#this is rotting my brain and stomping on my heart lmao because like
saltpepperbeard · 11 months
Hey, felt like being angsty lol.
I was rereading your post about Stede not opening up and how people give him the opportunity to do so but he rejects it. And yes , Ed does do that in episode 6 but when else? Who looks after Stede in the way he looks after others.
This might be unpopular, but I don't think the crew feels the same found family way towards him that they do to each other. Yes, some of his behaviour rubbed off on them, but he doesn't seem like a priority to them. They like the environment he provides but not him, and that makes me sad.
Dammit I just want Stede to get mad and have it taken seriously. Like the last time was when he snapped at ed about Jack , and then Ed left (completely understand why).
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now anon, why would you Do This. was just minding my business and sipping my silly little gay person iced coffee and was Brutally Attacked PFFF.
But okay, now that my heart has been torn out and is just Chilling On The Floor, I can share your sentiments. Because for REAL; something I want so so bad is for someone to look Stede in the eye and earnestly tell him that he's doing a good job, that he matters, that he's ABLE.
I think they were getting there. I think the seeds of such had been planted. The crew were beginning to adopt his practices and act with the kindness he instilled--one of my favorite examples being Jim using the Wooden Boy story to calm Fang down. And there were some instances where his skills were acknowledged, like Ed telling Lucius and Pete that Stede had things under control, Hellcat Maggie recognizing his "people positive management style" and reacting positively to it, and even Izzy throwing the little 👌 when Stede was assertive.
But like...EARNEST recognition? The same energy he puts out to everyone else??? HE NEEDS THAT.
Like...And THIS might be an unpopular opinion lol, but Ed complimenting him after the British beach fight. Again, we're GETTING somewhere. It's headed in the right direction. But it came from Stede fishing for it, and didn't have the same energy as the exchange between Ed and Zheng. He needs that same acknowledgement, that same EXCITEMENT, that same earnest "WOW you did so well and all your effort was so fucking amazing!!!"
Because he tries so hard! And does so much!
He literally put aside his own grief to make sure the crew made it safely back to the Revenge. He took a breath and acknowledged that the crew did what they had to do for their own safety, when they had killed the very reason Stede was running around the Caribbean. He continued to provide and look out for them even when his own feelings were gnawing away at him, and continued to lift them up whenever he could.
And yet they still found it so easy to walk away from him like pLEASE,,,
Granted, I think him caring for and prioritizing Ed after the events of episode 2 probably created quite the disconnect with the crew. And I think him riding his attention high in episode 7 and subsequently acting out didn't help their perception either.
But like, that's also just it: he CARES, and wants OTHERS to see him as well. He tears out his heart, and really just wants someone to finally catch it and cradle it. He just wants it all to mean something; HE wants to mean something.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Pro Fighter
request: Hi, i have a request. Spencer x reader or bau team x reader where she gets kidnapped but no one knows that she was trained in the red room. The unsub live streams it to the bau team and *cue the black widow interrogation scene from avengers (2012)* and they are just whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck lmao. The ending is up to you, sorry if the request is a bit messy.
Warnings: Fighting, Cursing, Shook team
A/N:Guys I’m so bad at writing fight scenes it isn’t even funny, i’m better at making peoples hearts ache from fluff or angst! But I tried my best! This definitely isn’t my best work btw
You woke up with a booming headache and a sharp pain in your ankle.
Looking around, the light is dim. A single hung light-bulb on the wooden panels of the ceiling. The smell is horrible, but you know what it is once you look around. Dead cows dangling from the ceiling. Rotting.
A camera is placed in front of you. The unsub is either streaming to the dark web, or to your team. Probably your team to drag them into his trap.
“Well well well, look at you! Finally awake huh sweet girl?”
A low, raspy voice spits out, walking out of the shadows and standing right behind the camera.
Tall, big gut, greasy black hair, and a rotten toothed smile.
“Good evening Mr. Meyer.”
He smiles, showing off his moldy yellow teeth.
“The rest of your friends are watching by the way. So unless you want a world of pain I advise not dropping any hints. In fact, don’t speak at all.”
You repress the urge to smirk, and you look directly in the camera, before feeling a wet trickle down your forehead.
“Damn. I’m off my game today. I blame you Morgan. You kept yapping and yapping last night and I never got any sleep.”
The man seemed to not like you talking to them. He frowns, stomping forward and grabbing you by the hair. He yanks your face up and you can only hope that Garcia isn’t looking.
“Don’t talk to them sweet girl. I want your attention.”
He let’s go, crouching in front of you. His breath stenches of rotten fruit and eggs. 
“Now then, since you are going to die tonight, figure I might as well have fun and tell you a story beforehand.”
You almost sigh, knowing that the team is scrambling to find you, but you have to get information. Of course you weren’t worried. You were raised in the red room for your entire childhood. Fighting on a sprained ankle and a concussion would probably hurt, but it would be alright. You would survive.
As long as you don’t get too terribly hurt.
“Once upon a time. There was a little boy.”
He stands, raising a hand and smacking you across the face. It stings, leaving a searing red feeling on your cheek, nearing your eye.
“This little boy had a father who had a lot of anger. His father brought women home every night, killing them slowly, like I’m doing to you.”
Another slap.
“But what father didn’t know, is that his precious son watched from afar, admiring the work he did. I am taking my father’s place in this world. His legacy will continue with me!”
He delivers a harsh punch to your stomach, making you groan and curl over,  shutting your eyes tightly.
Alright time to end this guy.
“His legacy huh? You wanna make him proud? You won’t get the chance.”
You lean back in your chair as he leans in, smashing your head against his and knocking him back, standing up in the chair and spinning to hit him with the chair, breaking it in the process.
He stumbles on the ground for a moment before getting up, running straight at you. You hop up, landing on his shoulders and bashing at his head with his elbows as he tries desperately to beat your lower back and thighs.
“You fucking bitch!”
You continue to bash his head in with your elbows until he stumbles to the ground, passing out on top of you.
“Hey guys, you find out where I am yet? Because I have no fucking clue.”
You turn to the camera, wiping at the blood staining your dress shirt.
Meanwhile, the team was still trying to process what happened.
“Did anyone else see that? She just took down a 379 pound man who’s twice her size by herself. Did we- did we teach her that?”
“No we did not. Let’s hope she tells us what that place is or we’ll never get to question that.”
“Alrighty what do we have here? It looks like a butcher place? Or whatever you call them. Ummmm, There’s a whole lot of dead cow. He couldn’t have taken me far. The clock on the camera says it’s only been twenty minutes. I’m sure you guys have questions but I am getting tired of the scent of rotten meat, please hurry.”
“Garcia, Find her.”
“Already there, got two Butchery’s Within a fifty mile radius, go get my girl please.”
They split up into two teams, Rossi, Morgan, and Spencer on one team, while Hotch and Prentiss were on the other. 
You busied yourself on the floor, tying the man up with the rope that was previously tied around your limbs.
Your entire body ached with the feeling of his fists beating you up before you had woken up.
“Ugh... My head is killing me...”
Your brain was throbbing from under your skull, the pain worst at the sight of your bloody gash. It was overwhelming. You could feel the way your mind so desperately wanted to shut itself down, but you couldn’t let it until they got you safe and sound.
There was a loud rapping on the large door from outside, an aggressively familiar voice following it.
“FBI agents put your hands up! We’re coming in!”
“It’s me Morgan, unsub is unconscious and alive.”
The door opens, Revealing three of your favorite agents. A smile on your face as their guns return to the holsters. Morgan rushes up to you, holding your head and checking to see how bad the injury is.
“Well my pro fighter, you have a whole lot of explaining to do when we get to Quantico.”
You shrug, wrapping an arm around his and Reid’s shoulders for support to walk. 
“Yeah well, I might pass out so it can wait.”
PERMANENT TAGLIST(OPEN) @pinkdiamond1016 @spencer-reids-snow-white @sheepfather @eusuntgroot @libradolan
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