#this is one aspect of being a collector i dont enjoy...
freaky-flawless · 2 years
Really wish Mattel would slow down on the releases. Frankenstein and his Bride just came out a matter of days ago, and now Holiday Draculaura is out. On top of all the G3 releases we just got, and are expecting to get, it's a lot.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
How would you rate your enjoyment of the four miraculous seasons?
That is an excellent Question.
On a scale of 1 to 10
(1 being unbearable, 5 being watchable, and 10 being AMAZING)
Lets start
Now I will mention season 4 is subject to change as we still haven seen all the episodes
Season 1: 8.5/10
Well in truth, while most of the episodes are fine, its pretty standard. It starts out strong and has some of my favorite episodes. Evillustrator, Stormy weather, Bubbler, Volpina, Origins. And I think origins is still the greatest episode of the show to date.
But most of the episodes are fine but not blow back amazing. It isnt until the end of the season when things really pick up.
But it is important to remember the show was still finding its bearings, and that it had to establish its main premise. I think it does that very well. So I think 8 out of 10 is perfect.
Season 2: 7/10
Now a lot of people will be shocked to see this. I honestly think that season 2 is one of the lesser impressive seasons. Sure it has great episodes like The Collector, Riposte, Dark owl, Syren, Gorizilla and Heroes day (Which is my favorite season finale so far). The episodes start to hit some valleys such as Frozer, Captain Hardrock, Maledikator and Gigatitan. And the way Chloé's arc is handled is... well its not great. In retrospect it feels like such a tease. But also it threw a lot of new characters and aspects about the miraculous and hardly did anything with it.
The main problem is that they wanted to go for serialization, but still didnt want to give up being episodic, so it kind of has this one foot in each side and it hinders it.
I think if it had a bit less filler and built things up a bit more, it could have been a much better season.
Season 3: 7/10
Now this was around peak salt time, and in retrospect I do get why. Season 3 has the worst episodes in the series, Reflekdoll, Animaestro, and Miracle Queen. (Chameleon was hit especially hard but I dont think its that bad of an episode now). But it also has the best episodes, like Oblivio, Startrain, Chat Blanc, and Loveater,
Season 3 has a LOT of peaks and a LOT of valleys. But I think they do try and add more serialization and actually develop what was established in Season 2. Though they do kind of skim on things that I felt were important, and Fu's mistake is still the DUMBEST reason for the fall of guardians. I will give them credit for trying to put less filler, and actually developing the characters they added.
I say season 3 ranks higher because it actually tries to build more on the serialization and make changes to the status quo. Now that doesnt mean I agree with every choice made, I will at least accept that it tried to make them
Season 4: 8/10
Now I cant deny that I enjoyed all of the episodes this season in some way shape or form. I cant really say there was an episode that I view as less than entertaining. I like the developments that are being made. Season 4 episode 1 is the best season opener episode. There have just been a LOT of amazing episodes Truth, Gang of secrets, Gabriel agreste, Glaciator 2.0, Rocketear just to name my favorites. It is really changing things up and honestly its got the peaks of season 3 with a consistancy closer to season 1.
Though i will say it does suffer from other problems. A lot of retcons that are so-so at best and stupid at best. The order of guardians is confirmed as a joke, the whole "You decide your limits thing" sort of breaks the miraculous, because if thats the case. Why do Ladybug and Chat noir have limits on how long they stay transformed. There are also still a lot of threads that have yet to be addressed (like the ladynoir conflict.)
The season also has HORRIBLE pacing problems. Its clear that even the best episodes needed to be two parters. Ephemeral is a prime example of that.
There are still around 6 episodes left, so they can bring the threads that havent been addressed to light, and I do have hopes they do.
We will see how it goes, and I have high hopes for it.
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