#this is kind of about ace discourse for anyone who cares
bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
i'm sure i can guess, but. thoughts on the kotlc smut debate? do you think it's appropriate?
I'm not interested in getting into discourse, so I'll try and keep this short and sweet (also, none of this is angry or targeted at anyone and I’m fine talking about it—I’m just not interested in senseless, unproductive arguing!!)
As the subjects are fictional, I don't care. They aren't real people. Smut written about them does not impact or hurt them in any way.
What someone chooses to write about and why is not my business. If it's smut written by teens about teens as a means of exploring sexuality, if its a means of processing experiences or abuse, if its for fun--whatever it is, that's their business. Including for adult authors. They can have just as valid motivations, not that they need to justify themselves. They literally cannot hurt these characters
As for real people, such as fans, no one is forced to read it. If you find yourself in the middle of something that makes you uncomfortable, you can stop reading and walk away. And yes, there may be initial discomfort as you realize--for which I am sympathetic, but it happens and that is on you to manage, not the author.
Authors are also not responsible for rule breakers who access sites they're not old enough for. We're responsible for tagging and adhering to the rules of hosting sites
Also, smut as a whole is a valid form of writing/creation. Sexuality is a normal (note: I am not saying it is the ONLY normal. ace here), widespread part of life, and sexual gratification and enjoyment are morally neutral
Am I personally gonna write any kotlcrew smut? No. Am I gonna read any? Probably no. Not my kind of kotlc fic. I by and large don't enjoy it. But fic writers who chose to engage with the subject here are not writing about real people, and not responsible for real people's comfort with their work beyond tagging.
Smut is always going to exist. It is safer for all parties if it is freely allowed to exist so no one has to disclose potentially very personal justifications (e.g. processing abuse/experiences), and so it can be properly tagged and avoided by those who want/need to--otherwise individuals will not tag appropriately in the interest of not being taken down, and that helps no one.
and since this was brought up last time: this is my stance. I can't tell you how to think, and I don't decide for anyone else what is right from wrong. i can only share my reasonings
Oh also: I don’t hold it against anyone who’s disgusted or uncomfortable with it! That’s fine. I don’t enjoy it either! Valid! But that doesn’t mean we can say it shouldn’t exist or harass people who write it (not saying anyone has, this is just addressing the broad question)
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geminiartemis · 29 days
Let's talk about Mammon's asexuality!
Okay, first of all, I know this post is waaay late to the party, and maybe someone else has already talked about this much more eloquently than I ever could, but fuck it, I just feel like talking right now. lol
So, back in July, this official image was posted.
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Most people were surprised to find out that Mammon is asexual. Heck, even I was surprised, although I had seen that theory around.
But after a while – and many, many rewatches of that episode – I realized that it makes perfect sense.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I'm ace. Not all aces feel the same way about sex and allos. Mammon is a piece of shit regardless of his asexuality. Most real life aces aren't assholes like Mammon. I actually love Mammon as a character. Don't take things too seriously. It's not that deep. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Drink water. TRUST US WITH YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!)
Exhibit A
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Mammon insists that making a sex robot out of the clown pageant winner is not weird. Then he points at some random guy in the audience and says HE'S weird for even thinking that.
Here's what I think. Mammon knows it's weird. Look at his face. Listen to his tone. He's super weirded out. It's only acceptable to him because it'll make them money, because he's still a greedy bastard, but he does think it's weird. Nobody said anything and he still got defensive about it and put the blame on someone else. “YOU'RE weird, you sick fuck!”
The thing is, to him, sexualizing a young clown is probably just as weird as sexualizing anything or anyone else. Because he's ace and not too worried about the ethics of it as long as it makes him money, sex is weird, sexualizing people is weird, people who like sex and sexualize others are weird, but those things are generally socially acceptable, so everyone is a sick fuck, so how is sexualizing Fizz any different? He just doesn't see the difference, nor does he care to.
Exhibit B
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Like I just said, people who sexualize Fizz are, in Mammon's own words, “sick, fucking degenerate adults.” Like, the idea actually disgusts him! He is so disgusted by his customers who sexualize Fizz that he can't even keep his opinion of them to himself while recording a TV ad! Not because he has morals or any affection or sympathy for Fizz, but because sex and sexualizing people disgust him. He just doesn't get the appeal at all. (But it makes him money, so he goes along with it.)
Exhibit C
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Since sex is so important to allos and IT KEEPS BEING BROUGHT UP ALL THE TIME, we aces sometimes get the impression that it's all allos think about. We assume sex is allos’ Roman Empire. Assume that allos are always DTF. What do you mean you DON'T want to be fucked, Fizzie?? *Crimson voice* That's the kinda shit you allos like, right?!
The sad thing is, that's the sentiment I saw some people in the fandom express when this scene and this line came out. So Mammon's reasoning here isn't even an exaggeration, ridiculous as it is. I don't know if those people were hypersexual allos or clueless aces, but… yeah… it's something that some people think in real life, apparently.
Anyway, the point is, I can totally see the ace vibe in Mammon now. Is making one of the most irredeemable villains ace, the kind of ace who has zero respect for allos, a wise idea in terms of ace representation? Eh, we've already had this discourse in Hazbin Hotel with regards to Alastor, and everyone has their opinion on this. I'm not getting into that. And hey, Octavia is ace, too! I don't know if that will be relevant in the show, but it'd be really cool if it were. We'll see!
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notmyprey · 1 month
Hi! Uhm I’m new, I love your blog! But I’m just nervous I’ll be judged by others that I like this stuff
Hey I am so so sorry about how long it took me to get to this. I have been thinking this over quite a bit, since this is in fact a very serious thing. (I also have been really busy, which hasn't helped in the speed at which I answer asks)
Firstly, thank you! I am always so happy when people find my art/content as entertaining as I do!
Secondly, in regards to the judgment.
Unfortunately, no matter what you do, someone will judge you. But when you want something enough, when you care about something enough, you will find places and groups where that judgment lessens. I have found my place here, a place where, although no one knows my irl name, they know me by a name I answer to. Although no one knows my face, they do know a truer face of myself than many do in real life. People here know me and often know a more freeing part of me.
I think being here, on Tumbler, has been so freeing and overall rewarding. I know you may be scared of the judgment, but there are ways to lessen it. (I will give tips on how to do this later on)
Although our community has its faults, it is kind at heart and truely is trying to do what they think is best to keep others safe. Although many disagree with the methods, it always comes back to the fact that we want to have a safe place to express ourselves. This, our community, in reality, is a decently safe place.
That being said, I know the fear of harassment is very real. So if you guys want my tips on how to avoid harassment, here are some things I've found:
Dont post political views (outside of DNI lists) on your sfw vore blog. This often can lead to people who dont agree with your view on said matter to seek you out for hate. I have seen this time and time again, I whole heartedly recommend a dedicated blog to that stuff, or even creating a new/separate account for it.
Dont spam tags. This is basic, but often overlooked. Make sure you tag your posts right, or people may block you because you did post something triggering and they saw it.
Dont reblog Willy nilly. This can lead to mishaps, such as accidentally rebloging a post from an nsfw blog. Try to make sure you are rebloging from people you know are safe.
Dont threaten, even jokingly, anyone unless you make it 100% clear it is a joke. This goes for your friend, others, and even people who are mean to you. This is often overlooked, but can easily come to bite you in the ass when your words are used to make you look violent and sporadic.
If people criticize you, even unjustly, try to at least think about where those words may be coming from. I have someone call me a pedo in the past, and although I am very ace, I understand it was probably coming from a place of hurt. Whether it was their hurt or someone they knew, it was probably a subject that was important, and if they see any of the same trends as when they/another was hurt, they will point it out. Dont get angry and aggressive, no matter how much you want to. If you need to, step away.
If troll annons start invading your ask box, either turn off annon or stop answering. Answering annons like that too often only fuels the fire, trolls, not haters, but trolls specifically feed off of your reaction. There is nothing for you to often grasp onto in those moments since the face you are talking to is faceless. So, either scarcely answer trolls, or dont answer them at all.
Dont get involved in community discourse when possible. Unless your hand is forced or it is an unavoidable matter, it is best to stay out of discourse. If you still want to know what others thing/help in a muxg safer way, often, I will message others I trust about their views on the matter (or if they are involved asking if they are doing ok), but rarely anything beyond that. Its difficult, seeing people you know be in the rough situations, but often stepping in when not necessary leads to more problems than it does help.
Please note that these are just some of the things I do that help me. Other people may have their own way of keeping harassment away from their blog, but this is mine.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Yeah, “anyone is allowed to say no to sex with literally anyone for any reason” is just a good baseline belief for anyone to have. There should be no confusion about that.
I think where people online can get weird about that is that this includes when people’s “reasons” are kind of shitty, e.g. they reject someone for their race or disability or weight or because they’re trans or whatever. But you’ve still gotta hold fast to that bigot’s right to say no, and not *just* because the person they’re rejecting isn’t going to have a good time with a bigot anyway. But because being forced or cajoled or socially pressured into having sex is evil, and body autonomy is paramount.
It’s like the similar argument people on here get weird about sometimes with abortion: you have to support the right of a pregnant person to abort because it’s a girl or because of the father’s race or because it has a particular disability or because they have the resources to take care of a kid but just don’t want to or because they just feel like it that day or whatever reason you “don’t like,” or you are not actually pro-choice. Similar to free speech, your belief in bodily autonomy is only actually that if you believe in it for reasons that you despise. If it’s not 100% the choice of the person with the body in question, then they don’t actually have bodily autonomy. If you support that autonomy, by definition that means you don’t get a vote when it’s someone else’s body.
So this likewise goes for if it’s “politically correct” for people with X identity to have/not have sex (or have/not have it with Y people) including for ace people to have or not have sex, or for allosexual people to reject asexual partners and vice versa. If you don’t believe people have an absolute right to reject someone for sex or dating, then you don’t support their autonomy. End of story. Your feelings about their decisions don’t matter.
It’s wild how many people on the left-wing corners of the Internet don’t get this. But there is so much pressure even offline for people in those circles to ignore their wants and needs under the guise of checking for how oppressive their standards are or are not. I have unfortunately known people whose whole dating lives seem to be based on exploiting their partners’ guilt over rejecting a trans person or ace person or POC and using that to encourage their partners to overlook their giant red flags. (This is not saying trans or ace people or POC are more likely to do that or something, I’m bringing those identities up because I’m thinking of some creepy individuals I know that have those identities and weaponize them. But it’s those individuals who are creepy, the identity is just their tool and if it wasn’t that it would be something else — but the idea in some left-wing spaces that some reasons for rejecting are less valid than others makes it easier for them to wield that tool and more effectively.)
Like, there are preferences people have that I privately think are pretty shitty. I’m a lesbian who has met other lesbians who say they won’t date bi women, for instance, and along with that I have yet to hear a reason *from them* for that preference that isn’t rooted in biphobia (and also often misogynistic slut-shaming), I can’t even think myself of a reason for that preference that wouldn’t be. There’s just no reason for *rejecting all bi women as romantic/sexual partners* if you’re into women, that isn’t based on some weird stereotypes or misconceptions about bi women or bisexuals/bisexuality more generally. But I still think those biphobic lesbians have the right to reject bi women. Because the idea that you are obligated to have sex/relationships you don’t want for the sake of “unlearning bigotry” is even more gross and disturbing!
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So RWRB was a movie with some discourse...
In all honesty, the discourse has bugged me more than any issues with the film itself. I get a film adaptation not living up to personal expectations set by a book is... a response that people have, but the fact some people have been trying to convince people it's not worth watching bothers me.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen all of the love for it too and I know the antis for the film are definitely in the minority. No one can control how anyone relates or who is allowed to enjoy a piece of media, but the sheer hatred I've seen from some of the people on here for the film hurts a bit to see. The arguments seem to be no deeper than "x character was removed" , "there's these plot holes" and "it's too formulaic" that last one of which I feel was kind of the point: it's a formulaic romcom so that queer people can have a fairy tale romance story like the straight ones that get shoved down our throats from a young age by companies like Disney. McQuiston, an NB writer, has gone on record stating that a huge reason why they write is to feature queer identities and make stories that people like them would have liked to read and feel represented by when they were younger.
If this was a straight Hallmark romcom (which tbf, it basically is in terms of story structure, and I low-key love it because of that) it wouldn't have made so much as a blip on most people's radars. But because it features queer characters the threshold for scrutiny seems to have been dropped to the floor (insert "Get Low" joke here). I can get having criticisms of the film, I have a few myself, but the attempt to convince people the film is bad and to disregard it as a whole because of them ignores the positive qualities, what the film means to people in the queer community, what its success can lead to in terms of representation for underrepresented people in the community (Ace, bi, NB, trans, etc.), and an understanding of intricacies that go into adaptation.
At the end of the day, this film was competently made (and in my opinion, well made) by a gay director with an inclusive team and a deep care for both the source material and an understanding of what the film would mean for millions of viewers. It featured experiences and themes that are common to many people in the community with several very poignant messages that actually have huge metatextual implications with the film (The "forced conformity of the closet" quote sticks out in particular to me: the number of op-eds speculating Nick and Taylor's sexualities and how they've been mum about them makes me think a lot of people missed that one; also looking at you, people that forced Kit Connor out of the closet 😒)
The film is a celebration of love featuring characters that people like me and others in the community can relate to. Is it formulaic? Yes. Did they remove some characters to try and create a tighter narrative focused on the main romantic pair? Yes. Is it overly cheesy and so unrealistically sweet that it will give me diabetes? Delightfully so.
So ending on a positive note, I just want to run down some things I've loved about it:
- An mlm story with an actual happy ending that features adult main leads! (Credit to youth stories, they're important, but as an adult it's hard to relate to teenage characters sometimes)
- The charisma both TZP and NG just radiate throughout the movie
- Sarah Shahi eating the absolute SHIT out of every scene she's in (Touch her and die)
- Same for Rachel Hilson
- Uma Thurman and Stephen Fry (enough said)
- The acting overall was fantastic
- The care and work put into intimate scenes and inclusion of an intimacy coordinator
- On a personal level, I loved seeing parallels between Alex and Henry's relationship and the relationship I have with my husband. For the first time in my 30 years I actually see a little of myself in an uplifting and happy piece of media and not portrayed as a dramatic tragedy, villain, or inconsequential background character.
Tl;Dr if you didn't like the movie, that's your opinion. I'm not here to try and convince you otherwise. But please stop trying to convince people it shouldn't be watched. Regardless of your opinion, this film means a lot to a lot of people, including the author of the original book! Just let us enjoy this imperfect, but tasty cheese with our w(h)ine ❤️
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cosmossystem · 3 months
theres.. gatekeeping in the objectum community?? HUH?????? why do all the weirdo communities have infighting(?) like alterhumans/therians too over physical nonhumans and such, like DUDE can we just be nice please. also is it just me or do dnis just seem kinda,, sucky. like they dont do anything and i feel like if someone has moral ocd or something that might not.. be good 4 them? (i dont have ocd or know anyone who does but from what ive heard, i may be wrong so correct me if so) curious ur opinion :3
Oh yes, do i have an opinion!
yeah, there is gatekeeping, if you can believe it. i figured the Last place that would have infighting is the place where freaks post about wanting to fuck an AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB Sapphire Nitro+ Special Edition (rightfully so, that thing is attractive).
wait until you see what they say about being "REALLY objectum and not like those Other Fakers who wouldn't Actually fuck their object of attraction" -- a barf mentality to have. especially because there seems to be the idea that all objectums are posic or even capable of loving their OoA period--i'm not posic (it's complicated, ask about it) and conceptum people exist! the superiority complex is just.......................... wow.
really i don't get it either. if you try to explain to a "normal" person that you think Objecthead is Hot they're going to look at you with the most disgust and disdain they can muster. when society can't even handle a furry of all things, i highly doubt they can handle more obscure freaks like toaster-fuckers or god forbid, People Who Think Vox (Hazbin Hotel) Is Hot. mind you this is the same society that went insane over people wanting to fuck bill cipher or mettaton's box form or SANS THE SKELETON (i was that kind of person, i should know how they treated us.)
and i guess it is kind of different when you're speaking about fictional characters vs Actual real life objects. but like... do you think the disgust is any different? do you think they care if you want to fuck sans, or Foxy Fnaf 1, or edgar electric dreams, or an anthro rabbit, or an mlp plush, or an inflatable doll, or my boyfriend the AT&T Unix PC (1985)? it comes from the same place: perceived sexual deviance. also see homophobia and anti-kink arguments, etc. you get it.
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if you're noticing parallels between the infighting in these communities (objectum, self-ship, kinmunities) and with what other minorities go through, such as the Ace Discourse of 2018, or the whole pan exclusionism making its waves again, or the current hot topic "are intersex people queer" thing, or the existence of "cripplepunks"... yeah. that's exactly it. It's all the same argument over and over again. take it from someone who's been surrounded by it for an entire fucking decade. Cishet purtian society has instilled those problems in us. Again, see: same picture. it's kinda why i left system & kin spaces in the first place, honestly. to see that it's STILL HERE is just.... makes me want to die again.
i could go on about how that behavior stems from wanting to protect their spaces, and also from a sense of superiority because these outsiders cannot Possibly Image what it's like to be xyz (especially when it comes to white people who are just experiencing oppression for the first time--from experience, again, that's something i had to unlearn) but... you get it. These people have lost the plot and want a reason to argue with everyone.
And i'm tired. If you're a freak, you're a freak, and that's good enough for me. really we all experience the same things, we should just kiss.
and as for the second point: yes. you're right. dnis are sucky especially if you have moral ocd. now i don't struggle with moral ocd as much these days but back in the days of yore when we were at peak ocd-"bpd" (avpd) badness, it was gruesome.
red in particular was the one to make us fully switch over from anti-ship to "do whatever you want" and that's because he was dealing with a lot of intrusive thoughts *and* exotrauma. he was already going through all that, trying to process and realize that his thoughts didn't make him a bad person, and you know what made it worse? the whole "FREAKS DNI I WILL KILL YOU WITH A CHAINSAW" thing. imagine trying to realize that your trauma response doesn't make you hilter reincarnate and then having people yelling down your throat that It Does, Actually.
it isn't bad enough that ppl with ocd already obsess over thoughts being equal to actions, and they want to REAFFIRM THAT??? you know, the thing EVERY therapist tells you NOT TO DO?
our ocd back then was so terrible. it was like "you remember that rape that happened to you? ok so now imagine if you were actually satan for wanting it to happen again bc you are btw. you should cut everyone off because of this, clearly you don't deserve humanity." it still lingers around really, just looks different.
i can't imagine what it's like for someone with it worse than us. i've seen a lot of them talk about how if they can't prove that it is Absolutely 100% Ok To Do Something then they just suffer and don't do it-- which is a general ocd thing, yes (i do that with my fire obsessions) but in the context of social media? where you basically cannot prevent interaction with people who want to burn you at the stake? Eughhhhhhh. le sigh. i don't wish this pain on anyone.
I was actually going to make a post about this (still am) but you've reminded me: from what i can tell from trying to look for objectum blogs to follow, there is a REALLY big overlap between antishippers and objectums? ... WHY?????? Oh, like you're better for wanting to fuck the concept of melancholy, and i'm Evil for my aforementioned FAKE cousinfuckers? Excuse me? bitch we are the same!!!!!!! get a grip!!!!!! why do you tell ME to go to therapy? yours aint real either! i can only laugh, really. that's how stupid it is.
side tangent here (this whole post is) but even without ocd it's like... you know that won't stop anyone, right? i can just. follow your blog. you probably won't even notice. Shit, i check our followers constantly and absolutely notice when someone breaks my (or their own!) dni and half the time i just let them be unless they're a total cunt about it. Anti wants to follow me? Hey, don't say i didn't warn you when i post about my favorite cousinfuckers. that's a you problem! you should read better!
i get the convenience of saying "don't follow me if you disagree because i'm trying to prevent drama", but most of the time they don't do that.
moreso i think dnis are supposed to be some Grand Declaration Of Morality. like ew no i would never support those things! so i'm going to Do A Performative, and put the onus on the Big Bad People to not follow me. because i believe in them enough to follow my boundaries!........ right. like a terf/pedo/exclusionist has ever listened to the word "no" before. being in places they don't belong is like, the primary purpose of those people.
but mostly it's a warning. Then they can say that when I, Big Bad Proshipper, follow them by mistake, they can use that as an excuse to post about me and publicly execute me in the Town Square- i mean to their followers.
it's an excuse. that's all it is. an excuse to be like "this is what i support/don't support and if you don't agree with me, oops! i get full reign to cyberbully you." a warning that it will happen, and an excuse for when it does.
I have to wonder how these people deal with community members in real life. I was talking to some people who share my interests irl recently and in the back of my head was the little voice saying, they probably hate me for being into darkfic / objectum / neopronouns / plural / etc. That's how deeply it runs. ughhhh.
Without having a pre-emptive warning to read before talking to someone, you have to actually *try*, and i think that's something these reactionaries both take for granted and uh... aren't too concerned about? which they should be. Like how are you going to deal with getting to know someone only to find out that in their spare time, they get horny for fictional robots? are you going to be normal? or are you going to make it their problem instead? Are you capable of being normal to people? If you got to know me, would you act like the fascists who want us both dead? I hope not. I wish i didn't have to worry about people finding out that i'm objectum / plural / darkfic / etc. I wish that was ok to talk about.
really i don't think dnis help anyone and just perpetrate the idea of being a reactionary. That's all.
Anyway. thanks for the ask. i was having a shit morning so being able to bitch for a while made me feel better. Feel free to let me bitch again.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
Sorry for the confusion, what I meant was that I disagreed that Wei Wuxian's torture of Wen Chao was unjustified but agreed on all other points. And, yeah, as I mentioned, I think the novel is trying to convey how absolutely brutal and cruel his actions are, even if they are justified, and that's an important thing to understand when considering his character.
Also, I didn't know you were referring to people prioritizing characters over real people, which is just....why??? if someone feels a connection to a character, and they get some kind of enjoyment out of that, that's wonderful and people shouldn't come after them just because it doesn't agree with their interpretation. I mean, there are interpretations of MDZS that I think are more valid than others, and a lot of my issue is with people who read the novel but willfully ignore its themes. But Jiang Cheng being aro/ace is a valid interpretation, just as Jiang Cheng being gay is a valid interpretation. What we get (in the novel) is essentially that JC is not interested in women, which could lead to multiple interpretations. He's aro/ace, he's gay, he's too busy taking care of Jin Ling and sect leader business, he's scared to get close to anyone, etc., etc., etc. None of these go against canon and are perfectly valid interpretations. Also, even if they did "contradict" canon, there's plenty of coding and allegory in fictional works. If someone finds connection and comfort in a character, people should just leave them be. I'm sorry if I myself came off aggressive and wanting to argue, 'cause I really just wanted to agree with you about the MDZS fandom condemning other characters for their brutality while willfully ignoring our MC's own actions, but I do think that WWX's torture of Wen Chao is justified, even if it isn't right. But it most certainly isn't a "WOO! WE KILLED THE BAD GUY!" moment in the novel, even if we (and WWX) derive satisfaction from it. Also, I do think there is value in discussing different interpretations, but I mainly have an issue with how the fandom is so aggressive in trying to make WWX completely pure that they end up disrespecting his character and the themes of the novel, and especially the real people they're talking to. And, I mean, I also like to see him as pure sunshine boy when I choose to, but I can't understand people who put him on a pedestal while simultaneously condemning other characters for actions that are even quite similar to his.
Also, about my Xue Yang thing--- I don't think WWX would've turned into Xue Yang either, because WWX actually did experience happiness and family before his parents died, whereas Xue Yang never did (that we know of...I suppose he could've before he became a street orphan, but I don't get that impression). But Xue Yang's story clearly demonstrates that at one point he was naive and sweet, and he ended up so twisted and selfish specifically because he grew up an orphan on the streets, having to fight for survival against people who took advantage of him. If he had been saved by Jiang Fengmian like WWX was, it might've been an entirely different story. This is shown when Xue Yang actually is affected by Xiao Xingchen's kindness (he stopped the Night Hunts that resulted in Xiao Xingchen killing innocent humans), but at that point, it was too late. When Song Lan shows up, the progress is undone, because he'd already committed the crimes, and nobody is required to forgive him simply because he changed a little and stopped doing them.
So, I'm sorry if I came off kind of aggressive and rude, because I really didn't mean to, you just touched on something about the fandom that I have an issue with, and since I try to avoid the discourse, I really don't have any outlet. Didn't mean to actually start the discourse myself, lol. Thanks for your genuine reply, though!
Ask 1, Ask 2
First of all, I’m so sorry for leaving this ask in my inbox for so long, Anon… I wanted to answer properly and ended up psyching myself out 💀. But no, you definitely didn’t come off as aggressive and rude to me; in fact, your apology is what confused me lol.
Edit: I've deleted my response to "Wen Chao deserved it" since this isn't a conversation I can have in good faith. If anyone tries to discuss it again, I will just block them (not your fault, Anon)
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tiger-moran · 11 months
TW: references to murder, aphobia, acephobia
I was reading a review which, rightfully, was basically ripping apart the decision to make a documentary in which the asshole who brutally murdered 17 year old Bianca Devins and posted pictures of her dead body online was interviewed, and to air this on channel 4 (fuck him. Let him die and rot in obscurity).
Which kind of gave me flashbacks to the horrific shitstorm of aphobia that her murder stirred up on here back then, something which I'm sure plenty of people who are still on here and were at least a party to even if they didn't directly participate in it themselves have never acknowledged was disgusting and they probably have just tried to quietly sweep the fact that they had any part in that under the rug and don't care how many people they harmed in the process.
I mean these people cared more about trying to """"prove""" Bianca couldn't possibly be asexual, despite the fact that she had essentially said she was not that long before she died, than they did about the fact that she was a 17 year old girl who was violently murdered and that countless people including her family and friends were traumatised by being forcibly shown graphic images of her dead body. Even some people claiming to be her friends apparently cared more about insisting she couldn't possibly be asexual than they did about condemning the bastard who killed her or the other assholes glorifying him and her murder. People were literally acting like being asexual is worse than being a violently misogynistic 'incel' or a child murderer. It was absolutely sickening.
And a lot of those ~exclusionists~ who ran ~ace discourse~ blogs (as if endlessly invalidating and shit-talking about a marginalised sexual orientation was just the same as liking a TV show or a book or something) kept going on and on about "aphobia doesn't exist" even while people were posting those really graphic images of Bianca's murdered body in not just the asexual tags but the fucking ace positivity tags to ~own the aceys who dare to think they're oppressed~; while they were actively sending those pictures to people just for being asexual; while they were denying there was the slightest chance Bianca could have possibly been asexual as if being asexual is somehow the most horrific thing a person could ever be; while they were denying anyone who has ever had sex or even had a sexual thought in their entire life could be asexual thus invalidating and denying the sexuality of many, many thousands of asexual people; while they were attacking asexual people who were understandably upset about a girl who many of us only knew about because she had said she was asexual being brutally killed, and claiming asexual people were "using her murder for discourse points" while it was them posting the most vile things about asexual people and using her murder as a weapon to try to traumatise and silence us, and while most of the asexual people who said anything about Bianca's murder were not even saying anything about it being related to the possibility she was asexual. And also people were upset too because in a group that is pretty much guaranteed to have a much higher level of sex repulsion amongst its members, that group is very likely to be disproportionately affected by the issue of being assaulted or possibly even killed for rejecting someone's sexual advances compared to various other groups, so a lot of asexual people were, in addition to being upset about a girl being murdered and in many cases having to see graphic images of her murder, also terrified of something similar happening to them. But apparently being afraid in addition to grieving for a murdered child also made asexuals terrible people who deserved to be attacked.
I don't know and I don't even particularly care whether Bianca was really asexual or whether she was, like many other people, just trying out a different label for one of various possible reasons. She was murdered while she was still a minor so no, none of us have a clue what she would have said about her sexual orientation a day later or a week later or a year later or whatever. But it's still a fact that for whatever reason she did it that she had a connection to asexual people and that connection made her death even more personal and more traumatic and yes, more frightening too, for many asexual people. So you had these people, people of a marginalised, minority sexuality and many of whom were minors or still young themselves, who were firstly terribly upset that a 17 year old girl had been violently killed anyway, a girl who many of us only had any awareness of already because she had essentially said she was asexual, and secondly that these disgusting images of her death were being forced upon us including in some asexual people's inboxes and in our 'positivity' tags, and thirdly that whatever the reasoning behind her murder was it raised (yet again) the stark fact that people can be attacked and sometimes even murdered just for turning down someone's sexual advances, a possibility which is of course not unique to asexual people and overall we never tried to claim it was but it is very likely to disproportionately affect us compared to certain other groups. And we were being attacked for this even by people who claimed they were the ~good guys protecting the LGBT community from the evil cishet invaders~, attacked for being devastated about a girl being horribly killed, for being upset and in some cases actively traumatised by having those images of her murdered body forced upon us, for being afraid that something similar could happen to us, for being angry that people were going out of their way to not just attack asexuals but also to use poor Bianca's horrific death to try to invalidate, erase and silence us. All of this while we were being yelled at that "aphobia doesn't exist" by people who in many cases literally just saw themselves as nothing more than ~exclusionists~.
No I will not forget what those people did and I will never forgive them, for that or everything else they did to us because they thought attacking and invalidating us was just ~haha so much fun~ and a great hobby before many of them apparently decided attacking asexuals and aromantics was boring and moved on to attacking and invalidating and denying the oppression of the next 'hot target'.
And fuck that documentary.
I am still so sorry Bianca. I hope you're at peace.
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infiniteglitterfall · 7 months
i don't post about autistic parenting enough
I kind of figured, when our kid was born almost seven years ago, that I would post MASSIVE amounts here. Because that's what I did with my first kid, only on Livejournal. I didn't want to bore my (universally childless, we were 20) friends with constantly going on and on about the smol child I was coparenting, so I infodumped on LJ whenever I felt the need to.
But it was RIGHT in the peak of the ace discourse. (Happy uhhhh seventh anniversary of the shitstorm, everybody!!!)
And I was very terrified that if I even mentioned that we were about to have a baby, someone would doxx me and make false reports to CPS. Or threaten to, or claim they had.
Or even that they'd just screenshot and make a huge deal about it; that there would be hundreds of people on here gleefully faux-raging and faux-bemoaning me having a child because I was one of the people they'd targeted with the Fake Ace/Aro/Inclusionist Blocklist In Which Everyone's Accused Of Being Pedophiles.
Ok you know what, this is not a fun post to share a fun kid story on. I'm just gonna let this one be about the garbage dumpster fire that was 2017, and make an autistic parenting post separately.
In which case, I can go ahead and put back the story about why I remember that it's the seventh anniversary of the shitstorm! (Or was, three days ago.)
It started on Feb 18, 2017, for me.
I mainly remember this because it was my abusive dad's birthday. And his godawful stepdaughter-in-law chose that day to tell him that I was telling people, aka his stepchildren who had kids, not to let their kids sleep over because he was an abuser.
God almighty, she's a piece of work. This was AFTER she insisted on interrogating me, over the phone, about why I was saying he had sexually abused me, whether I really remembered it, what I remembered, et cetera. Because she had been "falsely accused" of sexually abusing a kid she babysat for, as a teenager.
Her story about it does not hang together very well - as you might imagine. It didn't make a lot of sense to me at the time, and I wasn't about to try to have a real conversation with her about it. I barely knew her.
Essentially, as I recall it, the kid had made some claims to his parents about her doing something to him, one night, that she swore never happened, and -- according to her -- the police talked to him and could immediately see that nothing had happened, yet somehow also, this made the news and was a big deal and ruined her life and her family had to move.
Given that my dad swears he never abused me, yet also does not understand sexual boundaries with others even as an adult and doesn't have the concept that he can harm people by violating those boundaries, I am skeptical of her tale. I think that it is absolutely and entirely possible for someone in that specific state to harm a child without thinking that what they're doing is wrong.
For anyone who's reading this in a cold sweat, terrified that they could abuse a child without meaning to: see, the thing is that you care. My dad, ultimately, does not care.
He doesn't WANT to hurt a child. But you know what's even more important to him than not behaving in a way that might harm the kiddies? Not having to accept that anything he does could ever be harmful.
You do not have that problem. The fact that you are even worrying about this proves that. My dad, in contrast, puts all his energies not into worrying about it, but into pretending it's not there.
But I made all the supportive noises, tried to reassure her that I was not trying to ruin my dad's life or something, and that I was describing things in good faith. And tried desperately to get out of the conversation I did not want to have, with the half-stepsister-in-law I barely knew, who had just had her second kid. While also giving her many ways she could protect her kids without, like, having to even believe me, and certainly without having to talk to him about it.
hahahaha yeah that didn't work.
Where my dad is motivated by denial, Amy is motivated by spite. So she told him, on his birthday. And my dad, the pure fool, texted me and accused me of having ruined his birthday.
Like bro. I'm just chilling at home. AMY ruined your birthday.
And iirc, it was that same day that someone jumped in my face claiming i was a """"pedophile"""" """"apologist.""""" the 2017 version of "groomer" i guess. honestly it's kinda impressive or something -- at the time I was like, "why are they reviving the 1980s arguments of the religious right??" but IN FACT THEY WERE JUST A COUPLE YEARS AHEAD OF THE CURVE!
makes me wonder if we could predict other far-right moves by watching these dynamics, or whether it was just a flash in the pan.
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beesinspades · 1 year
the fact bigolas dickolas is mxtxandchill is still so wild to me. like she was out there being a racist and a tone deaf asshole and now she's back with 50k followers and the whole trigun fandom is kissing her feet and no one cares and it makes me feel so 😬
like this is the person who said "children of color don't understand critical race theory, their understanding of it begins and ends with fandom discourse. they bully white people and they'll turn on their own next" which is. I don't even have words.
the person who said "uwu call me out when i say something harmful so that i can do better" but then when a trans person very politely told her "hey this tweet you made about all men being 'inherently ugly and trying to compensate for that 24/7' could be hurtful to marginalized cis men but if you don't care about them maybe consider trans men?" with "I'm not your therapist go work on your internal biases and talk to someone else about your issues" which is cruel regardless of whether you think the person was overreacting or not
the person who spoke over sea voices calling out an official artist for colorism and sexualizing nazism only to go in the same breath like "I'll still support them though because I enjoy their art <3" are you supporting calling them out on colorism and sexualizing fucking nazism or not??? regardless of anyone's stance on that discourse the hypocrisy is yikes. just say you wanted to make yourself look good and go
nowhere near as bad but as an ace person it was very irritating: the person who would joke more than once about not knowing what a character's sexuality was and that character being [other character]-sexual and when people said "hey that's demisexual!" she would ignore those specific comments and continue acting like "wow i wonder what sexuality this is lololol"
and afaik that wasn't even all (i didn't follow her and had her muted) like???
yeah the thread revealing they're the same person was weird and fucked up and the person mentioned things that were really not actual issues and i do NOT condone how they went about it, but at the end of the day here we are. bigolas is mxtxandchill who is a racist who never sincerely apologized or did anything about some of her supporters being horribly racist or showed any kind of growth. they just got suspended and remade and now they're more fandom-famous than they've ever been. fantastic
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Stranger online, I say this with the best of intentions and the most kindness I have. You seem to be in a hell of largely your own making, and as much as it is not my business, I need you to know that the world is not as evil and hopeless as it may seem.
Like listen, I was you. Discourse was my friend bc it made me feel good to be "better" than others who I deemed "objectively wrong" and have a moral high ground. There is a place to talk about real issues without assuming everyone is out to get you and hates you. There is joy and love to be found in assuming good or neutral intentions, because most people are not out to harm you specifically. A perfect person does not exist and the harder you push yourself and others to be that perfect person, the more distrust youre going to have in strangers who literally mean you no harm.
Yes, some things are ableist and some people hate aromantic and asexual people, among many other causes you seem to champion. Many things, and many people, many issues. I am ace, and I am disabled. But if you go into everything trying to find ableism and aphobia, youre going to find them whether the person in question actually holds those beliefs or not.
I'm not here to harrass you or tell you "touch grass" in some condescending way. You can feel free to ignore this message altogether. Or show it to your friends and followers to laugh at, whatever. My feelings will not be hurt. But please do consider that others are not always out for blood, and that there ARE brilliant and vibrant communitties doing good work every day to help end things like aphobia, ableism, and all other manner of societal wrongs you care about. It is easier to focus on the wrongs and the persecution, bc righteous anger feels good. But whipping yourself into a fuss and assuming the worst of strangers online does not help you or anyone else.
I hope you have a good day/night/etc and that you can take time for yourself to reflect on the good being done for the causes you care about. Peace ✌️
Who are you and what the hell are you talking about?
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wreckitremy · 2 years
As much as I usually agree with the point of the posts that have a certain kind of phrase in it, I'm getting tired of these phrases in general and I've finally pinpointed why.
These phrases are usually something like "irl communities don't care about your discourse" or "only people who've never interacted with the community in real life, would be so concerned about this"
These are usually said in response to exclusionists, as a flippant dismissal of their hatred. Now flippant dismissal has its place, but not in the essays these phrases are in. It's usually mixed in with explanations of history of the community, and personal anecdotes about time spent in irl communities.
Up until last month, I hadn't really gone to any places for the community. There isn't much in Kansas. So I didn't feel I had the right to speak up about this phrase. But then we had our first state pride event last month.
Now, I was prepared for it to be underwhelming bc I was already somewhat aware of how pride seems to be romanticized (as social events usually are) and, as previously mentioned, it's Kansas. But that didn't mean some things didn't sting. And they have me thinking on these phrases that keep cropping up.
These phrases, while said by people against exclusionists, imply a lot of things, that don't necessarily help.
They imply that irl communities are inherently better
Irl communities are going to be varied. Just bc irl communities in L.A. are really great, doesn't mean that the ones in rural red states are going to be great. And even the best ones, are going to be white skinny cis gay centered.
I don't think we had more than 100 people show up to our pride event, most of them only showed up half way through, and I got misgendered 4 times. I didn't even bring out the super difficult pronouns, just they/them.
They imply that only interacting with the community online is inherently toxic
A lot of people still believe that trolls don't act that way in real life, despite studies showing that they do act that way offline. They just do it behind closed doors, or to people in customer service.
Not to mention, online communities are the only way a lot of ppl have to interact with the community, be it bc of rural problems, disability, or safety reasons.
If it weren't for online communities, I would have probably never even heard of any of my identities. I didn't fall for exclusionist rhetoric, bc my identities are their targets.
Those who aren't a target, avoid falling for it bc they haven't been exposed to it, or they personally know someone who is a target, not bc they've been to a bar has a pride flag hanging somewhere on the premises.
They imply that not caring is the same as acceptance
Our community has a real problem with acting like coming out is a big one time event where you either get kicked out/beaten up, or you get glowing acceptance out the wazoo.
But the reality is that you have to decide to "come out" every time you interact with anyone, and a lot of that is just quiet indifference or the silent treatment. Getting treated like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, just for not hiding your queerness, isn't acceptance.
I call this being in the glass closet, bc I never hide any of my queerness, but the assumptions that come from non queer people, are still the ones associated with being in the closet.
Now a lot of the reason non queer people never treat me with obvious queerphobia, is bc my identities aren't one of the basic ones that even non queer people have heard of. My oldest one is my ace identity, which brings me to my final point.
It mirrors exclusionist rhetoric
Now if you"re thinking that 'too many people are crying terf/exclusionist rhetoric these days' you've already swallowed more of it than I'm willing to get into today.
One of the most popular phrases that exclusionists still throw at aces, is "nobody cares what you do in the bedroom"
It was said to shut aces up, bc by pretending that aces aren't oppressed, they could justify not making space for them in the community. And if any aces tried to call this out, it was met with something like "oh I don't hate you, I just don't care".
These phrases get plastered onto ace PSAs, trying to keep aces from speaking up, making space for themselves in the community, and educating others on what support the ace community needs. And then these people have the audacity to say they are neutral on ace discourse, bc they don't hate ace people, they just think they aren't a real identity.
They apply this across the board to any identity they feel is unworthy to be considered part of the club.
So when I see claims that irl communities don't care about the infighting, all I see is that they will choose neutrality and side with the oppressor.
Not caring enough to hate, is not acceptance.
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brynnmclean · 2 years
For the meme: sending you our peak common ship, Jyn/Cassian, and also my own rareship pool noodle, Leia/Jyn/Cassian!
Oh Rebelcaptain, how I have missed you. <3
Jyn/Cassian - I do ship it
1. What made you ship it?
The way they orbit each other in the movie, the magnetic pull between them, the way they argue but also back each other up, trust goes both ways and the way Alexander Freed wrote the novelization ("He hadn't known her, didn't know her, of course. There wasn't the time," still lives in my head rent-free and made me want to give them the time!) and GOOD LORD, the way they look at each other in the elevator scene. There was so much in canon, but also just enough held back that I was left hungry for more-- and that is a sweet spot for me to want to engage with a ship.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I will admit that I STILL haven't seen Andor (the stars haven't aligned), so all my Cassian opinions are filtered through something of the old school Festian backstory lens-- I'm not sure if that's relevant here, but I want to say The Mirror Hurts is a thing I like about Rogue One and I just... love the idea of these two traumatized people who have been steeped in The Fight since they were young coming together and fitting their jagged edges into place next to each other and stealing comfort and companionship in the middle of The Cause they both believe in? Idk. I love when they're united in the fight against the Empire, but also finding moments of peace. Taking care of each other. Choosing to be vulnerable and trust each other.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I haven't interacted with the Rebelcaptain fandom in YEARS (sorry) and have lost track of any kind of discourse. I left a Discord Server because it got too Loud for me and I remember a few folks got touchy about some of us saying we viewed Jyn and Cassian both as queer/bisexual, so I suppose that's one unpopular opinion I had back in the day? There are No Straights in Space when I'm writing them!
My Bullshit Heteronormative Hierarchy of Sex Acts post was also written in response to some trends I was seeing in Rebelcaptain fics (but it is also very much a rant about larger fandom trends in smut writing).
OH, I still don't think Jyn or Cassian had very many sexual partners before they are with each other (I'm married to my Melshi/Cassian Friendly Exes headcanon though, oops). I DO see Cassian as some shade of grey-ace. I don't think he fucked anyone for a mission. I don't see them breaking up once they get together, even if things are rocky at times. Maybe those are unpopular ideas, I have no idea anymore.
Leia/Jyn/Cassian - I (regrettably) do not ship it, sorry!
1. Why don't you ship it?
I think I see Jyn/Cassian as so magnetic toward each other that it's difficult for me to think of them with anyone else? That said, I have read and spitballed fic stuff about them with other people. For some reason Leia never made it to my list?
It's not even that I'm a die-hard Leia/Han shipper! I don't feel particularly fannish about that ship... Maybe I've never felt particularly fannish about Leia??? I love her, I do, I really do--and there's a soft place in my heart for dark-haired girls with blonde-haired twin brothers for personal reasons. But I was always looking at Luke, growing up! And I've always been more invested in the siblinghood between Luke and Leia than I ever have been interested in her in romantic relationships.
I think I have trouble with the Leia/Cassian side of the OT3... maybe because I'm used to Leia being sort of Adversarial in her relationship dynamics? She bickers as a love language and I don't see Cassian bickering with her. Jyn probably would though.
2. What would have made you like it?
I'm not OPPOSED to the ship, so I could be convinced by a fic! But I think Leia/Cassian is a hard sell for me, for some reason????
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
They would really be a power trio in the Rebellion. Unstoppable. They would get SO MUCH SHIT DONE.
[ask me about ships!]
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springlocked-vflower · 3 months
Hello, hi! Intro post time!
‘Sup, I’m Ellis, and this is my shamelessly-cringe sideblog. I was like this on main, too. I am like this irl. You can’t make me stop being weird, you can only join in the weirdness. This is my comfort character sideblog, which abides by the same rules as my main. This means any forms of bigotry, including: homophobia, transphobia, racism, ace exclusion, and general asshole-ness will get you immediately blocked. I am also anti-genocide, so if you think that war is good or glorious, get out of here. This may be a fan blog, but I still stand against senseless violence, and support the people of Palestine. Petty fandom discourse is also not allowed. I am just having fun, and I am not hurting anyone. If you think me liking Hatsune Miku makes me evil, that is a you problem. I would sooner eat a snake than engage in ship discourse, and I love snakes, and would cry if I had to eat one. I genuinely don’t care what ship drama is happening, just keep minor x adult stuff away from me due to a personal preference and let me daydream about Vocaloid in peace,
Cringe warning for everything I post or say. Sensitive content will be appropriately tagged, but I will avoid graphic discussions of such topics.
Fandoms I engage in include:
-Five Nights at Freddy’s
-The World of Mr. Plant
-Lacey’s Games
And sometimes, if I’m in the mood to switch things up:
-The Walten Files
-Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
-The Amazing Digital Circus
Please note that I engage with all these fandoms critically. If controversy comes up, I will analyze it and make the appropriate choices on how to continue in the fandom. My comfort characters include:
-Argos (TWOMP)
-The Puppet (FNaF)
-Elizabeth Afton (FNaF)
-Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
-V Flower (Vocaloid)
-Springtrap (FNaF)
Keep in mind that I do not ship myself with all these characters. Some of them are way younger than me, and I’m a little creeped out by the idea of making those kinds of comments and content about characters who are little kids. I will occasionally make romantic-ish comments about characters who are the same age as me, or say stuff like “she’s my girlfriend” about them, but I’ll never do that about characters who are seriously younger than me. In my brain, there is a difference between “me and this character are almost the same age” and “that character is 9.”
So, yeah! That’s my whole deal. Stick around if you want, I don’t mind.
(Text boldness alternates for ease of reading.)
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joculatrixster · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 7,601 times in 2022
That's 780 more posts than 2021!
581 posts created (8%)
7,020 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,549 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#mod trix - 707 posts
#reblog for l8ter - 552 posts
#loz - 517 posts
#lol - 440 posts
#cookie run - 437 posts
#pokemon - 359 posts
#link - 285 posts
#yup - 217 posts
#zephyr - 178 posts
#cookie run kingdom - 166 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#as long as they respect skintones acting like a black person cant have big eyes or tiny noses is wwell gross! especially in a stylized styl
My Top Posts in 2022:
The current discourse revolving around Affogato Cookie is literally just Aloe Cookie but genderbent.
YUP i said it in my reply to anon its not about HIM specifically its a FANDOM WIDE ISSUE the fact this keeps happening is the issue. as one of the only fandoms w/ MULTIPLE CANON nonbinary and gnc cookies we cant keep forcing gender roles on cookies then acting a fool when they dint align w/ our assumptions this kind of thing is what makes pll not want to explore their genders because then they'll feel like there something else to them like they have to be gay or nonbianry. like i get u guys want to express thise hcs but the problem is i NEVER see ppl say cookies like cheesecake or chocolate bonbon are nonbinary or trans women no its always sour belt or aloe. why does Affogato HAVE to be a trans man or nonbinary but not dark cacao...? think about why u guys chose the LITTERAL man in a dress for ur trans hcs but not the strong heroic kingdom leader. thats fucked up. and trans men can hc whayever the FUCK they want i dont care but cis ppl and other trans ppl are ALSO buying into it and being upset he wasn't a she/her or they/them. thats when i get the issue. because this shit never spreads in the fandom unless a cookie is gnc and yall wanted them to be the opposite gender or nonbinary. if u make trans hcs even subconsciously because u dont like the assigned gender of a character thats. fucked. up.
this is coming from a bitch w/ a mostly trans and nonbinary friend group who loves dresses, skirts, and leggings im very much fem irl but i do not use she/her online. anyone coming across this in the tags pls stop assuming if someone disagrees w/ u they r automatically an enemy to ur cause lmao just tell me if u disagree and we can have a talk about it
36 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
btw if u think kumiho is a slut/whore genuinely i hate u so much if u think its ok to insult her like that i want u hunted for sport
38 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
if ur harassing ppl over info that came in a brand new update ur a bad person i dont care if canonly or heavily implied the dragons r all related the devs JUST dropped this info and ships like Ananas x Pitaya have been around for years. let ppl hae time to see the new info and change their stances on stuff yall r too fucking rude and stupid to understand that sometimes ppl dont play updates or dont have all the info before u run ur mouths istg
46 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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60 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
dear cookie run mutuals! i just got a reply on my post about how Cream Unicorn canonly did kidnap children(not even mentioning modifying 2 adults body w/out their consent) that was condescending and also woobifed cream unicorn cookie. once again fandom ppl assume when i point out the flaws of my favs it means im being malicious and misunderstand canon as if im an idiot newbie who doesnt understand what motivation is so i obviously make posts w/ouit understand that no bc ur fav was sad/lonely they get to do whatever they want
u know what that means?
war. this means war.
im gonna start Cream Unicorn cookie is a bit fucked up propaganda now. join me in my cause of being petty bc someone didnt bother to read my tags on my post for the millionth time!
Cream Unicorn cookie is a faerie who IS fucked up that DOESNT mean they r evil but it does mean they lack general human morales and will do things like *checks notes* kidnap children and keep them bc they r lonely bc they do not understand other ppl may like *check notes* not want to be trapped in a fantasy world forever! wow! look at that a valid interpretation of a character based off canon facts that doesn't woobify my fav or ignore their actions. ik its crazy to see it!
if u wish to see more of this join me in the cause!
63 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stfudiscoinfernoed · 2 years
(1/2) It makes me uncomfortable how weird and kind of obsessed some aces are with attacking and erasing/replacing lgbt rep in media. I've never seen the same energy applied to het characters. I never see anyone talk about canonically ace characters either, not even aces themselves. Yet as soon as a character is adopted by lgbt fans or is hinted at maybe being gay/bi, then it's all demanding the character to be ace or forcing their headcanon and calling ppl aphobes like it's 2012.
(2/2) And the homophobia/biphobia is so glaring and uncomfortable and unaddressed tbh. They really think they're slick when they like "the character can be both gay/bi and ace" like they know what they're doing. I do believe asexuality is real and that they go thru their own struggles, so I sympathize and even empathize with them, but it's this entitlement and this blatant homophobia/biphobia that will always make me weary of ppl who are so eager to step on us even over basic shit like media.
I don't care much if someone headcanons a character as ace or aro and, because of the way ace discourse has operated and been conducted, the tumblr ace/aro community is ime largely lgbt so its basically inevitable for lgbt ace/aro headcanons to be made.
What I hate is how many child characters are labeled as ace/aro and the tendency for people to act like a character being ace and gay is more progressive than a non-ace gay character. The desexualization of lgbt characters is as bad as oversexualization.
(Seriously, you just don't hear much from cishet aces/aros, maybe that's changed since I was in the ace tag years ago but posts that have leaked containment indicate it hasn't).
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