#this is not the first time i’ve thought abt this stupid innocuous detail from his house and it will not be the last
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ahhhhh tp link’s forever soup 💭
#perpetual stew as a concept is incredible to me. i think link’s is Just Fine#not great . but it’s Fine. its soup . that’s cooking perpetually#thank god he lives on his own bc i am not sure how uli and rusl feel abt his ‘hunters pot’ <- that’s a different name for forever soup#this is not the first time i’ve thought abt this stupid innocuous detail from his house and it will not be the last#m
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flesh stays no farther reason (1/6)

Great, she thinks, another horny creep trying to entice young women to hop into bed with them for roughly 30 seconds.
She reads the post anyways.
Five times Ben looks for Rey and the one time she finds him.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5K
Read on AO3
my brain at 2a.m., assuring me that it'll be a one-shot: for the lady, perhaps a salad?
me, 5,000+ words in and only on their first meeting: [chuckling] perhaps not
what's to come is still unsure
She sees it on Reddit.
She doesn’t normally scroll through the website (certainly not subreddits like this) but she’s bored and can only take the same Buzzfeed quizzes so many times.
She’s not sure what led her to this page, how the rabbit hole of the internet made her search r/mseekingfcorusant but here she was, scrolling through the disjointed thoughts of horny guys in her area.
Posted by u/droidwrangerl88
need hot girl to bang. serious inquiries only.
Posted by u/mycumtastelikesarlacc
Any girls in the Coruscant area looking to hook up this evening? 38M seeking mid-20sF. Will split hotel bill.
Posted by u/hotbountyhunter3483
any females interested in shredded guy for an evening? willing to meet for drinks b4 hand, and will pay for ur drinks if ur hot. (943) 349-9684 ;)
Rey finds it consistently astonishing how gross and vulgar men can be when hidden behind a screen. But she is scrolling on this page out of her own free will, so it does seem a little ‘pot-calling-the-kettle-black-ish.’ Just as her finger goes to press back to the home-screen, a tiny blue bubble appears at the top of the page, indicating that there has been a new post made. Great, she thinks, another horny creep trying to entice young women to hop into bed with them for roughly 30 seconds.
She reads the post anyways.
Posted by u/KyL0_R3N
31M seeking similarly aged F for the evening of 05/17. I have an important meeting on the 18th and sex the night before proves to a good luck charm for me. Nothing too crazy or obscene, fairly vanilla to start off with, but willing to go further based on her desires.
Something in Rey clenches.
It’s by far the most eloquently phrased way of asking for sex that she’s seen thus far. He seems straightforward, which is refreshing, but she knows that the best of psychopaths are good at hiding their true intention.
She clicks to his profile.
He seems interested in pretty common threads. Cooking tips, best laundromats in Coruscant, Galaxy Battles discourse; all innocuous and nothing to indicate he would chop up whoever responds to his post. Maybe that’s why she sends him a message.
From u/R3yoflight
why not just download tinder?
everyone on tinder is looking for sex too.
She bites her lip as she presses send. It’s not the best conversation starter, she’s aware, but their semi-introduction was from him posting about wanting to have sex to preform well in a meeting. Formalities can be forgone, in this particular situation. It’s not like she’s trying to impress him either; she didn’t message him to accept is offer, just merely because she’s curious.
There’s a pang of nervousness when she hears the notification sound out that he’s responded.
From u/KyL0_R3N
There’s too much preamble on dating apps.
Also, I’m looking to have sex, not to date.
It seemed more advantageous
to be straightforward.
From u/R3yoflight
i guess that makes sense
(also advantageous is worth 17 points in
scrabble, so kudos)
have you gotten many interested respondents?
From u/KyL0_R3N
You’re the first.
From u/R3yoflight
who says i’m interested???
From u/KyL0_R3N
Well, you are the one who messaged me?
Also, my post has been up for only a few minutes,
so you’re the first respondent in any capacity.
From u/R3yoflight
oooohhh i feel special ☺️✨
From u/KyL0_R3N
You’ve yet to tell me if you’re interested.
Is she?
Is she really considering letting Mr. KyL0_R3N fuck her after meeting him through a publicly placed internet post and knowing next to nothing about him?
From u/R3yoflight
idk v much abt u yet
how do i know ur not a serial killer
or that u actually are who u say u are
which u haven’t yet
said who u are, that is
From u/KyL0_R3N
I’m 31M. I work in Coruscant at a tech company.
I’m 6’3, 190lbs. I’m not a killer in any capacity.
You haven’t told me anything about yourself,
which hardly seems fair.
From u/R3yoflight
24F, 5’6, i’m not telling u my weight
i work at an auto shop downtown so i can
kick ur ass if ur lying abt not being a killer
From u/KyL0_R3N
In order to kick my ass, we’d have to meet.
So, are you interested or not?
From u/R3yoflight
i shouldn’t be
From u/KyL0_R3N
I have the distinct feeling that you are.
Am I right?
From u/R3yoflight
He tells her his name is Kylo Ren, which she thinks sounds stupid and made up, but doesn’t press him. They hammer out some more details, agreeing to meet at the bar of a swanky hotel downtown first, and if all goes well, he’ll have a room reserved for them.
When she tells him that she can’t afford to pay any of the room, he dismisses her flippantly with a quick ‘I’ll take care of it’ that makes her chest feel tight.
They don’t talk much after that, only a message from her a few days before hand, making sure the plan was still on, and an affirmative from his side. But a few hours before they’re supposed to meet up, Rey gets a notification from him. It distracts her from the task at hand (precision shaving of her legs and… other parts), causing a knick on the back of her calf.
From u/KyL0_R3N
While I don’t think that we’ll be doing
anything that would require
a safe word, I’d like to have one in case.
From u/R3yoflight
i’ve never had a safe word.
what’s a good one?
From u/KyL0_R3N
It doesn’t have to be anything special.
We can stick to a traditional scale.
Green means you’re good.
Yellow means slow down.
Red means to stop entirely.
Does that work?
From u/R3yoflight
yeah thats good
why don’t you think that we won’t be doing
anything to justify a safe word?
you planning to go easy on me 😈
From u/KyL0_R3N
That depends, sweetheart.
How far are you willing to go?
Rey thinks for a moment. She should have some hard lines set, especially since he’s a total stranger. In fact, she shouldn’t be fucking a stranger at all. But she was in this far, so she may as well go all in.
From u/R3yoflight
i’m not super into choking but a lil breath play
is okay
no extreme bondage or degradation
maybe at some point but just… not now
anything in my ass will require a lot of work
before hand bc not much has been in there.
any hard no’s 4 u?
i’m on birth control so u can come inside me
if you want
From u/KyL0_R3N
I think we should stick to no
bondage/degradation/breath play for now
I’m not super into those anyways.
I’ll keep that in mind about your ass.
Maybe nothing in my ass. For now.
That about covers my no’s.
What are some of you hard yes’s?
From u/R3yoflight
i like being taken control of, dominated, i guess
kissing is big for me but i get it if u don’t like it
also major daddy kink but that can be
controlled if its not ur thing
what do u like
From u/KyL0_R3N
Very much yes to that Daddy kink and kissing.
I lean towards dom anyway, so that should work out.
I like hickeys. Giving and receiving.
I also have pretty good stamina, just a warning.
From u/R3yoflight
i like a man with good stamina ;)
u gonna wear me out tonight? 😈
From u/KyL0_R3N
Yes. Yes I am.
She gets there late. Unlike every other time she runs late for something, this time is purposeful. If he gets angry with her, she’ll know to leave. And she’s counting on that. Him giving her a reason to leave. She needs it so she doesn’t do something stupider than what she’s already doing now.
But when she arrives and see’s the absolute mammoth of a man, with long-is black hair and moles and big ears, Rey just knows she’s in for it.
He stands when he sees her. Realistically she knew that 6’3 was tall, but it’s still a bit shocking to her. One of his gargantuan hands is holding a beer, the other resting on the back of the chair. She spends a second too long admiring his form, earning a knowing-but-slight smirk from him.
“You’re Kylo.” It’s an unnecessary statement, because who else could he be, but one that is said all the same.
“And you’re Rey.”
His fucking voice. It’s too beautiful to be addressing her, she’s sure of it.
“Work ran over, that’s why I’m late.” She wasn’t going to give him an excuse, but the words fall out of her mouth.
“I’m familiar with that myself. It’s no trouble, really.” He holds the chair out for her, and she gracefully takes a seat. A server comes around and takes her drink order of a club soda before scurrying off.
“Nothing to relax the nerves?” He question, taking a sip of his drink.
“I prefer to have a clear head for…” She trails off. What does this qualify as? A hook-up? A booty-call? A job interview?
“Good girl.”
Her breath stops for a moment before she remembers its necessary to survive.
“You said you work for a tech company downtown; is it close?” She asks, hoping she sounds passive.
“Not far. I need to be close for tomorrow.” He never looks away from her; it makes her sweat.
The server comes back with her drink, and Rey takes a giant gulp, just for something to preoccupy her mouth.
“You said you work for an auto shop downtown. What do you do there?” He asks, eying her hands curiously. Rey worries that he’ll realize she wasn’t actually at work if her hands aren’t greasy, so she hides them under the table.
“I’m a mechanic,” She tells him, sitting up straighter.
“You’re…” He begins, but she cuts him off.
“A woman mechanic, yes. It’s not entirely uncommon.”
“I was going to say young.” She bites her lip. His voice doesn’t sound like its chastising her, but she feels bad all the same.
“Most men are uncomfortable with the fact that I know more about cars than them.” Rey doesn’t know why she continues to challenge him, but his reactions always surprise her.
It’s… nice.
“Do I seem like I’m uncomfortable by that?”
She regards him. “No, but you did proposition anyone with computer access, so I think your threshold for uncomfortable must be very high.”
He doesn’t laugh, per se, but the corners of his mouth lift and his cheeks become tight. She smiles at the sight.
“Seems that we’re both very bold. A female mechanic and an online propositioner. We make for quite a pair.”
“Hopefully that means the sex will be good.”
Kylo Ren does smile at that.
His hand is on the small of her back when they get in the elevator and Rey is actively trying to ignore the fluttering in her gut, which is why the words blurt out of her.
“My roommate knows where we are!” It’s a loud noise in an otherwise quiet area, but Kylo doesn’t seem startled by it. He just looks down at her. “I have to be back at the apartment, in person, by noon tomorrow or she’s calling the cops.” Rey is quieter now but her voice still shakes.
“My meeting is at 10, so you’ll have plenty of time to get back to your place. I can have my driver drop you off there, if you like,” He says.
“Thats… not why I’m telling you. But that you. I mean, my roommate will know if something bad happens to me. So it would be wise of you to not kill me.” Rey gulps.
Kylo’s hand comes to her face and brushes a piece of hair behind her ear.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Rey.” His voice is soft. “I’m not going to kill you, or hit you, or do anything you don’t want me to do.” She’s facing him now. “If you feel uncomfortable, I wouldn’t be mad. You can leave whenever you want.”
“But what do you want? You’ve asked me what I’ve wanted in every interaction we’ve had, but all I know is that you want to fuck somebody so that you’re not nervous or whatever tomorrow. Do you even want me? Or was I just the first person who responded to you post? It goes both ways, ya know. You need to tell me what you want, too.”
His hand brushes the side of her jaw, his eyes trail down her face, no doubt seeing the nervous expression she wears.
“I want you, Rey.”
His lips are on hers the moment the door is shut. His hand cradles the back of her head as he shoves his body against hers, pinning her to the wall. His other hand grips her hip and will definitely leave a bruise. She loves it.
But his warm, wet mouth on hers with his plush, pink lips makes any coherent thought leave her head. She moans into his mouth, hands trying desperately to pop open the buttons of his shirt. She makes a sound of frustration when the last stubborn button won’t come undone, and his hands are there in an instant, ripping the thing straight off. She slides her hands along his toned chest as his tongue invades her mouth. When her hands venture further south, they find the more than impressive bulge straining against his slacks.
“I should’ve… asked you earlier…” He says into her mouth as he sucks off the remaining shirt and suit jacket, “if you… like… dirty talk.” Rey keens against him, forcing his mouth to go to her neck as she breathes out a chant of ‘yes, yes, yes.’
Kylo makes a noise of approval before hoisting her into his arms. Rey’s legs instinctively wrap around his hips as he walks them towards the bed.
“Good, because it would be a shame not to be able to tell you that I can’t wait to taste your cunt.”
Rey has died.
She has died and gone to whatever afterlife will have her.
She never wants to leave it.
“You… don’t… you don’t have to…” She manages to say between kisses. Kylo pulls back from her then, eyes dark, hair a mess, lip red and bitten.
“I want to. Will you let me?” Rey nods so fast she’s worried her neck will be sore. His hands ruck up her cotton dress, until he decides that the offending material will need to be off all together. She’s left in her black bralette and underwear and Kylo stares down at her.
“My tit’s aren’t that big. I’m sorry if you were looking forward to-”
“They’re perfect,” He cuts her off by kissing down her chest, mouthing her nipples through the dark fabric. The heat of his mouth combined with the coolness of the room make her nipples stand at attention, pebbling at the fabric.
Kylo depends further, and puts his entire face against her still-clothed pussy, inhaling and licking her through the fabric. Rey is a whiny mess against the sheets, hair in every direction, full body blush. She hopes he thinks she’s hot because, god, she’s never sen anyone like him.
Kylo takes of her panties and immodestly begins lapping at her cunt, no warning or hesitation, making Rey give something of a moan and a yelp. Her hand goes to his hair, feeling the luscious locks between her fingers. His hands go to her ass, lifting her up slightly so he gets a better angle.
“You’re… too good… at this…” She manages between breaths. Rey would bet anything he’s smirking against her.
Kylo uses his nose to rub at her clit before alternating between kitten licks and sucking on it. It takes no time at all for Rey to come. So quickly, in fact, that she would be embarrassed if she could move. Her whole body is on fire as he licks her through it, occasionally using a hand to brush at her nipples. The tears streaming out of her eyes and drool gathering at the corner of her mouth must make her look ghastly, but Kylo doesn’t seem to mind.
When he finally sits back, still between her legs, she can make out the bulge from earlier, now even more prominent.
He’s looking down at her, at the mess he’s made of her, and against every instinct, she lets him.
“I don’t normally come that fast,” she tells him. Her voice is quiet even now, and she knows it’ll be strained tomorrow. Good, something to remember him by.
“It won’t take me that long to come, either,” he admits, having the kindness to look sheepish as he says it.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Kylo represses a smile.
He gets off the bed, shucking his pants, underwear, and socks off in one felt swoop, leaving him gorgeously bare before her. If she though the bulge was impressive, the real thing is even better. His cock is red and pointed upwards as he stands across from her. His hand goes to pump himself a few times, smearing the precome along his length. Rey can’t help but reach out, whole body going with her as she opens her mouth to bring Kylo towards her. His hand stops her, gently, and she looks up at him in confusion.
“I want to suck you off,” She tells him, brows still furrowed.
“Later,” he tells her.
Kylo pulls her back up the bed with him, so that he hovers over her as he kisses her again. She still taste herself on him, but can’t find the heart to care. Her hands go to wrap around him, feeling the thickness for herself. Huge is an understatement. But Rey’s always been ambitious.
She pumps him a little, feeling him nearly whimper in her mouth.
“You gonna let me fuck you, baby?” he murmurs.
“Yes… yes please…”
Rey feels his hand come over hers as Kylo slots himself between her legs and aligns his cock to her core. He slides in, slowly, stretching her the whole way. She pants against his skin, digs her nails into his shoulder.
“Tell me if it’s too much.” His voice sounds strained, like he’s holding back from her.
“It’s good, daddy… so good…” she pants.
He whines some curses against her skin as he finishes seating himself inside of her.
“… so good, sweetheart. Takin’ me so well… taking your daddy so well,” He mumbles, pressing kisses to any part of her skin. Rey can already feel the beginning of another orgasm itch inside of her, and for the first time in a while, she has no doubt that Kylo will get her there.
“Daddy… you can move… please,” She’s breathless as she asks him. He groans above her and rest his forehead against hers.
His hips being to move, still slow, but making her breath hitch ever shallow thrust.
“Tight… so tight for me…” He mumbles. Rey takes a minute to look at him, really look at him. He’s flushed, skin damp, but he’s still so very handsome. Moles dot his face and she can’t resist using a hand to trace them. His hair tickles her nose, so she pushes it back behind his ears, which are a bit too big for his head but she adores them.
Kylo lets Rey take him in, but gets her attention back to the moment with a quick snap of his hips.
“Can you come again?” He asks, and Rey nods. His mouth depends on her neck, sucking hickeys to every patch of skin it finds, as he pushes into her. She can feel the bump of his cock every time he bottoms out, a sensation she’s never felt before, and it makes her clench him every time. His hand skates down between them to get to her clit, and he quickly begins rubbing her there.
“Gonna let me fill you with my come? Gonna be a good girl and hold it all in? Can you do that for me baby? Huh?” His words send shivers down her spine, aiding in his pursuit to get her to come again. She mumbles incoherent words of approval, trying to tel him “yes, yes! I’ll be your good girl!” but speech fails her at the moment.
But Rey knows Kylo understands what she’s trying to say.
She feels his rhythm falter and his hand speeds against her clit. She tightens her legs around his hips, trying to wordlessly tell him she’s close too.
“Please, baby, please come for me…” His voice is desperate and strained and makes her shudder. Her hips find purchase against the base of his cock, in combination with the movement of his fingers, and she’s thrust into the abyss again.
Kylo holds her against him as she comes, whole body vibrating, and he follows after her. He grunts against a pillow as he comes, and Rey is distantly aware that he’s actually biting the poor thing. His come is hot within her, and she feels him pulse as he keeps slamming his hips to hers. The slapping of skin slows as she feels his body let go of the tension, and Rey is boneless beneath him.
He lays on her, still half-hard inside of her, as they come down from their mutual high. They are both breathing so heavily that speaking is out of the question, at least for a while. Kylo pulls out of her, and a mad rush of fluid starts to leak out of her. She clenches, remembering his words from earlier.
Part of her expects a coldness afterwards; after all, that’s what most sex has been for her. Once he’s come, he leaves. It’s the oldest story in the book. And for all Kylo’s talk of ‘stamina’, there’s still a part of her that expects it’s just a façade.
But he doest leave her, cold and debauched, to get redressed and make a hasty exit. Instead, he plants a kiss to the side of her jaw and rubs her torso sweetly before helping her sit up. She’s weak, and he knows it.
“We need to get you cleaned up,” He says when she slouch against him. She mumbles something unintelligible into his skin. Instead of getting rough with her, Kylo just soothes her. “Women are 38% more likely to get a UTI if they don’t pee after sex. That’s not a parting gift I’d like to give you,” he elaborates.
Rey sighs, but lets Kylo get her to the bathroom.
They sleep in spurts.
For a few hours after their first time, before Kylo wakes her with the incessant press of his hard cock into her abdomen. (He takes her even more slowly that time, sleepy and still blissed out. He comes before she does, but he uses his fingers to get her there, still.)
A few hours after that, Rey makes good on her promise to get her mouth on him, waking him with her mouth already working him. (His come tastes bitter and tangy, but she swallows it because it’s his.) She sits on his face afterwards, letting his tongue get her off again.
The next time she wakes, Kylo is kissing her chest, licking at her now oversensitive nipples. There’s a faint light peaking through the windows and Rey knows their time is coming to an end. She runs a hand through his hair to indicate she’s awake now, but he keeps on in his pursuit. Only when her chest spit-covered and shiny does Kylo seem satisfied with his work, and lifts his head to look at Rey.
“Good Morning,” She mumbles, voice strained as expected, and still groggy from sleep. He hums his response, and presses a sweet, lingering kiss to her lips.
Rey glances at the clock, noting its just past 7, when they both sit up in bed. Kylo goes to say something, but is cut off by the grumbling of Rey’s stomach. Her cheeks heat as his voice falls silent.
“Sorry… I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning,” she admits. Kylo’s brow furrows for a moment, but the dark expression passes fleetingly.
“Let’s rectify that first, shall we?”
The breakfast menu for room service is extensive, and Kylo orders one of everyone instead of actually looking it over. Rey can only half-heartedly try to tell him it was too much, when her eyes catch a glimpse of the fluffiest looking waffles she’s ever seen. Kylo had only kissed her head and ordered before walking into the shower.
It arrives in record time, a result, she’s sure, of the high-class hotel he got for them. The room, which she’d been too preoccupied to notice last night, is opulent. A bit gaudy for her taste (were gold curtains really necessary), but Rey was in no position to complain. She hesitated to put on actual clothes, instead opting for the plush robe that hung in the wardrobe.
Rey is half into the whole meal when Kylo emerges from the bathroom, towel hung low on his hips and hair still damp. Rey bites her lip so hard she draws blood. He sits across from her, picking up the two plates she hand’t touched.
“Greek Youghert and fruit? Don’t you want a waffle? I saved some whipped cream for you.” She extends the aforementioned whipped cream, earring her a slight smile from Kylo.
“You’re very kind, but no thank you. This is what I eat every morning,” he tells her. Rey scrunches her face. Kylo pours himself some black coffee too, and Rey finds the will to keep her mouth shut.
They eat in companionable silence, Rey scarfing down whatever her hands touch, and Kylo methodically eating his healthy-dude breakfast. Rey notes that neither of them are on their phones; it’s perhaps the first meal she’s had with someone in a while where that’s the case. Like everything else that’s made her heart flutter with him, she tries to ignore it.
Once the table is thoroughly pillaged, Kylo gets up to get dressed and says nothing when Rey hops on the bed and continues to watch him. He’s not embarrassed by nudity, clearly, and tosses the towel away for a solid 5 minutes before putting on underwear.
He’s fully dressed shortly and applies some product to his hair that has writing in french, yet Rey is still wearing only the robe and probably still has his come on her thighs. And other areas.
Part of her thinks he’ll just carry on with his routine as if she’s not there. He’ll pack his suit from the night before and leave the room without an second glance her way. Much to her relief, she’s wrong.
When he’s finally ready, Kylo turns toward her, leans down, and plants a soft kiss directly on her lips. It’s an infinitely more affectionate gesture than she had expected going into this, but a welcome one all the same. He stares fondly down at her when their lips part.
“The room is yours to use until 4 P.M., but I remember you have a noon curfew,” He tells her. Suddenly, Rey regrets telling Rose to call the national guard if she’s not physically in her presence before the clock strikes 12.
“I guess I’ll make do,” She teases.
They fall silent again, and for the second time that morning Kylo goes to say something, but falls short. The silence becomes too much for Rey to bear, so her cursed mouth opens of it on volition.
“I’m not sure how these are supposed to work… one night stands, I mean,” She admits. Something in Kylo’s face falls, but Rey can’t quite tell what.
“I don’t have much experience with these either,” he tells her. Rey shuffles onto her knees, so that they’re both eye-level, and extends her hand. Kylo looks at it with a hint of confusion mixed with amusement.
“Well, you’ve been a wonderful reddit-fuck. Thank you for posting,” she says, giving a mega-watt smile. He sakes her hand.
“And you’ve been a wonderful reddit-fuck-respondent. Thank you for critiquing my going about soliciting sex.” Rey opens her mouth in an exaggerated offense, but Kylo cuts her off with another sweet kiss.
She melts into it, holding his hair with her hands, letting herself mold to his torso as his tongue swipes her lower lip. The kiss is wonderful and hot and sweet all at the same time and makes her head spin.
When it’s over and she’s caught her breath again, a pang of nervousness infiltrates her consciousness. It’s over, it whispers, you’ll never see him again if you don’t do anything. He’ll leave, just like everyone else, if you let him.
“Do you have any more meetings?” She practically shouts at him. Kylo looks confused for a moment, so she goes on. “I just mean… if you needed someone to help… prepare you for your meetings, there’s a chance I’d be available.” Her voice grows softer as she keeps talking, suddenly feeling like an idiot for suggesting that at all. Before she has a chance to spiral, Kylo brings her back.
“I do… I mean, I will. That would be… very gracious of you, to offer you help.” She bites her lip to keep from smiling too hard.
“Okay, good.” She nods at him, relief washing over her as she realizes she might not be the only one who doesn’t want to let this go.
It’s a new feeling that probably shouldn’t be attached to a person whom was very clear about their desire for a no-strings hook up, but Rey has always had a preference for things that are challenging.
Kylo Ren seems as good a challenge as any.
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