#this is real cute i love volleyball seungkwan
fuckedurbias · 5 years
summer with you - wen junhui
genre: fluff + smut, bestfriend!junhui
requested?: yes!!
word count: 4.7k,,, oof
warnings: oral sex + fingering 
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You fell in love with your best friend during summer and it was beautiful and scary all at once. But you wouldn’t change it for the world.
The sun felt so warm against your skin, your face covered by the cap you had laid flat on top of it so you could nap peacefully without the sun blinding you.
However, you couldn’t get any form of napping in before your best friend, Junhui, started poking your arm and nagging you to get up and do something with him.
“Hey!! I know you’re awake!! Can you please acknowledge me!!” Junhui whined, laying his head down next to yours as he pouted up at you.
You ripped the hat off your face as you turned around to face him.
“Fine, then what do you want to do? For you to interrupt my valuable nap time it better be good Mr. Wen Junhui” you scowled, trying your best to make it seem real, but he could see right through you.
It was currently summer vacation and it was only the first week so you and Jun had been together the whole time, and you’d already done almost everything you could do in summer that would be considered the epitome of summer. Right now you were on a picnic in the city’s biggest park, and you’d both already demolished all the food you both prepared the night before. After eating a lot, you get tired which Junhui hates because of course you two always eat a lot when you’re together, so you’re always napping when he’s with you and it drives him insane because he wants to do stuff with you.
“I don’t know, just anything but sitting here bored out of my mind while you happily nap PLEASE” he pouts even more, threatening to bite your shoulder.
“Biting me doesn’t phase me anymore Junhui how many times do I have to tell you that” You roll your eyes, throwing your cap back over your face as you prepare to nap again. “No no please don’t!!! H-how about the pool? You can at least nap on the chairs there while I swim!!” He pleads. You can just feel his puppy eyes boring into you. “Okay but if we get there and you try and force me to swim it’s your head, you got that?” You roll around to sit up. Junhui happily jumps up, pulling the blanket from underneath you and swinging the basket into his hand in one movement. You groan and follow him back to his apartment to get changed into your bathing suits.
You two lived seperately of course, but you two might as well live together with the amount of spare stuff you share and keep at each others apartment for when one of you stays over, loses something or for ‘just in case’ situations. You left your favourite bathing suit at Junhui’s place by accident one time and it just stayed there, it’s not like it made much of a difference anyways since you two lived in the same dorm building at your college. The same floor, even. That’s how you became friends, funnily enough. It was your first day of moving into your dorm room you were trying to put together a desk that you’d just bought, and of course you were struggling immensely and mustn’t have realised how loudly you were voicing your… Frustrations, because next thing you knew there was a loud knock on your door and you opened it to a Junhui standing there looking smug.
“Sorry for interrupting… whatever it is you’re doing but I was on my way to my first class of the semester, but as soon as I opened my door; which is on the other side of this floor by the way, I heard your angry screams and got very concerned so wanted to see if everything’s okay here and that I know you are not brutally beating someone up in here, would you like some help with that desk there?”. You went bright red, lost for words as you just stared up at him. You just quietly mumbled a ‘yes’ as you looked down and moved to the side, welcoming him in. So much for first impressions.
You’d never been a fan of pools, sure as a kid the pros outweighed the cons but as you grow older you realise that they’re really not that great, all the chlorine and germs in that water just ruins every aspect of ‘fun’ you could ever have in them. Not the mention all the gross grubby kids around who most definitely don’t get out to use the bathroom. You were much more interested in just relaxing in the pool chair with a nice cold drink under the sun, listening to your favourite songs through your earphones and feeling real cute in your bathers.
You were literally having the time of your life relaxing by yourself when you suddenly felt water dripping all over your face, you sat up quickly and opened your eyes wide.
“WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE HELL WEN JUNHUI?!” you screeched, taking of your sunglasses and drying your face with your towel. You looked up at his smug smirk with a genuine scowl this time.
“Sorry, just wanted to make sure you weren’t dying of heatstroke” He chuckled, sitting down on the chair next to your legs.
“Even if I was, just leave me be” you sighed, throwing your towel at him. He just caught it and used it to attempt to dry his hair.
“I’m kidding, I actually just miss you” He leans on the arm of the chair, chin in hand and batting his eyelashes. You’ve never rolled your eyes so hard. “So? You didn’t have to come and shake your wet hair onto me”
“You act as if you wouldn’t just turn your music up and ignore me otherwise?”
“…. You’re right”, you sigh “well what do you want?”
“I’m bored without you” he drags out the last word, knowing it will irritate you more.
“Stop being so clingy” you playfully push him away with your foot.
“Come and sit on the side at least”, he pouts “please!” he drags out the please even more.
You just glare at him in response. “Sitting out in the heat for so long is dangerous, at least dipping your legs in will cool you down even a bit” “Ugh, fine… but if you try and pull me in so help me god I will destroy you” you warn, and he knew you were fully serious.
You sat by the pool watching Jun be a fool, playing volleyball with some dudes he recognised from his classes. You looked down at your legs swinging slowly back and forth in the water, you stared down at your reflection. You were about to go deep down into your thoughts until the volleyball landed in front of you, making water splash up into your face.
One of the guys, who you knew was Seungkwan from the boys shouting at each other during the game, was apologising profusely to you. Junhui slowly waded over to you to pick up the ball.
“You okay?” He asks softly, pinching your cheek softly. You scrunch your nose up and softly push his hand away. You nod softly in return, giving him a little smile. He chuckled before swimming back to the boys. You sighed to yourself, you really really liked him. You were still trying to sort your feelings out; they had only started changing recently. At first you would never ever consider dating Jun or even think of seeing in any way other than platonic, and now you still didn’t want to think of him in any other way… but you do. It had only just started about a month ago, you were listening to him describe his hometown back in China and how he wanted to take you back there someday, where he would take you and what he would show you. He was talking about his family, his parents, his pets, his childhood. Seeing him talk so passionately and lovingly about something so close to his heart sparked something in you. Also the way he would stare out the window of the library as he would daydream and think about what to write for his essay. The way he’d look at you when you were ranting about your annoying professor and how she picks on you during class, when you were teasing him, when you were laughing at one of his stupid dad-like jokes. Oh god, your heart was singing. Why did you have to start to feel this way, you’re going to ruin everything, you’re trying your best to cut it out but your heart just won’t let you. That’s part of the reason of why you tease him so much, you hope that it will disguise your true feelings but you also just like to tease him because his reactions are so cute even when he’s not phased by it
“Hey!” He slowly swims over to you, resting his hands the bumpy concrete above the pool either side of your legs.
“Before you ask me to come into the water, no” You push his forehead, making him fall back into the water.
“Why?” He pouts, looking up at you with puppy eyes.
“Because I like the warmth up here, and the pool water’s gross you know how I feel about pools Junnie” you shake your head.
“Hmm… A good thing about the pool water is that I’m in here, come on I’m fun aren’t I?” he smiles, patting your knees. You just roll your eyes.
“This is one thing I am giving in for, I am NOT going in there”.
“Oh well, guess I’ll just have to make you do it then”, Junhui gets the sneakiest grin on his face, wrapping his arms around your ankles and sliding his shoulder underneath you, making you sit on his shoulder.
“Junhui NO!” you panic, leaning over and holding onto his free shoulder. He had the biggest smirk on his face as he slowly goes under the water, dipping your bottom half under with him. You screamed, wincing at the ice cold water against your skin. When Jun tries to stand back up he loses his footing against the step under the water and falls under, losing his grip on you and making you fall into the water next to him. You gasp and start panicking as the cold water hitting your top half makes you feel like you can’t breathe. He quickly comes up a second later and you quickly cling onto him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist.
“I told you not to do that or it’d be your head” You pant into his shoulder.
“I’m sorry”, he wraps his arms around you tightly “I just wanted to have a little fun with you I didn’t mean to slip”. He pulls his head back so he can look at your face, your frown quickly turns into a soft smile as you move his wet hair out of his face, patting his cheeks once you are done. He chuckles softly, slowly walking through the water with you clinging to him like a koala.
It was now 5 in the afternoon, you both went back to Jun’s apartment to shower and just chill for the rest of the night. You actually had fun once Jun (accidentally) dropped you in the pool, having splash fights, playing Marco Polo and just fooling around seeing who could hold their breath the longest and doing handstands in the water. You were coming out of the bathroom, in fresh clothes and drying your hair off with a towel. Junhui was sitting on the side of his bed, playing overwatch on his playstation with his college buddies, you knew who he was playing with because you could hear him screaming at that Seungkwan kid from before when you were getting ready in the bathroom.
You threw the towel you were using in his laundry basket and stood in front of him, watching his game on the big screen. He cursed as he died and the scoreboard came up, looking up at you as he muted his headset microphone.
“Wait a minute… isn’t that my shirt?” He squinted at you evilly, obviously noting how big the black long-sleeved shirt looked on you.
“I couldn’t find any of my spare shirts”, you frown innocently “plus I think I look better in it than you do”. He gasped, acting offended as you giggled at the looked on his face.
“You know what… I won’t argue with you on that, you’re absolutely right” he sighs, turning back to the screen of his game.
“Wait, no! You’re boring” you pout, sitting next to him on the bed. He knows that you hate when he doesn’t fight back at your teasing. “Would you rather me call you ugly?” He chuckles.
“Yes!... WAIT, NO NOT THAT!”
He erupts into laughter, quitting the game and shutting the machine off.
“It’s okay, I can’t lie to you even if it’s as a joke” he sighs, looking over at you. You cringe and fall back on his bed in an attempt to hide the blush that was creeping onto your face. He crawled onto the bed next to you, laying on his stomach as he looks up at you. You avoided his eye contact as you blushed even more, knowing full well he could see it.
“I lie to you all the time” you mumble, trying to break the awkward tension that was building.
“Really? When” he smirks, definitely due to the blush on your face and how shy you’ve suddenly become.
“Like when I told you I’m wearing your shirt because I couldn’t find any of my spare shirts I leave here, I just put it on because I wanted you wear your shirt” you giggle, which turns into squeals as he starts crawling on top of you, his hands grabbing onto your sides.
“Please don’t Junnie, please! I’ll change!” You plead, trying your best to push his arms off you. You know it’s too late though, because he starts tickling you before you can finish your last word. You try to beg him to stop amongst your squeals and laughing, but you give up as it’s too much. Jun is laughing evilly as he watches you struggle against his tickles, his fingers running against your soft skin. He slows down, wanting to hear what you have to say for yourself.
“Please! No more! I give in, you win!” you cry, trying your best to make him stop with your puppy eyes. He snorts at your bad attempt at trying to get him to stop.
“I don’t actually care at all, I just felt like tickling you”, he smirks “and please don’t change out of my shirt, seeing you in it is something I’ve daydreamt about for for a while now”.
Your heart stopped. Why must he do this to you, especially now when he’s right on top of you in your face and could see your face turning redder by the second?! Your hands immediately covered your face, only the very tips of your fingers visible underneath the long sleeves of his shirt. Junhui giggled mischievously, trying to pry your hands away from your face. “Why are you covering your face, huh? Are you blushing or something?” He teases in the most obnoxious tone.
“SHUT UP! GO AWAY!” You fight against his grasp, turning your face away into the blanket. He grabs your hands and pins them either side of your head, you scrunching your nose up in protest.
“I hate you” you mumble into the blanket.
“No you don’t”
You turn to look him in the eyes. “Yes, I do” you pant, breathless from both the tickling and trying to fight against his grip. “See now I know you’re lying to me” he smirks, knowing full well what is going on with you.
You frown, unable to look into his eyes. His stare right now is different to every other time you’ve seen. You realise how close your faces are to each other and try to push your face further back into the bed, but he just leans in more. Your breathing thins as he glances down at your lips and back up to your eyes. “Do you think I haven’t realised how you’ve been looking at my differently lately? That you’ve been acting differently?” His voice barely above a whisper. You just swallow hard, thoughts racing with every possible road that this situation could follow. “Because I have noticed, and I’ve been waiting ever so patiently for the chance to bring it up… and to tell how how I also feel” he slowly brings his lips down to ghost over your ear as he softly whispers the last part of his sentence to you, causing shivers to vibrate down your spine. Your breath hitches in your throat, how he feels? Did he feel the same?... or did he not? Either choice worried you a lot. You push his chest away from you and try to look up at him, but you cant bring yourself to. “Junhui I… I like you…. A lot”, getting those words out felt like you were throwing up “but I don’t really know if I want anything to happen because what if you know… we break up or something and it goes sour and then we’re not friends anymore. I’d really rather die than that happen, I can’t risk our friendship because I had to be stupid and grow romantic feelings for you”. You were just staring down at your hand as you confessed the thoughts that had been going on in your head for weeks, you’d rehearsed what you would say to him so many times before bed, just in case it came to a point where you couldn’t hold it in anymore, but you just ended up saying something completely different to that. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, you couldn’t lose Junhui of all people.
“Hey don’t cry, I like you too! And for a lot longer than you’ve liked me, ever since that first day that I helped you with your desk and we went and got lunch together” he smiles, wiping the tears that were falling out of your eyes. Him saying that only made you cry more.
“That doesn’t make my worries any less prominent Junnie, I don’t know if we should act on these feelings because if something goes wrong and I lose you I’ll never forgive myself” you sob, wiping your eyes with the sleeves of Jun’s shirt.
“I won’t let that happen, even if something goes wrong and we are awkward with each other for a while, do you really think I’d just let your annoying ass walk out of my life?” he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. You just keep crying.
“Please don’t cry, I really don’t think we would’ve met each other if we weren’t meant to be together, be it as friends or as partners. We meld so well together and it won’t really change anything if we date officially, we’re basically already together, the bad things will only happen if we allow them too. I want to be with you”, he pulls your hands away from your eyes, kissing the tears on your cheeks away “but, if you don’t want it to be that way then I respect your choice”. You just stare up at him, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. You think about it for a few seconds and before you know it your lips are collided with his. Both your head and heart are soaring; his lips are softer than you’d ever imagined. His hands slid down to your hips, pulling you closer to him. Your hands slide up to his hair, entangling your fingers through it and pulling softly. Your lips move in sync with each other, like they were meant to fit together like this. You softly slide your tongue against his lips, letting him know that you want more and he obliges, entering his tongue into your mouth and deepening the kiss. You moan softly at the feeling of your tongues colliding together in sync with your lips and your leg instinctively starts to wrap around his waist. He detaches his mouth from yours and slowly starts to kiss down your jaw, pressing his hips into yours and grinding against you ever so softly. You whimper as you throw your head back, giving him more space as he moves onto your neck.
“Fuck, I want you so bad” He whispers, turning into a whine. His hands move down to your ass, pushing into you harder as his hips jerk down, his body instinctively searching for any source of friction. His hard on was becoming more and more prominent by the second. His soft kisses on your neck were quickly turning into nips, but you had to stop him before he did anything you’d both regret.
“I have work tomorrow Jun, I can not go in with hickeys all over my neck” you warn, hands pushing him back by his chest. His face quickly became filled with a mischievous grin, and your heart started racing at whatever stunt he was about to pull. He slowly started hovering over your chest, hands sliding up to the hem of your (or, his) shirt, slowly sliding it off you. He’d already seen you half naked many times already from you getting changed in front of him so you really weren’t phased, but I guess the very obvious difference of this situation made you a tiny bit nervous. He started placing soft kisses over your chest, the skin very tender and soft, but very quickly he started softly nipping and sucking. You whined at the sensation, it made your core ache. Your hands found themselves in his hair once again, pulling harder this time. His sucking became harder, leaving darker marks over the lighter ones. His hands slid behind your back, unclasping your bra and immediately his lips ghosted over to your nipple. He glanced up at you through his long eyelashes, you returned his glance with pleading eyes. He ever so slowly took your already hard nipple into his mouth, wrapping his lips around it and sucking, flicking his tongue back and forth over it simultaneously, causing a breathy moan to escape your lips. He flicked your other nipple with his other hand, pinching it and running his index finger back and forth over it. You were already a whining mess and he had barely got started, and he was living for it. He gently nipped at your nipple before removing his hand from your other one, slowly sliding it down your body. He moved his mouth to your other nipple while both his hands slid your trackpants down your legs. You were very clearly already soaking wet, Junhui could feel it through your panties as he teasingly rubbed your folds through them. You gasped softly at the sudden friction you’d been aching for. Junhui detached his mouth from your nipple as he ghosted his lips down your stomach all the way until he made it to your panties. He brushed his lips and nose against your panties, right where your clit was under them. He chuckled quietly at the way you whimpered, you could envision the smirk he was wearing at that moment in your head. You lifted your head to look at him kneeling on the floor in front of you laying on your bed. “How long have you been daydreaming about this moment?” He teased, hooking his fingers around the sides of your panties as he slid them off, loving the way your eyes widened at the sight of him holding up your leg as he slid them off one by one.
“Stop being a little shit and just carry on with it” you snapped, if he waits any longer you’ll start crying. He chuckles at your sass.
“I’ll take care of you and prove to you that being with me is worth it, okay?” He whispers softly as he starts kissing up your thigh, relishing at how soft and sensitive the skin was to any slight touch. Once he reaches your soaking heat, he slowly parts your folds and places a soft kiss to your clit, you let out a gasp that ends with a moan. He grabs your thighs harshly, holding them down in place as he starts to get to work, licking a stripe up from your core to your clit and wrapping his lips around clit once he reaches it. Your back immediately arches, hips trying so desperately to fight against his grip holding them down to get more friction. As he sucks on your clit his tongue is flicking against it, keeping a steady and intense pace. Your fingers in his hair pull harshly on his hair, pulling him towards you trying to feel more of him in any way possible, if that even was possible. While his mouth works on your clit his fingers play with your entrance, circling it and opening it agonisingly slow. “Please Junnie, more, stop teasing” you breathe out amongst moans. He listens and slides his fingers in, two at once. He curls them up towards your clit that he is currently assaulting with his mouth. You try to grind your hips against him, but forget that he’s holding them down. You wrap your legs around his head, making his face press harder against you, finally getting the more pleasure you need. He unwraps his lips from your clit and flicks his tongue faster and harder against your clit, timing it together with the curls and pumps of his fingers. This sends you into a frenzy, moaning out his name amongst many curses. You were begging for more which you weren’t even sure if that was possible right now. The fire in your stomach started to ignite, shooting straight down to your core. Junhui felt your walls muscles starting to clench around him and your walls starting to clench around his fingers. He started to apply kitten laps to your clit and a third finger to his pumps, looking up at you in awe as your high quickly approached. One of your hands swung up to grip the doona cover near your head, gripping it hard in preparation for your orgasm which was about to hit hard. Your walls clenched even tighter around his fingers, making it hard for him to continue his pumping. Your clit started to throb against his tongue as you cried out as your high approached, finally pushing you over the edge as your started to shake and pulsate against him. He curled his fingers up against you a few more times before he pulled them out, but you begged him not to stop eating you out yet until you’d become completely undone. Once you stopped shaking, your thighs around his face became loose and were nothing but a whimpering, panting mess he pulled his head back, licking your juices from his fingers and lapping the mess off your thighs and entrance. He smiled up at you, looking absolutely beautiful gazing down at him through your eyelashes with flushed cheeks. He slowly crawls back up to face you, placing delicate kisses on both of your cheeks.
“Do you believe that it’s worth it now?” he asks, brushing your hair out of your face so delicately it seemed that he thought you’d break if he touched you with the slightest bit of pressure. You just nod in response, unable to form any words with the jumble that was your brain right now. His reaction to your mild response made not just butterflies, but elephants jump around in your stomach, the biggest smile you’d ever seen plaster his face. His eyes shining and looking at you as if you’d put all the stars in the sky. “So, in that case I’ll take you on a proper date tomorrow, you can’t back out of this now” he says proudly. You just nod again in response, ignoring his attempt to fire you up.
“Also, don’t worry about me right now”, he refers to his very obvious hard on poking through his trackpants “worry about me next time”. He winks as you immediately roll your eyes harder than you’ve ever rolled them before, you kick him hard the shin as he runs off to the bathroom, giggling like a schoolboy.
You fell in love with your best friend during summer and it was beautiful and scary all at once. But you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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softhaos · 7 years
masterlist other members: jeonghan | joshua | jun | hoshi | wonwoo | woozi | dk | mingyu | the8 | seungkwan | vernon | dino
seungcheol just s c r e a m s overprotective
no he does nOT have a sibling complex it’s just in his nature to be super protective about you
vv strict but he knows he doesn’t control your life,,,,,, so after hesitation he’ll let you have your peace
cheol is actually very supportive when it comes to you wanting to try out new things
but he highkey fears that you’re gonna hurt yourself
for instance cOOKING 
you were just like 10 when you dared to chop a carrot for the first time in your life!!!!
older brother seungcheol wasn’t really having it tho
so throughout the first carrot he put his hand on top of yours and cut the vegetable into slices
you were pretty much a bItCH after that bc how dare seungcheol be the one to cut the carrot that was supposed to be yOUR JOB
and you whined around until he gave in and let you finish the rest by yourself and kept ten feet distance between you two so he wouldn’t even think of rushing to you
you were quite petty at that time and you still are
he’s loosened up,,,,,, somewhat
okay he now understands that you’re not ten anymore,,,, so he doesn’t treat you like a baby nowadays
instead he just gives you a lot of talks and rules and restriction,,,,, you swear he’s like a nagging mom
sometimes you wonder if he switched bodies with your dad bc he sounds like him too
“y/n be back home at eleven or i’ll crash that house party myself and you’re grounded!!!”
“before you leave the house make sure the stove is off!!!!”
“hAVe yOu dONE yOuR HoMEwORK YeT??? aSK Me iF YOu nEed hELp!!”
“it’s 3am yoU ShOULd sLEeP”
sometimes cheol’s a pain in the ass
but you know he only means well,,,,,, and loves you a lot
aside from those nasty moments where he lectures you he also knows when to give you some time alone
like he immediately backs off a little whenever you’re not feeling your best
usually he doesn’t support you being cooped up in your room,,,,, but in very very very bad times he’ll let it slide and just give you some reminders
“don’t forget to drink a little, okay?”
“yanno if you wanna talk, I’ve got some time”
“i’m about to go out and have some food,,,,, should i bring you something??”
seungcheol the type of brother to attend e a c h  and  e v e r y  one of your performances,,,,, doesn’t matter if it’s a volleyball tournament or a singing gig
he will cheer you on from the sidelines
like  t h a t  embarrassing dad
ofc when it’s vv quiet he will keep it low too,,,, but when it’s time for the applause he will scream lots
he’s so supportive on events like these up to the point where you wish you weren’t related to him
because,,,,, your friends will definitely make some comment
it ranges from
“dang child is he your dad or what,,,,, he’s a cutie tho”
you know cheol only means good but can he tone it down for once
you confronted him once but he just shrugged his shoulders and pretended to not know what you were talking about
at one point,,, guess what,,,, you get into a relationship
and because seungcheol is an overprotective brother he will observe your s/o thoroughly when you bring them home for the first time
now there are two ways how he’ll react
if he’s somewhat fine with your s/o he will eye them suspiciously,,,, stress that he is your brother and has a black belt in taekwondo,,,,, and will pat them on the back real hard
but if he’s not convinced at all
he’s gonna pull an overprotective dad as in
while shaking hands he probably has the ill intention to crush your s/o’s hand,,,, and stress that he is your brother and has a black belt in taekwondo
ok there isn’t much a difference tbh
if that didn’t scare your s/o off consider it a miracle
and when you’re about to go on a date
you see it coming that cheol is going to spy on you
but you are prepared for such scenarios,,,,, thank god you started to stack up on blackmail pics years ago
one day they’d be of use and the time has come
while you’re on your date and you sit somewhere,,,, you know that seungcheol is sOMEWHERE
and that’s when you turn on your phone and send him one of the embarrassing pics that should never surface on the internet if he cares about his wellbeing
“i suggest you leave us alone NOW unless you want to break the internet with this”
he immediately takes the bait and a couple meters away from you, you see someone taking their leave from their table
at least he had a good disguise which was not a stereotypical moustache
bombs are dropping when you come back home
“y/N hOW DiD YoU GeT YOuR HANds oN tHAT pICtuRE?!?! DELETE IT”
“let me think about it,,,, how about  N O”
“I wAsN’T I just happened to be at the same place at the same time with you”
“seungcheol i am so close on tweeting this,,,,”
you smirk in victory and make him promise to give you privacy when it comes to your love life
“but if you get heartbroken i’m gonna say i told you so and now delete that pic y/n”
and you being the younger sibling tell him you’re gonna delete that picture but you both know it’s a blatant lie
so seungcheol tries to hack your phone to delete it himself
and fails
but even if he ever manages to succeed
you still have your blackmail backup on your desktop
long story short: at the end of the day you’re just siblings who bicker ever so often like others
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snapitseventeen · 7 years
best friends to lovers!woozi
I’m suffering real post concert depression right now and overwhelming love for my boy lee jihoon
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alright let’s be real
jihoon’s a v shy person
and he also has no time for socializing and making new friends bc svt’s real busy
and he also produces and practices like 24/7
actually when does this boy sleep???
but alright let’s get to it
you and jihoon have known each other your whole lives
your parents and his parents both are high school sweethearts and best friends so of course they planned to get knocked up the same time and have kids the same time
t o tally norm i mean i would
he was born first so he automatically has the ‘seniority’ card my ass it was 2 weeks
there hasn’t been a day that you haven’t spent with him
of course i mean until he goes to seoul
b ut im just getting started so not yet
it was natural for you two to become friends honestly
everyone knew you were inseparable
you lived next to each other so when one of you woke up, you ran outside next door to wake the other ass up
usually u waking him up bc he’s a rock my head rock my head ok bye
you guys went through everything together
first fight
first grounding
first period if you’re a girl
first detention
first time you made one another cry
first family vacation
that one time jihoon beat up the dude who bullied you at 7????
and then he got accepted to be a trainee at pledis
you were devastated as fuck!!!!!
you two almost parted ways in bad terms
when he found out, you were the first one he told bc hello best friend!
you were honestly at shock like you knew he was talented and loved music like hell he sang and played for you all the time
but lowkey although you supported him 10000%, you never thought he would actually get in!
so your congrats was just sorta like “y-yay?”
jihoon was so disappointed at your reaction like he thought you would be screaming and bouncing off the walls like usual
so our bub got a bit sad and then you noticed and was like
“n o no noooonooo jihoon I’m so happy for you!!! you gOT IN YAY!!”
and then he did that eye smile and your insides just melted thank you
so you were helping him pack but you felt just like empty a bit??
like it didn’t hit you yet that your best friend of forever was leaving you and home for god knows how long
and so you just blurted it out one night like a few days before he was leaving
you two were playing video games when you put down the controller like “don’t go.”
jihoon was like “what????”
“to seoul, don’t go.”
he was flabbergasted like ????
and then you just started pulling things out of your ass
“what are the chances of you actually pulling this off???”
“jihoon this is dumb”
“just stay here”
oh and then this one triggered him
“what if you’re not good enough”
hiS FACE GOT SO COLD, he never looked at you that way before you were honestly a bit scared
he started yelling at you about his dreams and how you were supposed to support him and how he felt so betrayed and then
“you’re not my best friend. get out.”
and that’s how you ran out crying back to your house
you didn’t talk to him the next day, you actually couldn’t face him
but the day after that he was leaving and as much as you were scared to see him, you couldn’t let him leave without saying goodbye so you woke up and ran to his house in your pjs to see him eating breakfast with his parents
“oh y/n, jihoon was about to see you” his mom said with a smile
“make up already, we all know you two can’t stay mad at each other for long” his dad said as you and jihoon were walking upstairs to his room
it was quiet at first but then both of you started saying sorry at the same time and you kept talking so just like honestly it was a relief
you ended with a hug and a few tears saying how much you were both going to miss each other and how you’ll text and keep in touch
sadly you couldn’t accompany him to the bus bc you had a school thing so you said goodbye at his house
you guys did keep in touch of course but as the days weeks months and years went on with him not coming back home bc practice you eventually stopped texting and calling each other
you began pursuing your own thing - highkey you were a really talented volleyball player and you were happy your parents were your biggest fans and you actually thought you could do this for a career
when jihoon debuted you were so excited you were keeping tabs on him and his group bc hello you were his best friend!
you literally burst out laughing at his pink hair but you were also like “aw he looks so different nice job puberty”
you sent him a text on his debut day and he responded so fast you were a bit shocked tbh
“oh by the way nice pink hair”
“shut up”
you guys didn’t talk to each other again for a while bc hello he’s a hot idol now
bUT THEN YOU FOUND OUT you got accepted to the most competitive volleyball team in seoul so ofc you had to go
the first couple months you were so caught up with practice that you never even thought of texting jihoon
and then he called you one night like
“you’re in seoul??? what the heck man why didn’t you tell me?”
“what how’d you know?”
“one of my members watches volleyball and we were all watching and i saw you and yeah”
and that’s how you ended up setting up a date and time to meet up with jihoon at his dorm with the other 12 members of seventeen????
you were honestly a bit scared like you knew his group, you knew enough about the members to know who all of them were, you actually really liked their music and it still amazes you every time you think your best friend produced this song???? but like whAT IF THEY DON’T LIKE YOU
and then you rang the doorbell dressed sorta nicely like -> (girl / boy)
and this one really tall guy with dyed hair opened the door
and then jihoon comes out and tells mingyu to let you in and to stop being annoying and
and like you saw his pictures from his comeback BUT
him in person WOW and he got taller than you so like ;)))
and likewise he’s like in his head shiT WERE THEY ALWAYS THIS ATTRACTIVE????
but you two greet each other in a big hug and his busan accent came out while talking to you and his members are just like :)))) “we’ve never seen him so hyper :))))”
and so you meet all his members and you guys eat for a bit and honestly you hit it off with them thEY LOVE YOU and when you and jihoon go to his room for some best friend catch up time some of the boys start pouting and whining and it’s really cute but jihoon pulls you towards his room with jeonghan mingyu and cheol and just locks the door
you two talked for the longest time it was like you were back in busan in his bedroom and that made you tear up a bit like you missed him a lot like the first year or two coping without him was absolute hell for you
you were the only person that he felt so easy to talk to like words flowed out endlessly and without that comfort in the beginning he was so lost
sadly you had to go back to your own dorm and so you said goodbye to jihoon and seventeen (not before you got their numbers and snapchats)
you still didn’t see jihoon very often, but you certainly did communicate with him a bit more
every time one of you had a break, you would send a snap and a little “hey loser good luck with adsfgfdj today”
you honestly didn’t know when you began to catch feelings for jihoon and same with him
like the rare times you two hung out together, the first thing you noticed was how good he looked no matter what he was wearing
you just like began noticing every little thing he did
you especially loved seeing him work at his studio or seeing him dance
his body just moved so fluidly??? like he wasn’t in the performance unit or anything but he was so good at dancing!!!
and his seriousness when working at his computer like you were in awe how did you not notice this handsome face since idk your birth?
when he caught you staring at him yOU BLUSHED SO HARD and he did that little smirk like “you okay there?”
you almost smacked him
that night you were in your bed just thinking about him like you were making theories and everything
“alright if he liked me this could honestly be the best thing ever. I know a lot about him and he knows a lot about me okay we grew up together we uSED TO BATHE TOGETHER alright mom and dad love him and hello aunt and uncle basically adopted me already-wait not adopted, that would make him seem like my brother hell no okay so-”
the day you both found out you liked each other was a wild ride
you got hella scolded by your coach bc you kept making mistakes at your game and you were just not having it so you went to their dorm a bit uninvited just like hoping they’d be okay with having your company for a bit bc you needed some lovin
you were literally about to cry and all the boys were like “y/n no!!!”
so they kept trying to make you laugh and that really made you feel better
and then they started being sly with you and jihoon bc you sure as hell know that they know about jihoon’s crush on you
“y/n who’s your favorite member???” jeonghan ha
“oh that’s an easy one!”
jihoon just expecting it to be him
“what the hell???” jihoon accidentally said out loud
everyone was laughing like hard crore even you
and then baby just left to his room and you’re like ??????
cue seungkwan “u made him jealous y/n oh no!”
so of course you go after him and try to talk but he’s just in his room all stoic and a bit irritated just at the mere thought of you and minghao together
so you’re like “jihoon what the heck? it’s just a harmless topic”
“why don’t you like me??”
“don’t be dumb, we’re best friends-”
“exactly, that’s why I should be your favorite”
“stop being a baby”
“I’m not! just thinking about how you like minghao makes me wanna punch him”
and you like cross your arms and sigh bc even when he’s overreacting he’s still so fucking cute!
“it’s not like I wanna date him”
and he’s just like “whatever”
so you’re just pumping yourself up like thiS IT IT PERFECT TIMING DONT PUSSY OUT
“I mean, if they asked me who I would wanna date, I would definitely say you”
he would be so shocked but also like :))))))
“-and I know this would potentially ruin our 19 year long friendship but-”
“shut up and come here” and he would pull you in and hug you so close like you would feel lightheaded a bit in a good way
and then he looks at your face and looks at your lips and your heart is beating so fast like you’ve been wanting to do this since you first saw him again and 
boom boom
“hey is everything-oH HEY!”
you and jihoon as a couple would be the cutest thing ever
jihoon hates pda with the guys but he LOVES it with you it sort of offends the boys a bit
he always holds your hand he loves being connected to you
really likes it when you give him back hugs tho
really appreciates when you force him off the computer and you two just lay down on the couch in his studio cuddling and you’re just stroking his hair
sort of addicted to kissing you too especially on the shoulder
it’s honestly perfect because you guys are just so comfortable bc hello again you’ve known each other since birth
the boys love you and they always count on you to take care of him when they can’t and vice versa
support 100000% he streams your games and you his performances
you’re his muse to everything you’re the reason he gets up every morning
tours are hell bc all jihoon wants to do is hug you and sometimes facetime is hard bc time zones but you both somehow make it work
you guys barely fight at least not big ones, you both understand it won’t be easy but you love each other so it’s okay
there’s a huge amount of trust which is so important when he travels
when he announces you to the public you get a fair amount of hate and he got so sad but you’re like “eh”
eventually the fans accept you and love you bc like you’re jihoon’s best friend and who better to be with him than someone he’s known his whole life???
omg when both your parents found out
your dad to his dad
“you owe me a car”
jihoon makes me so warm and this was longer than I thought it was gonna be but !!!
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17-imagines · 7 years
[request] [scenario] hold my hand
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1: “Come over here and make me.”  13: “Kiss me.” 
(i love u too hehe) 
Title: hold my hand
Member: mingyu 
Genre: fluff so much fluff this rivals a cloud 
Word Count: 2200
“Get up, sleepyhead.”
The bed dips beneath the weight of another person, and you feel a hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you awake from your jetlagged nap. Annoyed, you swat away the hand, turning to face the opposite direction, snuggling further into your pillow.
“Fine. Guess we’re all going to leave you to whine by yourself while Jisoo takes us out to get ice cream.”
You flip onto your back, opening your heavy eyes, rubbing them awake. “You’re not messing with me, are you?”
Mingyu grins, and you’d be even more annoyed if he weren’t all smiles and rainbows this morning, but he is, so you aren’t.
“Why would I do that? Come on, get up. Even Jihoon-hyung’s excited to leave.” He gets up, the bed rising again, and holds out a hand for you to take. You take it and sit up, yawning. 
“Wow, and I thought Wonwoo’s bedhead was bad.” You drop your head into your hands, sleep still looming over you.
“Is it that bad?”
He shakes his head and reaches over to come out a few fly-aways, patting your hair down smoothly. “It’s cute,” he says, slapping a hand over his mouth in realization. “I mean. You should get changed.”
He furrows his brows and scratches his head, striding towards the door. “We’ll be in the hall, ‘kay?” You nod sleepily, pushing the sheets back and stretching.
He leaves the room with a fond smile on his face, catching the eyes of the waiting members, glancing him over.
“You’re whipped,” Jihoon says.
“Just kiss already,” Hansol sighs, stepping a few steps back when the others shoot him concerned glances. “What? It’s a win-win for them.”
Mingyu stays quiet, because it’s true, he is whipped, and yes, the both of you need to kiss. Soon. Maybe. If he doesn’t die from the thought of it alone.
“Wait, no. The real question here is,” Seungcheol starts, arms crossed, “How do you have her room key?”
Various gasps resound, and Seungkwan’s eyes widen so large, Mingyu is concerned. The boys begin to ask questions in rapid succession, and the chaos is so loud it attracts the attention of the cleaner in Jeonghan’s room.
They’re lucky that they take up an entire floor, or they would’ve been scolded by some stranger by now.
Your door beeps open, and out you go, in a pair of shorts and t-shirt, paired with a baseball cap. The boys are too loud to notice you, the uproar caused by the roomkey still driving them insane.
“…What’s going on?” You ask, and a hush falls over the bunch of boys, frozen stiff.
“N-nothing,” Mingyu stammers, taking you by the shoulders, guiding you towards the elevator, “Let’s go?”
The weather is perfect, as per usual, and the sun is warm on your skin, the traces of your jetlag wiped away.
The warm LA sun and blue skies would be much better if you didn’t feel like you were playing a game of dodgeball with people instead of balls. You narrowly miss getting barrelled over by a sugar-hyped six year old, followed by his frantic mother, apologizing as she trailed after him.
Reaching a crosswalk, you catch up to the crowd of hat-wearing, mask adorning males chattering in a language unfamiliar to the others nearby, who speak in fluent English and Californian accents.
Sighing, you step closer towards the tallest of the group, Mingyu, who’s busy fiddling with Bongbong in his hands, gently brushing off any traces of lint and dirt. He glances at you, a soft smile gracing his features when you make a face at him, exhaustion evident in your expression.
“Can’t keep up?” He asks, watching the cars zoom by, traffic light still green. He takes Bongbong and stuffs it into the front pocket of his jeans, head poking out.
He chuckles when you groan, crossing your arms.
“Well sorry, some of us aren’t blessed with giraffe legs.”
“Hey. Rude.”
The traffic light blinks from green, to orange, to red, and the crosswalk’s timer begins its countdown from 30, the crowd of never ending people moving forward again. You take a step forward, prepared for the onslaught of shoulder shoves and children-dodging, but instead you feel a hand wrap around your wrist.
“Walk beside me,” Mingyu says, his hand leaving your wrist momentarily, only to intertwine his fingers with yours, “Wouldn’t want to lose you in the crowd.”
He grins, eyes crinkling at the corners and cheekbones raised beneath the black mask he’s wearing. He catches your gaze and squeezes your hand, prompting you to turn away, bashful.
Jihoon’s brows furrow at the sight, giving up on speed-walking beside the group of foreigners and walking at his own slow pace, Soonyoung beside him. He gives the sightseeing male a nudge and points at your intertwined hands.
“That’s a little bold,” Jihoon inquires, glancing around at the unphased crowd of Californians. It wasn’t Seoul, where flashing cameras lined the streets and fans squealed at the sight of them.
All of that was thousands of miles away, and a degree of privacy was granted as they blended into the hundreds of other tourists.
“It is,” Soonyoung shrugs, snapping a photo of Jihoon, who grabs at the phone in Soonyoung’s hand, only for it to be raised upward, out of his reach. “Why? Jealous? We can hold hands too, Hoonie.”
Jihoon scrunches his nose in disgust, quickening his pace, distancing himself from the cheeky Soonyoung, who has a wide grin on his face. “Don’t call me that.” Soonyoung only giggles and jogs towards him, throwing an arm around an obviously annoyed Jihoon.
There’s a small ice cream shop that Jisoo used to frequent before he flew to Korea to become a Pledis trainee. It’s near the beach, so the sound of seagulls and crashing waves is audible, therapeutic, even.
The shop is small and run-down, and the crowd of 14 creates a line that goes out the door.
Seungkwan glances at the menu, helpless, Hansol and Jisoo too far ahead to ask. He turns on his heel and opens his mouth to ask for help translating, and his eyes flicker to your intertwined hands, squinting in confusion between the both of you.
Mingyu’s fiddling with Bongbong in the pocket of his jeans, unaware of the younger’s confused gaze.
“PDA is… Ew,” he says in clear, over-exaggerated English, shaking his head furiously. Mingyu glances up from Bongbong to the blonde, who points at your hands.
Mingyu flushes, tugging at his mask, Bongbong tucked back into his spot safely. “Sorry. I forgot,” he mumbles, fingers wriggling out of your grasp, lingering for a few seconds longer before pulling his hand away completely.
Seungkwan clears his throat, satisfied, and begins to point at various flavors on the menu, asking for translations. He discovers there’s a thing called samples, and ends up sampling every flavor before picking one.
After Seungkwan’s taste testing fiasco, you and Mingyu reach the front of the line. Surprisingly, Mingyu says your order perfectly, and the shock on your face causes a grin to form on his. You never told him your order, and he never asked. He sticks two spoons into the cup and hands it to you.
“You won’t finish it all anyway, right? It’s better like this.” He scoops a glob of ice cream onto his spoon and offers it to you, mouth partially open from your episode of shock. You accept the offering, closing your eyes at the creamy goodness.
Mingyu scoops another spoonful into his mouth, and you hear ‘indirect kiss’ fall from an onlooking member’s lips, prompting your cheeks to fill with heat.
Seungcheol suggests taking a walk on the beach after the last cup of ice cream is finished, and you are once more thrown into a moshpit of skaters, surfers, and beach-goers. Mingyu’s hand finds yours, this time not saying anything.
Seungkwan attacks Hansol, clinging onto the younger’s back, setting off a wave of members jumping onto each other’s backs. It somehow turns into a race, and you stand beside Mingyu, watching the crowd of boys rush towards the shoreline, tripping over sand and dodging seaweed.
He squats, glancing over his shoulder, his mask pulled below his chin, revealing his bright grin. “We already lost, but let’s go?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, and he walks leisurely towards the crashing waves, only stopping to snap a picture of Bongbong in the sand, posting it to the group’s Instagram.
He finds a secluded area, away from the beach volleyball players and sandcastle builders, and places you down onto the wet sand. You take your shoes and socks off, placing them nearby, but far enough so that the water can’t reach them.
The water greets you first, warmth washing over your toes, heels digging into the sand. Mingyu pauses behind you to remove his shoes and socks, tucking Bongbong into the safety of his left shoe, where it can watch safely without getting wet.
You hear his approach, his feet slapping against the wet sand, and feel his palm envelop yours.
“What are you doing?”
He looks taken aback at your question, expression tense. “My bad,” he sighs, loosening his hold, prepared to slip his hand back into the pocket of his hoodie.
You don’t let go, though. “No, it’s fine, I was just wondering…”
The smile returns to his face and he re-grips your hand. “Oh. Um… To tell you the truth? Not wanting to lose you was an excuse. I guess I forgot that excuse isn’t really valid when it’s just us.” He glances down at the retreating ocean, stepping out from the hole his feet have dug.
“You know you could’ve just asked, right? I would’ve said ‘yes’ either way.”
“Oh. Right. I’ll do that next time,” he says, kicking at the incoming wave, sending water droplets flying, plopping back into the wave audibly.
“Well, you’re already used to just taking my hand, so you don’t need to anymore…” You trail off, yelping when you feel something brush over your foot, a piece of seaweed remaining. You kick it off, frantic, and he chuckles.
“Good then! Because I don’t feel like asking all the time, anyway.” He grins, swinging your hand playfully between the both of you, letting out a deep breath when the warm water runs through his toes.
“Also…” He starts, shutting his eyes, biting his lower lip. “I wouldn’t really hold your hand as a joke. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t… Like you?”
“You… Like me?”
“Well, yeah, I wouldn’t necessarily hold hands with someone I don’t have feelings for,” he points out, squeezing your hand to reiterate his point.
You think to yourself, then say, “You hold hands with Seungkwan though.”
He slaps his forehead with an audible ‘clap’ resounding, the hand moving from his forehead to rubbing his face. “T-THAT’S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!” He groans, “I’m trying to tell you I like you and you’re making this a lot more difficult by teasing me, (F/N).”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I like you too, Mingyu-ah.”
His heart begins to race in his chest, his stomach warm and fuzzy, cheeks flushed pink. He can’t hold in the happy whine he makes, pulling you towards him in a tight embrace. He pecks you quickly on the forehead and spins around, unable to face you knowing how red his face is.
“We should find the others,” he says, clearing his throat, walking towards the spot where your shoes are laid. You grab his wrist, tugging on his sleeve. “…What are you doing?”  
“I want to kiss you, but I’m kind of at a disadvantage here.” You use your hands to emphasize the height difference, eliciting a laugh from his throat.
“Come over here,” he holds his hand a few inches above your head, “And make me.”
He doesn’t expect to feel the strings of his hoodie to be tugged down with such strength, especially coming from you, but hey - you gotta do what you gotta do.
He feels soft lips brush against his cheek, and the pressure from his hoodie being pulled down is released. “Huh? That’s it?”
“That’s what you get for teasing me,” you shrug, walking towards your shoes, bending to pick them up. He remains in the same spot, still crouching at your height, hand against his cheek.
“If I apologize a hundred million times, will you kiss me properly?”
You shrug.
“I’m sorry, super sorry, suuuuuuuuper duuuuuper sorry, extremely sorry, extraordinarily sorry, super duper extremely extraordinarily  -”
He feels the same pair of soft lips on his, and in a split-second, they’re gone again.
“Apology accepted,” you mumble, heat flooding your cheeks, embarrassment washing over you. You drop to the sandy floor below, hands covering your flushed face.
“Wait, why are you embarrassed?!” He asks, dropping to the floor as well, hand over his lips, a shy smile on his face.
“Someone go get them,” Seungcheol muses from their position a few metres away, arms crossed over his chest as he watches the both of you melt into a puddle of embarrassment.
“I’ve seen enough today.”
“Someone help Chan, I think he’s crying from PDA overexposure.”
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