#this is ok to reblog btw (as everything else on my blog unless stated otherwise) -> including fellow davy lovers who might relate :3
lieutenantselnia · 1 year
Selena and davy jones headcanons
Oh I do have some of those! This ask actually got me motivated to finally write some of them down so thanks for that <3 I haven't done a ton of writing in recent years aside from school/university papers (unfortunately), but I tried! This list is neither ordered nor exhaustive, I just picked out some headcanons for them that I've been thinking about recently💖
Davy Jones x Selena Finley Headcanons
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One of the first ways for Selena and Davy to connect and get closer is music. Selena was taught playing the piano when she grew up, and was captivated when she heard Davy playing the organ for the first time. When she finally witnessed him playing, she was also fascinated by the way he utilised his beard tentacles to play (though, to be honest, who wouldn’t be? It’s quite a sight after all). She asks Davy if he’d allow her to try playing the organ, and although he’s reluctant about it in the beginning, he lets her and even kind of starts teaching her later on.
Even though he slowly starts to emotionally open up to her, Davy is very reluctant about touching Selena at first. Although he has resigned himself to his appearance decades ago, once his affection for her starts to develop, he becomes afraid that she will find him appalling. In reality, Selena doesn’t actually have any problems with his look at all - if anything she finds it rather intriguing. But she also is a bit hesitant about touching him at first, mostly because she notices there’s something about it bothering him and she doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
When they finally manage to overcome that barrier though, it becomes obvious how touch-starved Davy is. He loves feeling Selena’s hands on him, especially on his face. In turn, Selena loves caressing his beard. The tentacles fascinate her, in the way the move, sometimes even as if they had a mind on their own, but also in the way they feel. She adores the way they react to her touch, how they’d wrap around her fingers and wrists as if they wanted to hold her close. Another thing Davy is desperate for is just feeling her body closely against his. The sensation of her warm, living, breathing body pressed up against him when he hugs her or when they cuddle is everything to him, especially as he notices that she feels completely comfortable in his arms.
At some point, Selena starts helping Davy to rid himself of some of the barnacles and sea life growing on him. Not because it bothers her in any way how he looks with them, but some of the growths have become uncomfortable for Davy. They hurt him when he’s trying to find a comfortable sleeping position - one of the reasons why he’s grown accustomed to sleep while sitting at the organ - or get in the way during their cuddling sessions. It’s a tedious work, and Selena’s fingers can hurt a little afterwards, but it’s so rewarding for her to see how much more relieved Davy feels. She doesn’t remove more than necessary, it’s mostly the coral growths around Davy’s back and shoulders that bother him, because they pinch uncomfortably when he’s trying to lay down. She’d also scrape off some of the mussels and barnacles with sharp edges, so she won’t cut herself when she hugs Davy - she knows he’d feel bad about it.
Davy is initially not too enthusiastic about the idea, insisting he doesn’t need any help with cleaning himself, but he grows to adore their little care sessions. They allow him to become completely relaxed, at times so much that he’s almost falling asleep. He loves it when Selena gives him gentle touches on his face or his arms in-between. Luckily, most of the growths are just on his clothes and not directly on his skin, so Selena doesn’t have to be too worried about hurting him when removing them with a knife. She’s still careful though, since his tentacles like to get in the way when they’re searching for contact with her hands, and she has to shoo them away a little. Sometimes, Davy will also just end their session before she's actually done by pulling her into his arms and just holding her tightly, as he whispers to her how thankful he is that she’s with him and takes him exactly the way he is.
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