#this is like pll: os all over again
mysticdevils · 1 year
y’all please i need some mutuals to dm about ahs delicate bc none of my current ones are watching it and none of my irl friends are and i NEED SOMEONE
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x04 thoughts
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x04 of Summer School
okay y'all, I've done my nails, washed my hair, I've got my under eye masks on, and a box of old fashioned butter fudge, let's watch 2x04.
EDIT: just a fair warning, I'm absolutely overthinking (I like overthinking) and if you aren't interested in someone overanalyzing a tv show down to the tiniest detail, this post is not for you.
We're officially halfway through the season!
In the "previously on" recap, they play that clip of Mrs. Beasley saying, "we must all do our part to save those who are worthy," (<< or something very close to that), which certainly plays into my "sinners" being punished Mrs. Beasley/Pastor Malachi "Bloody Rose" theories, but I also worry about the show specifically bringing our attention to it this early on.
One thing that I've been thinking about more and more, which makes this season a little difficult to predict, is that we don't really know what "Rose" wants. We have really 0 concrete motivation at this point. In season 1, while we didn't know how all the pieces fit together, we knew the A storyline was centered around Angela, her death, and the role the moms played in it. Since "Bloody Rose" isn't actually Rose Waters (or certainly doesn't seem to be), we don't really know why she's tormenting the Liars, or why she's killing other people. While I've been working on my "sinners" theory, and this episode definitely has some elements that play into that, the lack of a defined "goal" keeps us guessing a lot more this season.
Rose Waters - Are we convinced that the "actual" Rose Water IS Rose Waters? While I've never really thought "Bloody Rose" is Rose, it does put my guard up that the girls immediately buy in to her being the real Rose. I'm not sure rn.
I’ve taken note of the SpookySpaghetti Waters Family films, and I haven’t talked about them at all before, because they’re pretty much just going over stuff (in an incredibly dramatized way) we already know, and I could honestly go the rest of my life never hearing Mouse say “SpookySpaghetti” again, like we GET it, but considering how much screentime they’re giving the plot line, I do have to consider the fact that the films & website may be more important than just a convenient place to dump info & have "Rose" contact people. One thought that comes to mind (despite the character being largely absent so far this season), is that Wes told Tabby in 2X01 that the film festival she was rejected from had rejected him 3 times. We know he’s obsessed with horror, and he’s the one who talked Tabby into posting her film online in order to get it out there. Could the films we’re seeing be Wes’ rejected festival films? Does it matter? This is what I mean when I say I overthink things.
The fact that ROSE is using the “final girl” terminology does immediately make me think of Wes & Christian. It’s kind of hard to imagine Mrs. Beasley (who has been my top suspect since 2x01) knowing/using the “final girl” label, and Wes did quite literally call Tabby a final girl at the beginning of the season, but I don’t feel I can draw any strong conclusions on this one, just taking note. 
In that vein of thought... Chip/Christian - I know I was not initially sold on the “Christian is connected to Chip” theories, because it feels like a retread of old ground, BUT I’m a little suspicious that they haven’t really brought Chip and his mom up since the first episode, other than Tabby having flashbacks of him & seeing similarities in Christian. I also noticed Christian referred to Tabby as a final girl (though he does so in relation to her potentially starring in the film), which is terminology I am keeping my eyes open for from anyone other than the main girls. I’m still not completely sold on the suspicions of Christian, but the fact they AREN’T pointing at him right now (which I expected them to do as soon as they realized the Bloody Rose situation was an actual threat since he literally has A and Rose masks in his basement) has me re-evaluating his threat level.
Dr. Sullivan - This character has been a tough one for me. I know she’s from the original show, and a lot of people think that rules her out. I’m not so sure about that (if they’re willing to take jabs at Ezra, a main character from a very popular [but also despised] ship, then I wouldn’t be surprised if they took other characters from the original show and changed the perception of them), and honestly I don’t remember her. It’s been a LONG time since I watched the original show, so I’m missing some of the context with this character. It’s also difficult to know what her motivation would be- yes, it seems Rose was one of her patients, there is a connection, but if she IS behind things, I think we’re missing some really vital information, presumably about the “loss” that is hinted at when Imogen is talking to her this episode. Surely that’s coming back around at some point (is this info we have about her from the main show and I just don’t know it? Someone help me out here). It feels like Dr. Sullivan's past has a part to play, but is she a bad guy? IDK. That being said, we have no proof that Dr. Sullivan was actually pushed down the stairs. She could have just as easily injured herself escaping the fire during Mouse’s test. 
Mothers and daughters, mothers and daughters, mothers and daughters, this is haunting me. Everything is about mothers and daughters- basically all of season 1, Rose’s lore, Imogen’s plot, Kelly’s plot, etc. Mothers betraying daughters (Rose’s abuse of Angela, Noa’s mom letting her take the fall for her drugs, Faran’s mom causing her permanent injury/pain with unnecessary surgery, infantilizing/stunting Mouse, failing Karen & isolating/abusing Kelly, etc. etc.), Mothers protecting daughters (Davie’s support of Imogen, Imogen’s fears for Estelle, Tabby’s mom threatening Wes, etc.). This feels so central and so important to the identity of this show, but I feel like I’m missing an important puzzle piece here.
Not important, but like, y’all where can I get one of these jobs where you can just leave because things are “slow” or take a nap in the office because you’re tired and still get paid? 
Henry - The Henry/Faran relationship still feels very tenuous/on the rocks. We know so little about Henry, and sometimes he does feel just flat out obsessed with Faran (which, like, I get it, but you’re in a slasher/murder mystery, so…) like, “I just wanna be close to you,” sounds nice, but feels weird. IDK. I have the same problem with being suspicious of Henry that I do with Ash, which is that we’ve never been given any indication of what their connection could be to the larger events at play and we’ve also never been given a particularly good motive for why they might do terrible things to terrorize their girlfriends (Ash more than Henry because I GUESS Henry could be super mad at Faran for the dance stuff, but that feels like it’s pushing it quite a bit) and most, if not all of their scenes, revolve around their girlfriends. Speaking of-
Ash - I don’t have a lot to say here because we get very little new info to work with here. He’s done nothing particularly suspicious (other than being by himself during the Rose search scene, meaning he could have called Faran as "Rose") and I have no idea what his motive could be, so I don’t have a valid reason to put him on my suspect list. He currently has no known connection to Rose, Archie, Angela, and the Millwood past. He currently has no known connection to the church (and considering some of the other topics we see the church condemn, it seems unlikely they are accepting of trans identities). Also, I like him, so until he says or does something that triggers suspicion, I’m gonna allow myself to think the best of him. BUT-
Um. Are we gonna talk about Red Right Hand playing over Mouse & Ash’s search scene or…? Like I said, I have no solid reason to suspect Ash, but you cannot play that song without invoking Scream and NEVER TRUST THE LOVE INTEREST. Are they fucking with us? Is that what this is? Also, from a production standpoint, why was Jordan Gonzalez upgraded to a main cast member this season when this is all the screen time he’s had so far? It doesn’t feel like more than season 1 yet, so does that mean he’ll have a heftier role in the back half of the season? I am spiraling, y’all. 
Idk that calling the somewhat obsessed mom (not that I blame Imogen for her overprotective feelings) of your infant daughter to come babysit when you’ve been trying to get her to leave you alone makes ANY sense, particularly since Imogen implied earlier that they don’t even know about the Millwood stuff that could make Estelle a target, but okay?
Johnny - We really don't learn anything about him this episode. Imogen has been through so much, and last season Shawn, Henry, and Ash all turned out good (within the context of that season, who knows this season), so I'm just going to hope this is a good thing for Imogen. That's really all I have to say about this right now. My judgement of him is pending.
Okaaayyy, let's talk about Shawn/Noa/Jen - I've said my piece before about my dislike of infidelity plots and love triangles, there's no need to go further into that here. If there's one saving grace of this plot, it's that I think it could have very important ties to the overall plot of the season ("could" being the operative word here). As I've mentioned before, if Shawn actually learned about Noa & Jen's relationship at some point in the past, he absolutely could be plotting longterm revenge. It almost seems like he almost has to be bad to somewhat soften the blow of Noa's actions, but... maybe they just are working up towards him dumping her. If he's done nothing wrong, then holy hell this is awful for him. I mean, not only did your girlfriend cheat on you (presumably more than once, since Shawn & Noa were a couple when she was in juvie, too), but she also convinced you to give her $2,000 dollars to bail out her "friend" (which, by the way, she also lied to you about why that friend was arrested) who she immediately cheats on you with. Regardless of Shawn's role in the story, that is seriously messed up of Noa. If Shawn is bad, she doesn't know it, so wtf. I'm also really curious about Jen as an individual. She brings up her mom a lot (and uses that connection she has with Noa with her mom being an addict) and the need for money for her mom's rehab (is that even why she needs money?) and with the themes of this show, that doesn't feel like a throwaway thing. We never see her father (also she never mentions a stepmother or a relationship for her father, but there's loads of women's clothes in that house, so are those Jen's clothes? Her mom's old clothes? A partner her father has that just wasn't mentioned?) so we can only take her word for who he is and what he's like, and that's kind of hard to do, considering everything. And was that even her Dad's house? I can't help but wonder if Jen has deeper ties to the main plot than we realize. If not, I think it's certainly a good bet that Noa's "test" will involve her love triangle. She's definitely the most "mysterious" of the new love interests so far this season. While I don't love infidelity plot lines, I'm interested to see where all this goes.
“Rose” - I’m going to make an assumption here (maybe I shouldn’t), that much like Ghostface, Rose’s strength/agility is not necessarily realistic to the character under the mask. And because I think this, I’m not going to waste time comparing her size/strength/agility to Faran. 
Quick Note: Of course I was screaming at Faran not to go and play along with "Rose," but regardless I love her and she's strong as hell.
Alright. It's time for the Kelly/Mrs. Beasley/Pastor Malachi/Church plot discussion.
First of all, obviously everything about Kelly's plot/scenes in this episode are massive red flags, and I'm not sure whether to feel validated or like that's massive distraction technique. We are halfway through the season, maybe it's not too early for this. Or maybe the church being involved in the Rose plot (if they are) isn't meant to be a twist, but some of the characters involved are? It does bother me that the show is leaning so hard into the cult-like aspects of the church, because obviously that makes them incredibly suspicious. And what the hell is happening to Kelly?? Like what did we not see?
Kairos - Okay, this was something I had to look up, because wtf. They just dropped this so casually in with Kelly mentioning group therapy and trauma bonding, but this is a really specific bit of terminology. So, it’s safe to say that I waded through some religious stuff I was not familiar with in order to try to get a better understanding of this. Kairos (Caerus) is, in Greek mythology, the personification of opportunity. He is associated with the “fleeting moment” where the scales may tip in one direction or another. “Kairos moments” refers to the right moment for decision/action. In Christianity, Kairos is “the appointed time in the purpose of God.” So anyway, I ended up reading a bunch of Bible verses picked out by various “Kairos” groups, and basically it seems like the Christian interpretation and usage of “Kairos” is often related to the concept of conversion. Kairos is a dangerous time, a moment where you have an opportunity that you will not have again, but one that can lead to positive transformation and, if you miss it, immeasurable loss. There was also a section about submitting to the judgement of authority and how rebelling against this authority is an affront to God (and if that doesn’t feel related to Kelly’s storyline idk what does) and how you can bring ruin and judgement on yourself through things like “adultery” “murdering” “stealing” “coveting”. All of this fits in very much into the concept I’ve had of “Rose” punishing “sinners” and viewing herself as God’s Judgement. BUT is it too early for us to have all this stuff just pointing straight at the church?? It seems too early. Oh, and don’t think I didn’t notice how many of these “sins” Noa has committed in this episode alone. 
The constant bombardment of religious iconography, the church plot line being so present, Rose's backstory being directly linked to religious abuse, "sins" and "tests" being central to the plot of the story, the entire concept of the redemption house, the mention of kairos... At this point if the church stuff is a side plot and not directly related to Rose, I'm going to be disappointed, because I'd rather have coherent, well supported motive than a shocking "gotcha" moment. But we'll see.
OKAY, I think that's it from me tonight, y'all. Also I'm sorry for how many times I've written "y'all" in this post (I grew up in the south, I come by it naturally, I promise). Send me an ask or something if you want to spiral & overthink with me. 💜
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deliciouspirateangel · 4 months
ranting about pll os ss for longer than anyone cares to read <3
this show is so bad lasjfslkd. it is not a pretty little liars show. it wants to be scream the series or some other horror show so bad
what are the girls even lying about at this point?? they're not covering anything up. there are no hidden secrets snowballing into huge obstacles. the rapist's mom thinks they're liars but we know they arent
and i hate how besides tabby and imogen, none of the girls have relationships with one another. every episode is like. a scene of the five of them. then mouse with her boring boyfriend, faran with her boring boyfriend, tabby with her boring boyfriend, imogen with her boring boyfriend, noa with her boring boyfriend and weird not girlfriend. then a scene of the five of them again. its so disjointed
in all the episodes so far, i can think of ONE scene with a different pair interacting and its when imogen goes with faran instead of tabby to confront kelly, and it was for like thirty seconds in that last episode we just watched
also what is up with that girl noa is fooling around with?? like they have history, sure, but she is not worth this trouble. and why are all her friends so gung ho about it? do they not know she's literally cheating on her boyfriend? like hooray queer rep but girl. break up with your boyfriend or dont fool around with a girl on the sideee. especially not one thats gotten in trouble for breaking into two houses in the last like five days lmao bruh
i hate how tabby and faran look identical since they made faran stop straightening her hair. none of the girls have a distinct enough style to differentiate between them, and those two have the exact same skin color and hair texture and like. general build. hooray for diversity also but we cant get a darker skinned girl? a girl with braids? buzzed hair? or an extra short or extra tall girl or god forbid a fat girl? something so i can better tell who's who when they're running for their lives in the woods at night lmao
i also cant tell any of the boys apart cause 95% of them are white boys with brown hair but i care not at all about them at all sooo
imogen said that bloody rose looked like her mom but i think she was hallucinating again. it could be a twin thing but idk. they subverted the obvious "x twin dies but it was actually y twin" thing in s1 so maybe they'll subvert the "imogen's mom had a secret twin" thing that we're all expecting now? either way, they sure didnt feel like filming that scene and showing it to us
i also thought that scene where imogen grabs the ax to kill the power was so weird. i mean its not like i need to see her taking every single step in the process of walking over to the ax, picking it up, walking to the power thing, and swinging. but it still felt like an editing mistake or like some frames were missing lol
oh anyway i think bloody rose is kelly's mom but they'll try to subvert this by having kelly get attacked. but like she's a crazy religious nut and wants to cleanse the town of its sins and also that dog she had totally looked like one of the police dogs and her husband was a cop sooo. thats my guess
oh and i hate the character assassination of doctor sullivan and making her take the ezra fitz route by writing a book. that was just so weird and dumb and surely she would know better. maybe they realized they didnt really have any suspects so they tried to scrounge up a few really quick? idk man
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jaggedwolf · 21 days
pll rewatch 2x19
School sleepover time! Or: least effective anti-bullying workshop ever.
The vice principal asking for “Mrs Marin” gets both Ashley and Isabel to turn lolololol. I suppose we never learn Ashley’s maiden name. 
Is it odd to go by “Mrs” when you’re divorced? I can see keeping “Marin” to have the same name as Hanna. I am not hip with what the etiquette would be at this time, in school we learned it was safest to use “Ms” if the woman hadn’t specified. (Struck by the realization that “Mdm.” is a Singapore-specific title.)
Spencer has figured out that if she implies Emily is a scaredy-cat, Emily’s pride won’t let that stand and she’ll be like fuck you I’m not scared let’s do this
This will happen again in the future.
Emily still makes Aria talk on the phone though, thus roping Aria into this part of the mystery
The treatment of Hanna by the school is weird no matter what the school thinks. If they think Hanna did do it, and there is strong evidence suggesting she did, you probably should punish her more harshly than being in the same anti-bullying group as her victim? If you think she didn’t do it, she shouldn’t be punished at all?
It’s similar to how the school in the first episode of PLL: OS “punishes” our main girls
Ashley trusts that Hanna didn’t do it, but Hanna is so wound up and teary that I don’t blame her for asking again. Probably is scary to have your kid be this vague while being this scared. 
I’m assuming that every student is required to attend this Truth-Up bullshit, because no one is happy to be here. Is this a consequence of Sullivan’s talk to the school about bullying lmao, has talking to Sullivan made the liars’ lives worse in this way as well?
One of the groups consist of: Jenna, Caleb, Aria, Jason, Veronica
A fun mix of characters with a variety of connections — I really like it when characters get mixed up like this, even as Jason and Veronica prove themselves the worst facilitators for (1) apparently reading the instructions while their students are already here (2) having zero thoughts or resources for any kind of accommodation for Jenna’s blindness
Caleb is slouched so low in his chair that his head is below Aria’s, which works on a character level but I wonder if it helps the shot too. 
Mrs Marin runs “step forward if you feel XYZ” exercise, and proves herself the best facilitator. 
Emily takes gigantic steps even after Ashley tells her not to. Emily cares less about pleasing teachers than pleasing parents LMAO, if Ashley thought Emily would make this easier on her she was wrong. 
Ashley is smart enough to expect Mona’s sass here
Over in a different group, Hanna asks Ella if she really thinks Hanna is a bully the way Noel describes, and Ella doesn’t answer before Hanna storms off. (No one is supervising these teenagers effectively)
And it is interesting to contemplate, what the liar moms think of the liars who are not their daughters. And if they thought of the liars as bullies back when Ali was alive, which they were then. 
....Which is the non-Aria liar that Ella thinks best of? It’s not Spencer, given the way she handles the suspected Spencer/Ezra situation. Is it Emily? Emily got away with getting a makeup test for her makeup test, Ella goes out of her way to tell Pam the school has Emily’s back when Nick McCullers does his bullshit, and Ella will take another action in the future for Emily.
Though maybe it’s that she feels sorriest for Emily, actually. Emily might hate that.
Speaking of Emily, the vice principal is such a douche for publicly pulling Emily out of her group to chastise her about ~looking inwards~ and making other people at school feel unsafe.
He is 100% talking about the shovel nonsense and community service, so it would be fair for Emily to brush off his comments.
But Emily is Emily. She’s got a good heart. So, she does think about who she might’ve made feel unwelcome.
Emily: Mona, I know you heard what Tamborelli said to me, and I'm not proud of the stuff that went down when Alison was still here. She treated you badly, and I...I let her. I never tried to stop her, and I should have. I’m sorry.
Mona: Oh, honey. That was, like, two personalities ago. I am so not holding onto that.
I really like the way this scene is framed, with Mona facing away away from Emily towards the camera. Mona has a reaction to the apology that Emily does not get to see
Caleb and Jenna verbally spar in their group and my main thought is that they are both being very silly. Jenna, girl, you were getting someone to snoop through Hanna’s drawers you don’t have the moral high ground even with the slap. Caleb, you were the someone doing the snooping. 
Aria is so sketched out the baggie of pills in Holden’s bag that she would like to cancel their deal immediately. 
Holden turns out to be doing Tang Soo Do, a korean martial art, and I turn out to be annoyed at every reviewer/recapper who calls it karate. I’d misremembered it as kung fu, but I wasn’t writing/saying that right after viewing the episode. 
Caleb wants to try tracing the number from Hanna’s phone, because he is a sensible boy. They needed to like, have a dedicated hacking night with Caleb where he could go whole-hog on their phones without having first having ten billion debates among themselves first that A would overhear
Emily is sooo uncomfortable to be in the VP’s office. If Spencer and Mona interacting in a previous episode made Spencer display uncharacteristic compassion, Emily and Mona interacting this episode has Emily display uncharacteristic skullduggery. Maybe if Aria interacted with Mona she’d uncharacteristically kiss someone her own age. 
We have a gathering of the moms that are in town. Also note that zero dads have volunteered for this event. 
Ella: Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think Hanna did what she’s accused of. It could very well just be someone trying to make her look bad.
Veronica: Why? To what end?
Ella: I don’t know.
Ashley: Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like something’s happened to our girls. I’ve tried to protect Hanna, but when she lost Alison...
Ella: That’s why we went overseas. It was just to give Aria something else to think about besides that. 
Veronica:  I don’t think the moment was when they lost Alison. I think it was when they met Alison.
Ignoring how Ella’s comments make no sense with the timeline of Byron’s sabbatical, I like this conversation. I especially like Veronica identifying that meeting Alison is what affected the girls most deeply — Veronica wins worst liar mom, but when she bothers to pay attention I do get a sense that she can understand her kid. She just...isn’t bothered most of the time?? Truly out of sight out of mind with her, though her behaviour in S1 and in later seasons provides some on-the-scene terribleness as well. 
The vice principal reinstated some sportsball dude caught vandalizing because...the dude’s dad gave him fancy furniture for his office. Okay bro. 
Hanna figures out the Kate mystery herself! I’m glad she’s the one to solve it, and we get another iteration of the liars bursting out of bathroom stalls simultaneously
Noel and Jenna stare at the blacklight messages students have scrawled on the wall. The message we see are: “I’m still a virgin” / “My parents are illiterate” / “I HATE MY LIFE” / “I’ve never been kissed” / “I’M AFRAID OF MY DAD”
Which is unnerving, but my second thought is, some edgy teenager would totally write that regardless of what they know, like, it’s free real estate
I think Noel is supposed to be whispering these into Jenna’s ear, because that’s how these two get their rocks off. Aria walks in and is like uh....okay....bye....
I’d forgotten how deeply Spencer is shaken by the Peter is Jason’s father revelation. It’s one of those reveals I take for granted, but yeah, her reaction makes sense.
When Jason asks her who told her, Spencer says “Ali. A long time ago. I just...I didn’t hear it until tonight.”, and isn’t that a microcosm of the whole dang show
Ashely is so damn smug in the vice principal’s office about how her kid is a good kid, suck on that Isabel
Even Melissa doesn’t know Peter is Jason’s dad! Spencer is so betrayed.
When she says home is a joke, she’s felt that long before. 
Veronica saying if she’d known earlier, Spencer wouldn’t be here....okay Veronica....
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universitaire-maigre · 4 months
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Obligatory academic validation post to let you all know I'm still alive, just obsessing over my exam and work and allowing very little time for anything else. Getting this license and raise at work will bump me up to a nice, comfortable salary. I'm still aiming for a perfect store but any 90% will make me happy- I just have to beat L's score, he had the best in the branch. Did I mention he left? So now I'm the most senior and knowledgeable in my position and I've only been in it for 9 months but that's just because the "original" staff all left. I hate being part of adjustments and major changes. So awkward and uncomfortable (and infuriating at times).
I have my next hobbies lined up after this and ready to focus on weight loss again. Much lighter and less stressful hobbies.
I've pretty much maintained my weight which is better than gaining but I've been too focused on progressing at work and moving up (which is much more exhausting than I was expecting but I also haven't been keeping up with my medications so that might be part of it also).
Anyway, hi- I'm still alive and just checking in.
Goals in mind, not mood.
Oh, speaking of A, the new PLL[OS/SS]?! really liking it so far and I've heard rumor of a few original cast showing up?? Living for it. I hope this one doesn't get cancelled. I can't wait for their fall and winter seasons/fashion.
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certainheartrunaway · 5 years
Airspy HF+ Discovery on pre-order
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The Airspy HF+ Discovery sets a new standard in terms of reception performance with extra pre-selectors for all the supported bands and a New DSP Core to optimize the gain distribution and the filtering parameters in real-time and dig deeper in the noise.
The signal path includes very high dynamic range data converters along with high performance passive mixers with an excellent Polyphase Harmonic Rejection structure. The included band-tracking pre-selectors eliminate unwanted interference and preserve the dynamic range of the receiver. With its world class strong signal handling capability and incredibly Low Noise, the HF+ Discovery is the ideal companion for All your High Performance Receive Scenarios.
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VHF Tuners
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Once the IF signal is digitalized, the high sample rate I/Q stream is then frequency translated and processed with cascaded CIC and FIR decimation stages. After every stage, the sample rate is reduced and the resolution increased. The final signal at the output has 18bit resolution and an alias rejection performance of 108 dBc. The data is then scaled to 16bit and sent to the Micro-Controller for streaming over USB.
Architectural Advantages
The main advantages over techniques from the legacy super-heterodynes up to the now mainstream direct sampling is that the whole receiver chain is well protected against out of band blockers while still relaxing the RF filtering constraints, making it simple and cost effective. The natural filtering of the sigma-delta ADC combined with the excellent linearity and sensitivity of the analog chain reaches an unprecedented level of performance and integration.
Use it over the network!
Connect as many SDR applications as needed to the HF+ Discovery, over the Internet or in your own local network with near zero latency thanks to the new SPY Server software. This setup basically brings all the flexibility of Web based SDRs while still benefiting from the full power of desktop applications. The IQ data is processed in the server with state of the art DSP and only the required chunk of spectrum is sent over the network. What is sent is the actual IQ signal, not compressed audio. This means you can use all your favorite plugins to process the IF, eliminate noise and perform heavy lifting of the signals as you are used to do with locally connected SDR’s. We have a tradition of building multi-tools, so we made sure the SPY Server runs on 32/64bit Windows and Linux on Intel and ARM processors without any compromises. Low cost Raspberry Pi 3 and Odroid boards are in the party.
Technical specifications
HF coverage between 0.5 kHz .. 31 MHz
VHF coverage between 60 .. 260 MHz
-140.0 dBm (0.02 µV / 50 ohms at 15MHz) MDS Typ. at 500Hz bandwidth in HF
-141.5 dBm MDS Typ. at 500 Hz bandwidth in FM Broadcast Band (64 – 118 MHz)
-141.0 dBm MDS Typ. at 500 Hz bandwidth in VHF Aviation Band (118 – 260 MHz)
+15 dBm IIP3 on HF at maximum gain
+13 dBm IIP3 on VHF at maximum gain
110 dB blocking dynamic range (BDR) in HF
95 dB blocking dynamic range (BDR) in VHF
150+ dB combined selectivity (hardware + software)
120 dB Image Rejection (software)
Polyphase Tracking filters for close range interference suppression
New High Performance Pre-selector for HF with 4 filter banks (corners at ~DC, 5, 10, 17 and 31 MHz)
New High Performance Pre-selector for VHF (Air, HAM, Commercial and Military VHF)
New High Performance Pre-selector for the FM band (Japan, US, EU, OIRT)
Up to 660 kHz alias and image free output for 768 ksps IQ
18 bit Embedded Digital Down Converter (DDC)
22 bit Resolution at 3 kHz channel using State of the Art DDC (SDR# and SDR-Console)
+10 dBm Maximum RF input
0.5 ppm high precision, low phase noise clock
1 PPB frequency adjustment capability
Very low phase noise PLL (-110 dBc/Hz @ 1kHz separation @ 100 MHz)
Best Noise reduction of the market using state of the art algorithms
2 x High Dynamic Range Sigma Delta ADCs @ up to 36 MSPS
Single RF Input to cover all bands with High Linearity switching
Improved input matching down to virtually DC
Smart AGC with real time optimization of the gain distribution for Best SNR in all situations
No drivers required! 100% Plug-and-play on Windows Vista, Seven, 8, 8.1 and 10
Industrial Operating Temperature: -45°C to 85°C
Ultra small Form Factor: 45 x 60 x 10 mm
Typical Applications
High Performance Networked HF/VHF Radio
Ham Radio (HF + 2m)
Short Wave Listening (SWL)
Remote Telemetry Radio Receiver
Low Bands IoT
Product Limitation
While the in-band performance of the Band-III tuner is excellent, it will require some filtering for very strong out of band signals at multiples of the tuned frequency.
An RF isolator is required when using long wire antennas with a PC with moderate EMI protection.
Supported Software
The gold standard SDR#
The other excellent SDR suite, SDR-Console
The Suiss-army SDR knife for Linux and Mac, GQRX
Network server for use with SdrDx for Mac, AirspyHF+ Mac Server
All ExtIO based software (HDSDR, Studio1, etc.) via ExtIO by Hayati Ayguen
All ExtIO based software (HDSDR, Studio1, etc.) via ExtIO by Andrea Montefusco
Check the full list of tools in our download page
Supported Operating Systems
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
Supported Hardware
Intel compatible PC
Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
Odroid C1, C2 and XU4
Many other Single Board Computers (SBC)
Minimum hardware requirements
1GHz Pentium or ARM
1GB of RAM (to run your own OS, HF+ barely needs 1MB of memory)
High speed USB 2.0 controller
Fully Open-Source driver
Open source, multi-platform user mode driver libairspyhf on github
Firmware Updates
R2.0.0 2019-05-02 (Changelog)
  We are pleased to announce the availability of the Airspy HF+ Discovery on pre-order.
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— prog’ (@lambdaprog) May 23, 2019
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x06 thoughts pt. 2
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x06 of Summer School + the trailer for the final 3 episodes.
Okay, I've had a little time to decompress from my immediate reaction to the episode, and I feel like there are a couple of things I forgot to talk about, or that have been nagging me now that I've had to time skim back through the episode again. These thoughts are going to be a bit less structured, but here we go-
There's an up close shot of the knife that Rose tries to stab Imogen with (it looks like the same knife she's had all season). I'm far from a knife expert, so I don't know if it provides any clues, but it kinda looks... rustic? Idk, it's giving me a "cabin in the woods" kind of vibe, visually. Anybody know what kind of knife it is and if it has significance? Is it possible we've seen a character with this actual knife (beside BR, obviously?)
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One of the things that is making me more suspicious of Christian is that sometimes he says stuff that feels very planned and stilted. This has always been the case, but I initially brushed it off as being down to some awkward introductory stuff for his character, but I felt this a lot when he and Tabby were at Wes's and he's like (paraphrasing) "Everything you said about this guy was true, he's a fucking poser," and it just felt... like a rehearsed line. Since I am unfamiliar with this actor, I don't know if this is a reflection of the character or of the performance (or just the writing, sometimes the dialogue in this show...). But it just feels like, "Oh, let's go investigate where Wes is. Wow, look at all this potentially incriminating stuff, what a surprise," and that makes me suspicious that Christian is setting Wes up. I have been Wes' #1 hater, and to be clear this doesn't make me like him any better, but Christian's "hatred" of Wes feels a bit... potentially leading? (this wording has been edited, as the original post included poor phrasing that caused offense to a reader) Like he's been very anti-Wes, and while he is correct, it feels like it could be deflection (does he even know about Wes grooming Tabby last season?), or perhaps as a tactic to distance himself from Wes because they're working together. Christian does have the "too good to be true," kind of presence, but since they did that with Henry, Ash, and Shawn last season, and none of those characters turned out to be villains (in season 1, anyway), it feels like this show just has a tendency to do that sometimes. But Christian has had a lot of screen time for having basically no conflict/flaws.
Johnny & Shawn both have the "too good to be true" thing going on too, but we don't see them as much. Shawn has a potential motive (if he knows/knew about Noa cheating on him), and Jen is clearly portrayed as a flawed character, so both Shawn & Jen have some red flags (for opposite reasons) as far as "could they be involved in the BR plot?" and I've already outlined my suspicions of Johnny in my first 2x06 analysis.
Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but I went back and watched some scenes over again, and I brought this up after 2x05, but one thing that really gives me a negative gut reaction is the way that Jen responds to confrontation. She gets incredibly defensive (not a huge surprise, lots of people get defensive and double down when confronted), but then she'll try to turn the situation around into you feeling bad for her, and it feels so manipulative. Like- yes she stole the money from work, but don't be mad at her because their boss sucks and she and her mom really need it; or why would you be mad at her for nearly exposing your relationship and flat out taunting your boyfriend with it because she wasn't actually doing that she just wanted some coffee; or yeah, she did rob your boyfriend's house after he spent his money bailing her out and didn't even expect to be paid back, but it's just that all this has been really hard for her because you're taking too long to make up your mind. If someone did this to me in real life, you can bet your ass that I would not have it (listen, y'all only have my word for it, but one of the key things I'm known for with my friends is that I will not take your or anyone else's bullshit [probably why I relate to Faran the most and she's my favorite] and if you try it with me or with anyone I care about, I will call you on it), so this kind of thing will make me dig in my heels and stand my ground, because sorry, but you're not going to talk your way out of your poor behavior that's impacting me. ANYWAY, this really stood out to me in this episode, because after Noa tells the girls about Jen, I thought maybe the show was just going to lean fully into their relationship, and then the whole "Jen robbed Shawn's house," thing came out and we're back to square one again.
I was looking at that poster for the season (which, tbqh, I saw one time and didn't pay that much attention to until someone pointed it out to me, because I thought it was a fan edit) and it definitely feels like it implies a minimum of 3 people in on the BR thing. Could be more (since we see all the demon masks, which could be about Christian, but could be about Redemption House, or could be about the online cult) and we're going to have some massive reveal of a bunch of characters.
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I do very much feel that there could be a reveal (possibly next episode) of an antagonist that is "bad," but not part of the bigger Bloody Rose conspiracy (like Chip last season).
I'm seeing a lot of chatter about Davie and while I know this show loves a twin twist, Davie has been so background this season, it does feel like that would be hard to pull off in a satisfying way. I guess I kind of was leaning more towards "Davie is a part of Imogen's internal journey," and less, "Davie or her twin are Bloody Rose." So... guess we'll find out.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x05 thoughts
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x05 of Summer School
I just finished watching 2x05 and I have SO many thoughts, I don't even know where to begin. I think I'm going to structure this episode analysis a little differently by focusing on each of the main girls in turn, then everything else after. So... let's get started.
It feels right to start with Noa, since this is her "test" episode and she has all kinds of screen time in this episode. There is so much going on with her... every time I think I get a handle on how they want us to feel, they do something that confuses me with her.
Shawn/Noa/Jen - Let's talk about the love triangle. The whole first half of the episode, I was thinking, "Okay, they don't want us to like Noa and Jen, or they wouldn't make Shawn so ridiculously, endlessly supportive and just keep shoving in our faces how much he does not deserve this (based on everything we know now)," but then when they had Noa "dump" Jen, it genuinely felt to me like we were supposed to feel sad for them in that moment, which like... Why would we? Why would we like them? And y'all brought this situation upon yourselves! I don't get it, man.
Noa is like, "Maybe it's just temporary and your problems will go away," (I am paraphrasing) and I'm like, WHAT PROBLEMS NOA?? We have seen literally 0 problems between you and Shawn this season, except for the fact that you're cheating on him! I am trying SO hard to give Noa any grace I can muster, but she just keeps going lower. All season we've just got Noa like-
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The smidgen of grace that I can find for Noa this episode is that she is finally feeling guilty. As she should. It took her long enough. But also, she's still handling everything horribly. I think it would be easier to relate to her storyline this season if we'd seen more cracks in her relationship with Shawn earlier in the season. Like... he didn't go to Mouse's birthday? His mom sucks, but he knows that and he doesn't excuse it? Or even if they'd just spent time showing Noa and Shawn's different interests making them spend less and less time together and maybe even Noa getting bored of their relationship. But we didn't see any of this. It was like Jen showed up and Noa suddenly did a 180 on personality and relationships. It's weird.
Shawn - Again, I don't need to spend a lot of time here, because I've talked about this at length & we don't really have any new info about Shawn, but he continues to be ridiculously supportive of Noa (I mean, this relationship is absolutely doomed, right? There is no coming back from this when it all comes out.), and if he is legitimately innocent, he is getting royally screwed. That being said, the fact that they are making him so supportive of Noa and constantly willing to do anything for her and choosing her over everyone makes me incredibly suspicious of him. I know he was like this last season (mostly), but it's just so in our faces. It feels like they're either setting up for a big switch with him, or maybe they're going to kill him off. This is not a sustainable character, imo. He is also conveniently never around when the BR stuff is happening. He's been MIA for all 3 tests.
Jen - I was trying so hard to give Jen a chance. I got off on the wrong foot with her (personally) when I realized she was going to be the inciting factor for a love triangle (which I hate) and infidelity plot line, but every single episode I like her less. Have I written her off completely? No. She hasn't murdered anyone in cold blood (as far as we know) or SA'd anyone (as far as we know), so I'm not saying I could never like her, but boy do I not like her right now. It's not just the obvious stuff (seeming to take delight in messing with Noa behind Shawn's back, the lying, the stealing, the actively trying to break up a relationship, etc.), the thing that really struck me this episode was the moment when Noa is mad at Jen because she intentionally inserted herself in the conversation with Shawn (and basically taunted him, though he didn't know it) and Jen's all like "Are you seriously mad at me? I just wanted coffee." (again, paraphrasing) just like fully twisting the situation around and gaslighting Noa about what was happening there. I DO NOT fuck with this kind of manipulative trash behavior. And she does that a lot, deflect blame (like with the stolen money) and then act all hurt that you would think badly of her. It's fucking infuriating. I want to give her the tiniest smidgen of credit for paying Shawn back (though it seems like her motivation is, "if you don't owe him anything, then you can break up with him,"), but I'm not even sure if I should do that, because it wouldn't shock me (considering she implies she got the money in a shady way) if she's setting Shawn up to get in trouble with the cash. Like that's how much I don't trust her atm. I will talk about this more in the next point, but also how the HELL did she know how to find Noa at the end of the ep? What does she know? That being said, Jen being so unlikable and suspicious (which I think is on purpose) makes me feel like she's too obvious to be a twist antagonist. But maybe she's still a secondary antagonist. I'm not sure.
Noa's test - I'm now fully convinced that the "tests" aren't about testing them at all. I mean, yes, obviously "Rose" wasn't playing fair, attacking Faran after she passed, but I originally thought the "tests" might be some sort of "are you worthy of redemption?" games, but now I think the "tests" are only a tool. I believe they're being filmed. The girls are being forced to do these things for entertainment purposes (we'll get to that theory in a bit), and that's why the tests don't really have much of a point and seem only designed to inflict fear, pain, or exhaustion.
Noa's test made her feet bleed (bloody feet reminds me of the Five Holy Wounds). Originally, I thought all the religious imagery was a clue for us, but now I'm starting to wonder if it's more about intentionally creating this imagery itself (Again, I'll get into this theory later).
I don't know what's next for Noa, but it feels like she's still got a ways to go before she scrapes rock bottom, possibly.
Okay, I'm actually really excited to talk about Faran because I love her. I think I relate the most to Faran out of any of the girls, and her character has felt so consistent in her characterization and I love that.
So, as I've been predicting from the jump, her relationship with Henry is over. It took longer than I was expecting, but here we are.
Faran: "Honestly, I'm not sure how much longer Henry and I are for this world." Me: Have you been reading my PLL posts?
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^^ from my 2x01-2x02 analysis post
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^^ from my 2x03 analysis post
Anyway, I just think it's funny that Faran and I used the exact same wording about this situation.
Faran's resilience and strength has been a huge theme for her character, so I genuinely really loved the way she struggled with facing the fact that she's not as invincible as she had been feeling. I love seeing Faran vulnerable, because she's a character that doesn't necessarily show that as often, and she's so confident and powerful, which I admire so much about her, but she's still a person.
Even though the situation was weird, I like that Faran got some well deserved apologies.
Henry - It does feel weird to me that Henry's gotten "converted" so quickly. He didn't seem to have a strong religious background prior to joining the church (which he initially did for the acting role in redemption house), and he's been so obsessed with Faran, him not being able to walk away from the church is weird. I'll be discussing the church itself in a later section, but this episode has pushed me away a little bit from some of my theories, but it genuinely does feel like there's some weird... almost hypnosis-like stuff happening? I'm not really personally all that suspicious of Henry at the moment, it kind of feels like this storyline was a good way to connect Faran to the church plot & destroy her relationship at the same time, and I don't know that it needs to be any more than that? (with Henry specifically, I mean).
Greg - For a minute, I thought he'd been fully "converted" like Henry, which would ruin my Faran & Greg grudging team up theory, but I think that may still happen. Faran is definitely the one out of the girls with the most ties to the church/cult stuff, and obviously Greg does, too. He is annoying, but watching him constantly get shown up by Faran is honestly very enjoyable to me, so I'm not opposed.
First of all, the fact that we've seen Imogen grab knives multiple times and nothing happens with that (except for in Tabby's film where she stabs Chet) feels very Chekhov's Gun of them. It makes me a bit nervous that Johnny is present for both of these scenes and is the one who de-escalates the situation. Is it foreshadowing that she's going to stab him in the finale?
Johnny - I know this is totally irrelevant to the character & I'm trying not to develop a blind spot for him, but ever since I finally realized Johnny is played by Antonio Cipriano, I kind of love him 😅. Have y'all heard this man sing? ANYWAY, I know that's not how I should be judging the character, and if he does anything suspicious, I'm still gonna point that out (spoiler alert- he said something that sent me into a spiral and I'll be addressing that in the upcoming theories section). But I want nice things for Imogen (I mean, after last season, I want her to have anything she wants romantically) and anyway I know I was very undecided about Johnny for the first half of the season, but now I really want him to be good. Also I love his voice. I mean, obviously the actor is a gorgeous singer, but I mean that I love his speaking voice. It's so soothing. But then that makes me nervous.
Rebecca - PLL loves a "let's connect these characters with a common letter" twist, so I think we are absolutely supposed to notice that Rebecca and Rose are both R names. We know basically nothing about her, but the fact that they're introducing a step-mother figure (soon to be) when motherhood is a central theme to Imogen's story is clearly not a mistake. I'm not sure where this storyline is going. Rebecca is inherently suspicious, but the fact that she hasn't been introduced until over halfway through the season makes her feel disconnected from everything we've seen so far. I'm reserving judgement on this point of this character for now.
Mental Health - It's not a surprise that Imogen has been struggling with her mental health throughout this season. Not only does it run in her family, but she also has been through so much trauma. It would be more surprising if she were fine. I don't know if her profile in Dr. Sullivan's office was supposed to make us suspicious of her (Imogen) in some way, but I am not. I do think we'll see her stab someone by the end of the season, though. But I expect it will be someone who deserves it.
Mouse is in a kind odd position this episode. Her grandmother feels more important to the episode than she does.
Speaking of- the consistent presence of Mouse's grandmother makes it feel like her character is more important than I thought she would be. Does she have some sort of connection to Bloody Rose (or regular Rose Waters?) from her past? What's going on with this storyline? Why are they devoting time to it? I feel like I've missed something important. Any ideas?
Mouse herself feels quite background in this episode. We don't really see much of anything that moves her storyline forward. She sees the Bloody Rose Cult (more about that later) stuff, and she has a nightmare about Rose, but that's about it. Idk what else to say.
Ash - He's basically not in this episode. I'm not super suspicious of him, but I'm also not not suspicious. It still bothers me that he's been upgraded to a main cast member, but we haven't seen him that much this season (like he and Greg were the two that got bumped up and Greg has been around a lot more compared to season 1), which makes me wonder if he has a LOT of screen time near the end, which would likely be due to him being involved in things. But there's also just... pretty much nothing to back this up? What would his motive even be? The only suspicious stuff we've seen from him so far- being MIA during Mouse & Faran's tests (but we know where he was during Noa's), MIA for actually finding Rose Waters (that split up was very weird), Red Right Hand playing over one of his scenes, He was wearing a shirt in 2x05 that looked like it had roses on it, and also his actor's credit in the opening sequence is laid over the bloody rose in the locker (Greg's actor's credit is also over a bloody rose). But why would he do any of this? How would they connect it? So... yeah, that's where I am with him rn.
Tabby's film festival plot line seems to be a lot more important than I originally thought it was. In fact, it is a major piece in my current working theory, and I feel like Tabby and film is a pretty central theme to this season of the show. Of course Tabby has always been a big horror film nerd, and of course the show has always made a lot of references. But I think they might be even more important this season.
Christian - I've generally been not so suspicious of Christian this season, but I'm becoming more and more so. I just feel like the whole plot line of him quite literally making a Bloody Rose mask (particularly when I think it's quite clear someone is dressing up like Rose. it's not actually Rose, and real Rose probably never looked anything like that anyway, so they got that mask somewhere and he is the most obvious source for the mask) should have come back around by now if he's 100% innocent. Instead, Tabby hasn't questioned this. That puts me on edge. He's also kind of suffering from the "too perfect so now you're automatically suspicious" characterization I've mentioned before. There is one particular reason that I've become more suspicious of Christian after this episode, but I'm going to cover that in the theories section.
Camp Millwood - When Tabby first mentioned this in the episode, I thought we might be getting the "secluded cabin/camp in the woods" plot line that I've been anticipating, but it's not exactly an abandoned or secluded location anymore. It does feel a lot like the Stab-a-thon in Scream 4, though. So that's interesting. I feel like there have been a lot of Wes Craven references this season (there is a character named Wes in this show).
Friday the 13th - There are a ton of film (specifically horror) references throughout the show, but there being such an emphasis on this series doesn't feel accidental. I've not seen the entire series, but I do know the famous twist of the first film (which I will not spoil here) and that feels like it could be related, considering the themes of this show. Scream references this twist, too, and I've seen a lot of Scream references in this season. But since I am not a Friday the 13th expert, I think it's possible the importance of bringing this franchise up may have gone over my head a bit.
Dr. Sullivan
I think I need to give this character her own section, since we learned a lot this episode.
I'm really not sure how much we're supposed to trust her. As I've said before, I don't think her being "good" in the original show necessarily means she'll turn out good in this one. I do think Dr. Sullivan's past & the fact that she has multiple quotes throughout the season that feel like they're implying she may have lost a child needs to reappear. I'm just not entirely convinced it's directly tied to our BR plot, or... that it means she's involved in an antagonistic way.
Okay, maybe this an unpopular opinion, but like... If you're telling your therapist shit, she's gonna write it down. I know that Dr. Sullivan was illegally recording the sessions, and that's obviously major malpractice (and seems like a weird risk to take, just to write a book) that could get her license taken away, so I'm not saying it doesn't matter. But I also felt like the girls were a lot more freaked out by it than I (a viewer) was. Like... your therapist is going to keep records of you. They are going to write down things you tell them. How the hell would they keep track of all their patient's issues if they didn't? This is a more extreme version of that, and if a therapist IRL was doing that (secretly recording you), it would be upsetting. I just think in the scheme of issues in the show, this one felt like they had a huge reaction, when there are other big issues they just brush off like it's nothing.
Now, whether or not Dr. Sullivan is being honest about what she was doing is an entirely different matter. I can't help but wonder if she's doing some investigating (illegally) because she thinks the events of what happened in Millwood (and possibly what's happening now) are tied to the loss of her loved one (possibly a child) and she's trying to solve it & she recorded the girls because she wanted transcripts to be able to review everything in detail. If she's trying to figure out what happened to her child, that would be a motive big enough to be worth risking your career, and could keep her from being a "bad" character, while still being shady. She wasn't surprised at being pushed down the stairs (if that even happened) and she said in this episode that she volunteered to work with the girls. So anyway, I think she may be investigating.
I do have another theory about the recordings (we'll get there).
Other Notes
Rose has a German Shepherd?? Listen, I'm probably not supposed to think too hard about this, but this (again) feels like an unnecessarily elaborate set up.
Kairos being brought up by name again still interests me- if you haven't read my earlier posts about this, I've pretty extensively discussed why this is interesting in my 2x04 analysis. You can find that tagged 'pll' on my blog.
Bloody Rose Cult - the online version of the cult kind of confuses me. I'm not sure how that's going to tie in, like it feels like it has to be there for a reason, but it also felt like a complication to the plot that we maybe didn't need. So what gives?
I'll just get the big one out of the way first-
Wes. I mentioned last week that just because Wes hasn't had a huge presence this season, I haven't forgotten that he is sketchy AF. I also theorized that the SpookySpaghetti BR films might be his (and might even be the rejected festival films he made). I also mentioned during my church (specifically Mrs. Beasley) theory that the biggest snag in that theory is the technological side of Rose, her online presence, the use of the term "final girls," etc. None of that really fits with Mrs. Beasley, even if she is working with kids from the youth group. So here's what makes the most sense to me at this moment. Wes is making a movie. He saw the events of the Millwood Massacre, realized he had five "final girls" right in front of him, is bitter about his plot with Tabby from last season, and is desperate to "make it" in the industry. The tests are weirdly convoluted and nonsensical because they matter only insomuch as the footage they capture for his film. Whether or not they pass doesn't matter to Rose, as long as they don't ALL die because there needs to be someone left for the finale. If they fail, gory death footage. If they pass, tense chase scene. If Wes is behind this, I think the church (cult) are the villains of his film. We see a BR cult in the most recent film on SpookySpaghetti, and they are doing exactly what we later see Kelly, Henry, and the church doing. I think it may be that all the religious imagery, the kills all being "sinners," the supposed "tests," is all designed to lead back to the cult (based off of Kelly's church) in the film. This is why "Rose" killed the teens in the cabin, and Sandy, no tests, but devised convoluted traps for the girls to escape. Those other characters aren't final girls; they don't need to make it to the finale. I suspect the "finale" is planned for Redemption House. Sooooo, that's the new big theory.
If someone is making a movie, this also ups my suspicions of Christian. Wes is the obvious choice (I mean, he's named Wes, he's a walking horror reference), but he's also already an annoyance at best, so it's easy to suspect him. Christian has as much horror movie knowledge and could also be working on something like this. The fact that he's NOT been a suspect basically at all (Tabby thought he was weird for like 5 minutes) definitely is a red flag for me. I also think this is a multi-person operation (at least two, possibly more).
I also think, even if the "Wes is making a movie" theory is correct, we have to have someone who has more personal knowledge (or access to it) of the girls involved as well. How does Rose know their secrets? As far as we know, only Jen & Noa know about their relationship, but Rose knew. Obviously the love interests are all in a good position to get info, but none of them have complete access to all the girls, so they could be pooling their info, or they could be stealing/checking phones, etc. OR it could be someone like Dr. Sullivan. She knows A LOT of the girl's secrets, and she might even know about Jen & Noa's original relationship if she has access to juvie records. Who knows? I haven't forgotten that all their numbers leaked and there aren't many characters who should have been able to do that. It's also possible (if she and Wes or she and Christian were working together) that she was recording the girls for dialogue/audio for the script of the film.
My big question about this is.... How would Wes (or Christian, if he's involved) think he could get away with this? If he makes his movie out of real footage, people will know. Maybe he doesn't care. Maybe he just wants the recognition, no matter the cost.
The Church - I'm not completely not suspicious of the church anymore, like I still like a lot of the analysis I did on it, but I think my current theory fits a little better at the edges. Still, I've got my eye on them.
Jen showing up to pick Noa up is weird. Since Noa was walking around in the woods for a while, it seems unlikely she would have been able to follow her very well. But I feel this could also be easily explained by Jen being tipped off in some way. It's weird, but I'm not ready to make a strong judgement on it yet.
Okay, okay, okay. This is me taking a ridiculous shot in the dark based on the tiniest shred of evidence (and honestly kinda hope I'm wrong), but I had this wild thought when Johnny mentioned his dad is an asshole. We know basically nothing about Johnny, but they give us this little tidbit. This show loves twin twists. This show loves its alliterative names (Karen & Kelly). And there's someone else who also mentioned their dad is an asshole. Could Johnny & Jen be twins? We get the impression that Jen is an only child because she mentions she and her mom were abandoned by her dad (however honest that is), but she never said she didn't have siblings. We've never seen Johnny and Jen interact (they were both at the skate party, but not interacting), and they're both possibly not from Millwood (Jen mentions she had to come to Millwood for summer school, implying she's usually enrolled elsewhere, and Johnny asked that girl on a date to Rosewood, meaning he may also not be a Millwood native). Once I thought it, I had to write it down. It seems like a stretch, but I would never forgive myself for thinking this and not saying it if it turned out to be true.
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