present but looked too late to catch you hiding under a wrecked wall piece from a building he’d blown up. You didn’t wanna give away your hiding spot but it looked like Monoma would need a little help soon enough.
“Monoma!” You yelled, he took his eyes off of Katsuki.
“Got it!” You redirected an explosion about to hit him, giving him a change to retreat. Concentrating, you got Bakugou to, basically start self destructing.
“What the f-…Fucking Y/n! FUCKING Really!?” Monoma envied how he knew you enough to recognize you by your quirk almost immediately. Your quirk was quite exciting though, it was practically the ultimate counter attack.
You weren’t aiming to hurt him, but he unfortunately looked down at his palm before hand confused, knocking himself out with a minor explosion that came out of it shortly.
“Shit…. I am so dead afterwards, aren’t I.” You two wrapped him up in tape, leaning him against a wall, and went back into your little damaged building.You and Monoma just sat there on concrete waiting for more villains, awkwardly.
He was itching to ask if you associated your self 'intimately’ with the ash blonde he hated. He had to at l e a s t hint at it right?
“So what’s with you and 'boom boy’?”
“Huh?” You shot him a confused glance, putting a light dust of red in his cheeks. Why did you have to look so adorable?
“Well I mean, you too are pretty close for a pret- *cough* cool high school girl and a short tempered lunatic.” You watched his lips twitch a bit, seeming to struggle keeping on a smug expression, you tilted your head.
'Damn, good one Monoma. You almost called her pretty a n d trashed talked her potential boyfriend in one sentence. Great.’
“You got a crush on 'him’ or something.?” Jealousy was even more unbearably potent in that sentence.
“Kacchan?” You confirmed, he looked at the ground.
You blinked at him, giving him time to say he was joking. Than you stomped on his pride, by instead of replying stifling a laugh. Than struggling to keep it in and practically laughing through your whole sentence.
“Bakugou Katsuki? Pfft he’s l-like a-a brother t-to me.” He let out a quiet huh registering your words after admiring your careless laugh. It was like music to his ears. Now he felt like an idiot.
“W-why-” you gasped for emphasis on your realization.
“You’re….jealous?” His instincts kicked into panic mode the moment he messed up, this couldn’t have gone worse. Like hell someone as smart and pretty would like some smug asshole she’s talked too a couple of times, she’d find out and then. Game over.
“Woah, I was right for once AND made Monoma Neito, the copy cat of class B jealous!!” You eyebrows rose, and then a smug expression took over the features he admired most, then you smiled like an idiot seeing his face turn red. He desperately tried to erase the sound of how nicely his first name rolled off your tongue. He shook his head.
“Pshhh, yeah right. No I’m no-!” Before he could deny anything, you quit the sarcastic scooted closer to him on the concrete floor. You grabbed one cheek and pecked the other softly. This smug boy was beyond shocked.
“Cute.” His face was pink and his thoughts were scattered. You placed another soft kiss on his neck, sending shivers down his back.
For once he didn’t have any comebacks or smug remarks.
I apoligize this is kindaaa long but I was really in the mood for writing wOoPs :)
I explained the game or tranin a. Little to thoroughly because I was planning on maybe involving it in other imagines, like you guys request with a different char and the game, and I can write it as like a diff char x reader with them 'rescuing’ or having to carry you or smth. Idk.
Leave a note reblog and send me some requestssss I’m planning on opening them rn!
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
@law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaret zcom  @fisa no benefit no gain no pay  morally and dignity no lifestyle j ust cockroaches giving eachother s t a nd a r d trick alibis standard mu d campaigning before what after what for whihc goal done so wait til l ai tries to find lightning speed what youhave from their crimes inthe m ost brilliant of tenquadrillion trial error trial error only option is /// add to timeline: incidents: "turns out fools didnt get their facts right : but tried: this: for this type of harm" then see which t y p e of fools are regularly used that donot get their facts right **** after what be fore what ***** publish notarstamped im dull but the cookings andharms is on damamge tricks by scums and fools priming come see the pervert foo l.  framing as aaall perverts and fools as you see he aeh eats the typical p ervert andfool food woodbride(theterm inamed so forthe extra blah twist o f priming framing) guy feeds cat becomes he was repeatedly caught trying to e nhance his potence with catfood smeared around his balls aaand its not pret ty it really isnt extra twist of blah often sexualised, of framing priming
@law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaret zcom  @fisa no benefit no gain no pay  morally and dignity no lifestyle j ust cockroaches giving eachother s t a nd a r d trick alibis standard mu d campaigning before what after what for whihc goal done so wait til l ai tries to find lightning speed what youhave from their crimes inthe m ost brilliant of tenquadrillion trial error trial error only option is /// add to timeline: incidents: “turns out fools didnt get their facts right : but tried: this: for this type of harm” then see which t y p e of fools are regularly used that donot get their facts right **** after what be fore what ***** publish notarstamped im dull but the cookings andharms is on damamge tricks by scums and fools priming come see the pervert foo l.  framing as aaall perverts and fools as you see he aeh eats the typical p ervert andfool food woodbride(theterm inamed so forthe extra blah twist o f priming framing) guy feeds cat becomes he was repeatedly caught trying to e nhance his potence with catfood smeared around his balls aaand its not pret ty it really isnt extra twist of blah often sexualised, of framing priming
@law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @fisa
no benefit no gain no pay morally and dignity no lifestyle
just cockroaches giving eachother s t a nd a r d trick alibis
standard mud campaigning
before what
after what
for whihc goal done so wait till ai tries to find lightning speed what youhave from their crimes inthe most brilliant of tenquadrillion trial error…
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lacronicacoruna1 · 5 years ago
15 Películas que nos pusieron en los elegantes (e incómodos) zapatos del mundo de la moda
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El mundo de la moda es un círculo muy específico. La reincorporación costura, la sofisticación de los diseños y las pasarelas son componentes exclusivos que solo un puñado de personas puede intentar. Es por ello que retratarlo en la pantalla vasto resulta tan complicado y, a la vez, atractivo para el manifiesto.
Genial.guru seleccionó algunas de las películas más representativas que van desde historias de cómo se forjaron los diseñadores icónicos de la reincorporación costura y del mundo de la moda, hasta comedias que ponen de manifiesto lo difícil que es conducirse en la esfera de lo valentísimo y lo diferente.
1. Coco antaño de Chanel (2009)
La vida de Coco Chanel ha sido fuente de inspiración de más de una película. En esta se describe el inicio de su carrera y la modo como decidió usar ese distintivo “Coco” como sello de su personalidad y de su marca antaño de que esta se convirtiera en el imperio del estilo que es ahora. Está apto para rentar aquí.
2. El diablo viste a la moda (2005)
Todos los que han tenido un jerarca difícil encuentran en Miranda Priestly a esa malvada figura de autoridad. En El diablo viste a la moda se muestra el exclusivo mundo por el que muchos deciden sacrificarlo todo, aunque a veces en exceso. Está apto para rentar aquí.
3. Yves Saint Laurent (2014)
El mundo de la costura supone muchos desafíos para los creadores, y es por eso que esta película es importante si te gusta la moda, pues refleja cómo el señorita Yves tomó la estafeta del mismo Christian Dior para presentar su primera colección de reincorporación costura. Puedes verla aquí.
4. Zoolander (2001)
Zoolander es una cinta cómica protagonizada por Ben Stiller y Owen Wilson en la que puede hallarse una sátira a la envidia entre modelos, mientras que en el fondo de la historia sucede una intriga que pone en aventura la vida de un primer ministro. Está apto para rentar aquí.
5. Asistente de compras / Personal Shopper (2016)
En esta cinta, la protagonista se hace cargo de todo el armario de una celebridad; es sostener, podemos ver el proceso de selección de atuendos en el mundo de la moda. La historia transcurre en un aura de enigma, pues narra la conexión espiritual que el personaje principal tiene con su hermano muerto. Puedes verla aquí.
6. La cenicienta en París (1957)
La cenicienta en París es una película que manejo de una chica que es captada por un fotógrafo que pesquisa una nueva e inusual maniquí. Jo, la protagonista, pasa de ser una muchacha ordinaria a convertirse en una maniquí en la haber de la moda a nivel mundial, París. Está apto para rentar aquí.
7. El demonio neón (2016)
Esta cinta es capaz de mantenerte al filo del asiento con una historia en la que se dibuja un sórdido mundo de la moda. En El demonio neón, la belleza es una útil capaz de conseguir cualquier cosa, y la protagonista lo descubre de la peor modo. Puedes verla aquí.
8. ¿Quién es usted, Polly Maggoo? (1966)
Esta pequeña sátira del mundo de la moda está llena de musicales, pero hay que poner específico atención al cuidado de los diseños mostrados en pantalla. Los potentes arreglos visuales transmiten conformidad y ponen de manifiesto el alegría por el estilo.
9. Caprichos de la moda / Pret-a-porter (1994)
Caprichos de la moda es una película que mezcla la comedia y pasarela, pues a lo espléndido de la cinta desfilan diseñadores en diferentes cameos como Jean-Paul Gaultier, Christian Lacroix o Claude Montana. La cinta cuenta con actuaciones de íconos de la moda como Sophia Loren y Marcello Mastroianni. Está apto para rentar aquí.
10. Loca por las compras (2009)
Esta cinta presenta la historia de una chica proveniente de una clan modesta, quien prioriza la durabilidad a la moda, por lo que, en su primera oportunidad, le da un libramiento a su vida. Lamentablemente, ese cambio no es del todo positivo, por lo que las deudas invaden su nuevo estilo de vida y es necesario saldarlas a toda costa. Está apto para rentar aquí.
11. El poder de la moda (2015)
Una llamativa historia en la que se mezclan el mundo de la moda y el regreso al pasado en pesquisa de una venganza. El poder de la moda es una película que presenta una mezcla extraña de géneros que aciertan en intrigar al espectador y cautivarlo con la belleza de sus vestuarios. Está apto para rentar aquí.
12. Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2009)
Para los que disfrutan de las películas biográficas, no hay nulo más encantador que encontrar una historia en la que se cruzan dos vidas y poder percibir la potente influencia de una sobre la otra. En este caso se observa la relación entre la diseñadora francesa y el músico ruso, la cual da origen a sus mejores creaciones. Está apto para rentar aquí.
13. El hilo espanto (2017)
Daniel Day-Lewis vuelve a entregar un protagonista íntimo y enrevesado que logra convencer en la pantalla. El hilo espanto es una historia de bienquerencia, pasión, inspiración y diseño exclusivo que cuida cada detalle para hacer una realización potente. En su año fue nominada al Óscar por “mejor película”. Está apto para rentar aquí.
14. Saint Laurent (2014)
Esta cinta narra un período específico de la vida del diseñador Yves Saint Laurent, de 1967 a 1976. El acercamiento de esta vida es más personal que profesional, y junto a destacar que ese toque le valió ser nominada a la Palma de Oro en el Festival de Cannes de 2014. Está apto para rentar aquí.
15. Pasante de moda (2015)
Si en El diablo viste a la moda, Anne Hathaway sufrió por una jefa terrible, en esta película le toca el papel de la villana autoritaria que tiene como ayudante a una persona decano en la que no cree. Por su parte, Robert De Niro entrega a un personaje que juega en un interesante contraste que termina por convertirse en un complemento de su superior. Puedes verla aquí.
¿Has pasado alguna de estas cintas? ¿Qué otra película conoces que podría completar esta cinta? Cuéntanos en la sección de comentarios.
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from La Crónica Coruña https://lacronicacoruna.com/15-peliculas-que-nos-pusieron-en-los-elegantes-e-incomodos-zapatos-del-mundo-de-la-moda/
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