#this is literally just me rambling its so bad ly written out eugh
qimranct-blog · 7 years
oK SO WAKABA AS THE PERSON WORKING FOR SHIDO, this is really badly written for my entertainment btw so dont take my joke dialouge too seriously
Ok so I am still hammering this out and feel free to add your own pinion on how this can be better bc tbh i only played the game once when it first came out so my memory is foggy. Lets start form the beegining: wakaba is doing some cognitive pscience shit and making great progress, shes learning more about the cognitive world than she ever imagined shed be able to without the ability to enter it.
This research reaches shido in some way or another and hey that sounds exploitable lets talk pscience. Wakabas doing her thing and shidos just chillin, watching from the side lines in case anything good comes of that.
Some good comes of that, shes got some clues on things like personas, other worlds, random bull thats been going down with persona shit all this time. Shes making SERIOUS progress and shido wants in on this shit, he wants more progress, he want the persona user.
She has none for him, hes not having that shit
he does some digging into the background of people related to the research. some way or another he gets what he needs on forcing a persona onto a person who would other wise not have any, he insists wakaba try it. she could learn so much more if she could just enter the cognitive world and with her research she can do SO MUCH with a persona.
shes not buying that bull, shes got a daughter to worry about that she would rather not endanger by forcing a inner self demon creature into her fucking soul. Masayoshit shidont does not like this, hes an angry egg head. "ill break that 2+2 not knowing ass childs leg if you dont do it u fuckin assmunch. i m an ass hole LISTEN TO ME" and wakaba knowing damn well that technically he has the power to do that... tries to talk him out of that. THERES no need to go this far. hes going this far though so shes got a choice to make.
She starts reading up on how to give a person a persona. Its awful, its balls its the pits and theres no way shes forcing that on anyone. not a chance in hell. But shes got to do something for futabas sake. Shes gonna use herself as the subject for this.
but theres one thing that hits her, the persona will aboslutely try to kill you out of no where regardless of where you are, cognitive world or not. not good, shes gotta give up a lot to make this work and that kind of includes futaba. she tries to make masayoshi change his mind and he suggests making someone else do it. She says no, thats torture. hes...he dont care, if she doesnt futaba is fucking dead.
wakaba tries to reason with him "if i do thins i cant be near futaba!" she says and he say "FUCK YOU AND YOU R DAMN DAUGHTER IM GONNA GO BUST HER KNEE CAPS YOU FUCKIN SHRUB." wAKABA INSISTS ON HIM NOT. He wont if she just does what he says. so she does. shes got that persona in her some way or another and boy is it suffering, its been trying to kill her all week. futaba is safe tho, shes still trying to be a good mom but things are looking grim, she tells sojiro if she dies suddenly then well, shits weird.
so yeah shes got a persona and shes doing everything he would have made goro do except her persona wants to kill her every 20 minutes like damn. chill. Shes got the suppressant pills yeah but even still this is suffering.
so yeah now her death. She was supposedly killed in front of futaba at one point. this sitll happens, except its not a mental shutdown that "kills" her, she gets attacked by her persona and falls into an open sewer hole or whatever you call those thing sand yEAH SOMETIMES THEYRE JUST LEFT OPEN IN PLACES IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES YALL ITS NOT A STRETCH, but if it is feel free to punch me. and she falls into the water below, except she does not, she moves into the cognitive world and fights that bitch of a persona with more pills. Shido, has plans tho as he sees of what happened and decides, lmao yeah no lets just let you stay dead. and has people waiting for her where she entered the cognitive world to grab her before she can go home and bring her to him. He tells her she could have died and that hes sure shes no longer going to be able to take care of futaba in this state, that she should probably just stay dead since they reports on what happened say she fell and just vanished.
She...agrees??? i mean shes almost died like 12 times in the span of a week and shits getting bad. shes a danger to futaba. if she stays with him hes got his hands on the pills she needs and shes never too far away from the one giving her her missions so she can not only do what he says but finish her research however reluctantly considering the horrible things he has her doing.
now skipping on to when the phantom thieves become a thing. Shes,,,,doing the things that goro would have done. except since this has to do with my au theres not pretty detective prince on tv to antagonize the group, other than that everything goes the same,
wakaba does what shes doing and does not even know futaba is a phantom theif until shidos palace.
but before we get to that, saes palace.
the group does saes palace and it goes off without a hitch. alls chill. they live. im still not sure what to do with this part because everyone thought akira was dead because of the after math of this so tbh if yall got any ideas here...shoot so yeah shidos palace, they get there, get through every one, and get to where they would be going against goro but no its wakaba, futaba is shook, wakaba is shook, the whole squad is shook. 
wakaba is a little heart broken, shes fighting so hard to protect futaba and shes putting herself in harms way. She tells futaba to just stop all this and ust stay safe, she would take her place in the p thieves so long as it mean she was safe. futaba does not agree to this
wakaba is not pleased, she makes an offer "ok, well, im pretty strong so all of you fight me and prove that i can trust you to protect yourselves against the nightmare that is shadow shido so i dont have to worry about futaba being hurt," they kick her ass, she has never been more happy, she tells futaba shes happy to have been beaten and shes willing to go help them fight shido except HAHA FUCK YOU SHES NOT!
shes weak from the battle and her persona ssees it as the perfect time to strike her dead in one fucking hit dead. futaba is mortified.
wakaba is fucking pissed and with her dying breath shes just futa baby i love you please destroy that ass hole that tore us apart. ded.
rest of the game proceeds as normal, idk its late and i got no sleep and this is not written well at all bye,
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