#this is one i never even talked about outside of dms 👀 can you believe??
flowercrowngods · 6 months
was tagged by my forever love @aphroditestummyrolls to post some lines of an unpublished wip with no context
Eddie takes a drag of his cigarette, the biting hot smoke hitting the back of his throat and clawing its way into his lungs, going as deep as he allows and leaving a permanent mark that brings neither relief nor calmness tonight. His fingers shake where they’re pressed to his lips, but the rest of him is unmoving where he sits on the front porch of his new trailer. 
It’s quiet out here. It’s always quiet in Hawkins these days, the city a fucking ghosttown. 
And he knows it’s not because of their one loss. He knows it’s not because of him. But still the emptiness is stark and the silence oppressive. Everyone still looks for him, months after. Dustin still begins to speak, cutting himself off mid-sentence, and Robin still stands with enough space to either side, like she expects him to just show up and invade her space like the home he made for himself in there. 
And somewhere among all that is Eddie. With his very own history. Or, non-history, as it turns out. 
He takes another drag, not quite exhaling before he obliterates the cigarette and fishes for a new one before the butt even hits the ground. 
Fumbling with the lighter in his pocket, he only gets as far as placing the smoke between his lips before a hand snakes into his field of vision to snag it from his mouth. 
“Hey,” he complains halfheartedly but makes no attempt at getting it back, watching instead as Robin comes up to sit beside him, grimacing at the stink of tobacco that must be heavy around him. 
“You’re disgusting,” she says with no real heat behind her words.
Eddie shrugs, because yeah, sure. He’s been called worse things. Robin’s called him worse things. This is her being nice. Her complaininig about his incessant smoking is nothing new. What is new is what she does next, placing the cigarette between her own lips and reaching for the light he’s been holding in a loose grip since she arrived. 
Robin starts coughing immediately, pulling a face at the disgusting feeling of smoke in her lungs and tobacco on her tongue. But she keeps going. Eddie can only watch in surprise and mild horror. 
“These things’ll kill you,” he says then in an echo of her usual sentiment, aware that he sounds as bewildered as he feels. 
“Well,” Robin says, aiming for casual, but quickly interrupted by a wheeze and a cough that’s almost adorable. “Let them try.” 
tagging with no pressure at all but bc i’m a nosy bitch: @momotonescreaming @sidekick-hero @steddieas-shegoes @henderdads @puppy-steve and whoever sees this and wants to tease their unpublished wips
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