#this is perhaps the most incoherent rant ive ever posted sorry. djwjdjwjdj
lycankeyy · 3 months
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Old art that was in a doodle compilation from when this fixation STARTED okay. Listen. So the Deal is w Darnell in funkycule I have Established that Darnell Plays with Fire was a class presentation, particularly a Completely Unironic one for like a public speaking class or something. This happens like 1-ish year before PS, like at least in the previous school year, when he's 12.
AFTER this, Darnell gets put into a program for troubled kids, one that is notably Not Good (mostly operates based on shaming the kids, lots of these programs are like this) and instead of like actually helping with his pyromania or low empathy or anything useful, he's just kind of repeatedly told This Is Bad Don't Do That. Which obviously does jack shit for him except making him grow up with the notion that he is innately Bad because there is Something Wrong With Him and there's Nothing To Be Done About It, all this juxtaposed with the fact that he is according to everyone Extremely Smart and also Very Nice. And obviously being a Smart and Nice kid he doesn't Want to be bad so he tries to be "good" but nobody gives him any sense of direction on this. Just like aimlessly attempting to be a decent person while having absolutely no coping strategies for his actual problems so he's constantly lapsing back into firesetting and violence. And *shakes you
Anyway further context for the art is that bf's family moved into the district specifically because of the therapy program bc he's nonverbal and bad at school and gets in fights a lot. So him and Darnell actually met first, Darnell later introduced BF to Pico. The therapy group would take time out of certain school days which is why they weren't present during PS, and the group was dissolved after PS to improve attendance at the school, which is the other half of the reason BF's family was so quick to move. Also the "Darnell has 5 years to live" thing was an inside joke he came up with when people picked on him for being gone from school a lot, he convinced them it was actually because he was dying LMFAO
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