#this is my edgy diary everybody just pretend we're goths on livejournal in the 2004
ifidied ยท 5 months
I need that eternal sunshine of the spotless mind person erasure so fucking bad like fuck you how fucking dare you just waltz back in like nothing ever fucking happened??? You're the one who said you didn't want me anymore and it hurt and I tried so hard to move on and I did but now you just litteraly waltz up next to me like nothing happened, offering to buy me a drink and acting all buddy buddy. You even fucking texted me and imposed yourself on my night and you know what? I felt fucking bad for you and I hate that, you ruined my night it was just supposed to be me and my friends but no, like she said, you think you can just walk in and out of people's life as you please. The worst part is now I can't stop thinking about you despite hating you, this is last summer all over again. I wish you would just fucking die and let me move on again
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