#this is one of those 'bear with me' rants again srry
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langernameohnebedeutung · 1 year ago
just thinking about how in early season 5, when Wilson is gone and House tries to hit up this other doctor at the cafeteria to become his new best friend - and that guy is like "you know I'm not gay, right?"
-now, unless that dude started working there yesterday, he definitely knows about the events of the s4 season finale, Wilson leaving etc. And we can fairly assume he's not new, considering that House actually learnt and remembered his name at some point. He also very likely knows Wilson's reputation as the only person in the hospital who is really genuinely close to House, and in vague terms probably also stuff like the fact that they always have lunch together etc (we know other characters know those things about them) and likely also the other stuff, like the great big prescription drama from season 3 etc etc etc.
So with the cues House gives him and questions he asks (Monstertrucks, drugs, watching soaps with him - stuff that he famously does a lot with Wilson, even around the hospital) as well as the timing (now that Wilson has left, the resident diagnostics cryptid starts talking to you???) etc, it is actually really obvious that House is trying to find a "substitute" for Wilson.
So where I'm going with this is - when he tells House that he's not gay, odds are, that's not coming from a place of "oh, this random guy sat down at lunch with me and started asking me a bunch of personal questions so he might be into me" - odds are, he's saying it specifically from a place of "This is House trying to find a "new" Wilson (so I better tell him I'm not into men) which means his underlying assumption about House and Wilson is that-"
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ahgastae · 6 years ago
O Holy Nightlight
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Felix x Reader
Enemies to Lovers/Fluff
Word Count - 1.9k
Quick A/N: this ended up being...a bit longer than i intended lol. srry abt that
“Look, I get that you go all out with Christmas decorations, but I can see your flashing lights through the blinds on my bedroom window and they’ve kept me awake the past few days
I groan, tossing and turning in my bed in a vain attempt to get comfortable. No matter which way I turn, how many pillows and blankets I use to cover my face, the blinding lights outside my window still manage to invade my closed eyes. Throwing off my comforter with an irritated sigh, I sit up, glaring through the glass of my window at the offending sight. Next door, my lovely neighbor’s holiday decorations still dance, sparkle, and shine, well into the late hours of the night. 
I have no problem with showing a little Christmas spirit, but around the clock 24/7 is a little much, especially when said ‘spirit’ is constantly blaring right outside my window. For the first few nights, I tried to put up with it, thinking maybe he would realize how much electricity he’s wasting, or that acting as the neighborhood nightlight isn’t necessarily a good thing, but it’s been four days now, and I’m just about at the end of my leash. So I do what any sane person would do.
I slip on my hoodie, step out into the hallway, and immediately start banging on my roommate’s door to get him to deal with the problem.
“Y/N...?” Hyunjin slurs tiredly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “What are you doing up this late?”
“Jinnie, I need you to go tell the neighbor to turn their lights off.”
Hyunjin blinks at me, “...Why?”
“Because they’re really bright and I can’t sleep!” I cross my arms, trying to keep my frustration down. Four days without a solid night’s sleep is really starting to weigh on me, but I don’t want to take it out on Hyunjin.
“No, I mean...” He pauses, a small yawn interrupting his words. “I mean, why can’t you do it?”
“Because he’s your friend! Now go tell Felix to turn his stupid lights off before I cut the power to his house!” I point at the front door to emphasize my empty threat, and Hyunjin sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“If I do that, will you let me go back to sleep in peace?” I nod eagerly, and Hyunjin sighs again before trudging towards the front door. As soon as I hear it close, I race back into my room, hopping on my bed, and watching the window with bated breath. Sure enough, Hyunjin comes through, and minutes later, the flashing lights are no more. I sigh in relief, flopping down on my bed, and curling up for a wonderful, dreamless night of sleep.
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The next morning, I feel unbelievably refreshed. Refreshed and, admittedly, incredibly surprised. I honestly didn’t think Felix would give in so easily. Knowing him, I thought he definitely would have put up more of a fight. Maybe it’s because Hyunjin asked, instead of me.
Lee Felix and I don’t exactly have the best track record. When I first moved in with Hyunjin, I didn’t think much of the red haired boy next door. He was cute, and I recognized him from our college campus, but I was much more focused on getting settled in my new home than flirting with the neighbor. Unfortunately, maybe flirting would have been helpful, considering one day I came home to find a mysterious intruder raiding our fridge, and immediately started attacking them with my umbrella. That ‘intruder’ turned out to be Lee Felix, our next door neighbor and one of Hyunjin’s closest friends. I’ll admit, not my best first impression.
Ever since then, Felix has basically had it out for me. From putting lemon juice in my soda to plastic wrapping all the furniture in my bedroom, he’s made clear that he’s not letting go of the fact that I almost gave him a concussion for stealing some strawberry yogurt. This whole lights charade is just the next prank in his arsenal, I just know it.
I skip out of my bedroom, smiling gleefully when I find Hyunjin milling about in the kitchen, “Jinnie, you are a god!” He laughs when I tug him into my arms, showing my thanks by wrapping him in a giant bear hug.
“It wasn’t that big of a deal, Y/N,” He pats my head. “All I had to do was tell Felix that you were having trouble sleeping.” I freeze, suddenly pushing Hyunjin away, and staring him right in the eyes.
“You told him what?”
“Don’t be so paranoid,” Hyunjin just waves me off, going back to digging through the fridge for breakfast. “You really don’t give Felix enough credit.”
“Oh, I give him plenty of credit,” I object, starting to count Felix’s ‘accomplishments’ on my hand. “I give him credit for throwing paint on one of my nicest shirts. F feeding the essay that was worth seventy five percent of my grade to Kkami. For stealing the baby pictures from my room and posting them on Instagram. Oh!” Hyunjin cringes when I throw my arms up in growing irritation. “Lest we forget the time he hung my bra on the power line outside!”
“That one was pretty funny, wasn’t it?”
I shriek, whipping around to see Felix leaning against the doorway, amused look in his eyes and that damn arrogant smirk on his face.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Just wondering why you don’t have the balls to talk to me yourself,” Felix bites back, laughing when my eyes narrow into a glare.
“You insufferable-”
“Okay, you two! Enough!” Hyunjin cuts in, inserting himself between me and Felix. He fixes us each with a stern look, “You two are going to settle whatever it is going on between, and it happens today.”
“Mate, you said we were going to the skate park!”
“I lied.” Felix shuts his mouth, and crosses his arms with a pout.
“Jinnie, I love you, but you’re crazy if you think I’m willingly going to spend time around that asshole,” I roll my eyes, starting to walk away when Hyunjin grabs my arm.
“He’s going to take down the lights.”
“Bullshit, I’m not!”
Hyunjin’s eyes narrow at Felix’s outburst, “Yes, he is.” He looks back at me, wicked eyes betraying the sweet smile on his face. “And you’re going to spend the day helping him.”
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“That’s not where those go.”
I stifle a groan, slowly turning to face Felix while holding what feels like the hundredth string of lights to come off his house, “Then where do they go?”
“In the blue tub because they’re blue,” He says this as if it’s supposed to be obvious, rolling his eyes and going back to playing around on his phone. I huff, dropping the lights, and stomping over to where he’s sitting in his garage. Felix barely has time to look up before I snatch his phone out of his hands. “Hey!”
“We’re supposed to be doing this together,” I remind him, and shove his phone into the front pocket of my sweatshirt. “Your phone stays with me until we’re done.”
“Bold of you to assume your pocket’s going to stop me from taking it.”
“Bold of you to assume I won’t karate chop you in the throat if you try,” I finish my threat, and Felix thankfully seems to get the message. He throws a fit about it, but stands up to help me detangle all the lights hanging from his house. I roll my eyes, “You know, neither of us would be here if you didn’t put up all this shit just to spite me.”
Felix scoffs, climbing up the ladder to yank down a string of purple icicles, “Don’t be so full of yourself. Not everything I do is because of you, princess.” I look away, fighting down the blush on my cheeks. He just used a stupid nickname, Y/N, get a hold of yourself. It’s not like he meant it as a good thing.
“If it’s really not to piss me off,” I grunt as I force another box of light closed, “then why do it?” Felix eyes me from atop the ladder, hesitation and something else I can’t decipher written across his face.
“Why should I tell you?”
“Oh, for fucks sake,” I mutter, shaking my head. “Forget it, you don’t have to. Just trying to make conversation...since we’re gonna be here for a while....” Felix goes uncharacteristically quiet, and, for a moment, I think he fell off the rungs onto the snowy driveway. I turn, expecting to be dialing an ambulance, only to gasp when I find Felix standing right behind me, conscious and well. “Holy shit, you ass! I thought something bad happened!” I clutch at my heart, shoving his shoulder in frustration, but he doesn’t budge. Felix’s eyes search mine, and my heart starts to race when I notice how close he really is.
“Why are you pretending you care?” His voice is deep and strained, and it takes my fuzzy mind a moment to process his question.
I swallow, trying to force down the butterflies in my stomach, “Are you messing with me again? I’m not in the mood for it, Lee, I just want to get this done.”
“Me messing with you? You’re the one standing here playing with my head!”
“Are you kidding me?!" I shout, throwing my hands up in exasperation. “Felix, all you’ve done since the day I met you is toy with me and my emotions! I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot all those months ago. I tried to move past it and become friends, but you didn’t seem too interested in anything other than making my life hell!”
“What do you mean, ‘move past it’?! You acted like you hated me every time you saw me,” Felix says, anger bubbling just beneath the surface. “The only way I could get a reaction out of you was by pissing you off!”
I scoff, jabbing my index finger in Felix’s chest, “Do not tell me you’ve been doing all this shit just because I ignored you! I was embarrassed, Felix. I tried to beat up my new roommate’s cute best friend with a cat umbrella, how else am I supposed to react?!” Felix freezes, eyes widening as he stares down at me in shock. His mouth hangs open, but I’m far too into my rant to notice the sudden change in his demeanor. “Maybe, just maybe, Lee, if you actually tried talking to me instead of putting baking soda in my cereal-”
“Did you just call me cute?”
I stop abruptly, the frustrated words I had in mind immediately falling from my lips. My mind goes completely blank, realizing that I had, in fact, shared something I hadn’t meant to say. Especially not to Felix’s face.
“Um...” I retract my hand away from Felix’s chest, but he’s quick, and grabs it before I can pull it back to my side. His hold only tightens when I try to struggle, soft enough to not be painful, but just firm enough to keep me in place.
“Y/N, did you call me cute?” Felix repeats, warm brown eyes boring into mine. If he leans in just a little bit more, I’d be able to....I shake my head, ripping my hand away from his, and stepping back.
“....Maybe I said you were a little cute,” I begrudgingly admit through gritted teeth. “But don’t get too excited about it. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Yes, it does,” Felix grins, closing the distance between us once more. He leans forward, close enough for me to count the individual freckles on his face, and smirks at the way my cheeks heat up when he whispers, “I think it means you like me, Y/N.”
I lick my lips, heart pounding when his eyes flit down to follow the movement, “And what if I do, Felix?”
“Then putting away these lights is gonna have to wait.”
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