#this is kiri’s blog now and for some reason i decided it was good to steal the pinned post before they could -crikkit
dhpbackrooms · 5 months
\\WELCOME!! This is the permit office waiting room, a place that's always open because the main branch cant be bothered being open more than an hour a day.
We are more spooky [i think??? We certainly are more spooky than the main branch] and so we try to engage with the waiting room.
This is the place you go if mod crikkit rejects you. In her words, you’re here to annoy me instead because the permit office is never open. 
Mod kiri | head of the back rooms | he/they/it/neos @kiriko-05 Mod crikkit | runs main branch, lurks here :) | she/her @permitoffice
What are those little square icons over the pfps on your posts?
Mod Kiri's sona!! (art)
Mod Kiri's pronouns
We are open all hours [except the times the staff are sleeping, i swear mod crikkit isn't overworking me] 
Ask away and if you have any requests they might be done! We might help but that might not always happen even here :) 
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
I'm so sorry if I've already asked you this (I can't remember which blog I asked) but what would Kiri, Denki & Baku do after cheating? Like how would they feel, how would they tell the reader (if at all) and the aftermath of it
angst? angst. 
good request btw!
A/N: I’m currently drunk and sad so let’s see how well I can rip y’all’s hearts out. Thank goodness you didn’t ask for a good ending. I have such a strict rule for cheaters. I personally got cheated on (can’t believe i let a man play me like that...smh) and had to learn the lesson the hard way. Never take them back. It subconsciously affirms that you will take them back even if they do it again. Even if the person loves you, it doesn’t matter. Love and respect are two different things and, obviously, they didn’t have the latter for you. 
So, what I’m trying to say is…there’s no romantically happy ending for this one :/
Of course, everyone and every relationship are different. Girls and gays, do what is best for your heart. That is all the advice I can give. Men…y’all can perish.
Sidenote: Please stay safe and well, both physically and mentally. Wash your hands and fucking take Corona seriously.  
With love, always 🖤
Warnings: Sad tingz :(
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
it was just a kiss
just one
his childhood friend was going through a rough time
their father just died and their ex dumped them bc they needed time away
they were always such good friend
kirishima remembered all the times in middle school they’d support him when he didn’t believe in himself
so when he was holding them, while they were crying, he just couldn’t pull away when they leaned in
before he knew what happened, they were kissing 
he kissed them back and he didn’t break away until you called his phone
it eats him up
every day
he immediately says they can’t see each other anymore
Kirishima literally wants to die
every time you and him are together, he feels the weight of his guilt grow
every time you two kiss, all he can think about is how dirty he feels
you are so in love with him
you’re oblivious to his guilt-ridden face
all the extra gifts and affection he gives you makes you so happy, you don’t realize that he’s doing it bc he’s so ashamed of himself
he keeps it in for 2 weeks
then, as you two are in bed, watching a movie, he just blurts it out
you just stare at him and he’s spilling everything to you
he’s sobbing, swearing that he wasn’t thinking and that he loves you 
he swears he loves you
“shut up”  you keep saying
he tries to hold you, but you rip his hands off you
you’re screaming at him, asking him how he could ever do that to you
“i never did anything to make you do this! how could you, you lying asshole?”
you know you were good to him 
all he does is look away, unable to face you 
you just leave to stay at your friend’s house
you break down to them
you didn’t come back
you never came back 
kirishima was never really the same afterward
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Kaminari Denki:
you two were fighting a lot
ever since you moved in together, it was harder to be around one another
it was fun at first, but then it got annoying
you two would catch each other at bad times and just grate on each other’s nerves
one particular screaming match ended with denki leaving the apartment
he didn’t come back for the rest of the night
you were on the phone with your friend talking it out
you realized you were being too hard on him and decided to do your best to be better in the future
he comes home, drunk, and you help him to bed
when he wakes up, you’re at his side, nursing his hangover
when he’s coherent, you burst out in tears and apologize for acting crazy
your apology brings him to tears and he apologizes as well
you two make up and the future is bright
you two work on yourselves and your relationship couldn’t be better
but denki has a dark secret that eats him up
on the night of your fight, he slept with some random person from the bar he went to
he was drunk, but not that drunk to not remember it 
he thought you two would break up and didn’t think it was a big deal at the time
now he regrets it so much
you were the best thing to ever happen to him
maybe you two butt heads, but you were his soulmate
he was sure of it
and now…
he loved you too much to tell you
so he swore he would just love you with his entire being to make up for it
but when you two went out for Mina’s birthday, to the same bar
the person comes up to him and tells him the night they spent together was amazing
you immediately ask what they means and it confirms your fears
he cheated on you
kaminari is chasing after you 
“y/n, wait! i can explain–”
“is that why you changed? bc you felt bad for fucking another person?”
“no baby. i mean yes, but please–”
“fuck you, kaminari. we’re done.”
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Bakugo Katsuki:
everything was fine
that day, you and your husband had kissed each other goodbye
you had to stay home and catch up on some paperwork
you forced him to go celebrate kirishima’s birthday for the both of you
he didn’t really drink so he was prepared to have a bad time
but his friends convinced him to drink
mans cannot hold his liquor
all of sudden, he’s in a separate room with another person
you two hadn’t had sex in so long bc of the kids and well…
he’s fucking them and he remembers wondering if the gasp he heard from the other side of the door was real
maybe it was true that midoriya liked you a little too much considering you were his friend’s (?) spouse
but this didn’t have anything to do with his feelings
even if he did get the slightest bit of satisfaction knowing he was right that katsuki didn’t deserve you when he recorded the sounds of the moans
sends it to you
katsuki was cheating on you and izuku refused keep it to himself 
izuku: y/n, i’m so sorry. this might not be the way to tell you, but i had to. you deserve to know the truth. 
you must have listened to the recording at least 700 times trying to convince yourself it was the wrong person
but you heard your husband and the other person moan your husband’s name each time
you take the kids to your mom’s house for an indefinite amount of time
you had business to tend to 
you: thank you for sending me this
izuku: y/n…are you okay? do you need me to do anything for you?
you: i’m fine, i just need some space. thank you for being a real friend. i appreciate you
izuku: anything for you…i’m so sorry again
bakugo somehow makes it home and passes out
he wakes up to you breaking your wedding photos
“what the fuck, y/n–”
“i gave you everything! and you wanna go fuck other bitches!?”
he’s confused and you play the recording
all the color drains from his face as bits and pieces of it come back to him
he’s trying to get you to calm you down
you’re throwing things and cussing him in and out
he grabs your arms but immediately stumbles back at the bloody look in your eyes
“fuck with me, bakugo, and i swear i’ll ruin your life”, you hiss
he’s begging you to forgive him
you throw your ring at him and grab your car keys
“when the kids ask why we’re not together, you can give them the reason”
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 4
Bakugo x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Words : 5206
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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Dabi’s frustration only grew when he saw your excited expression. All the sudden all he could think of was the was the way that Bakubrat had kissed the top of your head the last time he had seen you.
Dabi readjusted you so you were on his back and put his hands firmly on your thighs. He’ll admit he’s being ridiculous, but he wanted to keep you out of reach from the explosive idiot.
You were practically buzzing with excitement. You had missed your friends. Even though you had seen them a few weeks ago, it wasn’t nearly good enough, you felt like you didn’t have enough time to actually thank them for saving you. You had known all of them from high school except you had known Katsuki and Izuku much longer. You all had known each other since you were kids. Katsuki was always the one pulling your pigtails while Izuku was always the one to let you paint his fingernails.
That mentality pretty much stayed the same as you all got older. Katsuki would still relentlessly tease you but he was always much meaner to any of the guys who hit on you. There was a rumor that went around that your quirk made you super good in bed and it had every guy chasing after you for the wrong reasons. He never hesitated to hit first and ask questions later when men cat called you in his presence.
Katsuki had always had a very special place in your heart. He had always been your protector as well as your biggest supporter. There were so many times he and Izuku had talked you out of quitting school. Every so often an article would circulate about how villainous your quirk was and how you deserved to be locked up. The pressure would eventually get to you and you would end up in one of their rooms pacing and holding back tears. They helped you learn to love your quirk, but Katsuki was the one who secretly worked with you on weekends to help you get stronger. He thought if he showed you that you were more than just your quirk you would finally stop listening to all the fucking gossip blogs.
You kept bouncing with excitement the entire time Dabi walked towards the front door. He paused a few steps away and gave your thigh a sharp slap. “Hey, quit that. If you keep bouncing like that, I’m going to drop you. Behave.”
You wondered what crawled up his ass. He was just praising you a few minutes ago and now he’s grumpy. There’s no way he could be that mad about Katsuki coming to visit. He knew this was going to happen. He was holding you when Katsuki promised as much. You understood that he didn’t really get along with most people, and Katsuki was honestly kind of hard to get along with in the first place. But that still didn’t give him the right to be so pissed about him being here.
Dabi opened the door but remained in the doorway, effectively blocking Katsuki from entering. “Can we help you?”
Katsuki had a duffle bag on his shoulder as well as a box at his feet. “You could start by letting me in asshole.” He looked at you and his scowl softened just slightly, “Hey dork. Think you could convince your chauffeur to get out of the way?”
You giggled and gave Dabi’s neck a pinch. Dabi responded by giving your thigh a pinch, “Eye for an eye brat. You want me to let him in? I think I deserve an entrance fee?” He pointed towards his cheek as if he was asking for a kiss.
Katsuki’s eyes traveled from where Dabi’s hand was firmly squeezing your thigh to where he was pointing at his cheek. They were furious. He was about to just shove his was through when you wrapped your arms tight around Dabi’s neck and leaned backwards. Effectively throwing his body weight off and giving Katsuki more than enough room to enter the house.
He quickly let himself in and made his way over to the couch where he dumped the box he was holding. “Alright so here’s your first care package.”
“Don’t see why it needed to hand delivered…” Dabi dropped you on the couch next to the box so you could rummage through it.
Katsuki quickly took the empty spot next to you, totally ignoring Dabi. “I brought you a couple new manga that I know you’ll like, and I think Deku added a bunch of pictures and shit from your old apartment.” He reached over you into the box and pulled out a shirt and you grinned ear to ear. It was an old All Might shirt that you had stolen from Katsuki years ago because you liked how soft it was.
He smiled and put his arm around you, “I thought you might like that. I hope you don’t mind I’ve been wearing it in your absence. So, it might smell like me.”
Dabi walked by grabbing Katsuki’s arm and casually flung it off your shoulder. Then without a word started going through the box. “Did you remember the bathing suit?”
You could hear Katsuki’s palm’s crackle with irritation, “Yes… I did. But don’t get your pervy hopes up. I got the most conservative one I could find.” There he goes being overprotective for no reason… well that wasn’t exactly fair he did have a reason. He had just found you in the most horrendous condition possible and immediately had to hand you off to a former villain who kidnapped him in his youth… so yeah. You decided you were going to cut him some slack.
“Well considering it’s for her fucking rehabilitation…she could be naked for all I care. As long as she’s comfortable and gets those damn legs moving.” Dabi could feel his temper starting to get the better of him. Considering Bakugo was known for having the worlds shortest fuse, he needed to keep his cool. He could not be the one to snap first.
“Oi! Don’t act like carrying her around is such a burden!” Bakugo stood up now squaring off with Dabi.
Dabi’s eyes flared but his voice remained even, “I never said it was a burden… In fact, I love carrying her around. However, I don’t plan on making it a habit because I want her to get better.” His voice dipped and got angrier, “And don’t you talk about her as if she’s not sitting in the same room as us! She can speak for herself…”
He looked at you and you gave him a pointed look. ~Calm down please.~
He took a deep breath and signed back, ~Trying~
Katsuki looked between the two of you with narrowed eyes, “When did you guys learn sign language?”
Dabi walked into the kitchen and started making dinner. If Bakugo wanted to make a house call, he needed to let him have his fun. He’d be leaving soon enough, he just needed to let the two of you be until then. “We started learning a couple weeks ago.” He pulled out two bowls because that’s how passive aggressive he is. If that asshat didn’t get the hint by the time dinner was ready, then he’d just have to sit there and watch you eat.
Dabi had to stop for a moment and contemplate this. Why was he this mad? Why did he actually care this much? You were obviously going to be close with the loudmouth. You’d known him for a long time. He needed to remember that just because you lived with him now doesn’t mean that you even want to be here. For all he knows you’re just tolerating him because you have to. It’s not like the two of you have lots of late-night conversations.
He looked over when he realized it had been pretty quiet and saw that the two of you were speaking in sign. His hands on yours helping you with a new word. “Okay so obviously you know sign too.”
Katsuki had a shit eating grin. “The doctors told my mom when I was young, I’d eventually go deaf due to my quirk. I’m basically fluent.” He continued to sit and teach you new words and damn if you weren’t happier than he had seen in the past two weeks.
Dabi rolled his eyes as he went back to making dinner. “Go ahead and teach her whatever you want. Be fucking useful for once.” Dabi continued to make dinner, shoulders tensing every time he heard you giggle.
Katsuki had his phone out and was showing you everything you had missed. “Okay so surprise, surprise, Deku and IcyHot are like a thing now.” He showed a couple cute pictures from Izuku’s private Instagram. The last one was of them kissing under an umbrella. “Kiri and Mina had a kid. Little rascal is probably about six months old now. He’s cute but his teeth hurt like hell.” He picked up his hand that had a tiny crescent shaped scar, which had you absolutely grinning.
He ruffled your hair, “Oi, you won’t be smiling when the brat bites you next.” He continued to scroll, “OH! I almost forgot the best part.” He turned his phone to you and showed you a picture of someone’s mug shot. “Fucking grape juice got arrested.”
Your eyes widened. You waited for him to go one when you realized he was waiting on you. He was giving you an opportunity to contribute to the conversation. ~Why?~
“Trying to buy a prostitute… Literally no one was surprised.” He looked back to the kitchen to make sure Dabi wasn’t listening. When he was satisfied, he pulled you closer into his side and threw his arm around you. “Hey, you would let me know if he was mistreating you right?” His fingers carded through your hair and his eyes roamed all your visible skin for signs of abuse.
You nodded your head and pulled your shirt further down, suddenly aware that you weren’t wearing pants. You had just gotten so used to it you had forgotten. He noticed you fidgeting, “He hasn’t touched you, has he? Because I swear to God I’ll rip out every single staple in his body then make him eat them.”
You leaned further into his to side to hide your blush. He most certainly had touched you. And you still hadn’t worked out how you felt about it. He hadn’t made any attempt to do it again beyond the casual touches when he carried you or when he helped you in the pool. He had made it a habit of sleeping in your room, but he always stayed on his side of the bed.
Katsuki must have taken your lack of response as a confirmation. “I’m going to kill him.”
You sat up straight and started shaking your head, ~No. No. Wrong~
“Wrong? So, he hasn’t touched you then?”
You gulped. Either way you answered was bad. You either told him the truth and he rage killed Dabi, or you lied to your best friend… Either way you were fucked.
As you struggled for an answer Dabi walked in and handed you your bowl of curry and rice. “Don’t worry I’ll answer that one for you, and stop at me at any point you think I got it wrong.” He took his seat in a recliner and took a bite of his meal. “So, we had a moment where something could have happened, but we stopped before it got too far and decided we were just being emotional and moved on.”
Katsuki’s hand started to heat up and crackled but you pulled on his arm to get his attention, ~Right~
He still looked angry, and maybe even a little hurt, which had you all confused again. He looked like he wanted to throw one of his famous temper tantrums. You knew how much it was killing him to not pounce on Dabi, “Keep your disgusting hands to yourself from now on. She’s been through enough. She doesn’t need you taking advantage of her!”
“You don’t speak for her!”
You clapped your hands to get their attention, ~Enough~ You gave each of them a glare and it was silent after that.
You took a bite of your dinner to avoid Katsuki’s eyes and was met with the most delicious meal Dabi had made to date. You cleared your throat to get Dabi’s attention. You pointed to Katsuki then your bowl of food and signed ~where~?
“I didn’t think a busy hero like him would have time to stick around for dinner.” He continued to pick at his food, “Speaking of which. It’s getting late. Hate to keep you from your super important work of dress up and make believe.”
Katsuki gestured to the duffle bag he carried in. “Oh, I’m not going anywhere tonight.” He was looking at you now. A look of concern ghosted across his face. “Consider it a wellness check.” He leaned forward and gave the side of your head a soft peck, “I just want to be sure you’re okay. I promised you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and I intend to keep that promise.”
You felt yourself sinking into his familiar warmth. If there was anyone who felt like home, it was Katsuki. Sure, he was in the middle of a ridiculous pissing contest with Dabi at the moment, but you really couldn’t blame him. He’d always been a stubborn, territorial, asshole. But he was also kind he cared about you and for that you could forgive him.
“Whatever, just don’t get in the way of our routine.” Dabi stood up with his now empty bowl. “You know that law, eat every last bite. I’ll get your bath started while you finish.” He looked at Katsuki, “You can have my room… I’ll sleep on the couch.”
He didn’t even wait for a response as he left the two of you alone.
Katsuki visibly relaxed into the couch once Dabi had left the room. “What did he mean by law?”
You smiled as you pulled out your journal and opened it up for him. You pointed to law number seven. At first, he was pissed that Dabi would give you a new set of rules to live by, like you were some kid. But then he realized there wasn’t a single “law” on here that didn’t have your best interest in mind.
His eyes scanned over the rest. Chuckling at some silly laws like ‘Wake up whenever the hell you want’, and ‘No fucking shrugging.’ He had to admit that he also hated it when you would do that. It wasn’t that you were indecisive. It was that you knew what you wanted but you never wanted to speak up for yourself. Always willing to bend over backwards to make others happy. Never wanting to give anyone any more reason to dislike you.
His heart hurt at the laws that said things like, ‘No drugs’, ‘No locked doors’, and ‘Never say sorry for something that isn’t your fault.’
The law that had his blood boiling however was the last one, law number thirteen. ‘I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.’ He furiously flipped through the pages that came after, trying to get the idea of you ever giving Dabi consent to touch you out of his mind.
You had finished your food by now and stretched your muscles out. All in all, this had been a great day. You walked on your own in the pool AND Katsuki had come to visit. You were so tired you just knew you would fall asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Hopefully you wouldn’t have any nightmares.
You put your hand on Katsuki’s shoulder and used it to push yourself to your feet. You wobbled for a few seconds but otherwise kept your footing.
“Hey look at you! I thought you’d be too tired after what we did in the pool today, good job.” You looked up to see Dabi leaning in the hallway. “Your bath is ready. One for me, two for blondie.”
Katsuki scrunched his nose up, “Wha-“
You held up two fingers and Dabi nodded. “Alright looks like you get bath time duty today.” Dabi smirked when Katsuki’s eyes widened. “Don’t freak out. She’s gotten to the point where she can get in on her own and some days she can even get out too. You just need to hang out by the door in case she needs help.
You wound your arms around Katsuki’s neck, and he picked you up. His heart pounded as he followed Dabi to what he assumed was your room. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Hey wouldn’t be the first time we bathed together.”
You giggled and hit his shoulder. You knew he meant when you were kids. But you couldn’t stop the blush that took over you at the thought of him just hopping in the tub with you now.
Dabi tensed up as he stopped at the door to your room. “Alright… y/n you know the drill if you need me just yell.” He winked at you after his stupid joke and you flipped him off.
He walked back to the kitchen and opened his laptop. He started to go over tomorrow’s sign language lesson early. He’d never tell you this, but he does this every day. You were so much better at picking it up then him, he needed to do extra work just to keep up.
You signed ~Thank you~ as Katsuki placed you down next to the full tub.
“Okay… so I guess you just let me know if you need me by…?”
You shrugged as you knocked on the side of the tub. Part of you really didn’t want him to leave, even if it was only for a few minutes. You reached out and grabbed his wrist.
He gave you a curious look, but softened when you signed back, ~Stay~
“Does he usually stay?”
You shook your head, Dabi always insisted he had things to do and it was important you do some things on your own.
Katsuki took a seat on the floor with his back against the tub. Even with permission he was determined to protect your modesty. You slipped your clothes off and quickly lifted your legs into the tub. It was almost too easy now and you smiled at your progress.
You sighed as the water warmed your skin. Your hand reached for Katsuki’s and gave it a squeeze. You could see the tension in his shoulders as he squeezed your hand back before intertwining your fingers.
“Y/n… I -I know I’ve already said I’m sorry. But I still have this mountain of guilt sitting on my chest. You were… are… one of the most important people in my life. And I was so wrapped up in my own life I didn’t see the signs. I didn’t notice that something was wrong.” You could hear his voice crack as he tried to hold his emotions down. “I knew you went on secret missions that you couldn’t always talk about. I watched as you came back looking defeated and… and broken. I thought there was something going on, but I just kept reminding myself you worked with heroes… that I was just being paranoid.”
You felt tears build in your eyes and you were glad he wasn’t looking at you. You rubbed circles on his hand with your thumb encouraging him to keep going. He obviously had a lot he had been bottling up. “You know Deku and I went to your agency one day after you had been gone for a few months and all they told us was your mission was confidential, and we weren’t related to you so they couldn’t even tell us if you were okay.” He sniffled, “I went there every day after work and got the same bull shit answer. It drove me crazy.”
He took a deep breath to settle himself, “So we started asking about you. Started looking for you in all the underground trading routes.” A long silence followed as he got lost in the memories of looking for you. “It almost took us a year, but we finally found someone who had seen you. Some small-time villain whose quirk was invisibility. He had snuck into your agency to try and break his boss out. But when he found him you were also in the room…”
He didn’t keep going, and for that you were grateful because you didn’t want to hear it. You knew what came next and you didn’t exactly want to relive it.
“I’m so sorry. I failed you. I was supposed to protect you. I promised you I’d be by your side forever, and I-I-“
You pulled his hand towards you and gave it a kiss before putting his palm on your cheek. He hesitantly turned and looked at you with tears in his eyes. You activated your quirk and washed over him with feelings of love and understanding. You watched his eyes close as he shuttered. You may not be able to speak, but you could still communicate to him through feeling that you were okay.
You reached over and brushed a stray tear away and pulled him close to plant a kiss on his forehead.
When your bath was over, he waited for you to wrap yourself in a towel before picking you up and depositing you gently on your bed. You pulled the All Might shirt he had brought with him over your head, and crawled under the covers.
He had only wanted to lay there until you fell asleep, but he ended up falling asleep soon after you.
Dabi walked in hoping to tell you goodnight but found the two of you asleep facing each other. You under the covers, Bakugo on top of the covers. Your hands stretched out towards each other as if looking for each other even in sleep.
Dabi’s hands were glowing with livid flames as he left in a hurry.
He went straight to the abandoned cabinet that held all of the now off-limits drugs. He could take just one… you would never know.
He growled as he shoved the bottle back into the cabinet and slammed the door. Reaching instead for a bottle of whiskey. He went to the couch and poured himself a drink.
And that’s how you and Bakugo found him the next day. Passed out on the couch empty whisky bottle on the floor next to him.
Dabi chugged his coffee as his head pounded. He was no stranger to hangovers, but ever since you came to live with him, he hadn’t felt the need to drink that much. At one point in his life it had been the only way he could get any decent sleep.
He watched from his seat at the kitchen island as you and Bakugo made breakfast. The smell of bacon hit him and his stomach growled. Shit.
You could see his sour expression and when Bakugo wasn’t looking you stood from the chair you were sitting in. Dabi kept his eyes on you like a hawk. Watching for any signs you might fall. You stumbled but he remained still. He knew you were okay. The Island was right there if you needed to hold on to it. You were only a few steps away from him now. Arms stretched out and a smile on your face.
You knew this would cheer him up, and get him out of whatever shitty mood he was in. Only one more step and you’d be there. To this Dabi stood up and took a step away from you with a playful look in his eye as if to say come and get me.
Bakugo continued to talk, not even noticing you weren’t sitting behind him anymore. It wasn’t until the loud thud of you hitting the tile floor that he looked up. He immediately rushed to you while Dabi laughed.
“Why the fuck are you laughing? She could be hurt!”
Dabi just continued to laugh, “I’m laughing because it’s fucking funny. She’s fine.” He titled his head to the side. “You’re a tough cookie aren’t yeah y/n?”
You giggled and nodded. Dabi took you from Bakugo’s embrace “See she’s fine. I think you need to remember she used to be a pro hero. I think she can handle tripping over her own feet.” He stood up and sat you down in front of the laptop.
“Okay time to learn some sign language, looks like today’s all about food. Oh good, you love food.” He ruffled your hair before picking a piece of bacon off of your plate and biting into it.
The little back and forth continued the entire day. The biggest argument came later when it was time for the pool. You groaned and decided you weren’t in the mood. ~No pool~
Dabi rolled his eyes at you, “Yes pool. You even have a bathing suit this time. So, get your ass in gear.”
You crossed your arms over your chest in defiance. “Listen here brat. It’s the law. We work on getting your strength back every single day. No negotiations.”
Bakugo didn’t like the tone Dabi was talking to you in. “Oi, she’s not some puppet for you to boss around. She said she doesn’t want to so that’s it. Back off!”
Dabi’s eyes flared with anger, “You don’t have a fucking say in this. This is between me and her.” He looked at you again, “If you had asked nicely, I might have let this go. Just because we have a guest doesn’t mean you can disregard the laws and neglect the routine. Now be a good girl and let’s go put your bathing suit on.”
Bakugo stepped between you and Dabi, “Be a good girl? What the fuck is your problem. You don’t own her.”
Dabi pinched the bridge of his nose trying to remind himself why he can’t just fight the obnoxious asshole in font of him. “I don’t own her, but I also refuse to sit here and watch her wither away. We have laws to make her better, and I refuse to deviate. It’s clear I take her recovery more seriously than you do.”
Bakugo shoved Dabi back, “The fuck you do! This isn’t some rehab she checked into. You have no right to boss her around! What makes you think you know what’s best for her?”
Dabi was practically screaming now, “Because I’ve fucking been in her shoes, you ignorant ticking time bomb!” His chest was heaving now, “Did you ever wonder why I had to fake my own death just to get away from my own father… who was a fucking HERO! I’ve been poked and prodded and pushed past my limits. Except I didn’t have someone there to help me and I ended up in the League. Depressed, blood thirty, and hell bent on getting revenge on the so-called heroes that were so okay with a little boy practically killing himself every day just to produce the next number one.”
To this Bakugo didn’t have an answer. He’s heard Todoroki’s horror stories. He could only imagine what Endeavor had put Dabi through.
Dabi looked at you know eyes still furious, “I’ll make you a deal y/n. You put on quite the show this morning taking a few steps on your own. No matter how mad I am, I’ll never tell you that wasn’t a good job. But now you want to skip the very thing that allowed you to take those steps.” He walked out of the kitchen and took a seat in his recliner. “Make it over to me right now, with no help and we can skip the pool.”
With a determined scowl you pushed yourself out of your seat. Bakugo went to grab you “Y/n you don’t have to do-“
“Yes! She does, now let her do it. She needs this. Y/n you can do this. Now prove it to me and prove it to yourself.”
You took your first step, determination written all over you face. Step followed step and you had already walked further than you had this morning, but you were only about halfway there.
Dabi’s eyes were patient and his voice was calm. “Come on y/n. You can do this. You aren’t broken. There is nothing wrong with you. Just keep walking.”
You could feel the tension in the room stiffen. Bakugo watched you with his hands out as if to catch you, always your protector, always your safety net. But you didn’t need that right now.
Your knees started to wobble and buckle, and involuntary whine left your lip as you went down to one knee.
“Come on you can’t give up now. You’re doing such a good job. Now push yourself back up. I’m right here. Come on. Push harder!”
You felt a tear streak down your cheek as you tried to push yourself up but only ended up on the ground.
Bakugo was at your side in an instant but you pushed him away.
“That’s right y/n you can do this. I believe in you. I don’t care if you have to crawl. You’re so close.” You pulled yourself up enough to crawl across the rough carpet. You got up to your knees then slowly you stood.
Dabi saw the fire in your eyes and it sent a shiver down his spine. You were going to do this even if it killed you. It made him think about what you would look like in battle. If you looked even half as gritty as you do now he had no doubt you had strong men cowering at your feet. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he gave that back to you. That power, that strength, that untamable will, he knew was somewhere inside you laying dormant.
He got out of his recliner and lowered himself to the ground, “Come on your so close now. Keep going Y/N!”
With one last push you practically jumped into his arms and collapsed. Tears streamed down your cheeks, but for the first time since coming here they were happy tears. You did it. You walked all on your own.
He cooed into your hair as he rocked you back and forth, “You did such a good job. You did it. I knew you could. You can rest now. I’ll get you some ice cream. How does that sound. We’ll celebrate.”
You nodded as you clutched Dabi’s shirt.
Bakugo disappeared for a few minutes and when he came back he had his bag over his shoulder. He kneeled down next to you and pressed his forehead to yours. “I think it’s time I got back to work. I still need to take down the bastards that did this to you.” He smoothed his fingers through your hair and looked to Dabi, “I think you’re in good hands.”
He made his way to the door, “I’ll be back soon.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime@klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Okay but also...Bakugou either having the hell spawn of a chihuahua ( listen i love them theyre sweet just like other dogs but they are little devils )
The biggest baby of a German shepherd
Like the biggest baby
Hope you don’t mind that I took this and ran! So much Bakugou content on my blog lately haha. Not that I mind. I like writing for Bakugou sometimes, especially soft Bakugou. And now we continue the BNHA Boys and Dogs series!
Bakugou and Dogs
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-Bakugou didn’t think about getting a dog until later on when he was a certified Pro and some of his other friends started adopting pets. At this point he’s living alone if he doesn’t have an s/o, and the apartment is starting to feel empty and lonely each night when he comes home.
-He tries to invite some people over, but heroes are always busy you know? Even Kirishima can’t visit all the time, but his friend notices Bakugou is out of sorts and puts two and two together. Kirishima is the one who suggests that maybe having a companion to keep him company would be good for him!
-So Bakugou thinks on it a bit, then decides to visit a shelter down the street a few days later. 
-Nothing catches his eye at first. He pets some cats, decides they’re not for him, and then moves on to dogs. At first he thinks he wants a big one like Kiri’s husky or Izuku’s great dane, so he goes to play with this german shepherd that’s maybe 2 years old. Still pretty young, but the dog is huge, and he realizes quickly that big dogs aren’t for him- they’re rowdy, rambunctious, and loud, and he just doesn’t have the energy for it. 
-So he’s about to give up looking for the day when he passes by an enclosure with a smallish doggie, and it comes right up to him and whines at him to get his attention. He just feels like he has to stop for some reason. Something compels him to reach out and pet it, and the dog just looks at him with those eyes, the ones that seal the deal he didn’t know he would be making today.
-It turns out this precious little pittie was left at the shelter about a year ago and she’s been there ever since. Bakugou notices right away that her info tag/about me paper has a certain mark on it followed by a few choice words that make him really angry when he reads them. That’s all it takes for him to sign the papers and adopt her.
-It’s almost like she understands that he saved her life. It was a fated meeting, something decided on by unseen forces long before the day it happened. And, in a way, she saved his too.
-Bakugou names her right away. “Boom”. There’s no other name that would fit her best.
-He goes on a shopping spree and buys her all the best toys, the comfiest dog bed he can find, a pretty pink leash, and a studded hot pink collar with spikes because his girl is FIERCE. 
-”My dog could eat your dog, Deku!”
-Makes her out to be this badass little toughie, but honestly? The second she gives him kisses, it’s all over. He’s just in love with her. She makes him so soft. The two are unstoppable!
-The second anyone insinuates or says anything negative about her breed or her specifically, he’ll jump them. Avidly defends pitbulls and donates to programs that support them. He also uses his public platform to talk about how her breed is wrongfully stereotyped and how that affects them. Oh yeah, and Boom is always there in the crowd or next to him while he’s speaking about it. :)
-Spoils her rotten, I mean ROTTEN. Gives her fancy snacks and treats, buys premium foods, takes her to enrichment and training classes, always lets her cuddle him in bed, and takes her to the best groomer he can find on a regular basis. Probably also paints her nails pink.
-Dresses her up for Halloween in a doggie version of his hero costume.
-Bakugou would die for his girl Boom. He loves her so much!
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
the thing that kills me about bakugou is when the plf go "having a powerful quirk means i'm better than you"and basically advocate for eugenics, it's horrible and corrupt, but when bakugou does it, it's lol funny and 'oh that gremlin.' in a recent chapter he made fun of the past OFA holders for having 'weak' quirks and dying and he said these things in front of Toshi, who has himself given so much. just...what was the point of him knowing about OFA if he was just going to be a disrespectful ass?
I have no idea why it was necessary for him to know, tbh. I think it was a waste of an opportunity to give him growth by NOT telling him. And honestly, I agree that k*tsuki and the plf have similar ideals because they’re elitists. :/ They think they’re better than others. Unironically, the lov wanting k*tsuki on their side would have been like, them all sharing this same thought. Idk, I just don’t like him. The things he says and does are played off as comedic relief now and it’s honestly so annoying. He needs to be brought down from his pedestal. 
(I have multiple messages so I am putting them all in one post under a read more, I hope it works, but if somehow it doesn’t, I’m really sorry. My computer says it works, but mobile doesn’t show it. This will be a long post.)
Anonymous said:
You know... I wouldn’t mind Bakugou winning vs Ochako so much if his blast had simply redirected enough rubble for him to make it though the pelting, and the fight had ended with an actual visible inflicted injury on his part, like a cut on his face, that stuck around for the rest of the tournament. Make the close call have more concrete, visible consequences for him then his arms aching a bit.
I agree with this completely. That thing about his arms aching doesn’t show much of the consequences at all. And he gets over it rather quickly. I hate that he has so much plot armor.
Anonymous said:
Ngl i dont ship Todo/deku (dont really ship Izuku with anyone lol) but its such a nice ship like?? People can ship what they want but why ship Baku/deku when Tododeku is RIGHT THERE. I would rather have todo/deku be the twin stars like.. Todoroki having to overcome his fathers legacy and be a better hero then his father ever could be while Izuku perpetuates all mights legacy and carries the legacy of One For All?? Poetic cinema
+ I SENT AN ASK ABOUT PREFERRING TODO/DEKU TO BAKU/DEKU AND I WANTED TO ADD SOMETHING SKSKS. we could totally have an "its your power" moment. Izuku getting Todo to accept his left side and Todo getting Izuku to remember that OFA is his power now.
Todo/deku is really the poetic cinema we need and deserve. Idk why people like b*kud*ku, that’s what they prefer, but the ship itself is not healthy in the slightest and I find it pretty disturbing. I agree with you, nony. Everything you said is correct.
Anonymous said:
If I'm gonna be honest the whole "he was raised in a household of screaming and abuse" isn't a good enough reason as to why Bakugo has no chill. Like we've seen people like Todoroki raised in a household much worst but he didn't come out as a jerk or bully. I'd like to see more of Bakugo's interactions with his parents but for the most part the dad seems like a pushover and his mom is just loud at times. But no where close to Endeavor. So yeah Bakugo shut up challenge
Yeah, idk how their dynamic works, it’s just mitsuki screaming at k*tsuki while his dad tries to intervene, but doesn’t do a good job about it. I don’t like that she smacked his head. But I think people really stretch it to give him a tragic backstory when in reality, he doesn’t have one. He is a spoiled brat. Shouto has proven how to be a better person. He’s just a better character in general.
Anonymous said:
This might be long but I want to get something off my chest and I love your blog so I used to like bk//dk. If you asked me why. It's because I was enamored by the fanon ver of this pair with a better bkg and the whole appeal of childhood 'friends'/reconciliation trope it had going on and some fans have convinced me that their relationship wasn't as bad as it's portrayed before UA and that bkg was only like that because of society and thinking Izuku was "looking down" at him. 1/3
Thinking about it. it's really stupid and the verge of victim blaming but anyways. What stopped me from liking it and instead hating the pair is that after dk vs kc 2 I was expecting the improvement in their relationship, for a moment I thought we got it. But in reality it's just bc we haven't seen them interact much after the overhaul arc and before the joint training arc.Then the joint arc came and the 2nd internship arc came and whoo boy, I feel like I was cheated on. 2/3
Rather than making bkg's behavior improve towards Izuku, He's still as much of an asshole who belittles him, mocks him ,acts like he can't stand him but less threats of killing him combined with Izuku who just takes it because he's a nice person. But the narrative acts like their good friends now and I have been feeling so frustrated with this, I wanted a mutual relationship with mutual respect on both sides and bk//dk hasn't reached that part and it shouldn't take this long for it to be. 3/3
Thank you for sharing this with me, nony!! I appreciate it. It’s really sad that their relationship hasn’t improved at all. It’s so long overdue and now things are played as comedic relief like him hurting Izuku with his spike and also being extremely disrespectful during the ofa meetings. Their relationship isn’t healthy and it isn’t friendly, no matter how canon wants to paint it that way.
Anonymous said:
the only reason bkg gets to know OFA is because he guilted Izu into telling him a half truth in S1 then guilted AM and Izu with his tantrum in S3 He also had the privilege to know Izu since childhood and saw AFO so he had the advantage Izuku would have never told him otherwise. Same time Izuku's friends don't "deserve" to know about OFA, rather, Izuku deciding to tell them himself will make the revelation to them more special since its Izu deciding to tell a piece of himself than being forced to
@havocsss said:
i just wanted to say i appreciate your opinion on bnha about bakugo (bc someone finally said it 👀) and you put into words for me how i feel abt that character - and that's partly why i just can't watch it. he's the bully that everyone idolises and gets let away with murder and naaaah mate that's not how it works
Thank you, I’m glad to hear it. I don’t like that he, a literal bully who has suicide baited Izuku and has hurt him with his explosion quirk, is the fandom’s favorite and the most popular character. Literally any other character would have been better to stan than him. He’s everywhere and I can’t enjoy part of the series because of him always being there. It’s so annoying. I will continue to yell about why he is not a good character until horikoshi gives us the development he desperately needs AND an apology to Izuku for being so abusive to him. And yes, bullying is abuse.
Anonymous said:
I know that feeling. I also greatly dislike Bakugou. He almost ruins the manga for me at times. I can't even think of a plot with Izuku where Hori won't try to include him in some way. I tried reading metas abt him, tried to look at him in a different light but I realised that I really hate his personality, combined with his overhyped popularity just makes me can't stand him. I wish I could even just be neutral for him but that's being a challenge.
Yeah, he’s not a good character. Very infuriating and annoying. We do not stan him in this house.
Anonymous said:
I feel like if Aizawa actually knew that Bakugou used to bully Izuku he'd probably whoop Bakugou's ass
OOF I’d like to see him expel him.
Anonymous said:
I like how it's framed like I'm supposed to feel sorry for Bakugou because he feels manpain for not being the strongest in the class. Like the dude went from a regular school to the best of the best and he still expected to be the strongest person there is with no challenge?
Awww, is the spoiled brat sad? Good. He can die mad about it.
Anonymous said:
If Aizawa did the combat training instead of All Might he would've stopped Bakugou the first time he used his gauntlets and automatically failed him and I really wish that would've been the outcome
Tbh he should have been expelled for trying to kill a classmate.
Anonymous said:
Oh yeah I remember that character entrance when he just basically I insults his partner for training. Look I love the kid but if I was a teacher I would've flamed him so hard like there could've been a hostage, that weapon could have went off, his partner could've been captured. That's how you ended up failing the license exam
OOF. When will he learn.
Anonymous said:
Um excuse the ever living fuck out of me but I just saw a fic that was bakugou/consequences where Izuku attempted suicide and you know what the ship was?? My pure green son who deserves the world and his literal bully/abuser are you SHITTING ME???? I try very hard not to hate ships I do really try but I just CAN'T with this ship it disgusts me
It's not a healthy ship. I am disturbed by this fic and I don’t even know what it’s called and I don’t want to know. Eww.
Anonymous said:
I see myself as Izuku cause I relate to him a lot and I just read something where Bakugou does what my abuser did to me to Izuku and now I'm having a very hard time stomaching the thought of him and like I really loved kiri/baku too but now I can't even think about it cause someone who shipped my notp thought it would be a good idea to make Bakugou an abuser and give Izuku Stockholm syndrome ☹
Oh nony…I’m so sorry to hear about that. That really sounds rough and I hope you’re feeling better. That sounds awful. I’m just…I’m appalled. Also giving Izuku Stockholm syndrome with this ship is just. Wow.
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duelcafe · 4 years
We finally have an answer after so long.  Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with pots, a chronic illness.  While it’s not life-threatening, it is challenging — I guess would be the word — to live with.  Also awful, not gonna sugar coat that.
This is obviously going to continue to impact this blog moving forward.  I don’t think I could reasonably write all the muses in the current list as much as I’d like to.  I was already low energy, and with pots and its plethora of symptoms, I’m worse off in that department.  I literally can’t sit up without pain.  So, I’ll be closely examining characters and will only write those with high priority / muse.  I’m sorry if you were waiting for me to finish up a muse’s blog you were interested in.  I won’t hold it against anyone for unfollowing because I am no longer planning to write a character they wanted to interact with.
It’s now a question of when will I be coming back, and honestly, I’m not exactly sure.  Or at least, I don’t have an exact date, just an idea of where I’d like to be before I do return.  I want to feel okay enough to pick things back up again and be able to manage my symptoms as best as I can ( plus I want my blogs completely set up. )  My attempt at activity is going to be experimental for a while at first — I don’t know how active I’ll be able to be once I’m even up for and in the position to write again.  It’s been hard to do most things and I’m still only managing the bare minimum a lot of the time.  I’m hoping once I learn how to live with it and find the right treatment plan for me, I’ll be able to do more.  I have good days ( more like tolerable ) and I have bad days, but neither is something I can predict, so I can’t and won’t make set in stone promises, though I can say I absolutely do plan to return.  There’s just a lot of obstacles still, among my health and financial situation, etc., and honestly, I need some time to process things, because I don’t think my brain is entirely accepting of reality at the moment.
Right now I’m really only managing to sit up in sessions to do things, and I’ll admit that recently, it’s been for a lot of self-indulgent things versus the things I should be doing on duelcafe.  I think it’s because I set unrealistic expectations for myself here ( not because of any of you have made me feel like I haven’t being doing enough — there hasn’t been a single person here who’s been cruel or not understanding, it’s entirely a me thing ) and that made me push myself past limits, so I stepped back after too much.  I won’t be treating RP like a job like I have been and start making some sort of progress here again so I can return with everything fleshed out and ready to go ( or whenever I get frustrated to the point that I don’t care anymore about profiles and decide I just want to write, whichever comes first. )
An announcement as well.  Some of you might have noticed that there’s been a slight adjustment in the wording of my overview and descriptions ( I really was trying to get things done across my blogs, I promise. )  Instead of being a Yu-Gi-Oh! exclusive muse hub, I now am a Yu-Gi-Oh! centric one.  This is because the character I want to add to my now smaller muse selection is one I have high muse for and I deeply care about them despite being from another fandom.  However, it is still a card game-based series and therefore still fits well enough to get away with.  Pots can bite me because I still want to write characters I love and create stories with people.  It just is going to be different; I have more variables to judge and look at.
Anyways, here’s how my muselist is looking right now.
Safe Muses:
III • Michael Arclight
Rio Kamishiro • Merag ( wip )
Sora Shiun’in ( moving / revamp )
Kiri Hyoryu • Miserea ( new muse )
Romin Kirishima      * behind on the anime at the moment
The rest will likely be dropped, though this list isn’t finalized.  Maybe later down the line, once I’m managing better, I’ll be able to have and keep more muses active.  For now, I don’t think I could manage so many; I’d just be disappointing people by trying, but I am going to do my best with a smaller muse pool once I’m writing again.  I think it’ll be good to take the stress of trying to get so much done for different blogs off my shoulders, too, and hopefully I can come back sooner as a result!
Any of my mutuals are more than welcome to add me on Discord if you need or want to talk to me, but I do want to state that I am incredibly fickle and tend to poof and pop back into conversations randomly.  It’s nothing anyone has said or done, I just might be overwhelmed or start not feeling good / worse.
・゚ ♡ — - fusion slut#0889
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pergimelaut · 4 years
Books I read in 2020.
I was once platonically attracted to a friend. Not only did he tell me the name of the person he liked (not me, of course), but also the reasons why. I could’ve mentioned two or three, but one reason sank me in was, “Because she likes to learn.” He didn’t say that to offend me since that night was one of those meetings in which he is the spotlight of our conversations, yet I couldn’t help but feel offended. I thought, “That certainly can’t be me. I don’t like to learn.” I never did, actually.
It was a wake up call that, all this time, I had been stuck in the peak of Mountain Stupid, one of the stages of Dunning-Kruger effect—a phase where you were filled with nothing but arrogance and overconfidence, before the realization “you didn’t know anything at all” hit you like a bucket of cold water.
Well I didn’t change myself after that, though. But in my defense, I decided to read 70-something books in the third year of my student press organization’s membership (which I later failed) long before I had had the conversation with him. I had had my own reason at first, but whatever it was, it was slowly but surely shifted with an ultimate goal created due to that very night, “I want to like to learn.”
Long story short, I was able to read 33 books in 2020.
It’s nowhere near an achievement to be proud of, so I cancelled my plan to write about it and upload it on a platform where I could gain a higher chance he would read it. I know, I know, I shouldn’t seek validation from another person besides myself—after all 33 books were quite impressive for someone like me who don’t really like books, so I shouldn’t be embarrassed about it nor should I be disappointed with the fact that the plan must be cancelled as I was miserably failing, but, welp, so. Okay. In this post, I would like to tell you the books I read in 2020, sort by chronological order.
Yeah, I uploaded it on my personal blog instead, what a dramatic turn of events.
Manifesto Flora was the first book I read, finished it on 2 January 2020. I believe I started to read it on the last couple days of 2019, so it was kinda cheating. It’s a compilation of short stories. All of them were amazing but there was a short story that I really enjoyed titled “Bekas Teman Baikku”. The author had written a short story for a yearly student magazine organized by a student press organization I later joined.
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez was an amazing novel it earned 5 stars on my Goodreads account. My teacher had been telling us about it as he taught magical realism in Creative Writing class. I finished it in three days—I remember those days where I didn’t do anything besides reading; I woke up in the morning and started to read. That was the only thing I did all day. It almost felt like reading was my hobby. (Spoiler alert: It’s not.)
Hidup di Luar Tempurung was the third book I read. I wasn’t in the best mood to read at that time, but I pushed myself, ended up finishing it but also regretting it since I knew that this book deserved to be treated well. After that I read Bagaimana Tuhan Menciptakan Cahaya by Raka Ibrahim and O: Tentang Seekor Monyet yang Ingin Menikah dengan Kaisar Dangdut by Eka Kurniawan, ended up disliking both by simply because I didn’t enjoy them, I gave them 2 stars. 
Then, well. Global pandemic left me shell-shocked as everyone else, really.
One month nearly passed but thankfully I managed to finish the first e-book titled Filosofi Teras by the end of March. I liked the book at first, even for a short period of time I felt like I could rely on the book as I was trying to cope with anxiety, but turned out it’s a false hope since I simply couldn’t become that rational LOL. But topics about stoicism still got my attention though—perhaps it’d remain as something I could admire. Pulang by Leila S. Chudori was a really good book, another one with 5 stars. Later I learned that having 1965-ish as a setting for novels is mainstream, but since I hadn’t known that, it left me in awe.
Then I got tired.
I wasn’t in the mood to read any books, so I turned into Japanese books—my admittedly guilty pleasure. I read Naruto Secret Chronicles: Shikamaru’s Story: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness, a light novel from Naruto based on Shikamaru’s perspective. Although I wouldn’t mention it as one of the books I read in 2020, it was surprisingly a good book. It taught me about Naruto’s universe beyond what I knew, such as politics and government involved. It helped set the mood, so I continued with Ichigo Doumei, another Japanese novel. It was a book mentioned in Your Lie in April, one of my anime recommendations. It’s a good, simple wholesome story that taught us to treasure the life we had. I disliked the female lead character, though—I still do.
I read Kubah by Ahmad Tohari, a novel my teacher once mentioned, which I dislike, and much hate later on, since it gave people wrong assumptions about PKI and what’s surrounding the 1965 tragedy. After that I fell into Kagerou Daze fandom where I spent a lot amount of time consuming the songs, manga, anime, and also light novels—making me successfully adding Kagerou Daze Vol. 3: The Children Reason, Kagerou Daze Vol. 4: The Missing Children, and Kagerou Daze Vol. 5: The Deceiving to my Goodreads’ bookshelf. The latter was my favourite among them. As I hyped with Japanese authors, I thought it was best to finish Before the Coffee Gets Cold, a Japanese novel I found from a post about, well, Japanese novel recommendations. It’s a fun experience; an enjoyable story with a heart-warming ending.
Four Japanese novels in a row brought me to cursed loop as I realized I had not “learned” enough. Whereas I did learn something with each Japanese novel I read, it wasn’t “learning” that I’d planned in the first place. 
August was a month where I thought, “Eh, maybe I like books,” because I read 8 books in one month. I read Setan van Oyot by Djokolelono, a book published by Marjin Kiri. The novel was well-constructed from the start to the middle part, but unfortunately NOT until the end. Another note: it didn’t bother giving us the translation of both the local and foreign languages used in the story, which is good! I also had the energy to consume Of Mice and Men, a classic book mentioned in Pulang. 
I had spent days in library and bookstore when I finished Hidup Begitu Indah dan Hanya Itu yang Kita Punya—it made me aspire to achieve the ability to write articles like Dea Anugerah, the author. I also read Ketakberhinggaan di Telapak Tangannya by Gioconda Belli which easily became one of my favourite books of the year.
I read The Heart is A Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers, another book with a writing style I would aspire to achieve. It’s a good social-realism novel covering racism towards black people, the life of a curious little girl, a perspective from a blind-deaf man, and the socialist guy—everything was set around the 1930s, written by a brilliant 23-year-old woman. It has some translation issues, unfortunately. Then I continued with Kekerasan Budaya Pasca 1965: Bagaimana Orde Baru Melegitimasi Anti-Komunisme Melalui Sastra dan Film. I’ve been wanting to be able to convey my thoughts in a well-constructed thesis like what the book did.
Tango & Sadimin by Ramayda Akmal was the next, and it was enjoyable even though not satisfying—at least it helped me discover my tendency towards social-realism novels. Then I read Xenoglosofilia: Kenapa Harus Nginggris? by Ivan Lanin—it didn’t help me that much despite its educational contents, but perhaps I just didn’t find what I was looking for.
September was a shameful month as I didn’t read any books AT ALL. I planned to read at least one book per month, that’s why I set 12 books in my Goodreads. My goal wasn’t to read books, but to like them, so what I set up was simply the habit. Looking back at what I did—finishing One Hundred Years of Solitude—I could read book all day if I want to. But I want to become someone who, even if for a few pages, read books every day. And I considered myself failing when September passed without any finished books added to the list.
November came and I read El hablador by Mario Vargas Llosa, a book I had been desperately looking for that my friend finally lent to me. I gave them 5 stars because it greatly helped me in understanding indigenous people and how important it is to support their rights.
Then I desperately turned back to another Japanese novel, this time The Kudravka Sequence by Honobu Yonezawa. It successfully made me fall in love with one specific character because I feel represented, then I looked up Wikia and the synopsis of the next novels, and ended up disappointed LOL. I got tired again and read Sebuah Pertanyaan untuk Cinta by Seno Gumira Ajidarma, a book which I couldn’t believe had written by the Seno Gumira Ajidarma LOL(2). Then in order to set up the mood, I bought my friend’s self-published short stories, Dongeng Sebelum Tidur: Kumpulan Cerita Pendek. It was the first time I added a book to Goodreads. I told her that I uploaded a review and gave her 5 stars. She was really happy and I too was happy because of it.
December approached as well as final exams. So many papers with short deadlines, and despite that, I read books instead on working with my papers—procrastinator as its finest, you see. I read two Agatha Christie’s books, The ABC Murders and Five Little Pigs, two novels I had really wanted to read in years. After exams passed, I somehow gained my energy back. I read Kisah Seekor Camar dan Kucing yang Mengajarinya Terbang by Luis Sepulveda, an enjoyable novella reminding us to take care of animals and protecting the environment from pollution. I wrapped up 2020 with two classic books, No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell.
 Yup, that’s it!
Now that I’ve just tracked back all the books I read, I realize that my reading experience has its ups and downs. I ain’t good at keeping my mood stable to do the same activities  for a long period of time, and I earned the energy back by—apparently—switching into Japanese novels or light-themed books.
Long story cut short, I failed to read 70-something books. But I also recovered from the heartbreak I guess (LOL), and that’s good news! (Although maybe I forced myself to move on, since the goal was the indicator whether I’m worth it or not, and I failed.) (I shouldn’t have done that to myself, but I had no chance at all in the first place, though. That’s why if I could move on by setting an impossible goal, failed in the process, and helplessly gave up, so be it!)
Thank you for reading.
(And thanks to Anggy who beta read the post! <3)
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franeridart · 5 years
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Glad to hear that!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said: its like the red stripes but reversed 😍😍😍 i love
I did have a specific band in mind while drawing it, but sure! There’s a lot of bands that are just a drummer and a guitarist/bassist and all of them make me think of Baku and Jirou 😂😂
Anon said: i got into xxxholic bc of your bakushimanari au! AND THANK YOU FOR THAT AAAAAA(≧∇≦)/ are you going to make one again? does it have a fanfic? I LOVE YOU AND YOUR ART PLS TAKE CARE ALWAYS
I probably won’t pick up the au again, but I’m glad my drawing it made you find out about that manga! It’s such a wonderful (if super sad orz) one!!
Anon said: Hello! I really adore your work and I hope you're having an amazing day! Anyways, I was wondering what brushes you use for your regular lining and pencil doodles (and if it's not too much trouble could you possibly include the brush settings of the brushes?)
The lining ones are just the default pen and brush tools on SAI! I use the pen one for black and white stuff and the brush one for colored stuff, usually. As for the pencil one, I actually have three different ones I use more or less all at the same time? depending on what effect I need to give, but the main one is a brush tool with these settings!
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Anon said: What do you think of the hc of Bakugou interning with Miruko?
Got around to answering this ask too late, seems like 😂 I didn’t especially mind it as a concept, but I’ve always thought Miruko didn’t really have anything to teach Baku that would move him along on the path Hori seems to have picked for him? So there’s that. As things stand my ideal interning for Baku if I had to pick between pro heroes I already knew was Endeavour himself, so!!! Things unexpectedly turned out good for me haha
Anon said: Who do you think gave Kirishima the line "hurt Bakugo and I'll kill you." I know the Bakusquad told Bakugo if he hurt Kirishima they would kill him😂
I don’t like the idea of the shovel talk in general when applied to krbk to be fair, especially since they’re all friends with both Kiri and Baku so it feels weird to me that they’d go around assuming either would willingly hurt the other? The one the most inclined to talk like that to any of his own friends is Baku himself, imho hahaha but if I had to pick someone to be overprotective in this scenario and pick Baku over Kiri between the two of them, then probably Jirou at this point since she’s canon friends with Baku and has pretty much never spoken to Kiri on page 
Anon said: will you ever draw just kamibaku in the future? i saw some of your kirikamibaku stuff and it warmed my heart so much 🥺
Depends on if I’ll start shipping it again in the future! Right now my only ships for Kaminari are with Jirou, Momo and Shinsou, so if it’ll happen it won’t be any time soon? unless Hori decides to hit me over the head with unexpected bkkm feels that lean more towards romantic than sibling-like, which is what all their interactions have felt like for me lately
Anon said: the links in your bio appear to be broken on mobile :(
They work for me, so I really don’t know how to help you anon T-T
Anon said: Hiya! Just wondering, I loveee your bnha art and that's why I followed your blog but recently I discovered your haikyuu art and I was wondering if you've continue drawing them as I hadn't seen it before? I was just asking as haikyuu is one of my favourite animes and I would love to see more! Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to- (Also I really loved your bokuroo art!)
Thank you!!! And I haven’t drawn any in a long while, but maybe? I might start again? I’ve been thinking about it lately, ngl, but I’m not promising anything
Anon said: Hi agin, just saying kiribaku is canon king ok bye love ur art
It’s nowhere close to being canon anon, let’s be real 😂 but it’s definitely a fun relationship to think about, canon or not~
Anon said: Can I just say I love your art? Especially your kiribaku stuff. So much that I spent too much money on redbubble xD you should definitely add more of your art to that site. I am a sucker for sleepy kiribaku. I have only seen one bit ugh I love it. I would love to see you draw my other favorite kurogane/fai from Tsubasa in the future. (Obviously the grump and the happy boi are my trope) honestly you are probably my favorite artist. You're the only one I have spent actual money on xD
Thank you for the support, then!!! I probably won’t draw anything trc-related unless commissioned to do so, but I might add more stuff to rb soon enough! 
Anon said: First of all, I love your work, your drawings are so great and awesome ;; And second, now that Haikyuu!!'ll be back with S4 Will you return to the fandom? I only ask for curiosity, nothing more xDD. Btw what are your favorite ships in hq fandom? Are you into in some rare pair?
As I said, I’m thinking about it! The manga has been nice this past few weeks, but we won’t know for sure until it’ll happen. I ship more or less anything in hq? Actually? I used to have more specific tastes back when I was active in the fandom, but getting out of that slowly brought me back to just appreciating most of all relationships in the manga~  the only main ship I’m not much into is asa////noya? for some reason? but everything else is game. So I guess I’m into most of all rare pairs too, though nothing too specific! It’s not like I spend much time thinking about hq or engaging with the fandom anymore, ngl - the only ship I still read fics for is kyohaba, so I guess you might consider it the only ship I actually have a bias for, atm hahaha
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wildxplosion · 5 years
I'm feeling sappy so listen up. Anyone who knows me, hell, anyone who clicks onto my blog at the right time knows how much I adore the fantasy AU. The ending and illustrations were fucking amazing starting points. The actual chapter we got...not so much but that's against the point. What started as me going oh I can do fantasy things? Hell yes. Has transformed into something much bigger, something so many of us have worked so hard on and something I want to share with the world.
And so much of that is down to the people who I've been lucky enough to meet and plot and write with.
I'm gonna put this under a cut so it doesn't get long but I just wanna say some stuff.
@embidoesrp-bnhaarchives - I'm not gonna tag the actual rp blogs as I'd be here a while. Embi wasn't one of the first people to get involved in the verse. I'd always thought about asking her but I wasn't sure if she wanted to so I got awkward and left it. But I'm so glad she decided to join in our group verse. Embi is just...so talented. She writes well, she draws well - the map, her character sketches, even the silly comic she did of Eri and Katsuki - and she's just so nice on top of that? She loves world building and plotting and coming up with ideas. She has so many characters and a few NPCs and she's just so involved. I fucking love it. Even if she doesn't need to be involved with something she likes suggesting ideas and seeing other people use them. She's the reason we have the server and honestly she's just an integral part of our group verse. I love talking to her and rping with her so much. I want to write with all her involved characters. But obviously Eri is my favorite. Thank you for providing my grumpy man with a child Embi and for all your hard work. We'll get to the Eri returning to the alchemists angst eventually and that's gonna be super fun and dramatic.
@quirkless-wonder - So Jay was one of the two people i was originally doing fantasy group stuff with. It was a bit of fun and our characters didn't get along and it could be really interesting. I didn't mean to get as invested as I did. I didn't mean to start shipping Katsuki and Yami so hard. But here I am and somehow Jay has stuck around and continued to put up with me throwing like a million threads at them and showing them things every other day or so that remind of usually fantasy yamibaku. They've made Yami into such an interesting character and his background and plots and relic are all so interesting. If I could get art of him in his fantasy gear I so would as I need it so I can love it. Katsuki and Yamikumo's dynamic is unsurprisingly one of my favourite things in this AU. They've grown and changed so much. They still fight sometimes and still piss each other other but they've become a team and a family and yet they're still learning things about eachother. I love seeing them interact and I look forward of what's to come. Thank you so much for giving me this unexpected ship, for encouraging me to do more with this AU and for letting me see your little sketches when you do them. It's all amazing.
@glamie - Nova has so many characters within the AU but they all tend to be so interesting. She always put such thought into your characters fantasy stories and they're all so fun. The group wouldn't be the same without Camie or Jun or Ryo or Iida or Sho. It wouldn't be the same without Nova in general. Nova's ideas for her characters are always so original. You're so great with coming up with these different stories that make her characters stick out and I'm just so amazed by this. She doesn't always join in with everything but whenever she does I know it's gonna be fun and quite often adorable. Seriously. All the cute animals running around thanks to Nova writing kitsune and puppies. Plus a baby now too. Not to mention how hard I ship Tamie now thanks to her and Birb. I just...we'd been friends a while anyway but I'm so glad she joined me in the fandom and in this little group verse. Nova is always so fun to interact with and she's one of my best friends so I hope we continue to have a lot of fun.
@createinfinity - I'm pretty sure that one of the ways I dragged Birb into rping BNHA with me was by saying fantasy AU and if not I definitely thought it. She has a lot of characters and they're all so fun. She doesn't really join in very often as time zones and real life and the like but each character she writes brings something so different that they at least get referenced by others a lot. Katsuki might not like a lot of them but they've still had an impact on them. I just hope she'll get more chances in the future to join in and that she'll at least reblog more fantasy memes as I need MORE. And as her best friend I should be able to encourage her...I hope XD.
@nitrosweet - Though Quinn has technically been part of the group for a long while, it's not really been that long since Katsuke has really been getting involved but I love him. I love having someone writing a sibling for my character. I love the shared past and world building we can do together and the discussions we can have because of their past. I love that we can write some good family bonding now. Quinn has taken a character that people just know as the happy Bakugou but turned him into something completely just Katsuke in the fantasy AU. Sure, they're identical twins but they couldn't be more different. They have different wants and lives and it's just so awesome. I know Quinn wants to bring in Kiri at some point too and it's safe to say I'm super excited.
@silver-strings-of-fate - Rae is someone whose characters are very built up, have their own religions and lives and world building and yet they were still able to blend them in seamlessly with the stuff I've mostly come up with? It's so cool. I've not interacted with Akira much but Yayoi is fun and terrifying and there's those two server only baby boys who are adorable. Rae has some really great ideas and I love writing with them and seeing what they come up with. I also just love to tease Yayoi as that's fun and I'm definitely looking forward to rping more with them in the future.
As well as this plenty of other people have written this AU with me. There are some people in the server who haven't had the chance to write much and I look forward to seeing more and others I've just written a bit with on tumblr and would always be interested in more. I want to thank all of you too and remind you that I'm always up for fantasy AU. Thanks for putting up with me.
@aidonneus | @plagued-yakuza | @oneshockyboi | @bubblyacidqueen | @magicsp3lls | @nurse-salamander | @mindlesspurplegaze
If I've missed someone then I apologize I just keep getting distracted while doing this.
Here's to plenty more fantasy in the future!
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garbageisland-0 · 6 years
I decided to write more for your OFA Kiri AU. (By the way, this @linkthecatuniverse for some reason it let me submit last time on that blog even though it’s a secondary blog. I don’t know tumblr’s weird.)
Kirishima awoke to Bakugou slamming the alarm clock off. Bakugou growled and threw the covers off, he stomped into the bathroom to start his morning routine. Kirishima rubbed his eyes and smiled at Bakugou, at least somethings will never change.
It has been about a month since Midoriya’s passing. Most of his old classmates had been keeping busy with work to avoid the topic, well almost everyone. Todoroki had shut himself up in his house, he was barely talking to anyone, only letting Iida and Uraraka in sometimes. Iida and Uraraka were worried, but they knew Todoroki needed his privacy and they couldn’t keep pushing if they didn’t want to be locked out forever.
Kirishima sighed and got up out of bed to join his husband in the bathroom. Bakugou was yelling as he brushed his teeth as always, Kirishima went through the motions of his morning routine working around Bakugou as he has grown accustomed to.
Bakugou was doing better despite everything, but Kirishima couldn’t get over the nagging feeling that he was worried for him. It made sense, Kirishima hadn’t talked to Bakugou about what happened, he didn’t even really know if he was allowed to. Kirishima had reframed from trying to use Midoriya’s power, he didn’t know much about it and he had no one to talk to.
Bakugou was yelling again as he brushed his teeth, as he did so he spied on Kirishima’s distraught expression. He needed to find out what was wrong with him, but he knew better than to push Kirishima when he wasn’t ready. It would just cause him to deny it, Bakugou needed to wait for Kirishima to come to him, but he was getting impatient. Bakugou would never outright admit it, but he hated seeing his husband so upset and not being able to do anything about it.
Of course, Kirishima just had to accidentally activate Midoriya’s quirk during battle. Bakugou and Kirishima were fighting a villain stronger than either of them had anticipated. Kirishima had lost some control during battle, enough so that he accidentally activated Midoriya’s quirk when uppercutting the villain.
Kirishima at least knew better than to use all of the power, Midoriya was always careful how much power he used and Kirishima finally understood why. Kirishima’s arm ached, but it wasn’t broken at least.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Bakugou yelled angrily behind him. Kirishima was almost confused before he realized what he had done, Kirishima immediately beat himself up for using Midoriya’s power.
When the villain was tied up and turned into the authorities, Bakugou stomped up to Kirishima when they were away from prying eyes, “D-did that damn nerd give you One for All?” He whisper-shouted the closest thing to whispering Bakugou could manage.
Kirishima was taken aback, “Y-you know about it?”
“Of course I do you, idiot! I’ve known since the first year of high school!” Bakugou shouted before lowering his voice.
“B-but how- I,” Kirishima stuttered before tears started to form in his eyes and he hugged Bakugou finally spilling his feelings.
Bakugou was almost taken aback by what Kirishima was holding on his shoulders and he was pissed at that nerd for pushing this onto his Kiri. Yet Bakugou pushes all of his feelings down, right now he had to be mature for Kirishima.
Bakugou rubbed his back and let Kirishima cry into his chest doing his best to comfort him. When Kirishima had finally calmed down, Bakugou took the opportunity to tell Kirishima about the other people who knew about One for All.
“Why didn’t Midoriya tell you all this?” Bakugou mumbled trying his best to remain serious and calm.
“He didn’t have time,” Kirishima explained his face growing sad, “He barely had any time with Todoroki.”
Bakugou remained silent for a few moments, trying to find something to say.
“I should talk to everyone who knows about One for All,” Kirishima said filling the silent for Bakugou, “There’s still a lot a don’t know.”
“But that can wait till tomorrow,” Bakugou started going back to his more loud self “it’s late and I’m starving,” he complained, more for Kirishima than himself.
Kirishima smiled and nodded, “Then let’s go eat!” He yelled getting back into his cheerful, peppy self.
Kirishima and Bakugou had a quiet night in, takeout, a movie, and cuddles. Bakugou complaining the entire way through, trying his best to calm and cheer up Kirishima. Kirishima loved his husband’s quirky ways to cheer him up as they never seemed to fail.
It was when he fell asleep did the problem arise, he’s surrounded by black smoke. Kirishima hated the way the smoke gathered around his legs not allowing him to move his legs. He almost starts to freak out before he sees a figure approaching, he almost immediately recognizes Midoriya’s smaller, muscular frame.
“Hey,” Midoriya waves awkwardly at Kirishima, his famous awkward smile on his face.
“M-Mido…,” Kirishima mutters too many emotions going through his mind to pinpoint how he was exactly feeling.
“I never told about this part, did I? Heh,” Midoriya laughed awkwardly before shaking his head, “Well!” Midoriya claps his hands together, getting back into his chipper mood, “We probably don’t have a lot of time, so let’s get right to it! How’s everything going?”
Kirishima stares at him for a long time before Midoriya fills the awkward silence, “Let’s see, you should be able to use 50%! That’s really impressive! It took me three years to get to that point!”
Kirishima starts crying and Midoriya gets taken aback, “Eh? What’s wrong?,” He almost shouts in surprise and shock, “Why are you crying?” 
“What kind of question is that? Midoriya you died.” Kirishima states through tears, rubbing his eyes to get rid of them.
Midoriya’s cheerful attitude dissipates and a frown forms on his face, “Oh, yeah, sorry,” Midoriya mutters awkwardly looking at his feet as he kicks at the ground.
Kirishima is at a loss for words, what is he suppose to say in this situation. He would almost be convinced this wasn’t real if it wasn’t for Midoriya’s behavior. This was definitely the Midoriya he knew, a little awkward, but always trying to light the mood and bring others up. “Midoriya. What’s going on?” Kirishima asks slowly.
“I can tell you that later,” Midoriya says quickly, “I have a few questions I wanted to ask you.” 
“O-okay,” Kirishima mumbled, his questions could wait for now. Midoriya was most likely concerned about everyone else.
Midoriya’s face softens, “How is he?” He asks anxiously.
Kirishima can’t keep Midoriya’s soft gaze, he looks away waves of shame washing over him, “He’s locked himself in your house and hasn’t spoken to me since you died.” 
“Oh,” Comes Midoriya’s quick response.
“I-I tried to talk to him but, he’d just ask me about what you told me or why I kissed you,” Kirishima’s explains guiltily, “I know I can’t tell him so I wouldn’t give him an answer and now it’s been radio silence.”
Midoriya mutters to himself for a moment, thinking deeply, “I mean you can tell him if you want to. I understand why you wouldn’t give answers,” Midoriya pauses to sigh, “but this isn’t my secret to keep anymore, Kirishima. It’s yours.”
It’s silent between the two for a few moments, it’s almost awkward, but it’s more sad and sullen then anything.
“How’s everyone else?” Midoriya asks hopeful.
“They’re taking it slightly better,” Kirishima says relieved he can give Midoriya some kind of good news, “but, mostly everyone’s just keeping themselves busy with work so they don’t think about it too much.”
Midoriya pauses for a few beats, “What about Kacchan?” He asks slowly.
“Oh, he’s pissed at you,” Kirishima explains.
“Yeah, I figured. But, then again, when isn’t he pissed at me?” They two chuckle, the awkward tension finally seeming to leave them.
“Midoriya, how do I-” Kirishima begins, wanting to ask Midoriya so many more question.
Black smokes starts to surround Midoriya and he jolts back in surprise, “Oh! I guess time’s up for now,” He says sadness in his voice as the black smoke starts to rise, “I wished I could’ve talked to you more. Don’t worry you’ll see me again! I’ll introduce you to everyone else next time! I’ll tell All Might you said hi.” 
“Wait! Midori-” Kirishima begins to yell, he still has so many questions and he can’t leave now. They just started talking again.
“Please check on Shouto for me,” Midoriya says a sad smile finding its way onto his lips, “Remember what I told you! It’s your secret now!”
Kirishima reaches out, but his legs are stuck from the black smoke and he can’t reach Midoriya, “Wait! Please!”
“MIDORIYA!” Kirishima shouts, shooting up in bed, panting and covered in cold sweat.
“Huh? Eiji what’s wrong?” Bakugou mutters still half asleep.
Kirishima doesn’t answer him as he tries to calm his deep, strained breathing.
Bakugou sits up more, waking up a little more, “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked concerned placing a hand on Kirishima’s back.
“I-it’s nothing. I’ll tell you tomorrow,” Kirishima says giving a forced smile to his concerned husband.
“Okay,” Bakugou mumbles, not convinced, but satisfied.
Kirishima wakes the next morning to Bakugou shaking him awake, he was thankful it was finally the weekend, but it still caused more problems.
When the two boys finished their morning routines and Bakugou had finished breakfast, Kirishima explained the dream to Bakugou.
“What the fuck, shitty hair? That nerd can talk to you through your dreams?” Bakugou said, which was more of a shout as Kirishima has learned to understand that’s just how Bakugou spoke normally.
“I guess,” Kirishima said looking down at his mostly untouched plate, “Midoriya didn’t have much time to explain everything. He wanted to know how everyone else was doing first.”
Bakugou growls, “So, he didn’t take any time to explain anything?”
“It’s natural that he wanted to know how everyone else was doing,” Kirishima states trying to calm down his husband, “But he made it seem that he’d be able to come into my dreams again.”
Bakugou nodded, but Kirishima could still tell he was angry, “When do you want to talk to everyone today?” He asks trying to change the subject the slightest so he could calm down.
“I actually want to talk to Todoroki first,” Kirishima says pushing his unfinished plate away from him, “I think we should tell him everything.”
Bakugou contemplated the thought for a second, on the one hand, Icy-Hot might forgive Kirishima and get his ass out of the house, but on the opposite end, even more people would know about One for All. “Okay,” Bakugou said after thinking it over for a few moments, “We’ll tell him.”
Relief washed over Kirishima’s face and angry sparked up in Bakugou again, why did that damn nerd have to push all of this on Kirishima? Yet the more Bakugou thought about it the more he understood why Midoriya did it.
“Well, we should probably get going,” Kirishima states pulling Bakugou out of his thoughts, “It’s gonna be a long day.”
Bakugou nods before noticing Kirishima didn’t finish his plate, he won’t make a big deal out of it yet, but that damn nerd is pissing him off.
Kirishima is anxious when they get to Todoroki’s house, Bakugou can see it as he won’t sit still. Kirishima takes a deep breath and knocks on Todoroki’s door. Todoroki answers, surprisingly, but almost slams the door on the two heroes.
“What do you want?” Todoroki asks, his face eerily calm and cold.
“I want to explain everything,” Kirishima says getting right to the point in hopes Todoroki will let him in.
Todoroki seems to contemplate it for a minute before he lets Kirishima and Bakugou in. The house is a mess, understandably, Kirishima can’t even begin to imagine what Todoroki is going through and he hadn’t been making it any easier. Todoroki leads them to their dining room table and the three heroes sit down.
Kirishima looks Todoroki over, it’s obvious that he hadn’t been taking very good care of himself. Kirishima was glad at least Iida and Uraraka have been able to talk to him and help him out. There was definitely evidence of Iida in the house, the things Todoroki barely touched were clean and in their place. Iida has most likely fully cleaned the house, while Uraraka has helped take care of Todoroki.
“Tell me what happened,” Todoroki begins, “What did Izuku say to you?”
Kirishima took a deep breath and explained everything about One for All to him. Bakugou would cut in everyone and then with something Kirishima didn’t know or correcting him on something.
Todoroki sits in silence for a long time, Kirishima can see the different emotions he’s trying to push down. It’s been a few minutes before Todoroki takes a deep breath and starts to ask hundreds of questions. Kirishima tries to answer every one of Todoroki’s question as best as he can with a little help from Bakugou.
It had felt like hours before Todoroki finished with his questions, but Kirishima could only hope some weight had been lifted from Todoroki’s shoulders.
“Thank you,” Todoroki said rubbing away a few stray tears, “it makes sense now, but I still can’t forgive you. Not right now, not when it’s still this fresh.
Kirishima nodded quickly, this was definitely better than nothing. Bakugou almost looked like he wanted to say something, but he knew better than to starts fight right now.
“Thank you for hearing me out, Todoroki,” Kirishima said standing up and bowing to him. Todoroki nodded and Bakugou stood up next to Kirishima, “I’ll see you later, I know it’s hard but it’ll get better.”
Todoroki nodded as the two heroes left the house he once shared with the love of his life. He was still angry at Kirishima, maybe it was because he couldn’t understand everything, maybe it was because Kirishima had the last pieces of Izuku. For now, Todoroki didn’t want to think about it.
///// @linkthecat AMAZING WONDERFUL A+
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voidiots · 6 years
Una’to Bajhiri :  RP Profile (Mateus, Crystal Server)
Updated: 04/23/2019
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Character Name: Una’to Bajhiri
The Basics ––––
·         Age: 25
·         Birthday: 13th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 13th)
·         Race: Miqo’te : Half Moon Keeper and Half Sun Seeker. (It doesn’t show, he looks most like and ID’s as a Keeper.)
·         Gender: Male
·         Sexuality: Pansexual Polyamorous
·         Marital Status: Single 
(Dating Nezh’a @deviouslynezha)
Physical Appearance ––––
·         Hair: White
·         Eyes: Aqua Green
·         Height: 5’6”
·         Build: Lean and muscular. Short from malnutrition growing up.
·         Distinguishing Marks: Red tattoos, red eyeshadow, light scars on hands.
·         Common Accessories: Long painted nails, masks, and rings made of bone.
Personal ––––
·         Profession: Fortune Telling
·         Hobbies: Tormenting his self-proclaimed friends, researching, collecting secrets, and socializing.
·         Languages: Eorzean
·         Residence: Inns around Ul’dah. (He has an Apartment in The Goblet Ward 13 Subdivision Apartment 10, however he is more picky about who he allows to go there, and if anything will do readings there should someone demand a more private venue.)
·         Birthplace: Twelves Wood (South Shroud specifically, closer to the East Shroud’s border)
·         Religion: Agnostic
·         Patron Deity: Menphina, The Lover
·         Fears: Being alone, the past, the future, others touching his neck, spiders.
Relationships –––
·         Spouse: N/A
·         Children: N/A
·         Parents: Una Bajhiri and Miqo’te by the name of  T’ara Nunh(deceased).
·         Siblings: Una’a (thought to be dead goes by Nry (@nyrs-nook)), Kana (deceased), Kiri (deceased), Vizha Bajhiri (Half sibling).
·         Other Relatives: Extended clan that he is estranged from on both sides of his family.
·         Pets: N/A
Traits –––
·         Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
·         Disorganized / In Between / Organized
·         Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
·         Calm / In Between / Anxious
·         Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
·         Cautious / In Between / Reckless
·         Patient / In Between / Impatient
·         Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
·         Leader / In Between / Follower
·         Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
·         Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
·         Traditional / In Between / Modern
·         Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
·         Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
·         Loyal / In Between / Disloyal 
·         Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
never /sometimes/ frequently / to excess.
never /sometimes/ frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess
RP Hooks ––––
.Traveling Circus: Sword swallowing, knife juggling fire blowing, card tricks, and fortune telling were his gig’s while in service to the circus. He doesn’t like to talk about that part of his life, but someone is bound to recognize him from that part of his life (Ages 10 to 22).
. Fortune Teller: He reads fortunes for profit where he can, it’s an easy to use skill that he was able to pick up from his time in the circus. Readings can be done via all mediums for RP.
.Void Research: He’s secretly been researching the void and voidsent regarding a disease that hit his small “village” when he was a child, taking his siblings and leaving him the only survivor of the disease. Secrets don’t stay secret long though, and surely someone is bound to hear about his research. He’s mainly looking into the disease to see what it entails for those who survive it, and when and what reasons it popped up before in the past. He’s currently trying to link the disease to whatever voidsent it’s derived from. Additionally, this may make him set some with sensitivities or voidsent off given it did impact his physiological makeup.
. Corrupted Aether: Due to the disease he suffered from in his childhood, if you’re able to sense aether it’s likely you can tell that he has a large amount, and that it’s not normal.
. Distrust of Conjurers: He has a distrust of conjurers as they couldn’t make it to his village to help him or his siblings when disease took hold. He also has a dislike of Kan-e Senna as a result. Aura Conjurers are safe from his distrust however. He’s prone to glaring at Conjurers as a result, and often doesn’t realize it.
. World’s Oldest Profession: Maybe you’ve hired him for his services before, he isn’t taking anyone recently as his fortune telling career is treating him better and Nezh’a is very prone to crashing his engagements and ruining them.
. Clan Runaway: Are you a Bajhiri? You may have heard about his siblings deaths, or how he left his poor mother alone when she needed help most. Either way, he’ll likely be aloof around you and try to avoid the subject of his family as much as possible, but may try to probe for information on how the clan is doing.
About the Mun and Contact Details––––
·  My main blog is @fracturedfantasia​, but messaging on Tumblr via IM or asks on my main or character blog is fine by me. Una’to can be found at @unatobajhiri​.
· I will give my Discord upon request. It is probably the best way to reach me as I have it on my computer and phone. Discord and Tumblr are preferable, just because at times my depression or anxiety kicks my butt and gives me low energy. Which by extension means that I may be a little slow on replies because energy and focus are fickle weird things. I am much newer to in game RP, but have been RPing via forums and table top for a cumulative ten or so years.
· I live in Arizona, so in Winter I’m on MST and in Summer PDT. To us, daylight savings is fake.
·  I work retail currently, and that means my schedule isn't consistent. As it is now I have Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday off consistently. I usually play DnD on Monday and Saturday nights typically.
· I tend to be a night owl and have insomnia, so catching me from afternoon to nope in the morning is your best bet. Otherwise I can be low energy at times and forgetful. Life is a busy thing after all, and we all have differing levels of energy that we can dedicate to things. Especially with IRL drama hitting time to time.
· Of course IC and OOC are separate. If you’ve talked to me ever, you will know I am a strange little cryptid that draws and makes jokes a lot, as well as like, I will cry upon seeing kittens.
· Una’to can be found in game on the Mateus server generally for his home server, otherwise any Crystal world is fair game.
What I’m Looking For and Rules ––––
I’m looking for people who are okay with characters changing. As such Una’to is set up with a kind of dating sim route where those around him influence the end of this chapter in his life and how he ends up. That means there are varying levels of good ends and bad ends, with the extremes being the end goal regardless, as people can continue to influence his rise or fall as a person. The more people who are good and convince him to be less jaded, the better off he is for a good end. The more people who are trying to corrupt and use him because of his past with voidsent? The closer he gets to a bad end. 
I’m not looking to ERP. We will both just feel awkward and disappointed more than anything, just because I will be as lost as can be. If it does happen we can try and see what happens, but I want it to be story motivated. Additionally, shipping is not one of my big concerns regarding Una’to. If it happens it happens, but at present I’m not going to push for it. I mean... LOOK AT HIM.
Please don’t try to kill my muse physically. Like, I’m going to put that final nail in the coffin when I so wish. Think he should have some marks left from an interaction, talk to be about it first. You don’t get to decide what changes occur to my character on my half simple as that.
Given he is a character that has darker themes, I ask that all interested in RPing with Una’to be 18+. No offense to minors, I’m just covering my bases here. I’m also quite a bit older than eighteen now, any my comfort for minors interacting with darker things, especially ones that I’m contributing to, is that I would prefer we’re both adults.
· If one has any questions, constructive critique, or comments please shoot me a message!
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96percentdone · 6 years
DR1 character rankings
I got bored and kept seeing @halfpastmonsoon do these and decided fuck it I’ll do it myself. It’s my blog right like?
Anyway uh in case someone gets super irate about it these are just my opinions and you’re allowed to like characters I don’t like for whatever reasons you want? You’re also allowed to hate characters I like! But isn’t an invitation for you to fight me just because I have different opinions, yeah? Okay! Under the cut!
1. Kirigi//ri Kyou//ko: she’s my god damn wife what do you want from me. I’m really gay did you see her in DR3--OKAY NO FOR REAL. Kiri is so good holy shit she’s like morally complex because she’ll do anything for the truth, even throw you under the bus just to make sure she can still live to find it. She’ll get mad at you for keeping secrets and yet she’ll keep like 8000 from you and except you to roll with it. My point is Kiri has flaws, but more importantly, she has like an arc where she learns from them? Like with the secrets she realizes she was being unfair, and when she throws you under the bus it’s when it clicks just how she was gonna KILL Naegi just tomake sure she could keep operating as herself. She realizes her mistakes, and she comes clean on all her secrets and apologizes. She’s got a lot going on. And I love her so so so much.
2. Oo//gami Saku//ra: too good for this fucking sinful earth. okay. No, but seriously I think she’s amazing simply because of her arc. She betrays them all in a moment of weakness, because she fears for her dojo, and over the course of getting attached to them realizes she can’t throw them all under the bus like that either. So she resolves herself and finds the strength to fight Monokuma, and suffer alone as consequence to her actions. But even that’s not enough. It’s not enough to just accept you’ve sinned and take your punishment, you have to do something, and she does. Through her own strength and love for the classmates around her she kills herself just to end their fighting. It stopped being about her, and just...grijgoirjgoirjgowe okay I love her. 
3. As//ahi//na A//oi: throwback to when the consequences of trying to get everyone killed mattered even a little! I love her a whole lot! She’s super bubbly and excitable and tries quite a bit, but the thing I like the most is how she’s is pretty much exclusively run by her emotions. ch4 plays out the way it does because she gets so caught up in her guilt instead of thinking it through more she decides they all must die for their sins. It’s only when she’s forced to think about the ‘suicide note’ that she recieves she realizes she fucked it up, and then apologizes. Her apology is glossed over a little too fast if we’re being honest, but it’s there, and we see everyone reason their way into forgiving her. Listen I just like ch4 a lot and she’s a big reason as to why.  
4. Eno//shima Jun//ko: throwback to when DR villains were actually good and compelling. Girl makes a fucking entrance and she stands out because she literally can’t decide what she wants to be out of boredom. It becomes so clear just in how she treats herself that the only thing in this WORLD that matters to her is her own entertainment and that to her, entertainment means despair. Boredom is the one true despair, and it can only be satiated by seeing other people suffer at their worst. She embodies despair because suffering is the only thing that can satisfy her own personal despair. She wants everyone to suffer like she does, so she can get off on it. It’s paradoxical and mad, but it’s genuine. Even when she loses, she wins, because now she suffers from the despair of failing. She suffers because things don’t go her way, but things not going her way alleviates her boredom. She goes beyond human comprehension and yet her actions have very real and permanent consequences. And she’s a joy to watch. DR3 never happened to ruin her. Nope.  
5. Fu//kawa To//uko: Man I love Fuka//wa I really do she’s a lot of fun, and it’s just a shame her potential isn’t capitalized until DRAE, but I did enjoy seeing her. The serial killer twist is fun too! I’ll admit I largely like her because of what DRAE does for her, but I think her persecution complex is interesting to see in motion, and that for someone you’d expect to be smart given her talent she’s just kinda a fool. She doesn't actually know what she’s doing at all. I’m mad she doesn’t get her moment in ch6 and it goes to Syo instead I think it’s crap how DR1 ignores her as a character, but given how well she’s used later I think DR1 is basically just her backstory in a lot of regards so ye. 
5.5 Genoc//ider S//yo: lmao she gets ranked less than Fuk//awa only because I like F//ukawa slightly more but they’re pretty much tied otherwise. She’s funny. I’m a little annoyed that she’s the one with the big climactic dialogue in ch6 versus actual Fukawa but whatever man.
6. Fuj//isaki Chihi//ro: y’know I had like several paragraphs here as to why I ranked Fujisa//ki here and then I realized the discourse I’d reopen on the subject is not worth it because Fujis//aki Discourse is eternal and no matter what pronoun I use someone would fight me SO. We’re just not gonna explain why. You’re just gonna have to accept it. I’m not doing Fu//jisaki discourse. If you message me on the subject, I will ignore you. The end. 
7. Na//egi Mako//to: Egg is a super static character if we’re being honest. He makes no change and doesn’t develop, but I think it was actually the point. I pretty much exclusively prefer a character who develops, but egg does his job well because he was meant to be SYMBOLIC of hope. Hope is not something that changes, it simply IS, so having him start optimistic and trusting, and remain optimistic and trusting works because he embodies the concept he represents. It’s kinda boring that it feels like he’s a vehicle to view the plot, but he works, and he’s a little funny at times. Also, I’m gay for Ogata Megumi so there’s that.
8. Ishi//maru Kiyota//ka: Honestly I think Ishi is kinda boring, but I just really like that he got suuuuper invested in Oo//wada only to crash like. I think Kodaka doing that and realizing how bad people took Ishimaru’s later death made him start having actual development arcs based on someone else’s sacrifice which is good. So at the end of the day, I like Ish//imaru if only because of what he inspired. But he’s kind of a cute character, and his “not actually gay we promise” dynamic with Oow//ada was fun. 
9. Hag//akure Yas//uhiro: For comic relief he’s actually kinda funny although I will never never never forgive the man for “Kiri//giri-chi is a ghooooost!!!!” shit in ch5 listen no fuck off fuck you she’s not a ghost. But he’s useless, but it’s kinda funny how useless he is, and I like how his useless stupidity actually plays a role because he makes things even more complicated than they need to be in ch4 because he’s dumb. So there you go. 
10. Ik//usaba Muk//uro: She like has no real character as a result of like not actually existing as herself in the 2 minutes of time she gets before she dies so I don’t know how people stan her, but I think there’s something interesting about her pretending to be someone she’s not the whole time. You see more of that in school mode, but I wish there was more of it in the main story to hint at the reveal than her DEATH. I feel like she’s a lot more interesting in theory than in practice. 
11. Oo//wada Mon//do: I just don’t care about the man what do you want from me. He’s kinda funny though, and “his totally not gay we promise” bromance with Ishi//maru is nice. Also ch2 hurts sufficiently and provides interesting commentary on toxic masculinity. But honestly, I just didn’t really get all too invested in the guy. His design’s cool though.
12. Ma//izono Saya//ka: she’s just really boring guys she’s like not interesting at all, and I don’t appreciate the game forcing her on me just for a plot twist of ‘oooo she dies and was gonna frame you for murder!!!’ There’s like nothing To her, and she’s intentionally played like wife bait so the reveal hurts more but it doesn’t really work when you’re not taking the bait, huh? All that being said I actually kinda like that at the end of the day she ISN’T wife bait and she’s kinda conniving and manipulative, but Kodaka decided we have to preserve her as “ultimately good” with that “dying message means she really does care” thing he hammers in so she’s a little wasted. I’d like her more otherwise. 
13. Yama//da Hi//fumi: He’s creeeeeepppyyyyyy. I’ll give him credit for one thing though and that’s like his creepiness is like reserved towards an AI? Like he’s not like a certain sdr2 character who I won’t mention by name, but like it’s still. It’s not good. Also for comic relief, he’s not very funny. But I also just kinda feel bad for him because his existence is treated as a joke by everyone, even the writers, and that probably explains why he’s written like that, to begin with. 
14. Ce//lestia Ludenb//erg: She’s a bitch? She’s not even a fun bitch she’s just a bitch. I just don’t like her better than thou attitude before her reveal, and her motivations after her reveal in ch3 did nothing to endear me to her. I think the writing behind her though works, which is good. The plot twist is satisfying for that reason. She’s like Ouma jr in regards to the DR Liar archetype, which is great tbh, and she has payoff, I just don’t like her as a person so she’s super far down my list lmao.
15. Toga//mi Byak//uya: listen he’s a douchebag and gets no real character development at all. like in ch4 he decides he’s gonna stop playing the killing game how Monokuma wants, but he still is the same fucking condescending better than thou asshole he started as. His major character flaw ACCORDING TO THE NARRATIVE is that he’s a self-absorbed piece of shit who thinks he's right about everything all the time, and yet even when he gets WRECKED in ch4, he like...stays the same. Instead of thinking “maybe I’m wrong sometimes” the conclusion he reaches is “I’ll stop doing what Monokuma wants” which alright fine but like that’s not the arc we set up for you. So basically Togami from start to finish is just a douchebag with no actual redeeming qualities. I will say one thing. I like him MUCH better outside of DR1, where he seems to have actually developed a little, and he’s kinda funny. Also his backstory is fucked I’ll admit that. But dude I don’t like the man. 
16. Kuwa//ta L//eon: If you’re wondering why Leo//n’s down here at the bottom even if I just professed to hating Toga//mi with my entire being it’s because I very aggressively don’t care about him. He is a non-entity to me. You could erase him from my memory and nothing would change at all. Also he’s ugly.
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
Shizuma general headcanons
Reposting this from my main blog @caxceberxvi 
ok so here are some of the head canons ive been working on for shizuma. im def going to do all of the stripe squad and im probably going to update this after next  weeks ep if we see what happens to them        
very much dating buntan. Their fav activity is (besides being sassmasters) is watching fireworks and the fountain displays in the old parts of Kiri
however theyre both pretty loved starved and have no idea how to have a real relationship so it eventually peters out to them just being cuddle friends
its pretty cold and wet in kiri so getting good tea and coffee is hard. His favourite brand actually comes from Suna but hes loath to admit it because FORIGN GOODS
those little gills on the side of his face didn’t appare until puberty but now they pop in constanly. When he gets happy they wiggle, when he gets sad or crys sometimes they dribble like a runny nose and sometimes when he sneezes they pop in suddenly and scare the hell out of everyone because sneeze is suddenly X12 LOUDER.
His favorite food is Unagi  (barbeque grilled river-eel) which is hard to get in the salty ocean surrounded land of water .
He tells people he likes fugu because he likes to live dangerously but secretly he’d rather have Takoyaki  from that one little place on the pier.
He really doesn’t eat red meat since its really hard to rear in kiri and really expencive . however if someone offered it to him he’d probably eat it
However if you offer him gobo( burdock root) or Nasu ( egg plant) he will throw them at you in disgust
Fun fact about Hoshigakis is that some of them are more like sharks than others. Some of them suffer from Tonic immobility . so for example If someone were to boop shizuma on the nose he’d be stuck until they decided to move.
This is his most closely guarded secret ( it is also very cute and im defiantly going to draw it)
Heres the nice ones
but i really love to torture shark-child so there are some nastys below the cut
angst warning!
@temari-i-i as promised =)
100% confirmed cuddle monster who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “ personal space. He also has the rest of the stripe squad as bad as he is.
Not a morning person tbh. Cant function before 10am and needs at least 2 cups of coffee to get going.
The reason he was on Penance during the fiend trip arc was because he messed up an important peace building mission to Iwa. He pretended it was an accident but no one was buying it.
After the field trip arc he was demoted back to Genin.
He says hes 18 during the field trip arc but hes actually a few months shy of 18 . hes just tryna act older since hes the youngest of the stripe squad .
The Hoshigaki clan is actually Matriarchal, as with sharks irl. Female hoshigaki are stronger and have more chakra on average. The more women of high ninja rank in the family the more say they have
There are a lot of twins  and triplets in the hoshigaki Clan as sharks tend to have multiple bbys
Shizumas parents struggled to have children and when they did it was just one boy, shizuma. Because of this  shizumas family hold little sway over the decisions of the clan which his parents are a little bit bitter about
Speaking of his family they are kind of jerks. His mom is fairly important, she does love shizuma but since hes not a girl she doesn’t really pay him any heed because whats the point???
she would be the first to voice her annoyance if he did anything less than perfect on a mission or exam because how dare you son of mine????
His dad on the other hand is an abusive asshole. He constantly undermines shizuma for even the smallest failure and constantly telling him he needs to change and be better but fails to acknowledge shizuma when he succeeds at anything. If shizuma speaks back its likely he’ll be hit or punished in someway
Because of this He was genuinely hurt by Kaguras suggestion that he could change as the whole reason behind his attempted coup  was because his dad told him he needed to change and he did so now hes all confused and which is it??? Change back to a failure in his parents eyes or a traitor to the village???
The only time his dad is even the slightest bit kind is when shizuma asks to hear about how the village used to be during the blood mist days. Shizuma has grown up with tales of the glory days and now obviously idolizes it.
This is one of the main reasons he wants things to go back to how they were in the past
Neither of his parents went to his Chunin exam graduation or his appointment to instructor at the academy .
They were also PISSED after the whole field trip incident . outwardly they support the village or at least the clan does. They turned the air blue yelling at him about disrespecting the village and stealing something as valuable and dangerous as samehada , esp since he didn’t earn it
But behind closed doors they were more angry that shizuma got caught and wasn’t able to wield samehada with any kind of skill.
If shizuma had succeeded they would have chalked it up to a Clan victory rather than shizumas own accomplishments  but since he failed its all his problem and hes  useless and shameing the clan
After merging with samehada his chakra pathway was damaged meaning he now has trouble performing even the most basic ninjutsu like walking on water(ill go into this more later or in another head canon thing because its 0015 and im tired)
Little bit of a masochist .too young for the NASTY™ but would def be into the whole whips and chains thing ( should this go in a NSFW HC list or something???)
Questionably straight Shark child©
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animeindoblog-blog · 7 years
UQ HOLDER! ~Mahou Sensei Negima! 2~ – An Impossible Task, Done Fine-ish
New Post has been published on https://animeindo.org/blog/2017/12/24/uq-holder-mahou-sensei-negima-2-an-impossible-task-done-fine-ish/
UQ HOLDER! ~Mahou Sensei Negima! 2~ – An Impossible Task, Done Fine-ish
A rare battle scene where no one’s naked.
Akamatsu Ken manga are notoriously difficult to adapt. Unlike, say, Arakawa Hiromu, whose manga can damn near be used as storyboards, Akamatsu-sensei takes too many diversions, adds too many characters, takes too long getting to the point, and adds in too many chapters that seem like (and occasionally are) just silly fluff. The end result as a manga is delightful—his action is stirring, his comedy is hilarious, and he can deftly switch between world-ending drama and goofy romcom hijinks in the middle of a scene—but too much of it depends on the particular eccentricities of manga, which don’t always translate comfortably to anime. (Ex: he’s a master of slipping extra side comments into a panel that are super hilarious, but which would eat up too much time in an anime.) His stories amble toward their ultimate conclusions, but the entire trip really is important. Without it, you’re getting a shell of a story. The only real way to adapt an Akamatsu Ken manga properly is to adapt every single chapter, even the ones that don’t seem important, because they are. But no one greenlights 100+ episodes for a fantasy action ecchi romcom epic battle anime. Not anymore.
So UQ HOLDER! ~Mahou Sensei Negima! 2~ was saddled with an impossible task. A task I had a feeling was impossible even before I read the manga, and now that I’ve caught up on it, I realize how right I was. How much I undersold the herculean task, if anything. With the heavy lore/characters of Negima intertwining with the new UQ Holder additions—not to mention it needing to serve not only as a sequel to Negima, but to in some ways make up for and finish Negima’s original story, which was cut short—this is a bear of a manga to adapt.
So. How’d they do?
Fine. It didn’t end up being a good anime, but given the task the anime team did a decent job. For non-manga readers, this adaptation covered (loosely) 134 chapters of manga, which—I mean, how were they going to do that well? Other than trying to do far less, which would have been my pitch, even if the stopping point they were trying to get to was a good one. Like I said, Akamatsu Ken stories tend to meander, and this one does it even more so than Negima or Love Hina. (Okay, actually less than Love Hina, but that was so much lighter on plot that you could stop almost anywhere.)
There are certain decisions that I find unforgivable, chief among them the absence of Santa. For non-manga readers, I’ll only say that leaving out Santa is like leaving out Kotarou in the original Negima anime, and was likely done for similar reasons—but it can’t all be haremettes. I mean, it can be if that’s the plan, but c’mon! Santa, as Kotarou was before him, is vital to the plot! Did you notice how Albireo Imma (Ku:nel Sanders) was conspicuously absent from the final fight? That’s because Santa wasn’t there to fight him, and without Santa, Albiereo would have wrecked havoc on the others and Team Negi-Ialda would have easily won. Leaving him out is especially unforgivable because it was so easy to fix—even if you’re not doing his arc, just have him be part of UQ Holder from the beginning, like Ikku was. It wouldn’t be the same, but at least he’d be there.
Other deleted characters had huge impacts on the story, Dana chief among them. Though it really comes down to what always happens when you try to condense 134 chapters into 12 episodes: all context is lost. The connections are lost. Nothing makes sense, because all the connective tissue that makes this (admittedly convoluted) plot work in stretched-out manga form was completely absent here. Does an anime-only viewer know why Touta is so important, other than the clone thing? Because that alone isn’t the reason. It’s what that means that is important. But we never hear about it. Without that, their plan to beat Negi-Ialda doesn’t make sense, because they don’t really have one. Which makes sense, since the battle comes so quickly after other events that it’s not like they had time to grapple with the danger upon them.
Other problems are easier to fix, such as the piss-poor animation. It doesn’t look like UQ Holder got much in the way of budget, and it shows. Then there was the pacing, which is very difficult to get right. I think Akamatsu anime need a gifted comedy director at the helm, because one of Akamatsu-sensei’s greatest strengths is that he lays out scenes and uses the pacing of a hijinks-filled romcom, even if he’s writing a bunch of action—which is to say, UQ Holder needs the energy of a romcom for the story to work. This anime never had that. Which is somewhat surprising since Suzuki Youhei has some good credits to his name, but maybe it wasn’t enough to make up for the everliving rush, or the lack of budget hurt him here too.
The funny thing is that this adaptation is a classic case of hitting a lot of the memorable moments/images, but neutering them by not understanding or conveying the connections that made them so memorable originally. It’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice thinking—just get Batman in that metal suit and the fanboys will go wild, it doesn’t matter if none of it makes sense!—where as long as you hit the right scenes then it should all work out. Which is extra crazy, since Akamatsu-sensei himself did series composition for this anime! So maybe he knew too much, or more likely, there was just no way to put all the connections in. Not with twelve episodes and a shit budget. This anime was doomed as soon as they decided to adapt up to ch134 in a single cour. Everything else was just deciding on the particular flavor of failure—though prioritizing contextless action and harem hijinks probably didn’t help. Once again: RIP Santa. You were missed.
But in the end, this was probably 80% of as good of an adaptation as this anime was ever going to get, once they made that initial (fatal) decision to adapt so much. That’s not exactly praise, it’s just a hard assessment of the truth. They were screwed from that decision, so the fact that they more or less kept the wheels on—and some changes even kind of worked, as long as you don’t think too much about the gaping plotholes they left—is impressive in a way. Things threatened to fall apart in the last two episodes though, and that weird 3-A dream sequence in the middle of the last battle was pretty pointless.
I wouldn’t recommend the UQ Holder anime to anyone, but the manga is still good. Take the time to read it if you haven’t yet. It’s time well spent. I just wish the anime team had taken more time, so they could luxuriate in those early chapters, rather than speeding toward failure.
Now, I’m going to end on some comments about the manga, mostly from chapters that take place after this adaptation ends (so ch135+). If you haven’t caught up on the manga, don’t click on the tag below. Seriously, don’t do it. Go read the manga, THEN click on it. Or just read the manga. It’s good stuff.
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Holy hell, Chisame as end girl!? Who’da thunk it. I mean, it makes sense within the context of UQ Holder—Chisame winning the Negi Bowl sets up Kirie as the chief contender for Touta’s heart, along with Yukihime, who not coincidentally ends up with Nagi in the Good End world, further solidifing her as the other contender—but if I were guessing who’d end up with Negi at the end of Negima itself, I’da probably guessed Yue. Nodoka is another strong candidate too, or even Asuna—she’s always been my favorite, though in the end she never got past the big sister vibe. Or a bunch of other girls! Still, Chisame does feel right, the more I think about it. And I’ve been thinking of it a lot, as I remember that wedding picture and smile. D’aaaawwww! Also, kudos to Akamatsu-sensei for having the cojones to actually pick an end girl, even if he did it in the sequel years later.
Speaking of, I’m glad that the Good End world still exists. Originally when I started reading UQ Holder, I was assuming this was that world, and that Negi had lived his life and died peacefully, only for shit to get wonky after that—but then Negi reappeared, and we learned that he very much did not get a happy ending, and that was news I didn’t like so much. Seeing that the Good End world is still out there—where Asuna got to live out her life with her friends, where Nagi was saved, where Negi and Eva and everyone else got to be happy in the end—just makes me smile. They deserve that happy end, especially now that we finally got to see how they earned it.
As for UQ Holder, I was originally on the Kuromaru ship, but I’ve since gone over to the Kirie side, though I’d be happy with a Yukihime ending too. It’s just hard to not like Kirie, especially after the time freeze chapters—which the anime didn’t do, by the way, so Kirie falling for Touta in the anime makes zero sense. And she also doesn’t have her time freeze powers, so Cutlass is totally pointless in the anime BUT I DIGRESS!
I also have mixed feelings about how much the manga has turned into Negima: The Ending I Didn’t Get To Do Before: The Manga, especially in these latest releases, where there were multiple extra-long chapters where often ZERO UQ Holder characters actually appeared. I wanted to see those chapters, I’ve wanted to know what went down with all of that for a long time, but it was also hard to see all the actual UQ Holder characters sidelined for so long. I like mixing in the Negima mythology, but I still want UQ Holder to be its own thing. Mixed feelings.
Either way, UQ Holder manga still rocks. Glad I finally caught up on it, even if I didn’t get a whole lot out of the anime in the end. Such is life, at least where Akamatsu Ken anime adaptations are concerned.
My SECOND novel, Freelance Heroics, is available now! (Now in print!) (Also available: Firesign #1 Wage Slave Rebellion.) Sign up for my email list for updates. At stephenwgee.com, the latest post: The Last Jedi SUPER SPOILERY Review.
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franeridart · 6 years
Jack says "ignored YOUR rule". Does that mean it's something Bakugou obligates himself not to have or something non of them can have? I'm actually curious 🤔
It’s actually a rule Bakugou put down for himself for a number of reasons, half related to his own safety and the safety of the person he’s dating, the other half to the fact that Bakugou hates lying, but (again for safety reasons) he can’t just go around telling everyone what he’s doing - he doesn’t want a relationship in which he’d just contantly lie to his partner and ditch them for vigilante work without being able to explain them what’s going on, so he put down the rule as soon as he decided he wanted to do this. Well, he hadn’t been interested in relationships anyway before Kirishima, so it was an easy decision to take at the time - now though...
Ahhhh if only he figured out Kiri and Red are the same person smh that’d make everything so much easier on him
Anon said:When you draw Jiro and Bakugo having platonic hugs and cuddles my bi heart becomes incredibly soft THANK YOUUUUUUU
I’M HAPPY TO HEAR THAT cause honestly that’s as self-indulgent as I go hahaha
Anon said:The vigilante au is so far sad but I could totally see it going in a miraculous ladybug kinda direction. What if they tried putting distance between themselves and suddenly found that they're falling again, for the vigilante forms this time because "oh sh*t he's cute in every way Kirishima is" and "He's just my type too, Bakugou-- *sigh* I could use some moving on from him." Or only Kirishima moves to vigilante!Baku but he remains stuck on kiri..//Or what if like, vigilante! Kiribaku are about to get caught by a hero and Kirishima opens up about his last regret of not getting to see his crush one last time after they set distance between themselves, while Bakugou listens and...
That’s!!!! a lot of ideas you got there hahaha I’m glad you’re having fun with the concept!!!!!!
Anon said:That vigilante au is amazing. You really express emotions well in comics.
AAAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH that!!!! honestly means the world to me *sob*
Anon said:I just want to say you're really cool and I like you art uh- K bye
Thank!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Oh damn. I think i fall in love for your Vigilantes AU. Please don't stop. I really love it❤️
I mean, as long as you guys are okay with it being a bit all over the place and also being just pencil doodles, then I got no problems doing that right now haha thank you for liking it!!
Anon said:I love your vigilantes AU so much 😍😍😍😍
Anon said:LET THEM BE HAPPY !!!!
THAT’S THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:May I ask how you draw bakugous hair so well?? I just can’t seem to get the right amount of poof (or should I say BOOM💥 )
oHO I’m glad you like it cause actually the answer is I spent two years drawing it nearly daily and I finally sorta reached a place when I guess I’m okay with how I draw it lol some time ago I drew a step by step for it? but by now my process is mostly “do whatever and hope for the best”, which incidently is also my process in drawing Kirishima’s hair lmao
Anon said:Im a bit confused with the vigilante kiri, does he have black hair in his civilian form and red in his hero form?
YEH it’s one of the reasons why Bakugou still hasn’t figured out Red is Kiri haha thought if you’re asking for the logistics of that, I can’t say I spent too long thinking about it? We can always call it temporary hair dye spry or something like that, but to be fair it’s not like it matters all that much lmao I just needed Baku to be unable to tell it was him easily haha
Anon said:I love ur gem Au! :D are you gonna make more? Its okay if not :)
As I’ve said literally every single time I’ve answered asks since I posted it, MAYBE yes! The thing about that AU is that I love it and I have fun with it, but posting it ended up being the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, so honestly I don’t know when I’m gonna draw it if I’ll draw it, but the possibility is there
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to say I have love reading your comics and your art is amazing-- but I especially love your vigilantes AU! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!
HECK thank you!!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it ;O;
Anon said:Why must you hurt us? I started crying at that vigilante au comic..
*passes u a blanket* I’ll try not to make it as sad in the future!
Anon said:Hi! I've purchased the take my hand book about a month ago, just wondering how long it takes for it to be delivered??? BTW I live in NZ so I understand if it takes a while~
Heck sorry anon but I’m so not good with dates, you should check the @takemyhandzine blog for that sorta stuff! Thank you so much for buying it tho!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Is Nico a cinnamon roll or a sinnamon roll?
That......... depends a lot on who you ask :0
Anon said:I love bnha more and more with every new character out. All that's left is to ask, which minor character is currently your favorite? (***That isn't from UA because that is a much bigger dilemma)
oUCH it would have been easier picking from UA actually since I’m pretty sure Amajiki is it hahaha well, if I can’t pick from UA...................... you know what, probably Shishikura
Anon said:Bakujiro friendship is something I didn’t know I NEEDED. U do good work bro
Anon said:Your art gives me life!!! Every time you post is just so unique in every way :00000 ❤️ anyway i just wanted to let you know that you’re inspiring in every way and that I absolutely adore your kiribaku art to the moon and back!!!
SOB thank you so much???? You’re so sweet!!!! ;O;
Anon said:fran you could convince me to ship anything with one (1) drawing
Since I got this ask I’ve been trying to find the most outrageous ship just to draw it and test this theory.......... I still haven’t found something outrageous enough but.... soon
Anon said:Hi your art is amazing also beautiful As you probably might know there is a traitor in the show, if you didn't know well then im sorry for spoiling. May I request a traitor kirishima
nnnnnnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry anon but the traitor theory arts are stuff I just can’t get behind, mostly so if it’s my fav characters - I don’t find it credible and I don’t find any joy in dwelling in the idea, so I got zero motivation to draw for it orz
Anon said:I can't believe you made me read the phrase "startle and explosion out of baku". (Yay for the vigilantes AU!)
LMAO he’s actually trying to do just that tho, maybe I’ll draw it hahaha
Anon said:Please! I need more BakuKiriKami fan art! I’m gunna die without it!
Anon I’m gonna be very real with you here my first reaction to reading this ask was thinking “then perish”
Anon said:Hello! I don't know if you've gotten this question before but have you ever considered drawing the villains?
I’ve drawn Dabi and Twice in the past! I’m not really much intereste in any other villain atm tho so I doubt I’m gonna be drawing them any time soon ^^’’
Anon said:You are by far my favorite artist. Your Kiribaku gives life to my bleak exsistence. Thank you. I bought some of your things of redbubble to make me happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I'm a big fan of your work and your kiribaku fluff especially, and I've been working on a (not so innocent) fic about Bakugou having burnt marshmallow smelling and tasting sweat, (funny how nitroglycerin is a natural lubricant, tastes and smells like burnt sugar, and is explosive) just wanted to know if you ever thought about it? also wanted to know if you'd like to read my finished fic, should be done real soon and it would mean a lot to know what you think about it!
Anon I’m so sorry but I really can’t say yes to this - especially because you said it means a lot to you, you’re putting me in a spot here where in case I didn’t like it I wouldn’t be able to tell you so anyway (and I generally don’t like talking about fancontent I don’t give a 10/10 to anyway, it’s too rude for me) and I’m sure it’s gonna be a great fic! But by the way you talked about it it’s gonna be a nsfw fic and I really rarely like those fics, so !!! orz I’m sorry, but this is a really uncomfortable request for me ;;;
Anon said:Can I use your art real quick if I hard out credit u? It's alright if I can't
Nope, sorry
Anon said:Could you draw another doodle of Setsuna?. I love how you draw her jfvdkd ;;v;; (Sorry if my English is trash.)
Not right now, but in the future yeah sure, I love her!
Anon said:Your Kirishima is so beautiful i fucking cry omg ;-; thank you for brightening my morning.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you for liking how I draw him !!!!
Anon said:💛💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing your art, it always makes my day
Thank YOU for liking it!!!!!
Anon said:In your SU AU what if a gem offers to replace Kiri with a 'newer, better pearl'? How would Bakugo react?
Actually, Kiri was given to Bakugou specifically because he’s sorta defective, it was punishment for both of them that sorta backfired lmao 
Anon said:hi there! I'm new to your blog and I love your art style immensely! I saw somewhere with your latest seroroki post that you're still finding your main todoship; I hope I dont sound rude or pushy, but can I ask your opinions about todo*aku and/or tod*kir*baku? If not, thank you for your time! Keep up the great work!!
Still not completely sold on romantic tdbk tbh (platonic tho, that’s my jam) but I’ve been real into the ot3 lately!!! It just can’t be my main todo ship bc I still prefer krbk too much over it haha
Anon said:I loveeee your art, especially your kiribaku stuff! But consider! Size difference! What if Kirishima grows a lot but our lil' Baku doesn't? Does he get jealous or does he really like it? There'd be some epic hugs/kisses! What if he secretly loves getting picked up by Kirishima? XD
Oh that’s an hc I see around a lot! Personally I stil prefer them sorta the same size tho ???? with the only difference being Baku being lithe and Kiri being a tank, I think it has to do with the whole “complementary equals” theme they have going on, I like for it to be visually represented too ??? maybe, I had never really thought about the hows or whys of this preference tbh lmao
Anon said:Hey so I'm not up to date with BNHA but in your asks there was a thing about dragon boy having a zombie costume? I had another look at what I think is the right doodle and to me it looks like a Chinese vampire costume! (unless that's not the one you guys were talking about oops)
Nope that’s him, and you’re right!!! Either way my boy still hasn’t done anything worth of note, so I still don’t know why he’s dressed like that orz Hori plssss
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franeridart · 7 years
i miss your haikyuu art so much it was the best - dont get me wrong i fucking adore your bnha art but like,,,,, haikyuu,,,,,,,
Well pal, aren’t you lucky, you might have been missing from my blog in the past two weeks but if you scroll down just three posts you might notice I’ve been drawing haikyuu again (x x x)
Anon said:People don’t remember baccano anymore? :o
I assumed so since it’s been ten years since it aired and the fandom has always been small and quiet anyway, but it looks like I assumed wrong!!!! That made me so happy, honestly? Baccano’s my fav anime ever, it’s always super nice to see it appreciated!
Anon said:Omg thanks for the baccano au I love it.
Anon said: BACCANO!! I love you so much right now!!!
Anon said: YOU DID A BACCANO CROSSOVER!! IVE NEVER SEEN ONE DUDE MAJOR PROPS TO YOU!!!! I literally love that series, it was one of my first ones so seeing it mixed with one of my current favourites is surreal!!
Anon said: DID YOU JUT DO A BACCANO AU OMG ITA BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE WATCHED THAT IT WAS MY FAVE 😭😭😭😭😭 i cried so much during it all the time it was so badass
This is exactly what I was talking about!!! So HAPPY all of you love that anime as much as I do! And thank you SO MUCH for liking the crossover!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Fran, just out of curiosity, what colors do you associate with Bakugou/Kirishima/the rest of the squad?
The ones I use to write their dialogues! Orange for Bakugou, red for Kirishima, gold for Sero, yellow for Kaminari and pink for Ashido! :D
Anon said: tumblr has been a butt and not notified me of your post but i saw your nishinoya and i died i love the way you draw him and boiiiiii bokuto and kuroo be looking smokin and your kiribaku (is that right??? im a failure i cant remember!!!:( ) is amazing SO MUCH FLUFF i die of happiness. keep up the lovely work 💕👌👌👌
Anon said:I love your art its so amazing.
Thank youuu ;u;
Anon said:I was just wondering if I could use one of your drawings of Kuroo as a phone background (just for personal use! It’s fine if you don’t want me too! I’m a huge fan and I hope you’re having a nice day~)
Sure! As long as it’s just for personal use I don’t mind at all!!
Anon said:Oh wow, thanks for the tutorial! I think it will be really helpful!
I’m glad to hear that!!!! :D
Anon said: what is the jock / nerd thing?
At this point it’s mostly a meme, I’d say haha
Anon said:ASDFGHJKL *-* Your art is to beautiful for the world
That’s!!!! Too kind of you oh man (〃´ノω`〃)
Anon said:Your kiri is so pretty.
THANK YOU!! Every Kiri is super pretty tho, it’s the intrinsic Kirishima-ness of the Kiris that makes them beautiful whatever style they’re drawn in! :O
OH MAN THANK YOU I love that disaster of a trickster so much I’m glad I could make him come out okay ;O;
Anon said:so i left tumblr a while ago?? but i check back every so often bc ur pretty much my favorite tumblr artist ever
Aw man thank you so so so much this means the world to me! ;u; sometimes it’s hard for me to see any improvement in my own art so knowing that you can see it helps a lot!
Anon said:your art is literally my favourite thing in the entire world i love it all! i hope you’re having a good day and taking care of yourself! x
GOSH THANK U I hope you’re having the best day too, anon!!!!
Anon said:Asahi is so pretty when you draw him, I love it; my gentle son, in your amazing art style.
I’M!!!!!! Glad you liked him!!!!!!! That boy is 100% out of my comfort zone so knowing he came out okay is super nice!!!!! :D 
Anon said:The way I drew the bakusquad in that one set of images … They’re like … On the cover of Vogue or something. It’s aesthetically good to my eyes man. Also you kinda got me into tetsukami?? I don’t understand it at all but now im into it BC of ur fanart and bc of other fanart but Imma blame u and im grateful to have another ship to hyperfixate over. Anyway I love youu and your art man, i wish u many good days
Oh man I love you too anon this ask made me so happy???? And I’m especially happy I could get you into tetsukami! It doesn’t make much sense as a ship, does it? But they’d be fun interacting and their quirks work well together, so I have fun thinking about them! I hope they’ll interact in the classes 1a and 1b will have to share in the future! :D
Anon said:Oh I love your Noya’s, so glad you drew my boy again!:)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! He’s hard to draw but I love him and he makes me happy!!! What a boy!!!
Anon said:Have you seen little noya in the newest chapter
I HAVE little boyo already had his blond hair how cute is that! The newest chapter made me really warm inside I really loved the whole speech Noya made ;u; my inspiring little lightning bolt !!
Anon said:I really really love your bnha art! But put some highlights on the kirabakus one, you probably have the quirk to melt my heart with them ;w;
That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever read!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Who do you think would propose? Bakugo or Kirishima???
I actually answered a similar question a while ago! But I can’t find it so I guess to sum it up I mostly think at some point it’d just become something both of them have talked about throught the years enough times that by then it’ll just be something they are gonna do, sooner or later, and when it’ll happen it’ll be more like “we have a stable income and a house and a dog and a cat and are p much already married we should really do this already” - in a scenario like that either of the two works, for me haha
Anon said:the best thing was that I just a moment before u posted I felt bad and pissed ad sad, but then all that disappeared ;V;
I’m!!!!! So happy to know I could help you like that!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Can I just say, I’ve been following your art a long time (I’ve always loved it!) and I’ve really noticed a lot of growth and improvement in your style? The thing that always impresses me most is how you are able to take simplified facial features and make them SO expressive. You convey emotions so well and I love it so much. Thanks for always giving us art to smile about! Hope you are having a lovely day!
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G OD!!!! I’m!!!!! crying!!!! probably!!!!!!! FrICK!!!! ;A;
Anon said:KINONOYA!!!!!!
INDEED!!!!! What a good relationship they have!!!!!
Anon said:You draw Sero so good oml he’s too pretty
Anon said:THAT SERO YOU DREW!!! *clutches heart* n i c e !!!!
;O; I’m glad you like him?????? gods!!!!
Anon said:I love the way you draw Kaminari, he looks beautiful in your art style! ^^
SOB you guys are all so nice to me I’m gonna cry for real here ;U; thank you!!!
Anon said:Whenever I’m sad I look at your art and everything feels better.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy I can help you with your mood!!!!!!!
Anon said:When you Kiri with his hair down, I’m always like “that’s it, that’s the cutest Kiri ever” and then you draw him with it spiked and I’m like “no wait, there it is, the cutest Kiri.” And now you go and give me both Kiri’s in that adorable pair of sketches and how is that even fair because how am I supposed to handle that? I can’t even decide anymore. All your kiris are the cutest Kiri.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! All Kiris are the cutest Kiris tho, aren’t they? What an inherently cute boy he is!!!
Anon said:i showed my friend your art and since we both find it super good, we both decided to try to draw more regularly because we want get better and get a smooth(? idk how to say it in english lmao) style like yours so thank you for the motivation/inspiration!!
:O !!!!!! I hope you and your friend will have fun while at it, anon!!!!! :D
Anon said:I love your bakushima
Anon said:drawing ppl from above is so cool though!! i really like these kinda pics ✨ (esp bo and tetsu, so /cool/!!) dont give up, fran❤
Please don’t enable me anon, if you give me the green light I’m gonna keep on drawing that sorta angle forever hahahaha (thank u so much for the compliment, tho!!!!)
Anon said: ahhh i love your recent kiribaku drawings! they are so cool!!
That was about the red and teal ones, right? Thank you so much!!!! Working with colors like that isn’t something I do often, so I’m really really happy that you guys ended up liking them!!!
Anon said: Row! Row! Fight the power!!
I don’t know what brought this on but HECK YES
Anon said:Man I love all your art, fanart and OCs alike! And your BNHA is such an inspiration and one of the reasons I started writing fic. Have a great day!
OH BOY that’s such a nice thing to know!! I hope you’re having lotsa fun writing fics, anon!! And I also hope you’re having a great day, too!!!
Anon said:OK, i’m sorry for sounding this emotional, but OMG your art makes me cry. it’s just… so beautiful… *there i go again* *crying*
*hands u tissue* thank you so much but please don’t cry!!!!
You’re the second person that tells me they’re really similar to one of my ocs!!!! I wonder what that means? :O but it’s a fun thing to know, anyway!!! :D I hope you don’t mind Luca being so similar to you, anon haha
Anon said: What do you think would happen if eraserhead erased fatgum’s quirk?
He’d probably just lose his ability to absorb hits and then re-use their power? :? but if he’s fat he’s gonna stay fat and if he’s slim he’s gonna stay slim, I think :O
Anon said:Oh my god you know kekkai sensen I’m actually crying I love kekkai sensen but no one I know likes it/knows about it and aaaaaaa I love your art and you drew something from kekkai sensen and thats amazing!!!!
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT and I know right? Kkss has such a small fandom! Which to me is super weird considering how much following Trigun used to have? :O it’s definitely one of the best anime I’ve seen in recent times, tho!!!
Anon said:FRAAAANNNNNNNN!!!! I’m soo excited!! I might be getting a tote from your shop for Christmas! My friend asked what I wanted, so I looked at your store, and chose a tote with Mina, and Hagakure (?) And he told me to send him the link!
Anon said: Your art is so good! I especially love your black and white stuff! Its really punchy! Also all your Kiribaku content makes my heart melt!!!!!!
*gross sobbing* thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:would it be okay…if i drew luca (giving credit to you tho obv) i just love him so much GOD
YES!!!!!! Please do link me to it if you do draw him, I wanna see!!!!! :D
Anon said:Hey! I really liked your OCs and i was especially intrigued by Max and Leo!! Do you mind telling us more about their relationship? They look so sweet!!! Love ya and keep being awesome!
Thank you so much for liking my kids!!!! ;O; and sadly I can’t tell you too much about them cause their story is a bit still up in the air as far as details go, but in general they used to be best friends back when they were kids, then the accident that gave Leo his scars happened and for reason they lost track of each other for a long while - they met again recently, tho! Leo’s been in love with Max since they were babies and being able to talk to him and interact with him again makes him incredibly happy/mushy/soft but also absurdly and unreasonably overprotective since he’s really, really scared of losing him again - Max… because of plot-related reasons hasn’t realized that Leo is the kid he used to know back when he was super young, so his falling in love with him happens as the story progresses. He finds the overprotectiveness silly and unecessary, but he doesn’t exactly mind it? He has a feeling it helps Leo more than it helps him, so he lets him do his thing. All in all, maybe Max takes more care of Leo than Leo of Max. Welp, their story is kind of a mess haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about doing nsfw? Or at least something kinda hot?
This is actually answered in my faq! But yeah, no, I don’t do nsfw, sorry! Something kinda hot… maybe in the future? But I gotta be in a very specific mood that doesn’t come around too often, so I dunno if and when that’s gonna be!
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