#this is me trying to telepathically submit vibes to everyone
driftwccds · 4 months
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-ˋˏ ꒰ 🐚 ꒱ ── wanted connections ( again )
just a wee little disclaimer : my plots are very malleable and very open ended, meaning that if you have an idea that’s inspired by one of these but it doesn’t quite fit your character exactly i’m very open to changing details to ensure it fits both characters! i think it’s super important for plots to have balance so i tried to make everything written here separated from the personality/bio from the potential other muse so that way it’s easier to find something that works for everybody. i also prefer to write mostly via chemistry on the dash, so not everything needs to be worked out immediately either. i kept it a variety of age ranges/plot types ; some are a lot sillier/goofier and some are a little bit more entwined i think with who he is as a person, but again, i’m leaving everything open to ideas and i’m just hoping this inspires someone with something. 
( p.s. if you recognize repeats of plots i’ve asked for before look away i’m still waiting. )
tw for mentions of the boating accident bc unfortunately his whole personality is being sad
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CHILDHOOD FRIENDS/OLD FAMILY FRIENDS/UNIVERSITY FRIENDS : rohan grew up in falmouth, england & went to school in both california & vancouver, but he’s travelled all over the place for career purposes, so there’s a lot of potential to be able to give reasons why him and any other character have known each other for a long time. it could be that they grew up on the same street as kids, or the other muses parents were also big scientists and they knew each other because their parents were colleagues, or they were roommates during university, or they worked on a project together and stayed in touch… any reason for them to have known each other for a long time works. it’s likely that after the accident that rohan cut most of the people off in his life that he knew, so it’s likely that he went no contact with anyone whom he was friends with prior… it’s also possible they lost contact even years before that.
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS/PAST PARTNERS ( SIBLING VERSION ) : as like an offshoot of the above plot, i think it would be a really interesting dynamic if there was a character who had been close with one of his two sisters in some capacity. he has two: an older sister (the one in the accident) and then his younger sister (she lives but he doesn’t talk to her much if at all). this could be a past partner that was around for family events and was close with the family or it could have been a younger/older friend of either sister as well… this opens the age range for the childhood friendship thing a little more and offers an interesting dynamic! the muse could have no idea about the accident or they could, depending on their bio and the tone of the connection we want to write! it’s all very open ended.
PAST ONE NIGHT-STAND ADJACENT PLOTS: in case anyone was wondering rohan is bitchless BY CHOICE!!! he does not need drew or luna or astrid or anybody’s help (at least that’s what he’ll say). realistically i just think between the traveling and the valparaíso-ing there’s probably some room for chance encounters. he’s pretty and got some ? weird guy ? rizz ?? (maybe?? i dont get to be the one who decides that). i don’t have a lot of specific ideas i think this something that would really depend on the likelihood of the characters coming into contact with each other but the only thing is that i think he’s very blunt & honest and would be pretty up front about not wanting anything to come from it if it was post-accident. it could be something that happened recently since he got to valpo or it could be something from when he was traveling down the coast, it could have gone poorly it could have gone well, maybe something almost happened but for whatever reason it didn’t? either way nowadays he’d be incredibly awkward probably around that muse and i think it would be FUNNY.
COLLEAGUES/SCIENTIFIC OR ACADEMIC PEERS : i think tbh this doesn’t have to specifically relate to the area of work that he’s in, and they don't have to be working together at all either for them to know each other via past projects or something. it would be funny to see him consulting with other people in other career fields on different things, but also people who’s brains he could pick i guess would also be it. smart people things ig. alternatively it could also be students who are studying in a field that's adjacent to him.
RESEARCH PARTNER : as another adjacent plot to the above one, if there’s a character that’s specifically into marine biology or conservation or would have a more specific project they could be working on that he is also working on, i think it would be really funny if there was someone that rohan got paired up with on a grant or something and he does not want to have to work with them. he probably doesn’t thrive with teamwork, especially nowadays, so it would be very funny to see him trying to work on a project with someone where he has to give up some semblance of control about it.
FELLOW VOLUNTEERS : one of the things rohan does through his job is work w/ a lot of conservation groups so i think he does spend some extra time working with those groups like volunteer wise, like on the boards or even just doing grunt work (continuing on his family’s work or whatever blah blah blah) anyway if there are characters who also have an interest who would volunteer in a similar sort of way then i could see him being a bit more likely to open up or befriend them??? less grouchy upon meeting LMAOOO an easier friendship.
EX-ADJACENT PLOT : this isn’t really like a huge part of his backstory but like it makes sense that at the time of the accident he would have had a long term partner at some point??? like maybe they weren’t anything really that serious bc they were both really focused on their respective careers but they were together for a while in that easy going capacity, but then for whatever reason they break up. (it could be because of the accident and him deciding he doesn’t want to lose more people like that blah blah blah but it could have happened before that too depending on if there’s a reason the other muse would have!)
SILLY CRUSH PLOTS / UNREQUITED PLOTS : this one is a little self indulgent and just generally silly because i personally like putting rohan in situations that raise his blood pressure so bare with me for a minute. i think it would be funny if there was a character that was a character that was younger than him that had a mild mild crush on him in the way that you do a coworker that you think is really cool. like you want shifts w/ them and you want them to think you’re really funny type thing. maybe crush isn't even the right word for what i'm trying to explain : admiration ? IDK and like he’s obviously oblivious to it but now there’s another young person following him around doing stupid shit and he feels like he has this entirely platonic but gentle moral obligation to make sure they’re doing ok. like when a baby animal starts following you around and you’re like oh i guess im responsible for you now. and in turn that just makes the whole situation worse. OR ALTERNATIVELY : an older muse that rohan gets really clumsy and nervous and weird around bc he thinks they’re good looking or charming or whatever but that feeling is 100% one sided and they’re just like hey buddy… are you doing okay... literally nothing serious about it. i just think either way it’s a really goofy dynamic.
UNLIKELY FREINDSHIPS/CONFIDANT : someone whom is very much the opposite of him but somehow they’re actually really good friends. one of the few people he like actually makes an effort to think about (to the extent that he does that which is very little.) it makes it funny bc why are you even friends? but it’s due to the niche interests they can info dump on each other about.
MISC : yet again i am asking for people who he would (very very badly) play music with (he has javi but i feel like there’s always an opening for more), people who aren’t there to drive him up the walls and are a little bit calmer that he can be friends with, the usual plots everyone always wants like neighbours and friends, etc etc
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yuzurk · 4 years
「  How’s this? 」 ⇢ RK Heartz Audition Solo ⇢ Small step for her career, huge leap for the Yuzu
“ impatience wasn’t her motivation. more so the adventure and hunger for new challenges. ”
When the announcement came, it was almost like her and Gahyeon had a telepathic conversation. They waited until they were home because there was no need to wake sleeping dogs if things hadn’t been discussed and talked about. The two were quick to jump to a conclusion though: they’d try out. When Gahyeon had first opened up about feeling restless and lost, Yuzu had just waited for a new opportunity. Thankfully it seemed like sphere was still looking for girls and so the debating began.
Yuzu was thankful to the opportunity but she also had taken three tries to get into the company and she was still worried about the stigma following her for being song jieun’s cousin. she wonders if following her cousin’s path and moving to sphere would only fuel the comparison but gahyeon and her were a team. 
they had promised to stay together so they’d go together.
the theme was perfect for them as well! a girl crush concept was exactly right up their alley and yuzu was all too eager to run her ideas by her roommate and allow them to hype each other up for this. the song choice gahyeon had chosen for herself was perfect for her, that was for sure. yuzu was confident in her own choice as well she only hoped she was good enough for them to consider her. 
among the royal girls she was the newest girl and she had no idea who else would apply for this kind of opportunity. she had been turned down once by the other ceos during the mgas and mustering up the courage to put herself out there again was a lot. she had practiced hard since coming to royal. her dancing was decent at worst and her singing and rapping skills had improved massively.
she was a legit triple threat now.
setting up the camera in the practice room after thoroughly preparing this song, she adjusted the taped on mic she had purchased from her own pocket solely for this audition. having a knack for technology it came in handy that she could provide high quality content for her audition alone. satisfied with the set up she checked a last time if the video was running before taking a step back with a smile. “good day, sphere staff -nims I’m Choi Yena and will submit this video as my audition for heartz,” she begins with a bow of her head before beaming a bright grin at the lens that really was more that of an adorable munchkin than a girl crush potential. 
“To highlight my variety of skills I shall present you a triple threat performance with “how’s this”! Please enjoy,” she rounds off her introduction, the streamer antics still laced into her speech a little. 
She comes quiet then, looking down at the ground and waiting for the song to start. The video itself had been cut of course but except for perhaps Yuzu standing a millimetre off to the left there was no indication in her expression or posture. 
As the song began it was like a switch had been swapped. All her adorable smiles and gentle voice was gone and replaced by strong, raspy vocals and charismatic movements. Going from cute to girl crush in a matter of seconds was after all a strength of hers many had called her out for before. She had planed to deliver and deliver she did. A one take audition that had taken several tries to get right as shown by the way her bangs were slightly sweaty in the take she decided to use for her final cut. 
Yuzu loved the song. It was bratty, it was confident and it was teasing but most of all it was cool and she could make heads turn with this. She even let a smirk slip into her performance here and there, adding a wink where she saw appropriate and licking her fingers for that extra touch of ~swag~. It was obvious she felt beyond comfortable in the concept and had no issue falling into it and executing it.
Movements sharp and guided with purpose, she managed to keep her vocals steady for the most part as well. Having good stamina and practice under her belt surely had made her a much better performer than what she used to be when Baek Jiyoung saw her at the mgas last. Also seeing her perform during the last eval she knew that Yuzu’s talents extended beyond being a good performer to playing an instrument as well and having a gentle voice that worked with acoustic covers as well. They hadn’t after all won that trip for no reason. The more she danced the more confident she became, running a hand through her hair or doing a hair-flip just for that extra flare of OOMPF to really drive that girl crush vibe home.
She wanted this. For herself and for Gahyeon. They wanted this together and even if they applied separately, Yuzu gave 210% to not hold her best friend back so they could both debut under this new group together. With also Minhee eonni in mind, the desire to make it was even stronger. She’d show everyone this time that she was more than just a funny entertainer. She had improved and she had come to slay and she wasn’t letting anyone off easy.
Eyes fierce as she dropped into her finishing pose the female breathed heavily and let herself rest for several seconds before rising back to her feed and inhaling one last calming breath to steady her voice again.
“This concludes my audition. I hope you enjoyed my performance and will seriously consider adding me to your project. I promise to not disappoint if given the chance,” the girl rounds up with another bow before tapping forward towards the camera with a giddy squeal. The last part she decided to leave in if only to accentuate her duality and variety again.
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