#this is not a new problem but jfklasdfjdl some things never change u know
thegempage ยท 2 years
pls know that i am 100% not mad nor is this directed at anyone, i'm just genuinely amused fjkadlsfjdsa. anyway. i can't help but laugh when i'm like, looking to talk about my writing bcus now that i've pretty solidly stopped writing for taz, the things i write are like
fics for riftdale, a podcast with a consistent audience of like, 12 people (it's good tho) (check out tales from riftdale)
fics for poll for initiative, an actual play series with a consistent audience of four people and a handful of people who are interested but currently behind (also very good) (highly recommend poll for initiative)
also atm most of my pfi fics are angst. working on that. also the two i've published are both Huge spoilers
fics for homestuck, a media which, while it does have a fandom, is a somewhat quieter fandom, esp considering that the main thing i'm writing (and only thing i'm currently publishing) is Highly specific to me (and hasn't updated since june) (working on it, working on it)
original works with characters no one knows about bcus the last time i seriously wrote prose for this universe with another person was, at this point, probably almost a decade ago, and with someone i have not spoken to in five years, so i've been sitting in my corner designing characters, lore, and ideas alone and changing them on whatever whim i happen to have
which, as you can imagine, can be a hard bunch to "sell" when i want to talk about my writing jfdklasfdkl
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