#this is my hc about how cas knows about the dean cave before sam btw
freetobecelestial · 1 year
day 5 of starcrosseddeancas drabble event : cowboy boots
“Dean, please! We need to get going! Before the dead have all risen and walked off!”
“Cool your jets, Sammy! We’ll get there faster if you’d quit screaming every ten seconds!”
Dean looked around his room once again, though fat load of good it’d do; they weren’t there four seconds ago either.
“Dean, you’re brother is going to pop a blood vessel if we don’t leave now.”
Dean shot around to see Cas standing in the door-still just as incredibly jarring-with his most impatient face on.
“Yeah, Cas, I know, I’m almost ready, I’m just looking for one last… thing… THE DEAN CAVE!” And he took off like a bullet.
There, on the floor next to one of the boxes, were his cowboy boots.
As Dean turned around, boots in hand, Cas was just behind him inside the door, looking around.
“Dean, what is the ‘Dean Cave’?”
“Oh Cas, I’m so glad you asked.”
“GUYS, PLEASE!” Sam shouted from down the hall.
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