#this is part of a longer flashfic but I cut out the beginning because it was taking too long so the full opening will be on my Patreon!
gigglinggoblin · 3 years
Puppy Love P.1
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Image used with permission from the lovely Princess Maple. Go check out her gorgeous collection on her Twitter and (FREE) Onlyfans!
[pov: transgirl, nsfw, hypnosis, fantasy nonconsent (moderate), love spell, breast hypnosis, praise, sweetness, heart eyes, perfume/pheromones, light addiction references, praise torture for low self-esteem sub, femdom/femsub, gentle domme, pet play, puppy play,  loving degradation, collaring, leash, begging, obedience training, some lap grinding, some cock allusions]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The gorgeous stranger giggled. She stretched, and as she did so, the shirt she was wearing seemed to dip down a bit. Bluebonnet’s objections died in her throat as she caught a glimpse of pale skin. “You seem... confused,” the brunette said sweetly.
Bluebonnet whimpered. She didn’t know what to say.
“Are you trying to say,” the stranger’s voice came out as soft and delicate as spun sugar, her head tilting to the side, “that you’re not pretty?”
“Mm.” Bluebonnet shook her head desperately. She watched the shirt dip a little lower, and her heart started to race like a panicking bunny as pale softness face way to rosy pink the exact same hue as the stranger’s eyes—and just as full of pretty dancing hearts. She breathed in, and again her world was washed in sweet pink honey, her mind swimming in saccharine delight.
“That wasn’t an answer, sweetie.” The stranger giggled again. Gods, that musical laugh again... “Speak up, pet. Vaela’s waiting~”
“I... um...” Bluebonnet stared dumbly at Vaela’s chest, her lips parting almost unwillingly. “I’m... your pastry is ready, M-Miss.” The baker meekly offered the blueberry pastry, clumsily wrapped in brown paper, and brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes. Her cheeks felt positively molten with embarrassment.
“Oh, yes!” Another giggle. “I don’t want that anymore.” Out of the corner of her eye, Bluebonnet saw those plump, pouty lips curve upwards in a sly smile. “I’ve found something much sweeter in this cute little bakery of yours.”
Bluebonnet gulped. She watched Vaela’s breasts jiggling softly with those girlish little giggles. Her brain wasn’t quite able to understand just... just how the shirt had fallen so low.
But those tits looked... so... pretty...
“Eyes on me, pet.”
Bluebonnet’s eyes snapped up to meet Vaela’s. Her heart fluttered and leaped as she realized what she’d just done, and she felt the heat rushing down to her neck.
Her face surely almost matched those eyes at this point.
Those pretty pink heart-filled eyes.
Vaela beamed, reached forward, and gave Bluebonnet a little pat on the head. The hearts swirled around Bluebonnet’s mind, drawing it deeper and deeper. Drawing her deeper and deeper in. “Good puppy~” she cooed.
Bluebonnet let out a whine.
[Thanks for reading! There’s more after the break, but if you enjoyed this story and want to read more like it, there’s tons more content on my Patreon. For just a few dollars a month, you gain access to alternate Bad Ends, bonus stories, polls on future content, early updates, erotic text-based roleplay/D&D games, and much, much more! If you can afford to, consider pledging, so I can keep posting Tumblr fics like this one on the regular! Thank you! <3]
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Cupids are mercurial and arrogant fey, but they can be truly incorrigible—and merciless—when they single out a target in “need” of their affections. As prone to falling in love as making others fall in love with them, the kissing angels are especially attracted to lonely souls, people with low self-worth, and, sometimes, pretty girls with pretty cocks and pliable minds just waiting to be turned into good, adoring puppygirls.
Sometimes, those who get flustered by praise easily are said to have “cupid’s cheeks”: Not just for their rosy blush, but for how temptingly vulnerable they will be should a cupid take notice.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“My, my,” Vaela murmured, her hand descending to caress Bluebonnet’s cheek and cradle her chin, “such a gorgeous face you have.”
“Nngh,” Bluebonnet whined. She told herself that she was objecting to this treatment—it was humiliating, surely, being stroked and petted like this, as if she was Vaela’s property, admired and touched like a captive pet, oh, gods, that sounded so hot...
But she wasn’t objecting to the treatment. She wasn’t humiliated at all. It felt wonderful, so, so good, so good it made her knees quake, so good she almost wanted to lean into the touches, to rub her head against the hand like a needy kitten pleading for more scritches. She could barely restrain herself. Barely keep her lips tightly pressed together so she wouldn’t cry out. She could barely keep breathing in that sweet, sweet perfume.
She was objecting to the compliment.
Bluebonnet lived alone in her bakery. She had no friends. Nobody had ever called her... called her pretty before. Or gorgeous. Or said she had a nice face. Or anything like... like this. All this attention, all this praise...
It was unbearable.
And all the more because she couldn’t look away from those lovely, swirling wells of sugary sunset. Couldn’t even duck her head. Couldn’t stop staring open-mouthed into those shimmering, spiraling hearts...
“And just look at those pretty eyes!” Vaela cooed, ignoring Bluebonnet’s muffled objections. She smirked, batting her eyelashes. “So wide and bright and full of longing. Why, they catch the light like fireflies, don’t they, precious?”
“N-Nuh,” Bluebonnet whimpered, shaking her head in a panic. “I-I’m not... n-nnnot...”
“And such a pretty voice!” Vaela gushed, causing Bluebonnet to keen and squirm helplessly “So full of cute sounds and adorable whispers~”
“Nnn!” Bluebonnet’s hands flew up to cover her face—but unthinkingly, she parted the fingers so she could still peek at Vaela’s shimmering heart eyes. And she continued to squirm and shift and whimper beneath that gaze. Within that gaze.
“Now, now, Puppy,” Vaela scolded sweetly, reaching down and taking Bluebonnet by the wrists. Bluebonnet squeaked but did not pull away. Vaela pouted seductively. “You mustn’t cover your face! If you do that, I won’t get to see your gorgeous little soft blushing cheeks!”
Bluebonnet mewled helplessly.
But the heart eyes shimmered. Swirled. Spiraled.
And she felt her hands being guided back down.
And she obeyed.
And as she did, she felt a strange, exotic, wonderful rush through her heart, through her whole body. Oh. Oh, it felt... it felt...
... it felt good to let Vaela control her body.
“Good girl,” Vaela purred. She released one hand.
But she gave the other hand a gentle little squeeze.
Bluebonnet gasped. It felt like her very mind was being squeezed in that hand, all the thoughts squishing away, melting like sweet chocolate in a pretty girl’s palm.
She squirmed. She breathed in deep of Vaela’s sweet, intoxicating pheromones, and her head swam with sweet, addictive syrup.
She whimpered and whined, shaking her head. She knew something about this was wrong, and yet...
... oh, gods, it felt so nice to see a pretty girl looking at her like that.
And... she bit her lip.
To let that pretty girl hold her hand and pet her head and squeeze her mind into molten lovey-dovey putty.... while the pretty girl smirked knowingly, leaned in, let her breathe in deeper still...
Bluebonnet was almost drooling.
... oh, it felt... delectable...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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