#this is potentially the best thing i've ever crocheted
lunar-lavenderr · 2 months
a platypus?
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made it for my brother's graduation gift. my father immediately demanded one for himself
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alienducky · 8 months
Fire Emblem Three Houses Crochet Wyvern - attempt 1
I finally finished it! It's taken me since the end of March 2022 (on and off, I got sidetracked making Alligator Loki for a while) but my prototype wyvern is done
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Wyvern is 123.5 inches / 10foot 3.5 inches / 313.69cm wingtip to wingtip, and 56 inches / 4 foot 6 inches / 142.24cm nose to tail tip, and roughly 6 lbs / 2.72 kg ish. So a chunky baby He was made out of aran weight yarn using a 5mm hook and for the most part is Tunisian knit stitch. His toes were done in Tunisian simple stitch, and I think I did his teeth in normal rounds?
And now I do a cut to save everyone's feeds from all the pictures I'm going to share ^_^
(For reference, here are two photos of the wyvern from in game)
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First, a few more angles on wyvern, and then I'll point out things I want to change for the next one
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He's a handsome lad, and very recognisable for what he's meant to be!
But he also could be improved. A lot
Example 1, I lined up wyverns nose and tail tip against the in game 3d model to see how close he was to being accurate. And, er. yeah.
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To give myself credit, when I first started this back in March 2022, I was working out lengths and widths and general sizing from screenshots taken from examining units in Three Houses, where I traced the outline onto a sheet of paper to measure things and perspective makes things AWKWARD, ok? (As is having brain farts and not remembering that the ruler had metric on the other side of it, but shush, let's not mention that bit)
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So the biggest thing to fix will be the scaling, if I can. I can definitely make the tail longer, the head shorter and thinner, the chest between the wings thinner, the wing sockets bulkier, and thanking all the stars, the wings get to be smaller too. By a LOT
The other major thing I want to do different/better is how the ridges along his back from nose to tail tip work.
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While they do work on wyvern, they don't look as great as I think they potentially can? So I'm going to be doing double layers of crochet, sort of, to help give the sticky up bit of the overlapping ridges more definition, and hopefully make them look like the slightly thicker scaling they're meant to be. It'll also help to smooth them out, so they won't have the weird dips where I've joined one to the next
I'm going to do the wings differently too, because what I did with these ones was quite frankly awful? I cut each wing segment into individual pieces to then hem and flip inside out to over sew the visible edges, and then hemmed up the sides that went inside the struts to then sew the crocheted parts to the fabric. So the fabric was the cheese to the crochet bread in this awful, awful sandwich situation. I am also never, ever buying anything that is even vaguely silky or satiny or slippery ever again for anything
For the next one I'll keep the two pieces of wing fabric as one big piece, since the top and bottom of the wing membranes are actually slightly different colours if you look closely, but I'm going to cheat and use some of that iron on hemming tape stuff to fill the inside of the fabric after I've done all the outer hemming and over sewing so it'll kind of look like all the veins and stuff that the membranes have? So the fabric hopefully won't slip around so much, so will be easier to sew, and keeping it as one big piece means there's less change of me messing up the positioning of the struts on the panels because the wings on this one aren't equal despite my best efforts
Next is Claude's white wyvern, but it'll be made with DK yarn and either a 3.5 or 4mm hook, so it will (hopefully) come out significantly smaller than this one. And that one is going to get plastic boning/skeleton in it, so it'll be poseable!!!
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windvexer · 10 months
Hi there! Hope you're doing well.
I was wondering how to remain in a magical state / altered state of consciousness / trance state while you are doing a spell. I've noticed that I can get into the state (either through meditation or physical activity) but I'm no longer in it when I have to open my eyes or sit down to do the spell. It's like the transition to another activity breaks me out of it. Has that ever happened to you? Is there a way to fix it? Thank you.
Listen I see what you're saying but are you sure it's important?
I mean I agree that if you want to stay in this state, that is a valid goal.
But I dunno, I'm not really that focused day-to-day and I can still run my life more or less competently. I don't really find that I have to be completely focused in ASC during a spell in order for the spell to work.
Anyway, my actual answer to your question is get something that limits/inhibits your vision. I've seen these things on Etsy which is a decent example of what I mean, I've actually never used them but I bet they'd work.
(I'm in the process of making something of a similar concept for myself, a process interrupted by the fact that I have lost 100% of my lace-weight crochet hooks).
Realistically, most of the time, I wear sunglasses and a big hat that goes down over my eyes.
Avoid fully opening your eyes. Where possible, work in dim light. Interrupt your vision as much as possible, but only when safe to do so.
Working in darkness helps very much.
Do not move normally. Move in stutters and jerks. Make your body feel like the unrefined clay flesh of your spell, partially formulated, bubbling up from the rich mineral well of existence, full of potential and yet somehow shapeless.
Move like a zombie.
Play rhythmic music. This probably should be music you only play during spellwork. Drumbeats work well.
When transitioning into another activity, do so in such a shambling, half-blind, wet-moth manner that it hardly feels like a transition at all.
Other sensory cues, such as the scent of an essential oil, may be very helpful in maintaining your trance state from one activity to another.
Training yourself on certain cues that you can re-activate at any time (such as counting down from a # to 0, and repeating 0 to yourself when re-accessing trance) can also be helpful.
Best of luck!
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brainrot28 · 5 months
Electric Feel [Chapter 5]
chapter 5 of my pipabeth fic on ao3 :)
July 10th 
POV: Piper 
Piper awoke the next morning with Drew looming over her bunk. 
"Sooooo, are you going to tell me who you have a crush on, or not?" Drew asked. 
Piper rolled over in her bed, groaning, "Ugh, go away. I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie to me. Not only can I sense a love aura, but I'm also your sister. So, spill. Who is it?" 
Piper rolled back over, bleary eyed, and stared at her sister. "It's too early for this."
"Hmmm, this wouldn't have anything to do with a certain Daughter of Athena, would it?" Drew prodded. 
Piper blushed. "Shhhh, don't say that so loud." 
"Aha, so it is about her," Drew triumphed. "So, what are you going to do about it? What can I do? I love match making!" She squealed. 
"I'm going to do nothing. Absolutely nothing," Piper sighed. "I don't want to ruin our relationship. Annabeth's my best friend, and I don't want to loose her. Plus, I don't even think she likes girls, and she definitely doesn't like me in that way."
"Oh, please. I've seen the way she looks at you. Friends don't longing gaze at each other every 10 seconds; and, you never saw how that girl looked at Silena. Everyone had a crush on Silena and Annabeth was not exempt," Drew chuckled. 
Piper simply stared at her sister. Maybe she actually had a chance with Annabeth? To Piper, it seemed unlikely; but, if Drew thought potential was present, then maybe things could work out. 
"Mmmm, I don't know," Piper drug out. "I can't just come right out and say I like her."
"I don't think Annabeth will pick up on subtlety, though. You two already act like you're dating. You'll have to really go out of your way to show her how you feel about her." 
"What if I make her something? I don't do that too often."
"Oooooh, I think that's a great idea!" Drew exclaimed. "And, there's so many options. Maybe you could make her paper flowers or learn to crochet."
"Learn how to crochet," Piper deadpanned. "How would I learn how to crochet?" 
"Get Kayla in Apollo Cabin to teach you; she's pretty good at it," Drew said. "Have you ever seen those headbands she wears? She makes them herself."
It was set. Piper was going to learn how to crochet. But first, she needed waffles.
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cerastes · 7 years
So i've read a fair amount of Arthurian literature but I've never seen anything mentioned about Percival wearing a dress? Not that I don't believe it but I'm just curious where you read that
In Perceval, le Conte du Graal (1135).
Percival’s father was King Pellenor, who died in combat. His brothers were Tor, Aglavale, Lamorak, and Dornar, all of who became Knights of the Round Table. His mother Did Not Like This Shit because they all were in danger of dying at any moment, because being a knight in Arthurian mythos was a “you are either Goku and you’ll rock or you are Yamcha and you will die really fast” kind of deal, so Percival’s Mom took him and his sister to live away from civilization, where he learned all sorts of cool Non-Knight shit like crocheting and sewing and basket weaving, and definitely not swords or kite shields. He was also raised as a girl and wore an exquisite silk dress along his sister.
One day, Percival is cooking some amazing stew when he hears some shit outside his Away From Civilization Castle Hidden In The Forest, and whatddya know, it’s some knights, wearing armor, swinging swords, being cool, and Percy’s all like “SWEET, YO MOM LOOK AT THOSE” and P-Diddy’s Mom is like “Aw Fiddlesticks. See, Percy, dear, those are ANGELS, and the only way you’ll ever be one of those is when you DIE”.
But, see, Percival was so ENTHUSED with the idea of being a knight that he goes to his sister and outright asks her to kill him. Reasonable lass as she was, she immediately says “What In the Fuck is wrong With You” and doesn’t, so P-kun is like WHATEVER and sneaks out of the castle to go hang out with them. So he does and he has Presence Concealment B+ because he just sorta eavesdrops on them for a while but then accidentally scares their horses, and the only thing louder than fire truck’s siren in this world is a scared horse, so the knights get prim and proper STARTLED and then they see this kid wearing a dress and are like “U GOOD?” and Paypal is like “I didn’t know ANGEL HORSES could get scared” and they are like “what the fuck dude we are not angels we are KNIGHTS”. So P is like oh! cool! can I be a knight? And Knight-san is like Fuck The Off kid you are 12 and also wearing a dress, you gotta grow up first, get some hair on that chest, then maybe.
So Percival is like YAY OK I WILL so he does his best to grow up, which is not too hard because the passage of time is a constant, PSYCHE, it IS hard because as soon as he got home and told Mom he wanted to be a knight when he grew up, Mom used Panic Ploy and convinced Percival that he was going to be 12 forever, because Percy is not the brightest crayon in the box. This goes on for Four Whole Years and Percival is now 16 but still thinks he’s 12 because his mom sucks, but mostly? ‘Cause he a dumbass.
Now, in Ye Olde Arthurian culture, 16 is the year in which it is socially acceptable to start performing crude neurosurgery with swords and axes on people you dislike. As it would happen, a bad knight storms his Child Castle and flops out his huge knight dong, ready to train it towards P-Diddy’s mom and sister, but P was having None Of That Shit, so he rolls up his silk sleeves and goes to the knight like “Hey, I Contend With That Attitude, Sir”, and the knight is like “you are the ugliest fucking girl I’ve seen in my life, what is wrong with this household”, and see, here’s a thing you gotta know about Percival: His superpower is having IMMENSE RAW POTENTIAL, like this dude is the embodiment of a Magikarp, except, he was already Gyarados by the time he was 16, because he, and I paraphrase, grabbed the evil knight, who is a grown ass man wearing a full set of armor, and just outright chucks him outta the castle, over the wall. No, he didn’t wrestle him or push him, Percival straight up lifted the knight with his mighty 16 year old arms, and threw him, proving once more that when people say that GBF’s or FGO’s take on the Round Table is “too anime”, they are WRONG, they are not anime enough, because Arthurian Mythos is the first shonen franchise in history.
So Percival’s like yaaaay and his mom is like nooooo and he’s like I can be a kniiiiight now I killed a dude and his mom is like haha go to you rooooooom.
So some time passes and then a Cockatrice shows up, so like, for the uninitiated, a Cockatrice is basically a Basilisk Chicken Chimera Fuckhouse that can and will feast on whatever part of your still living body it that hasn’t been petrified it can find. This would USUALLY be a problem, except Percival’s a Strength Main, so he just went, uprooted a whole tree, and speared the fuck outta Deathchicken with it. This kinda convinces Percival that maybe his mom was lying about a lot of things, so he outies outta that household of LIES.
So Percival is hitting the road and happens upon a scrap metal merchant, who has a wagon full of piss ass metal with no use, and Percival is like hey dude do you know where I could sell this priceless dress I have on? And the merchant, whose eyes are dollar $igns, says “WELL I AM A GOOD MAN AND I WILL HAVE MERCY ON YOU, if you give me that dress that could buy three mountains, I will give you this wagon full of shit and the donkey that pull it, KILLER DEAL” and Percy is like “YOU ARE A SAINT” and so he finally does away with the dress and makes a SHIT ASS LVL 1 “ARMOR” out of the scrap metal, and uses the donkey as his trusty steed, EXCEPT HE DOESN’T because the donkey is old and worn out, and he’s too heavy for it, so whatever he WALKS. 
2.8 seconds later, in a town nearby, they arrest the fuck out of the merchant because he HAD to have swindled that dress, no way he had The Ultimate Silk Dress, being a poor fuck as he was, but before they can lynch him, Percy walks in and defends him, saying “Make no mistake, citizens, I am a moron and I did trade it to him legitimately” and thus he does his First Just Knight Action, and that’s how Percival’s dress is important into the making of Gyarados Muscle Kid.
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